Ian Watts Managing Director Paragon Community Housing Group Watts's Presentation for Welfare...


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Ian Watts

Managing Director

Paragon Community Housing Group

Who are Paragon Community Housing Group?

• Formed in 2007 • Elmbridge Housing Trust & Richmond Churches Housing Trust • 9000 properties • Work across 10 local authority areas located in South West London

& Surrey – generally ‘perceived’ as a wealthy area • General Needs, Sheltered, Supported Housing, Care Homes, Key

Worker, Leasehold

Paragon Community Housing Group

Wise Money Campaign

Wise Money Campaign

January 2011

Financial Inclusion Group

Welfare Reform Group

Group includes staff from: • Tenancy • Income • Welfare Benefits • Resident Involvement • Communications • Finance • IT • Leasehold • Directors

Wise Money Campaign – June 2012 Decided who our audience was • Household Details Form – ‘Tenant Census’ 86% completed

• Affected / not affected / maybe affected

• Affected by bedroom tax – 467 Tenants

• Affected by benefit cap – 23 Tenants

• Employees

• Needed to understand our residents better, e.g. - Access to IT 54% - Have a Bank Account 94%

Wise Money Campaign – June 2012

Key Decisions on how we would communicate

• Make it personal – Intensive use of 1:1 contact by phone and in person • Make contacting the right people at Paragon as easy as possible • Make it clear that changes are being made by Government • Paragon is supporting you – significant investment in resources • How we can help

• What we couldn’t do

Established a Communications Plan – July 2012

Established a Communications Plan – July 2012

Branding our Wise Money Campaign

• We wanted an image that residents would associate with help / assistance / advice Watson the Owl!

• Differentiate advice and support from arrears recovery

Initial Contact with Residents – July 2012

Article in our Resident magazine

1st Local Providers Meeting – July 2012

Getting PRs & others together to discuss approach

Mutual Exchange Events

Internal Communication – August 2012

• Clear Updates to Board Communicated to staff:- • Discussions at Staff / Chief Exec Briefings

• Told staff about work done by the Welfare Reform


• Guide for staff to use when talking to residents

Welfare Reform Leaflet – Sept 2012

Annual Report – October 2012

• Sent in Wise Money

Branded envelopes

• Contained information

on Welfare Reform

• Use of different colours

/ designs

Other ways of delivering the message

Paragon @ the Pictures – Dec 2012

Our New Website Launching later on today!

• Engaged residents in the process through user testing

• Strong emphasis on functionality on any type

of screen (responsive design) • Majority of graphics created in-house • Rent payments & Welfare Reform section


Other ways of getting the message out

• Changed our telephone greeting

Highlighting Welfare Reform

• Made Welfare Benefits Option 1

Housing UK

Campaign of the Year

For Wise Money

Some of what impressed the judges

Before cuts to housing benefit were introduced Paragon started its campaign to educate residents and staff about the changes Campaign publicised via mailshot to residents, pop-up on Paragon’s website and staff briefings 15 per cent increase in residents seeking help from Paragon’s Welfare Benefits Advisors Prompted rise in referrals to the advisors from other staff Three quarters of those attending the cinema event said they heard about the changes through wise money Judges impressed that the campaign had reached so many people and by the growth in residents seeking advice as a result

What else?

What else? Taste Testing Sessions

What else? • Lean Review of Arrears Procedure • Ability to pay rent from start of

Tenancy • Rent Statements to look like invoices • Process based on amount owed not

weeks of rent owing • Increase in ways to pay

What else? • Working with those affected by the

Bedroom Tax

• Working with those affected by the Benefits Cap

• Money Management courses

• Increase payment methods

• Improving links with Credit Unions

• Staff skills audit

• Collecting additional data held on residents

• Refreshing data held on residents

• Review of key jobs @ Paragon

• Consolidation of Housing Management

What next? October / November

• Start to work with those who may be affected by Universal Credit

• Reviewing Vulnerable Residents Procedure

• Next Local Providers Forum

• Next MX Event

• Issue Annual Report

December / January

• Next Issue of Resident Magazine

• Review of Job Clubs

• Estate Day Promotions

• Review Welfare Reform Action Plan

• Reviewing our Communications Plan

• Digital Inclusion Work

Ian Watts

Managing Director

