I wonder what's going to happen


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I wonder what's going to happen...

I wonder what's going to happen...

There once was a cat that had an eye that couldn't see. The cat was paralyzed because the mouse hit the cat so hard. But right as the cat got hit it spit on the mouse and the mouse got stuck and that is the story.

ch ~ age 11

I wonder what's going to happen...

"The Order of the Mouses"The mouses were being eaten like betta food by the 777 foot cat. The Order of the Mouses said, "We need to get rid of this cat or there will be no more mice." So the Order made a plan. They made a time bomb that was the shape of a mouse and put wheels on it so it would move. Then they sent it off towards the cat. The cat saw the mouse and ate the mouse then licked its lips. Five minutes later the cat blew up and died.

bh ~ age 8
