±i±: JNEW UKK.. ±1 Hi t A.i J i 14/New York NY Herald... · 2011-07-24 · ±i±: JNEW UKK.. ±1...


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±i±: JNEW UKK.. ±1 Hi t i A. J_i u WHOM HO. 28*516.

3 C NEW YORK, fOTIBDAY, JANUARY 10, lWL-TWHtTT PA(aK. -^™«^**-— *~*** •—* <*****>, PRICE THREB CENTS. N O T I C E .

H E R A L D B R A N C H O F F I C E S .

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"b.. tiRTSmM «Bi St.-«iati -47 East S»tii »t. Reward tbe »*• tlvsa.

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Abraham WbeaW Godfrey 1* llvlna It will be to tbs Probata

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id Ma interest to jeds*.FatrflaM. Cm.n i u r L-Sreaa. ASTORIA. Tnrfcisb wowt watte*.

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Ma- W cTrry day

ran take year place ever <wM seatd one. W M M to

letters. RUBBER.

W ft. * W. wilt ms will to forgiven. ^ n

""WAL.rM»RF-":)ialw appointment w . W_. ft.. Herald.

betting debts, all T>, and T.T

can" meet where I

screw ashed if

%j*> reward.—Coat, aolHsir* diamond Entries:. •wnjiitiBif. weight iw carats. Xe figssliea*- at returned M. D. JACOBS i n Eaat tM at.

K a r o p e . " P e r s o n a l " a d v e r t i s e m e n t s i n ­

t e r e s t i n g t o E u r o p e a n s o r t o A m e r i c a n s r e s i d i n g a b r o a d w i l l

- b e r e p u b l i s h e d w i t h o u t e x t r a c h a r g e i n t h e E u r o p e a n e d i t i o n , a n d s u c h a d v e r t i s e m e n t s w i l l b e c a b l e d t o t h e E u r o p e a n e d i t i o n , tf d e s i r e d b y t h e a d v e r t i s e r , o n p a y m e n t of c a b l e t o l l s .

H a i l n r t t P t r t o n t l i . A R T I F I C I A L T E E T H .

Kspressiim of mouth restored; the lushest award for arHftvlal teeth at World's Fa i r was graatod Dr. BEANK. Dentist, _«M Lexington sv., corner 45tb; continuous sua, fold sad rubber ptatea; bflda» work.

SaanSCrBta aulta'iie for laaolnt In AI Til (m» *»la DM form required by aatoMtaWd

sKF.KlNfi A houae; Hbewil ternn: prompt. dreoa^Seeillr^*! Herald 23d St.

"AiX awporSnowTaair pereaaneatlV deatroyM; treat-meat II. eloctrieltjr HELEN BRI0O8. 8t. Janes SttlMiag. 36tb ajod Broadway. ^__^

A.-' Mate. RRNAXD. eeletiraited nalmUt. world w-aomned: <-omultatloDa. dlwreaa, aealtk. joaroeya, wai'Tlaa,-. law^ p W»it Mth. ___^_ "CDvlrf'E. world"'a amtoft ailariat-aa'trotofer. •Wtetf'a reader and taaeaer of psumlatry; occult lam taiifitt. 5d8 Leiiayton a*. ___ "7»XFIDaWT!AL loaW"procured~immedia1iei]r ttpoa

Addreaa FKI-

$. Msm & cp. •


T o * d » y t T h u r s d a y ,

« J a n u a r y lOth:

A n u m b e r o f W o m e n * * .S tree t I S t e s s e s , * !

i n T a i i o r ^ M a d e a n d D e m i - T a i l o r e f f ec t s , o f C l o t h ,

C h e v i o t . « » d H o m e s p u n m e t e r l e l s ,

, f o r m e r l y $38.OO t o $38.OO, at

$3I.OO, $ 26 ,00 , $37.0O

A n d a n u m b e r o f H i g h C o s t C O S T U M E S A T

i D E C I D E D R E D U C T I O N S .

«t Marhlc fVliealate CtlUKSli. MA a n , JAT, da ua-nter of tlie late JoJm Jay Na Lhana, to Dr. Cl.tr»QBl> COUJATE -M'H-HE.

REYNOLDS - WILWAMB.-Qn Wedne«-aay. January 9, 1901. by the Rev. Richard Cooden. of i^arehmont, at the residence «f the bride's parents, VKXIR, daughter of Iftr. and M m J. Frederic Will iam* to Mr. MOR­TIMER LIXCOUC RnM)i,:>«. of Brooklyn.

ROBINSON — KEWSLKR.—On Wednesday, January ». at the Church of the Reaurrectjon, Richmond Hill, Ne ir fork , by the Rev. Ar­thur Sloan, chaplain of Sailons* Snug Harbor, •Minted by the Rev. Will iam P. Bvana, Wft.-iiKi.MtN%, daughter of William Kessler, to PiWDtauc* CLAVTU.V ROBINSU>, of N e w York city.

TtlRNER—MAcKAY.—On Wednesday, Jan­uary t, bv the Rev. E. H. Cleveland, QBOR-OBTTK OKMMKLI., daughter of Mrt, Louisa Boole MacKay and the late Professor George Or. MacKay, to JOSEPH TTBMER. Baltimore and Cumberland (Md.) paper* pleage copy.

Marriage or death not.ces will be cabled, without extra charge, for publication also la the Paris edition of the HERALD, If adver­tisers so request, by.writing on thtdr notices, when handing rtiena In, "Cable to the H E R A W European edition." "

D I E D .

salaries or furnirare VvT»

easy payments, hos Md Herald Downtown.

Adama, Thomas W„ Leserman, M ». r, Bellard. Daisy, Llndhe. Mrs. Ruetan, Benedict, Charles L,, Marsh, Morris C-, Bleiman. Arrah I., , Matthews. Mary R., Broomfleld, Ellaabeth, Miller, Thomas, Brown, Mary A.. Caldwell, Samuel B.

DIAMONDS sad F R E C i o t W l T O X E a appraised ale for tonka, trust companies, ear a tea. Indtridualu;

c»»Q offer i on desirable lots; established ISM); bank Jnd trade references. CHAS. ft. OROf > Matdec lane.

•hed )SSJ MAN A CO..

nFrtErTIVW.-S*K*Tuvrr>RN'S Aajoncy; opar-atea eTerywhere; prlTste matters contldenttally con­ducted: divorces ape<-talt.T; ahadowinc, information, inveatlOTtlow. 3B8 Broadway. G R A N D R A P I D S F U R N I T U R E ,


L a w y e r * B r i m a n , C o m m l s s f o h e r E v e r y S t a t e .

Rmritabto BuUdlns. ia» Brosdwsy. ETeatacs 12T4. >«ra»T. Telepiioiie.. • . . • .

t..ir>V »ts»f* to moot anoUeaMw to taio, s jeecE to to take a lead-* preferred. Ml J>8

astrotojrjr; 30 taatanteed. East 3ftd; iffalr*.' 11 : sail

»)M> mall coBSnitatiop. . t ( " » Kl RTft. ia««eta "" rem> id<- lied, reltned" faced.

i'leaned; reasonable; onlta made from r«or mate rial. •10: wrtte. will eall. C.VTGN TAIIXWRINO CO., 1.1T2 Broadway «near 32d>. up atatw. |

YEJLtXIW ntano keya. billiard balls cleaned"" *o.onl to new. without removal: perfect groceao; estimates free »end postal. WHITE KEYBOARD CO.. 144 We»t 4fld st.

2 Fast, step from Holland Hoast.

Canavaii, Mary M., Colllna, William, Connor. Patrick. Conselyea, C. A., Crawford. Ehaa A., Davol, John. Dewiss, Benjamin. Dowllng, Mrs. J. W. Doyle, Sophia 8., Duram, Helolse H., Durr, Theodore, Evans, William, Everett, Louise B., Feld. Anna M., FoltR, Moses. Fortuin, Rosali, Frenael, Eleonora, Garland. Barney E., Oameau, Mary, (Jrilman. Robert H., Goepel. Etna C .

Murphy, Oscar A., McKnight. Julie E., Nagle, Lucy, Otterbourg, Eugene, Paul, Charles U., Peck, Atlelia A., Penfleld. Vera, Post, Mary A.. Rreeae, Emily, ProaJ, Sarah C„ Roberta, Annette. Rudd, William Bv, Slote, ^Sar&h C-, Smith. Augustus L,, Thompson. A. E. M., Tooker, Daniel E., van Buren, H. S., Vanderbilt, Joseph W. voorhls, James D. , Walker, Marwaret. Wallace. A. H., Walsh, Cell*, Ward, Anna B., pel, Elaj

(?roesbeeck, Laura P., Webb, Eliaa A., Malsey, Charles Ci,

30TH *l»««nt!v appointed parlor floor; furnished

-Newly," furniatK»d or na-

wu»OTjufD jrowwi.__ *roFND"A ^e'TwrTer, wlR*~b»wn*faee, "leather collar.' Apply In East ilth at. ,

Ha nan, Catherine, Heckfr, Elisabeth, Heffernan, Thomas, Hofsess. Freeh. Hubbard, Ann F. T. James, Mrs. A. C , Kearney. Sarah, Kilpatrlck, E. J.. King. Charles, Lawney, E. W.,

PiH'ND—Fancy Rlnif. acrit*. Addrt>'«e A. M.,

St. NIcbolaa av.: owner de-101 Herald Harlem.

lyvtT—Fox Terrier.- la Tnlon •Snnare Fark, ... nlaltt: lona black and wblte hair, short watt* tall. brown hatr iu fa.-e: iiad collar on with name and ad' drma. Ret are for reward to R. A. BLOCK. 15 Bast 14th «t.

Roue Chain KREMENTZ A <X>. n» mtastjaas ssked.

r e*«niag. on Clinton av. ear » gent's open face Gold Wt

SflO reward will tch and

be paid for Us retarn to 182 Broadway. New Tori, sad

L0«t—Tuesday mornltw. between 103d and 50th it». west fide, sentlemaa'a Solitaire J U M . e».w

setting. 125 reward for Its return to E. B. SEA­MAN. 173 Seat !*0th_st. « , , ' "XSST-A cbafeiiln* QfM Wateh, with a silver fob; the ptb t» made of Spanish eoins and earved. B. K„ SS Herald Downtowaj _ ^ ,,,. .

LOST-A diamond Katrine, vicinity of IStb to Mat , gf.. gtb av.; pronerty of wt>ritln« girl. Reward. o««t l«p«r>n. Crawford SSj^ggaoa. ' Lt»ST-In or near Bl|.m The'atre. on nhiitt of De-ennber 81. parrhment Fan. with t>e«rl (.tlc ts. A re­ward vW be i»atd lf_ re-tamed te f Weet S3d_st; ~l>iST~January"trSeari"Pin. War boldlnit diamond in clawa: liberal rewstd. i- H. L . ISO Berkeley place. Brooklyn. w

LOST—Oa Otb~av. elavated road, bnneh of Keys. Flea*e retorm 8 Che»»a-«<inare» corner loth av. and aoth at. Snitable rewartl__paid. __^ Jl'l,OST-At"the French ball, .pesrt crown Pin. with

diamond: reward. Addreaa R. K.. 437 H*»rald 23d St. L<vST-Sunday. male b»U terrier Pmwjr; w^ltel

Mack smwad cara and eyvs; reward. 23 v; eat ISth. '" LOST—Far 11n.Hi Prlviiw Olote; reward. Return to Dr. RICHARD WOLt'F. 115 Eaa^SSthjit. >KJ akin Pocl*lk«»»*.«?ati!B,n«, !?**•«•»: 2Tth at.

aiKlMadlaon av. Wetora 85 Kaat 2tth at: reward; no qm-atioaa asked. . "lAKKN~bfliistaka on eleyatrd train Uat even-

. M.. white Silk W""11*: W* reward. x, 24 Thomas at.

tuK about 5:SO M?A. KKNN"

30 Shares j>f Aawrlcan Tin Plate «>»mmfln Stock. eertlAeate No. M 1.S2S. In M M •*_ Elmer 1 Phll-1h»: tranefer baa been "tooBed. ,yiRsw»rd will be

>CDSi'--Monday 'afteraftinT" p»_o ..g«ld ~M with mbies »3>. Isvatory Murray Hill Hnjel. ward If l e w r m d k J. q,. Mnrray Hill Hote

aavlncJEn M M

l l aet re-

It yoaaf man day night k! wh

jedaeof rtrmmstaneea under Overeoet and Trouaera Tnea-

_ndly ivnunnnient*: witahle rewaril for return of article* and no onesttous asked. J|. A.,' XiaUjerald Sid St. ., ItlS'lMW'AB«X--Lost'-Froni a lady's sMe hag. ali­ve* Medal wltn face ot tleorse III. on one aide. Bn«-it<m e.«t of arms » reveres. Address E. G., i£& HersM. >

E N G A G E D .

8PRIN«lER~LOSOa~Mr. and Mm Na­than Springer, of Wttkesbarre, Pa., announce the engagement of their daughter GpTRtn* to Mr M. L<-»sos. of LeJhlf hton. Pa. At home •snday. January q ISOlT'Xo cards.

M A R R IjE D . IIOC3.EL—JtJRaENa-^On.WadatMclay, Jan-

nan ». 1901, by tt*e Rev. & O. Weiskotten, Sttss SOPHIA M. R. Jraakxa. daughter of Mr. *ad Mr*. W. B. A. Jflrgans. to Mr. OHARUCS HiKat BtHJKL, both of Brooklyn.

CRE0O-BABCOCK.-7On Wednesday. Jan-N'Sary 9. i » l , bv the Rev. 8t . Clslr Hts tsr , at

the residence of the bride's parents. 48 SOuth •__i.l_.i>^ av. Brooklyn, Lor i s s , daughter of H T and Mrs.' Oscar M. Crego, to Davin Baa-•MiWH BASTtMK.

HODNBTT — A N D E R S O N . — On Wedttes-S»y. January f. mi, EMMA SOPHIA AN»RK*ON, i t Dovei X J-. to Wtu*iAM THOMAS Hoi>-^ n , of Elisabeth. N. J^hy the R4r»v.I. A. RNfiwB, a t the U t t l e Church Aroutid the pSwaar.

INMAN-BROKAW.—OK W e d n e s ^ y . Jan-Mtry S, by Rev. Dr. Purvis , NANSJIS C. ISMAN. Ssughter of tho late John H, l»a»an. to Cur-«» i> V. BROXAW.

KTMBALL-GlBB.-On Tt»«md«y January • _ W the Church of the Holy W n R y . Bro<>k-!?»» bj- the Rev. Dr. McConnell. E D I T H M A * flMie, daughter of Joan Gibb, to WILLIAM


mm. Paul the Apoatle, by i h s Rev. Father IJWUlam HuRheaTlDAlAAy, daurhter of Sam-mi Lister, to CHARIJCS E- L* BARBIKR. of N e w !:;Tork citv.

NATHANS — MOORE.-On Saturday, De». «"aber 29, w&, by Rev. Archibald Bradshaw,

Weber, Dorothea, " Weekf, Augusta J. 8., Wftndtlng, Emma, Whitehead. Robert, WJ^iHemore, E. W. , Wick. William P., Wlesen, Henry, Wtggwr. Wlnand M., Withers, Annie S., Wolfabruck, F.,

•Wright. Jane L. H. ADAMS — On Tuesday, January f, 1901,

THOMAS W. ARAMS, in hla 77th year. Services at his late residence, 107 Clinton av.. Newark, Friday, January 11, eleven o'clock A. M. Kindly omit flowers.

BELLARD.—DAISY, daughter of the late Alfred and Annie E. Bellard, In the 28d year of her age. Servl ies Thursday evening, Jan­uary 19. 182 West SkTst., at eight o'clock.

BENEDICT.—On January 8, 1901. a t half-paat e4ght P. M., CHARUBS L. BntMSicr. LL. D., for thirty-two years Judge of United States LHstriot Court for the Eastern Dis­trict of* N e w York, In th«e 77th year of his age. Funeral on Friday. January 11. at half-past two P. M.. from the .Church of the Pil­grims, corner of Henry and Remsen sts., Brooklyn.

BLEIMAN.—Suddenly, of apoplexy,, ARRAH I. BLEIMAV, beloved wife of Max Bleiman. Funeral services held at Oceanic. N. J. Train leaves foot of Libertv st.. New York, a t 8:38 A. M. Friday. January 11. Carriages will meet train at Red Bank, depot.

BROOMFIEtLD.—On Tuesday, January 8, EUZASKTH. daughter of the late Ann Jane Broomfleld. Funeral services from her late residence, 1.055 Elsmere place, on Thursday, January 10, at half-past one P. M. Relatives and friends invited. ;

BROWN.—"At White Plains, N. Y^ January 8, 1901, MAR* A., wife of the late Robert M. Brown, In her 81st year. Funeral service at the residence of her grandson, J. Irving Car-penter, Friday, a t two P. M.

CALDWELL*—At London, England, on January 7, SAMCKL B., late United States Consul at Seville', Spain. Notice of funeral hereafter.

CAN AV AN.—On Tue»d»y» January 8. 1901. MARY M. CASAVAX, nee Ryan, beloved wife of Patrick T. Canavan. Relatives and friends; also members of Third Order of St^Prancis and St. Bernard's Council, No, 1. C W. B. L., are invited to attend funeral from her late residence. 136 8th av., thence to St. Bernard s Church. West 14th St., on Friday, January II, at half-past nine A. M. Interment Cal­vary.

COLLINS,-Suddenly> on Tuesday, January 8, W I L U A M C O L U X S . fs the «7th year or his age. Funeral services at his late residence, No. 247 Lenox av.. on Thursday, January 10. at half-past four P . 1*> Interment at Woott-lawn. ii_

CONNOR.-OH T u a i i a y January 8. 190^ P*TRICX Cojr>toa, belofe^ husband of Bridget Connor. Funeral from his late residence, 238 East 118th st., on FWlday, January 11, at one P . M . \.

CONSEf.YEX.-^January 9, 1901, CfeARUMTS A. Co^atYRA, aged 4t years daughter of Ed-gar and tbe latoEl lsabeth Ouse Darbee. F u ­neral notice hereafter.

CRAWFORD.—At New Rochells» January S, laoi , EXIXA A., widow of Jacob Crawford, aged i s years. Funeral from the First Pres­byterian Church, New Roohelle, January 10, at three P. M,

DAVOl*,—At Barra,; Mass., on Monday, January t. J O H X son of William H. D a v d , aged 21 years. Funeral private,

DEWIS.—On Wednesday, January 9, ISOsL BKXJAMIN DKWIS, in' hla 83d year. Funeral services at h is late residence. 128 East Still st., on Saturday, January 12, at half-past ten A. M.

DOWLINO.—Suddtoly, at her homo, 1M Eas t &I»t St.. the beloved wife of John W. Bowling, nee Paisley, of Goshen. N. T. N o ­tice of funeral hereafter.

DOYLE.—On Tuesday, January 8, SOPHIA 8. DOYLB. widow of John Doyle. Services at bar late residence, 119 East 45th st., on Thursday. the,10th inat.. at eight P. M.

DURANT.—Suddenly, of pneumonia, at Utica, N. Y„ HELOISS H. DCRANT, widow of Thomas C Durant. January 8, 19SI. Ftmaral private, at her late residence. January 1L

DURR.-On January 8, 1901, THKODORB Dtraa, aged 71 Funeral services at his late residence. 68 Van Voorhis sL. BroaWrs. Thursday, at eight P. M. • a r i a l a t caavan-ience of family.

BVANS.-On Tuesday, 'January 8. 1108, Witxi \M EVAHS, son of the late David and Sarah Evans, formerly of N e w York city, aged 76 years. Funeral private, from the residence of his niece, Mrs. James Kopke, 117 8th av., Brooklyn, N* Y. A

EVERETT.—At Mpntclalr. N . J., on Jaim-ary> 9. 1901, at residence of her son-in-law, John A. NevHla, l i o f t s x B.. Bvx««fT.

FELD.—Suddenly, on January S, 1901. at her residence. 688 W « » lWtb. sL A S X A M., beloved

wife of George A. Feld. Funeral takes place Friday, January !L a t one P. M,

FOLTZ.—At Asheyille, N. C . January 9, MOSRS FOLTZ. Funeral Friday, half-past twelve P. M., ffotB Pennsylvania depot, .J«P» sey City.' ' . . , " • -

FOLTK.—Ceres Union.—The brothers ar« rentlested to attend the funeral of our late Brother Mosas F o L m Whk*h will take place Friday, the l l th Inst , twelve o'clock noon, from Pennsylvania Railroad depot, Jersey City.

SIMON KAUFMAN. P r e * JAC, SCHAEFFER. Sec. FORTUIN.—January 8, at four p . M., Mrs.

R O S A U FORTVIR. widow of David Fortuin. Funeral from her son's residence, 268 West

: 3»th st., Thursday, January 10, at one P. M. Holland papers please copy.

FRENZEL.—On Sunday. January 8, 1901, ELKO.NOKA VRKX-AZC, in the "2d year of bar age. Funeral from her late residence, 183 Stelnway av.. Long Island City, Thursday, January 10, a t half-past nine A. M,

GARLAND.—OrffJanuary 9, BARNEY E, GAR*' LANO, beloved son of Mrs. Lena Garland. Fu­neral from late residence, l i s East lfftlt st,, Friday, ten A. M. Rochester (N. Y.) and Norfolk (Vs.) papers please copy.

GARNEAU.-January 8, MARY GARNYAU, aged 76 years, widow of Charles Garneau and beloved mother of Charles, Joseph and,

Seter Garneau. Funeral from her late resi-enoe, 211 West 88th st,, Friday, half-past

nine A. M. Thence t o the Church of the Holy Innocents, West 37Sh St., where a sol­emn requiem mass will be offered for the pose of her soak •OILMAN. - At »t. Luke's Hospital, this

city, Tuesday morning, January 8, 1901, ROB-RRY HALE GILMAX. Services at the hospital at twelve o'clock noon Friday* Philadelphia papers please copy.

GOEPEL.—On Wednesday morning, Janu­ary 9, 1901, EIAA C-ARA. only daughter of Carl and Mathilde Goepel. ag-ed 21 years. Funeral services at her late residence, 18 8th av. , Brooklyn, on Saturday, January 12, at, two o'clock. Interment private, in Greenwood Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers.

GROESBEECK.—Suddenly, on Wednesday everting, January 8, 1801, at her residence, LAVRA F., wife of Orlando Groesbeeck. Funeral at convenience of family.

IIALSEY.-akiddenly. in this city, o» Wednesday, January 9, CHARLES . COOPER HALSKY. in the 59th year of This age. Notice of funeral hereafter. Louisville and Chicago papers please copy.

HANAN.—On January 8. CATliHB«»% wid­ow of Thomas Hanan, aged 78 years. F « -s b f s l p m a t a - ->'

HESSKER.—On Tuesday. January •% M8L ELIZABETH, widow of Peter Heckar, aged 83 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, at her late, resi­dence, 198 Railroad av., Jersey City, Thurs­day, January 10, at eight P. M. Interment ten A. M. Friday, January 11,

HEFFERNAN.—On Tuesday, 8th inst., THOMAS HEFFERNAN. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from bis late residence, 698 2d av., Friday morning, l l th inat., at half-past nine o'clock; thence to St. Gabriel's Church, Eas t 37t& st„ where a solemn requiem mass will be offered for the repose of his soul. Members of the following organisations are respectfully re­quested to attend:

The Muslin Underwear Sale. C o n t i n u a t i o n o f t h e M u s l i n U n d e r w e a r s a l e . It pro t i eads i n s p j r -i n g l y . H a s a l r e a d y o u t d i s t a n c e d e v e r y f o r m e r ef fort . W e k n e w y o u ' w o u l d w a i t gmd w a t c h f o r t h e M a e y v a l u e s . "VWa u n d a W * O p 4 o u r o b l i g a t i o n s a n d r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s — a n d m e t t h e m r o y a l t y . T h a t ' s w h y t h e r e a l i t y e q u a l s , a n d f r e q u e n t l y s u r p a s s e s , y o u r e x p e c t a ­t i o n s .

TrVel l -shapsd, n i o a l y - f t n i s h a d , t a s t e f u l l y - t r i m m e d g a r m e n t s , m a d e of b e s t m a t e r i a l s . F u l l s i z e s ; f r e s h , c r i s p a n d pre t ty , an<J i n v a r i a ­b l y t h e l o w e s t p r i c e s i n t o w n . /

Five Thousand Dollars for Ten Thousand, Dollars* I Worth pi Vases, Centre Pieces and Mis­

cellaneous Artistic Pottery. Tui« mesas tb*t you sow have s o omfortunitjf to secure ssme of the


A g r e a t m a n y o f t h e a b o v e h a v e n o d u p l i c a t e s , h e n c e — i f y o u a r e intftrested-*-we a s k y o u t o m a k e a n e a r l y i n s p e c t i o n . .

r os r t t a a t a I t i M t .


Hbusefurnishings e=pi B.i semen t.

Gijay S tee l E n i t n i e l l e d "W^ire i s p r o m i n e n t a m o n g t h e House fcur -n i s h i n g s . W e Jfefp n o " s e c o n d s " ' C o u l d b u y " s e c o n d s " a t h a l f t h e c o a t o f f irsts. Tt ia t ' s t r u e , n o t w i t h s t a n d i n g t h e fac t t h a t o t h e r s o f t e n c h a r g e m t j r e f o r t h e d a m a g e d k i n d t h a n w e d o f o r t h e p A f e c t . T h e b l e m i s h e s a r e f r e q u e n t l y a l m o s t i m p e r c e p t i b l e , b u t t h f y a r e d a n g e r o u s t o h e a l t h , j u s t t h e s a m e .

Oray Steel Eu«»e4%d Pudding Pans, ti qnart sise, .14c, Oriy Steel Euamefed Tea aad Co«e* Pots, 2 quart s«e, l ie . Orgy Steal Enamejsd Oblong Roasting Fans, 13 inch sUse. | | e . ' Emery Knife Sharpeners, 6c. WotKlen Knife Boxes, 9c. "llome Use" Anmiosia, noae better made, pints, 10c, "Brilliant Buhier" Brass Polish, half pints, 8c.; Piat«,J6^_ .,,„„

- * - - • • ' • ' • ' ' , - — "'"• y V - • • . - : = = = = =

Thermometers, wood eases, heat qnality, 12c.

Bath Thermometers, best quality, 12e.

Thermometers, eight inches long, with porcelain scale, worth $1.00; oar price, o0c. *

French Plate Mirrors, oak frames, 8x10 in., 43c ; 9x12 in., 58c.> 10x14 in., ?4c.; 12x18 in., $1.16. Combination Pastry Tables, 3 feet loug, $4.61; 4 feet long, $5.39.

Great White Sale •0 To-Daft, Thursday; Jsnnary 10th, T B A G O W N g , W R A P P E R S A N D


to aiag* the busiest Third Floor is New Tork.

This Is the Way We*ll 8eU

L a d i e s ' T e a G o w n s Silk. Casastere. Henrietta aad Alhatrvaa, fan- y

ataadet aad Maple oolora—effectively trimawd with taeka, laces, tsaertiass aad rlbboaa—faacy Cellar, Bolero aad Teat aSeeta—aewest atylea. Now 9 . 9 3 were 12.98 and 15.98 Now 6 .98 were 8.98 and 10.98 Now 4 . 9 8 were 7.98 Now 3 .49 were 4.98 Now 1.98 were 3.96

SrBCIAL SOTICKf. SPECIAL KiOTICEi. i y ^ W ^ N ^ W ^ * ^ * ' S H ' *

T | . JlHtiiii & €$.



* in the prices of Broadtail Coats, Alaska Seal Jackets, Fur Lined Garments,

.Collarettes, Muffs and Neckpieces,

Fur Trimmings, Fur Rugs, Robes, Mats, Eic. I

Amerieus Lodge, No. 1,303 Court Lester Wa

', » . , . , ;>:•:«, K. Ot Hi ajlack. No. 10S, F. of

Limerick Men's B. and S. Association Yononte Tribe, No. 219, I. O. R. M Holy Name Society, St. Gabriel's St. Gabriel's Literary UrHon. St. Gabriel's Parish Club. Irish-American Athletic Club. N e w York City Undertakers* Association. Mohican Club. Tammany Hall General Committee, Twen­

ty-second Assembly District. Tammany Central Association, Twentieth

Assembly District. The United Irish League of N. Y. City. TAMMAN* HALL, TwE>mr-SBeoKi> ASSEMBLY

DisTaier—Members are requested to attend the funeral of THOMAS HRFFBRNAN, on Fri­day, January 11, 1901, a t half-past nine A. M., from his late residence, 693 2d av.; thence to St. Gabriel's Church, 37th St.. between 1st and 2d avs. Respectfully, Michael Ha«rserty, Vice Chairman, Wm. H. Hornidge. Win, L. Cunningham, James J. Kennedy, Tobias Oberfelder, Secretaries.

MOHICAX CLUB, TWBNTY-SBCOHD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT.—Members are reo,uested to attend the funeral of THOMAS HEFFERNAN, on Friday, January 11,1901, at half-past nine A. Mv, from his late residence, Wt 2d av. , thence to St. Gabriel's Church, 37th St.. between 1st and 2d avs. Respectfully, John J. Harrington, President; William H. Hornidge, M. J. Heal-ion, Thomas E. Munday, Secretaries.

HEFFERNAN.—CABTILIAN COUNCIL, NO. 164, KNIGHTS or COLUMBUS.—Members are re­quested to attend the funeral of our late brother. THOMAS HarrwatcAH, from 693 2d av.. on Friday morning, l l th inst., at half-past nine o'clock; th4nce to S t Gabriel's Church, East 37th st. Eagene P. Clarke, G. K. M. L. Fttspatrick, W. H. Lott, Secretaries.

HOFSESS.—FBKCH, 4 years, 1 month, 28 days, beloved son of Maria A. and Peter Hof­sess. Funeral Friday, ten A. M.

HUBBARD.—Entered Into rent at New Rochelle, N . Y„ January 8, 1901, ANN FRAN­CES T U B S , wife of the late John L. Hubbard. Funeral services at her late residence, 33 Pelham road, on Friday a t three o'clock. Trains leave Grand Central Station. New York, a t 3:02 P. M.. returning at 4:28.

JAMES.—On Wednesday, January 9, 190L Mrs. A. C. JAMES, widow of M. S. Jame«, M. D., formerly o t Brooklyn. N. Y., and Co­lumbus, Ga. Funeral services at her late residence^ llf Liberty av., N e w Rochelle, Sat­urday, 12th Inat., eleven A. 34. *

K E A R N E Y . - O n Tuesday, January 8, 1901, SARAH, widow of Neat Kearney. Relatives and friends are invited to attend her funeral. ? ° 5 f , $ e r e J ^L e n £ e o f h e r •on-to-law, Erank J. Sullivan, 742 St. John's place, on Friday, January 11, a t two P. ]C. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.

KII^ATRICK.-^Oa_T^asday, January S, ELIBABKTB J. wife of the late Samuel Kllpat-rlek. Funeral private.

KING.—At Tacoma, Wash., on Wednesday, January 9, 1S0L CSASLSs, son of « i e late Cor­nelius King.

L A W N E Y . - O n January 7, a t her residence, 226 East 30th st-, ELIZABETH W « I T E LAWNEY, aged 20 years. Relatives and friends are re­spectfully Invited to attend funeral service a t St. George's Chareh, Stuyveaant square and 17th st.. on Thursday, January 1*, at two o'clock P. M.

L B S E R ^ A N . j O n Wedneadaj, January ** MALCHK. beloved wife of Jaco© Leserman, be­loved mother of Bessie. Nettie Kleiner and Olg-a SeUmanraged ,4. Funeral from her late residence. 17 w a l l st. , N e w Haven. Conn., Wriday, January U. a t two P. M.

LINDH E.-January 8, 1901. a t her home, 47 1st a t , Weehawken Heights, N , J.. Mm. Rus-TAX NXi'HK Cnee Tony Rupprecht). Funeral Thursday, January ifl; three p . M.

MARSH.-Suddenly, J a n s s r y 9, MOXBIS C. MABSH. Funeral private.

llATTHEWSL-rOn Tuesday, Jansary A 1901, MARY RBBECCA MATTHEWS, widow of John E. Matthews, aged 77 years, The fu­neral will take place from her late residence, No. 30 Central avenue, Newark, N. J., on Frlda», Jantw»-y U, at on* o'otsek"P. ** In­

terment at Weetneld. N. J-. at convenience of family.

MILLER.-January 8. 1901. THOMAS MILT*«. in his 92d year. Funstad services at his late home, No. 182 Bownt av.. Flushing N. Y.. Thursday, 10th inst., S t two o'clock P. M.

s T l T & b r t e r ^ r a n e h , No- 124, C, K. of A > f % M U R P H Y ^ O n Monday, January 7, at his Castllian Council, No. 154, K. of C. /> Residence, 379 Sackett at. Brooklyn, OSI«AB Tatian Council. No.JBS,?, B . L . . f( ^^^iS^^Uld^o^Unyfu.

-hrsJ \n^.rhu^k^o8^rmHo^ral^s^9

ett sts., at nine o'dSck Thursday, January 10, inst.

MCKNIGHT.—At Poughkeepele. N. Y., Jan­uary 9, 1901. JULIE E.. Wife of the late Charles S McKnlght. Funeral from the Nelson House! FrWay, m h inst., At two o'clock P. M.

NAGLE.—On Wednesday, January 9, at her residence. 185 Eaat 122d st.. Lory, widow of Edmund Nagle. Funeral private. Please omit flowers.

OTTERBOURG.-On Tuesday, January 8, 1901. BV-OENK, son of Che late Marcus Otter­bourg and beloved htsmand of Sarah Meyen-^ J 8 *^s,„^«.i irnm his late residence, 115 Funeral from his late re^dence^ . . -East S4th st.. Thursday, January 10. 1901, at half-past ten A. M. Relatives and friends are invited to be present.

P A U L . - O n January 8, after a »nS*rins illness CHAHLES HEJSBY PAUL Funeral ser­vices at his late residence. 172 Remsen St.. Brooklyn, on Thursday. January 10, at four o'clock P. M. Interment private.

PECK.—On Mondag, January 7, 1901, A D E -LIA AT,%idow of George W. Peck, in the 75th year of her age. Funeral services at her late residence. 110 Sonth Parsons av., Flush­ing, on Thursday. January 10, at two P. M.

P E N F I E L D . - A t Wskefleld. New York city, January 8, 1901, V B B * , onl# child of James 1-and Nannie Petrfleld, In her 9th year. Funeral private.

POST. -At Yonkeri. on Tuesday January 8, 1S», MABV ANN POST, widow of Lawrence Post, in her 9lst year. Funeraf aarvtoes at the residence of het son-in-law. « « " £ / , » • Archer, 235 Warburton avenue, on Friday. January 11, at two O'clock.

William funeral hereafter,

PROAL.—On Tuesgay, Janua/y 8, of pneu­monia SARAH C. PBOA'L, in her Jlst year. Funerkl services w W b e held on Thursday January 10, at eight o'clock P. M . at the residence of her dasghter Mrs. George W. Van Pelt. Beech a n f B e a u f o r t streets, Mor­ris Park, L. I.

ROBERTS.—On "Wednesday, January », 1901. at her home, 150 West 84th st.. ANNETTE. widow of George W. Roberts. Fimeral ser­vices will be held at »t . Luke's Chapel. Hud­son, near Christopher st., on Saturday, 12th inst.. at twelve M.

R U D D . - A t LakevUle, Conn J » n u « r y J W I L U A M BABUSLEB Rrnn, *» .n*8 w L 2 i * £ " Funeral services at late reaidence, Friday, January 11. at half-faet one P. M.

8LOTE. -On Monday, January 7, SABAH C. Wife of Henry L. Slote. Funeral services at' her late resldenoa. 181A Ha.sev St.. near Marcy av.. Brooklyn, Thursday. January 10, at half-past two P. If.

S M I T H . - A t 17 East 38th st . , .on Tuesday. January 8, of pneignonm AUGUSTUS LYONS SjimL in the 80th year of his age. Funeral Ser\'ices will be helS at the Collegiate Re­formed Church. 5th *v . and 48th st., St half-past ten A. M.. Thursday. January l a

THOMPSON.—At t h e residence of her son, Frank A Thcmpsas, January 7, ANNA E. MOBTWIKB, widow of Geo. J. S.Thompson, and daughter of the late John and Catherine Mortftner. Funeral services, 34 McDonough »t„ Brooklyn. N. Y., January M. at two P. M. Interment Greenwood Cemetery.

TOOKER.-43Uddesly. on Tuesday, January 8, 1904, DANIEL EDWIN TOOKER, in his 86th year. Funeral services on Friday, January 11, at four P. M.. s t his late residence, HS South Elliott place, Brooklyn.

VAN BUREN.—At her home, Teaneck, j j . J., HARRIETTS SOEFFIELU, widow of Gen­eral Thoroaa B. Van Buren, daughter of the late Joseph E. SheHeld. Funeral Friday, at Englewood Cemetegy, on arrlva* of train

teaching EnglewooCWt J.-Oft. Carriages wait­ing. «

\ ANDBRBILT.-«©a Wednesday, January 8 of pneumonia. JOSEPH W. VANPS»BILT, aged 46 years, Funeral from h i s lata resl-denr"* 280 Greene av., Friday evening, at

eight o'clock. Interment at convenience of family. Kindly omit flowers.

VOORHIS.—At Jersey City, on Wednesday, January 9. 190L JAMES DAVENPORT VOORHIS. son of Sarah R. Sheidqn, in hts 26th year. Funeral service at hui late residence, 162 Academy St., on Friday, January 11, at eleven A. M. Interment at SomerviHB, N. J., arrival of 1 P. M. train from Jersey City.

WALKER.—January 8. 1901, at her resi­dence, 365 Dodd st., East Orange, N. J , MAa-OABET WALKEE, daughter of the late Charles and Christine Walker. Funeral service on Thursday, at half-past four P. M. Interment private.

WALLACE.—On Wednesday. January 9. 1901, ALEXANPBB H. WALLACE, eldest son of Edward H. Wallace. 29 years of age. Fu­neral services at his late residence, 346 Willis av., Friday, January 11, 1901, a t eight F. M. Interment at convenience of the family.

WALSH.—On Tuesday. January 8, 1901, CELLA WALSH, aged 70 years. Funeral Fri­day, January 11, at ten A. M., from her late residence 533 JBergen av., thence to St. Je-* rdme's Church, East 138th st.

WARD.—At Newark, N. J., on January 9, 1901, ANNA B.. daughter of the late Dr. George S. and Fanny H. Ward. Notice of funeral hereafter.

WEBB.—On Wednesday, January 9, ELIZA ANNE W E B B , wife of Jesse Webb. Funeral service at residence of her son Frank Webb, 859 Union av., Thursday, at eight P. M.

WEBER.—On Monday, January 7, at Read­out, N. Y„ DOROTHEA, widow of John Weber, Sr., in the 77th year of her age. Funeral ser­vices will be held at Spring Street Germpm Lutheran Church, Rondout, N. Y., on Thurs­day, 10th inst., at half-past two o'clock P. M.

WEEKS.—At Patchogue> L. I„ January 8, 1901, Mrs. AUGUSTA JOSEPHINE SMITH WEEKS, aged 69 years and 9 months. Funeral service at her late residence, Saturday, the 12th inst., at half-past one o'clock. *

WENDLING.—January 9, EMMA WBarnLtNO, wife of Henry Wendllng. Funeral Friday, ten A. M. Interment Cypress Hills Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited to attend the fu-neraJ, from corner 173d st. and Bathgate av.

WHITEHEAD.—At his residence, 160 East 81st st., on Wednesday, January 9, ROBERT WHITEHEAD. Notice of funeral hereafter.

, WHlTTEMORK.—At Los Angeles, Cal.. on January 5. Lieutenant Colonel EDWARD W. WHITTBMORE, U. S. Army, retired, in his 67th year.

WICK.—On January 9, WILLIAM P. Wtca, beloved husband of Llna Wick, formerly Lina Rohm, in hts 67th year. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, 452 East 84th at., on Fri­day, January 11, 1901, at one P. M.

WIESEN.—Suddenly, on Wednesday, Janu­ary 9,1901, at his residence, 2. ITS Bathgate av., HENRY WIESKN. beloved husband of Lissie Wlesen. Notice of funeral hereafter.

WIGGER.—At Seton Hall College. South Orange^N. J., on Saturday. January 6, Right Rev. WINAND MICHAEL WIUOKB. D . V.. Bishop of Newark, aged 59 years. Funeral services will be held at St. Patrick's Cathe­dral. Newark, on Thursday. January H>, Di­vine office at ten A. M. Solemn Pontifical requiem at half-past ten. The reverend clergy will kindly take notice. Interment in the cemetery of the Holy Sepulchre.

WITHEBA—On Monday, January 7, Assft* SAINSBURY, widow of William Withers Funeral services will be held at bar late residence, N©„ 157 Vroom St., Jersey City Heights, on Thursday. January 10, at two o'clock. Interment at convenience of family.

W O l i F S B R U C K - O n Wednesday, FBEDERI ICKA, widow of Zacharias Wotfsbruck and mother of Mrs. A. Blumenatiel* Mrs. Henry F. Deane. Mrs, Emma Mandei and the Misses Susan and Carrie Wolfsbruek. Funeral pri-vale.

WRIGHT.-^anuary 8. J A N S I* HAMILTON widow of James Wright, In her 71st year! Funeral services at her late residence, 443 West S7th, Thursday evening, eight o'clock. Interment a t convenience of family.

OtneterieM. JL-TH5B KEN81CO CEMETERY.-fWvatS statloa.

Haricot lUlAioad. *3 imuucej. r«Je froas urauu L«a-tral Depot. Oftc*. 16 Ka«« 43d St.

45 mittot«*fw» Gmrrf^O^ral U>t». y*>aod apwani «>SW 47 W»«t 43d.

MAl'I.E r.ROVR iTMETVJtY. 25 mlwttea fn^u aty. Tla East S4t& at. ferry asd U | , R. R.; ooe hoar'* esrrfajR rL»c. City office 14Bs6 Broadway.

H a n d Q u i l t e d S i l k R o b e s A Japaawe loxurj—llsljt as a feather, wans as ,

down-Garnet. Ks*y, jPtsfc sad Blse—quUt«d auk naiag ef coatrasrlag esiwa.

Valoa§15.00. »*•*•• 7 . 9 8 tJnlUed 811k Sacmea, Talue |7.00 8 . 9 8

F a n c y F l a n n e l e t t e W r a p p e w i Best colors—foil skirts—lined waists—

:|f excellent fit. Heavy FlanoeleUf—Braid true— ntlfied skirt—slsec 34 to 44—worth ag , . M , , M ,511 Royal Slot aad White, also pretty atrtpes iu fancy lUac and black aad wfclta sCFecta—flotweed aklrta— ,

worth l,3a»»»».»••"*•••«• •••»• • • »•< . 7 & Fa ncy iBUWrWl TTTIU*-^Piralaa and SBMll Sfured deiigna—rit>f>«>n velvet trim—aiao Secoad MonTnl0K«-wld* skteU Ss»p flcmno*-

Heary Fleece Noy»lt.y yoke-ritvboo xeHat and mffles-^vsloe 8.00.. 1 . 8 9

Popha Cord aad Twill Flannelette— beat quality—look like line wool drtaa tat>rlc«—yok*., abouldar ruA*a. and collar trtmd Wlttt rows of plats or rained satin ribbon—beat oolora—

vatse 8.0S...«••...«9~^m.».«*+..»*


E l d e r d o - w n R o b e s Plain aad Rtrtped-also Ripple Lsaaba' We color*—girdles and satin trim or appliqaed Ollar» -Mmf bandsomely trim'd with aaSn ribbon raffles.

2 .98 were 4.98 and 5.88 3 . 9 8 . . . . . . . . . . . w e r e 6.08 and 7.98

Best values ot tbe seasoa!

E i d e r d o w n D r e s a i n g S a c q u e s Plain and Ripple Eiderdown and Lamb'a wool -

Giaj, Pink, Red, Blue, Heliotrope—Crochet edge of satin bound—well fitting—well made—round, squara or pointed collart—with and without yoke effect* That were .A*9 centa Now .89 That were .98 cents and 1.24. Now . 7 9 That wefe 1.49. Now .98 1 That were 1.98. Now 1,24 That were 2.98. Now 1.98

L a d i e s ' a n d C h i l d r e n ' s W e a r o f

F l a n n e l e t t e & C a n t o n F l a n n e l Great stocks of warm, comfortable, well

fitting undergarments at

"WHITE SALE" PRICES. FLANNELETTE skLRTS-good quality-pretty stripea-gored—Pre neb or yoke band. . 1 8


. 4 9

FLANNELETTE SKIRTS—heavy oaeea— light and dark—crochet ed«e—abort and long. FLEECED MERINO SKIRTS; alas Plata Pink and Blue flaaoelette— flounce—wide laoe ruffle... MHW*«•*••••• FXANNELETTE NIGHT GOWNS— Pink and Blue Stripes- full alzes... . M . 4 9 FLANNSLETTE GOWNS-heavy fleeca-tltk cord ed«e raffle seek and sleeves.... — . . , 7 9

, PLANNELETTE GOWNS—lmrgs aaaort-meat, silk scallop, lace or emb'y t r i m . . . . . . . . , 9 3 "FLANNEI ETTE KIMONAS and DRESS­ING SACQUES-pretty stripes, plain colors or Persian affect*—braid, emb'y, or plain color hand trim . . M . . . . . . . . . 0 0 CANTON FLANNEL DRAWERS-Knickerbocker style—cambric ruffle...,_.

CANTON FLANNEL DRAWgRS-foed quality—well made—emb'd ruff le . . . . . . . . . ._

EXTRA «l l i : DRAWERS-- wide h e m _ . _ .

CANTON .FLANNRL CORSET OOVSeS-perfect shapes—emb'y trim. M . M . M . KNIT CORSET COVEKS-aqoare comfortable aad cloae flt.«.. . . - .

F o r t h e W h i t e S a l e A n o t h e r G r e a t O f f e r i n g

B a b i e s ' D r e s s e s Kelnaook, Cambric end fine lawn—with Tisiwli sag Easilsb yoke and waist effects—hundred* ef styles, trimmed in daintiest manner, with tucks, bma-stKchings. band atltcblac* aad edgings end Inserting* of lac* or ««mbroidery, or combinations st both; also a great variety of Infanta' loug Dresses, beautifully made asd trimmed with Baby Edgings aad fairy lias tucks sad laces—including elaborate styles, with

. 4 9 , 4 9


full vtrlnHned skirts—perfect • broidery.

89 cents 4 9 cents 6 9 cents 9 8 cents

1.49 1.98

2.98 i 3.98

•assss of lace at

worth .59 worth -TO worth .98 worth 1.89 worth 2.5*)

worth- &50 worth 4108 worth 5.98

W l S M I iS85Sas


A t H a l f P r i c e "A M a n u f a c t u r e r ' s S t o c k B a b i e s ' C a s h m e r e S h i r t s

subject to slight mill imperfections. Therefore:—

39 cent qualities 19 cents 49 cent qualities 2 9 cents

Long sleeves - pen front silk finis*

G R E A T S A L E O F W A T C H E S for Ladies and Boys —Cut tela ine and Hunting Case—Solid Gold, Gold fined, Gun Metal. Solid Silrcr, Crystal Bali. Nickel and fine Enamel—Arnerican and Swiss swve-ments—perfect time keeper*.., .Bedsctious made to redoce stock—all strictly perfect

Watches that were 4JJ8, Watches that were 54>8... Watches that were' 6.98. . . Watches that were 84>S... Watches that were WM. /, Watches that were 14.98... • • . . .

2 . 4 9 3 . 2 9 3 . 7 9 4 . 9 S 6 9 8 8 .98

Watches that were 1 8 m . . . . . . . 1 2 . 9 8

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