I. Jefferson Becomes President (pages 307–309) Nation’s new capital, Washington, D.C., located...


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I. Jefferson Becomes President (pages 307–309)

Nation’s new capital, Washington, D.C., located on Potomac River. City contained only 2 prominent buildings

White House unfinished Capitol

Adams & his wife Abigail are 1st prez. And 1st lady to live there.

I. Jefferson Becomes President (pages 307–309)

Rematch election in 1800 In election of 1800, Republicans-Jefferson for

prez. & Aaron Burr for v.p. Federalists-John Adams for prez. & Charles

Pinckney from SC for v.p. Election of 1800 is considered 1 of ugliest

prez. campaigns in U.S. history Slander/ personal attacks Candidates publicized their views by writing in

newspapers & in letters to people.

I. Jefferson Becomes President (pages 307–309)

Jefferson & Burr tied for most votes House of Reps had to decide election. Hamilton used his influence!

1 Federalist in House decided not to vote for Burr, so Jefferson became prez. & Burr became v.p.

I. Jefferson Becomes President (pages 307–309)

Congress ratified 12th Amendment in 1804 Requires electors to vote for prez. & v.p. on

separate ballots. This amendment would prevent another tie

btwn. prez. & v.p. candidate.

Jefferson- Presidential Facts

3rd prez of US 1 of only 2 prez (Adams) who signed

Declaration of Independence. 1st prez to be inaugurated in Washington,

D.C. 1st prez to shake hands instead of bow to

people. 1st prez to have grandchild born in White

House. His library of approximately 6,000 books

became basis for Library of Congress. His books were purchased from him for


Jefferson- Personal Facts Kept mockingbird who rode on his shoulder in White

House. He even trained the bird to take bits of food held between his lips!

Lewis & Clark brought him bears which were displayed in cages on White House lawn- sometimes WH was referred to as "president's bear garden."

Was once given a 1,235 pound hunk of cheese, giving us term "the big cheese."

Played the violin Suggested the decimal system of money we use Wrote over 20,000 letters in his lifetime Founded, designed & built University of Virginia. Took a cold foot bath every morning for 60 years Once ate a tomato in public to prove it wasn't

poisonous Owned 200 slaves

Wrote his own epitaph but didn’t mentioning he served as prez of U:







BORN APRIL 2. 1743. O.S.DIED JULY 4. 1826

I. Jefferson Becomes President (pages 307–309)

Jefferson tried to reach out to Federalists in his inaugural address. “We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists”

He also emphasized reducing power of fed. govt. This idea is similar to French philosophy

laissez-faire, which means “let (people) do (as they choose).”

I. Jefferson Becomes President (pages 307–309)

Jefferson’s administration was small compared to those of today. This followed his idea of limited national govt. Jefferson appointed

James Madison as secretary of state Albert Gallatin as secretary of

treasury. Jefferson & Gallatin wanted to reduce

national debt & they cut military expenses to do so.

TJ also pardoned those jailed under Sedition Act

He asked Congress to change application for citizenship back to 5 yr. waiting period So more “common” people could be part of

country Kept some Federalists ideas/people

Kept BUS that he had been so opposed to Paid off state debts that had been taken over by

fed. Govt. Let Federalists keep their gov’t jobs

Judiciary Act of 1801 increased # of fed. judges. Before leaving office, Adams filled many

judicial positions w/ Federalists so Federalists could control courts. These judges known as “midnight

judges.” After Jefferson was elected, he told Secretary

of State Madison not to deliver outstanding commissions (jobs).

To force delivery of his commission, William Marbury took case to Supreme Court.

II. Jefferson’s Policies (pages 308–309)

Chief Justice John Marshall turned down Marbury’s claim. Decision known as Marbury v. Madison Even though Madison was not found in the

wrong Jefferson not happy because case made Supreme Court stronger

II. Jefferson’s Policies (pages 308–309)

In Marbury v. Madison Marshall set out 3 principles of judicial review: Constitution is the supreme law of the land When there is conflict btwn. Constitution &

any other law, Constitution must be followed The judicial branch has obligation to uphold

Constitution. In several court cases, Marshall

broadened power of fed. govt. at expense of states.

II. Jefferson’s Policies (pages 308–309)

John Marshall

Very intelligent, wealthy VA planter 2nd cousin once removed to Jefferson Federalist who believed in strong central govt. Served for over 34 yrs. Participated in more than 1,000 decisions &

authored over 500 opinions. Instrumental in establishing court's authority in

national govt. During his time, Supreme Court began issuing

single majority opinions, enabling it to speak w/ more united voice.

Rulings during this era strengthened federal power over states.

I. Western Territory (page 313)

Early 1800s more people moved west in search of land & adventure.

Most pioneers were farmers. Loaded their possessions on Conestoga

wagons to make journey across Appalachian Mts.

U.S. territory extended only to Mississippi R Land west belonged to Spain. This land was enormous, extending south to

New Orleans & west to Rocky Mts.

Mighty Mississippi

In 1800 most Americans lived btw Atlantic coast & Appalachian Mtns.

Roads had not really been created for land west of Appalachian Mt.- no one lived there

Farmers in west had to send their produce down MS R. to New Orleans to ship off to rest of world

Mississippi Tributaries

I. Western Territory (page 313)

Spanish allowed pioneers who established farms along rivers that fed into Mississippi R. to use river to New Orleans to trade.

In 1802 Jefferson learned that Spain & France had made agreement that transferred Louisiana Territory to France. He sent Robert Livingston & James Monroe to

negotiate purchase of New Orleans & other French territory.

Gave them $10 million budget At 1st Talleyrand (remember XYZ) isn’t


French Colonies in West Indies France colonized islands in W. Indies/

Caribbean 1 of most successful colonies of France is

Santo Domingo (now Haiti)

I. Western Territory (page 313)

Napoleon Bonaparte, France’s leader, wanted to use Santo Domingo as naval base. However, enslaved plantation workers led by

Toussaint-Louverture, revolted & declared colony indep.

French troops tried to regain control, but they were defeated.

Santo Domingo became Republic of Haiti.

I. Western Territory (page 313)

As things looked worse in Haiti & Napoleon lost ground in Europe things changed Napoleon gave up ideas of N. American

empire Needed $ to fund wars in Europe

Louisiana Purchase Instead of just N.O. & western FL Talleyrand

offers U.S. all of LA!! Monroe & Livingston didn’t have permission to do

this but Jefferson wanted control of MS R. Decided it was too good offer & negotiated $15

mill. price

Remember Jefferson is strict constitutionalist Const. didn’t mention buying land He struggles w/ this but finds peace w/ his

actions because Const. does give prez. power to make treaties

Senate approved “treaty” signed on Apr. 30, 1803.

U.S. now owns more than 800,000 sq. mi. of land from the MS R. to Rocky Mts.

II. The Nation Expands (pages 314–317)

Jefferson persuaded Congress to sponsor expedition west into new territory. Jefferson chose Meriwether Lewis & William

Clark to lead journey. Left St. Louis in 1804 & worked its way up Missouri R.

Along way, crew encountered Shoshone woman-Sacagawea-joined group as guide.

Traveled for 18 mos., returning w/ valuable info. about plants, people, & animals they encountered.

II. The Nation Expands (pages 314–317)

Jefferson’s orders: Map route to Pacific Ocean Study plant & animal life, climate, minerals Learn about N. Am. tribes in areas- steal trade

from other countries

II. The Nation Expands (pages 314–317)

Lewis & Clark Expedition Kept meticulous journals- stunned by different

scenery, wildlife… L&C brought many trinkets to trade & butter up

N. Am.- mirrors, medals w/ US seal, beads, knives, blankets, sewing needles & fish hooks


Sacajawea was incredibly helpful Knew plants to eat- wild vegetables, where to

fish & hunt, healing plants & herbs… Encountering Shoshone tribe she found her

brother was among them- Shoshones then supplied horses & food for trip & told of best route over Rockies

U.S. has honored Sacajawea’s contribution in many ways: Sacajawea State Park, Lake Sacajawea, Sacajawea Monument & Sacajawea dollar

Jefferson sent Zebulon Pike on 2 expeditions into area now known as CO. Pike’s Peak in Colorado Went little too far south into Spanish territory

& was captured- all info. confiscated

II. The Nation Expands (pages 314–317)

Many Americans Are Excited

Because of Pike’s & Lewis & Clark’s expeditions, Americans are excited about possibilities that lie to west. Use maps they created

So many people move in & around N.O. that territory applies & is accepted for statehood in 1812- becomes LA

Not yet, but in near future there will be mass migration west.

Federalists in MA planned to secede (withdraw) from U.S. They disagreed w/ Louisiana Purchase.

Federalists thought Republicans would gain support of new territory & further weaken Federalist Party.

To succeed, Federalists needed NY to support them, so they gave Burr their support when he ran for gov. of NY.

II. The Nation Expands (pages 314–317)

Federalists in MA planned to secede (withdraw) from U.S. They disagreed w/ Louisiana Purchase.

Federalists thought Republicans would gain support of new territory & further weaken Federalist Party.

To succeed, Federalists needed NY to support them

II. The Nation Expands (pages 314–317)

Federalists gave Aaron Burr their support when he ran for gov. of NY. Burr had turned Federalist

Hamilton accused Burr of plotting treason Burr lost & blamed Hamilton Hamilton & Burr met for a duel.

Burr shot Hamilton, who died next day.

Burr fled country.

II. The Nation Expands (pages 314–317)

Federalists’ plans for Northern Confederacy failed

Federalists also lost 1804 election. Jefferson reelected 162 electoral votes to 14

II. The Nation Expands (pages 314–317)

I. Creating a Democratic Society (pages 321–


During Jefferson’s presidency, nationalism (feeling of pride in nation & loyalty to its goals) spread thru/out country.

Many Americans came to believe (as Jefferson did) that a strong democracy depended on education. Success of public schools in MA & Philadelphia

increased demands for nationwide system of public schools.

I. Creating a Democratic Society (pages 321–


Religious revival known as 2nd Great Awakening stressed equality of all believers before God & promise of salvation for all who believed. Gave people determination to better their

lives & society. Citizens influenced by Awakening joined

movements to end slavery, curb drinking & advance education.

Many African Americans formed their own churches & denominations at this time.

Many Protestants (major religion in U.S.)

believed God decided in advance who would go to heaven- predestination

Because they believed things were predestined people felt they could not & should not try to change society

Finney was leader of 2nd Great Awakening Powerful speaker who inspired many Wrote articles giving tips on effective

preaching Strongly believed in complete reformation

of whole world- starting with self

Charles Grandison Finney

Emphasized adult baptism. Stressed equality of all men & women

before God- women could now pray aloud in church!

Looked toward redemption of society & 2nd Coming of Christ & his era of peace.

American writers began using settings & characters that were typically American. Washington Irving wrote The Sketch Book

(collection of short stories set in America) Best known for short stories "The Legend of

Sleepy Hollow" & "Rip Van Winkle".

II. An American Culture (pages 322–325)

James Fenimore Cooper wrote novels about American folk-heroes. best known for his stories of frontier

life & pioneer adventure Most popular work is The Last of the

Mohicans (1832) which is part of the Leatherstocking series w/main character Natty Bumppo

Natty-man straddling 2 worlds William Cullen Bryant wrote poems about


II. An American Culture (pages 322–325)

More Writers Edgar Allan Poe Nathanial Hawthorne- The Scarlet Letter Herman Melville- Moby Dick African American- William Wells- Clotel or The

President’s Daughter-1st Af. American novel Some women were top sellers, not very

popular today Catherine Sedgwick Fanny Fern

Stories often of women triumphing over adversity or because of their virtues

Hawthorne called these successful women writers “mob of scribbling women”

American artists began focusing on American subjects. George Caleb Bingham painted fur traders,

riverboat workers, & political speakers. George Catlin painted scenes of Nat. American

daily life. Thomas Doughty painted views of Catskill


II. An American Culture (pages 322–325)

Americans developed their own forms of music & instruments, such as banjos & pianos. Stephen C. Foster composed songs about

American South. "Camptown Races" "Swanee River", "My Old

Kentucky Home" &"Jeannie With the Light Brown Hair"

II. An American Culture (pages 322–325)

American architects created their own forms of building based on classical Greek & Roman styles. These styles became models for public


II. An American Culture (pages 322–325)

Painters Americans begin to develop own style Hudson River School- located along

Hudson River area painted landscapes

Thomas Cole Asher B. Durand Af. Am. Robert S. Duncanson

George Caleb Bingham- from Missouri; hard working country folk

Some painters painted N. Am. Life George Catlin Alfred Jacob Miller

People in North lived in villages & towns, w/ farm communities on outskirts. Farming was major economic activity in North.

People in South lived on widely separated farms, & their economy depended on slavery. Slavery set South apart from rest of country.

III. A Rural Nation (pages 326–327)

Planters (large landowners) became South’s economic & social leaders. They began farming cotton as cash crop. It was very successful Increased cotton production led to increased

demand for enslaved people to work in cotton fields.

III. A Rural Nation (pages 326–327)

Most enslaved people worked on farms & plantations. Enslaved men generally worked in fields Enslaved women generally performed

housekeeping chores. Some enslaved people worked in South’s

towns & cities as coach drivers, household servants, & artisans.

III. A Rural Nation (pages 326–327)

Many Americans began living in cities. Cities in North were booming (doing well). South had fewer towns &cities.

Mills & factories in North grew in 1800s Rise in industry incr. gap btwn. rich & poor. Wealthy merchants controlled urban economic &

social life.

III. A Rural Nation (pages 326–327)

Middle class of artisans, shopkeepers, & professionals had some prosperity.

Growing working class had to struggle to survive. Northern cities drew many free African

Americans. Although many northerners opposed slavery, free

African Americans faced many barriers to full equality. Discrimination/prejudice No voting rights Excluded from schools, churches…

III. A Rural Nation (pages 326–327)

Settlers moved West to escape growing populations & taxes in East to claim new land.

Settlers cut down trees to build log cabins & clear land for farming.

IV. Westward Movement (pages 328–329)

Pioneers met w/ many struggles on frontier, including: An uncertain climate, Limited supplies, Crops that failed, Loneliness Difficult transportation conditions.

IV. Westward Movement (pages 328–329)

Settlers came into conflict w/ Nat. Americans- developed ways to resist & survive settlers. Some like Cherokee, tried to adjust peacefully hoping

to stop more land loss & defend freedom. Adopted laws & a constitution modeled after

American states. Accepted Christianity Settled down as farmers, mill owners, &

shopkeepers. Others, such as Shawnee & Creek, prepared for armed


IV. Westward Movement (pages 328–329)
