i-HRD Conference 2016


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i-HRD Conference 2016


25 – 26 July 2016




Advisor Habibah

Rosmah Kamilah Roslina Hamizah Hayati Morina



Multiversity HNH



Prof. Ir. Dr. Sha’ri Mohd Yusof





• Status of (manufacturing) industries

• Requirements for the competencies from industries

• Curriculum required, and other related matters



Multiversity HNH

Types of industries in Malaysia

Five major industry sectors

National Key Economic Area (NKEA)

27 July 2016


27-Jul-16 Multiversity HNH


© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016 21

L.W. Hooi, Organisational Justice and Citizenship Behaviour in Malaysia,

Governance and Citizenship in Asia, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0030-0_2

When external demand improves … as well as resilient regional trade

Improvement in the demand for electrical and electronic products… semiconductor devices –

electronic integrated circuits and photosensitive semiconductor.

Production of domestic-oriented industries is expected to expand due to increasing domestic consumption and


Similarly, demand for construction-related materials remains robust, as projects under the Malaysian Plan and National Key

Economic Areas (NKEAs) gain momentum.

In essence, domestic demand, particularly private sector expenditure is expected to play a more significant role in driving economic expansion.

Initiatives launched by the government, and incentives to promote new sources of growth are expected to consolidate and strengthen the resilience and competitiveness of the manufacturing sector.

27 July 2016


• Malaysia has been ranked as the world’s top manufacturing location in new suitability

index by Cushman and Wakefield (Business Circle 2014 ).

• Implementation of the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) initiatives,

domestic finance and strong inflows of foreign direct investment - manufacturing

sector is expected to expand further.

• The manufacturing sector has (2014):

• Contributed significantly (76.4 %) to total export earnings

• Contributed 16.4 % to total employment

• The highest number of job vacancies recording

• The highest number of retrenchments, accounting for 65 % of total retrenchments

• About 35% from two million foreign workers.

• About 11% of the 105,238 expatriates (Economic Report 2014/2015).

27-Jul-16 Multiversity HNH

12 Manufacturing Sector

Labour Force, Employment by Sector (MSIC 2008) , 2010 - 2014, Malaysia

Year Total

('000) Employment by Sector1


2010 11,899.5 1,614.9 57.2 2,108.5 55.5 66.7 1,082.7 1,887.8 554.7 856.7 178.9

2011 12,284.4 1,410.0 76.0 2,222.3 51.6 70.8 1,133.6 1,999.5 605.2 942.2 207.6

2012 12,723.2 1,601.7 80.6 2,227.9 62.1 80.4 1,163.7 2,116.0 624.0 957.0 209.2

2013 13,210.0 1,682.1 87.1 2,214.8 61.0 82.9 1,244.1 2,220.2 621.6 1,016.1 191.3

2014 13,532.1 1,659.8 84.3 2,266.0 65.2 79.6 1,226.4 2,275.4 593.3 1,112.4 211.5

Nota/Note: Industry is classified according to the "Malaysia Standard Industrial Classification (MSIC) 2008". Category of

industry are as follows (ONLY A-J shown): A Pertanian, perhutanan dan perikanan / Agriculture, forestry and fishing B Perlombongan dan pengkuarian / Mining and quarrying C Pembuatan / Manufacturing

D Bekalan elektrik, gas, wap dan pendingin udara /Electricity, gas, steam and air

conditioning supply

E Bekalan air; pembentungan, pengurusan sisa dan aktiviti pemulihan / Water supply; sewerage, waste

management and remediation activities F Pembinaan / Construction

G Perdagangan borong dan runcit, pembaikan kenderaan bermotor dan motosikal / Wholesale and retail trade,

repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles H Pengangkutan dan penyimpanan / Transportation and storage

I Penginapan dan aktiviti perkhidmatan makanan dan minuman / Accommodation and food service

activities J Maklumat dan komunikasi / Information and communication

Source: Department of Statistics Malaysia 27-Jul-16

Multiversity HNH



• Diverse cultures may create difficulties for supervisors managing them. These foreign workers may be a burden, as local employees have to

understand not only their habits and cultures but also the laws that cover these foreign workers. Diversity management becomes

an important competence of managers and supervisors.

• Due to rapid changes in technological innovations, it may be imperative for organisations in the manufacturing sector to

arm their employees with a high level of broad skills and techniques. However, organisations cannot optimally reap the

benefits of investment on training if the tendency of job hopping and turnover is high (Hooi 2008 ).

• With the growth in demand for labour exceeding supply, the competition for skilled and talented workers will be more

intense...given the changing social values of the workforce, high performers left for firms that reward rapid advancement. This scenario has not changed in

the last 10 years. Labour mobility is rather high especially among young workers …job hop for better salaries or

career advancement. Chin ( 2003 ) notes that, as materialism gains dominance, the social bonds that have made for

a cohesive society are beginning to crumble

• Competency and the quality of education are among the factors that contribute to the unemployment problem

among graduates of technical fields

27 July 2016


Foreign workers

Sector 2014 2015

Total % Total %

PEMBANTU RUMAH/Maid 155,591 7.5 148,627 7.0

PEMBUATAN/Manufacturing 747,866 36.1 450,364 21.1

PEMBINAAN/Construction 411,819 19.9 745,131 34.9

PERKHIDMATAN/Services 270,048 13.0 293,433 13.7

PERTANIAN/Agriculture* 488,090 23.5 497,480 23.3

JUMLAH/Total 2,073,414 100.0 2,135,035 100.0

Source: Ministry of Home Affairs (Malaysia)

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27-Jul-16 Multiversity HNH


Skills and competency

• The most required skill is “communication skills” while the least

required is “engineering system approach”. (1)

• Employers place great importance to communication skills, problem

solving skills, team work skills and personal qualities. (2)

• Employability skills needed by employers in the industry are:

“possessing, cooperating with others”, “using technology, instrument

and information systems effectively”, “making decisions”, and

“managing times” (3)

27 July 2016


M. Y. Yuzainee, A. Zaharim, and M. Z. Omar, “Employability skills for an entry-level engineer as seen by

Malaysian employers,” 2011 IEEE Glob. Eng. Educ. Conf. EDUCON 2011, pp. 80–85, 2011.

Addressing the requirements

• Organisations in the manufacturing sector must ensure that a pool

of dedicated and knowledgeable staff is continuously available to

support growth. Enhance workforce engagement, professionalism

and staff retention.

• Revise vocational and higher education systems to enhance the

work- readiness or employability of potential applicants, and finally

to provide more attractive and satisfying jobs and workplaces for

present and future employees within the Asia Pacific region. (5)

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Multiversity HNH


Development of partnerships, partnership management, the impact of learning and skills development – collaboration in the workplace (6)

Benchmarking Malaysia TVET to the global TVET Institutions (7)

27-Jul-16 Multiversity HNH


Industry in education

Agency of industry (Industry Lead Body) is an organization drive industry sector appointed by the Ministry of Human Resources (MHR) for performing the functions according to DSD.

Roles and Responsibilities ILB • implementing job analysis by industry sector specified; • developing National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS) and review

existing NOSS for related industrial sectors as well as the approval of the National Skills Development Council (PKK) against NOSS provided;

• developing the curriculum of the National Dual Training System (SLDN); • promote and seek participation in the program NDTS and Recognition of

Prior Achievement (PPT); • undertake a study to identify the supply vs. demand, emerging

technologies, as well as job creation and job opportunities enrichment;

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• Some of them

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Professional education - Professional registration


• Board of Engineer Malaysia (BEM) has a duty to ensure that the quality of engineering education/programme of its registered engineers attains the minimum standard comparable to global practice. Hence the necessity to accredit engineering programmes conducted in IHLs.

• Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) is the body delegated by BEM for accreditation of engineering degrees. EAC is made of representatives from The

• Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM),

• Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM),

• Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA)

• Public Services Department (Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia)

27-Jul-16 Multiversity HNH



MALAYSIA 2013-2018

1. Employability of Engineering Graduates

2. Preparation of Engineering Graduates to Practice in a

Globalized World

3. Producing Engineering Graduates with Holistic Knowledge

4. Imbuing Innovation and Entrepreneurship among Engineering


5. Utilizing up-to-date Teaching Pedagogies

6. Making Engineering Programs More Interesting

7. Producing Ethical and Caring Engineers

27-Jul-16 Multiversity HNH




Tenth Malaysia Plan, 2011-2015: Issues and challenges

• Uncoordinated Governance of TVET • Two accrediting bodies

• Unclear TVET articulation

• Lack of industry input in curriculum design

• Fragmented TVET Delivery in Malaysia • Multiple providers

• No specialization in public TVET

• No rating system for performance

• Lack of Recognition for Technologist • Technologist not recognized as professionals

• Wage premium in public and private sector

• Limited access to Higher Education

• Competency Gaps among Instructors • No centralized database on instructor profile

• Minimal industry exposure

• Skill deficiencies

27-Jul-16 Multiversity HNH


There are 20 Public Universities (Government Universities) comprising 5 research universities, 4

comprehensive universities, and 11 focussed universities.

A- Research Universities

Fields of Study: Focus is on research

Competitive entries

Quality lecturers

Ratio of undergraduates to postgraduates is 50:50

Universiti Malaya (UM)

Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)

Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)

B- Comprehensive Universities

Various fields of study

Competitive entries

Quality lecturers

Ratio of undergraduates to postgraduates is 70:30

Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)

Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia

Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)

C- Focussed Universities

(technical, education, management and defence)

Fields of Study : Focus is on research

Competitive entries

Quality lecturers

Ratio of undergraduates to postgraduates is 50:50

Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)

Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI)

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka


Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)

Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP)

Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)

Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA)

Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK)

Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia

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The programme aims to prepare graduates who possess a broad technical knowledge and associated hands-on skills with the ability to select, review, refine and implement appropriate solutions within a specific engineering industry context.

COMPULSORY MODULES - 17 – 21 credits

1. National Requirement - Bahasa Melayu, Malaysian Studies, Islamic/Moral Studies.

2. HEPs Requirement - Social Science / Humanities Options, Co-Curriculum.

3. Personal Development - Languages, Communication Skills.


1. Common Core - 15 – 21 credits i. Mathematics

ii. Sciences

iii. Professional Development Modules which include topics such as Work Ethics, Sustainable Issues and Entrepreneurship.

2. Discipline Core (inclusive of a Final Year Project of 8 – 10 credits) - 80 – 84 credits (50% of which must be practical hours) • To be determined by the institutions according to the needs of the programme.

INDUSTRIAL TRAINING - Attachment to a relevant workplace. (8-12 credits)

ELECTIVES MODULES - (8-14 credits)

Undergraduate Curriculum

BACHELOR’S DEGREE in Engineering Technology

27 July 2016


At the end of the programme, graduates should have the following competencies to (adapted from the Sydney Accord):

i. apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and engineering

specialisation principles to defined and applied engineering procedures, processes, systems or methodologies;

ii. solve broadly-defined engineering problems systematically to reach substantiated conclusions, using tools and techniques appropriate to their discipline or area of specialisation;

iii. design solutions for broadly-defined engineering technology problems, and to design systems, components or processes to meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, as well as cultural, societal, environmental and sustainability concerns;

iv. plan and conduct experimental investigations of broadly-defined problems, using data from relevant sources;

v. select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering tools, with an understanding of their limitations;

vi. function effectively as individuals, and as members or leaders in diverse technical teams; vii. communicate effectively with the engineering community and society at large;

viii. demonstrate an awareness of and consideration for societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and their consequent responsibilities;

ix. demonstrate an understanding of professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of engineering technology practices;

x. demonstrate an awareness of management, business practices and entrepreneurship; xi. demonstrate an understanding of the impact of engineering practices, taking into account the

need for sustainable development; and xii. recognise the need for professional development and to engage in independent and lifelong


• Assessments for Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia/Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia/Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia/Penyata Pencapaian. Five assessment methods: (i) Assignment; (ii) Final assessment; (iii) Core Abilities; (iv) Industrial training (only for levels 4 & 5) (v) Final project (only for levels 4 & 5)

Certification marking components

27-Jul-16 Multiversity HNH


Assessment component for

Competency Unit

Percentage according to skills level (%)

Level 1 – 3 Level 4 – 5


Knowledge 10 40

15 40

Performance 30 25



Knowledge 20 60

25 60

Performance 40 35

Total marks 100 100

Vocational -Diploma

• KV DVM.doc

27-Jul-16 Multiversity HNH



1. M. Y. Yuzainee, A. Zaharim, and M. Z. Omar, “Employability skills for an entry-level engineer as seen by Malaysian employers,” 2011 IEEE Glob. Eng. Educ. Conf. EDUCON 2011, pp. 80–85, 2011.

2. M. S. Rasul, R. A. A. Rauf, A. N. Mansor, R. M. Yasin, and Z. Mahamod, “Graduate Employability For Manufacturing Industry,” Procedia - Soc. Behav. Sci., vol. 102, no. Ifee 2012, pp. 242–250, 2013.

3. Y. Buntat, M. K. Jabor, M. S. Saud, S. M. S. S. Mansor, and N. H. Mustaffa, “Employability Skills Element’s: Difference Perspective Between Teaching Staff and Employers Industrial in Malaysia,” Procedia - Soc. Behav. Sci., vol. 93, no. 1990, pp. 1531–1535, 2013.

4. Z. Hanapi, M. Nordin, and R. Rus, “Unemployment Problem among Graduates of Technical Field: Competencies of the Graduates and Quality of the Education,” Sains Humanika, 2014.

5. R. Cameron, A. Nankervis, J. Burgess, and K. Brown, “Enhancing work-readiness of vocational and higher education graduates: Asia-Pacific region,” 2015.

6. Rashidi, R. (2013). Evaluation of collaboration between public training institutions and private industries and its importance in improving the quality of training delivery in TVET in Malaysia. In: TVET@Asia, issue 1, 1-17

7. Ismail Affero and Razali bin Hassan, Issues and Challenges of Technical and Vocational Education & Training in Malaysia for Knowledge Worker Driven, National Conference on Engineering Technology 2013 (NCET 2013), DOI: 10.13140/2.1.4555.2961

27 July 2016


Terima kasih




