I Am Malala Review


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  • 8/10/2019 I Am Malala Review


    Emily Owens


    Mrs. Rogers

    Book Report2nd

    Nine Weeks

    Can you identify one experience that changed your entire view of the world around you?

    Malala Yousafzai, the author and main character ofI Am Malala,begins her life as a young

    Pakistani child who was different than the others. As she grew up, she knew her destiny was

    going to be amazing; nothing like any of the other girls she knew.Her whole world changed in

    October of 2012 when a Taliban gunman shot her while she was returning home from school.

    She soon faced the reality of the world, her life, and Pakistan, however.I Am Malala, by Malala

    Yousafzai, is an autobiography, published by Little, Brown and Company in 2013, about her life

    and the harsh experiences she lived through. In this book, the author reveals the truths behind the

    Taliban, Pakistan, and the Pakistani people.

    Malala Yousafzai was born on July 12, 1997, in Mingora, Pakistan. She says about her

    birth, I was a girl in a land where rifles are fired in celebration of a son, while daughters are

    hidden away behind a curtain, their whole life simply to prepare food and give birth to children

    (Yousafzai 13). Though this is true, her parents simply had a different feeling about their

    daughter. They called family to come and celebrate even though she was a girl, and this is when

    Malala realized she was the one star you wish upon in a sky full of millions, a girl who would,

    one day, make a huge impact on her society. She grew up in school because her father believed

    she should attend no matter the dangers their family may face. This resulted in her growing up as

    an advocate for girls education.Malala first began writing an online diary, or blog, to get the

  • 8/10/2019 I Am Malala Review


    worlds attention. Not only did she succeed in captivating the world, but she alerted the dreaded

    Taliban. The Taliban issued a death threat against her as a result. In October 9, 2012, a gunman

    shot her while she was riding home from school. She survived and continued to speak out for

    education. In 2014, she was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, and won, making her the

    youngest person to ever receive it.

    I enjoyed reading this book. It really caught my attention when she was writing about her

    life; growing up and almost dying and how she recovered. It was well written and made sense,

    except for the occasion of Arabic words which confused me. Throughout the book, womens

    inequalities were being brought up and discussed. Malalas main fight was to stand up for

    womens right to education. She did not like the fact that she was not legally allowed to attend

    school, so she constantly used inequalities in reason for her fight. Though, in result of her fight,

    she was shot and almost killed, but she did survive and left a legacy on the world. Malala was the

    girl who stood up for education and was shot by the Taliban. The tone used throughout the book

    was serious, yet friendly. Malala was very open about her life and her story which gave it a

    friendly tone. While the book was not based upon a funny or kidding topic at all, she used a

    serious tone to get her point across. If the autobiography had a joking tone to it, people would not

    ever take it seriously. Some may try to argue that the book had a biased opinion entirely, but her

    opinion is what caused any of this. Her story is basically her opinion and how she feels about

    what happened. I think the one-sidedness of the novel is necessary.

    The thesis ofI Am Malalawas clearly supported throughout the autobiography. I have

    learned a lot about not only her struggles,but also the others in the Middle East who are fighting

    the Taliban. She is an extremely gifted young woman, and she should be recognized more for

    what she has done to help Pakistan and the other Middle Eastern countries that are fighting for

  • 8/10/2019 I Am Malala Review


    womens rights. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about history and

    other cultures.I Am Malala,by Malala Yousafzai, is based upon her story and struggles; it

    should be world renown. I am Malala. My world has changed but Ihave not (Yousafzai 313).

    723 Words
