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It was hypothesised that the NPQC, when used on our sample, would achieve simple structure and would achieve construct validity and reliability.

To achieve construct validity it was hypothesised that the NPQC would significantly correlate with the Buss-Perry aggression scale (convergent validity hypothesis), whilst not correlating significantly with the Satisfaction with life scale (discriminant validity hypothesis).

It was hypothesised that the revised NPQC would positively correlate with the extraversion subscale of the Australian Personality Inventory API(reference this). Finally, it was also hypothesised that the revised NPQC would correlate negatively with the agreeableness subscale of the API.

to justify the hypothesis that the NPQC would correlate with extraversion use this:http://ac.els-cdn.com.ezproxy.lib.swin.edu.au/S019188690400296X/1-s2.0-S019188690400296X-main.pdf?_tid=09158396-ed99-11e4-974b-00000aacb361&acdnat=1430220406_221716f4723febff11f130d56c554302Narcissism correlated positively with Big Five Extraversion (r = 0.46) and HEXACO Extraversion (r = 0.49).

In the discussion, need to address why the hypothesis wasnt supported when hypothesising that the NPQC would NOT correlate with the satisfaction with life scale (we actually found a correlation.) You can explain this by saying this: In this paper I demonstrate that overt narcissists report higher self-esteem and higher satisfaction with life, whereas covert narcissists report lower self-esteem and lower satisfaction with life. So you can say in future you could distinguish between the types of narcissists. http://ac.els-cdn.com.ezproxy.lib.swin.edu.au/S0191886901001623/1-s2.0-S0191886901001623-main.pdf?_tid=66a2c95a-ed9a-11e4-a2df-00000aab0f6b&acdnat=1430220993_4d2dbdd2455d297a5fd429ffd6912e40

to justify the hypothesis that the NPQC would correlate negatively with agreeableness this was the only article I could find. I cant open find it on the Swinburne library but it seems like a really good article. Here is the abstract: Many studies have found that narcissism is negatively related to agreeableness in Western samples. Four experiments explored this relationship in a Chinese population. In Study 1, 228 junior high school students reported their narcissism and Five Factor Personality traits. In Study 2, participants recruited through the internet completed the measures of narcissism and agreeableness. In Study 3, 145 college students completed the measures of narcissism and agreeableness, as well as self-esteem and social desirability. In Study 4, 204 senior high school adolescents reported their own narcissistic and agreeableness personality traits. They also received peer-ratings of agreeableness. We found that narcissism was positively related with self-reported agreeableness (Study 1, 2 and 4), but not with other ratings of agreeableness (Study 4). Chinese narcissists perceived themselves as agreeable, and their self-perceptions of agreeableness were more positive than their peers rated them. We discuss the current findings in relation to the Chinese cultural context and underscore cultural roots of narcissism.

And here is the reference http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ajsp.12086/abstract?deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=&userIsAuthenticated=falseZhou, H., Zhang, B., Yang, X., & Chen, X. (2014). Are Chinese narcissists disagreeable? Evidence from selfand peerratings of agreeableness. Asian Journal of Social Psychology.

I cant find any thing else to test as the last hypothesis so lets just test the NPQC and agreeableness and just cite this guy and just only talk about it a little bit. I dunno what else to hypothesise. Theres nothing else on the internet linking narcisissm with anything else we also tested in the study.