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Hypocrisy of Victorian Morality Reflected In

A Woman of No Importance (1893) By Oscar Wilde:

A Sociological Approach

Research Paper

Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Getting Bachelor Degree in English Education Department













“As good as Humans are always useful for others”

(HR. Thabrani)

“Men always want to be a women’s first love. Women like to be a man’s last”

(Oscar Wilde)

“It is better to be beautiful than to be good, but it is better to be good than to

be ugly”

(Oscar Wilde)



This research paper is especially dedicated to:

My beloved father


My beloved mother

(Siti Rahayu)

My handsome brother

(Dedi Novianto)

My pretty in-law

(Kurnia Fajar Indah)

My beloved nephew

(Alexandra Meisya Putri)

My big family



In the name of Allah, the most powerful and merciful, His blessing can never be

calculated or measured, so that the researcher can finish this research paper

entitled “Hypocrisy Of Victorian Morality Reflected In A Woman Of No

Importance (1893) By Oscar Wilde: A Sociological Approach” this research

paper is one of requirement to finish studying in English Department of

Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

This research paper cannot be finished without many helps and supporting from

several people. Therefore, the researcher would like to express big thanks to:

1. Prof. Dr. H.Bambang Setiaji, the Rector of Muhammadiyah University of


2. Prof. Dr. Harun Joko Prayitno, the Dean of Muhammadiyah University of


3. Mauly Halwat Hikmat, Ph.D. the Head of English Department of

Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

4. Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum. M. Ed, as the consultant, who has given her

time to guide, advice, and share much knowledge to the researcher until this

researcher paper is finished.

5. All lecturers in English Department of Muhammadiyah University of

Surakarta for all the beneficial knowledge that has received by the researcher.

6. Her beloved family, her beloved father and mother who always give advice,

support, attention, and motivation for her life.

7. Her handsome brothers, thanks for your support at any time.


8. Her best friends Eka, Rahma, Aulia, Fety, Hemix, Panggah, thanks for your

support every time.

9. All members of DISTINCTION class, thanks for the beautiful experience.

10. Her DEE friends, thanks for your support.

11. All of staff who helps the researcher in processing the administration.

12. Everybody who has helped the researcher in this process that cannot be

mentioned one by one.

The writer really wishes that this research paper would help the other

researchers who are interested in analyzing tectbook in the future. The writer also

realizes that this research paper still need constructive criticism and suggestion. The

writer welcomes for it.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Surakarta, April 2017

The Writer,

Hanifah Nurhasanah




COVER ................................................................................................. i

APPROVAL.......................................................................................... ii

ACCEPTANCE.................................................................................... iii

TESTIMONY....................................................................................... iv

MOTTO................................................................................................ v

DEDICATION..................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT..................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENT....................................................................... ix

ABSTRACT.......................................................................................... xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION........................................................ 1

A. Background of the Study........................................... 1

B. Problem Statement..................................................... 6

C. Objectives of the Study.............................................. 7

D. Limitation of the Study.............................................. 7

E. Benefits of the Study................................................. 7

F. Research Paper Organization.................................... 8


A. Underlying Theory................................................ 9

1. Sociology of Literature.................................. 9

2. Basic Principle of Sociology of Literature 10

a. Literary Work as a Mirror to the Age 11

b. Literary Work as the Reflection of Social

Situation of the Author............................. 12

c. Literary Work is as the Specific Historical

Moment...................................................... 13

3. Aspect of Sociological Approach...................... 13

a. Social Aspect.............................................. 13

b. Economy Aspect......................................... 14

c. Political Aspect.......................................... 14


d. Cultural Aspect.......................................... 14

e. Religious Aspect........................................ 15

f. Science and Technology Aspect................ 15

1. Structural Elements of the Drama..................... 15

a. Characters and Characterizations............... 15

b. Setting......................................................... 17

c. Plot.............................................................. 17

d. Theme......................................................... 18

e. Style............................................................ 19

1) Diction................................................. 19

2) Grammatical Structure......................... 19

3) Rhetorical............................................. 19

2. The Notion of Hypocrisy...................................... 21

B. Previous Study........................................................... 23

C. Theoretical Application............................................. 24

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD............................................. 26

A. Type of the Study...................................................... 26

B. Object of the Study................................................... 26

C. Type of the Data and Data Source............................ 26

1. Primary Source..................................................... 26

2. Secondary Source................................................. 27

D. Technique of Data Collecting.................................... 27

E. Technique of Data Analysis....................................... 27

CHAPTER IV STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS........................................ 28

A. Structural Element of the Drama............................... 28

1. Characters and Characterizations.......................... 28

a. Major Character.............................................. 28

b. Minor Character.............................................. 39

2. Setting..................................................................... 48

a. Setting of Place................................................ 48

b. Setting of Time................................................ 49

3. Plot.......................................................................... 50


a. Expositions...................................................... 51

b. Complications................................................. 52

c. Climax............................................................. 53

d. Resolution....................................................... 55

4. Theme..................................................................... 56

5. Style........................................................................ 57

a. Grammatical Structure..................................... 57

b. Sentence Construction...................................... 57

c. Diction.............................................................. 59

d. Figurative Language......................................... 60

B. Discussion .................................................................... 61

CHAPTER V SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS........................................ 66

A. Sociological Analysis.................................................... 66

1. Social Aspect............................................................ 66

2. Economic Aspect..................................................... 69

3. Political Aspect....................................................... 71

4. Cultural Aspect....................................................... 72

5. Religious Aspect.................................................... 76

B. Discussion .................................................................. 76

CHAPTER VI CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION......................... 81

A. Conclusion.................................................................. 81

B. Suggestion.................................................................. 83




Hypocrisy of Victorian Morality Reflected In

A Woman of No Importance (1893) By Oscar Wilde:

A Sociological Approach


Masalah utama dalam penelitian ini adalah kemunafikan moralitas pada era

Victoria dalam drama A Woman of No Importance karya Oscar Wilde. Object dari

penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis drama A Woman of No Importance karya

Oscar Wilde berdasarkan struktur elemen dalam drama, latar belakang dari era

Victoria, dan berdasarkan analisis menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi. Peneliti

menggunakan penelitian diskriptif kualitatif yang mana tidak membutuhkan

pengolahan data dalam menganalisis drama ini. Sumber data primer dari penelitian

ini adalah naskah drama A Woman of No Importance karya Oscar Wilde. Sedangkan

sumber data sekunder dari penelitian ini adalah buku-buku, internet, dan sumber

lain yang mendukung analisis tersebut. Teknik dalam pengumpulan data adalah

dengan mengumpulkan beberapa data, membaca naskah drama, mengidentifikasi

data, membuat catatan, dan mengumpulkan data berdasarkan data yang sama.

Berdasarkan penelitian ini, peneliti mendapat beberapa kesimpulan yaitu bahwa di

dalam karyanya, Oscar Wilde melakukan kritikan tentang moral kemunafikan yang

ada pada diri Mrs. Arbuthnot yang merupakan orang tua tunggal dan memiliki anak

di luar pernikahan. Dan Lord Illingworth merupakan orang dari kalangan atas

menganggap segala hal yang dia lakukan itu baik, namun di balik itu semua dia

memiliki hubungan terlarang dengan Mrs. Arbuthnot di masa lalu hingga lahir

Gerald. Selain itu, Lord Illingworth juga digambarkan sebagai orang yang tidak

bermoral karena menganggap wanita sebagai mainan dan mencoba melecehkan

Hester yang merupakan seorang Puritan. Perbedaan kelas sosial juga membuat

orang-orang yang berasal dari kelas atas berperilaku munafik dalam masyarakat di

kehidupan social mereka.

Kata kunci: hipokrisi, sociologi, A Woman of No Importance, Oscar Wilde, era



The main problem in this research is the moral hypocrisy of the Victorian

era in the play A Woman of No Importance by Oscar Wilde. Object of this study

was to analyze the drama A Woman of No Importance by Oscar Wilde as structural

elements in the drama, the background of the Victorian era, and using sociological

approach to analysis this drama. Researchers used descriptive qualitative research

which requires no processing of data in analyzing this drama. Sources of primary

data from this study was the script of the play A Woman of No Importance by Oscar

Wilde. While, secondary data sources of this study are the books, the Internet, and

other sources that support the analysis. Techniques in the data collection are collects

some data, reading plays, identifies the data, making notes and collecting data based

on the same data. Based on this study, researchers got some conclusions in the play


A Woman of No Importance by Oscar Wilde, he did criticism of the moral hypocrisy

that was reflected by Mrs. Arbuthnot who is a single parent and having children

outside of marriage. Then, Lord Illingworth is a person of high society considers

everything he did was good, but underneath it all he had an illicit relationship with

Mrs. Arbuthnot in the past to be born Gerald. Besides, Lord Illingworth is also

described as being immoral because it considers women as toys and try to

undermine Hester who was a Puritan. Social class differences also make people

from the upper class behaved in a hypocritical society in their social lives.

Keywords: hypocrisy, sociology, A Woman of No Importance, Oscar Wilde,

Victorian era
