Human · Basics of Memory All brains...


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Human MemoryThe Principles of Learning

Basics of MemoryAll brains are different—>Many ways humans learn and remember info.

Visual learners (learn by seeing) Auditory learners (learn by hearing) Read-Write learners (learn by reading/writing) Kinesthetic learners (learn by doing)

The Process of Processing Info

Encoding: Getting info into the memory system. Process of learning

Storage: Retaining info in memory over time. Process of remembering

Retrieval: Getting info out of memory storage. Process of recalling

Encoding InformationHumans have two main ways of remembering info/skills. Automatic Processing - The unconscious encoding of some information without effort. (riding a bike) Effortful Processing - Encoding that requires attention/coscious effort.

Rehearsal- Conscious repetition (playing piano). Overlearning- Rehearsal of info beyond point where it has been learned.

Retaining InformationForgetting Curve (Ebbinghaus, 1885).

Relates amount of info retained over time. More tim spent on learning, the longer it is retained. Revisiting info leads to greater retention.

Specialized Memory Tendencies

Primary/Recency Effect: Tendency to remember the first (primary) and last (regency) items in a list.

ex. Actors/Actresses in a movie preview. Chunking: Organizing info into meaningful units.

ex. Remembering states by grouping into regions.

Specialized Memory Tendencies

Mnemonic Devices: Memory tricks/techniques. Method of Loci: Associating items to remember with imaginary places. Peg-Word System: Associating items with a list of peg words you have already memorized.

Rehearsal and Retention

Practicing overtime is more effective than all at once. Distributed Rehearsal: Spreading rehearsal out in several sessions (studying for test every day of the week leading up to the test). Massed Rehearsal: Putting together rehearsal time in one long session (cramming by studying all night right before the test).

Associating Meaning to Memories

Meaningfulness of information is also important to encoding.

Semantic Encoding: Associating memory with a pic, sound, smell, etc. (birthday party with smell of cake). Self-Reference Effect: Enhanced semantic encoding, personally relevant. (victim remembers event better than a bystander)

Methods of Storage3 Distinct Storage Systems:

Sensory memory (least permanent) Short-term/working memory Long-term memory (most permanent)

Divided into Explicit and Implicit Memories Explicit: Memory of facts/experiences Implicit: Memory of skills/procedures

Sensory Storage

The brief, initial coding of sensory info in the memory system.

Iconic Store: Storing of visual images until another picture replaces it. (1/2 sec.) Echoic Store: Storing of auditory info. (3-4 secs.)

Short-Term/Working Memory

Info you are consciously aware of before it’s stored/forgotten.

Only fit 4-7 items in our short-term. Rehearsal dictates how long you can retain info in the short-term/working memory.

Long-Term MemoryRelatively permanent and limitless storage of memory.

Countless facts/events can be stored in the long-term. Possibly lasts a century.

Recalling MemoryAbility to get info out of memory storage.

Recall: Searching for info you already stored. Recognition: Must Identify items you learned earlier.

Context Effect: Ability to retrieve info while in an environment similar to the one in which the event happened. State Dependency: Able to retrieve info when in same physical/emotional state you were in when event happened.