Human Characteristics of a Place SSWG2a Describe the concept of place by explaining how the culture...


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Human Characteristics of a Place

SSWG2a Describe the concept of place by explaining how the culture

of a region is a product of the region’s physical characteristics.

Cultural Characteristics

• Examples of Cultural Characteristics shaping a place:– Language– Customs & Traditions– Religions– Gender roles/Family Structures– The Arts– Foods– Clothing – Housing


• Language is expressed in both written & spoken form.

• Isolation & globalization influence language.

• What language would you expect to be spoken in this picture? Why?

Customs & Traditions • Customs & traditions

are practices of a culture handed down from generation to generation.

• Examples– Life cycle (birth,

marriage, death)– Holiday– Seasons

• What tradition do you think these women are celebrating? Justify your answer.


• Religion is the belief in the creation and cause of the universe; usually supernatural

• Major world religions & tribal religions

• How might the belief in a religion impact your daily life? Give 3 examples.

Gender Roles/Family Structures• More developed

countries have more equality between genders

• Less developed countries have more traditional family structures.

• Gender roles/family structures influence view on education and government participation

• What can you infer about the gender role & family structure of the society ?

The Arts

• The arts include– Music– Dance– Visual Arts

• The arts are often linked to religion.

• Could this boy’s painted face be considered to be art? Why or why not?


• Food is heavily influenced by:– Landforms/Bodies

of water– Religion– Standard of living

• What can you infer about the diets of the people where this woman lives? Justify your answer.


• Clothing is often linked to the environment (climate)

• Clothing can be linked to religion and/or gender roles.

• What do you think the purpose of this clothing is? What does it tell you about the society?


• Housing choices are linked a great deal with the physical environment (climate & building materials).

• What factor(s) probably influenced the people here? Why? Justify your answer.

Post-It Gallery Walk

• Now that you have learned all about the human and physical characteristics of a place you are going to show what you know.

• In a moment you are going to work with other people and talk about how these factors are seen in the pictures in the room.

• You will need a pen/pencil.• We will do the example together…
