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SFIA Assessments used for screening with a large government agency.

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Professional Skills Assessment in Recruitment

Kevin Tibbs – Director Assess Management Ltd (

Gary Fay - Associate Director Hudson IT

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went to market 4 timesJD planning

Pilot acceptance because of SFIA

• IT professional capability comes from a combination of professional skills, behavioural skills and knowledge. Experience and qualifications validate that overall capability.

• Professional skills. Business process improvement and Database design are just two examples of almost 100 fundamental professional IT skills defined by SFIA.

• Behavioural skills. Most organisations recognise a set of behavioural skills. These vary considerably from one organisation to another.

• Knowledge. Technologies, products, internal systems, services, processes, methods and even legislation are all examples of areas where IT professionals are required to have knowledge.

• Experience and qualifications. These validate the individual’s capability. Qualifications certify elements of skill or knowledge; experience gives practical demonstration of capability. The right sort of experience also acts as a powerful force for learning, thereby enhancing capability.

IT recruitment broadly tends to focus on understanding candidates behavioural skills, knowledge, experience and qualifications.

SFIA can be used to extend this to include an assessment of candidates

professional IT skills (sometimes

referred to as professional competence or tacit knowledge).

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The process and activities that contribute to the management of skills and capability can be presented as a cycle.

The cycle shows these phases: recruit, deploy, assess, analyse, develop, reward and overall resource management.

D7 Live Services Delivery Manager

SFIA Assessment case study


Purpose of Assignment

The objectives of this assignment were to:

1. Determine the critical professional skills associated with the D7 Live Services Delivery Manager role using the Skills Framework for the Information Age.

2. Enhance the selection data gathered from interview, behavioural and technical assessments with an objective assessment of candidates professional competencies against the criteria established.

3. Provide feedback as to which candidates demonstrated the highest level of relevant professional competence for the role.



Candidate Documentation


FCO D7 Live Services Delivery Manager

Application Form

Candidate Brief

SFIA Skill Description

Overall Level of Responsibility

Level 6 – Initiate/Influence

SLMO-6Service Level Management

The planning, implementation, control, review and audit of service provision, to meet customer business requirements. This includes negotiation, implementation and monitoring of service level agreements, and the on-going management of operational facilities to provide the agreed levels of service, seeking continually and proactively to improve service delivery.

SEAC-6Service Acceptance

The achievement of formal confirmation that acceptance criteria have been met, and that the service provider is ready to operate the new service when it has been deployed. (Acceptance criteria are used to ensure that a service meets the defined requirements, including functionality, operational support and quality requirements).

RLMT-6Stakeholder Relationship Management

During the design, management and implementation of business change and throughout the service lifecycle, the analysis and coordination of relationships with and between stakeholders, taking account of the services they use.

RELM-6Release and Deployment

The management of the processes, systems and functions to package, build, test and deploy changes and updates (which are bounded as “releases”) into a live environment, establishing or continuing the specified Service, to enable controlled and effective handover to Operations and the user community.

Determining Level and Critical SFIA Skills

Purpose of Assignment

The objectives of this assignment were to:

1.Determine the critical professional skills associated with the D7 Live Services Delivery Manager role using the Skills Framework for the Information Age.

2.Enhance the selection data gathered from interview, behavioural and technical assessments with an objective assessment of candidates professional competencies against the criteria established.

3.Provide feedback as to which candidates demonstrated the highest level of relevant professional competence for the role.

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FCO D7 Live Services Delivery ManagerDetermining Level and Critical SFIA Skills

Application Form

Candidate Brief

SFIA Skill Description

Overall Level of Responsibility

Level 6 – Initiate/Influence

SLMO-6Service Level Management

The planning, implementation, control, review and audit of service provision, to meet customer business requirements. This includes negotiation, implementation and monitoring of service level agreements, and the on-going management of operational facilities to provide the agreed levels of service, seeking continually and proactively to improve service delivery.

SEAC-6Service Acceptance

The achievement of formal confirmation that acceptance criteria have been met, and that the service provider is ready to operate the new service when it has been deployed. (Acceptance criteria are used to ensure that a service meets the defined requirements, including functionality, operational support and quality requirements).

RLMT-6Stakeholder Relationship Management

During the design, management and implementation of business change and throughout the service lifecycle, the analysis and coordination of relationships with and between stakeholders, taking account of the services they use.

RELM-6Release and Deployment

The management of the processes, systems and functions to package, build, test and deploy changes and updates (which are bounded as “releases”) into a live environment, establishing or continuing the specified Service, to enable controlled and effective handover to Operations and the user community.

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Operating Level of Responsibility

•The analysis of the candidate documentation indicated that the appropriate SFIA level of responsibility for the D7 Live Services Delivery Manager role was SFIA Level 6.

• In considering the level of responsibility that the candidates are operating at, the analysis suggests that only five candidates (B, H, I, J and L) are operating at 25% of the expected level.

•The current role holder (candidate X) achieved 50% which suggests that for this role further assessment of the current operating level of autonomy, influence, complexity and business may need to be undertaken by interview.

Candidate Level of Responsibility


Weighted skills

• In considering the candidates results, a weighting to the chosen SFIA codes should be applied. In this instance, SMLO-6 is the closest professional competency descriptor to the role description provided and carries the greatest weight.

• Second most significant is SEAC-6 which combined with SMLO-6 represents 75% of the core professional competencies required by the role.

• The supporting skills of RLMT-6 and RELM-6 represent 25% of the overall assessment weighting.

Weighted SFIA Competencies

SMLO-6 45% Most critical to role

SEAC-6 30% Critical to roleRLMT-6 15% ImportantRELM-6 10% Requirement

Weighted core SFIA skills






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Candidate results

With the appropriate weighting and level adjustments applied (giving weighted results SMLO-W, SEAC-W, RLMT-W and RELM-W) the following observations can be made:

•Candidates K, H and G have similar professional competency assessment results to the current role holder.

•Candidate L exceeds in SMLO-6.

•Candidate D exceeds in SEAC-6 but is weak on SMLO-6 which is the core skill.

•Candidates did not score well overall on RLMT-6 and RELM-6 and with their lower weighting these two skills are not providing any significant new evidence.

Weighted candidate results

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Final candidate recommendation

• The candidates demonstrating the closest fit to the professional competency requirements for the role are candidates G, H, K and L with candidates G, K and L being the most likely to succeed in the role.

• Candidates C, D, E, I and J should also be in consideration as they have assessed well against critical professional competencies.

• Candidate F has not demonstrated sufficient ability on the professional skills assessment and would need to be assessed further before progressing.

Recommendation: The professional competency assessment has indicated that four candidates have a good fit to the requirements of the role.

When combined with the level of responsibility results, candidate L is the most likely to have the professional skills to perform the role successfully.

Overall candidate evaluation

A 54%B 50%C 63%D 59%E 68%F 32%G 86%H 77%I 68%J 72%K 86%L 90%

Finishing slide

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