Hucklow Road Sheffield · Email: Website: Executive Headteacher...


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Hucklow Primary School is part of Cascade Multi Academy Trust, an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for

Education. Cascade MAT is a private company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (company number 9913676), whose

registered office is at The Lodge, Hucklow Primary School, Hucklow Road, Sheffield, S5 6TB

Hucklow Road

Sheffield S5 6TB

Tel: 0114 242 6736

Email: Website:

Executive Headteacher

Mrs S Bridges

Hucklow Primary School is part of Cascade Multi Academy Trust

If you need assistance in reading this letter please contact the school office. Ak potrebujete pomoc pri čítaní tohoto listu, prosím kontaktujte školskú kanceláriu. المدرسة بمكتب اتصل فضال ،الرسالة هذه قراءة في مساعدة تحتاح كنت إذاHadaad u baahan tahay in laguu akhriyo warqadan la soo xidhiidh iskuulka xafiiskiisa.

Head of School Mrs L Duckworth Deputy Head Mrs S Bywater School Business

Manager Mrs J Wall Chair of

Governors Mrs M


23rd July 2020 Dear Parents/ carers,

RE: Transition Week for all children – Week beginning 13th July

It has been lovely over the last two weeks to be able to welcome a larger number of children back to school. The children have really enjoyed getting back to see friends and staff and have also enjoyed a wide range of activities. We’ve been incredibly impressed by how well those attending school have followed the rules around social distancing, handwashing and general hygiene. They have also been very happy and settled.

We think it is important that every child gets this chance to visit school before the end of term to meet their new teacher and see what their new classroom looks like.

We are therefore organising a transition week for the final week of term, week beginning 13th July for all children who are currently in Foundation Stage 2 to Year 5. Transition for those children who will be entering Foundation 2 and Nursery will take place possibly over this week or in September and your child’s teacher will be in touch with details of this.

Transition arrangements for children currently in Year 6 is being organised by their Secondary School, and they will be contacting parents directly. Y6 will not attend school this week.

How the week will work:

In order to maintain safe practice, we will be offering a limited number of places for childcare provision. We will be prioritising these places for children with both parents as critical/Key workers and our most vulnerable families. There will be no childcare provision from 1pm on Friday 17th July.

Each child from Foundation Stage 2 to Year 5 will be invited to attend school for one morning in their new class, with their new teacher and/ or teaching assistant. Your child’s current teacher will provide details of this, including who their teacher will be and the times that they will attend, when they next call you.

Hucklow Primary School is part of Cascade Multi Academy Trust, an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for

Education. Cascade MAT is a private company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (company number 9913676), whose

registered office is at The Lodge, Hucklow Primary School, Hucklow Road, Sheffield, S5 6TB

Hucklow Road

Sheffield S5 6TB

Tel: 0114 242 6736

Email: Website:

Executive Headteacher

Mrs S Bridges

Hucklow Primary School is part of Cascade Multi Academy Trust

If you need assistance in reading this letter please contact the school office. Ak potrebujete pomoc pri čítaní tohoto listu, prosím kontaktujte školskú kanceláriu. المدرسة بمكتب اتصل فضال ،الرسالة هذه قراءة في مساعدة تحتاح كنت إذاHadaad u baahan tahay in laguu akhriyo warqadan la soo xidhiidh iskuulka xafiiskiisa.

Head of School Mrs L Duckworth Deputy Head Mrs S Bywater School Business

Manager Mrs J Wall Chair of

Governors Mrs M


What the transition day will look like:

Your child’s current class teacher or teaching assistant will call you to explain the day that your child will be attending, the start and end times and who your child’s teacher will be. You will drop off and pick up your child/ren at the entrance to the lodge.

Children will spend the session with their new teacher and no more than 8 other children.

Children will be spread out in the classroom and encouraged to practice social distancing.

There will be lots of opportunities to wash hands and children will be asked to use hand sanitiser as they enter the building.

Otherwise these will be normal sessions where teachers will lead ‘getting to know you’ type activities which might include arts and crafts, games and/or English and maths activities.

We understand that many children will feel nervous and/ or excited about coming in to see their new teachers and as always staff will be prepared to support children with this transition.

What will happen over the summer or in September?

Unfortunately we have not as yet received any further guidance on whether school will be open to keyworker children over the summer holidays though we think this is unlikely. We expect school to close to all children from 2 pm Friday 17th July for the summer holidays.

As yet, we have no clear information on what school will look like in September. We have been asked to consider and plan for a few possibilities including children in all year groups. Either a full return for all children to school in September as in normal ‘pre-COVID’ times, a blended approach on a rota system with children attending one week and spending one week at home or children in bubbles of 30. As soon as we know any more we will be in touch.

Many thanks again for all your support over this difficult time, Mrs L Duckworth Head of School
