HTML PROJECT #2 Project 2 Creating and Editing A Web Page


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Project 2

Creating and Editing

A Web Page

2HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• <ul>, </ul> • Tags for the start and end of an unordered or bulleted list

3HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Scroll Box • A box in the scroll bar that indicates your current location in the file

4HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• bgcolor • An attribute used with the <body> tag to define the color of the Web page background

5HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• <head>, </head> • Tags that contain between them the document header information, including the title

6HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Definition list • A list that offsets information in a dictionary-like style

7HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• alt • An attribute used with the <img> tag to provide alternate text in the event the image is not displayed

8HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Printout • A printed version of a file, a Web page, or other document

9HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Document Type Definition

• DTD; a file containing definitions of tags and how they should be used in a Web page

10HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• .html • One of the extensions that an HTML file can have

11HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• <body>, </body> • Tags that indicate the boundaries of the Web page

12HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Ordered List • Another name for a numbered list

13HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Inline Image • An image or graphics file that is not part of the HTML file, that is merged in by the browser

14HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• <html>, </html> • The tags that indicate the start and end of an HTML document

15HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• align • An attribute used to define the placement, or alignment, of the text on the page

16HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Normal Text • The default text format used for the main content of a Web page

17HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• <title>, </title> • Tags that indicate the title of the Web page

18HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• GIF • Graphics Interchange Format; one of the types of image files that can be used in Web pages

19HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• src • An attribute used with the <img> tag to define the URL of an image to load

20HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• type • An attribute used with the <ol> or <ul> tags to specify the type of bullet or number used

21HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• <!DOCTYPE> • An HTML tag that is used to tell the browser which HTML or XHTML version and type is being used

22HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Bulleted list • Formats information using small images called bullets

23HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Home Page • The Web page that appears each time Internet Explorer starts

24HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• PNG • Portable Network Graphics; one of the types of image files that can be used in Web pages

25HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Scroll Bar • A vertical bar on the right side of the Notepad window, used to view different portions of the text area

26HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Start Page • Another name for the home page

27HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Bookmarks • Another name for favorites

28HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Background • The element of a Web page against which the other elements on the Web page appear

29HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Strict • A document type that is specified when you want to prohibit the use of deprecated tags

30HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Menu Bar • The Notepad bar that shows the names of the Notepad menus

31HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Hotspot • An area of an image that activates a function when selected

32HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Animated • Includes motion and can change in appearance

33HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Transitional • A document type that allows the use of deprecated tags

34HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Body • The element of a Web page that contains the information displayed in the browser window

35HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Frameset • A document type that is used to support frames on a Web page

36HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Title • The element of a Web page that appears on the title bar of the browser when the page is displayed

37HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Image Map • A special type of inline image in which you can define hotspots

38HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• JPEG • Joint Photographic Experts Group; one of the types of image files that can be used in Web pages

39HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Unordered List • Another name for a bulleted list

40HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Numbered List • Formats information in a series using letters or numbers

41HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• <dd>, </dd> • Tags used to start and end a definition in a definition list

42HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Headings • Elements of a Web page used to set off different paragraphs of text or different sections of a page

43HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• <dl>, </dl> • Tags used to start and end a definition list

44HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Source Code • The code or instructions used to create a Web page or program

45HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Multitasking • The capability to have more than one program or process running at one time

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• Hard Copy • Another name for a printout

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• .htm • One of the extensions that an HTML file can have

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• <dt>, </dt> • Tags used to start and end a term in a definition list

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• Favorites • A list of frequently used Web pages, by title

50HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Title Bar • The bar that appears at the top of the Notepad window, displaying the name of the open document

51HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• Deprecated Tags • Tags that the W3C has earmarked for eventual removal from their specifications

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• Horizontal Rule • A line displayed across a Web page to separate different sections of the page

53HTML Project 2: Creating and Editing a Web Page


• <ol>, </ol> • Tags for the start and end of an ordered or numbered list

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• Text Area • The main part of the Notepad window

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• <li>, </li> • Tags that define a list element in an ordered or unordered list

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• Link • The primary way to navigate between Web pages and among Web sites

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• Notepad • A basic text editor installed with Windows, which can be used to edit HTML code

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• Menu Name • Shown in the menu bar

• Each one represents a different menu

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• Menu • Provides a list of commands you can use to open, save, and print the text in the file and perform other tasks

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• Word Wrap • Causes text lines to break at the right edge of the window and appear on a new line, so all entered text is visible in the Notepad Window
