HSIC Meeting Notes & Video 04-12-2014



HSIC Meeting Notes & Video 04-12-2014

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    HSIC April 12, 2014: http://youtu.be/FmGTAHi-okQ

    Holy Spirit Investment Club Notes: Market Wrap (4:20) DOW

    We've been in an uptrend this whole past year - the highs are higher and the lows are higher.

    The recent down-turn is a normal correction; we're still in the upward channel.

    The figures show that we are down 562 points year-to-date, but thats only because the year started at a peak.

    We know that someday it will reverse and go down, but we're not sure when that will be.

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    The NASDAQ fell the most this past week.

    It broke below the 50-day moving average and is close to breaking below the 200-day moving average.

    If it does, it would mean there is real momentum to the downward movement a bad signal for the market.

    S&P 500

    Each period of growth has been followed by a significant correction.

    The most recent period of growth is almost twice as big as the last two periods. What does this mean for the next correction?

    Can it keep going up from here?

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    How long can the market go without at least a 10% correction?

    We haven't had one in a long time because the Fed and other central banks won't let it happen.

    They can't allow the markets to go down very much because we are so highly leveraged.

    They have made it so that the markets are too big to fail.

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    The above chart is a comparison of the bull markets from 1982 and 2009.

    We're in a very similar situation as we were in 1982. We're looking for a big fall similar to the fall in '87.

    However, a big fall today could mean the collapse of everything. Housing

    When housing prices were at the bottom in 2008/2009, the Fed bought $1.2 trillion in home mortgages, and prices shot back up.

    We can see that prices are only rising because of the Fed's purchases of mortgage-backed securities.

    The Fed is now curtailing their purchases again; we can expect housing prices to decline along with that.

    Home sales and purchases are also slow because many existing mortgages are at a low interest rate, and people don't want to give that up buying new homes.

    Another cause is the fact that the millennium generation isn't moving out of their parents' homes, marrying later in life, and many are unemployed.

    Inflation is also eating into salaries. China's Trade Fraud

    The world has been hoping that China would pull the rest of the world out of trouble.

    However, the chart below shows that China has been fudging the numbers.

    They're not as robust as they claim.

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    Russia & the Global Currency Reset (20:00)

    CNBC: US Warns Russia Anew on Sanctions but Other G7 Members Demur http://www.cnbc.com/id/101575633

    Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew is warning Russia that it could face tougher economic sanctions because of its actions in Ukraine, but so far other economic powers are showing a reluctance to go as far as the United States. The U.S. delegation to the G-7 and G-20 talks was led by Lew and Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen. Those discussions were being held in advance of the annual spring meetings Saturday of the 188-nation IMF and its sister lending organization, the World Bank. The G-20 talks were scheduled to wrap up Friday with news conferences from many of the participating nations. Then on Saturday, the policy-setting councils of the IMF and World Bank were to meet.

    The Saturday they're referring to is today, April 12.

    They're endeavoring to remove the USD as the world reserve currency and replace it with the IMF's SDR (Special Drawing rights).

    MarketWatch: Lew: G-7 United on Possible More Russia Sanctions http://www.marketwatch.com/story/lew-g-7-united-on-possible-more-russia-sanctions-2014-04-11

    The G-7 is united on increasing sanctions against Russia if the crisis in Ukraine escalates, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said Friday. "There was no dissent in the [G-7 meeting] that it was essential that there be unity in taking action if necessary," Lew said at a press conference after talks with international officials

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    at the International Monetary Fund/World Bank spring meeting. "The purpose is to make it clear to Russia that they need to step back," he said. "If they don't...there will be unity in the world in responding to that," he said. Lew said there was broader understanding in Congress of the need for IMF reform but that extraneous political issues torpedoed the legislation last month. Earlier Friday, the G-20 set a deadline of the end of the year for Congressional action on IMF reform. The group said they would explore moving ahead on reform options without the United States.

    The world is sick of the US having an unfair advantage in the world because of the USD reserve status.

    We've been printing billions of dollars without experiencing any inflation.

    All nations need to have USD on hand in order to buy oil, including Russia.

    The SDR proposed by the IMF is made up of the USD, British pound, Euro, & Japanese yen.

    Now, they're adding the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) plus maybe others (Iraq) to the make-up of the SDR.

    Because the USD is such a large part of the composition, it has given the US veto rights on anything the IMF tries to do.

    However, with China growing, our proportion will fall, and our veto rights will fall along with it.

    US policies have exported our inflation to other nations, and these nations are tired of it.

    The new SDR structure is being fought by some in Congress, but there are many others whose policies consistently line up with a new world order.

    ZeroHedge: US Threatens Russia Over Petrodollar-Busting Deal http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-04-04/us-threatens-russia-sanctions-over-petrodollar-busting-deal

    *U.S. HAS WARNED RUSSIA, IRAN AGAINST POSSIBLE OIL BARTER DEAL *U.S. SAYS ANY SUCH DEAL WOULD TRIGGER SANCTIONS *U.S. HAS CONVEYED CONCERNS TO IRANIAN GOVT THROUGH ALL CHANNELS We suspect these sanctions would have more teeth than some travel bans, but, as we noted previously, it is just as likely to be another epic geopolitical debacle resulting from what was originally intended to be a demonstration of strength and instead is rapidly turning out into a terminal confirmation of weakness. Lately, China has led the BRICS efforts to dislodge the dollar from its position as the main global currency, but the sanctions war between Washington and Moscow gave an impetus to the long-awaited scheme to launch the petroruble and switch all Russian energy exports away from the US currency. It seems that Moscow has decided who will be in charge of the boomerang. Igor Sechin, the CEO of Rosneft, has been nominated to chair the board of directors of Saint-Petersburg Commodity Exchange, a specialized commodity exchange. In October 2013, speaking at the World Energy Congress in Korea, Sechin called for a "global mechanism to trade natural gas" and went on suggesting that " it was advisable to create an international exchange for the participating countries, where transactions could be registered with the use of regional currencies ". Now, one of the most influential leaders of the global energy trading community has the perfect instrument to make this plan a reality. A Russian commodity exchange where reference prices for Russian oil and natural gas will be set in rubles instead of dollars will be a strong blow to the petrodollar.

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    Rosneft has recently signed a series of big contracts for oil exports to China and is close to signing a jumbo deal with Indian companies. In both deals, there are no US dollars involved. Reuters reports, that Russia is close to entering a goods-for-oil swap transaction with Iran that will give Rosneft around 500,000 barrels of Iranian oil per day to sell in the global market. The White House and the russophobes in the Senate are livid and are trying to block the transaction because it opens up some very serious and nasty scenarios for the petrodollar. If Sechin decides to sell this Iranian oil for rubles, through a Russian exchange, such move will boost the chances of the petroruble and will hurt the petrodollar.

    This gas that they're offering to China may be the gas that was intended for Europe.

    Russia is going to get 500,000 barrels of oil per day from Iran, and then sell it to whom they will and however they want (i.e. with rubles instead of dollars).

    The US is trying to restrict Iran to control their nuclear weapons pursuit, but Russia is circumventing this.

    This is a major challenge to the US petro-dollar.

    The USD is made up of 3 parts: the domestic USD, the Euro-dollar, and the petro-dollar.

    The Euro-dollar is where other nations use the USD as their main currency.

    If demand for the petro-dollar falls, trillions of dollars come flooding back into the US and inflation skyrockets.

    When there is fear in the world, people run to the USD for security.

    If there is a threat to the USD, watch for war/conflict in the world to increase; it will probably be engineered to increase demand for the USD.

    Usually, entities hike up interest rates to attract capital, but because the US has world reserve status, they can keep interest rates next to nothing and still create demand for the dollar.

    Russia and the Islamic nations use fear to keep oil prices up.

    The Islamic nations do this by funding Islamic military groups.

    On the surface, everyone claims to be working towards world peace, but behind the scenes, they encourage conflict for profit.

    The USD is being threatened by the 2010 IMF Reforms.

    Obama approved these Reforms in 2010, but Congress has not ratified them.

    ZerhoHedge: Its On: Gazprom Prepares Symbolic China Gas Bond http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-04-10/gazprom-prepares-symbolic-bond-issue-chinese-yuan

    Curious what the fate of the petrodollar is? Look no farther than this Interfax update blasted moments ago by Bloomberg: "Gazprom Considers 'Symbolic' Yuan Bond Issue, Interfax Says." Bloomberg adds that the gas giant is considering proposals from potential organizers to market bonds in yuan, Interfax reports, citing people with knowledge of the matter. Gazprom unlikely be able to gain more than $300m due to mkt volume, newswire reports

    1. Gazprom delivering gas to China. 2. China Gazprom paying in Yuan (convertible into Rubles) 3. Gazprom funding itself increasingly in Yuan. 4. Russia buying Chinese goods and services in Yuan (convertible into Rubles)

    This is the next step in making China's currency more valuable and the USD less.

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    ZeroHedge: Russia and China About to Sign Holy Grail Gas Deal http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-04-09/russia-and-china-about-sign-holy-grail-gas-deal

    Reuters added, reflecting on the recent trip of Rosneft executive chairman to Asia, that "the underlying message from the head of Russia's biggest oil company, Rosneft, was clear: If Europe and the United States isolate Russia, Moscow will look East for new business, energy deals, military contracts and political alliances. The Holy Grail for Moscow is a natural gas supply deal with China that is apparently now close after years of negotiations. If it can be signed when Putin visits China in May, he will be able to hold it up to show that global power has shifted eastwards and he does not need the West." It's time for an update. According to Itar-Tass, "Russia's Gazprom and China are poised to conclude a gas supply contract in coming weeks, the first in a series of energy projects planned between the two countries. "Were working now to sign a gas contract in May," said Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich. "Consultations are continuing and Gazprom's leaders are holding talks with Chinese partners on the contract terms. We hope to conclude the contract in May and believe it should come into effect by the year end."

    Putin will be in china in May; we expect the signing of deals that will significantly hurt the petro-dollar.

    How will these dollars come back to the US?

    Many of these dollars will go towards buying equities, property, and capital.

    Those holding these dollars want to find productive use of their dollars that they foresee won't be worth much in the future.

    Trend News: Iran to Sell Crude Oil at Energy Bourse Soon (43:40) http://en.trend.az/regions/iran/2257130.html

    Iran will offer crude oil to buyers at its energy bourse as of April 6, Ghatreh website quoted Ali Hosseini, the managing director of the energy bourse as saying on March 29.

    It is planned to offer 3,000 barrels of crude oil per day in the first phase in order to be bought by real users, he added.

    A number of refineries operated by the private sector have announced readiness to buy crude oil at the energy bourse, he noted.

    A Bourse is an exchange.

    Iran wants to sell their oil in their own currency as well, and the US has been resisting them for years.

    They built an oil bourse on Kisk Island off the coast of Iran.

    Until now, they've only been selling refined products. This news of selling crude oil now is a bold move forwards.

    This is a token step, but the US had already let them know that this was off-limits.

    Iran had an underwater cable for internet connection to the island that was "mysteriously" cut.

    Watch for this to connect the St. Petersburg commodity exchange and natural gas swaps.

    For instance, if Russia can't get natural gas to one of their clients, they will "swap" it with natural gas in another nation that can get the gas out.

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    These deals and oil pursuits are happening because the IMF Reforms haven't been implemented. If they had, these moves would be unnecessary.

    Putin is reacting to the US and the money masters that have been using the USD to hold the world in bondage.

    They use debt to subjugate a nation.

    When a nation is in trouble, the IMF and the World Bank go in and loan these nations money in return for restrictions.

    Some of these nations defaulted on these loans, and the lenders took possession of the assets used as collateral such as roads, airports, infrastructure, etc.

    The US government has largely been behind these policies and actions.

    They do this under the guise of compassionate bail-outs, but it's all to save their own skin so loans aren't defaulted on.

    Putin is reacting to this manipulation. The US overthrew an elected pro-Russian government. This would have equivalent to Russia taking over the Panama Canal.

    Ukraine is to Russia as the Panama Canal is to the US - a major pipeline of exports and trade.

    Russia didn't want the US to control this oil spigot to Europe.

    It's not necessarily in the US's interests to do this, but it is one more step towards one-world government and financial system.

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    JC Collins: The Bear and the Dragon http://philosophyofmetrics.com/2014/03/29/the-bear-and-the-dragon/

    Most of my readers have been following the drama unfolding between the International Monetary Fund and the United States over the 2010 Governance and Quota Reforms. All the G20 countries agreed to these reforms in 2010 and the United States is the only country which hasnt enacted the required legislation to support the changes. The Obama administration and US Treasury attempted to piggy back the reforms on an aid package for Ukraine in the hopes that Congress would finally pass them. This has turned out to be a no go. The G20 collectively warned the United States back in February that they had until the next meeting on April 10th and 11th to pass the legislation or they would take aggressive measures to bypass the dollar and complete the reforms without US participation. It was also referred to as no good options. So this of course raises the question of what exactly could these aggressive measures refer too? Any attempt to bypass the dollar based economic system without US participation would require the following components:

    1. Creation of a development bank outside of the World Bank structure. 2. A way to balance trade settlement outside of the SWIFT payment

    system. 3. Advanced diversification away from US dollar denominated

    reserves. 4. The multilateral G20 will have to become more influential than the

    US controlled G7.

    Though many analysts in the western world theorize that we are at least a decade away from the level of workarounds that would be required to remove dollar dominance, I propose that we are much further along this process than most would care to realize. The four conditions listed above for the bypassing of the dollar have in fact been met and have progressed far in the last few years. Lets take them one at a time.

    1. The BRICS Development Bank has already been created and is simply waiting to be activated and injected with capital. This can be accomplished in weeks if not days.

    2. Trade can now be balanced outside of the SWIFT system by the currency swap arrangements which have been made over the last 6 years. More on those below.

    3. Diversification away from dollar reserves is in fact well advanced and the true level will only become apparent when the system actually shifts away from the dollar. One only needs to research the level of US debt that Belgium purchased last month to realize that something aint right in Denver. [the Denver Mint]

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    4. The power of the G20 is obvious at this point as they are directly threatening the dollars position. The fact that the G7 are removing Russia from the G8 is only proof that the G8 is in fact redundant. All negotiating power now resides with the G20.

    His mention of Denver is referring to the Denver Mint.

    We already see movement towards the yuan, ruble, real, rupee, and rand. (#3)

    There is rumor that the BRICS Bank will be located in South Africa.

    The BRICS Bank may end up being connected to the St Petersburg commodities exchange.

    When we see these events transpiring, know that the time is short for the USD.

    Many nations have stopped purchasing US Treasurys, however, Belgium in the last couple months has purchased more US Treasurys than their entire GDP!

    This is either: Europe coming to the aid of the US or:

    Russia buying back some of the Treasurys they've sold through Belgian intermediaries.

    They've done this in the past to prevent their US assets from being seized. Collins quote continued

    The rise of the Chinese renminbi is inevitable. It will become freely tradable only after China announces their full gold reserves and supports the currency with gold by a peg of less than 50%, most likely 30%. This will be the base from which the renminbis SDR composition is built. The future status of the RMB is displayed nowhere more distinctly then in the currency swaps themselves. Central banks that have signed agreements with the Peoples Bank of China are listed as 23 in number. Here are just a few:

    1. Bank of England 2. European Central Bank 3. Reserve Bank of Australia 4. Monetary Authority of Singapore 5. Central Bank of Iceland 6. Bank Indonesia

    China last reported their gold reserves April 24th five years ago.

    Since then, they've bought massive amounts. They may come out with a five year report saying they now have 6 10 thousand metric tons of gold.

    We believe they're working towards a partially gold-backed currency.

    The chart below shows the value of equities in the world:

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    Collins quote continued

    In fact, its not even reasonable to refer to them as emerging markets as they have already emerged. As a whole (BRICS and all other emerging markets), have seen incredible GDP growth in the last 14 years.

    1. Year 2000 saw the emerging markets with 37% of global GDP. 2. Year 2013 saw the emerging markets with 50% of global GDP. 3. Year 2020 can potentially see emerging markets with 65% of global

    GDP. (it is my belief that this will happen much sooner, perhaps even by next year)

    With the percentage of global GDP allocated to the emerging markets, its interesting to point out that the percentage of the world equities held by the emerging markets is only 11.5%.

    Can we not see the imbalance between western stock markets and their actual percentage of global GDP? When the multilateral system becomes a reality where do you think the wealth in the western stock markets will be moved?

    The money is going to go where the GDP is. Money will flood to BRICS nations in proportion with their GDP growth.

    When crisis begins, money always leaves emerging markets first, but then it will reverse and move to emerging markets.

    Prophetic Timeline Review (1:13:00)

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    We can see this timeline working out already.

    Many Chinese have been buying property in the US, i.e. buying houses for their kids to live in while attending university.

    China bought the JP Morgan building in the NY which is connected to the NY Fed via underground tunnels.

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    We're coming to the end of the first seven year period.

    We believe the IMF SDRs are the fulfillment of the implementation of a one-world economy word.

    God has called Christians to go into this structure, just like Joseph in the Egyptian structure and Daniel in the Babylonian structure.

    These men were placed in leadership in world structures to protect God's people from it.

    There will be a day for God's people to get out, but in the meantime, God is giving protection and provision to His people.

    Rick Joyner has said the USD will go to zero.

    We believe that the USD will go to zero because the money masters are working on a new currency.

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    We now believe the GFR will happen in Jan 2015 instead of March/April 2014 as it

    shows here.

    There are rumors that these Treasury Reserve Notes pictured below will replace the Federal Reserve Notes, but Ken doesn't agree.

    It appears these notes were issued in the 1860s.

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    We expect the new currency to be more like these new $100 bills, but be labeled "US

    Treasury Note" instead of Federal Reserve Note.

    This is real money! When this was issued, gold was $28 per oz.

    The goal in the Global Financial Reset is to give currency a partial gold backing.

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    Liberty Star (LBSR) Update (1:28:45)

    The stock jumped up by .004 on just a little buying.

    NR 175 Liberty Star Receives Expanded ZTEM Report Over Tombstone Super Project http://www.libertystaruranium.com/2014/04/02/nr-175-liberty-star-receives-expanded-ztem-report-tombstone-super-project/

    Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp... is pleased to announce geophysics contractor Geotech Ltd. has delivered a ZTEM report covering the Tombstone Super Project (TSP) for porphyry copper, gold, molybdenum, rare earth elements and other metals in southeast Arizona. The report covers approximately 130 square miles including the Companys Hay Mountain Project.

    They have 7 new mineral targets, although some are on property not owned by LBSR.

    They have 10 new targets on Hay Mt.

    This may be one of the greatest copper/gold/molybdenum deposits on earth.

    NR: Rio Tinto gifts stake in Northern Dynasty Minerals to Alaskan charities http://www.riotinto.com/media/media-releases-237_10183.aspx

    Rio Tinto was 19.1% owner of Northern Dynasty (NAK), but donated their shares to Alaskan Indian groups that have been fighting the Pebble Project.

    NAK's Pebble Project is very possibly the largest gold deposit on earth with at least 100 million ounces of gold.

    The EPA is against this project and has fought them on it for years.

    NAKs Pebble Project is one deposit on a caldera in Alaska. Liberty Star owned several more deposits on this caldera, sold a few of them to NAK to settle a debt, and still own several, each with potentially as much gold as Pebble.

    Northern Dynastys stock is way undervalued. The two recipient parties of Rio Tintos shares could be made very wealthy if/when the

    stock goes up.

    These parties that have been resisting NAK now have incentive to let the company succeed.

    The same people who did the ZTEM of Pebble have done a ZTEM of the rest of the caldera, and they've said these other sites are about the size of Pebble.

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    They estimate that these deposits could be a 200 year mining project. Both LBSR and NAK hold fabulous wealth.

    Dream from Investors Hub User Ilhabela777 - probably not true, but fun to read! http://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/read_msg.aspx?message_id=100152961

    Northern Dynasty and Rio Tinto Switch Focus to Hay Mountain. In a deal that could that could be worth Billions, Northern Dynasty and Rio Tinto have brokered a deal with Liberty Star Uranium and Metals, Corporation to partner with Liberty on their Hay Mountain Prospect. Liberty President James Briscoe comments, "The private and delicate meetings that have taken us to this step have been very productive. We have taken the Hay Mountain project to the drilling stage and we are pleased to have Northern Dynasty and Rio Tinto onboard now as partners. The funding provided by our partners will allow us to prove out the immense size of our data sets on the Hay Mountain anomaly" Now this is the "Dream" I had last night. Let's see if it comes true.

    What the world sees is all the opposition against this Alaska project.

    Jim Briscoe may become the most renowned geologist in the world because of the treasures he has found.

    The Alaskan Court has reported the release of the liens against Liberty Star upon payment of their debt.

    Gary Beaton: The Coming Blessing - A Financial Tsunami (1:40:00) http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=13294

    During the midst of soon coming events that will shake America and the nations on many fronts, there will also come a Tsunami of provision and financial empowerment to accelerate the Body of Christ forward in Kingdom work on a level we have never experienced before. It will come soon. King David divided the spoils with those who waited behind when he went to Ziglag to recover his family...so it will be with those who are suddenly inundated with fortunes. Visions, destinies and blueprints from Heaven will suddenly be launched in unparalleled ways into the lives of Believers who have been hoping for the manifestation of their long-awaited promises. During a visitation once, Bob Jones was given a Blank Check from a Financial Angel. The check number was 341 and it was signed by Jesus in His Blood. The Angel told Bob that whenever he saw the number 341, he was released to ask for whatever he had faith for to receive. Bob shared with me that the visitation was for the entire Body of Christ.

    Gary was a close friend of Bob Jones, and has come to HSIC before.

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    Bob Jones Apple Blossom Prophetic Word http://www.bobjones.org/Docs/Words%20of%202014/2014-01_ComingPromise.htm

    While in a time of praise, Bob saw an apple tree in full bloom. As he prayed for understanding the Lord revealed to him that many people have been in the bud. They have been waiting on promises that go back many, many years. Now the Lord is saying that before the apple tree blooms this spring, their buds shall bloom. Although some of them are ancient promises they will bloom in the spring before the apple tree does and they will begin producing the fruit of righteousness

    Bonnie Jones & her son are going to hold a conference in Wenatchee.

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    From the Conference Website: http://www.latterglory.com/

    "It Will Be A Powerful Time Of Prophetic Fulfillment For Many... Concerning Long Standing Promises Spoken Of By The Mouth Of The Lord" On New Year's Eve, coming into the year 2014, about two hours till midnight, the Spirit of Prophecy fell strongly upon me. I recorded the prophecy because I was under such a powerful unction of the Holy Spirit. I ended up releasing this Word over the Pacific Northwest just before midnight at the birth of the year 2014 - and the Word was for the year - 2014... Here is that Word: "I saw this beautiful picture of a Fellow-Ship. It was sailing upon glistening waters with majestic sails overhead. What caught my attention was the huge main sail in the middle. It had the words printed on it, in clear, unmistakable lettering. It read: "THE LORD IS NOT SLACK CONCERNING HIS PROMISES" Suddenly I saw as it were, the Wind of Heaven begin to blow upon that sail, and I knew it was the Breath of God! The Wind blew directly into that specific sail, and that ship (that had seemed stationary for so long...) began to move by the Breath of the Wind, and I knew this Fellow-Ship was being propelled in the very direction the Breath was directing it towards... I was given to comprehend that we are moving into "APPOINTED TIMES OF FULFILLMENT" of the Prophecies & Promises long spoken of by the Mouth of the Lord... 2 Corinthians 1:20 "For ALL the Promises of God in Him are YES, and in Him AMEN, to the Glory of God." Hope is good... (and important), but there MUST be a place and time when dreams come true, when Prophecies find their fulfillment. It is said "Hope makes a great breakfast...but a lousy supper." For hope deferred can make the heart sick... MAY THE LORD PERFORM HIS WORD IN YOU FOR 2014!!

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    Just a couple weeks later, Bob Jones released a very powerful Prophetic Word (quoted earlier)I was so deeply touched by the timing and the intention of God's Heart concerning this Word, I begin to ask the Lord to please let me bring Bob back out here to the Pacific Northwest - just one more time.... To the "Apple Capital of the World" - Wenatchee, Washington. I envisioned timing the conference date to happen in conjunction with the "Bloom of the Apple Tree"... Our ministry, LatterGlory, had brought Bob & Bonnie Jones to Moses Lake, Washington a few years ago for the "Lion's Roar" Conference (which would ultimately be Bob's last visit and public ministry in the entire Pacific Northwest)... When Bob was called home to Heaven, the vision for this conference remained - and burned within my heart... In earnest Intercession, the Lord spoke to me about bringing Bonnie Jones here, as she is carrying a powerful portion of that Word her and her husband Bob had received from the Lord, and for me to arrange for this Prophetic Gathering to fall within the time of the Washington Apple Blossom!! This Prophetic Gathering is about calling the people of God together to make a united stand, in Faith, in pursuit of, and believing and contending for our breakthroughs, for answered prayers, doors of entrance towards fulfillments of our Destinies, prophetic promises, fresh GRACE and impartation, callings, anointings, purposes under Heaven, even unto the FULLNESS of Christ in the FULLNESS of time!!

    We're watching for something to happen during this period of time.

    We see the negative forces in the works, but we're looking for God's hand moving during this time.

    Malaysian Flight Theory (1:51:00)

    Boeing monitors all of their planes 24/7 to be appraised of any issues in real time.

    Each Boeing jet is also equipped with Rolls-Royce engines.

    Rolls-Royce monitors their engines 24/7.

    A US 3-star general called the engineers at Boeing and said on Fox News that Boeing told him the last ping from that plane was in Northern Pakistan.

    Boeing down-played the claim, but didn't deny it either.

    Israel commented that they don't think we've seen the last of the plane.

    Kim Clement word April 5 http://kimclementvault.com/prophecyread.asp?num=648

    There is a veil; it is being torn, rent. Hear the sound, says the Spirit the sound of fear, the sound of detriment. The upper regions of India Pakistan where they found the one that terrorized the nations, Usama. There is mischief. They are plotting, planning, putting together pieces, taking them apart, putting them together something so unique that the princes of Persia, the Balkan territories - the activity of demonic power and principalities is at high alert. They plot, they plan, and God says, I have kept the nations wondering. They said, We know we have intelligence, we have equipment, we have the best! What do you have to find the jet? What you need to look for is how they plot and plan against Israel, India, yes against this nation, as you know Canada, Great Britain. Now listen the Norwegian territories, Scandinavian territories; but Estonia, what are you doing? There are those praying, and demonic powers are terrorized. Now in the month of "Aperio" - April to open. I will expose and I will catch them Myself and terrorism shall take a turn and they shall say, Now we have them, but do you really? For I hear the prayers of My saints and there are Daniels that

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    are praying and fasting this very hour; and therefore, the battle in the heavenlies is raging and will rage for another 18 days. Look to the 14th of April and there shall be shiftings that will take place, but know this day, says the Lord, I am the ruler of this universe and one prayer of a saint can move my hand and it has, says the Lord.

    There appear to be other motives behind this event.

    Watch April 14. The evening of the 14th is the beginning of Passover, and a Blood Moon (only over the Western Hemisphere).

    We're also watching to see if the US will announce a Palestinian state.

    Ken got a prophetic song this week: Surfin USA A wave is coming across this country for Gods people to ride.

    We need to be aware of the negative stuff, but to also know and be aware of what God is doing in the midst of it all.

    There are all kinds of things the US government and the Fed can do to soften or reverse the collapse, so the market may not fall.

    Kim Clement saw the DOW at $20,000. Chat Log kenstor: Good morning everyone! drmike1940: Nice to see you this morning! kenstor: Likewise! :) drmike1940: .what of all NAK properties involve the Native Americans that just received the 18 M ? drmike1940: Is Ken saying that the other NAK properties are not going to be come against by the Native American interests? ie the properties we sold them next to PEBBLE? kenstor: No, just that the only property they own is that property in Alaska (ie, they don't have other mines in other states/nations) kenstor: Thank you so much for tuning in! Have a blessed week drmike1940: God bless all. These notes are very basic and include links to the primary news, charts and graphs used in our discussions and news releases by companies on our many Watch Lists. They are best used in conjunction with listening to our MP3s or viewing the video. Please see our web site for the full disclaimer. https://www.investingwithinsight.com/termsofuse.php Notice: This analysis and forecast is for the exclusive use of Investing with Insight's paid members and should be considered private and confidential. It is for the personal use of members only. The forecasts are those that are used by our Chief Market Analyst, Ken Storey, for his personal investing and should not be considered financial advice. Please see our disclaimer below. You can also post on www.Facebook.com/investingwithinsight Join Other Members of Our Community on a Live Prayer Call: Jocelyn Carson is the prayer coordinator each week. Please join her and the community in praying for investing revelation, our companies, our nation, etc.

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    Date: Mondays @ 12:00 PM EDT Dial: (724) 444-7444 Enter: 64627 # (Call ID) Enter: 1 # or your PIN You can also join the call from your computer. Please email Jocelyn at jcinv@rocketmail.com for instructions. As always, we wish you Godspeed on your investment journey. Blessings,

    Ken Storey CEO, Investing With Insight Zedek Publishing is not a registered investment adviser or registered broker-dealer nor does it endorse or recommend the services of any investment adviser or brokerage company or provide any investment advice or brokerage services. Zedek Publishing operates as a publisher and all information provided in our articles and on our website is impersonal and for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security. You should always conduct your own due diligence and consult with your own licensed investment professionals, attorneys and accountants before making any investment decision. While a security's past performance may be analyzed in our articles, past performance should not be considered indicative of future results. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Zedek Publishing disclaims any and all liability in the event any information, commentary, analysis, opinions, advice and/or recommendations in our articles or o n our website prove to be inaccurate, incomplete or unreliable, or result in any investment or other losses. Zedek Publishing, or its officers, directors, analysts or other employees may have positions in securities or speculations referenced in our articles.
