HSI Manual - 2014


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  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    This document on Institutional Accreditation of Health Science Institutions is presented in

    two sections.

    Section A is Guidelines for Assessment and Accreditation.

    Section B is Preparation of Self- study Report to be written in three parts.

    Part-I is Profile of the Institution

    Part-II is !riteria-wise Inputs and

    Part-III is "#aluati#e Report of the $epartment.

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    I. Introduction

    %ision and &issionII. !ore %alues

    III. Assessment and Accreditation of Hi'her "ducation Institutions

    I%. Accreditation of Health Science Institutions%. "li'ibility for Assessment and Accreditation of Health Science Institutions


    %I. The Assessment *utcome

    %II. The Assessment Process%III. &echanism for Institutional Appeals

    I+. Re-assessment

    +. Subse,uent !ycles of Accreditation

    +I. The ee Structure and other inancial Implications


    . Preparation of the Self-study Report/. !riteria-wise Inputs

    0. "#aluati#e Report of the $epartment

    1. $eclaration by the Head of the Institution


    . Appendi2 3 Glossary/. Appendi2 / 3 Abbre#iations

    0. Appendi2 0 3 Assessment Indicators

    1. Appendi2 1 3 &embers of the 4ational !onsultati#e !ommittee 5 HealthSciences

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    4ational Assessment and Accreditation !ouncil (4AA!) has been continuously fine-tunin' its

    assessment and accreditation methodolo'ies in tune with local re'ional and 'lobal chan'es in hi'her

    education scenario. This helps in reachin' out to H"Is and a wider acceptance of the methodolo'y. The

    methodolo'y of 4AA! has stood the test of time for last 6 years mainly because it has remained

    dynamic and responsi#e to the sta7eholder feedbac7.

    The Re#ised &anual which comes into effect from st4o#ember /80 is an outcome of the efforts of

    the 4ational !onsultati#e !ommittee (4!!) on Health Sciences represented by eminent practitioners and

    academics from the fields of Allopathy Ayur#eda $entistry Homoeopathy 4ursin' Pharmacy

    Physiotherapy and 9o'a. Re#ision of the &anual commenced in /8/ under the initiati#e of Prof. H. A.

    Ran'anath ormer $irector 4AA!. The deliberations of the 4!! and its #arious sub 'roups were

    conducted under the chairmanship of Prof. !handrashe7har Shetty ormer %! Ra:i# Gandhi ;ni#ersity

    of Health Sciences who was ably supported by Prof. S. Ran'aswami ormer %! Sri Ramachandra


    In addition 4AA! also solicited feedbac7 from the 'eneral public by ma7in' the draft documentsa#ailable in the public domain. The final drafts were pilot tested with two Health Sciences ;ni#ersities to

    whom 4AA! is 'rateful for the inputs. The entire e2ercise was done with a spirit of openness reali

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    Section A: Gi!e"ine# for A##e##$ent an! Accre!itation


    This section presents the 4AA! framewor7 of Assessment and Accreditation of all cycles

    essentially based on the core #alues !riteria for assessment and ?ey Aspects. It also deals

    with the procedures for institutional preparation in compilin' the Self-study Report Peer

    Assessment and final outcome of Accreditation. The procedure for Re-Assessment and

    the mechanism for institutional appeals are also included in this section.

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    India has one of the lar'est and di#erse education systems in the world. Pri#ati

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    To encourage self-evaluation, accountability, autonomy and innovations in higher


    To undertake quality-related research studies, consultancy and training programmes, and

    To collaborate ith other stakeholders of higher education for quality evaluation,

    promotion and sustenance.

    Stri#in' to achie#e its 'oals as 'uided by its #ision and mission statements 4AA! primarily

    focuses on assessment of the ,uality of hi'her education institutions in the country. The 4AA!

    methodolo'y for Assessment and Accreditation is #ery much similar to that followed by Duality

    Assurance (DA) a'encies across the world and consists of self-assessment by the institution and

    e2ternal peer assessment by 4AA!.


    Throu'hout the world Hi'her "ducation Institutions (H"Is) function in a dynamic en#ironment.The need to e2pand the system of hi'her education the impact of technolo'y on the educational

    deli#ery the increasin' pri#ate participation in hi'her education and the impact of 'lobali

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    (ii) Fo#terin' G"o&a" Co$etencie# a$on' St!ent#

    The spiralin' de#elopments at the 'lobal le#el also warrant that the 4AA! includes in its

    scope of assessment s7ill de#elopment of students on par with their counterparts elsewhere.

    Fith liberali.

    (iii) Inc"catin' a %a"e S*#te$ a$on' St!ent#

    Althou'h s7ill de#elopment is crucial to the success of students in the :ob mar7et s7ills are

    of less #alue in the absence of appropriate #alue systems. H"Is ha#e to shoulder the

    responsibility of inculcatin' the desirable #alue systems amon'st the students. In a country

    li7e India with cultural pluralities and di#ersities it is essential that students imbibe the

    appropriate #alues commensurate with social cultural economic and en#ironmental

    realities at the local national and uni#ersal le#els. Fhate#er be the pluralities and

    di#ersities that e2ist in the country there is ample scope for debate about inculcatin' the

    core uni#ersal #alues li7e truth and ri'hteousness apart from other #alues emphasi

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    de#elopment as well as administration. At a time when our educational institutions are

    e2pected to perform as 'ood as their 'lobal partners si'nificant technolo'ical inno#ations

    ha#e to be adopted.

    Traditional methods of deli#erin' hi'her education ha#e become less moti#atin' to the lar'e

    number of students. To 7eep pace with the de#elopments in other spheres of human

    endea#or H"Is ha#e to enrich the learnin' e2periences of their students by pro#idin' them

    with State- of- the- Art educational technolo'ies. The campus community must be

    ade,uately prepared to ma7e use of Information and !ommunication Technolo'y (I!T)

    optimally. !onscious effort is also needed to in#est in hardware and to orient the faculty


    In addition to usin' technolo'y as learnin' resources mana'in' the acti#ities of the

    institution in a technolo'y-enabled way will ensure effecti#e institutional functionin'. or

    e2ample documentation and data mana'ement in the H"Is are areas where the process of

    assessment by 4AA! has made a si'nificant impact.

    &o#in' towards electronic data mana'ement and ha#in' institutional website to pro#ide

    ready and rele#ant information to sta7eholders are desirable steps in this direction. In other

    words effecti#e use of I!T in H"Is will be able to pro#ide I!T literacy to the campus

    community usin' I!T for resource sharin' and networ7in' as well as adoptin' I!T-

    enabled administrati#e processes. Therefore 4AA! accreditation would loo7 at how the

    H"Is ha#e put in place their electronic data mana'ement systems and electronic resources

    and their access to internal and e2ternal sta7eholders particularly the student community.

    () ,e#t for E-ce""ence

    !ontributin' to nation-buildin' and s7ills de#elopment of students institutions should

    demonstrate a dri#e to de#elop themsel#es into centreCs of e2cellence. "2cellence in all that

    they do will contribute to the o#erall de#elopment of the system of hi'her education of the

    country as a whole. This Duest for "2cellenceC could start with the assessment or e#en

    earlier by the establishment of the Steerin' !ommittee for the preparation of the Self-study

    Report (SSR) of an institution. Another step in this direction could be the identification of

    the stren'ths and wea7nesses in the teachin' and learnin' processes as carried out by the


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    The fi#e core #alues as outlined abo#e form the foundation for assessment of institutions

    that #olunteer for accreditation by 4AA!. In conformity with the 'oals and mission of the

    institution the H"Is may also add to these their own core #alues.



    The forces of 'lobali

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    is e2pected to ser#e as a catalyst for institutional self-impro#ement promote inno#ation and

    strengthen the urge to excel.

    4AA!Cs role in steerin' assessment does not stop with the coordinatin' function but

    e2tends to the post-accreditation activities especially in facilitatin' establishment of

    strate'ic ,uality mana'ement systems for ensurin' continuous impro#ement. *ne of the

    ma:or contributions of 4AA! towards this is the promotion of Internal Quality Assurance

    Cell (IQAC) resultin' inbuildin' a ,uality culture. The IDA!s are not only e2pected to

    facilitate the internali promotes the #alues such as

    participation transparency team wor7 systems #iew :ustice self-reliance and probity in

    public finance.

    The ?ey Aspects identified under each of the se#en criteria reflect the processes and #alues

    of the H"I on which assessment is made. The ,uestions under each of the ?ey Aspects

    focus in particular on the outcomes the institutional pro#isions which contribute to these

    and their impact on student learnin' and de#elopment.


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    The stren'ths or wea7nesses in one area may ha#e an effect on ,uality in another area. Thus

    the issues addressed within the !riteria and ?ey Aspects are closely inter-related and may

    appear to be o#erlappin'. The criteria and the ?ey Aspects are not a set of standards or

    measurement tools by themsel#es and do not co#er e#erythin' which happens in e#ery H"I.

    They are the le#ers for transformational chan'e and pro#ide an e2ternal point of reference

    for e#aluatin' the ,uality of the institution under assessment.

    4AA! uses the same framewor7 across the country. ;sin' the same framewor7 across the

    country pro#ides a common lan'ua'e about ,uality and ma7es it much easier for e#eryone to

    'o in one direction and in e#idence based policy ma7in'.

    3. Criterion I 4 Crric"ar A#ect#:$ependin' on the responsibilities of #arious Institutions

    this criterion deals with curriculum de#elopment and implementation process. The criterion

    loo7s into how the curriculum either assi'ned by a ;ni#ersity or mar'inally supplemented or

    enriched by an institution or totally remade dependin' on the freedom allowed in curricular

    desi'n ali'ns with the institutional mission. It also considers the practices of an institution in

    initiatin' a wide ran'e of pro'ramme options and courses that are in tune with the emer'in'

    national and 'lobal trends and rele#ant to the local needs. Apart from issues of di#ersity and

    academic fle2ibility aspects on career orientation multi-s7ill de#elopment and in#ol#ement

    of sta7eholders in curriculum updation are also 'au'ed under this criterion. The focus of this

    criterion is captured in the followin' ?ey Aspects3

    3.3 Crric"$ De#i'n/ P"annin' an! Dee"o$ent

    ;ni#ersities and colle'es play a ma:or role in the !urriculum $esi'n Plannin' and

    $e#elopment and thus are e2pected to ha#e processes systems and structures in place to

    shoulder this responsibility. !urriculum $esi'n Plannin' and $e#elopment is a comple2

    process in#ol#in' se#eral steps and e2perts. It is a process of de#elopin' appropriate need-

    based curricula in consultation with e2pert 'roups based on the feedbac7 from

    sta7eholders resultin' in the de#elopment of rele#ant pro'rammes with fle2ibility to suit

    the professional and personal needs of the students and reali

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    process in#ol#es orientation of the teachers who would handle the curriculum and proper

    plannin' of the transaction.

    The 7ey aspect also considers the 'ood practices of the institution in initiatin' a ran'e of

    pro'ramme options and courses that are rele#ant to the local needs and in tune with the

    emer'in' national and 'lobal trends.

    3.5 Aca!e$ic F"e-i&i"it*

    Academic fle2ibility refers to freedom in the use of the time-frame of the courses hori

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    pro'rammes of study. The efficiency of the techni,ues used to continuously e#aluate the

    performance of teachers and students is also a ma:or concern of this criterion. The focus of

    this criterion is captured in the followin' ?ey Aspects3

    5.3 St!ent Enro"$ent an! Profi"e

    The process of admittin' students to the pro'rammes is by a transparent well-administered

    mechanism complyin' with all the norms of the concerned re'ulatory'o#ernin' a'enciesincludin' state and central 'o#ernments. Apart from the compliance to the #arious

    re'ulations the 7ey aspect also considers the institutions efforts in ensurin' e,uity and wide

    access as reflected from the student profile ha#in' representation of student community

    from different 'eo'raphical area and socio-economic cultural and educational bac7'rounds.

    5.5 Caterin' to St!ent Dier#it*

    The pro'rammes and strate'ies adopted by institutions to satisfy the needs of the students

    from di#erse bac7'rounds includin' bac7ward community as well as from different locales.

    Gender e,uity and admission opportunity for differently-abled students are also considered.

    5.6 Teac+in'4Learnin' Proce##

    $i#ersity of earners in respect of their bac7'round abilities and other personal attributes

    will influence the e2tent of their learnin'. The teachin'-learnin' modalities of the institution

    are rendered to be rele#ant for the learner 'roup. The learner-centered education throu'h

    appropriate methodolo'ies facilitates effecti#e learnin'. Teachers pro#ide a #ariety of

    learnin' e2periences includin' indi#idual and collaborati#e learnin'. The teachers employ

    interacti#e and participatory approach creatin' a feelin' of responsibility in learnin' andma7es learnin' a process of construction of 7nowled'e.

    5.7 Teac+er ,a"it*

    Teacher ,ualityC is a composite term to indicate the ,uality of teachers in terms of teacher

    characteristics professional de#elopment and reco'nition of teachin' abilities. It is


    5.3 St!ent Enro"$ent an! Profi"e

    5.5 Caterin' to St!ent Dier#it*

    5.6 Teac+in'4Learnin' Proce##

    5.7 Teac+er ,a"it*

    5.9 Ea"ation Proce## an! Refor$#

    5. St!ent Perfor$ance an! Learnin' Otco$e#

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    measured throu'h the trainin' recei#ed in teachin' and learnin' processes (certified

    pro'rams) ,uality of assessment and student feedbac7.

    5.9 Ea"ation Proce## an! Refor$#

    This ?ey Aspect loo7s at issues related to assessment of teachin' learnin' and e#aluati#e

    processes and reforms to increase the efficiency and effecti#eness of the system. *ne of the

    purposes of e#aluation is to pro#ide de#elopment-inducin' feedbac7. urther it should also

    help the teacher to plan appropriate acti#ities for enhancin' student performance. The

    ,ualitati#e dimension of e#aluation is in its use for enhancin' the competence of students.

    Inno#ati#e e#aluation process is to 'au'e the 7nowled'e and s7ills ac,uired at #arious le#els

    of the pro'rammes.

    5. St!ent Perfor$ance an! Learnin' Otco$e#

    earnin' outcomes are the specifications of what a student should learn and demonstrate on

    successful completion of the course or the pro'ramme. It can also be seen as the desired

    outcome of the learnin' process in terms of ac,uisition of the s7ills and 7nowled'e. They

    are embedded in the curriculum. Achie#in' earnin' *utcomes needs specific e2periences

    to be pro#ided to the students and e#aluation of their attainment. A pro'ramme that states

    earnin' *utcomes that are not e#aluated or assessed 'ets ne'lected in implementation.

    Hence all the stated earnin' *utcomes must be part of the e#aluation protocol of the

    pro'ramme. Student assessment pro#ides an indication of the areas where learnin' has

    happened and where it has to be impro#ed upon.

    6. Criterion III 4 Re#earc+/ Con#"tanc* an! E-ten#ion: This criterion see7s information on

    the policies practices and outcomes of the institution with reference to research consultancy

    and e2tension. It deals with the facilities pro#ided and efforts made by the institution to

    promote a research cultureC. The institution has the responsibility to enable faculty to

    underta7e research pro:ects useful to the society. Ser#in' the community throu'h e2tension

    which is a social responsibility and a core #alue to be demonstrated by institutions is also a

    ma:or aspect of this criterion. The focus of this criterion is captured in the followin' ?ey



    6.3 Pro$otion of Re#earc+

    6.5 Re#orce Mo&i"i;ation for Re#earc+

    6.6 Re#earc+ Faci"itie#

    6.7 Re#earc+ P&"ication# an! A0ar!#

    6.9 Con#"tanc*

    6. E-ten#ion Actiitie# an! In#tittiona" Socia" Re#on#i&i"it*

    6.< Co""a&oration#


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    6.3 Pro$otion of Re#earc+

    The process of promotin' research culture amon' faculty and students is ensured by

    facilitatin' participation in research and related acti#ities pro#idin' resources and other


    6.5 Re#orce Mo&i"i;ation for Re#earc+

    The institution pro#ides support in terms of financial academic and human resources

    re,uired and timely administrati#e decisions to enable faculty to submit pro:ect proposals

    andapproach fundin' a'encies for mobili

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    an interest in the acti#ities of the institution and the ability to influence the actions

    decisions policies practices or 'oals of the or'ani

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    7.5 C"inica" = La&orator* Learnin' Re#orce#

    This criterion elicits information on how the teachin' hospital ser#es as a learnin' resource.

    Information about patient friendly ser#ices 'ood clinical practice 'uidelines and safety

    measures adopted are sou'ht.

    7.6 Li&rar* a# a Learnin' Re#orce

    The library holdin's in terms of boo7s :ournals and other learnin' materials and

    technolo'y-aided learnin' mechanisms which enable students to ac,uire information

    7nowled'e and s7ills re,uired for their study pro'rammes.

    7.7 IT Infra#trctre

    The institution adopts policies and strate'ies for ade,uate technolo'y deployment and

    maintenance. The I!T facilities and other learnin' resources are ade,uately a#ailable in the

    institution for academic and administrati#e purposes. The staff and students ha#e access to

    technolo'y and information retrie#al on current and rele#ant issues. The institution deploys

    and employs I!Ts for a ran'e of acti#ities.

    7.9 Maintenance of Ca$# Faci"itie#

    The institution has sufficient resources allocated for re'ular up7eep of the infrastructure.

    There are effecti#e mechanisms for the up7eep of the infrastructure facilities and promote

    the optimum use of the same.

    9. Criterion % 4 St!ent Sort an! Pro're##ion:The hi'hli'hts of this criterion are the

    efforts of an institution to pro#ide necessary assistance to students to ac,uire meanin'ful

    e2periences for learnin' at the campus and to facilitate their holistic de#elopment and

    pro'ression. It also loo7s into student performance and alumni profiles and the pro'ression of

    students to hi'her education and 'ainful employment. The focus of this criterion is captured

    in the followin' ?ey Aspects3

    9.3 St!ent Mentorin' an! Sort

    9.5 St!ent Pro're##ion

    9.6 St!ent Particiation an! Actiitie#


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    9.3 St!ent Mentorin' an! Sort

    acilitatin' mechanisms li7e 'uidance cell placement cell 'rie#ance redressal cell and

    welfare measures to support students. Specially desi'ned inputs are pro#ided to the needy

    students with learnin' difficulties. Pro#ision is made for brid'e and #alue added courses in

    rele#ant areas. Institution has a well structured or'ani

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    .3 In#tittiona" %i#ion an! Lea!er#+i

    "ffecti#e leadership by settin' #alues and participati#e decision-ma7in' process is 7ey not

    only to achie#e the #ision mission and 'oals of the institution but also in buildin' the


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    adopts ,uality mana'ement strate'ies in all academic and administrati#e aspects. The

    institution has an IDA! and adopts a participatory approach in mana'in' its pro#isions.

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    de#elopin' world but little attention has been 'i#en to harmoni

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    Assessment and Accreditation outcome includes a ,ualitati#e and ,uantitati#e component. The

    ,ualitati#e part of the outcome is the Peer Team Report (PTR) and the ,uantitati#e part includes

    a !umulati#e Grade Point A#era'e (!GPA) a letter 'rade and a performance descriptor.

    (i) >ei'+ta'e#

    Ta7in' co'ni

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    Criteria 2e* A#ect# Unier#itie# Affi"iate!


    %I. Goernance/

    Lea!er#+i an!


    .1 inancial &ana'ement and Resource


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    1. Calculation of KAWGP

    4AA! has assi'ned predetermined Fei'hta'es to each of the 00 ?ey Aspects under the se#en

    criteria. To help the peer team in arri#in' at ?AGP 4AA! pro#ides su''esti#e 'uidin'

    indicators. ;sin' the 'uidin' indicators and based on their obser#ations and assessment of the

    institution (onsite #isit and the #alidation of SSR) the peer team is e2pected to assi'n

    appropriate 'rade point to each of the 7ey aspect by usin' fi#e point scale (8-1). These 'rade

    points are assi'ned as 8/01 without usin' decimal points and are referred to as the ?ey

    Aspect-wise Grade Points (?AGP). "nlike in the earlier methodology here the letter grades

    ere converted to grade points, the current methodology directly assigns the grade points

    ithout assigning any letter grade.

    The ?ey Aspect-wise Fei'hted Grade Point (?AFGP) is arri#ed at by multiplyin' the

    predetermined Fei'hta'e (F) of a ?ey Aspect with respecti#e ?AGP assi'ned by the peer

    team. i.e. ?AFGPi M (?AGPi )2 (Fi)

    . Calculation of CrGPA

    Summation of ?ey Aspect-wise Fei'hted Grade Points (?AFGP) of a criterion is referred to as

    !riterion-wise Grade Point (!rFGP) of that criterion and the summation of the predetermined

    Fei'hta'es of the 7ey aspects of a criterion is referred to as Fei'hta'e (F:) of that criterion.

    !riterion-wise Grade Point A#era'e (!rGPA) is calculated by di#idin' the !riterion-wise

    Fei'hted Grade Point (!rFGP) by the Fei'hta'e of that !riterion (F:).


    C : C represents the !riterion

    !. Calculation of CGPA

    The sum of se#en !rFGP di#ided by the sum of the pre assi'ned Fei'hta'es of the se#en

    !riteria will result in !umulati#e Grade Point A#era'e (!GPA) of the institution. The

    institutional !GPA will be the decidin' factor for accreditation status of the institution and its


    N ( !rFGP):: M

    JN F:

    : M

    A #a$"e ca"c"ation of CGPA of a Unier#it*


    In#tittiona" CGPA =

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    Criteria an! 2e* A#ect# Pre!eter$ine!



    Peer Tea$

    A##i'ne! 2e*

    A#ect Gra!e

    Point# (2AGP)i1 0 / 8

    2e* A#ect40i#e

    >ei'+te! Gra!e


    2A>GPi@2AGPi >i

    Criterion I: Crric"ar A#ect#

    !urriculum $esi'n Plannin' and$e#elopment

    8 6 39?

    Academic le2ibility 8 5 3??

    !urriculum "nrichment 08 ? ?

    eedbac7 System /8 5 7?

    TOTAL FI@ 39? (Cr>GP)I@5?

    Ca"c"ate! Cr GPAI@(Cr>GP)I= >I @5? =39?@3.6

    Criterion II: Teac+in'Learnin' an! Ea"ation

    Student "nrolment and Profile 8 6 6?

    !aterin' to Student $i#ersity /8 ? ?Teachin'-earnin' Process 8 6 39?

    Teacher Duality 8 6 39?

    "#aluation Process and Reforms 18 5 ?

    Student Performance and earnin'*utcomes

    08 6 ?

    TOTAL FII@5?? (Cr>GP)II@9??

    Ca"c"ate! Cr GPAII@(Cr>GP)II= >II @ 9??=5??@5.9?

    Criterion III: Re#earc+/ Con#"tanc* an! E-ten#ion

    Promotion of Research /8 5 7?Resource &obili

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    N ( !rFGP:) /8:M


    N F:: M

    Fina" Otco$e an! Stat# of Accre!itation

    The Accreditation status of the institution in the abo#e cited e2ample would be3 Institutional

    !GPA M /. etter Grade M B Performance $escriptor M Good Status M Accredited.


    Criterion I%: Infra#trctre an! Learnin' Re#orce#

    Physical acilities /8 6 ?

    !linical aboratory earnin' Resources /8 6 ?

    ibrary as a earnin' Resource /8 6 ?

    IT Infrastructure /8 5 7?

    &aintenance of !ampus acilities /8 ? ?

    TOTAL >I%@3?? (Cr>GP)I% @55?

    Ca"c"ate! Cr GPAI%@(Cr>GP)I%= >I% @55?=3??@5.5?

    Criterion %: St!ent Sort an! Pro're##ion

    Student &entorin' and Support 18 7 3?

    Student Pro'ression 18 6 35?

    Student Participation and Acti#ities /8 ? ?

    TOTAL >%@3?? (Cr>GP)%@5?

    Ca"c"ate! Cr GPA%@(Cr>GP)%= >%@ 5?=3??@5.?

    Criterion %I: Goernance/ Lea!er#+i an! Mana'e$ent

    Institutional %ision and eadership 8 6 6?

    Strate'y $e#elopment and $eployment 8 5 5?

    aculty "mpowerment Strate'ies 08 6 ?

    inancial &ana'ement and Resource&obili%I@3?? (Cr>GP)%I@3?

    Ca"c"ate! Cr GPA%I@(Cr>GP)%I= >%I@ 3?=3??@3.?

    Criterion %II: Innoation# an! Be#t Practice#

    "n#ironment !onsciousness 08 6 ?

    Inno#ations 08 ? ?

    Best Practices 18 5 ?

    TOTAL >%II@ 3?? (Cr>GP)%II@3

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    (iii) %a"i!it* Perio! of Accre!itation

    The accreditation status is #alid for fi#e years from the date of appro#al by the "2ecuti#e

    !ommittee of the 4AA!. To continue the status of accreditation t he institution has to record its

    intent for the ne2t cycle accreditation by submittin' the *I si2 months before the e2piry of the

    accreditation status and the SSR within si2 months of acceptance of the *I by 4AA!.

    In#tittion# t+at !o not a!+ere to t+e#e ti$e"ine# 0i"" "o#e t+e accre!itation #tat#.


    4AA! belie#es that an institution that really understands itself 5 its stren'ths its wea7nesses

    its potentials and limitations - is li7ely to be effecti#e in carryin' out its educational mission and

    ma7e continuous impro#ement. Thus the AEA of 4AA! includes a self e#aluation by the

    institution that is e2pected to be done with honest introspection followed by an e2ternal Peer

    e#aluation by 4AA!. Self e#aluation by the institution and an e2ternal peer assessment are

    ine#itable for Duality assurance.

    Some of the important sta'es in AEA of H"Is are 'i#en below3

    a)"n-line su#$ission of %etter of Intent (%oI)

    All H"Is fulfillin' the eli'ibility criteria (as at section % abo#e) for under'oin' AEA are

    e2pected to submit a oI online to 4AA!. *n scrutiny of the oI and confirmin' the

    fulfillment of the eli'ibility criteria by 4AA! the institution may initiate the preparation of

    Self-study Report.

    #) Preparation of t&e Self-Study 'eport (SS')

    The assessment process aims at pro#idin' an opportunity for the institution to measure its

    effecti#eness and efficiency identify its stren'ths and wea7nesses and ta7e necessary steps

    for impro#ement. Thus the most important step in the process of assessment and accreditation

    is the preparation of the SSR by the institution. Fhile preparin' the SSR institutions should

    follow the 'uidelines pro#ided by 4AA! and ensure that the SSR contains information on the


    - "#idence of contributin' to the core #alues

    - "#idence of buildin' on the stren'ths identified by the institutions

    - Action ta7en to rectify the deficiencies noted by the institutions

    - Substanti#e efforts made by the institution o#er a period of time towards ,uality


    - Specific future plans of the institution for ,uality enhancement


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    The institutional efforts to prepare the SSR will be an intensi#e but self-rewardin' e2ercise for

    institutions. To ma2imi

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    analytical report of the SSR should not e2ceed /88 pa'es (A1 si

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014



    Pro#ision for Appeals is one of the 'ood practices followed by e2ternal Duality Assurance

    A'encies. 4AA! has also prescribed the mechanism for appeals. An a''rie#ed institution can

    ma7e a written representation to the $irector 4AA! with the payment of a non-refundable fee

    of Rs. 88888- O ser#ice ta2 as applicable from time to time within one month from the date

    of receipt of the accreditation certificate from the 4AA!. The fi#e-member Appeals !ommittee

    constituted for the purpose will consider the appeal and ma7e recommendations for the

    consideration of "2ecuti#e !ommittee ("!) of 4AA!. The "! decision is bindin' on the

    institutions. or details refer to the 4AA! website3 www.naac.'o#.in.


    Institutions which would li7e to ma7e an impro#ement in the accredited status may #olunteer

    for Re-assessment after a minimum of one year or before three years of accreditation. T+e

    $ana" to &e fo""o0e! for re4a##e##$ent i# t+e #a$e a# t+at for t+e A##e##$ent an!

    Accre!itation. +oever, the institution shall make specific responses based on the

    recommendations made by the peer team in the previous assessment and accreditation report, as

    ell as the specific quality improvements made by the institution during the intervening period.

    The fee structure and other procedures would be the same as that for initial Assessment and

    Accreditation with the e2ception that the Institutions that #olunteer for re-assessment will not be

    eli'ible for reimbursement of accreditation e2penses.


    The methodolo'y for subse,uent cycles of accreditation i.e. second third fourth and so on

    would remain the same. Howe#er due consideration would be 'i#en to the post-accreditation

    acti#ities resultin' in ,uality impro#ement ,uality sustenance and ,uality enhancement. In the

    SSRs institutions optin' for subse,uent cycles of accreditation need to hi'hli'ht the si'nificant

    ,uality sustenance and enhancement measures underta7en durin' the last four years (narrati#e

    not e2ceedin' 8 pa'es). A functional Internal Duality Assurance !ell (IDA!) and timely

    submission of Annual Duality Assurance Reports (ADARs) are the &inimum Institutional

    Re,uirements (&IR) to #olunteer for second third or fourth cycle accreditation.

    To #olunteer for subse,uent cycle of accreditation institutions should record their intent si2

    months before the e2piry of the accreditation status and initiate institutional preparations for

    submission of SSRs. The institutions which record their intent to #olunteer for subse,uent cycle


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    of accreditation and submit the SSRs within the stipulated time may continue to use the outcome

    of the pre#ious cycle of accreditation till the status of ne2t cycle Accreditation is declared by


    In#tittion# 0+ic+ fai" to e-re## intent for #eent c*c"e of accre!itation 0it+in t+e

    #ti"ate! ti$e 0i"" "o#e t+eir accre!itation #tat# on co$"etion of t+e fie *ear a"i!it*



    3. For Re'i#tration

    etter of Intent (*I) and

    Institutional "li'ibility for Duality Assessment (I"DA)

    Rs. /888- O Ser#ice Ta2 as

    applicable from time to time

    5. For Unier#itie# an! Profe##iona" In#tittion#

    to 8 departments Rs. 088888- O Ser#ice Ta2 as applicable from time to time

    Q 8 departments Rs. 88888- O Ser#ice Ta2 as applicable from time to time

    The accreditation fee will be limited to a ma2imum amount of Rs. 88888- O Ser#ice Ta2 as

    applicable from time to time per institution.

    6. For Co""e'e# (Grant4in4Ai!/ Priate an! Goern$ent)

    a. General !olle'e with multi faculties

    i.e. Arts !ommerce and Science

    Rs. 8888 - O Ser#ice Ta2 as

    applicable from time to time

    b. General !olle'e with mono faculty


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    Section B


    3.Profi"e of t+e In#tittion (To pro#ide information whiche#er is rele#ant to the HSI)

    . 4ame and Address of the Institution3



    !ity3 Pin3 State3


    /. or communication3

    De#i'nation Na$e Te"e+one

    0it+ STD co!e

    Mo&i"e Fa- E$ai"

    %ice C+ance""or *3R3

    Pro %ice C+ance""or (#) *3


    Re'i#trar *3


    Princia" = Dean = Director *3


    %ice Princia" *3


    Steerin' Co$$ittee =

    I,AC Co4or!inator



    0. Status of the Institution3

    Autonomous !olle'e!onstituent !olle'e

    Affiliated !olle'e

    State ;ni#ersityState Pri#ate ;ni#ersity

    !entral ;ni#ersity

    ;ni#ersity under Section 0 of ;G! (A $eemed to be ;ni#ersity)

    Institution of 4ational ImportanceAny other (specify)

    1. Type of ;ni#ersity3



  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014



    . Type of !olle'e3









    9o'a and 4aturopathy

    *thers (specify and pro#ide details)

    . Source of fundin'3

    !entral Go#ernment

    State Go#ernment




    Any other (specify)

    J. a. $ate of establishment of the institution3 (ddmmyyyy)

    b. In the case of uni#ersity prior to the establishment of the uni#ersity was it aan

    i. Autonomous !olle'e 9es 4o

    ii. !onstituent !olle'e 9es 4o

    iii. Affiliated !olle'e 9es 4oi#. PG !entre 9es 4o

    #. $e no#o institution 9es 4o#i. Any other (specify)

    c. In the case of colle'e uni#ersity to which it is affiliated

    @. State the #ision and the mission of the institution.

    6. a. $etails of ;G! reco'nition subse,uent reco'nition (if applicable)3

    ;nder Section $ate &onth and 9ear



    (If any)

    i. /(f)

    ii. /B

    iii. 0


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    "nclose the certificate of reco'nition if applicable

    b. $etails of reco'nitionappro#al by statutoryre'ulatory bodies other than ;G! (&!I $!I

    P!I I4! R!I A9;SH AI!T" etc.)

    ;nder Sectionclause $ay &onth and 9ear


    %alidity Pro'raminstitution





    ("nclose the !ertificate of reco'nitionappro#al)

    8. Has the institution been reco'ni

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    reflectin' the acti#ities of all the campuses.

    1. 4umber of affiliated constituent institutions in the uni#ersity

    T*e# of in#tittion# Tota" Per$anent Te$orar*









    9o'a and 4aturopathy

    *thers (specify and pro#ide details)

    . $oes the ;ni#ersity Act pro#ide for conferment of autonomy to its affiliated institutions If

    yes 'i#e the number of autonomous colle'es under the :urisdiction of the ;ni#ersity.

    9es 4o 4umber

    . urnish the followin' information3

    Partic"ar# N$&er

    a. Accredited colle'es by any professional bodyies

    b. Accredited course department by any professional bodyies

    c. Affiliated colle'es

    d. Autonomous colle'es

    e. !olle'es with Post'raduate $epartments

    f. !olle'es with Research $epartments

    '. !onstituent colle'es

    h. ;ni#ersity $epartments

    ;nder'raduatePost 'raduate

    Research centres on the campus and on other campuses

    i. ;ni#ersity reco'ni

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    Pro'ra$# N$&er of Pro'ra$# N$&er of #t!ent# enro""e!




    Inte'rated &asters

    Inte'rated Ph.$.





    PG $iploma

    $.&. &.!h.

    Sub Super specialty


    Any other (specify)


    6. Pro#ide information on the followin' 'eneral facilities(campus-wise)3

    Auditoriumseminar comple2 with infrastructural facilities 9es 4o

    Sports facilities

    * *utdoor

    * Indoor

    9es 4o

    9es 4o

    Residential facilities for faculty and non-teachin' staff 9es 4o

    !afeteria 9es 4o

    Health centre

    * irst aid facility

    * *utpatient facility

    * Inpatient facility

    * Ambulance facility

    * "mer'ency care facility

    * Health centre staff

    Dualified $octor ull time Part-time

    Dualified 4urse ull time Part-time

    9es 4o

    9es 4o9es 4o

    9es 4o

    9es 4o9es 4o

    acilities li7e ban7in' post office boo7 shops etc. 9es 4o

    Transport facilities to cater to the needs of the students and


    9es 4o

    acilities for persons with disabilities 9es 4o

    Animal house 9es 4o


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    Incinerator for laboratories 9es 4o

    Power house 9es 4o

    ire safety measures 9es 4o

    Faste mana'ement facility particularly bio-ha

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    i'+e#t ,a"ification Profe##or A##ociate





    Lectrer Ttor





    M F M F M F M F M F M F

    Per$anent teac+er#

    $.&. &.!h.

    Ph.$.$.Sc.$.itt&.$. &.S.

    PG (&.Pharm. Pharm$

    $4B &.Sc. &$S. &PT

    &PH &HA)





    Te$orar* teac+er#

    $.&. &.!h.

    Ph.$.$.Sc.$.itt&.$. &.S.

    PG (&.Pharm. Pharm$

    $4B &.Sc. &$S. &PT

    &PH &HA)




    Contracta" teac+er#

    $.&. &.!h.

    Ph.$.$.Sc.$.itt&.$. &.S.

    PG (&.Pharm. Pharm$

    $4B &.Sc. &$S. &PT

    &PH &HA)




    ;GPart4ti$e teac+er#

    $.&. &.!h.

    Ph.$.$.Sc.$.itt&.$. &.S.

    PG (&.Pharm. Pharm$

    $4B &.Sc. &$S. &PT

    &PH &HA)




    /1. "meritus Ad:unct and %isitin' Professors."meritus Ad:unct %isitin'

    & & &


    /. $istin'uished !hairs instituted3

    $epartment !hairs


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014



    BoysC hostel

    i. 4umber of hostels

    ii. 4umber of inmates

    iii. acilities

    GirlsC hostel

    i. 4umber of hostels

    ii. 4umber of inmates

    iii. acilities

    *#erseas students hostel

    i. 4umber of hostels

    ii. 4umber of inmates

    iii. acilities

    Hostel for interns

    i. 4umber of hostels

    ii. 4umber of inmates

    iii. acilities

    PG Hostel

    i. 4umber of hostels

    ii. 4umber of inmates

    iii. acilities

    /J. Students enrolled in the institution durin' the current academic year with the followin'details3

    St!ent# UG PG Inte'rate!


    M.P+i" P+.D. Inte'rate!

    P+.D.PG DM MC

    & & & & & & & &

    rom the state

    where the

    institution is


    rom other


    4RI studentsorei'n



    &-&ale -emale

    /@. Health Professional "ducation ;nit !ell $epartment

    9ear of establishment


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    4umber of continuin' education pro'rams conducted (with duration)




    Post Graduate

    /6. $oes the uni#ersity offer $istance "ducation Pro'rams ($"P)9es 4o

    If yes indicate the number of pro'rams offered.

    Are they reco'ni

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    5. Criteria40i#e Int#


    3.3 Crric"$ P"annin'/ De#i'n an! Dee"o$ent

    .. $oes the institution ha#e clearly stated 'oals and ob:ecti#es for its educational

    pro'ram../ How are the institutional 'oals and ob:ecti#es reflected in the academic pro'rams of the


    ..0 $oes the institution follow a systematic process in the desi'n de#elopment and

    re#ision of the curriculum If yes 'i#e details of the process (need assessment

    feedbac7 etc.).

    ..1 How does the curriculum desi'n and de#elopment meet the followin' re,uirements

    !ommunity needs

    Professional s7ills and competencies

    Research in thrust emer'in' areas Inno#ation


    .. To what e2tent does the institution use the 'uidelines of the re'ulatory bodies for

    de#elopin' andor restructurin' the curricula Has the institution been instrumental in

    leadin' any curricular reform which has created a national impact

    .. $oes the institution interact with industry research bodies and the ci#il society in the

    curriculum re#ision process If so how has the institution benefitted throu'h

    interactions with the sta7eholders

    ..J How are the 'lobal trends in health scienceeducation reflected in the curriculum

    ..@ Gi#e details of how the institution facilitates the introduction of new pro'rams of

    studiesin its affiliated colle'es.

    ..6 $oes the institution pro#ide additional s7ill-oriented pro'rams rele#ant to re'ional


    ..8 "2plain the initiati#es of the institution in the followin' areas3

    Beha#ioral and Social Science.

    &edical "thics Bio "thics 4ursin' "thics.

    Practice &ana'ement towards curriculum andor ser#ices. *rientation to research.


    Ancient scriptural practices.

    Health "conomics.


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    &edico le'al issues.

    "nhancement of ,uality of ser#ices and consumer satisfaction.

    .. How does the institution ensure that e#idence based medicine and clinical practice

    'uidelines are adopted to 'uide patient care where#er possible

    ../ Fhat are the newly introduced #alue added pro'rams and how are they related to the

    internship pro'rams

    ..0 How does the institution contribute to the de#elopment of inte'rated learnin' methods

    and Inte'rated Health !are &ana'ement

    %ertical and hori

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    ./.1 $oes the institution offer self-financin' pro'rams If yes list them and indicate if

    policies re'ardin' admission fee structure teacher ,ualification and salary are at par

    with the aided pro'rams

    ./. Has the institution adopted the !hoice Based !redit System (!B!S) credit based

    system If yes for how many pro'rams Fhat efforts ha#e been made by the

    institution to encoura'e the introduction of !B!S in its affiliated colle'es

    ./. Fhat percenta'e of pro'rams offered by the institution follow3

    Annual system

    Semester system

    Trimester system

    ./.J How does the institution promote multiinter-disciplinary pro'rams 4ame a few

    pro'rams and comment on their outcome.

    ./.@ Fhat pro'rams are offered for practicin' health professionals for s7ills trainin' and

    career ad#ancement

    3.6 Crric"$ Enric+$ent

    .0. How often is the curriculum of the institution re#iewed and up'raded for ma7in' it

    socially rele#ant andor s7ill oriented 7nowled'e intensi#e and meetin' the emer'in'

    needs of students and other sta7eholders

    .0./ $urin' the last four years how many new pro'rams were introduced at the ;G and PG

    le#els Gi#e details.


    pro'rams in emer'in' areas.0.0 Fhat are the strate'ies adopted for the re#ision of the e2istin' pro'rams Fhat

    percenta'e of courses underwent a syllabus re#ision

    .0.1 Fhat are the #alue-added courses offered by the institution and how does the

    institution ensure that all students ha#e access to them

    .0. Has the institution introduced s7ills de#elopment pro'rams in consonance with the

    national health pro'rams

    .0. How does the institution incorporate the aspects of o#erall personality de#elopment

    addressin' physical mental emotional and spiritual well bein' of the student

    .0.J $oes the curriculum pro#ide for ade,uate emphasis on patient safety confidentiality

    ri'hts and education

    .0.@ $oes the curriculum co#er additional #alue systems


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    3.7 Fee!&ac1 S*#te$

    .1. $oes the institution ha#e a formal mechanism to obtain feedbac7 from students

    re'ardin' the curriculum and how is it made use of

    .1./ $oes the institution elicit feedbac7 on the curriculum from national and international

    faculty If yes specify a few methods such as conductin' webinars wor7shops online

    discussions etc. and their impact.

    .1.0 Specify the mechanism throu'h which affiliated institutions 'i#e feedbac7 on

    curriculum and the e2tent to which it is made use of.

    .1.1 Based on feedbac7 what are the ,uality sustenance and ,uality enhancement measures

    underta7en by the institution in ensurin' the effecti#e de#elopment of the curricula

    .1. Fhat mechanisms are adopted by the mana'ementof the institution to obtain ade,uate

    information and feedbac7 from faculty students patients parents industry hospitals

    'eneral public employers alumni and interns etc. and re#iew the acti#ities of the


    Any ot&er infor$ation re+ardin+ Curricular Aspects ,&ic& t&e institution ,ould lie to



    5.3 St!ent Enro"$ent an! Profi"e

    /.. How does the institution ensure publicity and transparency in the admission process

    /../ "2plain in detail the process of admission put in place by the institution. ist the criteria

    for admission3 (e.g.3 (i) merit (ii) merit with entrance test (iii) merit entrance test

    aptitude and inter#iew (i#) common entrance test conducted by state a'encies andnational a'encies (#) any other criteria (specify).

    /..0 Pro#ide details of admission process in the affiliated colle'es and the uni#ersityCs role

    in monitorin' the same.

    /..1 $oes the institution ha#e a mechanism to re#iew its admission process and student

    profile annually If yes what is the outcome of such an analysis and how has it

    contributed to the impro#ement of the process

    /.. Fhat are the strate'ies adopted to increase impro#e access for students belon'in' to

    the followin' cate'ories3




    Persons with #aried disabilities

    "conomically wea7er sections


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    *utstandin' achie#ers in sports and other e2tracurricular acti#ities

    /.. 4umber of students admitted in the institution in the last four academic years3

    Cate'orie# 8ear 3 8ear 5 8ear 6 8ear 7&ale emale &ale emale &ale emale &ale emale





    /..J Has the uni#ersity conducted any analysis of demand ratio for the #arious pro'rams of

    the uni#ersity departments and affiliated colle'es If so hi'hli'ht the si'nificant trends

    e2plainin' the reasons for increase decrease.

    /..@ Fere any pro'rams discontinuedsta''ered by the institution in the last four years If

    yes specify the reasons.

    5.5 Caterin' to St!ent Dier#it*

    /./. $oes the institution or'ani are analy

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    /./.8 Has 9o'a&editationany other such techni,ues been practiced by students re'ularly

    as self-discipline

    /./. How does the institution attend to the di#erse health issues (physical and mental) of

    students and staff

    /././ $oes the institution cater to the needs of 'roups indi#iduals re,uirin' special

    attention by conductin' 'roup classes special indi#idual trainin's focused 'roup

    discussion additional trainin' measures etc.

    5.6 Teac+in'4Learnin' Proce##

    /.0. How does the institution plan and or'ani

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    /.0.J Fhat are the technolo'ies and facilities such as #irtual laboratories

    e-learnin' and open educational resources used by the faculty for effecti#e teachin'

    /.0.@ Is there any desi'nated 'roup amon' the faculty to monitor the trends and issues

    re'ardin' de#elopments in *pen Source !ommunity and inte'rate its benefits in the

    institutionCs educational processes

    /.0.6 Fhat steps has the institution ta7en to transition from traditional classrooms into an e-

    learnin' en#ironment

    /.0.8 Is there pro#ision for the ser#ices of counselors mentors ad#isors for each class or

    'roup of students for academic personal and psycho-social 'uidance If yes 'i#e

    details of the process and the number of students who ha#e benefitted.

    /.0. Fere any inno#ati#e teachin' approachesmethodspractices adopted and implemented

    by the faculty durin' the last four years If yes did they impro#e learnin' Fhat were

    the methods used to e#aluate the impact of such practices Fhat are the efforts made by

    the institution in 'i#in' the faculty due reco'nition for inno#ation in teachin'

    /.0./ How does the institution create a culture of instillin' and nurturin' creati#ity and

    scientific temper amon' the learners

    /.0.0 $oes the institution consider student pro:ects mandatory in the learnin' pro'ram If

    yes for how many pro'rams ha#e they been (percenta'e of total) made mandatory

    number of pro:ects e2ecuted within the institution

    names of e2ternal institutions for student pro:ect wor7

    role of faculty in facilitatin' such pro:ects

    /.0.1 $oes the institution ha#e a well ,ualified pool of human resource to meet the

    re,uirements of the curriculum If there is a shortfall how is it supplemented

    /.0. How are the faculty enabled to prepare computer-aided teachin' learnin' materials

    Fhat are the facilities a#ailable in the institution for such efforts

    /.0. $oes the institution ha#e a mechanism for the e#aluation of teachers by the students

    alumni If yes how is the e#aluation feedbac7 used to impro#e the ,uality of the

    teachin'-learnin' process

    /.0.J $oes the institution use telemedicine facilities for teachin'-learnin' processes If yes

    cite a few instances.

    /.0.@ $oes the institution utili

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    "mphasis on de#elopment of re,uired s7ills ade,uate 7nowled'e and appropriate

    attitude to practice medicine.

    Problem based learnin' (PB).

    Student assisted teachin' (SAT).

    Self directed learnin' and s7ills de#elopment (S$).

    4arrati#e based medicine. &edical humanities.

    $ru' and poison information assistance centre.

    Ayur#eda practices.

    9o'a practices.

    9o'a therapy techni,ues.

    4aturopathy and its practices.

    Any other.

    /.0.6 $oes the institution ha#e an "lectronic &edical Records facility staffed by trained

    and ,ualified personnel Is it used for teachin'-learnin' process

    /.0./8 $oes the institution ha#e well documented procedures for case sheet writin'

    obtainin' informed consent and the dischar'e process of the patients

    /.0./ $oes the institution produce #ideos of clinical cases and use them for teachin'-

    learnin' processes

    /.0.// $oes the institution perform medico le'alpost-mortem procedures with a #iew to train

    the under'raduate and post-'raduate students in medico le'al procedures

    /.0./0 $oes the institution ha#e dru' and poison information and poison detection centresHow are these used to train the students

    /.0./1 $oes the institution ha#e a Pharmaco#i'ilance To2icolo'y centre clinical pharmacy

    facility dru' information centre!entre for disease sur#eillance and control Pre#ention

    throu'h 9o'aPromotion of positi#e healthFell-e,uipped Psycholo'y aboratory

    4aturopathic dia'nostic centre etc.

    /.0./ aboratories $ia'nostics

    How is the students learnin' process in the laboratories dia'nostics monitored

    Pro#ide the laboratory time table (for the different courses).

    Student staff ratio in the laboratories dia'nostics.

    /.0./ How many procedures clinical cases sur'eries are obser#ed assisted performed

    with assistance and carried out independently by students in order to fulfill learnin'


    /.0./J $oes the institution pro#ide patients with information on complementary and


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    alternati#e systems of &edicine

    /.0./@ Fhat are the methods used to promote teachin'-learnin' process in the clinical


    /.0./6 $o students maintain lo' boo7s of their teachin'-learnin' acti#ities

    /.0.08 Is there a structured mechanism for post 'raduate teachin'-learnin' process

    /.0.0 Pro#ide the followin' details about each of the teachin' pro'rams3

    4umber of didactic lectures

    4umber of students in each batch

    4umber of rotations

    $etails of student case study dru' study

    4ursin' !are !onference (4!!)

    4umber of medical dental procedures that the students 'et to see

    &anne,uins Simulation s7ills laboratory for student teachin'

    4umber of students inside the operation rooms at a 'i#en time

    A#era'e number of procedures in the *Rs per wee7 month and year

    Autopsy Post-mortem facility

    5.7 Teac+er ,a"it*

    /.1. How does the institution plan and facilitate its faculty to meet the chan'in'

    re,uirements of the curriculum

    /.1./ $oes the institution encoura'e di#ersity in its faculty recruitment Pro#ide the

    followin' details (department school-wise).

    Deart$ent H of fac"t*fro$ t+e



    H of fac"t*fro$ ot+er


    0it+in t+e State

    H of fac"t* fro$in#tittion#

    ot#i!e t+e State

    H offac"t*

    fro$ ot+er



    /.1.0 How does the institution ensure that ,ualified faculty are appointed for new pro'rams

    emer'in' areas of study How many faculty members were appointed to teach new

    pro'rams durin' the last four years/.1.1 How many "meritus Ad:unct aculty %isitin' Professors are on the rolls of the


    /.1. Fhat policiessystems are in place to academically rechar'e and re:u#enate teachers

    (e.g. pro#idin' research 'rants study lea#e nomination to nationalinternational

    conferencesseminars in-ser#ice trainin' or'ani

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    /.. Fhat are the ri'orous features introduced by the uni#ersity to ensure confidentiality in

    the conduct of the e2aminations

    /.. $oes the institution ha#e an inte'rated e2amination platform for the followin'


    pre-e2amination processes 5 Time table 'eneration hall tic7et *&R student list

    'eneration in#i'ilators s,uads attendance sheet online payment 'ateway online

    transmission of ,uestions and mar7s etc.

    e2amination process 5 "2amination material mana'ement lo'istics etc.

    post-e2amination process 5 Attendance capture *&R-based e2am result auto

    processin' result processin' certification etc.

    /..J Has the uni#ersity institution introduced any reforms in its e#aluation process

    /..@ Fhat is the mechanism for redressal of 'rie#ances with reference to e2aminations

    Gi#e details.

    /..6 $oes the institution ha#e a &anual for "2aminations and if yes does it specifically ta7e


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    5.. St!ent Perfor$ance an! Learnin' Otco$e#

    /.. Has the institution articulated its Graduate Attributes If so how does it facilitate and

    monitor its implementation and outcome

    /../ $oes the institution ha#e clearly stated learnin' outcomes for its academic

    pro'ramsdepartments If yes 'i#e details on how the students and staff are made

    aware of these

    /..0 How are the institutionCs teachin'-learnin' and assessment strate'ies structured to

    facilitate the achie#ement of the intended learnin' outcomes

    /..1 How does the institution ensure that the stated learnin' outcomes ha#e been achie#ed

    Any ot&er infor$ation re+ardin+ eac&in+-%earnin+ and /valuation ,&ic& t&e institution

    ,ould lie to include.


    6.3 Pro$otion of Re#earc+

    0.. Is there an Institutional Research !ommittee which monitors and addresses issues

    related to research If yes what is its composition &ention a few recommendations

    which ha#e been implemented and their impact.

    0../ $oes the institution ha#e an institutional ethics committee to monitor matters related to

    the ethics of inclusion of humans and animals in research

    0..0 Fhat is the policy of the uni#ersity to promote research in its affiliated constituent


    0..1 Fhat are the proacti#e mechanisms adopted by the institution to facilitate the smooth

    implementation of research schemespro:ects

    a. "2ternally funded pro:ects (both 'o#ernment and pri#ate a'encies)3

    ad#ancin' funds for sanctioned pro:ects.

    pro#idin' seed money.

    simplification of procedures related to sanctions purchases to be made by the

    in#esti'ators. autonomy to the principal in#esti'atorcoordinator for utili

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    writin' proposals for fundin'.

    any trainin' 'i#en for writin' proposals.

    b. Institution sponsored pro:ects3

    Proportion of funds dedicated for research in the annual bud'et.

    A#ailability of fundin' for research trainin'resources.

    A#ailability of access to online data bases.

    0.. How is multidisciplinary interdisciplinary transdisciplinary research promoted within

    the institution

    betweenamon' different departments and

    collaboration with nationalinternational institutes industries.

    0.. Gi#e details of wor7shops trainin' pro'rams sensiti

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    "pidemiolo'y Health "conomics etc.

    Promotional a#enues for multi-disciplinary inter-disciplinary research.

    Promotional a#enues for translational research.

    Instillin' a culture of research amon' under'raduate students.

    Publication-based promotionincenti#es.

    Pro#idin' tra#el 'rant for attendin' nationalinternational conference andwor7shops.

    0..1 $oes the institution facilitate

    RE$ for capacity buildin' and analytical s7ills in product de#elopment li7e

    dia'nostic 7its biomedical products etc. for the national international mar7et

    $e#elopment of entrepreneur s7ills in health care

    Ta7in' leadership role for stem cell research or'an transplantation and

    har#estin' Biotechnolo'y &edical Informatics Genomics Proteomics !ellular

    and &olecular Biolo'y 4anoscience etc.

    0.. Are students encoura'ed to conduct any e2perimental research in 9o'a and or


    6.5 Re#orce Mo&i"i;ation for Re#earc+

    0./. How many departments of the institution ha#e been reco'ni

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    0./. $oes the institution ha#e any pro:ects sponsored by the industry corporate houses If

    yes 'i#e details such as the name of the pro:ect fundin' a'ency and 'rants recei#ed.

    0./. ist details of

    a. Research pro:ects completed and 'rants recei#ed durin' the last four years

    (funded by 4ationalInternational a'encies).

    b. Inter-institutional collaborati#e pro:ects and 'rants recei#ed

    i) 4ational collaborations

    ii) International collaborations

    0./.J Fhat are the financial pro#isions made in the institution bud'et for supportin' studentsC

    research pro:ects

    6.6 Re#earc+ Faci"itie#

    0.0. Fhat efforts ha#e been made by the institution to impro#e its infrastructurere,uirements to facilitate research Fhat strate'ies ha#e been e#ol#ed to meet the needs

    of researchers in emer'in' disciplines

    0.0./ $oes the institution ha#e an Ad#anced !entral Research facility If yes ha#e the

    facilities been made a#ailable to research scholars Fhat is the fundin' allocated to the


    0.0.0 $oes the institution ha#e a $ru' Information !entre to cater to the needs of

    researchers If yes pro#ide details of the facility.

    0.0.1 $oes the institution pro#ide residential facilities (with computer and internet facilities)

    for research scholars post-doctoral fellows research associates summer fellows of

    #arious academies and #isitin' scientists (nationalinternational)

    0.0. $oes the institution ha#e centres of national and international reco'nitionrepute Gi#e

    a brief description of how these facilities are made use of by researchers from other


    0.0. !linical trials and research

    * Are all the clinical trials re'istered with !TRI (!linical Trials Research of India)

    * ist a few ma:or clinical trials conducted with their outcomes.

    6.7 Re#earc+ P&"ication# an! A0ar!#

    0.1. $oes theinstitution publish any research :ournal(s) If yes indicate the composition of

    the editorial board editorial policies and state whether itthey isare listed in any

    international database.

    0.1./ Gi#e details of publications by the faculty and students3


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    4umber of papers published in peer re#iewed :ournals (national international)


    !hapters in Boo7s

    Boo7s edited

    Boo7s with ISB4 with details of publishers

    4umber listed in International $atabase (or e.g. Feb of Science Scopus

    Humanities International !omplete "BS!* host Goo'le scholar etc.)

    !itation Inde2 5 ran'e a#era'e

    Impact actor 5 ran'e a#era'e

    Source 4ormali

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    6.9 Con#"tanc*

    0.. Fhat are the official policyrules of the institution for structured consultancy ist a

    few important consultancies underta7en by the institution durin' the last four years.

    0../ $oes the uni#ersity ha#e an industry institution partnership cell If yes what is its

    scope and ran'e of acti#ities

    0..0 Fhat is the mode of publici

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    0..6 Fhat initiati#es ha#e been ta7en by the institution to promote social-:ustice and 'ood


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    !urriculum de#elopment


    *n-the-:ob trainin'

    aculty e2chan'e and de#elopment





    Student placement

    Any other (specify)

    0.J.0 Has the institution si'ned &o;s or filed patents with institutions of

    nationalinternational importanceother uni#ersities industriescorporate houses etc. If

    yes how ha#e they enhanced the research and de#elopment acti#ities of the institution

    0.J.1 Ha#e the institution-industry interactions resulted in the establishment creation ofhi'hly speciali

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    1..0 Has the institution pro#ided all its departments with facilities li7e office room common

    room and separate rest rooms for women students and staff

    1..1 How does the institution ensure that the infrastructure facilities are barrier free for

    pro#idin' easy access to colle'e and hospital for the differently-abled persons

    1.. Fhat special facilities are a#ailable on campus to promote studentsC interest in sports

    and cultural e#entsacti#ities

    1.. Fhat measures does the institution ta7e to ensure campus safety and security

    1..J acility of Animal House

    Is animal house maintained as per !P!S"A 'uidelines

    Fhether records of animal house are maintained for learnin' and research


    $oes the animal house ha#e appro#al for breedin' and sellin' e2perimental

    animals as per !P!S"A 'uidelines

    1..@ Pro#ide the followin' details on the use of laboratories museums as learnin'


    4umber &aintenance and up-'radation

    $escripti#e catalo'ues in museums

    ;sa'e of the abo#e by the ;GPG students

    1..6 $entistry

    $ental chairs in clinic 5 specialty wise

    Total dental chairs

    Schedule of chair side teachin' in clinics 5 specialty wise

    4umber of procedures in clinics per month and year

    &obile dental care unit

    acilities for dental and ma2illofacial procedures

    $ental laboratories

    1..8 Pharmacy

    Pharmaceutical Science aboratories

    &useum for dru' formulations

    &achine room

    Herbarium crude dru' museum

    Balance room

    !hemical store

    Instrumentation facilities

    Pilot plant

    !omputer aided laboratory


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    1.. 9o'a and 4aturopathy

    $emonstration hall with teachin' facility to cater to the needs of the students.

    $iet Ser#ice &ana'ement $epartment

    9o'a cum multipurpose hall for meditation and prayer

    Solarium compatible for multimedia presentation

    &ud Stora'e ;nit *utdoor acilities - Fal7in' trac7 with refle2olo'y se'ment.

    Swimmin' Pool

    4aturopathy bloc7s

    1../ Homoeopathy

    &useum and demonstration room (Homoeopathic Pharmacy aboratory

    Patholo'y aboratory !ommunity &edicine Homoeopathic &ateria &edica

    *r'anon of &edicine includin' History of &edicine)

    Repertory with !omputer aboratory and $emonstration Room

    1..0 4ursin'

    4ursin' oundation aboratory

    &edical Sur'ical aboratory

    !ommunity Health 4ursin' aboratory

    &aternal and !hild Health aboratory

    4utrition aboratory

    Pre clinical aboratories

    Specimens &odels and &anne,uins

    1..1 Ayur#eda

    * Herbal Gardens

    * &useum Herbarium

    * Pancha7arma acility

    * "ye "2ercises !linic

    * ?shara Sutra and A'ni ?arma Setup

    * Ayur#eda Pharmacy

    1.. $oes the institution ha#e the followin' facilities If so indicate its special features ifany.

    &editation Hall

    4aturopathy bloc7s

    1.. Pro#ide details of sophisticated e,uipments procured durin' the last four years.


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    7.5 C"inica" Learnin' Re#orce#

    1./. Teachin' Hospital

    9ear of establishment

    Hospital institution distance

    Fhether owned by the colle'e or affiliated to any other institution

    Are the teachin' hospitals and laboratories accredited by 4ABH 4AB or any

    other national or international accreditin' a'ency

    4umber of beds

    4umber of specialty ser#ices

    4umber of super-specialty ser#ices

    4umber of beds in I!; I!!; PI!; 4I!; etc. 4umber of operation theatres

    4umber of $ia'nostic Ser#ice $epartments

    !linical aboratories

    Ser#ice areas #i

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    How does the hospital ensure dissemination of factual information re'ardin'

    ri'hts responsibilities and the health care costs to patient and the


    How does the hospital ensure that proper informed consent is obtained

    $oes the hospital ha#e well-defined policies for pre#ention of hospital-ac,uired


    $oes the hospital ha#e 'ood clinical practice 'uidelines and standard operatin'


    $oes the hospital ha#e effecti#e systems for disposal of bio-ha

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    For7in' hours (on wor7in' days on holidays before e2amination durin'

    e2amination durin' #acation)

    ayout of the library (indi#idual readin' carrels loun'e area for browsin' and

    rela2ed readin' IT

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    In-houseremote access to e-resources

    ;ser *rientation

    Assistance in searchin' $atabases


    1.0. Pro#ide details of the annual library bud'et and the amount spent for purchasin' new

    boo7s and :ournals.1.0.J Fhat are the strate'ies used by the library to collect feedbac7 from its users How is

    the feedbac7 analy

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    1.1.1 Fhat are the institutional plans and strate'ies for deployin' and up'radin' the IT

    infrastructure and associated facilities

    1.1. Gi#e details on access to on-line teachin' and learnin' resources and other 7nowled'e

    and information databasepac7a'es pro#ided to the staff and students for ,uality

    teachin'-learnin' and research.

    1.1. Fhat are the new technolo'ies deployed by the institution in enhancin' student learnin'

    and e#aluation durin' the last four years and how do they meet new future challen'es

    1.1.J Fhat are the IT facilities a#ailable to indi#idual teachers for effecti#e teachin' and

    ,uality research

    1.1.@ Gi#e details of I!T-enabled classroomslearnin' spaces a#ailable within the institution.

    How are they utili

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    ../ Apart from classroom interaction what are the pro#isions a#ailable for academic


    ..0 $oes the institution ha#e any personal enhancement and de#elopment schemes such as

    career counselin' soft s7ills de#elopment career-path-identification and orientation to

    well-bein' for its students Gi#e details of such schemes.

    ..1 $oes the institution ha#e facilities for psycho social counselin' for students

    .. $oes the institution pro#ide assistance to students for obtainin' educational loans from

    ban7s and other financial institutions

    .. $oes the institution publish its updated prospectus and handboo7 annually If yes what

    are the main issues acti#ities information included pro#ided to students throu'h

    these documents Is there a pro#ision for online access

    ..J Specify the type and number of institution scholarships freeships 'i#en to the students

    durin' the last four years. Fas financial aid 'i#en to them on time Gi#e details. (in a

    tabular form)

    ..@ Fhat percenta'e of students recei#e financial assistance from state 'o#ernment central

    'o#ernment and other national a'encies

    ..6 $oes the institution ha#e an International Student !ell to attract forei'n students and

    cater to their needs

    ..8 Fhat types of support ser#ices are a#ailable for

    o#erseas students

    physically challen'ed differently-abled students

    S!ST *B! and economically wea7er sections

    students participatin' in #arious competitionsconferences in India and abroad

    health centre health insurance etc.

    s7ill de#elopment (spo7en "n'lish computer literacy etc.)

    performance enhancement for slow learners.

    e2posure of students to other institutions of hi'her learnin' corporatesbusiness

    houses etc.

    publication of student ma'a

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    any other (specify)

    ..0 $oes the institution ha#e an institutionali

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    ./. Fhat is the student stren'th of the institution for the current academic year Analy

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014



    .3 In#tittiona" %i#ion an! Lea!er#+i

    .. State the #ision and the mission of the institution.

    ../ $oes the mission statement define the institutionCs distincti#e characteristics in terms of

    addressin' the needs of the society the students it see7s to ser#e the institutionCs

    tradition and #alue orientations its #ision for the future etc.

    ..0 How is the leadership in#ol#ed in

    de#elopin' "-Go#ernance strate'ies for the institution

    ensurin' the or'ani

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    .. How are the followin' #alues reflected in the functionin' of the institution

    !ontributin' to 4ational de#elopment

    osterin' 'lobal competencies amon' students

    Inculcatin' a sound #alue system amon' students

    Promotin' use of technolo'y

    Duest for e2cellence../ Has the institution been indicted 'i#en any ad#erse reports by 4ational Re'ulatory

    bodies If so pro#ide details.

    ..0 Fhat are the pro:ected bud'etary pro#isions towards teachin' health care ser#ices

    research faculty de#elopment etc.

    .5 Strate'* Dee"o$ent an! De"o*$ent

    ./. $oes the institution ha#e a perspecti#e plan for de#elopment If yes what aspects of the

    followin' are considered in the de#elopment of policies and strate'ies

    %ision and mission

    Teachin' and learnin'

    Research and de#elopment

    !ommunity en'a'ement outreach acti#ities

    Human resource plannin' and de#elopment

    Industry interaction


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    ./.J How does the institution ensure that 'rie#ances complaints are promptly attended to

    and resol#ed effecti#ely Is there a mechanism to analy

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    .1. Fhat is the institutional mechanism a#ailable to monitor the effecti#e and efficient use

    of financial resources

    .1./ $oes the institution ha#e a mechanism for internal and e2ternal audit Gi#e details.

    .1.0 Are the institutionCs accounts audited re'ularly Ha#e there been any audit ob:ections

    if so how were they addressed

    .1.1 Pro#ide the audited statement of accounts with details of e2penses for academic

    research and administrati#e acti#ities of the last four years.

    .1. 4arrate the efforts ta7en by the institution for resource mobili

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    ..8 $oes the hospital ha#e institutional and indi#idual insurance schemes to co#er

    indemnity claims

    Any ot&er infor$ation re+ardin+ Governance0 %eaders&ip and 2ana+e$ent ,&ic& t&e

    institution ,ould lie to include.


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    3. Tit"e of t+e Practice

    This title should capture the 7eywords that describe the practice.

    5. O&Kectie# of t+e Practice

    Fhat are the ob:ecti#es intended outcomes of this =best practice> and what are the

    underlyin' principles or concepts of this practice (in about 88 words)

    6. T+e Conte-t

    Fhat were the conte2tual features or challen'in' issues that needed to be addressed in

    desi'nin' and implementin' this practice (in about 8 words)

    7. T+e Practice

    $escribe the practice and its uni,ueness in the conte2t of India hi'her education. Fhat

    were the constraints limitations if any faced (in about 188 words)

    9. Ei!ence of Scce##

    Pro#ide e#idence of success such as performance a'ainst tar'ets and benchmar7s re#iew

    results. Fhat do these results indicate $escribe in about /88 words.

    . Pro&"e$# Encontere! an! Re#orce# Reire!

    Identify the problems encountered and resources re,uired to implement the practice (in

    about 8 words).

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    6. Ea"atie Reort of t+e Deart$ent

    . 4ame of the $epartment

    /. 9ear of establishment

    0. Is the $epartment part of a colle'eaculty of the uni#ersity

    1. 4ames of pro'rams offered (;G PG Pharm$ Inte'rated &astersL &.Phil. Ph.$.

    Inte'rated Ph.$. !ertificate $iploma PG $iploma $.&.&.!h. Super specialty

    fellowship etc.)

    . Interdisciplinary pro'rams and departments in#ol#ed

    . !ourses in collaboration with other uni#ersities industries forei'n institutions etc.

    J. $etails of pro'rams discontinued if any with reasons

    @. "2amination System3 AnnualSemesterTrimester!hoice Based !redit System

    6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments8. 4umber of teachin' posts sanctioned filled and actual (ProfessorsAssociate

    ProfessorsAsst. Professorsothers)

    Sanctioned illed Actual (includin'

    !AS E &PS)


    Associate ProfessorReader

    Assistant Professor


    Tutor !linical Instructor

    Senior Resident

    . aculty profile with name ,ualification desi'nation area of speciali

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    and actual

    . Research thrust areas as reco'ni

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    /. aculty ser#in' in

    a) 4ational committees b) International committees c) "ditorial Boards d) any other


    /J. aculty rechar'in' strate'ies (Refresher orientation pro'rams wor7shops trainin'

    pro'rams and similar pro'rams).

    /@. Student pro:ects percenta'e of students who ha#e ta7en upin-house pro:ects includin' inter-departmental


    percenta'e of students doin' pro:ects in collaboration with other uni#ersities industry


    /6. Awards reco'nitions recei#ed at the national and international le#el by


    $octoral post doctoral fellows


    08. Seminars !onferencesFor7shops or'ani

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    0. Student pro'ression

    St!ent ro're##ion Percenta'e a'ain#t enro""e!

    ;G to PG

    PG to &.Phil $& & !h $4B

    PG to Ph.$.

    Ph.$. to Post-$octoral


    !ampus selection *ther than campus recruitment


    0. $i#ersity of staff

    Percenta'e of fac"t* 0+o are 'ra!ate#

    of the same uni#ersity

    from other uni#ersities within the State

    from uni#ersities from other States

    from uni#ersities outside the country

    0J. 4umber of faculty who were awarded &.Phil. $& & !h Ph.$. $.Sc. and $.itt. durin'

    the assessment period

    0@. Present details of departmental infrastructural facilities with re'ard to

    a) ibrary

    b) Internet facilities for staff and students

    c) Total number of class rooms

    d) !lass rooms with I!T facility and smartC class rooms

    e) StudentsC laboratories

    f) Research laboratories

    06. ist of doctoral post-doctoral students and Research Associates

    a) from the host institutionuni#ersity

    b) from other institutionsuni#ersities

    18. 4umber of post 'raduate students 'ettin' financial assistance from the uni#ersity.

    1. Fas any need assessment e2ercise underta7en before the de#elopment of new pro'ram(s)

    If so hi'hli'ht the methodolo'y.

    1/. $oes the department obtain feedbac7 from

    a. faculty on curriculum as well as teachin'-learnin'-e#aluation If yes how does the

    department utili

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    department utili of the department.

    16. State whether the pro'ram department is accredited 'raded by other a'encies If yes 'i#e


    8. Briefly hi'hli'ht the contributions of the department in 'eneratin' new 7nowled'e basic or


    . $etail fi#e ma:or Stren'ths Fea7nesses *pportunities and !hallen'es (SF*!) of the


    /. uture plans of the department.

    7. Dec"aration &* t+e ea! of t+e In#tittion

    I certify that that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my


    This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions and no part thereof has been


    I am aware that the Peer team will #alidate the information pro#ided in this SSR durin' the peer

    team #isit.


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    Si'nature of the Head of the institution

    with seal3




  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    Section C: Aen!ice#


    3. G"o##ar*

    5. A&&reiation#6. A##e##$ent In!icator#

    7. Me$&er# of t+e Nationa" Con#"tatie Co$$ittee ea"t+ Science#

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014



    Aen!i- 3: G"o##ar*

  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014



    Aca!e$ic a!it : An e2ercise which ser#es to pro#ide assurance that the

    dele'ated responsibilities for ,uality and standards of

    academic pro#ision are bein' appropriately dischar'ed.

    Aca!e$ic ca"en!ar : The schedule of the institution for the academic year 'i#in'

    details of all academic and administrati#e e#ents.

    Aca!e$ic f"e-i&i"it* : !hoice offered to the students in the curriculum offerin' and

    the curriculum transactions.

    Accre!itation : !ertification of ,uality that is #alid for a fi2ed period which

    in the case of 4AA! is fi#e years.

    A##e##$ent : Performance e#aluation of an institution or its units based on

    certain established criteria.

    Benc+$ar1# : An e2ample of 'ood performance that ser#es as a standard for

    comparison of oneCs own performance. It is a techni,ue in

    which an institution measures its performance a'ainst that of

    the best of others.

    Be*on! #*""a #c+o"ar"*


    : Participation in academic acti#ities beyond the minimum

    re,uirements of the syllabus.

    B"en!e! "earnin' : A mi2in' of different learnin' en#ironments such as

    traditional face-to-face classroom methods with modern

    computer-mediated acti#ities.

    Bri!'e cor#e : A teachin' module which helps to close the 'ap between two

    le#els of competence.

    Car&on netra" : A term used to describe fuels that neither contribute to nor

    reduce the amount of carbon (measured in the release of

    carbon dio2ide) into the atmosphere.

    Caterin' to #t!ent !ier#it* : The strate'ies adopted by institution to fulfill the needs of a

    hetero'eneous 'roup of students.

    C+oice &a#e! cre!it #*#te$ : A mode of learnin' in hi'her education which facilitates a


  • 8/12/2019 HSI Manual - 2014


    student to ha#e some freedom in selectin' hisher own

    choices across #arious disciplines for completin' a ;G PG

    pro'ramme. It is popularly 7nown as the cafeteria model.

    Citation in!e- : The number of times a research papers it is referred to by

    other researchers in refereed :ournals and is a measure of

    #alidity of its contents.

    Co""a&oration : ormal a'reement understandin' between any two or more

    institutions for trainin' research studentfaculty e2chan'e or

    e2tension support.

    Con#e"in' : Assistin' and mentorin' students indi#idually or collecti#ely

    for academic career personal and financial decision-ma7in'.

    Criteria : Pre-determined standards of functionin' of an institution ofhi'her education that form the basis of assessment and

    accreditation as identified defined by 4AA!.

    Crric"$ !e#i'n an!


    : Process of definin' the contents of units of study and usually

    obtained throu'h needs assessment feedbac7 from

    sta7eholders and e2pert 'roups. !urriculum desi'n and

    curriculum de#elopment are procedures which are closely

    lin7ed to the description of learnin' outcomes.

    C*c"e# of Accre!itation : An institution under'oin' the accreditation process by 4AA!

    for the first time is said to be in !ycle and the consecuti#e

    fi#e year periods as !ycle / 0 etc.

    Dare Data&a#e 4

    Internationa" Socia" Science#


    : Pro#ides access to world wide information on social science

    peace and human ri'hts research and trainin' institutes

    social science specialists and social science periodicals.

    De noo in#tittion : An institution de#oted to inno#ations in teachin' and researchin uni,ue and emer'in' areas of 7nowled'eC so determined

    by eminent peers of the academic community in the

    concerned disciplines.

    Da" !e'ree : Pursuin' two different uni#ersity de'rees in parallel either at


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    the same institution or at different institutions (sometimes in

    different countries) completin' them in less time than it

    would ta7e to earn them separately.

    EBSCO+o#t : Is an online reference resource with desi'ned to cater to user

    needs and preferences at e#ery le#el of research with o#er

    08 full te2t and secondary databases a#ailable.

    E$er'in' area# : 4ew areas of study and research deemed important to pursue.

    These areas may ha#e been identified by national a'encies or

    international bodies.

    Enric+$ent cor#e# : %alue added courses offered by institution for student

    empowerment. They enhance the curriculum by amplifyin'

    supplementin' and replacin' such parts or features as ha#e

    become ineffecti#e or obsolete.

    Ea"ation roce## an!


    : Assessment of learnin' teachin' and e#aluation process and

    reforms to increase the efficiency and effecti#eness of the


    E-ten#ion actiitie# : The aspect of education which emphasi

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