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EDTC 6323


Select patient’s name

Go to the toolbar and select Patient’s tab.

Select patient’s name

Highlight patient’s name and click use.

Short Answer Questions

What tab do you click on to select the patient’s list?

How do you select your patient’s name?

Select Smart Doc

Go to the toolbar and select the Smart Doc tab.

Select Smart Doc

Fill out information for Notice of Privacy Act (HIPPA) requirements.

Select Smart Doc

Fill out patient’s Consent &


Select Smart Doc

Sign patient’s Bill of Rights.

Short Answer Questions

Which forms need to be signed by the patient before continuing with patient treatment?

Show me how to save the HIPPA forms.

Select Medical History

Go to the toolbar and select Medical History tab.

Select Medical History

Add medications names, uses, and contraindications on dialogue box. If more space is needed, add them under comments (remember to review comments and add additional information as needed).

Have the instructor and the Dentist sign as witnesses for the medical history verification using the signature pad.


Short Answer Questions

Where do you click on to document any medical conditions and/or medications for the patient?

If you run out of room, where can you go to continue documentation?

Where does the dentist have to sign after review of the medical history to confirm approval for patient treatment?

Select Cinical Exam

Select Clinical Exam on Toolbar.

Select Cinical Exam

Select each individual tab in the clinical exam.

Record any abnormal findings for each individual tab.

For any abnormal findings not found in the clinical tabs, record your findings in the comments dialogue box.

Select Clinical Exam

TMJ: include clicking, popping, and locking of the jaw.

Head & neck: include normal and abnormal findings.

Habits: include any and all patients’ habits.

Cancer screening: include all findings.

 Occlusion: Record patient’s occlusion. Use the “comments” section to document occlusion based on molar relationship (class I, II, III). For children, select “molar relation” tab. Select crossbite, midline deviation, overbite, and/or overjet tabs and document your findings.

Perio: record periodontal findings to determine periodontal status.


Select Clinical Exam- Perio

Select Clinical Exam-TMJ

Select Clinical Exam- Occlusion

Select Clinical Exam- Intra-oral Exam

Short Answer Questions

Where do you document any findings or/and conditions not listed under the named tabs in the Clinical Exam?

Select Perio Chart

Select the Perio Chart tab on the operatory page.

Select Perio Chart

Document all of your findings to include the depth of the perio pockets, furcation involvement, mobility, recession, bleeding, and exudate.


Example of a Perio Chart

Short Answer Questions

Where do you find the tabs to document furcation involvement? recession areas? mobility? and Bleeding?

Select Charting

Select the Chart tab on the operatory page.

Select Charting

Document all of your findings to include all of the existing restorative treatment and missing or impacted teeth.

Document all of the proposed treatment based on the patient’s needs.


Short Answer Questions

Where will you find the tabs to click on and record all of the existing restorative treatment found on your patient?

Where will you find the tabs to click on and record all of your proposed treatment according to your patient’s needs?

Develop Treatment Plan

Select the Treatment Plan tab on the bottom of the page.

Develop Treatment Plan

Select the New Plan tab on the treatment plan page.

Place a check mark by each box of proposed treatment and name it “Dental Hygiene Plan”.

Select Treatment Plan

Select the Acquire New tab under informed consent on the treatment plan page.

Select Treatment Plan

Select Auto Note and click on Treatment Plan.

Fill out treatment plan details.

Have the patient sign their treatment plan with the signature pad.

Have the instructor sign as a witness for the treatment plan with the signature pad.


Short Answer Questions

From what page will you access the treatment plan?

What tab do you need to click on to develop a new treatment plan for your patient?

What tab do you need to click on to provide a detailed comprehensive treatment plan for your patient?

Select Note History

Select Note History on toolbar.

Document Note History

Select Auto Note tab. Select Risk

Assessment Auto Note, record your findings. Click OK.

Select Auto Note tab. Select Progress Notes

Auto Note, record all findings and information gathered throughout the appointment.


Short Answer Questions

What tab do you click on to document all of your findings for the patient’s current appointment?

What tab do you click on to document the risk assessment findings for your patient?
