How To Read The New ASCAP International Distribution …/media/files/pdf/members/... ·...


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How To Read The New ASCAPInternational Distribution Statement

for Publishers.

Member Royalty Breakdown: Publisher Member WithNo Deductions or Other Payment Instructions

Important ASCAP Communications

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Distribution Details:• Distribution type: International• Member Name• Member ID: ASCAP’s numerical identifier

for a member• Member IPI Number: International code

for Interested Party*• Distribution Date: Month and year

Address Block

Net Distribution Total: Royalty amount paid to publisher member by check or direct deposit.

* An Interested Party is a writer or publisher who has an ownership interest in a Work.

Royalty Total: Amount distributed to publishermembership as catalog owner, and as collector

for administered catalogs, if applicable.

Member Royalty Breakdown: Publisher MemberWith Allocations and Deductions

Important ASCAP Communications

ASCAP Logoand address

Distribution Details:• Distribution type: International• Member Name• Member ID: ASCAP’s numerical identifier

for a member• Member IPI Number: International code

for Interested Party*• Distribution Date: Month and year

Address Block

Your Royalties: The difference between “TotalMembership Royalties” and “Allocated Royalties.”

Deductions: Amounts by which “Your Royalties” are reduced dueto payments owed to non-owner third parties (e.g., child support

payments), or as recoupments to outstanding balances due ASCAP.

Total Membership Royalties: Amount to be distributed to publisher membership bothas catalog owner, and as collector for administered catalogs, if applicable. “AllocatedRoyalties” are those that are payable to another royalty owner. (e.g., former spouse).

Net Distribution Total: Royalty amount paidto publisher member by check or direct deposit.

* An Interested Party is a writer or publisher who has an ownership interest in a Work.

Member Royalty Breakdown: Publisher Member Where No Royalties Are Due

Important ASCAP Communications

ASCAP Logoand address

Distribution Details:• Distribution type: International• Member Name• Member ID: ASCAP’s numerical identifier

for a member• Member IPI Number: International code

for Interested Party*• Distribution Date: Month and year

Address Block

Deductions: Amounts by which “Your Royalties” are reduced due to payments owed to non-owner third parties (e.g., child support payments), or as recoupments to outstanding balances due ASCAP.

Royalty Total: Amount distributed to membership, both as catalogowner and as collector for administered catalogs, if applicable.

Net Amount: Value displayed if member doesnot receive royalties because all amounts are

payable to others as Allocations or Deductions.

* An Interested Party is a writer or publisher who has an ownership interest in a Work.

Deduction Summary - Detailed view of royalties deductedfrom member owner and/or administered companies.

A “Deduction Summary” page will only be included with your performance statement if publisher administers other catalogs and royalties have beendeducted for payment to third parties who are not royalty owners, or for recoupment of an outstanding balance due ASCAP.

Distribution Type: International

Distribution Date: Month & Year

Deductions from Royalties as Administrator:Detailed information about deductions to the

“Royalty Total” by administered company name.

Royalty Total: Amount distributed to membership, both as catalogowner and as collector for administered catalogs, if applicable.

Net Distribution Total: Difference between“Royalty Total” and “Total Deductions.” This is the

amount of your check or direct deposit.Total Deductions: Sum of all deductions

to all administered catalogs.

Distribution Type: International

Distribution Date: Month & Year

Distribution Total: Royalties earned by the member as owner plus royalties collected by themember as administrator. Note: Royalties collected for the member owner by others are notincluded in this figure, and would not be paid to the member owner. The critical field in this

Summary is the “Distribution Total” rather than the “Grand Total.”

Royalties as Owner/Collector: Royalty amount payable directly to the publisher memberas catalog owner, displayed by media, for current activity, and prior period adjustments.

Royalties as Administrator: Royalty amounts, by administeredcompany, displayed by media for current activity, and prior

period adjustments.

Catalog Royalties Collected By Others: Royalties for works owned by you as the publisher but collected by

others (this will only display if applicable).

Earnings Summary – High level view of royalties generated tothe catalog owner as both owner and administrator.An “Earnings Summary” page will only be included with your performance statement if your publishing

company administers or collects royalties for other publishers.

Royalty Totals: Sum of “Distribution Total”columns for “Royalties as Owner/Collector” and

for “Royalties as Administrator.”


Sum of earnings by Medium for current activity

and prior period adjustments.

Member Statement Summary with Year-To-Date Earnings Summary

Statement Summary: Total member earningsgenerated to owner by media for current activity anda consolidated amount for prior period adjustments.

Year-To-Date Earnings Summary: Domestic andInternational royalties paid, after any deductions,

to member catalog by calendar quarter.

Note: The quarterly display for the “Year-to-Date Earnings Summary” will only match to the “Statement Summary for Royalties as Owner/Collector” if no “underthreshold” or “released” prior period royalties have been added to earnings, or if no other amounts have been deducted from earnings. The amount displayed is

the amount that has actually been paid to the member as owner.

Your Royalties As Owner Collector – Statement Detail

Note: Performance Period information is also available for reference on the reverse side of the President’s letterwhich accompanies each International distribution.

Statement Detail displays current earnings by:• Country• Affiliated Society• Performance Period: when performances took place• Title• TV program, episode or film (if applicable)• Media• Total in U.S. Dollars

Prior period Adjustment Total

Royalty Total: Sum of currentearnings and prior period adjustments

for your catalog.

Summary of Administered Royalties

Statement Summary: Total member earnings by media for current activity and prior period adjustments

for administered publishers.

Administered Royalties – Statement Detail

Note: Performance Period information is also available for reference on the reverse side of the President’sletter which accompanies each International distribution.

Royalty Total As Administrator: Sum ofcurrent earnings and prior period adjustments

that will be collected by administrator

Prior period Adjustment TotalStatement Detail displays current earnings by:• Country• Affiliated Society• Performance Period: when performances took place• Title• TV program, episode or film (if applicable)• Media• Total in U.S. Dollars
