How to lucid dream


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Madelyn Lorubbio

How To Lucid Dream

What is lucid dreaming?

✴ Awareness that you are dreaming

✴ “Clear” dreaming

✴ The ability to control your dreams

Steps to Lucid Dreaming

1. Reality Checks

2. Dream Journal

3. Meditation

4. Time

5. Dream Stabilization

Performing Reality ChecksIncrease self-awareness

Differentiate dreams from reality

Mental habit: “am I awake?”

Routine reality checks

Dream Journal

Keep a journal by your bed

Record dreams every morning

Sketch pictures

Interpret & analyze

Title each dream

MeditationTrain yourself in dream state

Eradicate busy thoughts

Create a peaceful place

Engage all senses

Timing Techniques

Wake Back To Bed (WBTB) Method

Sleep six hours

Intentionally wake up

Conscious state to REM sleep

Morphs reality & dreams together

Dream Stabalization

Remain in dream state

Stay calm & focused

Practice everyday

Sweet dreams
