How to Create a Life of True Fulfillment


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  • 7/28/2019 How to Create a Life of True Fulfillment


    How To Create A Life Of True Fulfillment


    MAY 23, 2013 12:12 PM EDT
  • 7/28/2019 How to Create a Life of True Fulfillment


    I receive many questions from people who want to know how to experience more fulfillment, happiness, and meaning. They often

    express frustration that bubbles over from a variety of sources, including not knowing what they really want, confusion about

    which direction to go in, and worry about the obstacles that rise up as they pursue their dreams.

    At the root of all these frustrations is a misunderstanding about who we really are and the nature of true fulfillment.

    Who Am I?

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    Lets begin with the question of who is the I that is seeking to create your life. Take a moment right now and ask yourself Who

    am I? Jot down your answers on a piece of paper. Many people will begin this exercise by identifying their external roles in life:

    Im a mother, a doctor, a daughter, a Harvard graduate, a CEO, a triathlete, an artist, and so on. However, as they continue to

    ask themselves this question, the responses will begin to go beyond the ego level to the deeper realm of the soul. I am love. I

    am joy. I am spirit . . .

    In order to create a life of genuine happiness, we need to realize that we're all much more than skin-encapsulated egos. We

    are more than our titles, positions, accomplishments and relationships. Our true self is multidimensional, unbounded, pure


    When we ask ourselves What do I want?, its important to know if we are listening to the voice of our ego or the voice of our soul,

    because they have two very different visions of fulfillment:

    The egos v ision of fulfillment

    The souls vision of fulfillment

    I have everything I need to be comfortable.

    I am everything I need.

    I am calm, because bad things cant come near me.

    I am secure because I have nothing to fear in myself.

    Through hard work, I can achieve anything.

    The flow of lifes abundance brings me everything.

    I measure myself by my accomplishments.

    I dont measure myself by any external standard.

    I win much more than I lose.
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    Giving is more important than winning.

    I have a strong self-image.

    I have no self-image. I am beyond images.

    Because Im attractive, I win the attention of the opposite sex.

    Other people are attracted to me as soul to soul.

    When I find the perfect love, it will be on my terms.

    I can find perfect love,

    because I've discovered it first in myself.

    While we have all been conditioned to believe that the egos vision is practical and more realistic, what the ego promises is an

    illusion a will-o'-the-wisp that you can chase all your life without ever coming close. The egos vision of fulfillment is

    unattainable because it is dependent on external conditions that it ultimately cant control

    It cant compete with the souls vision of fulfillment, which is based on our innerawareness. The soul holds out a kind of

    happiness and fulfillment that doesnt depend on whether outside conditions are favorable or bad. This vision of fulfillment may

    seem more difficult, yet it unfolds automatically when you live from the level of the soul. Your inner intelligence comes into

    alignment with the creative intelligence of the universe, guiding you unerringly in exactly the way you need.

    Of course, you can manifest your ego desires using sheer willpower, but it takes lots of effort and you may not feel as fulfilled

    when you attain it as you imagined you would. Its like rowing a sailboat against high winds and a strong current: you can do it

    with enough effort, but if you harness the forces of the wind and current, then the journey is more comfortable and enjoyable.

    Ego or Soul Desires?
  • 7/28/2019 How to Create a Life of True Fulfillment


    Most desires are straightforward ego wishes. The natural impulse toward action that flows from our true self will also express

    itself as desire, but it will be an easy, gentle preference that does not come from a sense of lack or neediness.

    The easiest way to evaluate whether your desire to create something is coming from your real self or your ego is to tune in to

    your body and ask yourself, Does this desire feel relaxed and loving? Is it coming from a place that already feels good aboutitself? Does it want this for others as well as for oneself?

    Keep in mind that creative drive isnt facilitated by feeling like you should create something, or that you ought to start a

    project or youll regret it. When your inner dialogue is dominated by feelings of frustration, self-judgment, or fear, your ego is

    trying to take charge. When your desire to create something comes from a feeling of enthusiasm, inspiration, joy, and fullness

    within, then you are in touch with your true nature and the guidance that will help you create and experience fulfillment.

    Tuning into Your Souls Desires and Purpose

    As we have seen, it is important to learn how to think and desire from your silent self beyond your ego. From there, desire

    without expectation is easy and automatic. And as your experience of the soul deepens, you will spontaneously find that you will

    desire from that level of innocence and fulfillment.

    There are a variety of practices that can help you connect to your souls desires and purpose. Here are a few of the most

    powerful techniques you can use:


    When you meditate , you go beyond the minds restless, confused state into a higher state that is clear and steady. This

    expanded awareness is the birthplace of all your inspiration, creativity and insights.

    When you meditate on a regular basis, you cultivate inner calm and peace not just during your meditation sessions, but as

    you go about your daily activities. From this place of centered awareness, you will be in the best position to access the intuition

    and creativity to manifest your dreams. Learn more about meditation here .
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    Here is a simple meditation practice you can try right now:

    Meditation on the Heart

    Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Now gently place your attention on the area of your heart. As you breathe in

    and out naturally, keep your attention. Allow any feelings and sensations to arise pass. If you attention drifts away, gently bring it

    back to your heart. Try this meditation for a few minutes and notice how you feel before and after the experience.

    Cultivate Clarity

    Clarity means being awake to yourself and your true desires. Instead of being overshadowed by external situations or events, in

    clarity your awareness is always open to itself. Youre able to tell the true from the false so that you can identify what you want to

    nurture and what you want to release in your life.

    One effective way to cultivate clarity is to ask yourself the soul questions, Who am I? What do I want? Why am I here? Here is

    an exercise that you might find useful in working with these questions:

    1. Think back on situations and projects where you excelled and had fun at the same time. What were you doing and why did it

    make you feel good? What gifts do you have that can serve others?

    2. Keep a daily journal for 10 days, asking yourself the questions above after meditation and then writing down everythingthat

    comes to you. Your passion is the force of evolution that drives your life energy, so dont suppress it by telling yourself that youcant do it or that it is impractical.

    3. After 10 days you will have some good ideas to work with. Now list one or two action steps that you can immediately take for

    each idea. Start with the smallest manageable step, such as making a phone call, signing up for a course, or getting the name of

    a mentor or someone who may be able to help you. The important thing is to identify that current of energy in you and then give

    it an outlet. Once it starts to flow, it builds its own momentum and creates its own path forward.

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    bout the Author

    The more clarity you achieve, the more you will find that the universe is on your side, supporting your thoughts and intentions.

    Therefore, focus on clarity, not on getting results. The results will come according to their own rhythm and timing.

    Practice One-Pointed Awareness

    This is a form ofmindfulness meditation that will help you create more clarity and present-moment awareness. Choose one

    simple activity that you do every day, such as brushing your teeth, making the bed, or washing the dishes. Instead of rushing,

    put your complete attention on this task. If your mind is impatient or prods you to move on to more important business, ignore

    it. This simple daily practice of focusing your awareness on one small activity can create a powerful ripple effect that will expand

    your experience of present-moment awareness throughout the day.

    As you become more aware, you will begin to notice many opportunities that in the past you would have overlooked in your

    hurry. This is the phenomenon I describe as synchrodestiny the ability to use your attention, intention, and awareness to

    awaken to all the possibilities that always surround you.

    Deepak Chopra

    Deepak Chopra, M.D. is a best-selling author, physician, and founder of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing in Carlsbad, California. Known as

    the global source for learning meditation, yoga, Ayurveda, and other tools for mind-body health, the Chopra Center offers a variety of

    programs, including the upcoming meditation and yoga retreat, Seduction of Spirit , held in the serene mountains of British
  • 7/28/2019 How to Create a Life of True Fulfillment


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    LLC.MindBodyGreen is a registered trademark of MindBodyGreen, LLC.

    Columbia. This life-changing retreat connects guests to their deepest desires and gives them the tools to fulfill

    their dreams.

    To learn more, visit or call 888.736.6895.
