How nurseries in Dubai identify children's interests and work on improving them



The reason why it is imperative to find out your child’s interests is becausehis/her interests are often linked to character development which plays a vital role when it comesto developing a positive personality and also while picking up a career later in life.

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How Nurseries in Dubai identify Children’s Interests and Work on Improving Them.

The reason why it is imperative to find out your child’s interests is because his/her interests are often linked to character development which plays a vital role when it comes to developing a

positive personality and also while picking up a career later in life.

Finding out what your child’s interests are is quite a task. Some parents would simply ignore the job and eventually end up with the children having no real interests in any field whatsoever. The reason why it is imperative to find out your child’s interests is because his/her interests are often linked to character development which plays a vital role when it comes to picking up a career.

Identifying what your child likes as a toddler is a bit difficult; which is why such tasks are better taken care off during early childhood. At this stage of development children would be attending a nursery in Dubai and would gradually become aware of the small yet vital social group that exists around them. Their life both at the nursery and at home becomes a bit more regimented and organized. For some kids, the regimented and organized behaviour is autonomous while for others, it has to be imposed by educators and teachers which is a sign that the child may not be too sure or confident enough to face the next stage. Such instances are reminders for both parents and educators that they should be guiding the child and even more so, trying harder to help them find what interests them; else they would end up being too dependent.

Interests are developed at the nursery or even at home. Children usually pick up the things they like from the activities that they encounter at home or at pre-school. A child may have one or more interests and it is left to the parents and nursery teachers, to find ways to promote them in a non-invasive manner that does not discourage the child. For instance if a child likes to paint, the educator should not discourage the child by continuously telling him or her to improve or bring them down by explaining how bad it looks compared to the rest. The educator on the other hand, should motivate the child by praising the result—making the child happier—so that the child would try improvising on the task the next time. This motivation should be targeted at various levels and in different activities.

International nurseries in Dubai and the UAE often work in a similar manner; trying to figure out what children like, be it sports, art or music and accordingly try and give children the little motivation and push they need to help them develop a better craving for the same. Such interests when given a little push in the right manner often goes a long way and children gradually develop and learn to specialise in doing a particular activity. This activity during adulthood is often taken up as a goal or an objective that then gets converted into a career.