How Food Affects Life



How Food Affects Life. Chapter 1. The History of Food. Ate raw food Learned to cook food Formed tribes to hunt for food Learned to be herders and farm Learned a craft/trade Became merchants. Making Choices About Foods. State the decision to be made List your alternatives - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 1

The History of Food Ate raw food

Learned to cook food Formed tribes to hunt for

food Learned to be herders and

farm Learned a craft/trade Became merchants

Making Choices About Foods

1. State the decision to be made2. List your alternatives3. Weigh the pros and cons of each

alternative4. Make a decision and act on it5. Evaluate your decision

The Process at Work

State the decision What should I do for lunch?

List you alternatives Make a sandwich, reheat leftovers, or fast food

Weigh the pros and cons of each alternative Sandwich is convenient but effort to make Reheating is quick but lacks variety Fast food no prep. Cost more mone

Make a decision and act on it Choose the best option

Evaluate your decision Think of how you felt after your lunch

Food Meets Physical Needs

Relieves Hunger What is hunger? Appetite? You appetite has a greater influence on your

food choices than hunger. Improves Wellness

Define wellness 3 areas of wellness

Physical Mental Social health

Cultural Influences on Food Choices

Culture affects food habits1. National Origin

In the U.S., immigrants settled together based on nationality.

2. Religion Customs regarding food, religious offerings,

burial ceremonies, and fasting

3. Holidays Cultural influences most apparent on


Social Influences on Food Choices

Preparing and eating food are social activities.

Family Friends Mass Media Food Product Trends
