Hot Issue Topik Refrensi




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No. Nama Hot issue Topik1. Nur Diana Maulida

(12030204001)Hamidah Ghoziah A. (12030204028)

Pendidikan harus jadi sesuatu yang membahagiakan (

Joyfull Learning –Diskusi

2. M. Shobirin (12030204002)Mas afannudin (12030204224)

Dorong Anak Berkreasi Bukan Mengimitasi (

Problem based learning

3. Mey Budiartini (12030204003)Astri Yulianti (12030204037)

Sambutan Mendikbud yang mengutip Ki Hajar Dewantara menyebut sekolah dengan istilah “taman”. Taman adalah tempat belajar yang menyenangkan. Salah satu kriteria sekolah yang menyenangkan yaitu sekolah yang pembelajarannya memberikan makna jangka panjang bagi peserta didiknya. (

Pembelajaran bermakna

4. Ika Rismawati Manik (12030204008)Farihatul Laili            (12030204013)

Mendikbud Anies Baswedan: kini guru membangun siswa berkarakter jujur dan tangguh (

Membangun siswa berkarakter melalui kompetensi sosial dan kepribadian guru

5. Margareth Clairine A (12030204012)Ira Ari Nuraini (12030204024)

Sekolah menyenangkan seperti taman. Pembelajaran yang menyenangkan yaitu dengan pembelajaran yang relevan dengan kehidupan (Pesan Mendikbud di hari Pendidikan)

Pembelajaran kontekstual

6. Istiqomatul A.I (12030204027)Lilis Suryani (12030204206)

Persentase Minat Baca Indonesia Hanya 0,01 persen (Anies selaku Mendikbud mengatakan, budaya membaca di Indonesia sampai saat ini masih sulit diterapkan.)

Minat baca

7. Miftakhul Arofah (12030204019)Mega Sulistyo A. (12030204023)

Kemendikbud canangkan "Gerakan Masyarakat membaca" di Karawang (ANTARA News)

Peningkatkan minat baca 

No. Nama Topik Refrensi1. Nur Diana Maulida

(12030204001)Hamidah Ghoziah A. (12030204028)

Joyfull Learning –Diskusi Dogra Bharti. 2009. “Constructivist Classroom Activities for Biology Learning”. Army Institute of Education India

Parisamvad Shaikh.2014. “Creating A Joyful Learning Environment at Primary Level”. Faculty of Education India

Tillery ,Megan. “Active Learning Techniques for Biology”. E-book. Patrick Henry Community College

2. M. Shobirin (12030204002)Mas afannudin (12030204224)

Problem based learning

Simons KD & Ertner PA. 2005. “Scaffolding Teachers' Efforts to Implement Problem Based Learning”. Journal This work was partially supported by Tech-Know-Build: Indiana Students Building Knowledge with Technology, a Technology Innovation Challenge Grant awarded to Crawfordsville Community Schools, 2000-2005 ertmer/docs/ ertmer-lc05.pdf.

Hung, Woei. David H. Jonassen, dan Rude Liu. 2008. Problem Based Learning. (Online) http//

Barge, Scott. 2010. The Aalborg PBL Model : Principles of Problem and Project Based learning. Aalborg University

3. Mey Budiartini Pembelajaran bermakna Brown, Adam Oliver. 2014. “Lexical access, Knowledge transfer and

(12030204003)Astri Yulianti (12030204037)

meaningful Learning of Scientific Terminology Via Etymological Approach”. Ottawa. University of Ottawa.

Keskitalo, T., Pyykkö, E., & Ruokamo, H. (2011). "Exploring the Meaningful Learning of Students in Second Life”. Educational Technology & Society, 14 (1), 16–26.

Safdar, Muhammad. 2013. “Meaningful Learning and Rote Learning in Physics: A Comparative Study in City Jhelum (Pakistan)”. Middle Eastern and African Journal of Educational Research. Issue 6.

Smith, AnnStalherm. 1998. “Focusingon Active, Meaningful Learning Idea Center”. Kansas State University.

4. Ika Rismawati Manik (12030204008)Farihatul Laili            (12030204013)

Membangun siswa berkarakter melalui kompetensi sosial dan kepribadian guru

Kamaruddin SA. (2012). Character Education and Students Social Behavior. Journal of Education and Learning. Vol.6 (4) pp. 223-230.

Lukman Abu, dkk.(2015). “How to Develop Character of Madrassa”. Students in Indonesia.Journal of Education and Learning. Vol. 9(1) pp. 79-86.

Turkana, Nuril,2014.”The Implementation of Character Education through The School Culture in Sma Negeri 1 Dompu and Sma Negeri Kilo Dompu Regency”. Grduate School: Yogyakarta State University. Vol.3.

Dwirahayu, Gelar.2011. “Implementation Of Character-Building Education In Mathematics Teaching and Learning to Create of Human Character”. Department of Mathematics Education, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, July 21-23-2011.

5. Margareth Clairine A (12030204012)Ira Ari Nuraini (12030204024)

Pembelajaran kontekstual Adlim, M., Hasibuan, Rossy., and Samingan. 2014. “Integrating Entrepreneurial Practice in Contextual Learning of Biotechnology for Senior High School Students.” Journal of Turkish Science Education. Volume 11, Issue 2. Juni 2014 melalui diakses pada tanggal 20 Oktober 2015.

Curry, Jr., Flowers, Jim., Wilson, Elizabeth, et all,. 2012. “Scientific Basis vs. Contextualized Teaching and Learning: The Effect on the Achievement of Postsecondary Students.” Journal of Agricultural Education. Volume 53, Number 1, pp 57–66 melalui diakses pada tanggal 20 Oktober 2015.

Hasruddin., Nasution M., Rezeqi, Salwa. 2015. “Application of Contextual Learning to Improve Critical Thinking Ability of Students in Biology Teaching and Learning Strategies Class.” International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research. Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 109-116. Mei 2015 melalui diakses pada tanggal 20 Oktober 2015.

6. Istiqomatul A.I (12030204027)Lilis Suryani (12030204206)

Minat baca Gambrell, Linda B. 1996. “Creating Classroom Cultures That Foster Reading Motivation”. International Reading Association (pp. 14-25) Vol. 50 No. 1.

Hidi, Suzanne. 2001. “Interest, Reading, and Learning: Theoretical and Practical Considerations”. Educational Psychology Review, Vol. 13, No. 3. Canada: Plenum Publishing Corporation.

Robinson, Cherrel Shelley. 2001. “The Voluntary Reading Interests of Jamaican 6th Graders”. School Libraries Worldwide Volume 7, Number 1, p 72-81. Jamaica

7. Miftakhul Arofah (12030204019)Mega Sulistyo A. (12030204023)

Peningkatkan minat baca  Bridget Dalton and C. Patrick Proctor. 2007. “Reading As Thinking Integrating Strategy Instruction in a Universally Designed Digital Literacy Environment”. National center on Universal design for learning.

Stephen P. Norris, dkk. 2003.”University Students' Interpretation of Media Reports of Science and its Relationship to Background Knowledge, Interest, and Reading Difficulty”. Public Understand.

Lesley Farmer and Ivanka Stricevic.2011. “Using research to promote

literacy and reading in libraries: Guidelines for librarians”. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions IFLA Professional Reports, No. 125