HOPE - Session 1



For more information, contact John-Paul at jkemmenoe (at) gmail.com

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WEEK ONE with John-Paul


God exists,Earnestly believe that

that I matter to Him, and that

He has the power to restore me.

God exists, I matter to Him, He has the power.


For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the

power to do what pleases him.

God exists, I matter to Him,

He has the power.



In small groups, brainstorm your “Top 5” favorite pieces of art.


TOP5Examples: Paintings, Sculptures, Music,

Written Work, TV shows, Films etc...

Why are these pieces of art

our favorites?

TOP5What makes them “great” ?

Where doesart get its value?

from its

creatorfrom its


Human Creator Creator of theUNIVERSE!

Your works are wonderful, and I know this very well.”

“For it was You (God) who created my inward parts;

You knit me together in my mother's womb.

I will praise You

because I have been remarkably

and wonderfully made.


139v. 13-14

I am restoring you -

as my original masterpiece -

carefully, delicately, by my hand, slowly and lovingly.

Like a dedicated art restorer, I am obsessed with unveiling my masterpiece in you.

I am revealing the real you.

I am unveiling the glory(which is my own) that is manifest in you as my image-bearer.

- Abba God

Who is God?

Look up the Bible passage on your card and record a few of your thoughts about

what it tells us about who God is.


Who is God?

How does your understanding of who God is impact your identity?

team sharing

Station ONE Station TWO Station THREE

The Mirror The Cards The Truth

Look at yourself in the mirror, read the labels and

pray, asking God to take away the false sources of identity you see.

Read the cards with God’s attributes that we found in the Bible. Then meditate, asking

God to make one stand out.

Read a few versions of the

Psalm 139 verses and reflect on the

truth that God calls you His work of art.


Take your time.listen for God.Be still and

“I, as your Father, rejoice over you. Even as you sleep and all of your “doing” ceases, I sing over you in trust and love and acceptance.

I take great joy and pride in who I created when I knit you together in your mother’s womb.

You are my beloved son, you are chosen and you are adopted, you are anointed for service. 

I desire to pour my love all over you...

Won’t you accept it?”

- God

AN Invitation

“I will be your Father,and you will be

my sons and daughters,says the Lord Almighty.”



AN Invitation

In the Old Testament, the Jewish people found their entire identity in God.

Chosen People

Through Jesus, God is choosing us as well.

We are God’s beloved children, made in His image & loved beyond our comprehension.

AN Invitation

As we admit our powerlessness, we are able to believe & receive

God’s power to help us leave behind out hurts, habits & hang-ups.{ }


In Christ alone, my hope is foundHe is my light, my strength, my song


Prayer ofAgreement &Submission to

Truth{ }
