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The Anchor, Volume 20.06: March 1, 1907 The Anchor, Volume 20.06: March 1, 1907

Hope College

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Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Repository citation:Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 20.06: March 1, 1907" (1907). The Anchor: 1907. Paper 3. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1907/3 Published in:Published in: The Anchor, Volume 20, Issue 6, March 1, 1907. Copyright © 1907 Hope College, Holland, Michigan.

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We Wouldn't Spend Good Money

Our •

advertiHing CloPAAral'l CI•IA,,~ if we weren't pretty snre of

there excelJent q ual ity. There's reputation, organ ization and

great skill hack of them.

'flu~~··re gu~ranteed pure wool. Thay're moderate m

pnce. Tho,v will suit your taste, your body and your put·se .

Lol£1cer-Ruta:ers Co. -

.. .

.. ._ ,

... .

l\ttr~nr -&prra tn Dt o •·

• MARCH . 1907 NUM !II! A 6 VO L UME X A.


ll <·ndil , . o r ~..· n,· irnnlll t' lil. ,, hich j..; tht• i<!l..~tnr that shape-; •n t:- ~,_. 1 HJ ... : i>n ncitht·r o r l11• h allied pick the pet·s.on. fr)lll t!1'

. ,.., .... ..; :·1ld make hi m an indi -.· idua.1? In hum:tn:ty . stt.Hllo .

.. ' · 1 • •• • • 1, 1Ptid tht• dc.;tinit·"' llf men and nauon:-:, ,, lt v r~..· natt~ r=•• l •llCl''-' · · • . .

<1 . . · . \lltnint'th: pn·st'lll ..... a ;;tu\1.' el i ah""" rhlll g' 1n t cr~st. • .t i lt..: • • • 1 at 11c·lrai

~·!:t '' iiit~..•t•ntlt. '1!0. i ... a ~~·ala d :~y 111 .' tra;; Ht:g-. • . · .. c

. • •• J 1 l}~o.· 't' ' \' l e ' HlO ll ~ '-'\\,1\ • 1 · , • Ill j 11 n·lt• \\ : l 11 t" t lllll l!l :-- )( H d 1 • • • • • \, ' L I H .: • :... I~ t 1 I n n c .. -

I · t l , I>J·c·· ·,·· F-um <.'\ ' t · n · \\· indcn\' tutlcr 1e )a .:"' .. PI \ Ill It .... ....... ' · .. · j-} =-: \ · · 11 1 ,.-, .... ,1n· 1: ,T r ancl a nu n rin~:-; the cry , 1 • ,, ~ l '" 'na :• ( " · · 1

• · . • . u · I" ~IU\\' h · bet \\'<.'1...'11 l he Cl )\\'(}:-; < r a \\ 11 l ':tt•pitllh.' :-:-. IS C.:Ulll ltl;.... . - . I . I l ll . ·1 lc· -11 h ·a tl\ ..; a brilliant 1 ro n •o.;:-.lOn h aded '·' up tlll H l :-. . :-. • ~ . I

. 1 I i , 1 r '1 ... , h \. r. ,· ln t h l' tn i d t () f l h Is "p l' 11-( · · t n ltt .. l c l' .'.l' tan u . ~ ' . :--· .

1:· , ~... .. ,·,· 'L lc"l(l'"· .._ti TTtll!tHkd 1)\· g-aily ckckt•d ch ildren strt' \\' 111;..!' ( I ' • ' ' \,. • • f 1' r • ( )I ~ '

· 1 ,, . .. , 11 - 0 ,·~...·...; 1 he ro,·al cnach n · r.uh.. e . 1

:1, " 'Tr·= tn t 't "'. . I • • . - ,,.· -r. 1 · 1 t l . . 1 ,j ' tPJ )ht·sc ••-r~o.·C'ts tht· bealllllll l ~~~ I · l

(' ( t11 1tll\!:t llll H ll!" 1 < • ' • · :.... • • • • • • "

. 'tl · ,1 l: r ·ttl• 'c' tlw ianc! l f a ·q tll red ~~an' . Is J><l~ IlL , l ' l l'l' \\ I 11 . • " • · d . l ~t: r rir:-.t trilhtt . ll) th t· n~· a\ daughtl'r o f : \u:--tna. the Inn tH

j ll bon1 \\'Ot' t h · · . 1 f · · · 1 ':1 \ ' l'!; 1he <Yate~ nf the Cit\· lh :ht:H . ' h '' I h . l • ~' ' .c~... · ~~ll n <. . :.... ~ . . - . . ·I

I ' . (- ., ·,1 , · <lt·· ·-. .... ,: d citi zen g"l\'CS place tn cn.t r:-- t.: ·' ...;\.·enc l' l'l l1"l>. , , . '- ·. • . '1 :.... L'l t · >f aJ> I >hu~c arc no 1 nger hea rd. J H · +· d JH' ' .,ant. .-.... lOll .... l < • • I ·

l . , • • 1 t· of h 111 cre r a1Hl < c:::patr p .. upllit te'" ht· r ..;t' l l 111lll . t 1e · . 1mp :.... . · '" 1 . · . t f ... -~, \ bout her the<: '..tn try l:cs a drear.' t' l"'n t 1n::-.~..· o a11n · ·~ '" · · · · r ' 1 • :.... 1 · r 1 ,. ·t·t"t<Y(Yh · \'in ,·a rc\:=; markmg . 0111c u r-' '' "h' )f(} l• '-' 11 1l \ J :-. < .-. :....- • • 1 ' '1 · f . ,1 ·r 1)\ cntmbli n(Y huts sh i,·c t·incr rou n 1 a rutn ....r :-.a --:e n at 111. t1 L . :-. •11 .... "'tt D esolatio n ht·oods o,·c r all.

l n l ,, . • . t t tl hca \'y ear-Th~.· rt'd , Jll:;, ... :lltt hy th e rn:tcl'u e n ~" ,

., roc} h o rse and riagl's a nd lu~ ur iuu.; d r e s, the !.,.at .Y capan~on ....


w a ·in a ph!mc. , an d , as with mn~in~ !'tep h e r e turn:; t th • little plot of land which furni~hc~ hut a b a re ~ttstenancc to hi.· ~Han·ing family, tlwre comes to hi: mind sit \\'ly. dully, yet \\'ith a\\akeuing ~cn~e. the \\'Ord!' of hi" cnr e ··. \11 men arc created NJuaL" < )f his hard earned ~a ,·i ng~. eighty-n ne per CC'lt must be laid a~tde f r t:t.xcs: ci~,·h ty-one per cent, that n y~1t_,. n 1ay ricle in brilliant procc. s inn: eighty -one per cent that hi:=; O \\'n maste r may lea,·e his chateau dt.:.'l' rl<'u and Ii,·e in :-'H mptuo us sty le at \ 'en•aill c~. \Vhat mo~l~ r y, then, that do~­tri ne .. , \11 men ar·e ~··ca ted cq ual ! '

)bli,·ions to thi" s ufi"<'ring. the procc!-'sio n nN)\' ·s c n to \ ·er:ailll's. The ro_, :tl famil .v rnnH s o ut t o mee t t h e m. From th e nld king. L o uis X\'. ~farie . \ntu iru: t tc recL• i,· ~..· s an ffu:in.· '' t'icome. blll h er nati,·c sen · iti,·cness is ru<kly shock~..·d by th e flaunting artificiality o f Louis' mistn.·ss, .:\ladame du Harry. For the first tim ~ s he mt·e ts th e qui<.:t, n.!:'e n ·crl y o llng man \\'hU is to he h e r hnsband . \\. ith n· jrJis h iPlptll.' i\· •ness she~ ca:-ts her:-- If at his feet htlt r,: jJ - to 0\'(•rcome his inborn r ~.· ­Sl' I'\' C'. r\ re\\' day pass. and :lllliclst reg-a: "PICn do r '11 ·It ;!-;

th ·: Fren c h ou rt al o n e " ·a . cap:tJ,Ie ( 1f, ~fari c : \n tni nette, by birth an \tistrian , was m ade Fn:n ch by Ia\\' and adup t i<,l l. Fur t\\'t.:llt) ye:1rs cn,·ironm cnt \\'ill be llla~tl·r i·n the <:tucliu. l~llt \\'hat of he redity?

This I\ nstrian maid, beco me 1 he c <: nt e r o f the French \\'Orld , is an anomaly. The "lhlll':-omt· lt <':-':-- uf her AtL t r icti l blood strugg-les wi t h the · n ~uou:-:n ·s nf French cultur ~. ~laria Thcresn, blcs cd \\'ith th e :-:1\.'rncr aitrihutes o f a ruling­!'ov ·reign. h.td been d es tit l1 tc o f a lll• ) t hl'r ·.'-' a fi'<. ct iu n for h LT children. ''fhe tmpe rial instru ·: tnrs had :'t ug-ht o nly to sati . fy · th e frinJ i uu ~, demand~ c f tlH.' it· cll;trg-l' -;. ln COII:'erptencc tlh' l'ducatinn oi ~'l tt ric .-\ n toinc:llc had b l'l' ll sadly n cglectecl. Th e ohlig-:llinn dtt<' to n .,y e,d p osi t inn aud the responsibiliti es a t­t<>n<hnt ttj ) Oll royal <ksc nt " '<' re ttnkn0\\"11 to h e r. Her father aJ,)nc had inc;tilled int o the heart o f his faYo rite child a spi rit nf si ncl' re de,·otion :tnd an in spirin~ concept io n o f the b eauty 'f 11 line. \Vith a tr;1ining- ttdl :tc; mi~ht ha,·e fitted :1

Y•1un g- g-irl fo r th e seclu . ion of the ntmn <" ry . .:\l a rie Antoinette entcrcu a court. where the pride o f liie a nd the cl e. ires of the eye f0tmcl th<'ir mo!'t refined !"eunct inn~. \\'here Yice wac; deck L· d tn f:: irc~t garb and g-raccrl \\'ith n h1 c '-t ch;~rrn. Tnto thi~ w n rld o f allurement he plung-ed. Her bc:auty e nthrallc:c.l it. B o rn

in 11 n til...: loa lll nf a !ig-h l <1mh iti( i l. I < :--sL·d upnn a s'a f . \ u~ ·

tri <lll <ll-p!lt. t h i ... T l'lli•m . \ phrudi t ; ndc ltl d•1111ini • m.u\· e1~ til· l'(ILIJ' I f l: r· ~ nki .'h I ll\' · a nd Ji ccns" which n· ig-n L·cl at \ l'r. atll c ... In the tn•ll'lling- • t the J ~nl o:,·n c races 1 in the afkrnno n at t hl' hunt. in til<.' '\t·nint; <1 l th<: r0yal theatre a nd a it e r\\·anls tlw g a lllin g- tabl : s. til\· ,,.,,::; e~n t.: 111ad \\'hirl of 1 l ~:t::;u rc . The '. lid 1 in,. bccrtme h\.·r m r':o: t d e,·oted ca,·:dil:r. '\ l'l the 1\ustnan l'<.l t;l t, her . \u~trinn i.tthcr anci It •r .\ustrian rcligiu n \\'CI'L' lHll fo raott e n Sacr•.!d ri1c:::; \\'erc n ,·c r ncg-kc tcd. nd th ng.1

pur ar7d innc Cl' ll ~ in h eart , :.\Jaric: Antuinl'ttc exposec.t hcr:-:~ l'i tu e ,·cn· d :arg'· oi calumny and ~ land r hr ll!.,!"ht ngatnst h~..·r.

F o ur l~ng years thi~ \\' tld caree r con tinllL'•L and then came a ~uc.lden hal t.

Th e gri111 pectrP. kn eked at the ro~· al d nor:-:. D~at~ c~ ::nc to st ri p away lifl' ' s , .\.' th'cr. I t \\'as ~ l ay. 1/'7-t· L(lu t . ...; ~.\ Ia.' d y ing. Th <.:. i. Snu let \\ t>n ta n, \\'hn so ~(lllg" had dallll d tn th: · lap (.)f Fran ce. pr...:pa rc:d for <.: uward llt~hl. l k:-.t•rtcd by a~~ hut h i - t h :·c~..· ~ i~t ·rs , tit,• I· ren~lt king- iarcd th e ·\ng- I t

Dea th. Il L· \ \'h( l had pandlrctl to cvl'ry ltt :-:t \\'as tHn\· calkd ttpo n "to g-i,·c al'L'tHtllt ui <k<·ds dune in the th· ... h ... \\ ' ithout n ia ith witho ut J>l':tce. h e ckpar kd into thl' g-n·at u nkn own. · {· hu~ Lou 1:; :X \ . d ie I and with him tltl' ~l11narrh .'· o f FranC'~'·

At this m ome n tous c t·i s is L oui. X\'1 was pt·oclaim ed kinu-,-l.Jut kinu of what? Kin tr o f a ma~s of t·ebl'l lio us su h­jec~! Pla~ed upon a throne, - buta totte t·ing tht·o n.c ! D ecked ·with a c t·own - hut a hollow cr-own! Pt·e-.;e ntc d \\' tlh a ~cep­t 1-e.-bu t a u~e,e~s s c ptt·e! u ch w a:-; h i:-:; cot·o na t ion. And beside this n e wly crowned l~ino-, bc:sid e thi~ last ~nd m · t 1-efined p 1·odu~t of an artifi~ ial ci\'iliza tion, st o<l_ hts q~een.

queenly in th e beauty of artless n~tut·c . quee n )?· tn th e tnno­~enceofGod'swo · t r efi n ed handt\\'O t·k . But 111 d ea th and 1·e- ponsibil ity . envir-onme nt gra,·es with h ea,·y tool-.; and th lines of char actc t· are chiseled d eep.

The problc'm co:1ironting- Lotti~ X \ ' 1 " ·as lll e of the m ':'L difficu lt a t· ta n has e,·cr hac.l t fa ce. France. dcfcall.'d tn India and Am ri~a, had lost nearly all h c t· ~olonial pos ·essions. lh·r don~ ~:~tic conditinn t·e,-enkd " all the s.vmpll>'l'iS of a r t.:vu-

1 l ·o n , The cou ntry \\'a. fast drifting to na t ional bankru ptcy. 11 I • . ~ , The n .: fo rms o i Turg-nt \\e re U\'Cr t hro wn by th e court. l he lt d pes inspired bv Xcck~ r r ose. o nly .tu b.' ~wa llowcd np u: tht: p c n ·acJing 'g·Jc,um. L'a lon nc by Jus bnlltant but imp rac-

G T lu· A 11 du> r

tirahlr tl:l'tP·:l· :- , -.; tn•itp:then~..·d th l' ll1:td i,ll-rt~s oi the hour, and incapable Lom~nie de u,-j nne lll :tck d t'"LI"li\.."Linn !'llrC' .. II as:--L"mbly o f ti!l' lllHal; les de111andcd a Ctlll\'OL'a tion uf th ~Stall'.:\

(;encral, and tltc cry wa-.; ta ken t.!> thruu~l11ntt th · cuuntr~ .

L tJ ttis. lmpiP : ~ tlllls ln rl'li '\'C the rin:\ll Ci~tl situati >II , yi ·l dL·I..L. Tilt· day >i tl:~..· Thi r d l·>ta tl' had arrin .. ·tl.

But mora I ban kTu ptcy was n o less i m min n t. \Y h ile cle1·gy and no uilit) ~·.-l'rl :-\ljl!a tHilrin g- th e rC:-\Ollrcc-; of the king-dom in la,·ish extr.t,·agan~~- t he mas .. l'S w l' n .. ~ rccln~..·cd to a condition o f ahjl'ct . ia \t·r .' . . Tl : ~..· pia) .... oi lkau marchais exposed th~..·!'e c.lii­

fc n·Pe t:':-: a tH; '''~''• ' t~ht t tp .-"~ 11 th \..· m as:-\e:;. H 111 o re impurl: ~ n c,:

s t al ;. t h '-' I' r ! tt l' i pi ·> t> i I ~ 11 t1 :-\..: l': tt t a n d \ · o I t a i r . t h p r i n L' i p k .~ o i humanity. equ;1lity ;tn d liberty. were pcrnn·ating- thc"'l' ma!':->e:-> and c tt o·endcring idea :-: ckstin ·d t u l>ecume :--11ttrcc~ u: the rank ­

e ·t ana rchy. lnfi<l cl i ty I' L' L'~llllt' ri i e amtmg the pl't )pi · and all rc:->pect for <.'~tabli:-:li< c1 111 rats was lo.· t .

To agg-ra va t c the sit ua l io n. cxaggcra ted r e ports of the qtteen · ex tnt ,-ag-ance s pr<'acl ~lin on;.:· the . .,utTer ing· p~..·.,pk. Th('Y w e re ]i,· in"· in llii .... crahlc hnts: the CJtl lt' ll hl·autificd l .itt k :-..

1 nano n. The y w ere stan ·ing: the queen prepared banquets. The famous ··Di3.moncl :\'cck lace ~ uit" fa,·o•·e<l th <.·. e r e p >rts and Ft·cnch en tlttt :iasm fo r thei r beautiful :\ttstrian queen wa:-. fa~t turning to hatred. Thus in go\'et·nmcnt the 'l'hinl Estate became supt·cme; in mot·als they l>cca me d ·sperate; in oppo ition to n1onarchy they became a riotou · molJ.

In Paris anarchy at o n ce pre,· ait.~ . Fro m all th ~· outl~·ing­

di trict theP.: pO'..trs int t h e city one continuo u : thnmg- oi famir: c-st ricke n pc..·a:-\ants. n the.·_,- co me, dri,·~..· n by the mcnt ­orics o f pa. t ' · r ,,ngs: o f k in s men who ha,·c c1ied from hung-rr:

of mothers a :HI :--isters sacrificed t o the htsts of nobility: of father and brothers lan g-uishing in the gloo my clung-c n s of that Dast iie. .\11 the pent tlp wrat h of past ng-es i ~ prl'p :uin ::~ to vent it. <'If upo n French Nobility. icc flaunts it~clf upo n the tr<:et::-;. JHo0dsh c d i~ o f daily occurrence. 1\Lingling wit h th e tumu1tuo tt · roa r. we h ea r that om in o us cry, ''On to tht· 1 ;ast i1e !'' and in lc · s than twenty-four h o ur that to\\'cri1l~ fonress is a h('ap of ruin ·. The g-reat c:ruardian of _royal power ha" falleo 1J fore the p('op le. The bulwark of Fre n c h ci,·iliza­tion i. overthrown .

A few d:l\ s later the mob 111archc out to \ 1 er~ai 11 e . . TheY . . ha,·e determined to b ring the king and queen in '''l't·iumphal



Thtt Andzor 7

J1:ntt-y' ' into Pat·i~. Their wild demands arc att:-.\\·cred and La Fa,·ettc leads L oui. and .:\Jari (' t th e balcon,· i th e palace. .\ga in. heiore that. dc..·nv)n horde, F1·ench n obility . the product ttf en,· irL•lllllCill, ~tand s ~ i d by . ide w it h . \11;-;t r ian w oman­h n d . the cb•Jd ,)f natnn: . Tn momenta ry a ri .nir;ttiun a thnnd c r o f applause g-rc• t: nat l'r ··s \\'0tllanhoocl. J:nt ll H bs arc fick k. The next lll t'~il'•c nt th ·· J.:ing and 1:ucc..·n arc hun·i t· cl <.fT to P ari:;. ~11 • ;.. Tttikr;r;;. p al.t c c Pi fiJ \·alt\· and tryst i n ~· pla(' e of beauty atl<l ~alla ntt·y, b~..:. >m e~ by the w ill of t h e vcop iL~ . the vri .·on h ou. ~of monarch,- .

( )ne \\' O ~tld :1-lmo "t think t h at r e,·nluli n ns a r • . in·d b~· li rrhtn in•" b o lts and m nth v'· ·cl In· w h irlw in .J,- tlh:ir c,·ent;-; ~ :--, ..

m · n ·c ~n r apid)_\·. ' ! he ltr , ut:-- \\ l' i'1..' no t:t'l' tlr t ha n t h e chan g-c.' in th e n·,·els a n d tht· rio . nf that lllo h. in the p rs n .~ and J 'C:r~nll i'd o i th ~ leaders. 'J h rny;l] fa111ily attl· mpt High t. Th e m o b fu! l tlte;n. h:n):tlt~ · , . l ead~ f,n· the IHH J!l o f an ig·n o hl• · Iii•: . The n1oh a llto(·t·at i ~.. .. tli_,. d ·. cr~..· c-.~ it de;!t h. lndcr a ~cm­Liancc..· ,, f g ·l )\ L' rtllllt' llt - and mo bs ~t ra11gely e n ough al\\'ay · clo: J, thl j,- ,· ill~' iny with tl•(' r o l•L':' f ju,tic..-c-L o uis X\' 1 i.;. c..-u n , ·idl'd o f t n ·:lson and ~ nt.L"n ~eel t o he execu ted with in

t ,·.- -.. nt~-fl) ur h o ur=-.

Thr ct u~..·t· n llLl\\' n·al iz e. the aw fuln r-:s n f hl' r 0\\'11 po~i tion. I

The ,, rctcht:=' in p \Yl•r :t\· ~ i l t h c111seh·cs o f t'\'l'ry o pporlttility n[ torturing her. They snatch h e r childrr n a w ay. and her n:othcr lw:tr t is nig-h to bursting. r\11 day lnn g- she wa tch es :•t th e . n irll1 turret \\'indo \v in th e , -a in h op~..· of catching- a g-l:mpsc o f the st rang"ely ag-~..·<1 iacc of th e 1 auphin. Thu:' tl: :· :'ttll1ll 1Cr shlwly p:1 :--sc. hy . Th e quet' n i-; tTmn,·ecl to a cb m p . gh>o:ny cd l in the pri!'on of the o n cierge ric. Three ti1~1es

::li attc·111pt i:-- maclc t0 rr:-;cu ht•r. bt1t ~h \\ill nnt esca p e with · ont h er c!tildr~..· n. In ( ct o ber . he i.;. StlllllllOlH.'d before t h e h.e,·u!utl :tan· Tribunal. T ortu red beyo nd all po \\ l' r i en · duranl.'e . s he- utte rs that heartrending- cry . ''T appeal to a ll the n•ot h t· r :-- ui Fr:tncc !'' J ;~tt mercy is n ot in the h ea rt. l) i th0~e wrr1cl11..' s and th e q ne~n is 1<.-J away to the chamber n f the con ci<.~mncd.

)\·er lhe la-;t act of that n-roh w e draw the ,- li l. O f ::-nch

i::-; tlte !•ing . lum o f bru te'-;_ In IJ/O l\ la r!e. da.ll~ht<' r of Therr:--a , lcit .\u ~tria fc• r Fra :~ ce. a maid o f tend e r yL· <u~. o f exqui;-;ite 1 ,.<'li n <'"'~. <.•f in;1occnt f.on l. Tn 170~ :\larit·. , ·ic-ti m o f th ·

F rcr~ c h r. iOI.• Jc ft this earth fo r \. h e " . , rJd to come, a w o m a. n

-----------------------------n!· broke n y ea r:o; o~ cha:'t :..•ned h e a u ty. t1 f . to nn - tns:--cd s nul.

~ t_~ t unto ltt: l_h ~I hy t i s llanH·..; h :td . he pa"'<'d thro 11 g h the n :­

!tnm~ fir_t·.ot l · ~cnch l' t~\· iron.mc nt. hut in the e nd the ~tr ngth ~ ~-~.d,..nPIIJ ~ tl_,- o t .\u :--_tnan htrth \\' l ' l'l' purg-" d until upon tiH·

. ~.t.lo ld ~tH.' stood helurc the demo n m o l>. princl'!'S of tbc ho :1,,

u l .\ustna a u d qtH'l' ll ni t11 e hntt:' C' n f Ho urh n n in Ft·:tn cc.

.-\.mnng- ~he l!:au t iiul hnildit1g-s o i pre. l'llt -d:t.\· Pari .· the:·l' :--t :t tH 1:-- a s mall ccltnn· c:tlled the Chapel ,,f Fx 1>i·ttic111 ft 1 tl tt • ]' J .. • • n tar ' -;

lc a t.·mpt o l · r:t tl l'C to a tonl' io r this hnrrihl <Tllne. f!nt

"l ·a n ... t <. 1· i · d n r n o r an i 111 at c1 b 11 "'t

Bark tu it s n ta ll:--tn n call the IIL·erinrr hrc•a th ?'' ~

ft C:lll :-; t;tncl o nly as t1w m e m orial c•f th at :\us trian m t id . "hom nature b 1t::-= "'ed mnst richh· \\'h c>111 . · ··1· · · ~ • Cl\ I l i'allt l ll C lll'~ l . .' c)

li i !l~ ~ c~·ta.·lly. and wit 111 lti s t o r~· \\'ill yet :tckt HIW1L·d g-c prin n·..,"'· 1111 <.: 11 .tnd no ble IH.:art c..·c.! \\'0 111an-" Th•· I t' l . r I II . I

J I .. .. - ;. (. t lC 0!1~ • , , ,

.n u r >0 11 .


\\ ' h ,·n th CO\\sliJ>'.· , -.. JJ 1 · I

- _ ... ow . u n s lttlc.:~ a 11 d t II c tu I i 1 1. ~ < ro I d l' n Jrown :-..

~) . . . llllC' \\'ltiJ all their earthly . plcndt'> r nnd \\'ith all tll<'ir h ca\·ctl -

h · do wn - . \\·h en the birds a ncl b eas ts an c I t' tl ."'c!·t :--· · .. tt·· · . .. r c jo i · ing- 111 tit·

s u n.

You c;~n al\\'a_ys h ca tl 1 r 1 c..' \\' l' \.: l> Ill< .. ' nu t t.' , .. S \\' <..' L' t ~ p r i 11 .~ is lli 1 w begun ...

\\' he n the littlL• hn ' >k s ar•• r 't)1 J > lt.tl•'~" I I .. a ~u t 1e \\' lh )lls arc all (\ h loo m, :-..

\\ ' hen_ the hummin~ birds arc 'ing-in~ and O!d \\'inter's Ill

l11s to m b. \\ ' hen till· O're<.'n o-ra · . . 1 1 .1 1 1 ....... :-- ._ :-o ~ .1 n c t 1 c \\ · 1 t I ow l ' r ~ tin t 11 a ' · \..' a II b L' l ' n

dead so Jonn· ~

I fa,·v come fnrth · J mto t 1<.' s un=--hinc. 1 lwn y n u hl' a r th e . \\'l~d ~pring ~nng·.



The train-(lispatcher at Kno x,·ill !..! bro ught his fist clown upon th e desk ,,·ith a crash. "\\'ire J o wn again:· he m uttered . .. ~ [ ust b e o me of Hooker·~ gang clo wn in the valley." It was in the anxious day~ o f '63. and suc h an c\·ent \\'a" a fr c(jne n t occurrence in Tennessee. but it usually proph c~ ied mischie f. i\ r uch depended npun th e independent main t enancc o f t he t ele­graph line in those days. The existence o f an en t ire army

might be at stake. Thus, indeed. it was. Grant wa~ pla nning to advan ce

upon Chattanooga, anu he sorely needed re info rcemen ts . h er­man was to join him fro m \ Tick burg and l{oo ker with the ... rmy of th e Potomac" was to co m e fro m wes tern Virginia ; and it is he "'·ith whom \\'e are co ne rn cd. Tl ook e r , as had been ordered. was ~weeping down the va lley o f the T ennes"Ct' . with his force d i ,-id~d in to ~mall s q uads. ra \·ag-ing th e conn try as he ad\·ancc<l. an tt c<'. r e fully avo iding the c iti c ~ and to\\'n ~ in

the ,-icinity. Edward John~on. the captain o f o n e o f these d etachments.

entlowed wi th an adventuro us spiri~. pla nned a bold deed. Thi · wa to e izc a local freight tr.1 in ::tt R ckwood . and in this manner t o reach Chattanoo~a be fo r e th e oth er hand~.

R ockwo <1 wa" cho ~en as the pl<!Ce fo r a ctio n b ecau ·e it had no telegra r>h co m munic::t tio n and contained n ly a fe \\' hou~c>s . all o n o ne side of the track s . Tlll.· oth er side gradually sloped do wnward t o ward the Tennes~cc ri\'er. Thi~ slo pe w as partly covered with trees and bru. h. T o thi~ place J ohns n. under co \·er t• f clarknes:;. ted his m en . and o rclercrl the m t o k ~ e p concea led nntil th e signal was gi,·en.

The aste rn sky was g\ightly colo ring. wh en the fa in t whi . tle o f a loco mo ti,·e wa heard in the d i~ ta nce . :\~ain an d a~ain it !'Onnd ed . e:1ch time n earer. until the,- could make ont . -the dim o u tl ine of the train approaching alo ng the f o t o f the hill:-' to thl' n o rtheast o f the m . :\ it approached , J o hn · n w a tched anxio u!'ly fo r the make-up o f the tra in . At last. h e cli:-'COYe r ed it~ tHtture: an engine with scYcn or eight box car~. and a caboose brinfJ·ing up th e rear. The train finally came to a standstill, ancl the engineer. and tireman. fo ll o wed by th e only brakc man . \\' l' llt into one o f the house ~ fo r breakfa t.



;\t.,,. w:l:-' t!tt· chanc·c. Jnlt tt'• 11 ... , 1 · . ...._ ~· I 'l' "'1 '-!': J.tl. J.:, ~ :· \ · man \\'Cillto hi -.. piJ:-l. . \ 11 t ·n _glil l.'l'r ll il'it tl 1· · ·1 • . 'I '• .1. !r II "' I ; c 1:'.' ''" -;-. inn o i I : tc ~..·n ·..: i Ill' . \ \ h i It• a II t It • • 1 1 t }t . • · 1· 1 .. , nt ,·! t. :t ,, lt ll :-i' l ,. in llltlnher . :'Cr~lf111>kd intc) tlt e lir .... t f r Ptt· ~.·.·t 1· 1 · 1 • • • \ \ I H.' 1 \\ l' n ' l 'lll p t :· · . .J oh n son had ~ 11 t h C' m~:ln \\· ltd~· n.·ntcn·'"·d the n~ttpling- pin frnm h ·twe ·n lhL· lllllrt lt and fil t h cars and lt :td j" in~·d l·~ilt-,· in tltc

<.' ll g' l llC'. : \ 11 \\':1' ready. Ri l ~o·y \\"itlt tn·111lding h :tnci jcrkt·d o pen ~h e tltrottil'. llut too br. Th e drin·rs hqzzcd rou n ~ J with a t crnh ~ t· rnckct. ln :t imp:1rtt:d n o ntnt ion 111 the t 1 .. 11" 11 1 11 • I" • • I 111{-

(.1'\teh· t he wh~·t· J..;! L' !.!""t ll to " h itL' .. 111cl ,,. 1·t t1 tlt . . 1 · . . . • • • ~ l !':tilt J>IJ>L'-" !--pn :tlt~lg' ~t n ·l t·y} · q : Lr-r·uek~ h i:':-'ing. tlt t••: :'Jl l't~ dnw n tit ~.· tr:-tck .

\ \ hen t h c y It ·· d 1 ·u t c' > 11 'i d ~.ora I J It- d i ...,, a 11 c L' he 1 , , L' <.. 11 t h ~.· 111 _

~eh-c~ and t he town. t ill' .'" took t he wi:-; L' pn·c:1ut inn t 11 l'lll t h e \\' i re~ an d h · t I t 1 · s n tl' i. t 1 :.· r a c ' . (. ! tt t i 11 • ,. tit ~ • w i n•, ,,. " "' , . -1 • ,. I :--. " · ~ • :-cn~nt~· l , a~ P il l' nf iltc me n pr,n· ~,.·cl f1i 1n ' :·li c..,pt· ,· i·dh 11 :-.du l i;l th ts ltnc . n ut tt.•anqg- t1p t h e rails \\" (1..:; llt> ea :-;y lll:ltt.\.·r. as t lh ' \" ha d n n ·ro I I 1 -w >a r...- nr n t ter ~ tt l' 1 to< ,)~ . ~o t hl';· ln:-:. t pn:cinu:-; t ime in rcmo ,· in .~ me rai l. ~, .. , · 1 · 1 ., 11 :-; l :tnng ll' l't t ... afl·h· hicld~· 11 in t he n ea rhy s llrubbt:ry. a ll clambcrccl a l,11ard aga 111 and \\T re uA·.

J\)w abo u t six m i l e~ from R .. kwnc>cl , ,.,. · -1"t 11 .... t 1 1t . , .. :- :-- .. l't a '-'llt l'. -

Ill~ e~ tahlts hment. The ore u sed h ere wns h rnu g-ltt from n 1111n r . about a mi le an<l .. 1 I f · 1 · • "' 1a :1 \\ fl,Y. )\" a :'lll:tll dl!tll llt \ ~: n• ri11<.' • . \~ the,· appro :-~c h l'<i thi · l l"" • J 1 · · .._ . - . . :-. I uCC'. () 111:-'«lll !'-l.'l'l(llJ:-1-.· tlt«H\•Fht of

d t ~lll:1nt l n~g- t h i~ Cllginc. i11 onkr that it might n:•t be u:l'd in th e JHtrs tu t. wht r h wa~ s u re to ta ke p lace. J:ut It~.· di..:;nti..;..:;cd t he p Ian as b e in cr too h a· 1 · 1 1 . , . ~ , zan n us. L' lll'\"t•rthl'ks' nnkn·d ),Ji ey to stO J) th e e n <Y in • · 1 1 · .... l • c1 JH 1 e \\" c 11 t t n a work 111 an :-; t a 11 d i tt• ... n ear a 11 d a s ), e cl f cw t h L' c I ., ,,. 1 > •1 1 · • · · ' 1'1 · .. • . .. - • r H ' " . t:-' u ... tng-. 1 • n1a11 lll ll t•-

cently ha nded o ,· •r the tot>} to him. and l n hn:-:.u11. Jti n- lth· p lea ·e I ff · 1 · · ..... -

lc • c • • r a 11 c ' "' ' t 1 1 t l n t h l' en g i n <.' . I k I> u a n ll· d i t a n d t lt l' , • ~~~t~~ ~ff . towa r d D~y lon . t he next ~tatiun tnward til l.' srnttl; .

11 \ \lls r e3ch ed \\' t tltnut furtltl' r d<.'la,·.

I f 1 fe r e t h e signal s hnwi n g- "red ... ~~· ilt· , · st< ppl'd the L' u cr int· ,

1e o re t h e s t a t ion . a nd J o hn:-;un w un it;to t i ll' h uildino-. ~n c! cl. ked t h e t c lcoTlJ>h t I I . ~ ... . . :.... ' p c r a r w 1et 1 ·r the ll lll' was cll.'ar. li e ·· n s\\'c ru l tn th e n e(Y· t' . 1 1 1 J 1 :-.. •1 1\ c an< t o< o 1n~on that a frc i•,.ht t r ·t itt was due th er e in t • · . . . :-.. • , . • , . l:ll llltnute~. J o ltnsnn, sat ts ftl'd , t lt n· w t h e . w ttc h whe n Ktl c)· b a cl ·cd th e tra· I I

. " 111 u pon t H.: :-;i d ing a nd the re t 1ey watte u .

* :j:

* *


T lu A n t li cJr 1 I

l!ut let us rl'turn tn R ockwood and the ~ituatinn th e-re . Till.' tr:tinmcn , in the midst o f thl'ir hr~..·ak ia!--t. wer~ . tartl c· d 1> :-· th · noi:;e of tit~.· spinning- clri,·c rs. They imm l'dia tely ru:-;h c l "tn :-; ide to kant the cau~e o f the disturh:-tnce. \ \ .hal th ey sa\\· in th e clint lig~1 t w as on ly tuo tnt . Th · i r~i n ,·as fa!--t dis­appea.nng- in the SL' llli - darkne~:;;. \\.ha t w a :-; tq he done? T o !--1.'11<1 hack to 1\.n• x,· il k in r aid and a n e n gi tw \\'llttlcl co nsume u,,, ll i iH.: h time. :\ <.' i tiler was thl·rc anything- at Jwn d wi th ' ·hich t n pur · ~ t·, except an nlcl f<t!--hiot'kcl h a nd car. This " ·a' h l ·ttgl : t iort h . and t h ~.· tltn·c :'!a r lcd u lL pa-..h :!•!.!" th .. ir c r. r f,• r -

\\"ard ,.,·it h a lu ng- pule. .\l l went \ veil until. ~ni-1 ~~ :1l a h ir rat .. pf :-;p e~d . and all

already p · r~piring iret·ly. tltt·~ cam e to th ~.· 'pot. unn n ticcd in th " ir l'X · it e m e n t, where th e r n il h:l.d I; ·e n rclll 0 \"<.'<1. .\11 wnnl d h a,· h~t·n o,·~r \\'itlt t h em . h:-td th e r n adbe cl b een e lC'\"''l.a'rl al•.l \'' th e :-.ttrrnunding- cunntry to any extl·nt. .\s it wa~ th' t>a r . lll'ing- dvra iltd. came to an abrupt ~t op. nnd t h e occupant:-:. "~·n· ~ i: ·lcknly pit r ht·d fn . ward on the trac k . l ·n daq n ted by tJt i.., ~ ··c i,knt. t ht•,· pickl'd th cll1!- 1.'h l ' :-:. tq >. l,nti~c<l ancl clu~t c,,., r ed . a nd ha,· ing- placed tlH~ car upon the trt:!.ck again. th ey

-..t~tr~ ed l)ff a:' tksperatc as c ,·c r. T hc i r soiL' h upc wa: that they ll1 igh t n ·ac h t h c smrl ti n g­

worl ~ hdorc the dummy engine !--hn uld set oft nn it:; fir:-;t tr ip tn the mine fu r on.• . As they ro un l...?cl the cun·c th e dim ut­lint.' tJ i tht• work:; cc uld be disc <.' rned. L ant.:rn:: were g-limm ·"' r­i w,:: thrn• tg-h the gl )Olll. E ,·idcnt !y thr cn~inc h ad n ot kit. l ~ut it 111ight Jea ,·c c\·cry m nmcnt. Thu:-;. :-;pnrrcd o n by th :.' n ~ \\· fe 1r. th t'y l'Xl' rted tlH.·msch e:-; t o th r utn w :-t. and :-;ucrl' l'd -·, 1 in n •ach ing t h pbcc ju:'t a~ the C' ng-in e wa~ ahout to :' :-t rt . i ! lrt' th t y h u l'riedl y told t he stury of th e :-;i t.'/.1\r~ oi the train a nd tht• :-; n b:- l·q ucn t c\·cn t:-;. The engine. a it cr :'0111 swi t c It in '.!'. was g-ottl: n upo n t he main track and the JHII"!--llit bcg-3 n in

t·a r nest.

* ... ... ... . .. * *

I n th • llll'anwltile, J hn:-:.nn . i111paticnt at the <1<.-hy. kL·! t

walt... in~ up atl d dln\·n th t· track he:;i dl' his tr:1i11. ()n ee whe n a ~kt•d hy a cu riou . .; loafer. " \\' hat h~,- e y o u a honrd . mi~t er:" he h:-td <Hl:O:.\\'t• rcd. " .\ mm ttnit ion for nr:-t :::·g-." Uthcrwi:;c h t• had ~ tt-=w~.· r cl a ll qtte . ..;t in ns in m o n ~yll:-tbl · ~ r " ·i1l1 a rel u .:­ta n t ;;hrnrr o[ the sh ul clcrs. Riky at hi:; po. t said tH"1lhin c..-.

12 The A nt'hor

At the appointed time they ~aw the fn·ight train fo r whid1 they were waiting- coming- around the cun· . Johnso n climhc.·cl into th engiJlc and watched the train approach and pass. " .\11 right,"' h e said to Hiky. .. But hold on a second J \Vhat docs this mean ?" For the Ia · t car was carrying a red signal. 1Je in tuircd o f a brakeman the caus e of the signal. The brakeman rl'pli ·d that anuthec Sl·ction o f the same train was due in about fin· minutes. J o hnson mutte red something- inaudible. anu tttrn t'd toward hi s rar~. ] lc was conscit us of the awfu l sus­pt.· n =-- ~· his men must he.· endurin~. and as he passed each door in =--nc\·es~inn he ~aid in a 10\\' ,·oice. without turning hi. face tu w:trd the car. "Kc('p co urage. boys: wt''Jl win yet." ·

< >ne by one the minut e:; pas.·ed. "fo him they each seC'meu :1" hmg as ft,·e: to h i=-- m ~:n a · lo ng as h o urs. At last the other :-' ,' t'tinn approached. s lo w ly but surely. J larclly had it passed, \\'h~ · n J ohnson h ad thrown the s\\'i t ·h ;.pd Ri!l'y had . tartt".: tire l ' ll ··itw. J hnson swung into the cab. )cayiug- the s witch o pen. ·1 hey were so n cl:1ttcring <1 wn the track. hittin:r th e curyc.:; "ith a swiftness that threatened to grind ti~e llang-rs fro nt th e t":.tr \\ heels.

.·\ho ut a mile and a h alf o ut o f 1 :.tyton th ·y :--topped a~ain. < >ne of the men clinJbcd th e.· telegntplt ]10 le. a·Hl \\'ith a halch et :--mashed the insulator~ and cut the wires. Tht· < thers. with th e help o f John~on and his stolen cia w -bar. t urn cd their at te-n­t it) Jl t o th e track. J\ bout half the " Pi kes had he c.·n r r mcn··: tl from one rail when the faint whistl e o f a pursui ng Iocon .ot!n~ \\' ct:-' heard. In th e ir exritemC'nt :-'C\'<' ral m e n :-;iezed the fn·c en.( o f .. h ·~ rail. ~ ncl h< re it upwardo:;. Th e r:1il hro k l' wi' h :t

tln 11 cbng. ancl men. rail. and :.11. tumbled into th e ditch he~iclc th l' tra k. Instanth· rcco,·crino· from th e ir fal l thcv hurried .. ~ . .,

into the cars. carrying- th e ir precio us half rail with th e m. H o •x lt~ng this hstad c Wt>ttlcl detain tlw pur~tH• rs Johnso n did n o r knnw. Hut h e hoped. hu\\"e\·er. that it \\·Quid cause them :1 "llfficicnt d e lay to enahl him to reach len·land. some ftftcer: n ~iks di:-' tant. o with the whis tle o f the purs uing- locomot i,·e . r)<lllding nearer and ncart'r. th ey h11rri ed o ff.

* * * * * The purs uers with th e ir cn~inr had reached Dnyton some

fif tcn minute~ after J o hnso n had left. J la ~tily t l' Jiing- their !--lt)n· tht..·y board c1 anot h er engine .1s the ftr~ t was n o t built

' -----

f1 1r :--pcc< J. and rC:'tllllC'd the chase. rhi :-' n '.' \\' eng-in c. th e Il l'

11 f th e !:1st :;l'ctit )ll o f the freig-ht tra in. was comJ'cll C' d to ~d­n uH·c b ack ward. The brak man. seated tt p<ln th L· t c tu .c r ~ig-nallcd to t he cr~g-ineC'r in ca. ' o i dange r. ll<.' .~ aw thc hr~nken rail. hut too late, with the r e.;;nlt that th e hack truck of the tender wa/derai !cd. The replaci~1g apparatus wa. bro ught

out ancl in a short tim the truck wa:; replaced. . . . ~ , . lJut no w wltat: llo\\" were they to get acru::-~::. · I h.c r e

w ere no s igns o f the missing . ectio n. a nd a<h·an ·c seemed tm ­possible. :rlh·ir ca. c wa:-; well-nig h iwpeks~. Hut the h~akc­man loo ked ar HttHl. ~ c~rhy was a fence of stout h oar_cl s . If in som e way thc~c boards could be sub~ti tute < l for~ ~atls and firm I\' h eld in position. they might y et ~et acros~ . 1 h e three ru:'h- d to the fence, C'ach returning ,,·ith a b oard. The tl:rec h arcls. piled o ne upo n the other were abou t the .same h e~ Rh t as the rail s . The,· were then s nugly fitt ed and firmly sptked d~1wn. The l'ng-it~c wa~ backed sl wly. and th e tend er wcn_t safelY 0 , ·er. 11ttt th e hea,·y drivers sank throu~h the too f~ad

· · 1 1 1 · · ' r~ o n the other s tJ c structure het \\' t•cn two t tcs. anc t te < n' c ·

~lid inward of( the rail. . , "!lard luck:· exclaimed the engineer. and he w o uld _ ha\ c

:--aid 1 ~1ore. had not hi s car caught the faint sound of a dtsta nt . ·I · · tl . \\'hat wa~ it? The three ~t nd stari n g- at each oth~r. '' lts c . ~ . . t atn Simultaneously they unclerstoocl. 1he n·gular pa~srng-er r ~ which under o rdinary circumstance ~houlcl ha\·t• pas. ed the n.

· All ·I c I ut> the track and a::-~ at Dayton, wa:-' now commg-. ru~ 1 t .

• · · 1 1 · · 11 , l ·t to st t> \ <Yatn theY th ' train came mt s1g 1t t 1ey s tgna l:< I ~ · ~ :

to ld their slon•, with the r esult that the engi n ·c r r_evcrsC' d hts train and hacl.;:-~,.' d away rapid ly in th<.' direction of lc\· land to

the a~tuni:-'hm cnt t f all the passengers. •

* * * * * * J o hnson had reach ed levcland ju. t as the pas. cn~c r wa.

tlh ut to le :-1\·e. Side-trackin(Y hi ~ train. h e proct•c<lcd to a water -pipe. fo r hi::; eng-inc was !"o rely in n eed f water. .The pas:'cngcr depart ed as usual.' an~ Johnson. n t at all anxto us .

· t~rtecl o fi in tht· o ppo::; ite cll rect w n . . . :-- .. · 1 1 t ' e l a fret<Yht tratn }-l e h ad hardly gone a mtl e w 1en 1e n o tc <. · :-.

· 1 R ' l · 1 , arrow!,· averted a col-t·omi n o· toward httn anc 'I e~ on~ n . . li .;;ion };,. in s trultly rc,·c r~ ing hi e n g in e. Thi . ohstac~ c n eccs~ t -

. - , · 1 t ·· the frct O"ht tram . tatcd a ret urn tn · ~c,· cla nd , tn o n cr o pa. :-- ~

14 Tit r .-4 "d1 f) r

The delay tl1t1:' cau:-- l'd h l'g-an to t ~l l c 11 Jnll:t .... n n . II · -.cnl.ll'cl and threatened . . \t la:'l h t' g-nt cJ ,.:ar hn l n nt until tit·· retu rn ­ing pa~ ~cnger tra in \\"as tn s ig-ht.

* * * * Th e return o f th i:' train catt:-; t·d l'~cilt'lll L' ll t a h n ut th ' :'1:1-

tio n. ancl imm ediate ly a cro\\"d g-a th e r ed tiH.·n:. . \ c:-~11 for , . lttnle rs to p!trstt <. Joh n :'nn \\"a:; is ..... u t·d . Th L· n·upon st·,·c ral m e n. with :'uch \ \ "l ':lJI()JlS a:' th <:y had. hnardl'd th e l'nginc, whic h had al re : ~ch· sid t~- t r ac kL·d t h l' cnad ws. ~ 1\'o w there \\":t' ri,·a lry h ct \\" ec n t\\"o rail road cnmp,n i <'~

in this part n f T vntll"; ' l'l'. l~n th O\\"n ccl a ruad ht'l\\"l'Cll l"h ;, tta­nuo,,.a and "h · ,-c:l ;t nd . l~et\\" l'' n thc:--c t\\·u c iti l ' S t lH· line~ . ~

ex~l..'pt in a fe \\" p ~acc:;. ''en .. · n early p a rallt-1. 1\ w h cg-an . a r~ce for the sput. snmt· ten m ile:; distant.

where. o wing- to th · topography f th e ' t.Htn t ry. tht· lin t·~ had been fnrced tn crus:--. J nh tl S! 111 un a w;!l· t• o f th t' ·i rnttnsta tH'C, had a li ttle the longer route. T'lie pttrstH.' r:-- "ith a b~.·ttcr engine than his, grad u a II y fu rced ahea d a nd stnppcd stpta r e ly ttpo n the crossing.

Johnson percci,·ing- tlt is. t rcl c r l'd hi ;-; trai n stopped. a nd called forth hi.· men. An assault was 111adl·. but the e n ·my o ffer ed little re is tancc , and wen: s <>< >'l u ,· ·rpnwc red. J o hnso n o rd ered the o ppo. ing- e n g ineer to c l ·ar the track . Thi s nnl e r was o h· ·y c d. ancl J hnson . n o w th e tmdi ;-; JHtted 111:1stcr oi the road, proceeded to ' hattanoog-a. II · arri,T d there o n thl' afternoon o f X o , ·cmhcr 22 nd. l\\" O d a ys b e fo rl' the city was occupied by Grant and his army.

H EXRY P. "l'E JI ·: i\1.\\J . Pr p. 'oo.

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Published by T:-ff. AN!:tHH! ASSOClA'f!ON, Hope Cn l!ege, rto lland, Mit:ll •

a ' \ R I> 01 Ll>l I 1. I( J

Jo:, •'••r IU·f ' Itt • ( .. .... ,• tUI 1:11 JUJ

I. 1 " ... :. • ....

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••i i j ... , .. , 1 l'l'~'·i:~ll• llh 111 tltt· ,,··t r · ... \\ • •i'k. \\ t a~rq: Ill!..! 11-

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d\ .•rl, 111

,,l j' , · ~· · j, u r11:tli-:n c:'l l 1''-' :'li:!; tt :·•' • nh ), ,

; Jl i 11 rl I It \. I' I i I i .• I .. I l I( l' II I • :.: l .' I':'! w ,· . 11 'I lll' ; ·' •

p•rtr:t_,itt:_: till· '-· ·lll ~l · ... •wki~ l. ' I J:i, 1~ t i' l:Ji 'lt h 'h

r! .. , .... , .. tlld .. , 1111 ~ t.ttl h r t'tll l1:ll•l 'lJ'I:tc . J'l·rh:q". 1~"1

n lll'" .ti t h\ .. :.til lt:t - ...! •·L 'J•l·d tht · tlh:.utin:.: .. j

,. , .• tq •1 t,·l 1" I'J' , ... , 1'.:11 till· J•:!j•l r -.lll't'l' d i:t 111 \.· lli~·h ... ' ' , r' 111

I i tit. ' · .11 ... ... , r i 1.. ... , 'i • p:t JH : ... 1l, ... . - 1 • 1 ,

t,· i :•1 -tudl''l' . all "r - ••lltt .. j tltl• tttt tltL • t ..... ••i i hv -.t :t!'f ha\\

II•• ; f Jlecl till II'. J• •• 'i tit•ll ' .

,, l"•rtr:t .' tit'"· --!ttd ··nt. ll\11. , Jt .. uld lw ihl' l•'l"'" ... t 111

Tlu Anrhor

1 .. :1 : ' id~.· L· n " uf!"IJ. that til l' paper will lack human intt•rc!'t.

1 il ~.· C'' r11 rary . if anything-. the field i.· tun wi d('. ln fact. it •

•=- :! :-- ,._: k Cl!-> humLlnity itse lf. , \JJ h11rnau L'llHition~. the . ur-

I. '' :--. d i:--nppointm~.· rJt ;-; , t mptation!-'. aspirt~tions. joy~. lo ng-­

n :::-:--. i h < t ~urg-e thrnug-h human h eart and thrnb in human

l, r. t!n nr~: ft-,und in :-:t ud e nt li fe. The cliffi c u lty is nnt with tltc

l .ll i.J. The , · in c-yard is bo und I ·ss. hut the labo rers arc ftcn ilh"t.. •n: p et en t : a mung

1." :! !->-.. ( l~lf!->L·h 1.' • •

who m al!-'o we feel humbl e e n o u <Yh tn ~

Th'-· po rtray<tl < f tlte studL'lll d tl('S nt t m<:an that the staff

-- l.?.i ) l·ater to til l' li t~. ra ry ta;-;t e . r bck o f t a!-' t c . n f the ~t lldl'nt=--.

·1!: ~.· paper s h ulcl <'h: ,· at~_· the stud~.·nt hy p rtraying- him. ·rhc

h · l f! in~· of thL· mirror up t nature 1ften has a sal11tnn· infln ­

~ n "· ~_· al ;; in matters t)i litera ry ta:'tc. X n t prcachmtnt.. hut a

...:1 1plc trnthiul p rtrayal o f the s tud e nt t·lc,·att·s tas tl' and

mak~.· s iu r succc~-=- in the colleg-e paper.

Th n tg h all efforts in colleg-e journalism arc n cccssa ri h ·

h11mh lc and amateuris h, y et w e tnt;-;t th a t thl' \\·ork is nnt all

J •, ~t. If we ga in n o thing by it cx cl'pt th e knowledg-e that. in

th ~ bst analysi:, all creati,·c li te ratu r ~ i:; a purtrayal o f life. it

will h a,·e been w o rth whil ·. TlJ,lu~h J H.:='simi~tic critics w o u ld

h;l\·e us belie\·t· that all collegt· j•.Htrnali='m is ''' orth l c.~ ~ . we

b t: liL·, ·e that it ha~ it s place. Tn the y c;u- ju s t p:1 :;t we ha,·e tric·d

t() ponray the . tudcnt in thL' !'erie~ o f . \n chors tha t has b cl' n

:--ubjected to th e C<'nsu re o r app ro ,·:ll ui the ~t udent.. \\ .

kno ,,·. hu,·.-~.: ,· c r, that s uccess is ne,·c r pcrft•L·t: and all critic;-; n f

co lk~l..' joun1a~ism . h uld take this into cnn:-:idera~i n. :'J.ncc

we Jn,·c n )t yet comt' t o that hnppy ~tat~_· tli c riti L·i~m.

··\\ ' h ·n u n ly th e :\la:ter shall prai :-'c t~s . nnd <. nh· thl' :\[asll'r :-'ha ll blame· ·

. nd t i O o n e s ha ll w o rk ft r money. ·tnd n t> c>nt• s lnll w o rk ftw fame ;

l:11t c:nch fo r th e jo y o f the \\' rking-. and each in his separate tar,

~hal l draw th e Thin rr a s :--.

They Are !'' he ·ces 1t ior t ll~..· ( ;ucl uf Thing.-; as



1'hf' A ndtnr 17 --- --------------------------------------------------------------------


\Y c arc not "sore'' n o r do w e w i:;h to earn the r eputatio n qf h ci ng- "knocker:," but we would naturally ha , ·e a littl e mor<: respect fo r thl ju<lg111cnt :-tnd tast e oi th · judg-e. at the state cont~.·st if th ey h a d g-i,·e n < ur man a h igh er p :acc. \\' e had t be co ntent with :-;ixt h place and the n nly thing t o dt)

i ...; ttl t a k e th e inc,·itablt.: gracdull_·. :\n id ea nf h w excecd­illgly l'XL' ·llent :\Jr. \ ·an Z:tnt en's dcli\-cry \\ as c;.~n be gath er ed i ro:n a r~rn ark of u nc of the colleg-e prl':--it!cn ts to one o f t l11.· 1 I o p <' h n y ~ t n t h l' efT l' ct t In t .. ~ L a r i c • \ n t o i n · · t t c · · i n h i s o p i n i on

tntght to ha,·c bcL' ll ~i' en s en nd pl ::t rL'. This ~tatcmcnt im­pli<:d . of cour ~..: . tha t his 111a n :-: h nu ld h :.! \.l' ktd tirsr.

:\lr . .-\lbcrt \\.<.tlrat h. nf llillsdak. whose o rati o n . .. The l ~ ,· o~ uti un o f th e Spirit of D cm c r acy.'· was awarded first place. h a:-- m a ny ura t o ri~a l po w ers and with proper tra inin g-uug-ht t•> t~d-::~.: a hig-h pl a ce al the int ·r:--ta t e c >ntes t lie i.-nn\': IVIichigan's r l'pre s<:nt nti\·L: and the Anc ho r incerc ly \\ i:- hl' ' him S ll CCe~:-: .

.\11 who accnmpanicd :\Jr. \ ·an 7.anten to Hil1s dal e arc :•t:n·~ ·d that th ey vcrc ent~.:rtaincd the re m o. t royally. Th e WL':lthl'r o n thl' day f the contc-~t was dreary: but in . pite l)f it. e\· ·rybody was gin.: n s uch a good tim e that the weath er ,,.a, hardly noticed. In the afternoon a r t.'ccpt io n was given "t Prc,idc n t :\1 auck 's beautiful hom~·. The stu clcn t~ fro m the ,· i si~i:1g colleges ea~ily became ac(]naintcd with th e y on n g­nt ._ n an d ··mni:dcn~ fttir" o f Hill s d :tl c. The ho:-;ts pro \· NI to h e Ji, J:--t ~: i Hked. and .\Irs . and llrl's ide nt :\lau ·l· hacl a sm i!c and a w nrd fo r , . n ·l>ody. . ..

. \ 11 audi ·~'nce oi !-'OilH' two thousand g-athered in the hrg-c culiet-;c ch urch to h ear the youn~ orators. The or~an h:.-~ . 1 hcl'n b eautifu lly decorated with the pennant s of the different colleg-es. t hl' larg-est h c ing the n ne frnm ll opc. which occupied a pn ;ni .1cnt place in the middl ' . The 11 ill :-'da le roote r w e rl' n<:ccs:--:u-rly i<' r in th e 111ajo rity: and thl'y were at it almo, t a ll t h e time. Th eir y e ll : and song-s w e re cxcc~lcnt a ~ n o i ~e prn­du c ·r :'. Th .. I OY. fro m 1 I p e also did their bt•st to b e h eard and theY ,,·er e m o . t e mphatically hea rd whc tw,·er th ey tried . E\·en n;1 the wa y hack th e ir lung- p w r wa~ not spen t. and thry rC'~ak<l the pa~.;;cngcrs o n the trc~i n with sn 3 tche~ o f co1lcge ongs .

lS Tlu A 11 clw r

J{c\". \ -~• n ZantL· n. \\"h t> \\" :ls a surt n f .. chaperl)n" o f the p a n) - i f t i i a t L' x p n· s .-ion c a 11 I H: a II o ""u I L, 1 a p pI y t 0 h i m . i u r want or a hctt-...•r one- Ins g-ain e d a \\arm pl:trl' in thl' heart s

oi th l! hnys. \ \ "hen rL·:t<.:h ittg- ;rand !{apids u n th l' return trip h t: trc :1l·-d ~II to a h earty clinner and made a s h c•rl S)H'Cch of ·nc0uragc ml' nt and apprl'tiat i m . } I i~ thl' llll..' was t hc:lt h a n }

\\" o r k will coun t in the ~o: nd. , \ !' r,,-c n f n <'xt y c·ar';-; orators

\\1..rt: pn·sctll this taik \\as l':'pecial"y ntluahk. liard wurk has :dso l)eln l 1 roL l)im n e nt's m nttn in pr~.·par:ninn fnr th··

cnn te~t and it scc·ms rather tnn had that hi" and :\Jr. \ 'an Z ·u1tc n';-; hon ~st hard work should ll• >t IlL' hctt ~· r rcwanlc.:d. t:tn the proie~sor ~:s wc11 as the student' fl-~.·1 th a t in r ea litY .. t l: L'y a r c amply r<.' \\ard .:d fo r all the \\" tlrk dc>tll' thcmg-h t he

mz•rk lwppcn . .- to hl' agn in ' t th l' m. The hoys cndul up the trip \\'i ' h lcn ·t: son nds to t h e ll illsda le g·irls. n itH.· r:ths nntl a ti g-··r f r Rc \·. \ "an Zant n . nine mort' fo r n11 r orah>r, nin ~

n :nn· fnr Pro f. D im n c nt n n cl a!-' mt~ny a!-' y ou pil-:1:-.c fn r ll npc Ctl!l ~·~c. "the best and dean~st' ' o f th(' in:-:tituti n n=-- in the ;-;tat<:.

1} Pri n n- t he t'\·ening: hi ~·h-c!::t s:' ll!\1-.ic was fnrni::-iwd ! 1\'

th ·: ma le quant't, the llill..-da l · (;!e .~ Clnh . a11d the soloists. :\lis~ l\.·a rl ' l --: ~pp 1 e . :\Jr. Fenn ancl :\lr. 1\ ·rl.in:-:

l·ullo\\'ing- ar~ thl· :pe:tkcr:-: and th:. ir ~tthj~o•rt~: "EYn luti n f the Spi r it of DL·mn'racy"-:\ lhcrt \ Valrath .

l lill~dalc.

":\larie :\ntoin ctte"-Jnhn \\· . \ ·an 7.anten. I lo pe. " T r u e Educa t in n "- ' larc tH' l' D. J lnltt>n. 1-(a :am:tzno. .. :\ ~ Thysc l f" - -\ , .. 1 ~. l 1 iper. :\I. ,. \ . "The :\ l a n \\ ' IH Tt> i l~"- \ u l>r:..·y l ,l'nn :u-d .\shhy. l i \' r l. "The ~ I iracle \\ ' urkcrs"- 11 a r n), ) E. \\ 'i ll in111s. Ypsibnti. ··The :\ 1:-t n and th ll nttr"-FJoyri \\ '.(;ray. :\ drian. "Tht' <..:.pirit of Commerc.:i~lism "- l~ay ~or ton .. \ ll>i o n. ··.~a mucl ~I ill u n J 0 11 c ·"-Franc i:; \\ ·. 'ob h . r\ 1m a .


'T'he :\ thletic :\!':-:ociation i · "all there" thi::; \'C~ r tn c\·cry r c "p t c L l t was t h o t l ~ h t h y !'-' o 111 e t h a t on a c :· u ~ m t o f t h e i r fi g h t fo r t h e Tro ll ey Leagu ch:11npjon!--hip the ho~·s w o! tld n n t

h ;>.. \'C t im e tu g'Ct liJl a g-ond fe:;; t iYal. Uut tlw fc~ti\· itics 011 the l'Yenin g- uf \\'ashi n g-to n 's bi r t h day silenced all doul>tt' rs un t hi~ poin t.

Th~ A11rhor ]!)

TIJ ~· curinsit\· of tilt..• ft:--l i\·a l w~s an ani:na l o f a n '\\' species. p~.:rhaps the mis:-:ing l in k). cal~vd the Taunt~ ()n,·x c Ca:-.t ·)11;-:t. :\ )any inq11iriL'=-' \Yer · made l>l'fore t!;e ie . .; li\·a ). ), ,­

loca l ;-;ciL'ntj:-:ts about tht: a nim:1.l. hut when Lilly \\"(.' r C fina!l;­

allowed to hiseo..·t it. it wa~ found t n ben kcz. t:trred and featlH.'rcd . with he;~d. tail and leg-s atl:tched. l~ut the whole fc;-;! i\·a l ,·.-as n ot a fak". The \\'nrk hY th e coli •n-L' ou:~rtct wa~ . :--, . ...

g~...tlllliiC in tiH· ful k:--l s ~.· nsc < f the w u rd . Th t• q11artet ha~ beco me xtremcly 1 upular. and their ··salome" addl' <l cyr cath· :-... . t their populnt:ity.

The wh lc prngratn cau.:--ed much l ~ug-hter and amu. c­mcnt. Uut h •::-id<.' the :1tlr:l.ctitJns o n tl ~<.· !--t~l~C then' wtre sen.·ral thing-s o n the gymna:-:ium fl < o:- to ke··p the crowd hus,·. '"rhc "three halls for a nic.:klc tn hit th<.' Prof. ,-nu Ic)\·e tl~ c b est.'' th e llall of Fanll', in whic h the art i.;t lnd ~Httdon e him­self in flatt<.:ring- th e iac('s a nd figure;-; o f th e profes::;or.; . the P e nnant ~tand a nd the Tra\·eling- C ra y n Studio were the chief attractio n:;. During- the C\Tni ng- a Ji,·l'!y cnntl'st wa:' kept up hl't wet..·n t h · ad 111 i rers f II pe o il ege b •a u ty as to who should he l-illll·)n~d a~ <jueen o f the Festi\·al. R os<.: Brus e

,,·as final ly clt·ctt"d. while :\lac Dnt~:'e ''::t s a close se-cond. £,·erybndy clid his h est to spend a ll t! e 111 0 h ' )' he had

and all he cnuld h<>tTO \\". !'O that t h e fe~ti\· al wa~ a g-reat s uc­c e s ~ fin an cia II y. L u i t c a I i t t I e m n e y is n o w i n t h c t r c n .- u r y. hut that \\· ill , II ht· t'll'Cdcd to m:tk e t h t: hasl·hnll season a banner :cason. \\.ith in 'nl y a ,-cry few weeks tilt: m an with th e bat wil l he . th c man of the h o ur. \\' c tru t that when th e h o u r shall h e t hcrl' tht· rn:1n will al!'o be o n the spot to keep a]i,·e cnlhusin~m for athletics. ·


Trolley Lea gue Championship.

The TJopC' olleg-c ba:-;ket ball team h qJd: the nndispulcd champio nship f \\" este rn .:\lichig-an. h a,· ing distin!Zuishcd

it~elf fo r tlw ~trinrr f victorie.~ in the Trolll')' L earru • and ~ ~

L'IP~ ing- th e serie~ with a percentage of .87:. \Yi th sc,·cn o u t l'f the eight g-ames tn it;-; credit. the last of which w:1~ fo r feited h y Grand Jfa \· en. llopc's record has hcen w ell nig-h inYin­cil>le. Th • fast c Jllcg-c quint<'t gain~d dcci . j,·e victories over c , ·er y fi , ·e in the league with the exception of the two game

TJ,r A nrhor

,,·ith th e t;rancl 1\ ap id ~ Y. :\1. . \. t <.·: tm. ,,-hidt • ··:.-ul t ed in a t ie. t.'ach tea m winni ng- a galllL' with til l' tnrr4l\\" 111:1rg-itt of one

p lint. I I ope·~ ti r:.- t ex h ihi t ion in kag-11 c w n d.: ha.:: b ern ph t'n Pm­

enal. Two ,·ear. ag-o the te~m clis ting-uishcd it self hy winning­eig-ht o f tlH.: ninc> g-ame~ played with fi,· e~ nf other colkg-l·:.-. i 11 dud in g t h l ' h.:: t i ·: ' ·a 11 ~ t n n t ca m. a 11 d 111 a i 11 t a i Ill' d i h t· x <.: d Ic 11 t

re,n1tati< n in tlt e :cr i ..... ju~t clo~cd. Th e bril l iant team w ork cti:p ~a yed in e\·c ry g-:unc, the reg-ular·ity with whidt fiL·Id and foul ba~kds "" '" rL' thro\\"n . and the <.:haractL·ri~tic f:t ""t pa:'s work (·. ·hiLill d . l!a" m :ulc the team .1 great fan rite in ba:-.kc· ball circles .

PletliH'. th • fas t ct•nte r. haR appearl'<l in en.·ry g-<ttlll' and hi s skill in . winging- the hall at th~ ~tart mad<· him ittcli~­pen ·able, ,,·hile t h e difficult f at f thrnwing fi <.•ld haskl't~ fr~>1n c\·e rv co nceivabl e position ha~ g-iY en ])c h~rui f. the ~tar tnr­warZl. an cnYiable dis tin<.:ti o n. \ ~ccnkct· ' s wurk at thrownig­foul ha~ kets has been a feature and the ''"' rk nf th e \ " ruwink~.

Itmans and Stck eman a s g-uards w •re cxct..·ptionally hrilli ;ltlt. Hogg-en disting-ni~hecl himself in th fi1st g-anw with the Grand Rapids Y. \f. . A. by winning the game during- the la ~ t

minute or play hy scoring- o n a fo ul. The fo llo wing table show~ the score t)f the ~L' \Tral g-a tn es

111 the Trolley League series: 1 l o pe, 33; Grand Rapid~. ~2 . H ope. 45 : Cran<.l 1 La \' Cn. r I. llope, 28 : .:\1 uskegon , r;. Hope. 37: Zeeland. 30. }lo p<.· , 37; Zeeland, 20.

H o pe, 44; ~ L u ·kcgon , 16. H o p<'. 33; rand Rapid · . 34·

-Grand Rapi<.ls I lL·ra !d.


The Crescents. champions in the series of basket-hall g-;-t mes played for the coveted prize, an y s te r - s \1 pper. w en· p~ca:antly ent rtaincd at that supper- by Dr. ?nd \Trs .. \ .. T. (1odirev. who offered the prize. After a ' 'htg-g-esl on 1 Yc

c\·cr h~cl'' s upper, which s macked 0 £ many other g ood thing . b es ides oy ters, the host and hostess entertained in a ,·cry

TJu A ncltor 21

worthy manner. The evening was spent in game and other plea ·antries which the Crescents will not soon fo rget.


Prof. and 1\Irs. H. Drnsh were hos t and haste s to the dass of 'o7 on Tuesday. l\1 arch 5· and proved themselves very entertaining. The eniors all report a "mighty good time,'' aud regret that St·nior days arc abno~t OYer. .,

Tl e Fratcrn:tl ociety royall) entertained the Cosmo-ptditans o n i\larch 15th. Th e he t of fe e ling exist · between the t\\o !'ocieties. " Cosmopolitan Fraternalism," and "Fra­H-rmtl Cosmopolitani~m· an' n o t unkno wn <pta tltities at pre~­

cnt. and yet colleg-e . pirit in liter ary acti,·ities is far fro m being curtailed by this liberal co-o peratiou.


Hope, 30; Grand Rapids Y. M . C. A., 32.

l ) n the en: ning- of February 7 the un expected happened. \\"ith th t• lo ng hopnl fo r 1000 per cent altno;-;t within our grasp, l)pp~ lo!' t. or rather Grand Rapids Y. \f. C. A . w o n, the la:-.t :··al\1 ;in the In~erurban League race. It w as a close and ex­citing game with Hope men continually recei,·ing injuries . C ;rand Rapi<.ls ·adcl t:d in ult to injury by refu_ing to count at lca:--: t three fi e ld thro \vs <.luring thl: co urse of the game. F oul a ftu· ft, ttl was ·called on our fiye , which \an veren of the Y . .:\l. C .. \. ea~ ily c< nverted into p<>ints for his t eam. Hope's h-am \\·nrk wa;-; ineffecti,·e because' no :-iOOlll'r did th ey start th ma chin e-like action. which Coach .:\l o rgan feared so much hut he ,,·oul ~l check it by calling a fou l. Even then OYer timl! play was necessary fo r him to win. \Vin he did, but acidcd no g-1 ry to his cro"':n. Th e final score w a · 32 to 30 in fay o r

i ;rand Rapids Y. ~I. C. A.

M. A. C., 33; Hope, 23.

The ~T. A . C. ba. kct ball team. th e fa~ test aggre(Yatio n t hal l'\"C'r , ·isited 1 l o ll and. scored a victory o \·rr Ifope on Feh­rua ry 1 ( ). hy the sco re o f 33 to 23.

ln th e firs t half IIope s tarted with a ruf'h and kept the farmer · gue. s ing thro ughout, leading at its d ose by a 16 to 13

. ' "'. :--ro re. nut in lh ' :--Cl'1 >11d IJ;1Ij t!J l' :\f .. \ . C. tt'am lllrtlld till'

table:-: hy th e m o:-; t cln lT l 'a ~s W•> rk . , . lT witn~..·s:--~d 0 11 th e .. gynt· · fl oor.

:\1. .\. ~ !"COred most o f th e JHlint:-- nn basket" fn >m th~ field. hc ing- rrcdib.'d with 12 a~ain st i IC) p<.··s (>. The.: ia rmt.:rs are th e.: o nly tc.:tlm wh) ha ,·c in play in g- w it h u s SC·H· l ·cl mt~r. fi t•ld p u int s t han c'nr t l'am. 1 l O J l', h rHn! \Tr. kacl in fn·e throw.~ . g-etting- 1 1 to !J o f the , ·is ito rs.

\\ 'c fe e l it lu ht' nn disho no r in b l' ing- cl<- fl'tt t ed I)\· such :t

~ trong- t eam wh o plays und er a ,·cry c;lpa hl l· coach ;tnd w hn has c:1.· ily defea ted all o pp >ncnt s (•xr .. ·pt the I )l•trnit Y .. \ I. C. :\ . \\ · e h a ' · e s t i II t n p I a y 0 I i n : t a n d h ~""~ I ><.' t l h c a 1> 1~..· t 0 1 a 11 d s~.:~ond place in th e in tcrcul lcg-i;ltC.


Hillsdale Notes.

.r\11 the boys r .... port :t great ti111 e at I lill"d:lle .. \ft cr th t• ,· h ;•d ,·isit d \\ ' est llall. th e Con~cn·at o r\' oi IIC':tub·. tltc \· \\'t • r:~... a ll .. _...mitten.'' Art :\lis n r r i~ sa id to bt: an inc urai>lc . ~

.-\ t the con test o ne o f th e I Ji ll ..., cJ :!Ic h,1,·s ca m (' ratla·r :'h ccp i. hly up to J unker and said. "Exc usl' me.' sir, hut an.· you one o f the judges?''

A. k Pete J>l c une a l)Ull t i\1 iss Coun.

lJill :dale malclen. tho u hast s uch brigh t blu l' c-ye=-- f r 1 1 >,· ~..· . llill sdal e m ctid c n. thou ha: t s u ·h brig ht l>lu~ ~..·yes : Those bright hlt1 c ey<.'s arc thin e, lo •. l', The g lan ce in it is min e. Jo ,·c : I I iII. dale m a icl cn . t ho n has t s uch brigh l b Ju c ey~..·s.

Hilbuale maiden th{.lt makcst \'en· hull\' fuci ('J'e · H ill ~da l c maiden. th o u makcst bt;lh· ftt~ l rrc · ~ ' 'fhat bu lly fudg-e is thi ne, h)\·e; ~ :-.. ' The.: eati ng f't is mine, lo \·c; I l i11 sdal t' maiden , tho u mak ·st bullY fudge.

:\Irs. King- (m e~ ting- th llo pe (k le;..;a ti\ )Jl at th l' .~ J epnt in llills dal c and ta lkmg to Prof. Dimncnt )-"\\ .h e rc in tht• w o rld arc you r women ?' '

') •J .... .. --·----

In ,,nc of the tuwns on the lin e th e r ·staurant man asked I ' rui. Uimn ~..· n t if h e wa -; the m anag-er o i a l hca tri c;d troupe .

Don't ask .\rt :\ l isn cr to t e ll you about li ill sda!e girb. 11~...-· 11 n c.:n: r stop wh ~..· n n n cc.: start~..· d. The t re nd o f his argu­Jlll· n t is that t) ll g-\.·ncra l principks prc~ident s ' daughters are al right: a n d tlt el1 h\.· ~oo11 ~wi tc h Ls o!T illto parti~tllais a bout til \.· 11 ill--dall' pr~.. ~ i ckn t's daug-hter.

\ 'a n Zantl' ll·~ .... fan >ritl' ~ong-: •· . · W\.d ~ I a r ic . Come to me ...

~ .. ~~~ ... ~~o.W>@Sr4(!!;.-t~~~~@5.-e~CiS"~ ~ j

! Easter Greeting i ~ ~ " T o airl ~·ott . in enjoying yonr E Tl!:R • EA •. ON more ' ' thoroughly uy baring it with otll ef, I we call your attention ' j, to tl.e faet that '' e have secu red an elPgant an ·;aried assort- i ~ ment of i ~ Easter Postals in Leather, ~ ' Satin and Cardboard. ~ i All with arti~tic• desicrns. EASTER C \RD -ni ~..·e to slip ' 9 into a lett •r home or 7o your friend-just for rememhrance ~ IJ you know. E.c\ ~'TC:Lt .KO~ELTlES-to k eep as mementos '

' . ' ' ~ ' :a:. -v A.~· :OEJR l?LOElG- ' ~ 44 E Eighth Street, :

@';of~l'iit~t-Si>~G~R·.•~ ~ .. ~~@J.o .....

Th e J t ting d~partment i. weak thi . i ·su e, fo r J o hn \ ·an Zant<: n is ,·cry hu ·y teac hing psy ·holog-y now­;tda ,.s.

D r. :\ . T. G. will fumig-ate . t u clcnts· room~ at r ed uced 1·au:=--. The ~carl1.. t ie,·cr sca r e now assumes a fair deg-ree of n ·asc n ;1 hll-n e:s.

~.lis:-; I. L.- " J,,)n ·t , .• u think Edward is a ni ce name? :\nd such rare bru wn eyes!''

I ~

..!4 Tlu A ffl:lztJr

( F rt~m l J o I I a 11 d City N c w .s. F l' h. 7) _ .. .I o h 11 \ ·an Z ante n. fir~t prize in th e b o wling contest. J o hn ~ \?ems to he a winner in ~omc o f th sc Jines."

(1· rom Sentin el)-"Grand Haven wants a n ew fog horn." A ~plcndid opening for Roo ~ t.

'' I'T"a Jk'' may sell bad clothes. but it doesn't ~ 1 make a cu tomer. I make clothes

th'lt sp~ak eloq••,.utlv for themselves a11tl customers tuat speak for me. ClHtH~ in and give us a trial.

DYKEMA, TH~ '.rAILOR O•er Lokker-Rut.llcrs Co.

---- --- - -1viiss l\~largarite M. (to Prof. Mast)-"llow long can a

person live without brains?" )Jlast--"'vVe, I don't know exactly. How old are you?''

Sorosis Society. Program for I• eb . 8th. Opening N umber--Vocal solo. ~liddle Number-Vocal solo. Closing Number--Vocal solo. Adjourned with the "Amen, cho rus.

Vander Vv. seems .to think he can grow taller U\' pulling up his su~penders .

Gerrit De l\[otts (meeting Prof. Dimnent and Van Zantcn or Eighth treet)-"l-Iello, fellows !"

And Van Zanten felt humiliated-it was on ly a \\' Cck after the local contes t .

If it keeps on this way f r a couple years more Estelle will soon consider 6 her unlucky number in t ead o f the proverbial 13.

f' ··":~-;:;;~;;;~;;,~;:;~~-·, Buy your Tablets. Pencils and Ink


BRINK9 TilE BooKKA.N Oitz. Phone 715 209 RiTer Street, Ho1Jand, Mich.

I • •

. -

. ....


~ Tlu A ncltt1r 25 ------------------------------------------------

J t is repo rted that Prof. }[a. t makes three j urneys per day tu the printing- o ffice , and is \·cry insistent that the printers take pain .s not to o mit the ~tatcmcnt fr 111 the new colleg • eata lc1g- tu th e cffc:c t that Ds and FrL·~hmcn arc r equired to take gymnastit:s three times a w eek.

~·\ rt ie is a Junior wise, The g irl s . they say he's Yain ;

F ur all the slam .s and kn ck~ he g-<.·t.s. H e get~ th ere just the samL'.

1 fe's eYer kind to. tudent dull. And h elps them French to f.! ' t.

And if hi~ hair and tic arc smooth lie ha · th e brains. Y 0 \1 h rt.

]~ttl if hi s tie sh ould g-et a\\'ry, Or o ne hair rufll ecl be,

This little 111 :1 11 \\'ill hlu. h fo r s ham e, A fea rful sight to see.

.!!>,;.,, :JP,;,At i ~ ... "' ... ' "" ' ~· • '*'~,. •. »4=-~· ·~· ,... -=·-t~

Tlu .4nrhor

Kramer's S5.00 Book of Trad~ Secrets Reduced to $1.25 While th e y last. On l y a f e w copi e s left. Every student who deal res

to m a ke their own way through aohool •hould have a oopy of thl• book.

Tl1 price o f "Krau1 •r's Huok of \ ',duablu Fo nnulas, H ,;ipe , Trade 1 'ecrf't:1, Proc ·o~~CR AI·. " , ba:i been 1·edtw •J from $5.00 to Sl :!5 for .1 s ho rt rime. O rd ur th e bonk wl1ilo )'<Il l c:a11 g Pl it.. "[t's" a ."p ring loui e; fo r au.v bus ine ~. lJ id "ro" intr) e very :--;lnte aud Ca11aJa, I> ·s id 'N su,·,•nd fore ig n (·ountric~, this YP<lr. •lit " mak e:; hn ~ in Pss "go" a ud bri ng~ iu th e $ :· $ to y o u. · f4: ndo,·sed hy a ll manuf:wtur~rs. 'lJAoro il •nl,y on• .A'ran~or'$ .:7Joo.f.

~ ·' K1a•n 'r's.llo 1k, n f :rrade .~t!c r •ts" was writt en hy :\dol ph h ran1e r, A n:tlylH·:d liH' II ltst., ass1sted by o the r e xperts. 2\l r Kra111 ~ r wa · t-Uu<:al .. d in (r~· rul.tlly ':; mn:st uo tecl t e( ·hni l·al st·hools, aud was fo r ,,,·er thi rty y ears t'tl iiiiCded wi t h Jarg(' lll ill tufa<·luriug conce rrts in Germany and t lte ( r. I.. I t is the 111 0 ·t ' ()I ll plete 'lti ug e \·er writ­tl'll o n lla \·l)ri u !..! cxtr: ll't ~. gi ,·ing fo rm11faf' that ha,·e ne ,·er hef>n p~thli:;;hetl, cosL tu n fro m :W· per g allou anti wlao l sa liug for- $:3 .:)0 lJ~'r gat/on up. It c:outaius Lundrc·ds o f o tJ1 r fu r111ulas whidt ha \'e lll ' \"•' r bc fo r ,) appea red in p ri nt " ' " r(' th e <"l' ·t h n:'\ rangC'd fnr l·:u'lt r~ ,rn 11tl a. to SEH!-' of formu I a~. Jrom S5 to $100. J ·:\·~ ry P<'rRnu ,, hu is o ut. of e mployment C'an make m ore out of t his l1ook tha u a pe rson jll o rd i ua ry busi n 'S C'an o u a. capi t;d o f 8 I 0,( 11>0.

"Xran~crr ., fc, Cr•ant " is a huokiPt \\ l1 il·h lws ju~t l a•t-" ll

iR:S IIcd, t .. lli11g how to make a prime ic• crtJo»~ fo r z!U cen ts a gall"u, a(,~ll lttt P}y J'> Ul'e \\llU wiJI paSS in any fnqO J.lw :-. lrt ll! . l1 e:;i J •s g i\·ing a n11mbe r o f othe r form~tla an d infonnatirHt. t 'an 't. l t" ll all about it he re. Jlog nla r pri ·e $2.511, II•H\· X 1.00 or bnth book · $~.00.

SIOUX PUBLISHING COt~1 PA~Y, Sutherla nd, Iowa.

\\ ' her~ is J oh n l 'la~man ·s c!a!":o; p in ?

J o n ker ~ay~ X oa h i~ n t dead . I fe llll't 11i m at l Jil lsdale. ll L· is n o w t rying- tn · tri ke.: up an anpt1in t~JJll'l' :d'" \\'ith Sh c li1, liam and J a plct.

111 H>lny t wt:nty _\" l' :trc; h a!' :--<.·n·<.' fl. :\ nd his hack fn nn w o rk is ·un l ' t I. Cuarcli:1 n nf th<.· hrnnm and pan.

· k nn in g- tt p w h c r · · c r h e c <:d 1 •

.. Du~ t th u u art- t o du.· t r tu rn<'. t. " L- th e m o tto o f thi s man. Twenty _,ca rs h e':-- s \n .. ·pt the llonr­

l\Jay he ~"· eC'p it twe nty !ll(lr<:.

. ( >nh· twu p ro fs . had th e n c n ·e t u coml' tn t h e Athletic

Fe't i ,.a 1: Th e editor u f thi s papl.' r k n rH'\S :t d:!n ·Jy jt)kc nn < , t• rrit

V c ·nH.'< ·r. hu t h e: h :t!' I> ·~...· n threa te n e d w it h 'ioknt d c;1t h ii he s ho uld puhli ·h it. ·a come and see him pcr~ona lly .

, •

• ,

Easter \\~ e ha ,.e }Pft nothing uudone in on r preparation for

a nobbv a .. o r tment of 'lothing and Toggery for our Ea t r · tnu l('. )n r stocks are extra we ll filled and al'SC\ rtecf, with an ahnndan t quantity of the following

new ly arri ,·ed goods: . l\oblrv Collegian nrand I nits in blacks and fanc:es. ra,·~uette ~ ~i fT Hat ~ in the n ew fl at brim sty le.

Pe~d G rey T e lescope Hats with white b inding. Caps i u all the newest creations . . Fann· ~ec.:kwear and ~ birta i n a n mnumerable

«:U~sortmet;t or patterns. elected£: pecially fo r our Easter trade. Dou ' t forget to ask for the discou n t.

P. S. BOTER & CO. 10 \V EsT E tonTn TR":F.T.

For a n iee, fresh box o f 0 0 '10


Chocola1es C. Blom, Jr. The Candy ~bker.

- A !I.))-

Bon Bons 1a w. Eighth ~t.. aonand, Mich.

J. & H. DeJONGH Lead in

GROCERIES AND DR.~ GOODS Specia l aceommouation to lloardmg Clubs .

21 East T outh 'treat, Holland, l\lich .

For your Hnmkfa-. t I. n rH'heou or T t•a


s~rn•cl at ('luh~. R e!'ltauraut:; ancl Uott•ls.

Alse :-~nlrl ut .}Our ( ;nwf"r.

nF.wAru: <H' 1.:\ll 'J'.\ 'l'rt) :o-;s .

------------~-------------THE SWEETEST P RESENT A b ox of onr best R. W- GfllKIN GhoGolat6 6r6am Bon Bons

------------------------------~C:i~tz~~P~1~10~n:~~4~i~0~. --~2:0:_~ ~~:erSt .

~] ~ l'f' -,4 _II jJ}.-\ ;rZ- -1 L •

:1 "/-" ·yt)I I

I k--/ ;:- I

I r.. · \ 1,: ' ! -' ~ · ..... .. ..

..d~·"-z .. ~~· ~~ ;: ~ -~ ~-1 ;;·· - · l-~··:t

li;t.. & · -: ~. : . -...,: ,

WalkOV6r Sl106 For Men.

$3.50, $4,00 and $5.00

Kleyn's 2 E. Eighth street.


. ..

. .

. r

. -·-

. • .I

. '

Tht> A ndzt~r

------ --------------------------------------------------r~~~~~...,

G . J . lli i:KE WA, PKII:~IDitNT. 0. 11.', WO ltW.&, C .&SBtaa. ~

11-,1 ~S'"I, S'l,A l"E BANK With Savings Department.

· Ua J,>i ta 1 ~50,uuc '· 00. 1 Corner Eighth Street ancl Central Ave. , • 1-1 olla.url . Michigan ~

&.... ............ ~""'~~.-.~~

Y (JU Know From Experience t hn t we have the fiuest room iu 1 lol land for a crowd t 1) elljny them. eh·es over a social g Jnss of i<·e c-ream t;otla, an.d forrret the bore o r Rtudying . ...... Lar.~:ut a.rscJrlnu nl of lliglt grad~ Cant!iu ahc•nJ'S on ltand.

Holland CaJ1dJr J{itclJen

We Appr~<~ciate Your" -rro(1e EYEHYTliiXU T~ Till~~ J)R ~G LI~E at OUR :KE\Y STOUE.

Ghds. D. Smith, Druool~t -17 East Eighth treet, H olland. ~lich.

itizens Phon~ 295.

Boone's Livery, Bus and Baggage Line . HOR ~ES HOUGHT AND SO LD.

209 CE>utral Avenue. Citizens Phene 84. Bell Phone 20

3() TJu Andtor

::S: 0 P J:!J 0 0 LL l:!JG-~.J

P e 1 1 c 1 a tl t s :ttl (J I> i II t) 'v 1 ~() Jls €:t t I:)-.,.::~.. .a/..1: e 2i F3 re> s ..

1 'lcp iu and see thC' ir line.

~))(l lll<-1 i••g·, I{C(t(_·ll £llld

D. & )J . .£-\ tlll<~tic G oo<ls of all ki11ds.

--- --------- ======== =

1-J. Va11 ':(oiJgeJ--c)n. 12 East Ei~h th . "treet. ~ Hollaucl , 2\1khiga n

\Ve hnxe e \·e ry th iug 1 1 the line o f

FrBsll. Salt ana smoKtru Meats. C itize ns Phone 50 . • ::) ' H.i ver st reet .

-•:&tt:·~~~~~~~"i~~1~1~~~~~1~&-"~~!& ~ ~

;1 DE GllOXl),VET £ ~ 3 ~ H :u~ the 1arg~B1 ci rcnla tiou of auy paper li ~ ~ ~~ pn b1i~lted i u the Hollann laug u;age iu the a, ~ U niteit State~ A it vertisi ug ra tP~ n1arle ~ ~ ~ ~ kuowu upon appJicu tiou. • ~

~ ~

~ $1.50 PJ£R YEAR. i ~ ~ ~-lii~~ti~li"~to~~&a~tliili•aia-titliiil •

. . ,

. '

. . ~

. . "'

~ T ltc A , ,.;,,,r ~ 1

TJ1e J'I(JDEL J~rltfi Store IIeafl\tU~trterd fur tine PPrfmue. l ~ c•lt1eu H u ·e OtlJ" .·pec.:ialty.

~:; 'eu ts pl'r Onnce

G. "r. H~lAN, l_JrOfJ. Cor. 8 th and B.i ver ''trcets.

~f,e jfraltltlilt jLife ·nttsttrance (to. Furnishes r cO' is tc rcd i nsurance. P o l il·ic arP also sec ured hy de posit o f en tire llP en ·e with the 1 ' tatH of Illinois . , ee \Y~J. J. L l V I~, \\ e. t Eighth , ·t.

Tcle ph .. n e::;:

a. ... @S-t~~~~""8~~~e.:e@?i-o~~~~@Sr-~-.-e~

S When It Needs It ~ ! H.'t ~·our \\·a tch rPpnir d a t, lfarcl ie"s. Prices ~ ~ rca onalJlc. aud your ntnuey bat:k if uo t sa tisfied. ti i J :.T d • t h J le c·or . Ei~hth stree t. i i -.: Ur Ie, e ~ ewe r, ami C'l·nta·:d avenue. i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~

\\~ c ~re clo ing out a n ove rsto<·k of ~4- it• <· h

AIR TIGIIT HEATERS AT $2.()() each. They arc bargain auc.l are worth 3 ;~ 50.


J AUOB KLOOS'"£Ell~i.1\.N 'rUE .,,l'UDENrl' T .r\.I LOI~ I l<JP

13G E. Eighth 1 tre t.

Clean ing and R e pairing neatly and q 11 i(·k l_v done. Tron rs a nd (h·eralls for sale. 1all and see U8·

ITY MEflT Mf\RKE, T All kinds of

Vi h and Vc-'gt tables . Deli very in Ci t_v. \'<'n\. Von d ~ ,. veer, Pr p.

~· ~ .ea , P o ul tr y

Phone 43. 152 E. Eigh t.h treet.

Tlu Anch or ---------- ---------

\\Te're Still at it -Giving 10 per cent off to students,

Ou ;til M~n·~ ~"'uruishing~ ann Ulotldng. SLUl..,..'l"BR & COOPER,~ ~.Eighth St.

Tai Jors, lla t ters and Fu rn is her~. A gen ·y A m erk:m Laundr.r.

Pictures, Mirrors, Paper Holders, Clock Shelves, Statuary. etc.

to fit up ynu r room~, come :mel ~ee us. \\. e c·aa furnis h them to su it the po ·kt::thnok.

Tron"lp's l~icture Store, · 52 Ji;. 8th St.

5oeeooooeae .. oeeeeoooooeecoooooaooooooooo•oooo~

I c. A. Stevenson. The a.7J::'.,. Jeweler I I I h agent for L . E.Watennan and J ohn Holland Fonntaiu Pens I ~••••••ooeooooooooeeeoaeooeoooooooooooeeo~oooe~

i·······················-········.····-·······i Holland City News J

M;;r ;~ &:h;::;• I I I 1 All Kinds of Book and Commercial I I PRINTING I .,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••oooooeooe•


I H Ill. ohan The Collea:e Shoeman. E 8th St I · • • Graduaw in tbe Boo• and Hboe •n. • •

••••••••••••••••••••ooeeooo••• .. ••••••••••••~~

• I



I ~









Ancient. and M odrrn Languages aot1 Literatures; Lo~lc. Rhetorlo and F.JC)cutloo; M.nt hemaLt I<'!< Phyfllcs and Astr onomy; Cht•u1ht ~y and GeolOJ:Y : The Rlu loalcal Science~; Pltlh1wuphy; Sttcred Llter:Lture; Oen;craphy, History . 0 1\'ll Go \·eromeu' ~ud Ped ... gogy; Or a wtug nnd t.lush>.


Ct. " ss~t:., 1., Purr.osOI'HICAL, S e t EN, tFt C A:'llD NoR~tAt •.

Tl'\eOIOQical ocport1nent. ThP. Wc 1tern Theolo~tlcal ~eooloary has a course o f stu<t y as full and pract.lrad &>~It" . istt• r 3ernl narles to tue \Ve:ft.

corps of Experienced Instruc tors.

LOCATION :-Oil the Por e Marquette railway. IGO miles f rom Chlcato. i& mllP.a from G l'llnd HLLplt1s .

Expenses Moderate,-Fr. r furth er I n formation o r Ca\alog ue apply t o

PROF. G. J. KOLLEN, LL.D. , Pres.
