Homework Response 14




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Abigail was 18 when she moved off to college, she was so excited to be starting school and getting out on her own. Abigail was a great student, never went out to parties, all together she was just the girl next door. She and Penelope, a close friend of hers, were renting a nice apartment close to campus. They had talked about moving in together since pre-k and their dreams were finally coming true. Fall break came and the girls went to hang out with some boys from school at a local spot. As time went on Penelope developed a close friendship with one of the boys, while Abigail would’ve rather forgotten the night all together. Abigail was focused on school and didn’t have time for a relationship. October and November flew by. Abigail had gotten a job at a local coffee shop, trying to earn money to pay off student loans. When it came time for winter break, everyone else went home to spend the holidays with family, but she stayed in town to take more hours and hopefully make some extra change. It was the day before winter break ended that Penelope came back to her and Abigail’s apartment only to find her bound to her bed, vomit on the sides of her cheeks. Penelope checked for a pulse but she confirmed her fears, Abigail was gone. When the police came Penelope was the first suspect. Abigail had over dosed on some of Penelope’s pain killers she had been prescribed after a back surgery a few months back. But Penelope kept them locked up and didn’t give anyone the combination to her safe, not even Abigail. She was entirely confused. As the trial came, Penelope was accused of her friend’s death due to the fact her finger prints were the only ones found on the medication bottle, and she was the only one with the combination to her safe. She was devastated, not only had she lost her best friend, but she was also being accused for her murder. Penelope couldn’t believe it, who in the world could’ve done this and framed her? As she thought on it, it finally hit her. The boys from fall break. Alec, the boy that was hanging out with Abigail, had severely burned his hands when he was younger and was forced to wear gloves to protect them from any direct and harmful lights. Alec had constantly been bugging Abigail to hang out again since break, he even quoted the last time he had tried to get her “Abigail this is the 27 th time I’ve asked… just one more night…” This dropped Penelope to her knees, Alec had a photographic memory. He was in the room when Penelope had taken her medicine the night they all hung out. So what really happened to Abigail? Did Penelope do it?

Guilty or Not Guilty? Did you ever wonder what factors determined the guilty or not guilty plea in a courtroom? You may say well there’s proof isn’t there? But have you ever thought about all the evidence that was obtained and wrongly accused an innocent person of a crime? Plenty of other times there just isn’t enough evidence to convict someone of a crime. There is a lot misconceptions about the justice system and the process of finding a criminal. Now I know your first thoughts of the courts and justice system are cut and dry. Most TV shows out there have given us a stereotypical look into the world of crime fighting. Shows like law and order or some CSI episodes give us a fictional view into the courtroom, but how is evidence obtained?

I’ve decided to shift my line of inquiry to forensic evidence and its role in determining an appeal in a trial. Most of my sources speak of the justice system and explain how sometimes not all evidence is accurate but it is all important. Of course nothing about our government is foolproof, the justice system and forensic evidence isn’t an exemption. I believe that evidence found can either make or break a case. And some evidence can also accuse an innocent person of a crime they didn’t commit. Like with my story about Abigail and Penelope, all fingers pointed to Penelope, but she never would’ve done that to her friend. Regardless there was no evidence pointing to Alec, therefore he walks as a free man and she serves time until technology develops far enough to prove him guilty.


I really enjoyed this part of the project. Just being able to come up with something of my own and be creative while writing a research paper was really almost refreshing. For my introduction I got to make up a story and hopefully freak some people out! Haha finally watching hours of justice network and Criminal minds pay off. None the less it truly is a nightmare. My favorite part about this homework response was I had someone ask me if I had ever heard a similar story, and the truth is yes and no, bits and pieces came from true life events and it is terrifying to think that in our day and age someone can truly get away with murdering someone. But I believe this homework assignment benefitted me because it allowed me to get my feet wet into the world of voicing my opinion and even making up a little scary story.
