Homework R-6 due Monday Test on the Renaissance/Reformation Wednesday, May 14. Current events...


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Homework R-6 due Monday

Test on the Renaissance/Reformation Wednesday, May 14.

Current events assignment due Tuesday, May 19.

Aim # 12: How did Martin Luther’s ideas differ from those of the Roman Catholic Church?

May 7, 2015

I. Luther leaves the Church!

Luther hoped that the ideas in the 95 Theses would lead to reform in the Church.

However, when the Church ignores him and refuses to change, Luther decides to break away. Now, he will form a new branch of Christianity – Protestantism.

Authority on Christian Life (how do Christians learn the right way to live?)

Roman Catholic Church: Pope, Church traditions and the Bible

Protestants / Luther: Follow the Bible alone!

Beliefs About Salvation (what do you have to do to get into heaven?)

Catholic Church: Faith in God and “good works” (giving to charity, fasting, pilgrimages)

Protestants / Luther: Justification by Faith alone

Role of the Clergy

Catholic Church: Pope and Clergy are the only ones who have the authority to perform religious rites and interpret the Bible

Protestants / Luther: “Priesthood of all believers”

Catholic Church:

- Indulgences allowed (later banned)

- Clergy cannot marry

- 7 sacraments

- Saints, relics and rituals are emphasized


- No indulgences

- Clergy CAN marry

- Kept 2 sacraments: Baptism and Lord’s Supper

- Bible is the ultimate authority on Church practices → Saints, relics are less important

Religious Practices

Critical Thinking Questions Which groups in European society do you think

will find Luther’s ideas appealing? Why?

Would you consider Martin Luther to be a humanist? Why or why not?
