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Learning Grid Primary 3/4

Week beginning 8 th June 2020

LITERACY AND ENGLISHAs this is June, we would have been planning our Sports Day. You can have your own sports

day with your family. Some activities this week are relating

to this.

See below for some great ideas over the next few weeks.

Choose one or two each week to try out. Copy and paste the link into your browser.


Tune in to this week’s children’s liturgy from the Diocese of Motherwell.

Say a prayer to ask God to look after everyone in your family.


Play a card game. Which ones do you know? Could you learn a new game? Could you teach someone else this game?

NUMERACY AND MATHSSee separate planners below

FOODBe a chef and take over lunch time. What will you make for you and your family?

BE KIND…to others. Help to tidy a room and play relaxing music.


Join Joe Wicks every day. Create your own sports day. What activities did you plan? Encourage your family to join you.

ARTSketch task cards for the

activities of your sports day. Place these around the house

PRACTICALCreate your own sports day

challenges.Click on the link


How to do your sports day activities. Remember to do


CHALLENGE!Show us on

Name ______________________________

Learning Grid Primary 3/4

Week beginning 8 th June 2020

or garden for your family to take part.

eg 3 legged, egg and spoon, hurdles

https://www.twinkl.co.uk/goenter the code DM7132

How much did you know?

stretches first. Twitter.

Learning Grid Primary 3/4

Week beginning 8 th June 2020

Learning Grid Primary 3/4

Week beginning 8 th June 2020

Literacy and English Tasks How did you get on?

Monday Watch Newsround and write a summary of one of the reports. Using, ‘Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check’, write your spelling words in your best handwriting. Remember to try to join these and keep your letters the correct size. Sumdog Spelling P3: cheese, tease, because, please, pause, ease, could, should, would, January.P4: must, stuck, nation, station, relation, action, fiction, dictionary, minute, second.Reading. There are a few great books assigned to you, choose one or read them all - enjoy!EPIC! https://www.getepic.com/ class code: hyp8492 Oxford Owl: Little Book Worms Password: letmeread

Tuesday Sumdog- Grammar to start.Use your spelling words to write sentences today. Can you write funny sentences and include more than one word in each? Remember capital letters and full stops. Can you use a comma too? Or maybe even ellipses…


Story writing. Design a poster to advertise your sports day. Remember to include the date, place and time that the event will take place.

Thursday Use active spelling patterns to revise for your spelling test tomorrow. Do the Sports Day wordsearch below- could you make another one up using your spelling words? Remember to write your words under the wordsearch and in alphabetical order.

Name ______________________________

Learning Grid Primary 3/4

Week beginning 8 th June 2020

Friday Get someone to test you on your spelling words today. Spanish – Revise the colours and numbers today. Read for fun.

Mathematics and Numeracy Tasks How did you get on? Monday Mental maths book.

Find the link below to see how the Supermovers on the BBC Teach can help with your tables practice. You choose the tables that you need to learn. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/scottish-times-table-collection/zdnhjhv Sumdog Play ‘Daily 10’ on Topmarks

Tuesday Mental maths book. Sumdog.Money – when you go shopping, estimate and then add up some of the items in the basket. Ask your adult to check if you are close. Use the receipt to add up some more items. You can also work out the change from a set amount. Choose 5 items under £1 and write the change from £1 for each of them. Can you do this for £5 too? P4- £10?Click on the link and try to match the money. https://www.twinkl.co.uk/go Enter the code DM5276


Mental maths book. Sumdog.Assign a time limit on each of your sports day activities. Add these up, how long will your sports day take? When should you begin and what time will it end? Is there a break in the middle? Play ‘Daily 10’ on Topmarks

Thursday Mental maths book. Sumdog. Sports Day problem solving below. P3’s do the first page and P4’s do the second. RM Easimaths session.

Learning Grid Primary 3/4

Week beginning 8 th June 2020 Friday Mental maths book.

Play the target game with someone. Use target 50 to start with- they say ‘20’ and you say ‘30’ to make it up to the target. Then try 100. P4’s you go up to 1000. Write down 10 of these sums. Sumdog.

Learning Grid Primary 3/4

Week beginning 8 th June 2020

Learning Grid Primary 3/4

Week beginning 8 th June 2020

Learning Grid Primary 3/4

Week beginning 8 th June 2020

Learning Grid Primary 3/4

Week beginning 8 th June 2020

Learning Grid Primary 3/4

Week beginning 8 th June 2020

Learning Grid Primary 3/4

Week beginning 8 th June 2020

Learning Grid Primary 3/4

Week beginning 8 th June 2020

Well done Primary 3/4! You have read over 100 books on EPIC- wow! I hope you are still loving this website- happy reading.

Learning Grid Primary 3/4

Week beginning 8 th June 2020

Thank you for all your hard work with all the different tasks. Thank you to your families for helping you with them. If you need any help with anything or just want to say hello, then email myself at gw07mcgregordawn@glow.sch.uk Take care and stay safe, Mrs McGregor x
