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Home page of NMU Home page of PG department Log-in page Please visit this system frequently. Logging name: students ID code (Press Enter) Revise your log-in code Bilingual Words in This System Accessory One Register Register in each semester Revise your personal information Cultivation Schedule for International Postgraduate Students, NMU Accessory Two Cultivation Schedule Discuss with your supervisor, and hand in within 3 months. Without this schedule, you can not begin next step. Explain the arrangements of teaching and clinical practice jobs, especially the plan of degree paper jobs. contents methods requirements Guidance Team should be organized by supervisors and the dean of the disciplines. Once Cultivation Schedule has been handed in, it can not be revised without the agreements of Teaching Affair Office, SIE. Instruction for Cultivation Schedule Research Design English meaning on next page 1.General description (Describe the research progress,level and trends about your research subject in the world, the creative points, the basis of your hypothesis, scientific meaning and feasibility.) 2.Research destination. 3.Experiments design and methods.(Describe which experiments you will use, how you collect the data and how you analyse the data?) 4.Research plan.(Describe when each step will be done.) 5.Expected results.(Forms and numbers.) 6.The conditions which have been prepared for the research.(You and your supervisors research basis, and experiment equipments. ) 7.Research appropriation budget and resource. 8.Reference. Research Design Should Include: Notice and Profile Download Our notice will be in English and begin with : (for IPG ) (International Postgraduate)
