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....€UROCHAMEuropean Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam


Thanh ph6 H6 Chi Minh, ngay 29 thang 11, 2013

Ngai Nguy~n Thanh HoaTh(P trU'cYng

BQ Lao dQnQ - ThU'O'ng,binh va Xa hQi12 NgoQuyen, Hoan Kiem, Ha NQi

V/v: Gap y Df:J' thao Thong tl.Phl.P{Yngdan thi himh mi)t so cIi~u cua Nghj djnh so102/2013/NfJ-CP quy djnh chi tif$t thi himh mi)t so cIi~u cua Bi) lu~t lac di)ng v~ lac di)ngnl.PcYcngoai lam vi~c t~i Vi~t Nam

Kinh gLriThu trU'&ng Hoa,

Ti~u ban Nhan SI,J'& Bao t~o thuQc Phong ThU'O'ngm~i chau Au t~i Vi~t Nam xin gLrid~n ThutrU'&ngva BQ Lao dQng - ThU'O'ng binh va Xa hQi ICYichao tran trQng nh~t.

Ti~u ban Nhan SI,J'& Bao t~o vo cling hoan nghenh no Il,J'cso~n thao Thong thU'hU'cYngdan thihanh mQts6 di~u cua Nghi dinh s6 102/2013/NB-CP ngay 5 thang 11, 2013 cua Chinh phu quydinh chi ti~t thi hanh mQts6 di~u cua BQlu~t lac dQng v~ lac dQng nU'cYcngoai lam vi~c t~i Vi~tNam. Vi~c phe chufm va dU'aThong tU'VaGthl,J'cthi la vo cling dp thi~t, khi xet th~y mQts6 di~ukhoan cua Nghi dinh s6 102/2013/NB-CP, sau khi dU'Q'cthong qua, van chU'adU'Q'chU'cYngdanthi hanh chi ti~t. Vi~c cac S& Lao dQng- ThU'O'ngbinh va Xa hQi(S& LB-TBXH)thi~u hU'cYngdantu BQdan d~n thl,J'ct~ la cac doanh nghi~p khong th~ nQp h6 sO'xin c~p gi~y phep lac dQngt~ihfluh~t cac tlnh thanh cua Vi~tNam. Nhi~uh6 sO'bi t6n dQngkhong dU'Q'cS& LB-TBXHgiaiquy~t. ChU'ak~, van con t6n t~i nhCPngcach hi~u sai I~ch v~ Nghi dinh t~i mQts6 tlnh. CI,!th~ daco trU'cynghQ'pmQtS& LB-TBXHyeu cflunghiemng~tphai nQpb~ngd~ihQcd6i vcYivitri "QuanIy"va tu ch6i ch~p nh~n gi~y chung nh~n nam nam kinh nghi~m, b&iIe Nghi dinh 102 khong quydinh r6 r~ng v~ v~n d~ nay.

Ben c~nh tinh c~p thi~t cua vi~c phe duy~t Thong tU' hU'cYngdan thi tinh thl,J'ct~ va toan di~ncOngla nhan t6 quan trQngcflndU'Q'cxem xet trong qua trinhso~n thao. DI,J'thao Thong tU'hi~nt~i van chU'aquy dinh cac di~u khoan v~ ngU'CYilac dQng nU'cYcngoai VaGVi~t Nam thl,J'Chi~n cacnhi~m VI,!ngan h~n (dU'cYi90 ngay), vi dl,!nhU'd~ ti~n hanh ki~mtoan ch~t 1U'Q'ng,lap rap thi~t bj,ho~c cung c~p cac khoa hu~n luy~n.Bay la mQtnhu cflu IcYncua nhi~u doanh nghi~p.CachU'cYngdan r6 rang co vai tro vo cling quan trQng d6i vcYivi~c thl,J'cthi Nghi dinh 102; do do,chung toi yeu cflu scYmban hanh thong tU'hU'cYngdan thl,J'ct~ va toan di~n, ho trQ'hi~u qua quatrinh v~n hanh cua cac doanh nghi~p va thuc d~y tang trU'&ngkinh t~.

Phan h6i van ban keu gQi dong gop y ki~n cua BQ Lao dQng - ThU'O'ng binh va Xa hQingay 1thang 11 nam 2013, Ti~u ban nhan SI,J'va Bao t~o xin gLrid~n Thu trU'&ng y ki~nt6ng hQ'pcuacac doanh nghi~p thanh vien EuroCham (vui long tharn khao van ban c1inhkern), va hy vQngsedU'Q'cThu trU'&ng va Quy BQ xem xet dung muc. Do h~n ch~ v~ m~t thCYigian, chung toi cho

HO CHI MINH CITY info-hcm@eurochamvn.org

EuroCentre, 5th Floor, 49 Mac Dinh Chi Street,Da Kao Ward, District 1, HCMC.Tel: +84-8-3827 2715 Fax: +84-8-3827 2743

HANOI info-hn@eurochamvn.org

Sofitel Plaza Hanoi, Ground Floor,1 Thanh Nien Road, Hanoi.Tel: +84-4-3715 2228 Fax: +84-4-3715 2218


rang nhCrng y kit§nd6ng g6p nay van chU'abao quat dU'Q'Cht§ttM ca cac phU'O'ngdi$n, va mongmu6n c6 cO'hQitrlnh bay chi tit§tthem nhCrngy kit§nd6ng g6p lien quan dt§ncac v~n de CI,Ith~.

Chung tai kinh chuc Thu trU'ang suc khoe va thanh cang, va hy vQng sam dU'Q'cg~p tn,l'c tit§pThu trU'angva ban sO<;1nthao d~ thao lucfinsau hO'ncacquandi~mcua chungtaL

Tran trQng,

g:;;Csaba BUNDIKGiam d6c £>ieu hanh

Ph6ng ThU'O'ng m<;1ichau Au t<;1i Vi$t Nam



European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh City, 29th November 2013

H.E. Mr. Nguyen Thanh HoaVice MinisterMinistry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs12 Ngo Quyen, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi

Re. Comments on the Draft Circular guiding the implementation of a number of articles ofDecree No. 102/2013/ND-CP detailing the implementation of a number of articles of theLabour Code regulating foreign nationals working in Vietnam

Dear Vice Minister Hoa,

The Human Resources & Training Sector Committee of the European Chamber of Commerce inVietnam ("EuroCham HR & Training SC") would like to convey to you, the Ministry of Labour,Invalids and Social Affairs, our respectful compliments.

EuroCham HR & Training SC highly welcomes the development of the draft Circular guiding theimplementation of a number of articles of Decree NO.1 02/2013/ND-CP dated September 5th2013 of the Government detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Labour Coderegulating foreign nationals working in Vietnam. The urgency of having the Circular ratified andimplemented is even much greater, taking into account the fact that there is no guidelines forimplementation of some articles of Decree NO.102/2013/ND-CP since its ratification. With nosufficient instruction for the provincial Departments of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs(DOLISAs) on the interpretation of Decree 102, it has been impossible this month to apply forWork permit in most of provinces of Vietnam. Enterprises are suffering from piled-up pendingapplications which DOLISAs feel reluctant to receive. Not to mention, misaligned interpretationwith the Decree exists in some provinces, with one case that one DOLISA still requests forUniversity degree strictly for a "Manager" position and no longer accepts work testimonial of fiveyears to justify the qualification since Decree 102 is not clear about it.

In addition to the urgency of passing the Circular, we view practicality and sensibility asimportant elements to be considered during the drafting process. The current Draft Circular stilldoes not cover provisions regulating foreign nationals working in Vietnam on very short termmissions (less than 90 days), such as quality audit, equipment installment, or training, for whicha great number of enterprises have high demand. Given the essential role of clear guidelines inthe implementation of Decree 102, we request for the issuance of a practical comprehensivecircular that can effectively facilitate businesses' operation and economic growth.

In response to the Ministry's request for comments dated 1stNovember 2013, EuroCham HR &Training SC would like to send to you the consolidated comments from our members (pleasefind document enclosed), which we do hope to be taken into due consideration. Due to the timelimitations in response, our comments enclo~ed herewith should not be considered exhaustive;

HO CHI MINH CITY info-hcm@eurochamvn.org

EuroCentre, 5th Floor, 49 Mac Dinh Chi Street,Da Kao Ward, District 1, HCMC.Tel: +84-8-3827 2715 Fax: +84-8-38272743

HANOI info-hn@eurochamvn.org

Sofitel Plaza Hanoi, Ground Floor,1 Thanh Nien Road, Hanoi,Tel: +84-4-3715 2228 Fax: +84-4-3715 2218

www.eurochamvn.org ..

therefore, we appreciate the opportunity to provide additional detailed comments on specificissues at your soonest convenience.


We wish you health and success and look forward to have a meeting with you and the draftingteam for potential discussion and clarification of our points.

Best regards,

~Csaba BUNDIKExecutive Director

European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

