
Citation preview

  • HOLY TRINITY GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 13555 Hillcrest Road · Dallas Texas 75240 Office 972-991-1166 · Fax 972-661-1717

    E-Mail: htgoc@holytrinity.info Web Site: www.holytrinity.info

    November 2013

    the Official Newsletter Publication of


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    Holy trinity greek orthodox church 13555 Hillcrest Rd. * Dallas, Texas 75240-5412 * 972-991-1166 * www.holytrinity.info

    Clergy Reverend Protopresbyter

    Christopher Constantinides Presiding Priest


    Reverend Deacon Mark Pakes


    Priscilla Owens Church Administrator powens@holytrinity.info

    Maureen Rakow Financial Assistant


    Vickie Wells Executive Administrative Assistant


    Support Staff Basil Xeros, Neokoros

    Torye Morris, Facilities Manager

    2011 Parish Council

    President Harry Tomisides Vice President Christopher Canellos Treasurer Sam Paulos Recording Secretary Dimitrios Horiates Corresponding Secretary Charles Pappas


    Max Adams George Karahal Monica Arroyo John Lymberopoulos Nic Carayannopoulos Constantine Mathas James Chappel Frank Mihalopoulos James Dolmas Michael Petridis Tasos Kaiafas Daniel Shaheen

    Holy Trinity Church is under the Jurisdiction of

    The Holy Metropolis of Denver

    4550 E. Alameda Ave. * Denver, CO 80246-1208

    Tel. (303) 333-7794 Fax (303) 333-7796


    The Holy Archdiocese of America

    8 E. 79th St. * New York, NY 10075

    Tel. (212) 570-3500 * Fax (212) 570-3569


    and the

    Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople

    Sunday Bulletin

    All information to be included into the Sunday

    Bulletin is to be submitted to the office no later than

    Wednesday at noon. Please submit each article as an

    attachment to:


    Memorial Service, Artoclasia

    Service & 40 Day Blessings

    All Memorials, Artoclasias, & 40 Day Blessings

    may be arranged by contacting

    Vickie Wells in the church office at

    972-991-1166 or vwells@holytrinity.info

    Sunday Worship Service

    Orthros 8:15 a.m.

    Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m.

    Weekdays Orthros 8:30 a.m.

    Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m.


    Reverend Protopresbyter Christopher Constantinides

    Presiding Priest frchristopher@holytrinity.info

    Reverend Deacon Mark Pakes

    Reverend Deacon Clint Sharpley


    Ron Newhouse Church Administrator


    Maureen Rakow Financial Assistant


    Vickie Wells Executive Assistant


    Support Staff

    Basil Xeros, Neokoros bxeros@holytrinity.info

    Torye Morris, Facilities Manager tmorris@holytrinity.info

    003 Parish Council President Christopher Canellos Vice President Tasos Kaiafas

    Treasurer Sam Paulos

    Recording Secretary Jim Dolmas

    Corresponding Secretary Matt Naftis

    Members Nic Carayannopoulos James Chappel Ellena Fox Jimmy Horiates

    George Karahal Mary LeBrecht

    Fotis Papanicolaou Ari Rigopoulos

    Daniel Shaheen Chris Stern

    Mary Ann Trapalis Alin Voicu

    Church Office Hours Monday—Thursday

    9 a.m.—5 p.m. Friday

    9 a.m.—4:30 p.m.

    Bookstore Hours

    Sunday after Divine Liturgy until 12:30 p.m.

    Wednesday 1—3 p.m.

    Ekfonesis November 2013

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    Pastoral Reflections by Fr. Christopher Constantinides

    If you heard the voice of God just before going to bed tonight saying to you: "Tonight you will die," how

    would you feel?

    Would you feel that you are ready to face your Maker, or would you like to have an extension to get ready?

    Would you be happy to be with the Lord, or would you be embarrassed to face Him?

    I am sure that all of us would prefer the first choice, even though the great majority, if not all, would plead

    guilty to the second.

    Let's see, then, what we can do in this life, now, and every minute of it, so that when that voice inevitably

    comes, whether we expect it or not, we would be happy to go along with the first choice.

    All of us, rich or poor, have concerns about ourselves. Personally and collectively all of us should rightly be

    pursuing betterment and self-sufficiency, success, as we call it.

    Nothing wrong with that as long as we do not confuse success and betterment with their first cousin:


    Through hard work, or luck, or chance, or inheritance we become more than self-sufficient. Nothing wrong

    with that, depending on what our next thought is.

    What is our next thought? How to make it grow through shrewd investments. Nothing wrong with that

    either, as long as we do not get absorbed by this investment game to the point that we become slaves to it, soul

    and body, to such an extent that all we want is to increase what we have at any cost and by any means.

    Yes, we forget that we have a spiritual side; we forget that we have a divine soul; we forget that we are not

    alone on this earth; we forget that we have fellow men and women in need, people who have not been as

    fortunate as we are, people who have met with catastrophes and disasters; yes, we forget that we have a

    church where we were baptized, confirmed, communed, taught, married and on and on. In short we forget

    that we have a spiritual side, a humane and humanitarian side, a social and a philanthropic side, and become

    total slaves of the material by constantly thinking how we are going to increase what we have.

    We never say too much about the material, but we have plenty to say about the spiritual:

    Too much church - Even God gets tired of too much "Kirie eleison!"

    Why go to church every Sunday? Once a month and on the great holy days is more than enough.

    Why take communion every time I go to church? Three or four times a year is plenty. After all I don't want

    to make a habit of it!

    Too much prayer. Just making your cross and lighting a candle is all God wants from you.

    Too much time for the sermon. Just a few choice words are enough. But do we ever say enough to the

    “choice words” and choice actions on TV? The nonsense, the ugliness, the violence, the filth, that we watch for

    hour upon hour?

    I don't really have either the time or the inclination to go to Bible study, or lectures, or services. After a hard

    day's work I am plenty tired and I need my rest. Besides I know enough about my God and my faith. What,

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    am I going to be a theologian? Then the Jehovah's witnesses come to your door and engage you in conversation.

    Do you know how to rebuff their lies, if you do not know the truth of your faith?

    As for pledging to your church a dignified amount that will reflect your love and concern for her and give her

    the ability to function efficiently and do all the philanthropic and missionary work, you

    have not even thought about, your excuse is that all is tied up in investments that you cannot break until they

    mature. But how can they ever mature when they are automatically reinvested!

    I am sure that when you heard the story of the rich man from the Gospel you must have said: “What a

    miserable man! If he had so much, why couldn't he give some to a good cause?” Let's be honest with ourselves.

    Do we act differently?

    Our Lord said: "Whosoever wishes to come after me, let him DENY himself and take up his cross and follow

    me". But the rich man, instead of denying himself, he inflated himself. Do we act differently?

    Our Lord said: "It is more blessed to give than to receive", but the rich man amassed instead. Do we act


    The Romans used to say: "Riches are like salt water; the more you drink, the thirstier you get!"

    One day a young man had a conversation with an elderly, mature and wise man, who knew life very well.

    Said the young man to the old man: "I will learn a trade."

    "Then what", said the old man.

    "I will start my own business."


    "I will get rich."


    "I will get old, retire and live on my wealth."


    "Well, some day I'll die."


    Long silence, no answer!

    The man who never stops to think that there is another world after this, will have a rude awakening one day.

    Unharnessed greed will leave us with no answer when that call comes from the Lord beckoning us to His side

    and asking us: "All those things that greed has helped you amass, to whom will they go?"

    The Rich Man of the Gospel made that mistake.

    Should we?

    So, instead of tearing down our storehouses and building larger ones to amass material goods, let us tear

    down our passions of selfishness, greediness, gluttony and stinginess and all the other vices that rob us of our

    humanity; by giving the excess away. But remember that excess means, everything beyond your reasonable


    And then, to our great surprise, whether we are rich or poor, we will taste true JOY and happiness both here

    and in the Great Beyond!

    Pastoral Reflections by Fr. Christopher Constantinides

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    ‘Give not out of your abundance, but out of your poverty.’ Mark 12:41-44

    Miracle of Sharing ‘...and all these things shall be added unto you.’ Matthew 6:33

    Stewardship 2013

    The bicycle as most of us know it was developed in the 1880’s and 1890’s. The familiar arrangement of

    two equal-sized wheels was originally called the safety bicycle because up until that time, most bicycles had a

    very large-diameter front wheel with a quite small rear wheel. The large front wheel arrangement actually

    made bicycles dangerous as the rider sat high up off the ground and would fall several feet when hitting a large

    bump or pothole. Hence, the safety bicycle came along, adding equal size wheels, chain drive and variable gear

    ratios, better steering, and brakes that actually stopped the bike! The pneumatic (air-filled) tire came along a bit

    later and greatly improved the ride comfort. Along with the pneumatic tire came the tension-spoke rim design

    of the modern bicycle.

    What is a tension-spoke rim you ask? (You were asking, weren’t you?) Well, it’s simply a design where

    ideally, all the spokes are tightened, to pull equally toward the center of the wheel hub. If one achieves equal

    tension on all spokes, then the rim will be perfectly round, rolling along without any imbalance. This works

    because all the spokes are of equal size and shape, pulling equally, therefore sharing the load equally.

    Some folks wish that stewardship worked the same way as well, with each steward, like the bicycle

    spokes, contributing exactly the same amount of time, talent, and treasure to our Holy Trinity Church

    community. But we aren’t same-sized bicycle spokes, are we? Each steward is indeed quite unique and

    different in their capabilities. So each steward must contribute their time, talent, and treasure according to those


    Let’s look at another bicycle example; the tandem bicycle (a bicycle-built-for-two). The ideas behind the

    tandem are many-fold. For one, the riding experience is shared directly with a partner, adding to the social

    aspect of the ride. For another, with two riders still propelling the same two wheels, the tandem should be able

    to move faster with two riders. After all, there’s only a little more weight added to the bicycle frame to

    accommodate the extra rider, so it should move somewhat faster than a single-rider bicycle.

    But, in the real world, this is not usually the case. You see, it’s difficult to match the power of two riders

    unless they are “twins.” Sometimes one rider ends up doing more work than the other, due to greater physical

    ability. On the other hand, when the riders come to a steep hill both of them better be pedaling their hardest or

    neither will make it over the top. When both riders contribute to the best of their singular abilities then the bike

    makes it over the hill. It takes 100% effort of each rider to achieve the common goal.

    The problem is, some riders let the other guy do all the pedaling while they sit back and enjoy the

    ride. Just because the other guy can move the bike by himself, doesn’t mean he’s obligated to do so.

    Stewardship is exactly like that. It takes each and every steward contributing 100% of what they truly can

    contribute to achieve our goal of a 100% stewardship-funded budget.

    Think about that when you are fulfilling your 2013 pledge commitment, as well as filling out your

    2014 stewardship card. Am I doing 100% of what I can do, or am I letting someone else do the pedaling?

    Bicycle Stewardship By Harry Yianitsas, Stewardship Chairman

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    WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH, 2013 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

    13555 Hillcrest Road

    Dallas, Texas 75240

    We are excited to invite you to join Dallas legend, NORM HITZGES, for the

    8th Annual Night with Norm on Wednesday, November 13, 2013, at Holy Trinity Greek

    Orthodox Church. Norm will host another memorable evening raising awareness and

    critical funds to help Austin Street Center provide emergency shelter and services to the

    homeless population in our community.



    Steve Busby

    Rayfield Wright

    Tim Cowlishaw

    Del Ballard, Jr.

    Derek Harper

    Babe Laufenberg



    Platinum Sponsor - $10,000

    2 Tables of ten (10), including one Night with Norm

    celebrity and their guest at each table

    ◊ Name recognition on printed materials and programs

    ◊ Event Naming Opportunities Available

    ◊ Invitation for you and your guests to attend the

    Sponsor Party before the event

    Gold Sponsor - $3,000

    A table for ten (10) people, including one Night with

    Norm Celebrity and their guest

    ◊ Invitation for you and your guests to attend the

    Sponsor Party before the event

    Silver Sponsor - $1,500

    A table for ten (10) people with priority seating

    Individual Ticket - $100

    Individual ticket to Night with Norm

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    THANKSGIVING THOUGHTS 33But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

    Matthew 6: 33.

    We are living in an increasingly secular world…a world that continually bombards us with secular ideas,

    philosophies and standards of behavior. Longstanding ideals and beliefs are not only challenged but those who

    hold them are ridiculed as being unenlightened and misinformed. Success is measured by educational and

    professional achievements. In the road to success, the prevailing philosophy seems to be that “the ends justify the

    means,” no matter what those means are.

    As this Thanksgiving approaches, let us all stop and reflect upon the way of the world and the Way of the Lord.

    Let us give thanks for all that He has blessed with. Let us also ask that He help us to live the Way of the Lord. Our

    first goal should be living our Faith. With His Love and Blessing, all the other things of the world take on a different

    perspective. He will bless us richly if we seek His Way.

    Let us remember to tend to our daily prayer life. Let us pray with our children in the morning and in the

    evening as well as before and after meals. Let us read His word. Let us read Bible stories to and with our children.

    Let us attend Divine Liturgy regularly and punctually. Let us observe the Feasts and the Fasts of the Church

    Calendar. Let the Saints become our heroes and role models. Let us return to the basics of our Faith.

    May we all celebrate a blessed Thanksgiving!

    November Feast Days

    November 1 Cosmas & Damianos, the Holy Unmercenaries

    November 8 Synaxis of the Archangel Michael & the other

    Bodiless Powers: Raphael, Uriel, Salaphiel, Jegudiel

    & Barachiel

    November 9 Nektarios the Wonderworker

    November 13 John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople

    November 14 Philip the Apostle; Gregory Palamas


    November 16 Matthew the Apostle & Evangelist

    November 17 Gregory the Wonderworker

    November 19 Obadiah, the Prophet

    November 21 The Presentation of the Theotokos into the Temple

    November 30 Andrew the First-Called Apostle

    The “ABC” Memory Verses

    Beginning with the August Ekfonesis, a few short sentences of longer verses - for you to memorize - were

    suggested using the “ABC’s” as an aid. You may look up the verse and learn the rest on your own. Work on one per

    week. Below are the suggested verses for November.

    J Jesus himself drew near…Luke 24:15

    K Keep your tongue from evil…Psalm 34:13

    L Let us love one another…1 John 4:7

    M Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life…Psalm 23:6

    Catechetical Students & Families

    The Parish Christmas Program is on Sunday,

    December 15th after Divine Liturgy in the


    CATECHETICAL SCHOOL begins at 10 a.m.

    A MANDATORY rehearsal is on Saturday,

    December 14th, 10 a.m. to 12 Noon. Please

    meet in the gymnasium promptly at

    10:00 a.m.

    3 year old - 6th grade Catechetical students

    and teachers, readers and pageant

    participants are expected to

    participate and help, the day

    of the program. GOYA is

    hosting the Coffee Hour.

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    JOY 2013-2014:

    T h e A r m o r o f G o d

    Please add these dates to your calendar!

    We have a full schedule of activities this year centered on this year’s theme:

    “The Armor of God”


    JOY meetings will be the first Wednesday of the month after Paraklesis. Paraklesis will start at 6:00

    p.m. and end around 7:00 p.m. NOTE: We will not have a January meeting because of the New Year.


    Here are a few of our needs:

    ~ host our snack time for our monthly meetings

    ~ snacks for our weekend of camp

    ~ underwriting for our monthly crafts (donate supplies or

    monetary gift)

    ~ underwriting for camp (to help lower the cost for all JOY


    ~ adult with medical background to attend camp w/ us

    Parents, please see an advisor if you are able to help out in any

    way. We appreciate all that you do, and we look forward to

    another great year.

    For more information or to find out how to participate, please contact

    one of the advisors listed below:

    Vanessa Stevens Mary Ann Trapalis Lorena Canellos Andrea Lagusis

    214-697-2707 214-908-6893 469-995-5660 214-280-9434


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    At our October luncheon, the 2013/2014 schedule was presented and discussed

    with those in attendance.

    The focus for the Senior Fellowship is to gather each month either at a

    luncheon or an outside activity. Here is what we have planned:

    November 14 Trip to George W. Bush Presidential Center*

    November 26 HTA Thanksgiving Program and Luncheon

    December 15 Christmas Luncheon on Sunday afternoon at

    Greek Isles Grille in Plano

    January 14 Luncheon

    February 18 Luncheon

    March 20 Trip to United States Federal Reserve in Fort Worth

    April 22 Trip to Dallas Arboretum

    May 20 Luncheon

    June 6 14th Annual OPA! Hop featuring Wine Tasting

    *We are accepting reservations to the Bush Presidential Center. The DART

    bus will leave at 10:00 a.m. returning at 1:00 p.m. The cost is $10.00 per


    Please call Helen Zournas at 214-363-7490 or

    Joanne Samaras at 972-395-3786.

    We look forward to seeing you at future gatherings.

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    Name Committee

    Dr. Nic Carayannopoulos Greek School

    Jim Chappel Social Media

    Jim Dolmas HTA

    Ellena Fox Welcoming/Welfare

    Jimmy Horiates Choir

    Tasos Kaiafas Centennial Committee Liaison

    George Karahal Festival

    Mary LeBrecht Catechetical School

    Fotis Papanicolaou GOYA

    Ari Rigopoulos Facility Up-Keep

    Daniel Shaheen Ecclesiastical

    Chris Stern Orthodox Outreach Ministries

    Mary Ann Trapalis JOY

    Alin Voicu Stewardship

    The following is a list of your 2013 Parish Council Members and the committees they

    chair. Please contact one of them if you have a question or idea.

    Regular Church Office hours: Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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    Holy Trinity Academy

    wishes you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!


    Nationally Accredited

    Lower School

    Pre-School 2

    to Kindergarten Accepting applications for

    2013—2014 school year

    13555 Hillcrest Road Dallas, TX 75240

    Ph: 972-490-7060

    Fax: 972-991-3424

    School Office Hours

    8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.




    Class Schedule:

    Pre-School (2/3-Year-Olds) PS2/3 T-Th 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. M-W-F 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. M-F 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. Pre-School (3/4-Year-Olds) PS3/4 M-W-F 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. M-F 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. Pre-Kindergarten through Kindergarten M-F 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. Before School/After School Before school care begins at 7:30 a.m. After school care ends at 6 p.m.

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    Where were you

    when you heard?

    Historical Note

    November 23, 1963

    The Parish mourns the tragic death of John F.

    Kennedy, the 35th President of the United

    States of America.

    George Trapalis (father of Mary Ann Trapalis)

    a Holy Trinity parishioner and Chief of the

    Dallas Police Reserve Department, rode in the

    last car of the official motorcade led by the

    Chief of Police, Jesse Curry on that fateful day.

    Look who’s in the news now!

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    Parish Council Schedule

    November 3 Tasos Kaiafas, Matt Naftis, Alin Voicu, Mary Ann Trapalis, Fotis Papanicolaou

    November 10 Jim Dolmas, Ellena Fox, George Karahal, Jimmy Horiates, Nic Carayannopoulos,

    Dan Shaheen

    November 17 Chris Canellos, Ari Rigopoulos, Jim Chappel, Sam Paulos, Mary LeBrecht

    November 24 Tasos Kaiafas, Matt Naftis, Alin Voicu, Mary Ann Trapalis, Fotis Papanicolaou

    General Interest

    Parish Registry


    Gus Mihalopoulos who fell asleep in the Lord

    Demetra Michalopulos who fell asleep in the Lord

    Please note our practice for submitting names for prayers for health! Please email us at

    htgoc@holytrinity.info or call the Church Office at (972-991-1166) before the 5th of the month.

    Each entry will be for a month duration and must be renewed each month.


    Yianni Alexandris

    Brett Hunter

    Athanasios Nahatis

    Brandon Meek

    The Holy Trinity

    Bookstore/Library/Gift Shop

    Welcomes You! The Love Chapter by St. John Chrysostom, First Fruits o f Prayer by Frederica

    Mathewes-Green and Sacred Doorways by Linette Martin are just a few of the books we feature for your reading

    pleasure. Come by and browse. You’re sure to find a good book to read!

    We are pleased to present the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church gift collection, available in the Holy

    Trinity Bookstore/Library/Gift Shop. Bob Munro is the photographic artist whose spiritually inspired artist-

    created gift collection features photographic art images of Holy Trinity’s most sacred and treasured icons, stained

    glass windows and other church details. The Holy Trinity gift collection includes matted prints, triptych art,

    magnets and gift boxed porcelain ornaments. The perfect gift for Christmas and a great way to take a piece of our

    church home with you to enjoy every day.

    Other items we feature include gifts for your home as well

    as greeting cards, wedding crown holders, new Byzantine

    jewelry (crosses), Icons for most feast days and much, much


    Bookstore Hours:

    Wednesdays, 1—3 p.m.

    Sundays after Divine Liturgy until 12:30 p.m.


    Steven Christoforou & Stephanie Panousieris

    Michel Kfoury & Julie Fischer

    Dimitri Antoniou & Ali Kreidewies

    Brett Hunter & Liz Galas

    The Bookstore Team wishes all of

    Holy Trinity Parishioners a very


  • 17

    General Interest

    Parish Christmas Program Sunday, December 15, 2013

    Immediately following Divine Liturgy in the Sanctuary

    This is a Parish event.

    All are invited

    November Sunday Coffees

    Sunday, November 3, 2013 Philoptochos

    Sunday, November 10, 2013 AHEPA

    Sunday, November 17, 2013 Maids of Athena

    Sunday, November 24, 2013 DOP Founders Day Coffee & Bake Sale If your organization would like to sponsor a Sunday Coffee, please contact

    Presv. Alexandra Poulos at presvy@holytrinityacademy.com

    Caregivers Support Group Next Meeting

    November 9th at 10:30 a.m. (following the Divine Liturgy for

    St. Nektarios the Wonderworker)

    We meet the 2nd Saturday of the month in the

    Board Room, at 9:30 a.m. On days when there is a

    Divine Liturgy, we meet after the liturgy.

    Caregivers include parents of

    special needs children and spouses and

    children caring for adult family

    members. Our purpose is to provide an

    opportunity to address caregiving

    issues with those who have had or are

    having similar experiences.

    Confidentiality is a key component of our


    For more information, contact Steve Pakes,

    Bill Lane or Presv. Alexandra Poulos


    Children in 2nd Grade and up are

    eligible to join the Youth Choir.

    Please join us!

    Rehearsals are on select

    Sundays at 9:30 a.m.

    in the Greek School Room.

    November Rehearsals: 11/3, 10 & 24


    Teens are encouraged to sing with the

    Adult Choir on Sundays.

    The Youth/Teen Choirs sing with the Adult Choir on

    Sundays designated for Congregational singing which is

    usually the first Sunday of the month.

    For more information contact Mary LeBrecht at


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    2013 Report as of 9/30/2013

    Actual Budget

    Stewardship $ 557,691 666,666

    Total Receipts 668,940 795,416

    Expenditures 892,281 948,350

    Difference $ -223,341

    Fund Balances

    100th Anniversary Fund 20,575 Funds for the celebration of Holy Trinity’s 100th Anniversary in 2015

    Babalos Fund 58,273 Provides financial assistance to young men training for the priesthood

    Rev. Peter Bithos Scholarship Fund 48,788 Provides scholarships to eligible theological students

    Permanent Endowment Fund 134,069 Accumulates funds for any unforeseen non-budgeted maintenance expense or budget

    shortfalls not covered by our General Operating Fund Iconography Fund 125,680

    Provides funds for expenses related to additional iconography for the Sanctuary Kumpuris Epitaphio Flowers Fund 24,192

    Established to offset the cost of flowers to decorate the Epitaphio for Pascha Memorial Fountain Maintenance Fund 11,280

    Provides funds to be utilized for maintenance of the Memorial Fountain/Wall. Nikolopoulos Greek School Fund 57,025 Established to encourage and reward students who want to learn the Greek language

    and/or pursue Hellenic studies offered at the university level. Poor & Seminary Fund 75,070

    Provides funds for charity work and matters relating to Holy Cross Seminary Benevolence Fund 18,982

    Provides funds for assistance to needy families and individuals within our church community, in the larger Dallas area, and around the world.

    Building Fund 103,978 Provides funds for capital improvements, purchase of additional property, construction of additional buildings, or major repairs to facilities.

    Loan Balances

    Operating Loan Balance 430,000

    Holy Trinity Parish

    Finance Update

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    Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat

    1 2

    (Great Vespers (C) 5 pm

    3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    Orthros 8:15am Divine Liturgy 9:30am (S)

    Choir Recognition


    CS & AFE after HC

    Cofffee hosted by Philoptochos follow-

    ing DL; HTHD Practice 12:30-1:30p

    Yarn Guild (BR) 11am-2pm GFF Steering Com-

    mittee Mtg (BR) 6:30 p Choir Practice (S)

    6:30 - 8:30 pm

    Pickleball (Gym)

    2—4 pm; Austin St. Cooking (K) 2:30 pm;

    HT Greek School 5-8:30 pm AS Volunteers leave 5:30 pm

    HT Greek School

    (Children) 5-6:30 pm

    Paraklesis 6 pm

    Adult Faith Enrich-

    ment 7 p (BR) JOY (A) 7 pm

    Adult Bible Study

    (BR) 10:45 - 11:45a

    HT Greek School (Children) 5-6:30 p

    Philoptochos Board Mtg. (BR) 6:30 pm

    Pickleball (Gym)

    7-9 pm;

    Synaxis of the

    Holy Archangels Orthros 8:30 am Divine Lit 9:30am

    St Nektarios the Wonderworker Orthros 8:30 am

    Div Lit 9:30 am (C)

    Caregivers Support Group (BR) 9:30 am

    Great Vespers (C) 5 pm

    10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Orthros 8:15am Divine Liturgy 9:30am (S)

    CS & AFE after HC

    Breakfast/Brunch by AHEPA after DL


    General Assembly

    (O) after Div Liturgy

    11:30 am; HTHD

    Practice 12:30-1:30 p

    Choir Practice (S)

    6:30 - 8:30 pm

    Sr Fellowship Planning

    Mtg (BR) 1-3 pm Pickleball (Gym) 2-4 pm;

    HTGreek School 5-8:30 pm

    AHEPA Mtg. (O) 6:30 pm; DOP General

    Mtg (A) 6:30 p HTA Board Mtg (D) 7 pm

    St John Chrysos-

    tom Orthros 8:30am Divine Liturgy 9:30am

    HT Greek School (Children) 5-6:30 pm

    Paraklesis 6 pm

    Night with Norm (A,D,O) 6-9 pm

    Sr. Fellowship Out-ing to George Bush


    Adult Bible Study

    (BR) 10:45 - 11:45a

    HT Greek School

    (Children) 5-6:30 p

    Pickleball (Gym)

    7-9 pm;

    St Matthew

    Orthros 8:30 am

    Divine Lit 9:30 am

    Great Vespers (C)

    5 pm

    17 18 19 20 21 22 23

    Orthros 8:15am Divine Liturgy 9:30am (S)

    CS & AFE after HC

    Coffee hosted by Maids of Athena

    after DL (A,D);

    HTHD Practice

    12:30-1:30 p

    Yarn Guild (BR)11am-2pm Choir Practice (S)

    6:30 - 8:30 pm

    HT Greek School

    5-8:30 pm Pickleball (Gym) 2-4 pm;

    Philoptochos baking

    (K) 9am HT Greek School (Children) 5-6:30 pm

    Paraklesis 6 pm Philoptochos General Mtg (A) 7 pm Adult Faith Enrich-

    ment 7 p (BR)

    Presentation of

    theTheotokos into theTemple Orthros 8:30 am

    Divine Lit 9:30 am; Philoptochos baking (K) 9am; Adult Bible Study

    (BR) 10:45 - 11:45a HT Greek School

    (Children) 5-6:30 p;

    Pickleball (Gym) 7pm; Parish Council Mtg. (A) 6:30 pm

    Philoptochos baking

    (K) 9am Covenant School Day (A,D,O) 9a-1p

    Philoptochos baking

    (K) 9am

    Great Vespers (C) 5 pm

    24 25 26 27 28 29 30

    Orthros 8:15am Divine Liturgy 9:30am (S)

    CS & AFE after HC

    DOP Founders Day Coffee &

    Bake Sale (A,D,O)

    St. Katherine

    Orthros 8:30 am

    Divine Lit. 9:30am Choir Practice (S)

    6:30 - 8:30 pm

    HTA Thanksgiving

    Feast 11 am HT Greek School 5-8:30 pm

    Pickleball (Gym) 2-4 pm;

    HT Greek School

    (Children) 5-6:30 pm Paraklesis 6 pm Adult Faith Enrich-

    ment 7 p (BR)







    St. Andrew

    Orthros 8:30 am

    Divine Lit 9:30am

    Great Vespers (C) 5 pm

    November 2013 Please check the web calendar at


    for schedule changes

  • 20

    EKFONESIS November 2013

    Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 13555 Hillcrest Road Dallas, TX. 75240

    EKFONESIS INFORMATION DEADLINE Please be reminded that all information to be included in the next Ekfonesis must be in the

    Church office no later than the 5th of the month.

    Please submit each article as an email attachment to:


    Editor-in-Chief: Father Christopher Constantinides

    Layout Editor: Vickie Wells

    HOLY TRINITY CEMETERY LOTS AVAILABLE Cemetery plots are still available in the Orthodox Christian Garden at Restland.

    Prices in the funeral industry continue to rise, so please don't miss this opportunity to

    secure your family’s burial needs.

    Please contact:

    Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Office 972-991-1166

    Pre-Purchase: $2,250.00

    At Need: $2,750.00
