Holy Innocents Catholic Parish


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Holy Innocents Catholic Parish December 25 2019

Pastor: Rev. Jim Johnson FrJohnson@holyinn.org Fr.Sebastian Savarimuthu frsebastian@holyinn.org Deacon: Deacon Mirek Sztajno deacon_mirek@holyinn.org Pastoral Associate: Debby Weidner debby@holyinn.org Music Director: Norita Barroga-Hulett Musicmin@holyinn.org Pastoral Assistant for Admin.: Liz Sohn liz@holyinn.org Pastoral Assistant for Parish Life: Sabrina Parnell Sabrina@holyinn.org Youth Ministry Coordinator: Eamon Essex Eamon@holyinn.org Children’s Ministry Coordinator: Laura Harrison laura@holyinn.org Outreach Coordinator: Carrie Harris Carrie@holyinn.org Custodian : Joshua Beavers—custodian@holyinn.org

Mission Statement

The Catholic Community of Holy Innocents Church is called to continue the mission of Jesus Christ by:

enhancing spiritual growth; reaching out and serving those in

need; educating our community in Christ’s

teaching; and creating and maintaining a warm and

welcoming atmosphere.

Holy Innocents Church 26526 NE Cherry Valley Road PO Box 850

Duvall, WA 98019 Phone: 425-788-1400 Website: www.holyinn.org

Mass times: Saturday: 5 pm Sunday: 8 am & 10:30 am

Wednesday – Friday: 7:30 am Wednesday: 6:30 pm Confessions: Saturday Afternoon 4:00 — 4:30 pm

“O Come Let Us Adore Him, Christ the Lord”

Prayer Requests: Cal l the Off ice , 788 -1400

At the celebration of the Eucharist this week and in your prayers, please remember those from our parish family for whom we have been asked to pray: for all who are sick, and for and all those who have died. MaryLou Kittridge, Thomas Murphy, Linda McCormick, James Magill, Shirley Bushy, Lavonne Doty, Teresa Swedman,, Michael Gordan, BethAnn Willits, Leila Edwins, Helen Sexton, Sue Low-ry, Paul Beard, Audrey Lawton, Alfred Harke, Rex Harke, Tess Buchthal, Michael Barroga-Hulett, Cyndi Uhlenkott, Kristi Doug-las, Jo Ann Douglas, Anne Weinert; Tom Dabov, Michelle Kendrick, V. June Hulett.

Holy Innocents Calendar

Dec. 24th—Christmas Eve Christmas Eve Mass/Social 5 pm Christmas Eve Mass/Social 10 pm

Wed No Daily Mass Office Closed All Day Christmas Mass/Social 10 am

Thu No Daily Mass Office Closed All Day

Fri No Daily Mass Office Closed All Day Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 7:00 pm AA 8 pm

Sat Confession 4 pm Vigil Mass 5 pm

HI TIP: Together In Prayer

Each month we focus on a local community concern and ask pa-rishioners to commit to praying for 2 minutes each day specifical-ly for that concern as well as for our church community. You can pray whenever and wherever you want. “Ask and you will re-ceive,” said Jesus. Together we can do great things. December Let us pray for the abused, lonely, abandoned, and homeless, and for those who work to serve them and advocate for them: Catho-lic Community Services, Lazarus Day Center, our St. Vincent de Paul Conference, and HopeLink. In this time when traditionally families gather together for celebrations, let us remember those who are rejected, alienated, or depressed.

St. Vincent de Paul, pray for us.

Dear Friends in Christ, Glory to God in the highest and peace to his people on earth! Over the shepherd’s fields this song of the angels

echoed through that still night as God slipped in quietly into our everyday life. One of the names given to this holy child is Emmanuel “God with us.” This is what we celebrate and re-joice in every Christmas. God has taken on our flesh and be-come one of us and our relationship with God is forever changed by this gracious event.

Whatever drew you here today, I hope that you will feel the presence of the Lord in this Church and in this community of faith. I hope that the song of song of the angels will exult in your heart and grant you the peace which is the promise of Christmas.

If you have been away from the Church for a while, I hope you will see the humility, vulnerability and love of God in the man-ger as invitation to enter more fully into his life here on earth through this community of faith. If the experience of Christ-mas is completely new to you, I hope you will discover here that abiding love God which draws us closer to God and one another.

Our broken world is much in need of the peaceable kingdom heralded by Christ’s birth. Especially this year, let us pray that Christ’s peace may heal the divisions among us in our families, our nation and our world. May Christ’s peace reign in our own hearts and in our world.

On behalf of myself and all who share in the ministry here, I would like to wish you and your families a joyful and blessed Christmas. May God surround you with his joy, peace and love!

Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. James Johnson, Pastor

July 1 -

Weekly Year To Date

Goal: 7,375$ 168,571$

Actual: 4,852$ 144,424$

Gain (Loss): (24,147)$

Parish Stewardship (Operations)

December 8, 2019

Feast of Holy Innocents Celebrated

Next Sunday December 29th

Who are the Holy Innocents? The Holy Innocents are those young boys who lived at the time Jesus was born and whom were murdered by King Herod in his attempt to have the new born messiah killed. The Holy Innocents are considered the first martyrs of the Church. The Feast of Holy Innocents is

celebrated each Christmas Season on December 28 but our parish will celebrate our feast day Next Sunday December 29th. Masses this Sunday in honor of our Feast Day will be celebrated at 8 am and 10:30 am. Childcare is available during the masses.

Solemnity of the Mary,

The Holy Mother of God

January 1, 2020

Mass wil l be celebrated a t 10 am

(Holy Day o f Obliga t ion)


January 2020 marks the half-way point to-

ward elimination the church construction debt..

Raising $1.5 million would fund the mini-mum payment through 2025.

By continuing to make minimum payments of $24,200, the mortgage will be Fully Paid in August , 2034.

NEW and continued “Living Stones, 2020-2025 pledges will ensure that the monthly payments continue, uninterrupted, beginning in January 2020.

Living Stones pledges are used only to fund the mortgage payments and are separate from stewardship gifts which are used to fund the parish operating budget.

Financing is through the Archdioceses of Seattle at a flat rate of 5.5%.

The original construction loan was $3,731,127.

We invite you to

make a pledge at


or fill out a pledge card

found in the pews

Thank You!

Mike & Kathy Ambiel

Jose & Aimee Andrade

Walter & Susie Archuleta

Ramon & Cynthia Arguelles

Paula Armstrong

Nick & Georgianne Arnot

Ron & Janice Asmus

Pat and Mary Beth Babcock

Norita Barroga-Hulett

Charlie & Phyllis Baunsgard

Jon & Joan Beade

Michael & Andrea Beard

Jonathan & Sarah Beaudoin

Jacob & Angie Belarde

Gemma Bell

Matt & Sara Bennier

Carl & Martha Benshoff

Glenn & Kathy Briscoe

Dave & Jan Buchthal

Stan & Holly Bunker

John & Susan Burke

Shirley Bushy

Dean & Joan Caldwell

John & Margaret Calhoon

Robert & Dawn Callahan

John & Debbie Calvert

Steve & Janine Cassidy

Amado & Joan Celix

Christopher Clifford

Bob & Becky Daharsh

John & Mary Kay Davis

Erik & Austina De Bonte

Lynn De Broeck & Jeff Scholl

Laurence & Gail Dimock

Donald Ditter

Stephen & Erin Dolenc

George & LaVonne Doty

Ms. Jo Ann Douglas

Stephen & Stacy Duex

Connie Dunn

Paul & Amy Egger

Eamon & Susan Essex

John & Marcia Evans

Marilynn Evans

Jon & Peggy Eyer

Jane Farnam

Brian & Leticia Fay

Jim & Kristen Federico

Colleen Flajole

Tui & Ana Foukimoana

Randy & Suzanne Freburg

Adrian Garcia & Selena Knievel

Ken & Samantha Giffin

Jorge & Melissa Gonzalez Esquivel

David and Brianna Grant

Jim & Marybeth Grazko

Al & Ana Gutierrez

Louie Hackett

Paul & Barbara Hackspiel

Ryan Haradan

Bev Harke

Mary Harrigan

Rick & Carrie Harris

Ben & Laura Harrison

David & Barbara Heiner

George & Laura Henion

Pat Hinneburg

Mick & RuthAnn Hoar

Joe & Ann Holliday

Marcy Howe

Orlando Javier Davila

Derek & Carolyn Johansen

Fr. James Johnson

Frank Joiner

Pat & Teresa Kearney

Paul & Kathy Keller

Gary & Sheryl Kelley

Tim & Stormi Kiesow

Ursula Kihn

Tom & Lynn Kittridge

Lukasz & Agnieszka Krakowiak

David & Cindy Lang

Romeo & Katie Jo LaRiviere

Rick & Deborah Larsen

Norman Larson

Jerry Lee and Mat Chin

Rich & Monica Leisen

Alina Lemanska

Humberto Lezama & Nancy Ramos

John & Sue Ludwig

Tom & Jan MacIntyre

Ed & Pam Majerle

Justin & Nicole Maloney

Michael & Dolores Martinez

Alice McCormick

Pete & Linda McCormick

John & Eileen Medina

Ramon & Ofelia Mejia

Kyle Mery & Jessica Woodley

Henry & Lyn Meyerding

Paul & Krystal Noga-Styron

Edward & Kathleen O'Malley

Ismael & Angelina Palongyas

Jan & Edmund Parker

Rob & Sabrina Parnell

Carlo & Ellen Parravano

Steve & Sally Peters

Jim Petty

Millie Phillips

Rebecca Phipps

Chris & Angela Pinto

Gary & Diane Price

Dustin Randall

Jarrod & Andrea Roberts

Robert & Pamela Rose

Julia Ruud

Ana Sanabria

José & Sandra Sanchez

Salomon Santana & Ana Lilia Partida

Mike & Terrie Sato

Jason & Colleen Schaefer

Theresa Schell

Dawn Scurlock

Ken & Patty Sharp

Phil & Liz Sohn

Leann Solene

Steven & Gina Souchek

Bill & Teresa Swedman

Mirek & Anna Sztajno

Tom & Barbara Tivnan

Carlos & Barbara Toledano

Dave & Carolyn Tomson

Bill & Jean Toussaint

Carey & Diane Tremaine

Egle Tschinkel

Glen & Cyndie Uhlenkott

Carol Van Buren

Joe & Julie Vandehey

Jason & Vera Ward

Jim & Laura Webb

Charlotte Weber

David & Debby Weidner

James & Anselma Wilhite

Brian & Carol Willard

Sonia Wille

Dan & Kim Williams

Minli & Mon Djou Yan

Michael Yelle & Jody Cedola

If you have returned a pledge card, but do

not see your name.listed, please let us

know so we can get our records corrected.

Thank you!

Thank you to the following parishioners who have turned in their 2020-2025 pledge cards!


The celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism for infants is scheduled after the baptismal preparation for the parents are completed. Baptisms are normally celebrated at a Sunday Mass in the parish where the parents live. Adults (7-years or older) seeking baptism or confirmation are invited to inquire at the

parish office for information about adult preparation.


Couples seeking marriage in the Church are asked to contact the parish at least four months in advance of their proposed wedding date. For those with prior marriages, additional time may be required. Marriages are celebrated in the parish in which one of the Catholic parties lives.

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)

Private confession is available from 4:00 pm to 4:30 pm every

Saturday before the 5:00 pm Vigil Mass.

Pastoral Care for the Sick & Dyin g

In the case of serious illness or failing health due to old age, parishioners should ask the church for the Sacrament of Anointing. This sacrament is administered by a priest and is best celebrated communally at a Sunday Mass, but may be offered individually by appointment as necessary. When a parishioner is near death, they should receive Holy Communion, called the Sacrament of Viaticum (food for the journey). This sacrament can be administered by a priest, deacon, or a eucharistic minister.

Pantry Pig for the week of December 8th: $181.

Plaza Project Continues

Maybe you would like to honor a loved one, a sacramental event, a new family member, or just a favorite memory this Christmas —consider placing an order for a brick to be placed in our plaza. The order forms are in the narthex near the welcome booth. The donation for the bricks (tax deductible) is $100 (2 lines) or $120 for 3 lines. Be a part of the parish memory and create a lasting memorial. For more information contact Liz@holyinn.org

Outreach Update

Thank you to ALL that helped with the amaz-ing Christmas Giving Event this year. We had over 80 families signed up, which is more than I can remember in the past years. A HUGE shout out to Amy Hart for stepping up and taking on the lead role for this event –

her time and dedication is greatly appreciated. To ALL that helped, from volunteering to purchasing a gift card or gift – from this parish to the community beyond – THANK YOU! You're helping others have a more beautiful Christmas. A blessed Christmas to you ALL!!

Welcome: Frequently Asked Quest ions?

How Do I Register? Find a Welcome Card in the pew, fill it out and return it to an usher or staff member and we will send you a registration. You can also find a registration form at our website www.holyinn.org

How Do I become Catholic? The Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) is a process by which adults join the Catholic Church. Adults are initiated into the Church at the Easter Vigil in the Spring each year. If you are interested in finding out more about becoming Catholic call the office at 788-1400.

How do I reconnect to the Church after having been away for awhile? Consider this your invitation to join with others who are on the same journey. Contact Debby@holyinn.org for more infor-mation about how to reconnect with others and your faith.

Youth Movement Bonf ire

The Youth Movement will be meeting next Mon-day on the 30th of December to mark the end of the year with a bonfire and indoor games. We'll have hotdogs, hot drinks and some snacks, but you might want to eat dinner before you come. All teens grades 6-12 are invited to come celebrate the final hours of 2018 with you friends and youth leaders! The regular Youth Movement program will start up again on the 5h of January at the regular time 6-8 pm down in the hall. Dinner provided. For more information contact our Youth Coordinator, Eamon Essex at eamon@holyinn.org


(Families United Together Under-taking Religious Education) Starts again on Sunday January 5 2020 down in the hall 9:15-10:15am. All families are wel-

come! Contact Debby@hoilyinn.org for more information . Merry Christmas!

Christmas Flower Fund


Bill Armstong Virginia M. Asan John & Mary Batt John Beaumier Robert & Thelma Davis Al, Winnie, & Vickie Harke Hans & Maria Kihn Bill Loseleben Dorothy Losleben Roman Losleben Bill & Margaret McCormick


The Homeless
