Holbeck Construction College


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Design Studio Integrated Technology

7084726 Jenine Ragab Urban Studio Design Studio

Holbeck & the Rim Design Proposal

Construction College & Community Centre


This document summarizes a set of design principles, proposed for the regeneration of Holbeck, a district 15 minutes from Leeds City Centre. The masterplan takes inspiration from and makes reference to its surroundings, seeking to transform Holbeck, physically, socially, economically and environmentally into a sustainable and viable community. While the world changes at an ever more rapid pace, the people within it need something familiar to hang on to if they are to accept new place making on a large scale. They want to be able to recognise it and feel a degree of ownership, just as they did a century ago, prior to its deterioration and neglect. With it once being the industrial powerhouse to the city of Leeds, the time has come for Holbeck to reclaim its status; providing the community with the knowledge they need for a more positive and sustainable lifestyle. The community of Holbeck needs an educational facility with a difference, where people who feel isolated can belong and those that need the support to better themselves can find that helping hand. The college will focus primarily on teaching construction and technology skills- providing a hands on experience rather than the common monotonous blackboard approach, which often lacks the inspiration and creativity that is needed to stimulate the mind. With the proposal of a new residential development to be sited adjacent to the college, it will be here that the newly acquired skills of the community are put into practice- first learning and then applying their skills in the construction of these new flexible dwellings. The college will constantly draw inspiration from the belief that..... If you tell me I'll forget, If you show me I may remember, but If you involve me I'll understand. The college itself will be a new model with the idea that it belongs to all the people of Holbeck, not matter what their background. The college will become a hub, bringing people together...... Jenine Ragab

British Isles- Leeds in Context

Leeds in a European Context

Leeds City Centre & Rim of disconnection

During the last decade Leeds City Centre has seen a renaissance. The skyline has dramatically changed. Money through development has been made in considerable sums. However, in stark contrast, the 'Rim' around the centre of Leeds has looked on, stagnant. Is this fair?...... The Urban Studio will explore the potential of the Rim, particularly to the South of the city and specifically Holbeck.....





Strong industrial heritage-apparent throughout.

Division caused by motorway

Heavy through traffic along Top Moorside causing division

Ignored potential of Holbeck viaduct

Disjointed community from City centre

Housing in relatively poor state-in need of restoration

Community broken up

Former Matthew Murray School site left dormant-potential site for redevelopment

Allotments available to community –opportunity to promote a more sustainable & healthy lifestyle






Revitalising the existing back to back terraces-enhancing social cohesion



to mortality rate, smoking and

Like many areas

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sity and a gen Within Holbeck over 40% of

the population is considered to be in ill health, with

26% of these

people having a lifelong limit- ing illness. ONS Beeston & Holbeck Ward

When observing statistics fact mental & behavioural dis prevalent.






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most common respectively.

40% of households within Holbeck

than £10,000.

There are major concerns regarding employment deprivation, health deprivation and disability, educational opportunities and the living environment of the community of Holbeck.......



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and smoking

Shared Space –improving the urban environment

Rejuvenating the existing allotment area; educating the community and providing them with the tools to led a healthier lifestyle.

Urban Forest-providing an ideal environment for outdoor activities

Introducing a place for higher education-working in conjunction with the existing Ingram Primary School ,providing an opportunity for the community to further their potential


A new way of living-creating a new residential area which strives towards reducing its carbon footprint and providing a sustainable way of living

Creating a core to the community with the introduction of a hybrid educational facility →investigate, analyse and mediate.

The City Commuter-an ideal location in close proximity to the city centre, with the proposal of a direct green link along the viaduct. The new residential development will provide an opportunity to expand thus creating a lifetime home.

1815-2010>>> TIMELINE



By analysing the area of which the centre is proposed for and reviewing its personal attributions and context, we can begin to gather key information which will influence the design of the building and in turn result in the right environmental design solutions and strategies being made. The climatic data of the site, shown in the graph below, demonstrates a generally cool temperature throughout the year, which must be taken into consideration when insulating the building and when assessing the use of passive ventilation. With the area seeing moderate to high rainfall throughout the year, there is much potential for rainwater collection and reuse. The images on the following page, observe the area on a Macro Level. With the site being independent from its neighbouring buildings, our centre already has the advantage of not being affected by overshadowing. With this opportunity of gaining large amounts of solar radiation coupled with the medium to high sunlight hours, the area demonstrates great potential for the integration of passive solar design and solar energy solutions into the scheme. Beyond this climatic analysis, it is notable that the close proximity of this site to Leeds City Centre, emphasised further by the potential of the disused viaduct to the North of the site, is ideal for employees working in the City who are looking for additional training to supplement their career, as well as a key connection for the people of Holbeck.

Climatic Data-Holbeck, Leeds

The new construction college will be situated here on the former Matthew Murray High School site.

Proposed construction college: At the heart of the community-bridging the gap between existing and new development.


Urban Identity Massing

Access & Connection

Direct connection to industrial zone

Linear connection along Brown Lane-main thoroughfare


Disused viaduct providing key link for employment.

City Centre

Buildings of Heritage Industrial Poor State/Derelict

Industrial-In Use

Housing-mixed development-good condition

Public buildings

Proposed demolition sites

Back to Back Housing Stock Restoration Required: -Low priority -Medium priority -High priority

Urban Identity Key

The massing of Holbeck elucidates a well established dense building language. This reinforces the concept of creating a walkable community-a sustainable concept which enhances social cohesion. The urban identity of Holbeck highlights the major need for regeneration. It is visible that there is an existing community which must remain at the forefront of this. There is great potential with direct links to surrounding industrial areas as highlight by access and connections, as well as the forgotten urban fabric of Holbeck, which will is fundamental to the overall regeneration of the town.


The overall urban strategy for the town of Holbeck, is continuously reinforced by what the place encompasses. It is vital that the towns identity remains at the forefront and that any new development purely enhances what already exists. It is effortless to propose changes to an existing area and end it there, but it is a true commitment to that community when using those proposals as a stepping stone towards a better way of life. The key agendas for the revitalisation of Holbeck address issues raised by the people themselves. It is undeniable that they truly know what their needs are, experiencing these concerns first hand. The urban strategy is not to be seen as a short term solution for Holbeck, but a life time commitment and a new way of living.



The construction college embodies and further enhances a new way of living. With the promotion of a more sustainable lifestyle, the centre will become the engine that powers the community. Such renewable features of the proposed new housing, as creating energy and harnessing water, will be enhanced here-with key components such as the combined heat and power system being sited here. Beyond this however, there is an underlying educational purpose to the centre. The deprivation within Holbeck at present is extremely high. With the introduction of new housing and the restoration of the area, this issue begins to be addressed, but it is key that the people as individuals are given a life line that not only benefits them on a personal level, but that also enables the town of Holbeck to be ‘rebuilt’.

Bridging the gap between as designed and actual performance.

Urban Retrofitting the streets of Holbeck

Enjoying the new flexible housing and green space.

The proposals which make up the urban strategy are all part of enriching the town of Holbeck, but who is responsible for making it all happen??........ Building the new flexible houses will contribute greatly to up-skilling the community. -brick layers -carpentry -electricians These are just a handful of trades that will be needed in part of the construction. The centre will provide apprenticeships for the people of Holbeck, and in turn both the person as well as the community will reap the rewards. Greening the streets of the existing back to back terrace houses is a major part of promoting social cohesion within the community and an outdoor space that all can be proud of. -civil engineers & site workers -landscape designers -gardeners Such trades are vital in making this happen. In addition to this they will also aid in..... Creating a place for the people, such as the proposed communal space situated at the top of Brown Lane. In addition to learning such trades the public can also learn about healthier ways of living and protecting the environment; improving their overall lifestyle and well being.

Places for people- a communal space for all to be part of.



Foul Water Treatment

Private Educational Facilities

Public Areas

Sustainable Zones

CHP (combined heat & power system)

Sustainable Water System

Rainwater Harvesting

Solar Gain

Photovoltaic System

Lecture Theatre



Wood Work




Power Conservation


Cookery Department


Ground Floor First Floor




Help Desk



Study Areas

Kitchen facilities



Staff Room

Managers office

Meeting Rooms

Consultation Offices


Group Learning Areas

Quiet Learning Areas

Play Zone Children’s Learning with


First Aid

Biodiversity Habitat

Indoor Gardens


Willow Coppice

By analysing the purpose and function of each distinguished area within the centre, such environmental issues as heating, ventilation and lighting can be addressed. Certain events within a building can generate excessive heat or produce superfluous moisture and therefore require particular design specifications to accommodate these spaces. Light quality can also have a direct impact on the comfort of a space, therefore highlighting the task and general illumination of an area is key.

Mechanically ventilated

Heated in Winter

Daylight control

Shade Tolerable

Task Lighting

Soft Lighting

Naturally Lit

Naturally Ventilated

Natural Daylight Control

These spaces should be flexible to accommodate a variety of subjects and methods of teaching, to small or larger groups of students.


Private space for the community to use. These areas provide a private meeting space when seeking advice and help from the centre.

Consultation rooms

Lecture rooms


These learning areas will be open primarily to the students for use in both group sessions and individual studies. The public may also use them on request.

Study areas

The cafe offers a recreational space to students, as well as key public space for the community.


The library will facilitate both the community and the centre, providing a key information and ICT zone to all.


Toilet facilities pin pointed around the centre for both students, staff and the public.


Changing rooms and shower facilities for the students, in close proximity to the centres practical workshops.

Changing rooms

Staff facilities will provide office and consultation space as well as a central staff room for recreation.

The cafe kitchen will also occasional play host to the cookery departments students, for practical experience.



Building systems, including both mechanical and passive systems- sited here for maintenance and building governance.

Power Generation


Community Arcade


Primarily the theatre will be available to the students for group seminars, however the space will also offer an auditorium for pre booked public events.

Situated at the entrance to the community arcade, the reception will be the initial information point for both students and members of public.

The heart of both the centre and the community-a large indoor space, for recreation and access to all adjoining zones.

Practical work spaces- each designated to a specific skill. Direct delivery access for heavy goods and materials.




The proximity diagram, demonstrates the importance of the building layout and how spaces work in conjunction with one another in order to create a harmonious environment. The diagram shows, that even when a building is comprised of a number of functions, it is still integral that each individual space works as part of an overall strategy and not independently.

This dynamic environmental enclosure is being designed with conservation and education requirements as key principles. The idea of having this shared semi open space would make any members of the community passing through feel part of the building

The roof topography is used to direct water to depressions where large amounts can be stored -> Such methods of water collection can be seen in insects with hydrophilic—water attracting—and hydrophobic water repelling—biological features, created to intersperse, collect and direct the flow of water.

The roofscape is incorporated into a system of urban green surfaces that provide important links for the migration of species, possibly supporting existing biotope structures and habitat networks and promoting biodiversity in the local environment.

Access to the roofscape from inside the building

A plerergate is a polymorph of an ant, also known as a replete or rotund, characterized by an enlarged abdominal area, for the purpose of food storage. This occurs in honey ants. Other ants then extract nourishment from them. They function essentially as living larders. This function is ideal for working in conjunction with the hydrophilic roofscape, collecting water and storing it.

The reactive facade responds to movement of passers by, creating a staggered image in motion

Initial Impression of construction college- A section through the central space and roofscape


1. Community arcade → Hydrophilic roof enclosing main space: aiding power generation and harvesting rainwater

2. Cafe & kitchen → upper level: additional cafe seating and student recreation area.

3. Library → upper level: ICT suite 4. Lecture Theatre 5. Crèche 6. Cookery Department 7. Woodwork & Pre-fabricated housing

construction. 8. Brickwork 9. Civil engineering (groundwork's) 10. Power conservation 11. Plumbing 12. Electrics 13. Staff Zone-offices and consultation rooms 14. Plant Room & Environmental Studies

First Floor Plan 1:1000

Public Educational Environmental


Ground Floor Plan 1:1000

Car Park

1 2




6 7




11 12 13


Direct delivery access to workshops

Crèche opening directly out onto play


Brown Lane

Main Entrance

Direct link to new

residential development




Hydrophilic Roof

Principle of integration: PV Flexibles on the ETFE cushion structure

The concept behind the overall roof design has been maintained-with the intention of educating the people through design still prevalent. This has been developed further, with the idea that the function of the roof is exaggerated externally and that the users view the structure and the ‘mechanics’ from within the main arcade.

The canopy of the Glulam trees’ will channel the rainwater down from the rooftop.

The main roof structure will be composed of triangulated Glulam joists which will be the preliminary support to the ETFE cushions. These will be integrated with a photovoltaic membrane, utilising the vast area for maximum solar gain.


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Efficient use of finite natural


Minimising environmental

damage Specification of materials with low environmental


Use products with higher recycled content

Use local C&D waste/reclaimed products

Use less material Waster avoidance and


Return surplus material

Segregate, recover, reclaim and recycle

Material selection Waste Management


Sustainable Goals

Materials Water

ETFE is to be used in the construction of the roof. It’s u-value of 1.96 w/m²°K outweighs that of triple glazing, as well as having an extremely high light transmittance and the benefit of being extremely lightweight. ETFE can be recycled with ease, but due to its properties (does not degrade under UV light, sunlight, weather, pollution) it has a very long life which is estimated between 50-100 years, making the need for recycling small. Excess material from the cushion manufacturing process can be recycled effectively by all ETFE suppliers.

The existing architecture of Holbeck, consists mostly of the Victorian era and therefore the use of brick is substantial. As shown to the left many of the original back to back terrace houses have already been, and are

Timber shall be used extensively throughout the building, composing the structural system of the college. Timber columns shall be used in conjunction with large Glulam beams which will span the building and provide structural support to the adjoining triangulated roof system. Sustainably sourced timber shall be used as much as possible.



proposed for, demolition. It is proposed that full advantage shall be taken here, and reclamation of materials shall be integrated into the colleges construction.




Cantilevered over the surrounding grounds → the area provides an ideal work space for observational studies

Taking advantage of the South orientation of the building and integrating photovoltaics into the roofscape → aiding in the sustainable heating and lighting of the building.

At the heart of the ‘University of Life’ → the main zone of the building is spread across two levels → the lower level accessible from all directions and the upper level overlooking the room below.

Raising the entire educational centre up creates a direct thoroughfare through the facility- encouraging people to approach and integrate within the ‘university of life’

Reed bed and gabion wall sewage treatment system

The sustainable water facility demonstrates the ways in which water can be used most efficiently and elucidates how such a system works.

Working with mother nature → the green living roof provides a permeable surface for rainwater and enhances natural insulation → the community can fully interact with their surroundings with the ability to walk and lay on the roofscape.

“Urban theory and architectural theory of any kind operates at the level of opinion. It is successful not as a predictive device but as a prescriptive one. Its success is measured to the extent it persuades the undertaking of real action.” William Ellis, Opposition Reader, Princeton Architectural Press, 1998

Cantilevered upper level-extension of educational facility and observation area.

-Access, movement and circulation -Main educational facilities -Sustainable Water facility

-Upper Level of main educational hub -Cantilevered ‘viewing’ platform -New residential quarters

-Outer buildings -Outdoor green space -Ponds-as part of the sustainable water system

Creating a direct thoroughfare through the facility- encouraging people to approach and integrate within the ‘university of life’

View from educational facility-allowing analysis of living facilities and everyday life to take place

>>>Initial configuration of core facilities












The concept behind Holbeck Construction

College is derived from its context and


A strong identity is formed by the existing back

to back terrace houses and the way in which they are placed. The parallel arrangement, creates a pattern between the street, form and threshold. With the street being the point of interaction, it becomes

the driving force behind a sense of place. Applying these factors creates a dialogue

between what is new and what already exists.

>>> existing terrace formation

>>> utilising the formation

>>> applying new form

>>> vertical and horizontal cohesion

>Terrace threshold


>College threshold

>>> building configuration

>>> wrapping concept

The hypothesis of the building was derived from the

communities needs and its relation in fulfilling those


With the building being a multi-functional space, it was

vital that there was a distinguished connection between spaces

throughout. The structure and form is composed of a number of

wrapped elements; with facades transforming into roofs and walls amalgamating into walkways.

This striking technique elucidates the fluidity of spaces within,

demonstrating that this a cohesive space. The wrapped elements go beyond this, allowing the access of

natural light, as well as framing views over the buildings

surroundings. Holbeck Construction College strives to cultivate space that

embraces, encourages and empowers the people that occupy it.


>>>Visual interpretation of the South side of the college, with the design element of wrapping, becoming visible throughout.


Design considerations

Issues • Life cycle cost

• Maintenance cost

Aspirations • Create a highly sustainable

development • Overall goal to reduce CO2


Approaches The College brief is for the new

building to achieve a minimum BREEAM

rating of ‘Excellent’.

There are a number of design choices which will influence the buildings environmental impact

and overall sustainability, however these can be classified

into two main categories:

1 Minimising energy consumption

• Building orientation and facade articulation

• Material selection • Thermal mass • Heat recovery

2 Low or zero carbon energy source

• Combined heat and power



Increasing the environmental return on your investment

Carbon homes and carbon schools deliver measurable environmental return in stored CO2 that can be offset against emissions associated with the construction of new buildings. A return on your investment that demonstrates a clear environmental contribution and a commitment to the UK’s carbon reduction policies.

CO2 → 50% of the worlds independently certified forests are in Europe. Sustainable forest management for timber production converts CO2 from the atmosphere into building products. TIMBER → Across its product lifecycle timber has the lowest energy consumption of any building material. Timber structures are carbon negative. STRUCTURE → Timber acts as a carbon sink. A solid timber Carbon Home contains 30-40m3 of timber, equivalent to approximately 32 tonnes of CO2. ENERGY → Recover energy from timber. Recycling timber products into energy releases more stored energy than was used in the products production.

Modern technology in straw-bale construction

Pre-fabricated straw-bale panels Straw-bale construction techniques have changed little since they were developed in the 19th Century. Other building materials have evolved to suit machine-manufacturing in factories, while straw-bales are typically hand-made. This is why, even today, straw-bales are mostly used to build domestic houses. For a building on the scale of Holbeck Construction College, modern techniques are required. Whereas straw bales are often used as load-bearing walls, we are using them as insulation within a hanging curtain wall. Whereas straw bales are usually hand-laid on-site, resulting in variable quality and a longer programme, our straw bales are pre-fabricated off-site, in a controlled environment, and delivered on-site ready to assemble. However, remote manufacturing greatly increases embodied energy by requiring the transport of materials over a long distance. The College will use a manufacturing process known as the ‘flying factory’. Rather than fabricating the straw-bale panels in a distant factory, panels will be assembled in a local barn. This will also bring employment to the local community.

Wood Straw Render (Lime)

The timber cross-laminated frame can use ‘off-cuts’ from the lumber mill.

The solid vertical components of the facade are proposed to be formed from straw-bale panels. A typical straw-bale panel is made of three natural and sustainable materials: timber, straw and lime render. The straw element provides the necessary insulation value for the panel. The strategy is to use locally sourced straw from a neighbouring farm for the infill of the components. The timber element will be sustainably sourced, cross-laminated timber that provides structural integrity for the panel. It will need to be stained to ensure it weathers gracefully over time. The lime render is a breathable coating for the straw and protects it from moisture and the external environment. It also reduces the greenhouse gas effect. Over its lifetime, due to the cycle of lime changing from limestone to quicklime and back to limestone again, most of the CO2 released during the manufacturing process is re-absorbed during the lifetime of the plaster, thus being close to carbon neutral. The internal face of the straw-bale panel will be covered with ply lining.


It takes 3 hours to make 1 straw-bale panel.

Each full height panel is 13 meters long and weighs

almost 2 tons.

A manufacturing process known as the

‘flying factory’ was used to produce the modular cladding system. Rather than fabricating the straw-bale panels in

a distant factory, panels were prefabricated in a local barn using local labour and delivered ready to be put in place.

>>>How it’s made

With society today taking an ever more greener approach to the way we live and build our environment, more and more alternative approaches to construction are being applied. The innovative and bespoke facade cladding design pushes the boundaries of current straw-bale construction technology delivering a modern, distinctive building while using one of the oldest construction materials - straw. This is used as insulation within a curtain wall, in which each panel covers every floors of the building in one prefabricated piece. Each straw-bale panel consists of a cross-laminated timber frame filled with compressed straw and finishes with render for a natural look to the external face. The breathable coating prevents decay and protects the straw from the external environment. This particular technique allows the building to contribute to the reduction in CO2 emissions, as well as making the building close to carbon neutral.

Bales are stacked vertically into long wooden boxes, which are waterproofed and fitted to the face of the building. The sides of the boxes will be visible and eventually weather down to a silvery grey colour > > >


Straw-bale panels The straw-bale panel consists of a timber sub-frame filled with compressed straw. The external face is rendered with lime for natural finish, while the internal face is lined with timber. These panels will be prefabricated in storey-high units and installed as a unitised cladding system.

>>>Typical cladding detail

Timber spandrel panel

Operable window

Glazed opaque spandrel panel

Fixed window

Timber fin

Lime render (Straw-bale behind)

Timber frame/fins The timber frames and fins, where exposed, are protected by a light stain. This will prevent the timber from rotting or becoming discoloured (turning grey) through exposure to the sun. It is intended to use a stain that will retain as much of the natural feature of the timber as possible, while affording sufficient weather protection.

Windows The window detail consists of operable and fixed units mounted between the straw-bale panels or timber fins. The window units will have spandrel panels to conceal slab edges. These will have an opaque glass finish.



Render on cementitious


Timber cap to hold render board

External grade timber

Internal grade timber

Internal back board

Straw Bale (compacted


>>>The components


THE OVERALL STRATEGY>>> PROPOSE >>>Holbeck Masterplan & Urban Strategy 1:10000

A key aspect of my regeneration proposal is to strengthen the image and pride that people have in their area. Key to this is genuine community engagement, the creation of ‘a sense of place’ and by making sure that decisions on the area’s future are transparent and sustainable. 1. Revitalising the back to back housing stock -knocking through individual dwellings to form one larger, more suitable living environment -creating alternating green spaces between terrace rows → pedestrianising and privatising one row-creating a communal garden and allowing access for services on the opposite side. 2. Utilising the area recently demolished adjacent to Brown Lane: -creating a landscaped ‘core’ to the community leading off from the shared space of Top Moorside and Holbeck Moor. -this area increases the number of green spaces available to the community, as well as a place for communal events to be held. 3. The proposal for a new high school/college for the community-to be situated adjacent to the existing Ingram Primary School.

4. Extending the allotment area to provide greater opportunity for the whole community to be part of a more sustainable and healthy lifestyle.

5. Revitalising Holbeck Moor-creating an ‘urban forest’

6. Greening over the motorway-reconnecting the north of Holbeck to the surrounding areas. This includes reconfiguring the road to the south of Top Moorside eliminating direct access to the motorway at this point and reducing traffic flow within the residential area.

7. Opportunity to replenish the housing stock within the area; utilising the former Matthew Murray School site to create a new residential area. 8. Utilising the old viaduct and creating a direct green link for pedestrians and cyclists to the city centre. 9. Introducing a new construction college and community centre to Holbeck; creating a place for the [people and a resource to ‘re-build their community.

New residential development

Primary routes surrounding the proposed site- connecting to the immediate vicinity and the City Centre

The overall urban strategy for the town of Holbeck, is continuously reinforced by what the place encompasses. It is vital that the towns identity remains at the forefront and that any new development purely enhances what already exists. It is effortless to propose changes to an existing area and end it there, but it is true commitment to that community, using those proposals as a stepping stone towards a better way of life. The key agendas for the revitalisation of Holbeck address issues raised by the people themselves. It is undeniable that they truly know what the needs are, experiencing these concerns first hand. The urban strategy is not to be seen as a short term solution for Holbeck, but a life time commitment and a new way of living. With this in mind we need to think beyond the recommendations and changes that are to be made to the area, a find a solution that creates a holistic approach. The bio-science and educational centre embodies and further enhances this new way of living. With the promotion of a more sustainable way of living, the centre will become the engine that powers the community. Such features of the new housing as creating renewable energy and harnessing water will be enhanced here-with the combined heat and power system being located here. Beyond this however, there is an underlying educational purpose to the centre. The deprivation within Holbeck at present is extremely high. With the introduction of new housing and the restoration of the area, this issue begins to be addressed, but it is key that the people as individuals are given a life line that not only benefits them on a personal level, but that also enables that town of Holbeck to be ‘rebuilt’. The building is a learning resource in itself.

Location of Holbeck Construction College & Community Centre

Pedestrian and cycle routes-HolLink greenway and tram line

The proposals which make up the urban strategy are all part of enriching the town of Holbeck, but who is responsible for making it all happen??........ Building the new houses will contribute greatly to up-skilling the community. →carpentry → electricians → plasterers These are just a handful of trades that will be needed in part of the construction. The centre will provide apprenticeships for the people of Holbeck, and in turn both the person as well as the community will reap the rewards. Greening the streets of the existing back to back terrace houses is a major part of promoting social cohesion within the community and an outdoor space that all can be proud of. → landscape designer → gardeners These two are vital in making this happen. In addition to this they will also aid in..... Creating a place for the people, such as the proposed site adjacent to Brown Lane. In addition to learning such trades the public can also learn about healthier ways of living, protecting our environment as well as broadening their knowledge.

Urban Retrofitting the streets of Holbeck

Places for people- a communal space for all to be part of.

Enjoying the new flexible housing and green space.

The new flexible housing, will not only provide much needed homes for the community, but there pre-fabricated design, promotes self-build -up-skilling the people of Holbeck with life long trades.


A new way of living-a replenished former Matthew Murray site Replenishing the housing stock within Holbeck-creating a new residential area that incorporates mixed development as well as a sustainable way of living.

Holbeck Construction


Leading to Holbeck Moor Urban Forest & communal square

Allotments & sports field for existing and proposed educational facilities Cycle and footpath

leading to HolLink-green route to City


New sustainable housing→ a by-product of the


Cycle and footpath leading

to Beeston

Brown Lane


Not to Scale

New development should enrich the qualities of existing urban places; encouraging a distinctive response that arises from and complements its setting. One of the main issues that I have identified with the back to back housing, is the social interaction and outdoor space available to the residents. Terraced housing is very restrictive in this sense and I therefore felt it important to create a space that ‘extends’ the occupants living space to the outdoor environment.

Preface-Revitalising Holbeck........

A key aspect of my regeneration proposal to Holbeck, after genuine community engagement, is enhancing social inclusion thus enabling disadvantaged people to connect with employment opportunities, key local services, social networks and goods, through improved accessibility, availability of housing, amenities and services, affordability and acceptability by enhancing social inclusion It is important to create a space that ‘extends’ the occupants living space to the outdoor environment. A space that strike a balance between the natural and man-made environment and utilise each site’s intrinsic, resources such as the climate, landform, landscape and ecology, to maximise energy conservation and amenity. Replenishing the housing stock within Holbeck-creating a new residential area that incorporates mixed development catering for a broader demand as well as a sustainable way of living, taking advantage of Holbeck’s close proximity to Leeds City Centre and introducing a housing scheme that caters for the City Commuter, a single occupancy dwelling that is ideal for city workers and the like, while allowing the user to alter their accommodation as they see fit, to better suit their needs, thus creating the expandable house. A sustainable expandable house that incorporates and comply with sustainable design principles and codes covering energy/CO2, pollution, water, health and well-being, materials, management, surface water harvesting, ecology and waste. The expandable house façade is articulated vertically, its vertical greenery, on trellis work, enriches the street-scape and shades the interior. Sustainable design objectives are achieved through a variety of complimentary strategies. At the urban design scale, building on a disused site intensifies the city and increases density without incurring additional infrastructural cost or triggering a larger urban footprint. The houses are highly insulated and incorporate passive solar heating thermal storage and solar domestic hot water systems as well as a comprehensive rain water harvesting system. The high living space and multiple level high stairs well set up natural convection cooling crowned by a wind catcher or malqaf aiding natural ventilation. Trellises and screens block summer sun and help to keep the interior cool during the summer, while the low winter sun is allowed in under these sun breaks to provide a natural radiant heat source for capture by the thermal mass of the floor and the green roof all working together to offset heating requirements and reduce the carbon footprint. The Edible Terrace, green roof and local allotment gardens are a sustainable interpretation of the traditional Victorian terrace house. These self-sustaining features are designed to reduce food miles and energy consumption and encourage urban food production and healthy eating. The Flexible house is built to cope with its owners; it can be extended upwards for families needing more space. Owners can personalise their home by altering the internal light weight demountable partitions, using the roof and roof terrace differently or by applying changes to the facade. They can also be configured as detached, semi-detached or in terraces. The new homes will be constructed from energy efficient materials, designed to very high insulation standards and orientated towards the sun to maximise passive solar heating. Whilst the new homes can be prefabricated, it is envisaged to use local labour for training, up skilling and enhancing social inclusion. The Flexible house is so versatile that it can be used in high density housing layouts achieving 50 units per hectare as well as low density housing of 15 to 20 units per hectare, thus .accommodating various design and social needs criteria

Replenishing the housing stock within Holbeck-creating a new residential area that incorporates mixed development catering for a broader demand as well as a sustainable way of living, taking advantage of Holbeck’s close proximity to Leeds City Centre and introducing a housing scheme that caters for the City Commuter, a single occupancy dwelling that is ideal for city workers and the like, while allowing the user to alter their accommodation as they see fit, to better suit their needs, thus creating the expandable house.

At typical street view in the new sustainable residential district of Holbeck

Local residents enjoying the outdoor space surrounding their new homes

A revitalised community-utilising the abundant green space and leading a healthier lifestyle


The UK builds the smallest homes in Europe, according to the government’s adviser on architecture. How do British new-builds stack up internationally Adequate space is a pre-requisite for basic living. There should be enough room for residents to cook, eat, relax and socialise. There should be sufficient space for furniture and the storage of personal possessions. If homes are to have a long life, they must offer functional and adaptable spaces that meet the needs of families, children, older people and disabled residents. But there are no national minimum space standards, and neither building regulations nor the planning system specify minimum floor space for privately developed homes in England. The result has been private housing which does not consistently provide what CABE would consider to be adequate space? Adaptable and sustainable homes: Inadequate space means that many homes are not adaptable, so will be unsustainable in future This research suggests that the size of new homes is likely to affect the provision of flexible, adaptable spaces that can respond to the changing needs of occupants, future lifestyle changes and the needs of different communities.

CABE found...... Based on our sample, the average new home in England is only 92% of the recommended minimum size. For example, the average three bedroom home from our sample of 3,418 homes across 71 sites is 88 sqm. It is 8 sqm short of the recommended minimum for a two storey, three bedroom home for five residents. 8 sqm is just a number. But in lifestyle terms it means… The equivalent of a single bedroom and the furniture you’d expect to fit comfortably within it. 7 sqm is the equivalent of a galley kitchen and a coffee table.

>>>IDENTIFY: A NEW WAY OF LIVING 75m3 → prefabricated kit frame ‘blocks’ → added at the occupiers discretion


>>>Average floor space of newly built homes-Floor space (m2)

Inspired by Herman Hertzberger, the influence behind the Dutch structuralist movement of the 1960s, who believed that the architect's role was not to provide a complete solution, but to provide a spatial framework to be eventually filled in by the users.

“Rise up & keep the street”

The Flexible house is built to cope with its owners; it can be extended upwards for families needing more space. Owners can personalise their home by altering the internal light weight, demountable partitions, using the roof and roof terrace differently or by applying changes to the facade. They can also be configured as detached, semi-detached or in terraces, enabling a mixed development-catering for all needs.

The top three things people look for when moving home are.....

→ Outside space (49%) → The size of the rooms (42%) → Proximity to local services (42%)

Allocated 100sqm plot → this comprises of a 45sqm building footprint, along with 25sqm private green space., orientated on an East West axis for maximum solar gain. Typical 3 bedroom house configuration → each proprietor is allocated a 100sqm plot (5m by 20m as seen below). Each house has the same footprint of 45sqm; which in a standard arrangement would comprise of two floors, totalling 90sqm, which can then be added to by the occupier at their own discretion. The recommended space for such a dwelling is in fact 96sqm, however with the additional sky garden space, the users needs are more than adequately met. Space in new homes: what residents think (CABE, HATC, Ipsos MORI, 2009) Leishman C, Aspinall P, Munro M and Warren F J, Preferences, quality and choice in new-build housing, (Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2004), page 15. Average floor space of newly built homes-Policy exchange, CABE, US Census Bureau

>>>Various configurations

>>>Ground Floors

>>>First Floor

>>>Second Floor

Ground floor options-exploiting the footprint of the house or reducing the living space to accommodate a car. First floor provides two bedrooms -one double, one single, a work space-situated off the landing- utilising the natural daylight through the atrium skylight and a family bathroom. Second Floor houses a master bedroom with the option of an en-suite if the user so requires.

>>>Exploded Axonometric













A sustainable expandable house that incorporates and comply with sustainable design principles and codes covering energy/CO2, pollution, water, health and well-being, materials, management, surface water harvesting, ecology and waste. The expandable house façade is articulated vertically, with its vertical greenery further enriching the street-scape, whilst shading the interior and offering privacy. Sustainable design objectives are achieved through a variety of complimentary strategies. At the urban design scale, building on a disused site intensifies the city and increases density without incurring additional infrastructural cost or triggering a larger urban footprint.

Longitudinal Section through dwelling

Passive Heating/Cooling System

Wind catcher (malqaf): Timber louvres pull air through the house and evacuate hot air out.

Prevailing wind Air drawn out

Air drawn down into interior of


Daylighting A large ‘ atrium’ roof light works in tandem with the

open stairwell and transoms to bring natural

light into the house.

Stale air out

Connecting duct

Ceiling level

Ceiling diffuser


Fresh air in

Section through malqaf

Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT) have the advantage of being more tolerant for changing and inconsistent wind directions, making them ideal for utilisation in an urban context.


Roof mounted Photovoltaic

The term Evacuated Tube refers to the glass tubes that seal a vacuum around the collector tube. This glass tube transmits the suns rays to warm the collectors and the vacuum virtually stops the heat from escaping from the tubes. The closed-loop solar collector systems use electric pumps, valves, and controllers to circulate a glycol-water antifreeze mixture through the collectors and into a hot water storage tank.

Solar Thermal Evacuated Tubes

Water Heating Solar Thermal Collectors use sunlight to heat water. Evacuated tubes have been developed particularly for climates where outdoor air temperatures are low.

The houses are highly insulated and incorporate passive solar heating thermal storage and solar domestic hot water systems as well as a comprehensive rain water harvesting system. The high living space and multiple level high stairwell set up natural convection cooling crowned by a wind catcher or malqaf aiding natural ventilation. Trellises and screens block summer sun and help to keep the interior cool during the summer, while the low winter sun is allowed in under these sun breaks to provide a natural radiant heat source for capture by the thermal mass of the floor and the green roof all working together to offset heating requirements and reduce the carbon footprint. In addition to this passive system is the benefit of an on site water treatment plant and woodchip fuelled combined heat and power plant (CHP). Biomass chp works very well on mixed use zero heating specification developments, as the thermal demand is for hot water only, and remains consistent all year, with oversize hot water storage tanks that can meet peak demands whilst still allowing trickle recharging throughout the day. This allows the power plant to more or less match average electrical demand, exporting to grid when surplus power is generated on site - and importing to meet peak demand.

The advantage of the biomass CHP system is that very similar amounts of biomass are burnt compared to a conventional heat only boiler, as the electricity is generated from flue gases that would be unlikely to have been harnessed to the same efficiency in a more conventional combustion process.

Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) is coppice grown as an energy crop. This woody solid biomass can be used in applications such as district heating, electric power generating stations, alone or in combination with other fuels. In the UK, yields from willow SRC at first harvest are expected to be in the range 7 – 12 oven dry tonnes per hectare per year (odt/ha/yr) depending on site and efficiency of establishment.

It is important to create a space that ‘extends’ the occupants living space to the outdoor environment. A space that strikes a balance between the natural and man-made environment and utilise each site’s intrinsic, resources such as the climate, landform, landscape and ecology, to maximise energy conservation and amenity. The Edible Terrace, green roof and local allotment gardens are a sustainable interpretation of the traditional Victorian terrace house. These self-sustaining features are designed to reduce food miles and energy consumption and encourage urban food production and healthy eating. In addition to this the skygardens provide a private greenspace for each household to enjoy.

A view of the skygardens-green living overlooking Leeds




The new homes will be constructed from energy efficient materials, designed to very high insulation standards and orientated towards the sun to maximise passive solar heating. Whilst the new homes are designed to be prefabricated, it is envisaged that local labour will be used for training, up skilling and enhancing social inclusion. The Flexible house is so versatile that it can be used in high density housing layouts achieving 40 units per hectare as well as low density housing of 15 to 20 units per hectare, thus .accommodating various design and social needs criteria. A density of 40 dph (dwellings per hectare) has been achieved, creating a walkable community.

Thermal mass concrete floor

Kit frame

Sedum roof-skygardens

External leaf construction (alternative options available to users preference-locally sourced stone, timber or tile cladding, brickwork or sand/cement render on brickwork

Glulam-glued laminated timber post and beam construction

Wind catcher (malqaf) unit with timber louvers

Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT)

Roof mounted Photovoltaics & Solar thermal evacuated tubes

Internal thermal mass floor: pre- stressed concrete with finishing options available- reclaimed tiles, sustainably sourced timber flooring

Thermal inertia is used to keep internal conditions comfortable. Dense concrete blockwork and concrete floor slabs provide thermal mass that absorbs heat during warm periods and releases heat at cooler times.


These panels are incredibly strong and can be used for both the load bearing and non load bearing walls of almost any building

SIP-Structural Insulation



Ground Floor Arrangements (optional)

First Floor

Second Floor

Exploded Axonometric

Inspired by Herman Hertzberger, the influence behind the Dutch structuralist movement of the 1960sm, who believed that the architect's role was not to provide a complete solution, but to provide a spatial framework to be eventually filled in by the users.

“Rise up & keep the street”

The Flexible house is built to cope with its owners; it can be extended upwards for families needing more space. Owners can personalise their home by altering the internal light weight demountable partitions, using the roof and roof terrace differently or by applying changes to the facade. They can also be configured as detached, semi-detached or in terraces.

Ground floor options-exploiting the footprint of the house or reducing the living space to accommodate a car. First floor provides two bedrooms -one double, one single, a work space-situated off the landing- utilising the natural daylight through the atrium skylight and a family bathroom. Second Floor houses a master bedroom with the option of an en-suite if the user so requires.


Pre-fabricated timber stairs

New development should enrich the qualities of existing urban places; encouraging a distinctive response that arises from and complements its setting. One of the main issues that I have identified with the back to back housing, is the social interaction and outdoor space available to the residents. Terraced housing is very restrictive in this sense and I therefore felt it important to create a space that ‘extends’ the occupants living space to the outdoor environment.

>>>Urban Retrofitting the streets of Holbeck ENRICH THE EXISTING>>> PROPOSE


>>> existing terrace formation

>Terrace threshold

>>> enriching the existing

For places to be well-used and well-loved, they must be safe, comfortable, varied and attractive. They also need to be distinctive, and offer variety, choice and fun. Vibrant places offer opportunities for meeting people, playing in the street and watching the world go by. The back to back housing is a predominant feature of Holbeck, one of which is in dire need of revitalisation. Along with the proposal of restoring and replenishing the housing stock is the opportunity to integrate amenities and general communal space into the area. The recently demolished row of terraces adjacent to Brown Lane offer a great opportunity to redevelop a large open space, providing a core communal area for all to enjoy.



Work with the Landscape

Places that strike a balance between the natural and man made environment and utilise each site’s intrinsic resources – the climate, landform, landscape and ecology - to maximise energy conservation and amenity. Holbeck already has a distinct allotment area to the west of the back to back houses, however as is evident in the images below, this is underused and neglected.

The image shown above paints an idyllic picture of how the allotments could be utilised; further encouraging a healthy and sustainable lifestyle that can be passed down through each generation....

ENRICHING HOLBECK>>> PROPOSE >>>A view of the revitalised allotments-encouraging social cohesion and promoting a healthy lifestyle and sense of well being


At present, Holbeck Moor is the largest expanse of open green space for the people of Holbeck, yet it sits neglected at the heart of this community. Revitalising Holbeck Moor, creating an area of rural tranquillity in this urban hub, will give the people a space to relax in and be proud of.




By creating more options for travel and

reducing residents‘ reliance on the car we

can enable the majority of journeys to

be made by sustainable transport,

such as public transport, walking and


>>>Primary routes linking to the City Centre


>>>Pathway leading to HolLink –a green link to Leeds City Centre

>>>A morning commute for the people of Holbeck-on the viaduct

We substitute in our lives access to the things we want-we hop in our cars and drive form place to place and we use mobility to get the access that we need. When we live in a denser community we start to see that the amenities around us are close by......the denser the city i.e. the more a city inhabits then the less emissions there are. By re-weaving the urban fabric that we already have we can elucidate the natural beauty of a place and harness its intrinsic assets. There is the opportunity to create a place that is replenished with new life whilst maintaining its underlying heritage. With a high negative correlation between urban density and transport-related energy consumption, it is a key aspect of mine to factor this into Holbecks overall urban strategy. In a denser community, the goods and services to which people need access tend to be nearby, meaning that there is less requirement for mobility, and in many cases people can decide not to own cars, relying instead on walking, bicycles and public transport, in turn creating a more viable and sustainable community.


The community of Holbeck needs an educational facility with a difference, where people who feel isolated can belong and those that need the support to better themselves can find that helping hand. The college will focus primarily on teaching construction and technology skills- providing a hands on experience rather than the common monotonous blackboard approach, which often lacks the inspiration and creativity that is needed to stimulate the mind. With the proposal of a new residential development to be sited adjacent to the college, it will be here that the newly acquired skills of the community are put into practice- first learning and then applying their skills in the construction of these new flexible dwellings. The college will constantly draw inspiration from the belief that..... If you tell me I'll forget, If you show me I may remember, but If you involve me I'll understand. With this in mind the college itself will set an example- with the architecture being both functional as well as illustrative on how sustainable technologies work and so creating a dialogue with community. The building is a learning resource in itself. The college will be underpinned by the localist vision-putting the local community at the forefront and in control. It is the centres commitment to ensure that the people of Holbeck benefit from the development. With local businesses endorsing the college’s objectives, work placements and future employment opportunities will reinforce the future vision of Holbeck. Far more than an educational hub, the college will be the engine of the community; both in the sense of energy production for the surrounding neighbourhood, but also a core to the community that both the students and members of public can have the benefit of. Setting the precedence for Holbeck and its community, the college will strengthen the image and pride that people have in their area.

Closed loop strategy>>>

This is demonstrated in the relationship that is created by the college and the people of Holbeck. The college re-endorses a sense of community, allowing the people to rebuild their community and lives.



>>>A view of Holbeck Construction College Workshop PROPOSE

The construction college embodies and further enhances a new way of living. With the promotion of a more sustainable lifestyle, the centre will become the engine that powers the community. Such renewable features of the proposed new housing, as creating energy and harnessing water, will be enhanced here-with key components such as the combined heat and power system being sited here. Beyond this however, there is an underlying educational purpose to the centre. The deprivation within Holbeck at present is extremely high. With the introduction of new housing and the restoration of the area, this issue begins to be addressed, but it is key that the people as individuals are given a life line that not only benefits them on a personal level, but that also enables the town of Holbeck to be ‘rebuilt’.

>>>A view of Holbeck Construction College Workshop PROPOSE

>>>A view looking North down ‘The Street’ PROPOSE

>>>A view inside the Library PROPOSE

>>>A view overlooking the ‘story-telling’ walkway PROPOSE


>>>A view of the West facade→ Workshop & Plant Room

>>>A view of the South facade→ Extruded classroom spaces

>>>A view of Holbeck Construction College from the North main entrance PROPOSE
