History of the People “Contemporary understanding of history differs greatly from that of the...


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History of the People

“Contemporary understanding of history differs greatly from that of the ancient world.”RG 41 NAB

Ancient times The beginnings of civilization Where? Why? Stone, Bronze and iron ages

The Chosen People 3000-2000-semitic civilization

begins 1900-1300-patriarchal period-Gen.

12-50 1300-1250-Ex., Num. Josh.Egypt


1250-1020-Judges-Jud.-1 Sam 1020-930-united monarchy-David &

Solomon.2Sam-1Kings. 930-722 Kingdom splits-N.-Israel; S.-

Judah, 1King 13-17.

722 Israel (Northern Kingdom) falls to the Assyrians

587Judah falls to the Babylonians. 587-539 the exile begins and ends

with Cyrus of Persia. 539-332-post exilic period-Persian


332-175 Greek rule and influence. 175-63 Maccabee revolt 63 Roman rule 1-Jesus Christ is born.

Impact of surrounding civilizations

Semitic civilization Origin in Mesopotamia Semetic peoples and nations-


Egyptian influence Egypt Exodus History and civilization contributions

Assyrian influence Came to power 10 century MOA

Babylonian influence Art Literature Science

Syria, Phillistines, small states-influence contributions

Non semitic neighbors Hittites

Persian influence Cyrus Single deity

Greek influence 336 BC -175

Roman influence 63 AD
