Higher Self Journal - moniquemath.com€¦ · purposeful. You’re able to identify your passions...


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Higher Self Journal

30 Powerful prompts to connect with your Higher Self, discover who you are at your core and clear

limiting beliefs to manifest your desires.


How to Use This Journal

This journal is designed to help you get to know your true authentic self. Take time to reflect on each question, preferably in a quiet space free from distractions. As there are 30 prompts, you’re encouraged to reflect on one each day to complete a 30-day journaling habit. Be honest with yourself. This isn’t a journal to share with others. It is your personal conversation with yourself and will only help you if you are completely and truly raw and honest when answering the questions. You may not have an answer right away, you may need to sleep on it, meditate or even ask others to hear what feedback you receive. Don’t rush it. Take as much time as you need to get a completely honest and thorough answer. When you know more of who you are, you’re able to craft a life that is purposeful. You’re able to identify your passions and dislikes and be intentional about the choices that you make each day. You’ll also identify any limiting beliefs holding you back from manifesting the life you desire. When you’re able to identify these beliefs, you cast a light on them and can replace them with positive beliefs and behavior. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. It empowers you to create a life that is joyful, abundant and inspiring to others. Everything you need to manifest a magical life is at your fingertips, all you need to do is get to know your Higher Self.



A core value is a principle or belief that you view as being of central importance. These values shape how you live your life and how you interact with the external world. Define your core values as they are now. Make a list of your values and consider how they shape your life. ____________________________________________________________























Detail your greatest strengths and analyze how you can use them more every day. Are there ways you can develop these even more? Perhaps some reading or a short course? ____________________________________________________________
























What are your greatest weaknesses? Think about how you can improve those qualities. ____________________________________________________________
























4 What are your greatest motivations? Why do you get up every day and keep going? Create a list of your why. ____________________________________________________________


























What is your ideal day like? Write down the daily activities and tasks that would make you happy. Go all out in creating the perfect day in detail that you would make you happy to get up every morning. Write it in the present tense as if it’s happening right now. Use words like I AM instead of I will or I would. I AM is a powerful affirmation to attract your desires. If I am is too much of a stretch for your mind, try “I see myself doing…” ____________________________________________________________





















Who are your biggest inspirations? What qualities do they possess that resonate with you? This can help you to find mentors and gobble up every piece of information they have available to you. It also helps you to see the qualities that you may want to develop in yourself to begin walking a path that is similar to theirs. ____________________________________________________________























Define what makes you excited, joyful, and happy about life. ____________________________________________________________

























Create a daily schedule that provides you with clarity and moments of relaxation. Block out time for mindfulness, physical activity and personal development throughout your day. Write your daily schedule below. You may want to also put this somewhere you will see it everyday like on your bathroom mirror. ____________________________________________________________























Are you mindful with your eating? Take this journal with you and write down everything that you eat in a day. Then, analyze the results. Where can you make any improvements? Where you can you choose more healthful meals or how can you make more time to cook your own meals at home? ____________________________________________________________























Schedule 20-30 minutes daily to engage in some form of physical exercise. Think about what you enjoy most about taking care of your body. Think about the benefits to committing to this task, the body you want and the level of fitness you will be able to achieve. Choose something you enjoy like yoga, dancing etc. Write about your motivations here to get physically active and write about the feelings after your activity. ____________________________________________________________






















Is there something you want to learn more about? Write down a list of three subjects/areas of life that you would like to research. Start to look up books or online resources that you can begin to switch out screen time for. ____________________________________________________________
























Define the toxic elements in your life. Be raw and honest here. What or who in your life truly grinds your gears right now? Create a plan towards reducing your exposure to them. ____________________________________________________________























What is something you would do more of if you knew you would be successful? What’s that thing that you wish you had more time for? Note them here as you start to find where your passions lie. ____________________________________________________________
























What fears are holding you back from doing more of what you love? Are you scared you will fail? Are you scared you will succeed? Are you scared of putting yourself out there? Get to the bottom of your fears. Here, you’re beginning to identify some of your limiting beliefs. What’s stopping you from doing more of the things you listed yesterday?























Create a list of affirmations to repeat each morning. What do you want to affirm? What beliefs do you want to strengthen? Write at least 5 affirmations here, more if you’d like. Then see which ones resonate more with you as you repeat them to yourself each morning.

























Create a morning routine that you enjoy. This will help you to enjoy the mornings as opposed to dreading them. It will also set the tone for a productive day. Put the time beside each activity so it is better structured. ____________________________________________________________

























Identify 3 of your greatest regrets and consider what you can do to correct these, whether making amends or coming into peace with them internally. We cannot change the past, but we can learn from regrets and mistakes. ____________________________________________________________
























Make a list of all that is missing from your life. What is your plan to include these more? ____________________________________________________________

























Take stock of your social media. Are there people who you follow that trigger negative emotions for you? Perhaps it’s time to explore why they do and to eliminate them from your social space or make amends with those emotions. ____________________________________________________________
























Define your short-term goals and create a plan towards reaching them. ____________________________________________________________


























Define your long-term goals. What’s the first step to reach them? ____________________________________________________________

























What’s something you always believed, maybe from childhood, that’s no longer serving you? Find examples in real life to disprove them. ____________________________________________________________

























Define what you will and won’t accept from others. Make a list of your personal standards and boundaries. ____________________________________________________________

























Write down your life’s purpose. Why are you here on earth? What legacy would you like to leave behind when you’ve left the physical realm? Don’t overthink this. Simply begin with what you would do with your days if money was no issue. Then think about how this would positively impact others and go from there. ____________________________________________________________























If you could do anything in the world and get paid for it, what would it be? What small step can you make today to begin a path towards that goal? ____________________________________________________________























What are 5 things you are grateful for today? Challenge yourself to get very specific beyond health and life. Write them here and contemplate just how much these things really mean to you. This is an exercise that should become part of your everyday routine, whether at waking or before bed. ____________________________________________________________























Identify 3 areas within your own personal development that you need to work on, for example, confidence, self-awareness, motivation/drive, self-esteem… Go online and check out books that help with these specific topics or search for blogs and websites that will help. Read a little on these each night before bed. ____________________________________________________________























Identify 3 ways in which you neglect yourself, your needs, your desires with a view to tending to yourself more. Self-care = self-love ____________________________________________________________
























29 Repeat five things you like about yourself throughout the day. Write them down here. ____________________________________________________________

























Consider how satisfied you are with your life as it is right now. What’s one thing you could do today or this week that will improve that just a little? ____________________________________________________________
























Now that you’ve completed this journal, read through your responses. If

you were honest with yourself, you’re much further on the path of getting to

know your Higher Self on a deeper level. What are the immediate steps

you will take to design your life according to your life’s purpose and

passions? What limiting beliefs have you identified that you will now work

on replacing?




















