High School Newcomers...Amelia Earhart and Charlie Parker. Amelia was a pilot. Charlie played the...


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High School


Week of:

MAY 11, 2020


9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Grades Your child should spend up to 90 minutes over the course of each day on this packet.

Consider other family-friendly activities during the day such as:

Learn how to do laundry. 

Wash the laundry, fold and put the laundry away. 

Create a cartoon image of your family. 

Make a bucket list of things to do after the 

quarantine is over with your family. 

Look up riddles to solve with someone 

in your family. 

Mindful Minute: Write down what a typical day was like pre-quarantine and during quarantine. 

How have things changed? 

Do a random act of kindness for someone in 

your house. 

Teach someone in your family to play one of your 

video games. 

Put together a puzzle with your family. 

*All activities are optional. Parents/Guardians please practice responsibility, safety, and supervision.

For students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) who need additional support, Parents/Guardians can refer to the Specialized Instruction and Supports webpage,

contact their child’s IEP manager, and/or speak to the special education provider when you are contacted by them. Contact the IEP manager by emailing them directly or by contacting the school.

The Specialized Instruction and Supports webpage can be accessed by clicking HERE or by navigating in a web browser to https://www.usd259.org/Page/17540


316-973-4443 MARCH 30 – MAY 21, 2020


For Multilingual Education Services (MES) support,

please call (316) 866-8000 (Spanish and Proprio) or (316) 866-8003 (Vietnamese).

The Wichita Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, veteran status or other legally protected classifications in its programs and activities.

High School Newcomers Learning Choice Board

Week of May 11

Choose 3 activities to do every day.

Reading Math Science/Social Studies

Read a book or article,

either one you have at home

or something online.

Complete two worksheets

from this packet.

Complete the ‘Which is

Different’ page.

Read the articles from the

packet with a family

member. Answer the


Count how many pairs of

shoes your family has.

Categorize them by type

(flip-flops, sandals, boots,

running shoes, etc.)

Create a timeline of your

journey to Kansas. Start

with where you were born.

Include every city you have

lived in.

Read the Kansas acrostic

poem and do the activity.

Write your own acrostic


Answer the questions on

the Kansas Math worksheet.

Take a walk with a family

member. What are some

things you see here that

you would not see in your

previous country?

Underline the pronouns in

one of the articles in this

week’s packet.

Complete additional

worksheets from this


Where is your favorite

place in Wichita? Why?

Draw a picture of that place

and show what you like to

do there.

Complete the grammar

practice pages in the


Play one of the games you

created in the past weeks.

How can you change it to

make it harder or easier?

Complete the activities on

the Kansas Fun page.

This article is available at 5 reading levels at https://newsela.com.

Kansas: The Sunflower State

There’s no place like home! Kansas has great farmland, so it’s no surprise that one of its main exports is wheat. Photo from: Pixabay.

Kansas is a state in the middle of the United States. People have lived there for more than 12,000

years. How do we know? Experts found bones of animals that showed they were hunted by these

ancient people.

Many Native American tribes lived in this region. The Kansa tribe was one of them.

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado was the first European to see Kansas. He came in 1541. He was

looking for cities made of gold. There were not any, of course! French explorers and fur traders

arrived in the 1700s. In 1803, the United States bought Kansas from France. In 1861, Kansas

became a state.

Why Is It Called That?

Kansas is named after the Kansa tribe. Kansa means "People of the South Wind."

Its nickname is the Sunflower State. There are many sunflower fields in Kansas. Farmers grow the

flowers for their seeds and oil.

By National Geographic Kids, adapted by Newsela staff on 05.16.17Word Count 385Level 430L

This article is available at 5 reading levels at https://newsela.com.

Geography And Landforms

Four other states touch Kansas. Nebraska is in the

north. Missouri is in the east. Oklahoma is in the

south. Colorado is in the west. Kansas is famous for its

large plains. These are large areas of flat land.

In the northeast are gentle hills. Glaciers and wind

formed them more than 400,000 years ago. Glaciers

are large, slowly moving chunks of ice.

In the south are the Southeastern Plains. Kansas'

western half is covered by the Great Plains. Mount

Sunflower is near the Colorado border. It is the state's

highest point.


Kansas has many animals, lizards and birds. It even has a bird named the prairie chicken. Many

grasses and wildflowers also grow in Kansas.

Natural Resources

Kansas has very good farmland. The main crop is wheat. Kansas grows more wheat than any other


Fun Stuff

There are many famous Kansans. Two of them were

Amelia Earhart and Charlie Parker. Amelia was a

pilot. Charlie played the saxophone.

Strataca is Kansas' underground salt museum. It is

650 feet below ground. Strataca is part of a salt mine.

The Old Cowtown Museum shows what life was once

like in Kansas. It has about 40 old buildings. They

look the way they did in the 1860s and 1870s! The

museum shows a store, a jail and a school.

This article is available at 5 reading levels at https://newsela.com.

Kansas: the Sunflower State by Newsela

Word Bank

hunting bison (buffalo) ancient (from a long time ago)

Native Americans Kansa tribe (group of related people)

region (area) gold

fur (animal skins) fur trader (fur seller)

wind directions

sunflower seeds oils

hills plains

ice lizards prairie chicken

farmland crop wheat

pilot saxophone salt

museum store jail

Comprehension Questions and Writing Activty

(Directions: Please use the nouns from the word bank below to fill in the blanks from the

sentences taken directly from the reading).

1.) Experts found bones of animals that showed they were

________________ by these _________________ people.

2.) Many _____________ _________________ tribes lived in this

region. The Kansa ______________ was one of them.

3.) Kansa means “People of the ___________ _______________.

4.) Its nickname is the ______________________ State.

5.) What four other states touch Kansas?

____________ ____________ _____________ ___________

6.) What is the highest point in Kansas named - it is located near

the Colorado border? ______________ ___________________

7.) What is the main crop grown in Kansas? _____________

8.) What are the names of two famous Kansans the article

mentions? ___________________ and ___________________


What are three things that you like most about living in Kansas?

(Directions: Please answer the following questions in one to two complete sentences using

correct capitalization and punctuation).




If you could take a school fieldtrip to anywhere in Kansas where would

you want to go?



Kansas Acrostic Poem

An acrostic poem is a poem where each line describes a topic word. Each letter of the word starts a new

line. Here is an acrostic poem about Kansas:

Kites soaring in the spring wind

Azure1 skies dotted by puffy clouds

Night sky full of stars

Shaggy bison moving through the hills

Amber2 grasses waving to all who pass

Sunflowers look at the sun as it moves across the sky

1 blue 2 yellow

Match each phrase from the poem to the picture it describes.

Kites soaring

Azure skies

Night sky

Shaggy bison

Amber grasses


Try writing your own acrostic poem about a place you have lived—a country, state or city.

Kansas Math

One acre of land can produce 37 bushels of wheat. If I plant 10 acres of wheat, how many

bushels can I get?

One bushel of wheat can weigh 60 pounds. How much would 5 bushels weigh?

The western meadowlark has 6 eggs at a time. If you found 4 different western meadowlark

nests, how many eggs would you expect to find?

The adult American bison can weigh 2,000 pounds. A baby bison is called a calf and weighs 30

pounds. How many pounds does an American bison gain from birth to adulthood?

The cottonwood tree grows 6 feet each year. How tall would a cottonwood tree be when it is 7

years old?

If a cottonwood tree can make 48 million seeds per year, how many seeds can 9 cottonwood

trees make in one year?


Look at the image.

Answer the questions below.

1. Which of the numbers does NOT

belong? Which number is different

from the other numbers?

________________ is different.

2. Explain why.

_____________________ is different

because _______________________









These words might help you.

symbol meadowlark

Kansas bison

tree sunflower

bird palm tree

animal flower

High School


Week of:

MAY 18, 2020


High School Newcomers Learning Choice Board

Week of May 18

Choose 3 activities to do every day.

Reading Math Science/Social Studies

Read a book or article,

either one you have at home

or something online.

Complete two worksheets

from this packet.

Complete the Kansas

Seasons Sort page.

Read one article from the

packet to a family member.

Answer the questions.

Look around your

neighborhood for things

that are these shapes:

circle, oval, rectangle,

octagon, triangle, square.

Create a poster about a

person who is important to

you. Explain why the person

is important.

Choose a book

page, magazine,

or newspaper

article. Tally how

many times you

find the words

that start with





If you had your own


what would you

serve? Write a

description of

your restaurant

and create a

menu with prices.

Use boxes or books to

create a ramp. Find 5 things

to roll down the ramp. What

rolls the farthest? What

rolls the shortest? Why do

things roll different


What if you change the

height or length of your

ramp? What happens?

Read the second article

from the packet and answer

the questions.

Complete additional

worksheets from this


Create a picture using only

these shapes: circle, oval,

triangle, square, octagon,


Complete the grammar

practice pages in the


Count the number of steps

you take when you walk

from the door of your

house to the street. Make 3

equations that equal the

number of steps you took.

Sort the foods in your

house. Make a T-chart of

healthy and unhealthy food

in your house.

Splash into Summer by Readworks

(Directions: Read the article and then re-read the article in order to answer the questions on the

last page of your packet).

Summer is just around the corner. It is a time when many kids swim and play

outdoors. Follow these simple steps to stay safe and have fun this summer.

1. Be Water-Wise Pools, lakes, and oceans are great places to beat the summer

heat. While you swim and play, make sure to follow water-safety rules. Always

swim with a buddy.

Quick Tips · Always swim with a buddy, never alone. Be sure an adult is watching

you while you swim.

2. Stay Sun-Safe - Being outside in warm, fresh air is fun during the summer.

Although the sun feels nice, it can be harmful. A sunburn is a burn to your skin

and can happen even in a short time.

Quick Tips · Always use sunscreen. Remember to rub it in evenly. Wear a hat or

sunglasses to protect your eyes.

3. Act Wheel-Smart In-line skating, biking, and riding a scooter are good ways to

stay healthy. It is important to follow road rules and be wheel-safe.

Quick Tips · Always wear a helmet when you ride and skate. Use wrist guards,

knee pads, and elbow pads while in-line skating.

Word Bank splash summer swim Play

safe pool lake ocean

buddy (one friend) Adult (grown up) Sunburn Sunscreen

Hat sunglasses in-line skates bike

Reading Comprehension Questions

(Directions: Please use the nouns from the word bank to fill in the blanks from the sentences

taken directly from the reading).

1a.) ______________, ________________, ______________________ are great

places to beat the summer heat.

1b.) Always swim with a ___________________. Be sure an ________________

is watching you while you swim.

2a.) A ________________________ is a burn to your skin and can happen even in

a short time.

2b.) Always use __________________. Remember to rub it in evenly. Wear a

____________ or ______________ to protect your eyes.

3a.) _____________, ______________, and riding a ________________ are good

ways to stay healthy.

3b.) Always wear a ________________ when you ride and skate. Use

_________________, ___________________, and _____________________

while in-line skating.

(Directions: Please use the nouns from the word bank to complete these sentence frames).

1.) What is the maid idea of this article? The maid idea of this article is that it is

about ________________________.

2.) What two things can you wear to protect your eyes? I can wear ____________

and _______________ to protect my eyes from the sun.

3.) What are your three favorite things about summer? My three favorite things

about summer are_________________ ,_____________, and


Why Do We Have Summer?

by Rachelle Kreisman

(Directions: Read the article and then re-read the article in order to answer the questions on the

last page of your packet).

Summer starts on the longest day of the year. We call that day the summer


Summer days are warm and long. There is more sunlight. People spend more time


Why do we have summer? Earth tilts as it travels around the sun. When Earth's

northern half leans toward the sun, that part has summer.

Summer starts in the northern half of Earth around June 21. At that time, it is

winter in the southern part of Earth. That is because the Earth's southern half is

tilted away from the sun.

Word Bank

Summer Half Tilt (to tip)

The seasons

Summer Solstice

Winter Solstice

Reading Comprehension Questions

(Directions: Please use the nouns from the word bank to fill in the blanks from the sentences

taken directly from the reading).

1. What is the summer solstice?

A. The summer solstice is the hottest day of the year.

B. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year.

C. The summer solstice is the shortest day of the year.

2. The text explains why we have summer. Why do we have summer?

A. Summer starts on the longest day of the year.

B. Summer days are warm, long, and sunny.

C. Earth tilts as it travels around the sun.

3. If the earth's northern half is tilted towards the sun, then it is summer in the north. What

season would it be in the south?

A. winter

B. summer

C. fall

4. What is the article "Why Do We Have Summer?" mainly about?

A. why we have summer

B. the northern half of Earth

C. what summer days are like

5. When it is winter in the north, it is ______________ in the south.


Please explain to a family member why the summer is warm in the north, while it is colder in

the south.

Kansas Season Sort

Write each of the words in the Word Bank in their correct season in Kansas.

Some may fit in more than one season.

Spring Summer

Fall Winter

Green grass Baby birds Pumpkins

Snowman Sprinkler Fan

Fireplace Baseball Basketball


Day (USA)

Baby animals Bare trees

Sunburn Falling leaves Thanksgiving

Sunflowers Football Planting




Icy Flowering


Circle Triangle

Octagon Oval

Rectangle Square

Shape Scavenger Hunt

Look for 5 of each of these shapes. Draw and label or write about the objects you find. Look in your home or

