High Efficiency Furnace Combustion Test · 2645 Royal Windsor Drive | Mississauga, ON L5J 1K9...


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2645 Royal Windsor Drive | Mississauga, ON L5J 1K9

905-855-3100 • 1-877-877-8841 | 905-855-3110

sales@greenenginc.com | www.greenenginc.com

Technical Report Number 30014730 REV 1

OnSpeX, a division of CSA Group

High Efficiency Furnace Combustion Test

2645 Royal Windsor Drive | Mississauga, ON L5J 1K9

905-855-3100 • 1-877-877-8841 | 905-855-3110

sales@greenenginc.com | www.greenenginc.com


Green Energy™ Technologies Inc. is the creator of the GET Green™ System. The development of this

product was generated by the demand to lower fuel consumption and lower CO emissions. To validate

our claims of lowering full consumption and lowering CO emissions, Green Energy™ Technologies Inc.

worked with OnSpeX.


OnSpeX™ is a new, value-added concept in consumer product evaluation, data management and

consulting services. Our goal is to help retailers and consumer products manufacturers quantify and

analyze the performance of products and suppliers to drive decisions that ensure customer satisfaction,

loyalty, and business success.

Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, OnSpeX™ was developed, in large part, as the result of inquiries from

major retailers and certification testing customers of CSA International. They expressed a desire for a

product performance testing service that was, quite simply, more than a testing service.

Visit them Online Annual Report at: www.onspex.com

OnSpeX is a division of CSA Group. To learn more go to www.csagroup.org


The GET GREEN® System increased the efficiency of the appliance from 89.55% to 90.97%.

The GET GREEN® System decreased the Carbon Monoxide from 8ppm to 0pmm.

The GET GREEN® System increased the temperature rise value by 5%.

The GET GREEN® System increased steady state condensate by 30.5%.

Please find the full report “Evaluation of Device FS1001.2 to the ASHRAE 103-1993 Standard” attached.
