Herald (1888-Present)/1911-1920... ·...


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\Ve are 5hort --;-on-nctp-;---su-Ikye-------=-,0" Cl,'s "a,~ma(le:earI\'_:_:=_=_=_

~----=----' - --.----------~-_.- ,,-~

Battery ~ld age can't 'beprevenfeq'_?2Jt it cmrbepostPone-r!o'

~~-O~from?gettingrh~mgti&jJ1~yOuth::- ,- -_~~ ~_-_~ -~- _~ - t-tiIlgd@::'11£1:;C1:U"~k~W.T1o:;jYfgil;s kic": ~~---- ~"._- ~_~::I~ -_---_--

b~ ~u~~~a.h~q:fe-:--:·~ .._-~- ~- - -- __. •

;l~~~e---~--Goubt-abo~---just.-what car~ is. n~eded. you oughtto drive around-:and ask us.. It's our business to kilOn:

TlWfif:-> _~th1r_=-t1l~ugbt t~ .<>,,1· ctl~JJt~-XJ1h~re~"-~de~d:====ii2~R1!Qper InsulatioI).:' It's the most iiUj)611aITt-~~-bal.b:lYiin-provemenfrnye~:'- . - - ~ A

------:::---,----- ... :"_~---:-.::§~-=-.-,--o~~~<EiFu--lbn1

----«-i. c·~. __~'"==.:_-..-.----~.-· ~~"-----'-o-'

--~--¥-:_~,20{C~_tld's--recoilI:_p~ed·,boar. ---spring=plgs by-.CoL Jack:~v~raged_$?5Un- Sie"-er's -September Ii safe, =-~

-~tive-boars- by SCHUG'S Tl~-M,. WONDER-~USTER,-'MPU-W~ .SMOOTH.JUMBO, M0I!\¥'S ~;'ASH1CfN;~d BiG' SE~:'--~~~7.~-- -.. " .- ~~TI.M!~{}~Bi{K.~ddam; threebyWONP_E:RJtU.ST.ER".Qut of;a~~ace's Kmg Joe'dam. I p~uda long.pQCe,,-' =:~~~~=~-~iGI-~E~~A~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~;~:;~~~<:~~-=­

~-QUY~:.--?c. l~~' - -.-...-.-.- QM.L~~%F-Asm€lN'~M~l~r~~~o;i;;rl-ti~~~~~bests~ns.of. _.-=-"tdal6---:1-ones~~ttgI:~diggso~eofnlSc_otomt-to----yeuf'-h~ ..My only re.ason.for sell~ Mouws;-Fashion was' e--.c

F- • _ad 'in m----:~~....:r~~r I· could not uselllfu~ld---at:-a:-l.(mg-~~n~omp- ~,_. _

,"_ E1t~hiitg-lll!!\lJ111~~~:~-~"' -~.E\ler)dhing~ight~ _

~~--.~ '~~~~Spl~~~raitl COBBecti9l1S.=------=-~ __ ~=-~--=--=~~.~.~---···-·~·;_~5 ----- - --,-- ="~_= ..._~_

±",'f~.-.;....:E.~_-=-~.~~_~.c:..__.__~.--cc=_::.'='._--=.':=::...=-"•.~-.=.-.'--..''--..' -:c-~.=-.. -••~.:.c;-.•.•~=.-:-.•=..:-'-•..•. -c.'=.=...:.-_.:...".;;-.,--'--'.'._.'--=:;.':.;;::;_.~.~...-';;;.." .. ;;-;_.•..;;;;'.'_~"..;;:_;::__~.---;;-~~~=~"=~..~.--'--.~-'--- ..~"'~.--.c--c-•.•..-.~... ",;;;;_~;--.-.-c--'•.•......"'c=•.


:-",j':~ , R. F. D.Noo'-l, Wayne, Neb.

~=£61s-:~rtH.CIDJntnghatn·andcE~.EEb~~u..G!..~_:~=~.=--c_." .....~~.. ~~~'c~~!iiIIIllTIIIIIIIIIIII~ITftmmllnllllnllmlln!nllllllllfll1l11l11l1lllllllHll1lllmmmlllmmnntl1lllflllllllllllfflllllttlllIIljItlJlllf~

tF~~!iI·.t=Way·!!·~~::: ~'_=-~-~·~~.;J~u.~-~--Y-~j-~~~.,.~..=2~J6~·.·~:~"... ,c~·.,.,

cElf#headJ-.3&SP~N,~~~ _ 7 FALL BOARS ..•4Qie~aqc~.>§ A Wonderlull~~Q9d !!.1!.I!.~ o!SpririgandFariBoai's·'-------A~~~Clio!!_ofy~p ~nimalsfrom My Het~~=s~.

~ -:.. --.- --- -~--.--_.~.-_.__.. ... ---~~- ' .....---:_~§~;:--:,:_',.<--;,--

j ,".. : .. --.- '---- '- "'.. ..," - .. - .. =-~,,,,~;'";--;~.



1912 Election_ Majorit}': 9,702

1914 Ptin>a!"Y:Re-nomina"ted by 23,591 Majorit,

Over Nearest Opponent

~_~~~§ i -------~ ~-

~,,~~:~c~l- ---------- '-~----~----'"-~~-~-.--, -;

---~~~ ---------~

1~!:f~mHlmHtg~------~- ------ - ---

,Every housewif~itt~~ne ~'!"3~-over~uliJlgh~J;!l!Ilk"!~lLtllI~week. Scoreswitl he ailding "bljlIikets" to their shoppinglisL.:..Al- _~~rg~-.stock, the-WiSe cusLomel come~ ~Jlt4 get~~i~o.. '-- :'ci-a-

'i d&m ;\Iarriott oi,Sioux City, whn at-;

_Sold by~==. _-/

, ' '

__-SOm!~~OnS ,,!~'We-RecomlDemrMogul ,Engilles'

IUllllllllUllmlllllllllllllllllllllllllilUlIlIlIlllniIIIlllllHlllUllllllllilflillllllllllllllllll1lllIillllllU~------, ,


. - . .

--rhe-.M~~--Mixer uses -kero~ne, d~ll~~~,-~ ~r -~er_ luel~th~ o;;e~----- ~QgW-~~pped with -scririceable magnetos.- ----A:s YOU-ki\ow. the

that you .can- buy the cheapest; .- i fils tTU-":~ 15_so__d~!t~ and pmected that any~ _I -magneto -is. a v~ important part of an engine M~~tos 'qSed 9n Mogul engines

¥__ --.-\:55-.;,~ ----=One can-c~f~~~~.~I~J{ on~-i[el to:a~t!ier V?i.tho~-sugmeSrlfOO~le-. ' are-of.~proven--vallre~ind=theni- yPri-'9~ence-in_ ~-ffi~ClDilll"'fu'"ffiin"'iiC"~.~~~~~~

"- T§ --- .Why doeSn't every engine operate onkero~ ;eeauSe their ~Crs have-. _ -_The Wne.-start:;-On thetn?gneto-no.battenes art,.heeaea,' No "spitUungof the• ' , __, __-~~¢_isn~~~e m,st spark iSM large and-as hOt "as ~ycifth:em. The igni--'-:t =:~ ;~::=;;~~t~~ - nOll Sj's~lliis of the-make~",;,;t,'~lar;;_~,,~~:=;~·~:':S;2'~·:'2~~==~:::;:==:p~,:,;:=,=

~dwriting on the wall ,.They -r_eali.zed' !ha!Jf you wer~-to. have cheap pow~ it T~einng-S-ar.e-.u-~-ea:·Special-~~mmn:n<k-b¢e-I1:'~~La

_·~:§~_~~-'~=~=t~-;;':~;~~~:~~:;;';:;:O;~~i:li:~o~;: .~ -~_-; :=:~fu<~:O::t=~f~ear=,::: Iar::=::~~::'::'~~_' '!~~ __= ~ an engine-tha:t~e:u~e@~-«OROmkaJ~~1;~~_--. :.-.- grade babDltt beanngs are used m all Mogul engmes. All cliankshafts and con- ----'_'-:_:.:~_o~~'_~_.....-----=--.--~t1ie:tCligm --lOilldD---~~ d'd-it--'flre::M~~~~---- - - .. ~ necting}:od_beari_·ngs·~e rem_o~able and c'anoe adjusted t~--take.upvi~:'== - - -:--~ i_5" ..-.- :~_~ ..--;~--~~--=-:: -.- ductofth.:~wlabo.,_ ..urn_gaso e.. ~_'_,_._.~£,~-~_<u_~_,~ro-:-:--------'" --==---==---- -.- - j .= .. . . Mo.gul E~es-op~~te-at-a-~---spe~ Ail om:: Motm---engmes .~~~~,.;. - ~,::".=_:±.~;;"~C;;.__-~,'. E:: " _.- . -- _ _ plied Wlth a ~ottle type governor, which not'_on1yt~t!:oJs_~speed but 1jkewise - 1---==:'." :~.~

.:- - ·:=-f---o-=------- __--·:All.:..Mogur·~n".aines~o:fou.gh1yt~ted. We-know~ e~ery engine that -W,e amolm't1:lf fu,el used by _!he_ ~e.:- ;-Y~~ can plainly: See the advantage_of this_ "-1§~

-=-~-E· i -- -lea~thef~torywill d~..Yt<t_itS.~ted horse power- at the belt,. for th~ all unoogo feature, fer if the carrying a heavY load the amount of fuel needed will be -=-~~-.:~~S i---.;- --The most rigid inspection'while being built. I?ch one is then put .on, a test bldck --; f ,9UppIied;_and on th~other ban.Q, if:the load is-light 1l small 2mOuiJ.t-o:f-fuel will be §

_--:_'~-I- ;::=~e::~':~~:~~:~v~~;:u~Of=~~~~~~~.~ures !~:~s;:~;;r;;~~~:a:;.~~!ihe spe¢alS-, -----.~ ----- - - ------ - -----0-.,- __

-~--=~==="==~V~UU~CU~-~tan_d og,~~Oe\e~f::; ::af:~~e 1~~atly eUhanc~q~ity ov~

_.=!'t._~==~~===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mso nisfribUfors}or Republic Trucks'

'--.---~Cent-ra-rGarage -~~


-c~.and the Swift" -,,--

_. What wou· you .-', who would take any or all-ofthe spokes~---w--heeH-t:tA301se-it fl-ln better?

Swift &- Company's business of-_-' getJing fresh meat to you i~ aw-heel,_'

of which the packingj)lant ,s only thehub: Retail dealers are the riIll-andSwift & Company Branch H0l\.ses are

~mI~"=~__nd:=.-~:~~~--~- -- ==!:~

+-'''--'=C~~~~:-~~=~'-J]'A--- ----~ ,,fb


lS--Duyoc Jersey Male ~igs '~ltLfons::of1\tfalfir'Hay~~_·.~~.~~
