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HENRY WHITE Blrtll: August 2 6 , 1 8 4 7 Death: 1 8 6 3 Famlly: Father - James White

Mothcr - r.l lon Whitc sibllngs - James Edson, Wllllam, John Herbert

Accomplishments: Playedlnstruments , e x c e l l e d i n s c h o o l , sang s w e e t l y .

Have you ever had an impression or dream that resulted in your sensing something was going to happen? James and Ellen White did. The Whites had been working in Michigan for a long time. Ellen wanted to return home to see the children and complete the manuscript for the third volume of Soiritual Gifts. James wanted to escort his wife home and check that the children were well. It was during a stop-over in Brookfield, New York that James White had a dream which troubled him. There was no apparent cause to worry about their three boys. Letters from Topsham, Maine stated that everyane was well. Nevertheless, both parents were troubled. They wanted to check on their boys personally.

The Whites finally arrived at the depot in Topsham, Maine on Friday, November 27, 1863. They were joyfully greeted by the three boys and their nurse. Everyone seemed to be well with the exception of Henry. He had a cold.

As the days went by it was obvious that Henry's cold had worsened. By the fourth day since his parentst return Henry's condition was diagnosed as pneumonia. Pneumonia is caused from either viruses or bacteria that attack the body and inflame the lungs. A doctor was called and he prescribed highly poisonous medicines. It


Even with the medication, Henry's health failed. The Whites and Howlands took turns caring for him. They prayed and prayed for Henry to recover. It was apparent that their prayers for his recovery were not granted. They did not give up. James and Ellen decided to talk to Henry about death. They discussed with him the possibility that he might die. It was wonderful to see Henry's faith in Jesus. He confessed to his family his regret that he did not take the christian life seriously. He knew that he did not set a good example during the time they lived in Battle Creek, Michigan. He talked to his brothers about his life and his growing commitment to God. His testimony helped his brothers cope with the eventuality of his death. Henry believed he had made peace with God and was looking forward to eternal life when he would be resurrected.

While Ellen White attended him one morning he spoke

ltPromise me, Mother, that if I die I may be taken to Battle creek, and laid by the side of my little brother, John Herbert, that we may come up together in the morning of the resurrection." AY, p. 26.


James White would often go to a private place to pray during Henry's illness. When his courage seemed to fail he would seek the Lord. On one occasion he felt so full of grief that he had to pour his heart out to God. After his session of prayer he knew that God was leading and everything would work for the best. He shared his thoughts with Henry. His son's face seemed to shine with a "heavenly smile." Henry was so weak that he could only nod and whisper, l1Yes, He will." AY, p. 27.

On another occasion he said td his father: "Father, you are losing your son. You will miss me, but donut mourn. It is better for me. I shall escape being drafted, and shall not witness the seven last plagues. To die so happy is a privilege." AY, p. 29.

Just before he died he spoke to Ellen: "Mother, I shall meet you in heaven in the morning of the resurrection, for I know you will be there."

After these words he asked his brothers, parents and friends to come to his side. He kissed each person present then pointed upwards and whispered, "Heaven is sweet." AY, p. 31. Those were his last words.

Can you imagine the sorrow each person present at Henry's death must have felt? Yes, they missed him. They admired the inner strength Henry showed through the illness. He was often in pain, often weak yet his faith


He played s e v e r a l H e enjoyed and

e x c e l l e d a t schoo l . Most impor tant ly , h e had a l o v e l y p e r s o n a l i t y . H e was humorous. He reminded h i s f a t h e r t h a t h e would be escaping t h e d r a f t t o t h e army when he d i e d . Henry a l s o c a r e d about h i s f r i e n d s . During h i s i l l n e s s he d i c t a t e d messages t o h i s B a t t l e Creek f r i e n d s . H e l i f t e d t h e i r s p i r i t s and urged them t o g e t c l o s e r t o

Henry was only 16 y e a r s o l d when he d ied . Some people may have s a i d t h a t he was t o o young. Y e t when one s e e s how much he helped h i s fami ly and f r i e n d s one can say h e d i d more i n h i s young l i f e than many people who l i v e t o be e i g h t y y e a r s of age.

What caused Henry 's i l l n e s s ? W i l l i e , h i s youngest b r o t h e r , remembered t h a t both Henry and Edson were h e l p i n g b r o t h e r S tockbr idge Howland. They were mounting c h a r t s on c l o t h i n p r e p a r a t i o n f o r s a l e s . They had a s h o r t ho l iday whi l e wa i t ing f o r c h a r t s t o a r r i v e from Boston. The b r o t h e r s would tramp down by t h e r i v e r . One day Henry decided t o t a k e a nap a f t e r h e r e t u r n e d from a t r i p t o t h e r i v e r . H e went t o s l e e p on l a y e r s of damp c l o t h s used f o r t h e c h a r t s . H e f e l l a s l e e p i n t h e d r a f t of a c o l d wind blowing through a nearby window. Thus r e s u l t e d t h e t e r r i b l e co ld .


Funeral Services

town. They arranged times with the Baptist clergy across the street. M. E. Cornell officiated at the service.

After the service the White family traveled west to Battle Creek. Henry's body was taken in a metal casket.

brother. This is what Ellen White wrote about her son in

volume three of Life Sketches: "When our noble Henry died, at the age of 16--when our sweet singer was borne to the grave, and we no more heard his early song--ours was a lonely home. Both parents and the two remaining sons felt the blow most keenly. But God comforted us in our bereavements, and with faith and courage we pressed forward in the work He had given us, in bright hope of meeting our children who had been torn from us by death, in that world where sickness and death will never come." 3LS, pp. 165, 166.


6. Why did Thomasonian and homeohydropathic medical

practice improve health care?

7. What drugs revolutionized operations?

8 . Why did heroic style doctors believe in bloodletting


9. What did t.hey use for the bloodletting procedure?

10. In 1863 and 1865 Ellen White saw two visions. What

did she learn from the visions?


ANSWER KEY Henry White

1. The Howland home in Topsham, Maine

Ellen White wanted to complete volume 3 of Swiritual Gifts. James White had a dream which troubled him.

Fell asleep on a pile of wet cloth charts by an open window through which cold wind was blowing.

He experienced a new understanding of God.

Answers will vary.

He looked forward to seeing them on resurrection morning. He would not experience the seven plagues or not be drafted.

He wrote letter of comfort to his friends.

Sweet Singer

Sang, played instruments, good student

10. Friends in Maine wanted to give a tribute. The funeral in Battle Creek fulfilled Henry's request to be buried beside his brother.
