Henry Kendall Highlights€¦ · Henry Kendall High School –highly qualified teaching and support...


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Henry Kendall High School –highly qualified teaching and support staff

Henry Kendall Highlights A centre of educational excellence

Find us at: Faunce Street, Gosford 2250 T: (02) 4325 2110 F: (02) 4323 2685 E: henrykenda-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au


Week 5 5/11-9/11/12 Yr 12 Retail, Hospitality & Primary Industries Workplacements

7/11/12 Yr 7 Immunisations (girls 3rd

HPV, all Yr 7 2nd

Hep B)

7/11/12 Yr 12 2013 HSC Assessment Information Night

9/11/12 Yr 10 English Exam

Week 6

12/11/12 Year 10 Exams

13/11/12 ESSA Online Test

14/11/12 ESSA Online Test

16/11/12 Blood Bus

Launch of a dynamic partnership between four schools in the Gosford City Learning Community Henry Kendall High has maintained a long and close association with our partner schools, Point Clare Public, Gosford Public and Gosford High. In 2012 our schools have built upon this relationship and have formed the Gosford City Learning Community, a dynamic partnership between four schools with strong reputations in our community, reputations enhanced by working cooperatively across schools and the business community in leading and guiding the development and future of education in the Gosford City. The relationships between our schools provide a vibrant learning approach from K‐12, and ensure that our schools

are an integral part of our community. We are very excited about this new collaboration which will be officially launched on Monday 5 November at the Youth Arts Warehouse (RYSS), Gosford.

This new collaboration acknowledges the importance of nurturing and celebrating the work of individual schools whilst celebrating the collective engagement of school communities, including the business community in such activities as shared vision development, problem identification, learning, and problem resolution. This essentially creates productive partnerships which see the young people in our care become valued, skilled and thriving citizens in our modern community. I would particularly like to acknowledge the work of Rebecca Bartlett and Christina Scurry in building our learning community connections.

A smooth transition for Special Education This term has seen us move into our new Special Education facilities. We have been provided with a state-of-the-art Special Education facility as a major part of the building program. Six quality new air conditioned rooms, a covered assembly area, two garden spaces, a significantly improved covered drop-off zone, a new kitchenette and therapy rooms, and a new playground space; fabulous new facilities that can only enhance our outstanding educational programs. Most importantly is how proud our students are of their new spaces, and well they have taken ownership from the outset.

What’s in store for Year 12 in 2013?

Our Year 11 students have now officially become Year 12, and have started their HSC courses. Obviously this marks the start of a demanding 12 months for both students and their families. We will be holding a HSC Assessment Information Night on Wednesday 7 November at 7pm in the library. I would encourage all 2013 HSC students and parents to attend this night. Topics will include the assessment policy, managing the HSC year, HSC and the ATAR, study strategies and managing practical course expectations.

What’s happened? ……….

Kokoda 70th

Anniversary Thank you again to those who helped make it possible for our school to attend this ceremony at the ANZAC memorial in Sydney on Thursday.

We were represented by our new Captains and Vice Captains - Arthur Pratt, Rebecca Davis, Dan Rogers and Alyssa Kale. Megan Alexander and Tahmyna Rad also attended as representatives from our SRC.

As our 2013 ANZAC Memorial Scholar nominee, Tahmyna was given the opportunity to present a speech on the significance of Kokoda and she spoke exceptionally well (pictured right). The 2 November marks the 70th anniversary of the day Australian soldiers were able to reclaim the village of Kokoda from the Japanese. Lest we forget

Recount by two Year 12 Standard English students who attended the History trip to Europe In April 2012, approximately 39 students and teachers attended a History trip to Europe for three weeks. During this time we visited the Western Front, the Somme and many more historical places. This assists in our understanding of our Module B study of Wilfred Owen, a WW1 poet who wrote touching poems about the suffering of the soldiers and their families. In our time away we attended a “platoon experience” which gave us some insight into what the soldiers experienced. This now gives us the ability to understand what the soldiers went through and the hardships they faced. By Karla Scarborough and Samantha Atkins

2 November 2012

Henry Kendall High School –highly qualified teaching and support staff

A successful trip to Bondi

Year 9 Visual Arts visited Sculptures by the Seas at Bondi on 29 October with an excursion organised by the Gosford Gallery. We found heaps of ideas and inspiration for the sculptural project

coming up early next year. Our own sculptures will be shown in a public exhibition on the Caroline Bay foreshore during May 2013.

On the lookout for artworks!!!

We are looking for artworks to display and action at the Spring Fair later in November. We will be approaching most junior students for this fantastic community opportunity and we are also looking for artworks for pre-selection for the Central Vision exhibition that the Gosford Gallery runs for Public High School students in February next year. Congratulations to Angie Bradley, Emily Chapman, Jacklyn Jauhiainen, Jemma Royston, Veronica Lee, Ashleigh Conroy, Millie Denson, Laura McOnie, Moana Wilkinson and Natasha Jack from Year 12 who we have preselected for the Central Vision exhibition. We hope that many of these artworks will be exhibited as they are excellent. All of the HSC Visual Artworks have been marked and can be collected from the artrooms please. We have no room to store these so please pick up ASAP. Well done Year 12.

A great day had by all Special Education students at the C.A.R.E.S. Bike Day

The Special Education Unit had a fantastic day out at C.A.R.E.S. (Community and Road Education Scheme) held at Central Coast Lifetime Learning Centre (CCLLC) at Palmdale last Tuesday. The students had the opportunity to gain their bike license for the day, to practise correct cycling techniques on the custom made track guided by members of the police force. The students had a great day learning some new skills and had lots of opportunity to try out the track thanks to the different assortment of bikes available.

Another great outing at the Special Olympics Tennis Day

On Monday 26 October an excited group from the Special Education Department had the opportunity to travel to Bateau Bay Tennis Centre to be trained by

local coaches supporting the Special Olympic movement (supporting those with an Intellectual Disability). The student spent the day learning new skills and hanging out with David Burke current NSW and hopefully soon to be Australia Representative at the Asian Pacific Games. It was fantastic to see the students learning from the great coaches and from David. The students will be returning to Bateau Bay for a Gala Day in December.

New structure for SRC The SRC has been busy structuring themselves internally to form a cohesive unit. Congratulations to go the following individuals that have secured themselves internal positions in the SRC: Regional SRC Members: Sharmilla Schumacher, Lauren Riley, Tahmyna Khoshnoud-Rad, Joseph Jesus Secretary: Brittany Mitchell Treasurer: Brody Gunn P & C Liaison Officer: Abbey Willcox Media Officer: Tahmyna Khoshnoud-Rad Head of Fundraising: David Garlick Entertainment Officer: Chelsea Orr Health/SPorts Officer: Jarrod Lynch Assistant to the Adviser: Lauren Riley

What’s happening? …….….

Drama students in Year 9 are throwing lots of things in the air at the moment – scarves, rings and clubs. They are studying the art of juggling and clowning in the street theatre unit this term and many are embracing the clown within. Ethan Dale and Tom Hunt lead the charge for the men while the ladies are championed by Alicia Davies and Nebelie Mutukura. This week we are experimenting with balloon sculpting in preparation for our visit to local primary school kindergarten classes where we will perform a Christmas show and share our new found skills and some balloon sculptures as parting gifts.

Year 10 Celebrates the end of their junior schooling

Year 10 students are invited to celebrate the end of their junior schooling and the transition into senior study and school leadership on Monday 10 December 2012 at the Caroline Bay Function Centre. The student-based organisation committee have been planning menus and music, so make sure you stay tuned or speak to Mr Clift for more information.

Hurry and purchase your tickets for Legally Blonde

Our Music and Drama elective students' visit to Legally Blonde is fast approaching. This is a fantastic

opportunity and at $62 for the show and bus, great value. Please purchase your tickets ASAP so that you don't miss out on securing a seat.

Henry Kendall High School –highly qualified teaching and support staff

What’s happening in the Year 8 Young Achievers class Year 8 Young Achievers are currently preparing poems on their World Heritage Site. They are enthusiastically writing sonnets.

Come and join us for a Huge Celebration on Saturday 24 November. Henry Kendall Spring Ball will be a huge celebration of all we have achieved this year and a chance to raise money for charity. Date: 24 November 2012 Time: 6.00pm – 10.00pm Venue: School Hall Price: $10.00 The whole of the extended Henry Kendall Community is invited including our students and their parents, all HKHS staff, volunteers, P & C members, business partners and Gosford Rotary. The theme is ‘OP Shop/ Over the Top’, so anything goes! The cost is $10 per person. (Parents will pay for a maximum of two children) or book a table of eight for $70. This will be a wonderful opportunity for all of us to relax and have some fun at the end of a hectic year. To help our planning would you please email me on Lindsey.goulden@det.nsw.edu.au and let me know how many tickets you will need. For full details click on the link to our website www.henrykenda-h.schools.nsw.edu.au.

Congratulations ……..

Great work Trinity Congratulations go to Trinity Carson who made it through the first round with East Gosford Lioness Club. She went well in this round with both her impromptu and prepared speeches. There were three students in this round with only two moving through and Christian Whitfield from Central Coast Grammar claimed the other spot with the East Gosford Lions Club. Her next round will be on the 14 February next year where she may well be up against Meagan Alexander, Tahmyna Khoushnod-Rad or Emily Wardle, who have yet to compete at the first round level with different clubs. Watch this space!

Congratulations to the following Year 8 Award recipients

Congratulations to the students who have received awards in the past fortnight. Year Awards: Abby Hutchins, Annalise Hegyessy, Sharmila Schumacher (3), Brooke Welsby (2) and Keshia Tester.

Annalise, Sharmila and Brooke have all received Principal’s Awards.

A couple of reminders from your friendly Administration Staff

Absentee notes – if your student is absent from school, can you please ensure a note explaining reason for absence is handed to Roll Call teacher the day the student returns. Notes can be received up to 2 weeks after the absence date otherwise the absence is recorded as ‘unjustified’.

Please write students full name and year on the note. Change of address/details – please ensure all address/phone/contact details remain up to date with the Front Office. This also includes email addresses. Year 12 Yearbooks – these need to be ordered by paying for them at the Front Office ASAP as we do not print more than are ordered.


Date Excursion Cost Permission

Note & Money Due

8/11/12 7A Young Achievers – The Australia Walkabout Wildlife

Park, Calga

$30.00 5/11/12

9/11/12 Yr 11 Society & Culture- PIP Day to be held at


$10.00 1/11/12

13/11/12 Peer Support Training (12/11/12) & at Great Aussie Bush Camp


This excursion is FREE


14/11/12 HSC D&T – Powerhouse Museum

$25.00 + approx

$10.50 for train fare


15/11/12 SRC – Citizenship Ceremony

Free 15/11/12

Henry Kendall High School –highly qualified teaching and support staff
