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Love Letters From God

Open Your Heart

E-Volume 1

Gloria Wendroff

© The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries 2005 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556

Email gloria@heavenletters.org Visit www.heavenletters.org

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Winner of Chelson 2004 Inspiration Book Award from Amazon.com

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Table of Contents

ForewordA Note about GenderDedicationAcknowledgmentsGod’s IntroductionHeavenlettersAfterword

100 Heavenletters

1. God Speaks......................................................................1 2. The Beginning of Responsibility ....................................3 3. The Ship You Ride ..........................................................5 4. A Red-Letter Day ............................................................8 5. Comfort, Change, and Commitment ............................ 10 6. That Which Is Constant ................................................ 12 7. Trust in the Driver of the Bus Named Truth ................ 15 8. The Vision of Oneness................................................... 17 9. The Simple Youngest Son ............................................. 19 10. How Truth Is Grasped .................................................. 21 11. Watcher of Life.............................................................. 24 12. Follow Your Star ........................................................... 26 13. Open Up the Heavens ................................................... 28 14. Individuality ................................................................. 30 15. Your Will, God's Will.................................................... 32 16. Shine!............................................................................. 35 17. The Innerness of Being ................................................. 37 18. Ready for God Right Now ............................................ 39 19. The Open Door of Your Heart...................................... 41 20. Eternal Patience ............................................................ 43 21. Ride the Wave of God ................................................... 46 22. Give Up Hero Worship 1 .............................................. 49


23. Give Up Hero Worship 2 .............................................. 51 24. Give Up Hero Worship 3 .............................................. 54 25. God's Will or Thine? ..................................................... 56 26. Sun, Stars, Moon, Rivers............................................... 58 27. Willingness for God's Will............................................ 60 28. It Is for You to Hear God .............................................. 62 29. Spontaneous.................................................................. 64 30. God's Presence, God's Light ......................................... 66 31. Boundless ...................................................................... 68 32. Your Flight to Greatness ............................................... 70 33. An Instance of Eternity................................................. 72 34. The Past 1 ...................................................................... 74 35. The Past 2 ...................................................................... 76 36. Oneness on the Dance Floor of Life.............................. 78 37. God's Light Shines in You............................................. 80 38. Know Your Abundance ................................................ 82 39. Movie of Your Life ........................................................ 84 40. Understanding Isn't What You Need ........................... 86 41. Align with God.............................................................. 88 42. The Treasure-Giver ....................................................... 89 43. The Golden Ladder of Truth......................................... 93 44. True Gold 1 ................................................................... 95 45. True Gold 2 ................................................................... 97 46. Unseduce Yourself ........................................................ 99 47. To Fly on Earth............................................................ 101 48. The Tide of God .......................................................... 103 49. God First...................................................................... 105 50. Clued In to God........................................................... 107 51. The Present Moment................................................... 109 52. God In Truth ............................................................... 111 53. Godlight Reflected...................................................... 113 54. Christ Never Asked Permission .................................. 115 55. Nurture Freedom ........................................................ 117 56. Let God's Answers Come Like Quiet Snow ................ 119 57. Say Hello to God ......................................................... 121


58. Intention ..................................................................... 124 59. No Ownership, Attachment, Nor Fear of Loss............ 126 60. Surrender .................................................................... 128 61. Human Holy Light ...................................................... 130 62. Know God in Your Heart............................................ 132 63. He Awaits You ............................................................ 134 64. Serve the Server of All ................................................ 136 65. Christ, the Wayfarer ................................................... 138 66. One God 1.................................................................... 140 67. One God 2.................................................................... 142 68. The Starlight of Knowledge........................................ 143 69. Live the Life You Have................................................ 145 70. The Unforeseen Journey 1 .......................................... 147 71. The Unforeseen Journey 2 .......................................... 150 72. For God Only............................................................... 152 73. Stars and Flower Seeds................................................ 155 74. The Seventh Sense....................................................... 157 75. How to Bless ............................................................... 159 76. Beliefs Are Embedded Ideas ....................................... 161 77. Surrender to God Like the Earth to the Sun............... 164 78. Be the Greatness that You Are.................................... 167 79. The Games of Life........................................................ 169 80. Persimmons................................................................. 171 81. God Paints a Picture.................................................... 173 82. The Vastness of Truth.................................................. 175 83. The Possibilities of Yes................................................ 177 84. Be True to Yourself ..................................................... 180 85. The Silence of Love ..................................................... 181 86. The Fiction of Ideas..................................................... 183 87. The Tide of Love 1....................................................... 185 88. The Tide of Love 2....................................................... 188 89. Faith, Miracles, and Christ.......................................... 190 90. Your Journey .............................................................. 192 91. One Love ..................................................................... 194 92. Our One Love.............................................................. 196


93. How to Take a Vacation in the Midst of Your Life..... 198 94. Be Like New-Fallen Snow ........................................... 200 95. With God..................................................................... 202 96. Take Responsibility .................................................... 204 97. Give to God ................................................................. 206 98. God's Mission.............................................................. 208 99. God's Vision, God's Truth........................................... 210 100. Commitment ............................................................... 213


Foreword “Open your heart.” About six years ago, I heard those words in a yoga class. The instructor was demonstrating how to stretch in a particular pose. She explained that we need to open our hearts physically and emotionally – to find our connection to the Divine. I quickly began to feel the difference that takes place when you begin to open your heart. The transformation is profound. I still have a long way to go, but I know that the journey to opening your heart is a journey worth taking. Once you start that journey, you will never turn back. Some of you may already know the delight of opening your heart. Others might be thinking that this is just about warm and fuzzy feelings that have little application to your day-to-day lives. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I am an extremely practical guy. I would not be interested in opening my heart, unless I could feel and see tangible benefits from doing so. When you open your heart, you feel healthier and more energetic. When you open your heart, you gain a sense of calm you never experienced before. When you open your heart, you connect more easily and more deeply with others. When you open your heart, you’re a magnet for positive things in your career. When you open your heart, you begin to learn your true nature – love. How does one develop an open heart? You could take yoga classes. You could meditate regularly. And, you can read God’s precious Heavenletters. I start each day by reading at least one Heavenletter. It opens my heart. I get a feeling of love inside of me that I can extend to others. I re-connect with my Divine Source. I’m reminded to loosen the bonds of my ego. And I need that reminder every day! Heavenletters awaken your possibilities. Heavenletters give you a glimpse into your grandeur. In today’s world, there are many distractions that keep us from opening our hearts. Violence. Terrorism. Cynicism. Judgment. Comparison. Ego. The


list goes on and on. It’s very easy to think that these distractions are part of the “real” world. Heavenletters teach us that this is not the “real” world. The world described in Heavenletters is the “real” world and we can only live in that glorious world by connecting to the Divine. We all long to come into contact with our true nature, which is love. What follows is an excerpt from one of the Heavenletters in this magnificent book. Let Gloria’s divinely inspired words invite you to join the journey of opening your heart: God said: “Reach out to Me today in the chambers of your heart. Come within. Put your hand over your heart so you can focus on My presence within your heart. Travel to this moment of Our Oneness and let your heart beat to the pulse of Mine. It is like setting your watch. Set the timer of your heart. Set your heart to say, ‘Awake to God, for He wishes me to know Him.’“ Wishing you many blessings, Jeff Keller Author, Attitude is Everything


A Note about Gender

Before you begin, I’d like to say about gender as it appears in Heavenletters™.

You will see that God is referred to as He. Of course, this is not meant to limit anyone’s conception of God.

Here is what God Himself says:

“I am the God the Father and God the Mother. But I am neither male nor female, and I am both. I am All. Male and female are energies. He and She are manners of Speaking. All words are metaphors for the energy they represent.”

“If you call to Me as Mother Divine, I bear that in mind in My answer. But it is you who calls Me Mother Divine or Father God.” “I am I, no matter what form you like Me to be in. How you address Me is up to you. It doesn’t matter to Me. You matter to Me, and I will respond to you heart.”



Open Your Heart, the first E-book of 100 Love letters from God, is lovingly dedicated to you, all the beautiful Heavenreaders who appreciate God’s letters and joyously spread His words across the universe. You have been messengers of God. Heavenletters™ have to be shared, and you are the ones who came forth to receive them. Thank you for giving your hearts to these Divine expressions of God’s Love.


Acknowledgments The idea for making e-books of every Heavenletter™ was Jeff Keller’s. Not only was it his idea, he spurred it forward, guiding us every inch of the way. Thanks also to the kind souls who proofed so conscientiously, Casey, Joie, Lauri, and Elise. A most special and huge thanks to Kirt McCurdy, Heaven’s volunteer webmaster, who has spent tireless hours in gathering these 100 Heavenletters™ and formatting them to perfection. Kirt has devoted hours and hours in pure service to God, and this is just the beginning – nineteen more e-books to go! Any of us who devote ourselves to Heavenletters™ can only do it because it is God’s work and because our hearts are full with gratitude for all that God does bestow so generously on us. And to all of you who have opened your hearts to this first e-book – many thanks and blessings.


God’s Introduction

The heart of what I give you in these messages is not the message itself. What you extract from My letters may be succinct and wonderful, but it is only a thimbleful of what I give you. I pour down love upon you and a certain lyric wisdom far more than any words you extract.

My messages here are far more than their message.

Messages are not enough. Knowing all the messages in the world is not enough. The message I give you is more than any synopsis of it. What I give you cannot be defined. The heart of My messages cannot be contained in words. The words are peripheral to My heart.

There is nothing for you to learn here but to be with Me.

Would you not sit down with Me? We do not have to speak, or We can engage in idle chatter, or We can talk in circles, or We can hit the nail on the head. What does it matter? It matters that We sit together. We are together for the engagement of Ourselves. We sit and hold hands. That is enough. A few moments with Me goes a long way. You do not necessarily know what you take away from Our meeting.

Be My love, won’t you?

What is My message here for you today? Forget about it. Just be with Me, and allow Me to take you places. Do not sit up so straight. Do not take notes. Just rest in Me.

Let Me tug at your heart. Let Me weave whatever I weave. Let Me pat your brow. Let Me pull worry lines away. Let Me enjoy these few moments with you. What are you in a rush to learn? What must you complete so soon? Just abide with Me.

Give Me your heart, not your mind. There is enough mind in the world and perhaps not enough heart. In any case, I ask for your heart. I wish to entwine it with Mine. Let Our hearts rub elbows. Sit down with Me a while.



God Speaks

God said:

Today you will sit back and be receptive and learn. Today you will put

yourself aside and listen to Me. You do not need your agendas anymore.

You were born attached to your mothers so that you could dis-attach yourself and learn your Oneness with Me. You don't have to go anywhere. You do not have to distance yourself. You separate to learn there is no separation. Only, you have attachment to separation.

You have been attached to your individuality, and now you will make way for Me.

You are all pure receptacles of My love. Receptacles are containers. A receptacle receives and holds, not in order to keep, but to be emptied. As a receptacle of My love, you pour Me out. You don't have to do much. You only have to bend a little, tip a little, and My love will flow of Itself. Yes, you will be a pure receptacle of My love.

Pure does not mean what you think it means. It does not mean that you are perfect in the eyes of the world, that you eat perfect foods, behave perfectly. You, of yourself, cannot behave what you call perfectly, because the individuality you are attached to knows so little and understands even less.

You will go higher today. You will leave your past behind. You will not depend on your past so much anymore. You are making way for Me, and to do that, you (that which you imagine to be you) must get out of the way. That is all you have to do. Move over. Then you allow Me.

The receptacle thinks he is the owner of his contents. But a receptacle is not an owner. He is a conveyer. He holds only in order to convey. The contents are not for himself. A receptacle is poised and ready to surrender what it has held. The receptacle does not hold on but lets go.

I am Purity. And you become the pureness of love you are meant to be by letting go of your individual sense of ownership. Your individuality that you prize so much holds you back. You think it is your importance, but it is


your trial and tribulation. You think it is your doorway, but it is boarded over with your attachments.

The individual does not want to change. He may say he does. He wants that which is around him to change perhaps, as he sees fit, but he really wants to hold himself to himself as he already is, or as he thinks he already is. He wants to capture the world to him rather than opening himself to it.

No more holding on. Instead, allow Me to enter and dispense the love you have been holding in store for Me.

Today get out of the way of yourself. You are not the topic. I am the

topic. The world of life is Mine.

You have flanked the world. Now I tell you to enter it. And enter into it as you came. You came with nothing but Me. You came with My faith in you. Now you learn your faith in Me. Be innocent.

You did not come with suitcases. You did not grasp. Your hand was open, and so you had everything to give.

You contain everything still. All is contained within you. But you look to the outside to fill you. You are already full. You have Me within you. Know it. Let My thoughts be yours.

Today awaken to your holiness.

Pettiness is a pretense. It is not truth.

Today you are learning what “Thy Will be done” means.

At present you dig the earth with your fingers, and all the while there is a huge Mover at your disposal. You shovel with a stick when you only have to allow Me to open the earth. You draw fantasies with your stick and complain about what you have fantasized and question it and worry it from every which direction and ask for every description and analysis of it so that your will can be done, and, all the while, your will is a little stick.

Join with My Will and come from a higher wider place of great Truth and great Love. Do you really think the finite can overtake the Infinite? Be not attached to your small world. Open to Mine. Open to Heaven, for I have poured it into you.



The Beginning of Responsibility

God said:

My dear children, the first thing you must do is remove the sentence, "I just can't" from your vocabulary. What you think, you encourage. What you say, you incur. What you repeat, you strengthen. Listen to the statements you make. Listen to your slogans. Listen to the advertising that you give yourself.

Whatever it may be that you "just can't", you must. It may not mean you have to do it, but it does mean you have to stop bowing to it, and you may have to do what you fear to do. Look at it, and see its folly. What particle of ego is making you think you can't?

You promulgate, "It is too much for me." You see a huge cliff before you. As you continue to avoid it, it grows bigger, manufactured in your mind. The great divide grows bigger as you kowtow to it.

What are your statements that, from this day forward, you will recant? This is the beginning of assuming responsibility for yourself. Begin to think differently. Notice the roadblocks you set for yourself and kick them out of the way.

You are graduating now. You are being promoted to first grade. In the school of Heaven, that is a great accomplishment. You are being given the choice to leave kindergarten and enter first grade. In first grade, you have subject matter. You learn things. In kindergarten you played so you could be ready to learn things. I say you are ready.

And what you are learning now is to undo false premises that have substantiated your life.

From now on it is yours to speak truth, to yourself and to others. Speak the truth of God which is the only truth there is. The truth is you have the power to call on angels to light your way. The truth is angels already light your way. You have no excuses any longer.

You are entering a world where fear is seen as fiction and is put down like a book that no longer interests you.


Put down your fears like a card you place on the table. Don't spend your time looking at the card. Deal it face-down, and know it is not yours to mull over. It is not yours at all. It is not to be examined. It is to be put down.

Now you take another deck of cards which is not of fears but of strengths, and this is the deck of cards you look at now. These are the cards that strengthen your hand. These are the cards that you play. These are My gifts to you.

You hold a strong hand. Now you honor your strengths instead of imagined weakness. This is your assignment today. Today, as you watch what you say, you strengthen others.

You are stepping out of the past and entering the new.

I will help you.

You are shedding old skin. You are shedding old devices. You are shifting into gear. You are getting ready to open your world. You are opening it. You are cleaning your glasses so that you let yourself see truth.

All the subterfuges you have put in front of you. All the subterfuges to keep you from seeing – put aside now. No longer kid yourself that you need them.

You are starting a different journey.

You empty the sack of stones you have long carried.

And now you pick up only the gems to carry. Why carry anything else?

You are on earth to collect gems in your life. You pick up truth now, not false glitter.

Dispense with the trinkets, and wear truth.

You are not your fears. Your fears are not you. You borrowed them, and now it is time to give them up. No longer imagine that you require crutches made of fear. You can walk without them. You can walk better without them.

Feel My strength go through your bones. Feel My love in your heart.

Clear the way for Me to sing My song through you.



The Ship You Ride

God said:

The ship you ride on is My heart.

Think of it.

My heart cannot be separated from My vision. They are one and the same.

As you see, you are. You encompass all you see.

See Me.

Enliven Me.

Light My path on earth.

Giants walk the earth, and they are you.

You are greatness encapsulated into a human form.

Find out Who you are.

See bigger.

Do not accept the limits of your human form.

That is what you have been doing.

No longer accept limits.

Unlimit yourself.

I put no limits on you.

I never did, and I don't now.

What limit do you think that the Limitless can put?

You are not confined to your human form.


That is not the extent of you.

I am the Extent of you.

You are the song I sing.

You are the note I play.

How can you accept less than magnificence for yourself?

Cease believing in limits.

There are none but those in which you believe.

Your heart can travel anywhere.

Your heart can take you everywhere.

Your heart expands your mind.

Your mind accepts limits. Your heart knows better. In your heart of hearts, you know the vastness of this enterprise of life that you have set forth on.

Remove your clinging to limits as you would a vine that has wrapped itself around you.

You have been clinging to the vine of limits. Cling now to the vastness of no limits. Nothing limits you. Do you hear this? Nothing limits you.

Adherence to old ways blocks your view. Look to your motivation. Look to greatness and not selfishness.

Look to Me and you will abandon smallness. Selfishness is nothing but small vision.

You haven't been seeing far enough.

You haven't really seen what is right in front of you either.

Be a sighted human Being.

Eat the loaf of life. Know what you have been given. Accept what you have been given. You have been given everything. And you have accepted a small crust of it. That is rude rather than grateful.

Grateful isn't an emotion. It is a seeing.


See that which you have been given and then you will be magnanimous. Gratitude is seeing the treasures heaped upon you. Ingratitude is not seeing.

The change to make today is in your seeing. Then you can begin your life as it was given to you.

Splendid, splendid are your opportunities.

You have been given a grant from Heaven. How will you use it? This is the question. How do you want to use it? I will tell you.

You want to use it vastly.

You do not want confines of anything.

Be unconfined.

Open your heart like beating wings, and see where it takes you. It takes you to Me, and that is gratitude in the life you have been granted. Take wing on gratitude.

Gratitude is awareness.

If you do not see the food, how will you eat?

See the table set before you, and avail yourself of it.

You are My gift. I have given you. I haven't given you for nothing. I have given you for something, and that something is Greatness. Accept the possibility of what I say. I say you are My magnificence. Accept the title I give you. The title I give you is your Identity. Accept no other.

You live in a world bigger than you know.

You are not held to time and space.

You are held to Great Love.

Be that which you are.

I name you Love. I appoint you Love. I appoint you Mine. And I set you forth to till the field. Till hearts. Till your own.

Accept the title I give you. Accept, Child of God.



A Red-Letter Day

God said:

You moan about the past.

You see the months of wonderful Heavenletters based on questions and My answers to those specific questions – and now I interrupt. I say, Put them aside. I interrupt your planned course, and give you another, and you hold on and think: "What about all of God's messages written down? Who is going to see them? Where will they go? All of God's beautiful words of love and wisdom!" You long for the world to see them, and you weep for their anonymity.

My love is not lost. My wisdom is not lost. Words written down are not yet seen. That is all. But they were written and their love directed, and the world lit up. But that was yesterday, and today is today.

Have My love now. My attention has moved on, and so must yours. It is a question of My attention, and My attention now is on your speeded-up growth, not on your holding on. Holding on to what you thought, even if from last night, is nevertheless holding on to the past. Holding on to what you expected yesterday is the same as holding on to a former love. Everything has moved on. What you wanted yesterday is no more relevant that what you wanted ten or twenty years ago.

You are digging up the present, not the past. Do not keep digging in the same place.

When you follow Me, you have to move fast, because I move fast. My vision encompasses Entirety and does not get stuck anywhere.

Now you walk faster through life. Now you don't hold yourself back anymore.

You are skipping past the illusion of time and entering the present.

Stick with Me. Don't stick to the past of even yesterday. Not even to the past of an hour ago. Your past vision is not your security. Your security is My


vision, and you are opening up to it, to My vision, to My expansiveness. You are stepping out of your enclosures.

This is a red-letter day. Today is.

Do not ask yourself what your attention has been on.

Ask yourself, "Where is God's attention?"

Then say to yourself, "That's where I will put mine."

You know that My attention is not on what Susie said to you yesterday or what Donald did or on the keys you lost or the toe you stubbed. My attention is on you on a far larger scale.

I am opening your life right now. I am not closing it. I do not pause. I walk swiftly, and I say, "Come with Me."

Do not meander. Enough of where you have been. Now comes more. Now comes your beautiful heart beating next to Mine.

Think of My progress, and help Me to help you progress. Be My willing companion of this moment.

You do not know where I will take you. You do not need a designated route. You do not need to ask questions. You do not need dates of arrival and so forth. The date of your departure is right now. This is when you come with Me. Don't worry. I know where We are going. I know Our destination. I know Our stopping-off places. You will know when We get there. Must you know beforehand? And must you keep looking back to see where you have been?

Keep your eye on Me. Follow Me. Faith is your holding My hand and keeping up. You know I can see.

You tend to think that where you have been is safe. You don't even know what safe means. With Me is safety. The Unknown is your haven. But, in truth, there is no Unknown. There is just your fear of stepping forward.

You do not have to see ahead of time anymore than you have to see the past. Certainly do not look at the past over and over again. Have you not spent enough time on the past? Come forward now. I call you.



Comfort, Change, and Commitment

God said:

Dear Children, you do not need to be comfortable. Comfort is stasis.

You do not need to be uncomfortable either. Uncomfortable comes from control. When you have to be in control, you feel uncomfortable because control is resistance. Give up your control, and comfort and discomfort will be things of the past. They are of the past.

You not only have been wanting a smooth ride. You have been wanting a free ride. You want transformation, but you do not want change. You want what you want when you think you are supposed to have it.

Think more about Me.

Today we are talking about comfort, change, and commitment. What are you committed to? To your word or Mine? To be committed to My word, you have to move faster than you have been. And what is that but change?

When you are committed to Me, you do not have to catch up. You do not need everything in place. Indeed, with commitment to Me, the usual run of things will be disturbed. Ask yourself what you are holding on to.

My children are compulsives. You want everything arranged the same way. You think you are a settler, when in truth you are a nomad. You set the table of life a certain way, and that is how you think it must be. When the table is arranged differently, you feel out of sorts because you did not rearrange it. And you protest. You feel you have been thrown out of your warm home. You feel you have been catapulted out of where you are supposed to be to a place you are not yet ready for. Who is it that says you are not ready? Not I.

Consider yourself ready. Consider yourself already changed. Consider yourself committed to Me and not what you have always thought. Consider yourself uncommitted to the ways of the world.


Move up to a bigger realm all ready for you. As soon as you enter, you are ready. You will not be ready until you do enter. Hesitation has to do with what and Whom you are listening to.

You are flowers blooming in the Sun, and you say to the Sun: "Wait! I'm not quite ready to bloom. Wait. You're making me bloom too fast." But Who is it that sets the rate of your growth. Is it you? Who is it that pulls on the golden cord that unites Us? When you do, you are pulling back. When you allow Me to pull, you keep up with Me. Abandon resistance.

Loose your hold on your bonds. Be not committed to your bonds. Be not comfortable in bondage. Be comfortable in freedom. Bondage is small. Freedom is large.

Why am I, Who sits in the Absolute Stillness of Being, asking you to change? Because it is next.

When I ask you to let go, what am I asking you to change to?

The letting go is the change. Let go, and then you move up. You have been hiding from My vision, and I tell you that it is yours. The smallnesses that preoccupy you are not My vision. They are your turning away from Me.

I invite you to come with Me, and you hesitate. You say you are not sure. You say you have to be certain. I say I am certain.

It is a slight turning of your heart that is asked for. You think it is something huge. Your fear makes it huge.

Fear and stubbornness are not of God. They are of the world.

You are meant to be a great artist. You are not meant to be a copier.

Your life is your artistry.

Be true to My sights. Come to My vision. Leave the horizon you have seen all your life. Accept the Horizon I bequeath to you. You were made for greatness. Let go of what you thought, and accept My thought and My vision and My love for you that ask you to come with Me on a wonderful journey in which you must leave your attachment to yourself behind.



That Which Is Constant

God said:

Dear Beloveds, what you feel matters, but it is insignificant.

Remember that what you feel and following your heart are not equivalent. It is My heart you follow. And My heart does not get caught on the little things that enter and surround your feelings. Consider your feelings no more and no less than ego. If they are only yours, they are ego.

That which does not belong to Me is ego. Call it what you will. Call it sensitivity. Call it honor. Call it respect. If it is not Mine, it is ego.

Abandon your ego.

It is not your strength. It is your weakness. I am your strength.

Embrace Me, not ego.

I am your Champion. Ego is not. Ego is for itself, not you.

I am for you.

Let Me be your God, no other.

There is no other.

So let truth be.

Do not embellish it.

Do not dress it up.

Be it.

Be One with Me in Love.

It is smallness you must get out of.

You think that is hard.


But it is easier to choose big than small.

It is easier to choose the Ever-Present than the illusion you imagine.

Imagine something else. Imagine truth. Imagine Me. Imagine that you are the Greatness I say you are.

Stand taller.

Assume truth.

Today you will do something that you never did before.

To do this, you will open your way of looking at things. You will open to My way of looking at things.

The world talks about random acts of kindness.

They are not random.

Nothing is random.

What may be random is when you listen to Me.

Make That-Which-Is-Constant yours.

Abandon randomness.

What will you do for Me today? Anything?

Do not do for individuals. Do for Me.

In doing for Me, you may do for individuals.

But put not individuals ahead of Me.

You are loosening your individuality.

Others must loosen theirs.

The story of the seeming beggar who comes to the door and who is actually Christ is really the story of your being One with all. You do not ignore the Christ. It is Christ you do for. It is not the beggar you do for. By your recognition of Christ in another, you know yourself. Christ is the God in human man. The story means that individuality keeps you stuck. Get used to seeing Me.


Let's reverse the story. Perhaps the beggar at your door does not know he is Christ. But you know he is. And it is the beggar who may have to discover the Christ within you (the host who came to the door) before he sees it in himself.

Look not to individuality, for that is what you will see. Look not to individuality, for that is what you will teach. Look for God, and your recognition of Me will become your visitor's as well.

You are magnets of thought.

How powerful you are.

Today you will cast a light upon the world.

You will cast it on the God within one individual.

You will look into someone's eyes, and you will change their life forever. This happens because I will be looking out through your eyes. Allow Me to see through your eyes. Allow Me.

That which you do for another you do for Me. That which you do for another you also do for yourself, for the other's eyes will reflect the sight you give them.

The stranger who comes to your door is most certainly Christ. And the one who greets him at the door is also most certainly Christ. And there is no door. There is no one on one side and another on the other. All of that is illusion. All of that is learned reasoning. What is true does not have to be learned. It has to be allowed. Unlearn reasoning, and truth will be evident.

Can you still look at the world as you have always looked at the world? Can you still be the consciousness you were an hour ago? Can you still be a stranger to Me or to one another? You are friend to man, so be it.



Trust in the Driver of the Bus Named Truth

God said:

My Beloveds, whenever you feel struggle, it is because you protest. Whenever you feel suffering, it is from struggle. You may think you are trying to understand, but you are trying to hold on. You don't have to understand. If I waited for you to understand it all, I would have to wait longer than I do.

God holds you, and you kick and scream.

Every time you say "God, but –" you are protesting. You cannot reason with Me. You know not reason. You cannot talk me into or out of. I do not need your approval. You need your surrender.

Earth is rising to Heaven, and you cannot stay the same as you were. You cannot stay behind. You cannot. You have to rise. You have to rise to Me.

Part of you wants to say: "Dear God, please don't rush me. Give me a little bit more time to stay just as I am. I am afraid of losing myself. I am afraid I will disappear."

And I am telling you that you are not your perceptions. When your used-up perceptions disappear, you will appear. You cannot disappear when you have not yet appeared. Letting go of smallness is not your disappearance. You never were the limits you set for yourself. I am telling you to appear. Walk out of the past assumptions you have held on to so dearly.

You say, "But, God, I have to know where I am going. I have to know what I am doing."

And I say, "You do not."

It is one of your old perceptions that you must know where you are going. It is an old perception that you ever did know where you were going. You never did know that you would be where you are now, doing as you are now. You do not know how you got here. Gloria does not know why she writes My words, and you do not know why you read them.


Accept that you do it for Me. Accept that your life is not yours. It is not yours alone. It is Mine.

I have grand plans in store for you. Left to your own devices, you might pass them by.

Do not struggle to know what My plans are, and do not struggle against them.

You are not rising to war. You are rising to peace.

You will not drift as you rise to peace. I am setting your course, and there is nothing you have to do but let go of past predictions and past everything. You are stepping out of the past. Wouldn't you like to be free of all the bonds that have kept you chained?

I do not chain you. I free you.

You have to know the difference between being chained and the loosening of the chains. Knowing that difference is faith in Me. The chains never were, except that you thought so.

Nothing holds you back but your previous perceptions. And your previous perceptions are based on lack of faith in Me. Choose faith in Me. You have waited long enough for faith.

Consider Faith a bus you have been waiting for. The bus won't stop unless you flag it down. And then you have to step up into the bus. You have to take the bus. It won't take you anywhere until you present yourself.

So, get on a bus named Faith, and trust in the Driver that He knows where He is going and that He will take you to the right place. Trust the faith that is in you. Accrue to it. Faith is yours. You have the token in your heart. Get on.



The Vision of Oneness

God said:

It has been said that We are One.

And you say, “Yes, yes.”

But you don't believe it. Not for one minute do you really believe it. You see differences between Us too vast to reconcile.

You know that I am not going to alter Myself. I am not going to become more like you. I am not going to adopt your ways. Well, then, you must adopt Mine. We will decrease the division between Us. You will become so close to Me, you will be adjunct. You will blend into My way. You will see no other.

You will see the Horizon I do.

Your eyes will telescope. You will ride on the waves of My vision. You will abandon near-sightedness. You will take off the lenses you have been wearing. You do not need them. You wore them because you wanted to see only so far. You wanted to embrace smallness, and so you converted your eyes to it. Now you will accept the lens I give you. I give you My eyes with which to see.

What you see, you can follow.

You are afraid to enter Paradise because you feel you may be tricked in an unfair barter. But not seeing Paradise – that was the trick you perpetuated upon yourself. The world winked at you, and you accepted its folly. You denied yourself Truth by choosing a lesser reality, and magnifying it until that was all you saw.

As you leave the past behind you, past perception, past concepts, past limitedness, you enter free territory. I say free territory instead of Kingdom of Heaven, because you will disbelieve Kingdom of Heaven at this moment, so I say free territory so you may dispense with your disbelief for one moment.

Do you believe that you may be freer with greater eyesight? Do you believe that greater vision means expanded life? Do you really want the self-


restrictions of the past? Or do you dare (what you only imagine is daring) release yourself from bounded vision? What if you peeled off your blinders, and walked out of the old space you occupied?

What if you accepted My vision and My words. What if you believed what I say?

What might happen? What would happen? Think of these possibilities, and let the possibilities enter your heart, and your vision will go farther.

You can expand your vision in dribs and drabs, or you can expand it immediately. You are not powerless. You are powerful.

Accept the possibility that you have powers that you can unleash.

Accept the possibility that you no longer need the blinders you have so happily worn. Take them off. See everything. See where you want to fly to. Soar.

When you do see with My vision, you will not hesitate to go forward.

When you do see through My eyes, you will not cling to the past.

You would not cling to the jewels of Heaven either, for you would have no need for clinging.

One who is free does not cling. He is free. And he frees others. He takes off his chains, and in so doing, all others' chains are unlocked. When you do not see chains any longer, it will be easier for others to give them up.

But I do not say it is hard for you. You say it is hard.

I say you have no choice, but you say, "God, maybe I can hang on to my old ways just a little longer."

I say you are responsible.

I say, "Whom are you listening to?"

And you realize you are listening to fears.

You hold them dear.

I say, "Poof," and We shall see what happens to your fears.



The Simple Youngest Son

God said:

My children, believe in yourself.

That is the same as saying: Believe in the messages you receive from Me. Believe in your hearing. Believe in the impulses you receive. Listen to the drum-beat of your heart.

Your heart is not old habits. Old habits are of the mind, telegraphed to the body. The heart is ever new.

The heart will tell you when to turn left and when to turn right. The heart will tell you where to turn. The heart will not wait. The heart does not have to think about it. This is not whim We are speaking about; it is heart direction.

Something will feel right, and something else won't. Not conscience that you have been taught and learned, that is not it. It is more like you have had your finger on a water spout. With your finger on the tap, the water does not go straight. Take your finger off, and the water bubbles true. You don't have to think to know the difference. Let impulses bubble through you, and there will be no time lapse and no uncertainty.

There will not be wondering. There will be receiving. There will be hearing.

In the olden stories, the son set out on his journey, and he arrived at his destination. He had no delineated map. But he set out, and he kept going. He met this one and that one, and he had help along the way. He found his princess and he found his treasure. He did not know the lay of the land. He did not know where his treasure lay, but he set out on his journey without delay and was true to his heart.

He had help along the way. Sometimes he received good advice. Sometimes it was false. He had to learn to always listen to truth beyond the words of advice. He had to believe his heart and believe in his heart in order to listen to it.


The truth is that I was guiding his travel, and his destination was assured. And his journey was the listening to his heart and entering a golden realm where all the treasures lay. His journey was a journey. A journey is a letting go and an entering into newness.

He had everything he needed for his journey. He had his heart of gold, and the beckoning of his destination.

Often in the stories, it is the simple youngest son who finds the treasure. The older sons know too much, and so they lose out. They had preconceived ideas, and they went in the wrong direction. They set out to vanquish rather than discover. But the youngest son, newer to the world, has a pure innocent heart and his eyes greet the world. The innocent son has not yet learned to distrust his pure heart or to know better than it.

In the eyes of the world he was often considered simple, ignorant, naïve, foolish, and laughable. The elder son was considered wise in the ways of the world, and the world was confident in him and not in the innocent son. The elder son was confident in himself. The younger son was confident in his journey.

The older sons in the stories symbolize the intellect. The simple youth symbolizes the heart. So these stories are stories of mind and heart.

The intellect will not take you where you want to go. The intellect is a detour. It detains you.

The heart will take you where you are already going.

Do not try to outsmart your heart.

And do not keep the attention of your heart on small things, what to eat and what to wear. Your heart wants bigger choices to make. It wants its journey. It doesn't want to stop too much along the way, for your journey seeks itself.



How Truth Is Grasped

God said:

Not what you want, but what I know.

Not what you crave, but what I give you.

Not what you fear, but what you love.

Look at what I know, what I give you, and what you love.

Then you will know as I do know, and you will give as I do give, and you will know the essence of you which is love unmitigated, love full-blown as it continues to find itself along the way.

Another name for love is acceptance. Another name for acceptance is seeing. That is how truth is grasped, by seeing and receiving.

Heretofore, you accepted pain more easily than truth. Can you tell Me that you haven’t?

Heretofore, you accepted the immediate more readily than the Immutable Eternal Truth I give.

The mirror you have looked in has been distorted. Look at Me, and you will see true reflection. The wavy lines are not truth.

Close your eyes, and see truth. Close your eyes, and see light.

You are a spark of light. And you are to ignite other sparks of light. Ignite them. Know that you carry the Light so that others may see.

This is no effort.

This is not conscious doing.

This is Being.

A lamp lights. Souls sparkle on earth.

There is greatness among you.


There is greatness within you.

Stop blocking it.

Get out of the way of your greatness.

You are like a quarterback who blocks his own team.

He runs everywhere, he knows not where.

He attacks, he blocks, he prevents.

He wears big shoulders.

He acts like a lion, but he is a lamb.

Why do you need to be lions?

Why need you halt your heart?

Merge with truth.

I will help you.

Call on Me to help you know truth, to know it when you see it, and to hold truth and nothing else. Why would you want to hold anything else when you can hold Me?

Hold Me, and you will have everything else.

You know by now that may not mean the riches of the world, those baubles that bob on the top of the ocean, but you will have the ocean and its depth, and its waves will roll and wash over you and leave you leaping up like a dolphin, for your hearts are My dolphins of the deep, and you will want what you have, for I am the treasure you seek.

I play a flute song that only your heart can hear.

The waves of the ocean are in your heart.

The waves of the ocean roll within you.

I flute them into existence.

You are buoyed by the notes of My flute.

That is your foundation.


The music I make.

The solid earth is not your foundation.

What appears solid is fluid.

The fluid is light.

A light leaps on earth.

And fishes fly.

And your hearts come to Mine.

There is no wilderness.

There are only those who have wandered aimlessly.

Now accept your destination, and your wandering will not be aimless.

Point your heart towards Mine, and you will magnetize others and pull them to Me also.

Be swept up in the Ocean of Love.

That is your medium.

That is your artistry because it is Mine.

Know what you are for.

Know why you do things.

Follow your heart to My door.

It is open.

The sign says, “Come in. Heaven is open. 24 hours a day.”

But once inside, there are no days.

There are no nights.

There is only Heaven Itself where time stops and love begins.



Watcher of Life

God said:

Relative life is a parade that passes before you. Certain costumes, certain rhythms, certain portrayals march before you. You enter the parade and weave yourself in and around, but always you are on the sidelines watching the parade.

When you hold on to the past, you are only holding on to your picture of the parade gone by. It is only pictures you hold on to. Although a band in a parade may march in place for a moment before you, it always moves on. And when the parade seems to finish, then it is only another assemblage you watch. It is another parade with perhaps another name. It may be the parade called going home, but life never disperses.

You, who stand still watching the marching bands, march on with your eyes. Other pictures appear before you, for you are not the marchers. You are the watchers of the parade. You are the audience. Your participation is imaginary, and no longer will you hold on to what you have imagined.

You are the watcher of life, rain or shine.

You can choose to be trammeled in the parade of life, or you can choose to be unsullied.

If mud splashes on you, what has it reached? It has reached your clothes or your skin. Mud cannot reach the innocent being of you.

Think of what it means to be a Being. And to be a Human Being, fashioned of God, made to be a watcher of great scenes. I made you to be. Not to fluctuate with the pictures. Whatever the pictures, you are a Being who is being.

Whatever pictures pass before you, you are the continuer. Parades go on, but you are the continuer. We can furthermore say that you are the one who presses the button that signals which parade. We could say you have many music boxes before you, and now you turn the key on one, and now you turn the key on another. On top of one dances a ballerina. On another dances a clown.


All the while, you are Being. You are a Human Being. Your Being is established. Throughout the parade, you are a Being. You are not a will o' the wisp. You are not a fragment. You are a whole Being. You are a Being of wholeness, not parts.

It is the parts you leave behind. You cannot be separated from your Wholeness. You have been given elegant Being. That is a given.

You have been given as a gift to light the parade as it comes into view and as it passes from view and another picture appears.

Your eyes light the parade. The marching band in the parade exists from your awareness. Your awareness ignites the parade. Watch with joy.

The parade never stops, and it never began.

You are the seer of the parade.

Drums are banged, and feet make a cadence, and you watch. Do not keep what you watch. Do not attach yourself to what you watch. Do not attach. Then you do not have to dis-attach later. The band will pass by regardless. Holding on is wasted effort. Do not try to attach to you what only can fly away.

Let the parade move on. Find another moment of Timelessness before you. Do not get stuck in a passing band.

Keep the music that is beyond the beating of the drums.

Keep your Being. Honor it. Remember it. And you can only be Being, for you are My Being presented to the world.

You are a delegate.

You do not put on airs to be My delegate. You remove airs to be My delegate.

My delegate sees My vision with his eyes, and he tells of My vision with his words.

You represent no other but Me.

Hold your shoulders back and high, for you are a representative of the God of Being.



Follow Your Star

God said:

We are allowing you to be an original blank slate, not from effort, but from allowance. You are letting attachments swim away from you like little fish, and you are then left pure and stately, a ready receiver of My light.

Once you were entrapped. You were not aware of your self-entrapment. Now you are aware. As the trappings leave, more of you is left, and what remains is you in God's glory. Pure strong tall light.

What used to be of great consequence to you is no longer of great consequence. What used to seem of such great consequence came about from your fears realized in the past and from your grabbing the sequence of the past and projecting it onto the future. When your mind makes that kind of connection, then your need to control arises, for it seems only logical to you to prevent the future.

If danger approaches, you must prevent it, your errant mind says.

So much of life is lived, you believe, in pursuit of happiness, when it has been lived foremost in avoidance of catastrophe.

Naturally, you do not want to make wrong decisions. You do not want to do the wrong thing. You want to do the right thing, and that is what you call the successful thing.

When you can accept that you do not know the consequence of any action, you can step back a little and bless yourself by following your heart's wisdom within. And that is the same as getting your small involvedness out of the way.

You are here on earth to restore your allegiance to Me.

In vast ignorance and oblivion, you have run off on your own. You do not know what you have run to. You know how to run but not to where. You do not know the purpose of your running. The faster you run away from Me, the faster you race to a regretted fruitless destiny of exactitude, a destiny of details, from one particle to another.


When you disengage from the details, you engage in Wholeness.

Live your life. Do not decide it so much. You can only decide on little matters.

Do what is next in your heart to do.

Follow a star rather than details.

Set out for your destination, not for the little stops along the way.

You may get so into following a choppy inadequate map that you forget the star that leads you. And so you follow shadows instead of the light.

Know that there is a star in Heaven that does lead you.

Starlight is no accident. It is not just a pretty reflection. It shines on you to follow it.

Let your eyes follow it, and then your heart will know the way to go.

Look up at the vastness of the night sky tonight, and you will see your future. You will follow starlight to your true destiny. You will just keep walking. The star will go in front of you, or it will be over your shoulder, or it will beacon its light next to you. We know it will be leading you far above. You can no longer follow a tiny light on earth, because a tiny light knows not vastness and sheds no light on it.

Follow the Big Light that will show you the way.

Look at a star tonight, and ask it what it is trying to tell you. Your heart may grasp some of it, and that is good enough. Your mind does not have to grasp. The direction you receive will not be in words. There is no word for it. The best We can do is call it love or light or wisdom of the Heavens. Or God. We can call it God.



Open Up the Heavens

God said:

The world is not dark. The world is light.

When you experience darkness, look higher.

You are not looking for a remedy. You are looking for Me.

Enlist My aid.

Ask Me to help you see the Light far above the world's light that seems to dim. It has not in truth dimmed. It has been eclipsed. And you have believed in an eclipse as truth, when it is only a temporary cover-up.

The world tries to cover up truth, or evade it, or walk around it, or pretend it into non-existence. All the time the cover-up underlines the spots of darkness. All the time, the world skips over the underlying light, and the world makes the seeming darkness grow as a thunder cloud. And you believe in the cloud more than in the light. And you look for confirmation of the clouds.

A tiny switch in the angle of your thinking will open up the Heavens.

What if you are the One chosen to open up the Heavens? What if you are a small part of the opening up of the Heavens? What if you just have to touch another who touches another who touches another who opens up the Heavens?

What if it is you who is to admit the possibility of Heaven? What if it is you who has merely to oil the door? What if it is you who has only to point?What if it is you who has only to look up? What if it is you who is to herald the opening up of Heaven?

What is the opening up of Heaven? It is the dispersal of what covers it up.It was open all the time.

Enough opened eyes looking up, and the light of Heaven will shine magnificently through the clouds until they evaporate, until they are seen as


only the vapor they are, until they are mist that clears, until the clouds get out of the way of the Perpetual Light.

The clouds are willing to disperse. The shining light is ready to be seen. It needs eyes only to look for it. It needs eyes to look beyond the mist. Mist can be seen through. There are dimensions to life. A telescope can keep opening more. There is no end to it.

There is another wave of light and another and one beyond that. As more light enters your eyes and heart, further horizons are seen. As more light enters, your vision expands.

And the day will come when you do not have to look for the light. Light is all you will see. You will forget about the darkness. Your eyes will be filled with such light, you will not even remember darkness. You will not be able to imagine it any longer, for light will fill your eyes. The light that is within you is what you will see.

Full bright light does not allow shadows.There is nothing in the room but bright light.There is nothing to block the light from its fullness.

Light meets light. Greet the light. It shines for you. It is yours. Pick it up. Carry it. Hold it up high. Hold up My light so that it can be seen.

You are not your small self any longer. You are a light bulb of Me, or candle if you prefer. Hold up your Lighted Self for the world to see.

And I will see its brightness shining for Me, shining for My joy, shining for My fulfillment, shining because that is what light does and wants to do, and you are My light shining on earth. You are nothing but My light shining on earth.

Nothing can blow out My light. Nothing can blow out My light within you. The light within you does not need to be fanned. It just needs to be noted.

Hold your Lighted Self high. Your light reaches Me. Our light combines. The light is Our Oneness. We are made of the same light. All light is Mine, and, so, you are Mine, just as all the stars that shine in the firmament are Mine.




God said:

What you thought was your individuality was copying others. What you thought was your individuality was trying something out. It was your attempt to make your mark in the world. You wanted to be noted. You wanted the world to say you existed. You wanted some attention.

Now you want Me to have the attention. And you give it to Me. You want Me to be seen. You want Me to be seen in all My glory. That is what you seek, and that was always what you sought, only you knew it not.

Your individuality was nothing but running away. Your individuality was to make a statement, and what statement was that? You wanted to be special, and you wanted to exist.

And so you followed the crowd in all the myriad ways the world travels, and you called yourself unique.

You kept saying, "Here I am. Here is my individuality." Now you are quiet, and you hear Me say, "Here I am." And your heart is quelled.

It is My notoriety you seek, not your own. For the truth is that you are far bigger than you gave yourself credit for. I notice you. You are My Chosen.

It matters not that all are chosen. In fact, that is a relief to you. The fact is you are one of the chosen, and that is enough.

You are one of My children. I do not see your supposed individuality. I see your light. You appear before Me. I bless you. You have My blessing. What care you the world's?

The Emperor’s New Clothes is a story of everyone’s pretending. You pretend no longer.

Now you acknowledge the folly of the world, and you acknowledge the greatness of Heaven.

Now look simply to the greatness of Heaven.


No longer is there effort.

Now there is acceptance.

Acceptance is a great letting out of the breath.

Individuality tries to make something small into big.

Individuality tries to make you, who is greater than the big, into something less.

And that is the folly of the world.

You chase the world’s fortune and the world’s notice of you. You try to fit into the world, and you call that individuality.

You already fit Heaven. You don’t have to squeeze in, or change your shape. You have only to enter. You have only to see the open door. You do not have to open it. It is open. You have only to enter. Walk in. Walk through. Be One with Me.

There are no stops with Me. There are no doors that suddenly slam. There is no disjointedness. There is no disappointment when you meet with Me. There is only appointment. And you, My children, are My appointed ones. You will keep your appointment with Me. You may even be early. If anything can be called early, you may be it. But never mind. Just come to Me now.

You are leaving the past behind, and that means you leave the future to itself as well.

All is now. And all is complete.

We are keeping Our appointment.

I have been waiting for you with great anticipation.

You have been waiting for Me, only you have been waiting for Me with faltering steps. And now you let go of fear thoughts, for they are nothing but the past, and now you step up to My threshold with your spine straight, your shoulders back, and your head up so that you can see Me watching you rise to meet Me. I see your light now, telling Me you are on your way and that you will be here soon. And so, I rise to meet you, My beloveds.



Your Will, God's Will

God said:

What do you think the meaning of "Not my will but Thy Will" is? Your will is fallacy. Your will is a forager. It hunts for purpose. My Will is Purpose. My Will is the fullness of the ocean, and your will, when separate, is a tiny splash every now and then.

Your will gropes and clutches and so you attach yourself to littleness. You want too little. Want more. Want enough.

You stop by the wayside, and you think you have arrived.

The wayside is a stop.

It is not your destination.

You are like the fish who bites at a lure. The fish catches himself on a hook. That is your dashing here and there. You are a fish who jumps from one bait to another.

You bite heartache, disappointment, and dismay. You swim in God's ocean, and all the while you let aimlessness catch you. You hunt for the ocean that you already swim in. It is all there, the power of the ocean, and yet you opt for your own folly.

Your individual will is folly.

You have sat in a corner like little Jack Horner eating a Christmas pie and pulling out a cherry and saying, "What a good boy am I!"

You have chosen nearsightedness and held it up for all to see.

Choose a bigger vision. See further. See wider. See deeper. Aim higher.

Tinsel and glimmers of light have caught your attention, and you have ignored or dismissed the Great Light that is not a distraction but which is the Ultimate Light that shines forth. You have been offered the choice of a dime or a nickel, and you have chosen the nickel because it looked bigger and you


did not know value. Actually, you have chosen a nickel instead of uncountable riches.

You have chosen what fades because you thought the Permanent Immutable was illusive. Bright light dazzled your eyes, and so you thought it was not for you.

You swim in a dry creek and you see a puddle every once in a while, and consider yourself in the right place.

Can you admit that you, as a Divine Being, have perhaps accepted too little?

I suggest that your reach far exceed your grasp else you favor the puddle over the ocean. Your grasp is far greater than the extent of your arm. Is the length of your arm your will?

Extend your heart, for that is your divining rod.

Extend My heart, for then you accept Heaven.

Look within, for your treasure is here.

Be less involved and more attuned.

Spend less, and be more.

The world's franticness is not your heritage.

Do not inherit it.

Go higher.

You can do it.

You are it.

You do not have to be caught by the hurts and disappointments of the world. Rise above the arena of the fighting match. Let your heart ascend above the fray. Look into My eyes and not the bowels of the earth.

Let My eyes catch you.

You will be catching yourself.

You are the treasure that you seek everywhere else.


You are My treasure.

Accept that truth.

Until you accept it, you accept less.

You are My peace-giver.

You have nothing to pretend. You have been pretending. Now see truth.

You have asked too little of yourself. You have let yourself be bound by the exigencies of the world. Leave your bounded place and enter the Universe.

It is not that you avoid the pain of earth. It is that you rise to truth.

In the name of realism, you have been avoiding truth.

Now you avoid no longer. Now you avoid Yourself no longer.

You are the light I have fashioned, and I have fashioned you to shine. That is what you have been avoiding.

You have wings.

You thought you had only toes.

Accept your wings.

They long to burst forth.

What if you are My Heavenly creature?

What if you are My divinity?

What if you are even a particle of it?

Give yourself that tiny bit of recognition, and then you will see it all, the magnificence of the Light that you are, and then you will shine My light and you will find your wings, and you will soar far beyond the concerns of life on earth. Get caught up with Me, and not the details. Get caught up with Me, and the details will take care of themselves. Get caught up with Me.




God said:

Do you want to be attuned to the world or to Me? Be attuned to Me, and you will attune the world. You will shift the cadence of the world. It is through you that I work. It is through you that I shine. You reflect Me. You are the reflector of My light. What would My works be without you?

That is not much that I ask of you. If you were a wheel, and I set you at the top of a hill, and I said, “Roll,” you would comply without hesitation. In fact, you could only roll. No effort required.

And so I tell My children who are lights, “Shine.”

Do not resist My instruction, and you will shine. You shine for Me. You shine on My behalf because I ask you to.

Do not wait for Me to light you. You have already been lit. You do not even have to hear My instruction, for it is natural for you to shine. You have heeded other instruction that said you were not worthy of the light you are. Not worthy of My light? Someone else knows more than I do? And you have listened to them. Alas, you have listened to the ignorant.

I established your worth long ago. Your worth and My light within you are inseparable. I would not make a mistake of where I put My light. So it is My worth you question. My very existence is sometimes questioned. But no matter, I exist. I more than exist. I AM. I AM Being. And that is what you are as well.

Your worth does not change. Your perception of your worth changes. Your perception needs to change more. You need to accept your worth. Your worth is beyond perception. Your worth is Truth.

A light is a light. Whatever machinations go on to hide it, light is nevertheless still light. It needs no announcement. It just needs to be free to shine.

I tell you that you are My Light. And you say, humbly-seeming, "Oh, no, God, I am not Your light. I am nothing."


I say to you, "You are nothing but My light."

You say, "Well, maybe some day."

I say, "Now."

And you think that God is nice but sorely mistaken. Make no mistake about it, you are My Light, and it is time that you shine the truth of Who you are.

The One Truth you have denied, and you have bought everything else. You have been jolly with your purchase of falsehood. You have smiled through tears, and wept in joy, and you have called pain joy, and joy pain.

Come to a clearing with Me. Come to a place where you leave everything but Truth behind. Come to a Golden Palace made of Light, and you will finally see yourself as you are. You will see Truth.

You need to see My light before you can acknowledge your own. I certainly don't need your approbation. I don't need you to build Me up. I don't need your attention. My sense of worth is not dependent upon you.

But your sense of worth is dependent upon Me. Whom else can you depend on? Not your perception, but My truth. You need to see Me so you can see Who you are. You need to gain awareness. There is nothing else for you to gain.

All you have to do is to notice My light in you and to let it shine all of itself. You do not even have to turn on a switch. It is already on. You just have to open your eyes. You are not blind. You have merely closed your eyes. And you thought you were surrounded by darkness.

But you are the Light. Feel My light within you. It wants to shine. It burgeons its way through your cobwebs. It breaks through. My Light in you shines out.

Deny it no longer.

Accept that you are Light.

Let yourself be what you are.

Attune to yourself.



The Innerness of Being

God said:

Today We talk about life on earth, the aspect of life that is so beautiful and yet so painful for you, the aspect that you hold on to while you shrug your shoulders at it. You have a mixed relationship with life on earth, and you have a mixed relationship with yourself. And you have a mixed relationship with Me.

Sometimes you are the rebelling teenager. Sometimes you are the resigned old man. Sometimes you are the young child who stamps and cries. Sometimes you are the sun rising, and sometimes you are the sun setting, and, at one time or another, you are all the colors of the rainbow.

You have a spine that holds your body up, and you have a connection with Me that supports your innerness of Being. I am your innerness of Being. Your life is not in the body. Your body is not the cause of your life, and it is not the limit of it. Your innerness of Being is your support, and it has no limits.

Lean toward acceptance of that. The growth of your spine was automatic. It was its nature to grow and expand your body and hold you straight all the while.

So with the golden cord that connects Us one to another. It is its nature to grow along with you. This is more than a maintenance system. And it does not stop growing. It grows with or without your say-so.

Much of what you experience on earth as grueling comes from your unfilled need to recognize this golden light that shines within you and all others. The same life with awareness of this golden light, with awareness of the golden chain of Our love, has a different cast to it. It is this cast you seek.

The kindergarten child whose father walks him to school is a different child from the one who believes he walks alone. When the father walks with the child, and the child is yet unaware that his champion walks with him, the child does not feel the strength of his father's presence even though it is actually there. There is strength, and there is awareness of strength.


When the child knows that his father walks beside him, life does not seem like a battlefield. The child does not have to be so wary. His walk to school becomes like a jaunt, and he walks through a meadow filled with interesting things to pick.

The walk with awareness of the father and the walk without awareness are not the same walk. Awareness of the father makes all the difference. With or without awareness, the father walks the child.

As the child in life grows, and he goes to school, his father's presence is felt within his heart. His father may not be visible, but the son nevertheless carries the father's strength within him. His father's strength has become his own. The son carries the stature of his father wherever he goes. The father accompanies him no matter.

Today, as you walk through your life that you think is personal, consider My presence. Notice Me at every corner you turn. You may look back to see that I am following, but more likely you will see Me ahead. You will recognize that I have been showing you the way, and My presence will enter you, and you will never be without awareness of it.

Recognize your Friend. Recognize your Heavenly Father Who lights your way. Recognize that which flourishes within you. What can befall you when the golden bond between you and your Father is forged and noted? Do not consider changes in life as interference. What can change when We are Golden Light?

I walk arm in arm with you. I am a constant Presence in your life. Put some attention on My presence and less on the footfalls you fear. Attend to My presence, and you will not hear the footfalls. You will know they are things of the past. They cannot reach you with your Father beside you.

Your faith in Me is your recognition of Me. When you realize that We walk together, your earth life takes on a new cast.

The ground does not hold you up. I hold you. You are already up. Just notice Where you are and Who is with you. You and I walk the same. Only the scenery changes. Adjust your eyes to it. Life grows brighter.

You are not dependent upon what goes on around you. Your life is not scenery-based. Your life is God-based.

Thank goodness.



Ready for God Right Now

God said:

One of your misconceptions is that you must get ready for Me. You think you have to purify yourself. You think you have to change your life. You think you have to do something. You think you have to eat some magical foods and not others. You think you have to say some certain words and avoid others. You think you must prepare yourself. You think there is a procedure you must follow. You think you have to be different before you can appear before Me. That is not so.

All you have to do is to believe in Me. If you cannot do that, then believe in the possibility of Me and that what I say to you is so.

You do not have to take a bath. You do not have to wear certain robes or certain colors. You do not need a crown on your head. You do not have to fulfill certain criteria. That is the world's agenda, not Mine.

You are My child, and you can come to Me at any moment you decide. You can come to Me right now. You can stand before Me as you are right now. You don't have to comb your hair. You don't have to smooth your clothes.

I do not see those things. I see your light, and your light makes My face light up. How would you feel if your long-lost child decided she didn't have to prove anything, didn't have to show you anything, didn't have to be a great success before coming back, didn't have to have a speech ready, didn't have to do anything but come to you? That would be enough. That would be all you asked. To hold your child in your arms again.

Tell Me, how would you feel if your long-lost child appeared at your door?

You had been seeing your child all the while. You had been following her, but she did not think she was good enough to see you yet all the while your eyes had been following the light of love that called to your heart. You didn't see misdemeanors. You didn't see outward success either, and you certainly weren't waiting for it. You saw the light essence of your child. You saw the joy that the appearance of your child would give.


Is it some kind of pride that keeps you back from your destiny? Your destiny is not what happens on earth. Your destiny is your path, and your path is to Me. Your destiny is not what you pick up along the way.

Your destiny is My door. Your destiny is reaching Me in your awareness. It is only your awareness that is needed. Everything else you have, and everything else is done. Only your acceptance waits.

Your Father, the King, tells you that you are ready to present yourself before Him. He tells you that you are the true Princess. And you say, "But I don't have the perfect gown."

And I say, "It is not the gown that makes you Princess. It is your birth that makes you so."

You are all Moses in the Bulrush. You are all the children of royalty. All are My royal children. No matter under what circumstances you are found, you are Mine, and Mine alone.

This is your story. You forgot it.

My question to you is: "Do you believe in the outward appraisal of your birth more than you believe in Truth?"

I do not think you can believe in both.

I do not think you can believe you are nothing but your skin and believe in the truth of your birth at the same time. I don't think you can believe you are a pauper and a Prince. There are no poor Princes. A Prince by definition is wealthy.

And, so, you must accept the truth of your wealth and not perceived conditions.

You have a huge bank account in your name, but you forgot your name. I am asking you to remember it. If you cannot remember it, I am asking you to take My word for it.

Whose word do you take? I offer you Mine. I am your wealth, and My word is coin. And I say that I hold gold for you to claim. I further say that you are My gold, and I yearn for you to claim yourself. When you know My worth, you will know your own, for in essence, We are One and the Same. Appurtenances don't matter. Essence matters.



The Open Door of Your Heart

God said:

What you have been doing is lying low. There is no need to lie low. You lie low when there is danger. You lie low when you are uncertain.

Now you stand tall because you know Who you are. Now you stand tall because you know there is no danger. Danger is an illusion. You see danger where you have attachment. Attachment is of the world. Danger is a mass illusion of the world. And then the world does its best to prove the existence of danger by dancing to its tune.

The world says that danger lurks around every corner. It lurks unseen as germs. It lurks seen as foes. But all of this is your imagination projected on to a screen. What you have projected, you can un-project.

You have made your projections large and yourself small. You have put your pictures in the bright light of the screen, and kept yourself, the true light, hidden.

You have been lying low because you did not know better. You dodged unseen germs because you believed in them. And you have dodged Me because you don't believe in Me. What irony. Choose to believe in what you will.

You have choices. I gave you the ability to make choices. Choices are yours. You can believe in frailty if you like. You can believe in nightmares. You can dread your very existence if you so choose. You can hide from My light and yours. You can laugh at Truth if you like. You can denounce My light and yours if you wish. You can deny Our light. You can defame it. You can rail against it.

No matter what you do, no matter what you think you do, you cannot sully Our light. You cannot amend it. You cannot change it. You cannot spoil it. You cannot mar it. You cannot make it go away.

Our light shines. With or without your permission, Our light shines.

Accept the Inevitable. The Inevitable is long-lasting. It is eternal.


The Inevitable is right before your eyes, but you will not see what is right before your eyes. You will see what you imagine you see. You will grab discrete objects out of corners and pull them together into a logical picture that bears no resemblance to truth, and you will go by that collage rather than by truth.

What a testament to the free will I have given you. You will see what you fear in preference to what you love!

What if you looked for what you love rather than what you fear? What if you gave credence to love rather than to fear? What if you underscored love rather than fear? What if you flicked fear away like the pesky mosquito that it is?

What if you welcomed love? What if you made a place for it? What if you let it fill you?

What if you could become it? What if you are it?

Would you not rather welcome My Oneness than all your divergence?

To what do you open the door? To anything that seems to come along? To whatever the cat brings in or the wind blows?

How about symbolically placing a sign above your door? Bless this sign with your fingers and your lips. The sign says, "God is welcomed here. And you who seek God are welcome here. From now on, Light comes in this door. And only Light leaves from this door. Because Light is all there is, and you and I are light. Anything less does not exist. No longer do I believe in the existence of anything else. I have given up my ignorant pictures and now I claim God's Truth, Beauty, Love, Wisdom, Peace, Joy, and Light as my own."

The door We speak of is your heart.

Your heart is open.

The mind no longer filters what will enter the heart and what will not.

The mind no longer imagines that falsehood is true. The mind now adheres to what is God's truth, and not its imagined own.




Eternal Patience

God said:

Where shall I take you today?

Where would you like to go?

What would you like to leave?

What would you like to enter?

Then come with Me.

How patient a teacher am I.

Eternal patience is My love. Patience, as strong and as inviolable as My love, surrounds you.

When you know My patience, then you are better able to hurry.

I wait for you as long as is necessary.

You don't have to wait for Me.

I am beside you.

You are beside Me, but I have to wait for you to acknowledge our inseparability. There is nothing else for Me to wait for.

We can hardly say that I wait. Instead of saying waiting, let Us say listening. I listen for you. Your eyes are beginning to see what your heart already knows and which your mind has denied. My ear covers your heart, and I hear its beat. Your lips are poised to speak of your recognition. You wish to say, "I accept."

Say, "I accept."

Say, "I accept Your love."


Say, "I accept Our relationship."

Say, "I give myself to You, my Father. That is all I have to give. I have nothing else to give You but my awareness. You have given me life and everything else, and You ask for nothing but that I fill myself with Your love. You have offered me water to drink, and I deny my thirst."

Say, "Father, You do not order me around. You do not exert control over my every notion. You let me think that this play on stage is mine for so long as I will to think it. You wait in the wings for me to come off stage and say, 'Author! Author!'”

"Father, You wait for me to accept myself. That is my responsibility. For so long as I run from You, I run from myself. I may think I am running to life, but I am running away from My Creator. I run from You because I mistakenly think You want something from me that I am afraid I am unable to give, or that I can give but at great cost.

"Father, the cost is my foolishness. It is hard for me to give it up. I want to pretend I wave the baton of the orchestra of life when, all along, I am one of the notes you play. I know that should be enough for me, to be one of Your notes playing in Heaven and heard on earth, but I have my fantasy that I wave the baton.

"Dear Father, today I ask that the music You have made be heard on earth. I ask that I hear it. And I will listen for Your music just as you have listened for me to say, 'Yes, God.'"

My children, you adventure with Me. You might as well admit that Sublime Awareness into your life. Something guides you. You know that much.

Perhaps the story of your life is based on how much you resist or how much you accept.

I suggest you stop resisting and that you start accepting. Accept My presence in your life.

If you cannot see and feel My love as yet, then look upon Me as a Guest you are waiting for. Imagine how it will be in your house when the Guest arrives. You anticipate the arrival. And you anticipate the stay. At any moment, the Guest will arrive, and you will run to the door, and you will say, "Welcome."


At some time you will recognize that you are the guest, and I am the Host.

I have been waiting from the beginning of Eternity for you to say: "Thank You for inviting me. Thank You for waiting for me to know I am here. Thank You for having me. Thank You for all You have provided for me. I want for nothing. I live in God's House. I live in God's Heart. I live in Your beautiful mansion, God, and I live with all the others You love as fully and deeply as You love me. I call them brother, and I call You Father, and I finally call myself Your love on earth."



Ride the Wave of God

God said:

When there is force, it is your will, not Mine. When you force yourself to do something, something is going on. Force is control, and control is not of God.

Sometimes My children are thirsty, and they perceive that they must find water in one place and not another. So they toil hard to reach the water from their pre-designated source. Water from there, not here, they say.

I believe it is a good idea to find God where you find Him.

Wherever you are now, you can find Me, for I am there. I am most certainly there, for you are here with Me. In truth, there is no here and there is no there. Just as there is no then and now.

All is a whirling stream.

All the water splashes everywhere. You cannot catch it. It moves. What water you might catch in a pail is not the same as the water splashing. You may capture the water, but you have blocked its sunlight by catching it.

Let the water splash where it will.

Do not dam it up.

Let life flow.

This is not aimless wandering I speak of. This is not public opinion.

It is riding the Wave of God.

You catch life by not catching it.

Let it catch you.

Let it lift you.


Life lifts.

It is the depth of the ocean that gives you height.

The depth of the ocean is always there holding you up.

You are from the ocean floor.

You are not from the top of the water.

You are buoyed on the waves of the water, but the waves that buoy you come from somewhere.

That is all you need to know.

The stream of life moves you.

Let it.

Don't be so fussy.

Don't dictate what life has to be.

Find its shoals and its channels.

Find the deep flow of life, and let yourself be lifted.

Do not tread water.

Do not chase the horizon.

The horizon will come to your view.

Enjoy your swim in the water.

You don't have to get out.

You don't have to tiptoe.

You don't have to dash.

Listen to the depths of the water and what it tells you. It will tell you when to go east and when to go west.


The water is connected to the stars and the moon. The moon pulls the water, but the water beckons the moon.

You are looking for the Supreme.

You are not looking for the mundane.

But sometimes in your search for the Supreme, you pass It by. You are so busy looking. You are so busy hunting. You are so busy just staying where you are, hesitating to go forward, holding on to where you've been.

Be with Me now.

You are the moon, and I call you to Me.

Our connection is deep.

I do not will you away from your path. I will you to your path.

I call you to Me. That call is Our love.

That yearning you feel is Our love calling to Itself.

Who calls? Is it you or is it I?

Which end is up? There is no end. Which is first and which is last? There is no first and last. There is Oneness.

Separation is false.

We are One.

I call Myself to Me.

Waves on the water are momentary.

Waves delight in themselves. They delight in their very existence, and they know from where they come. They know what they are and to where they return. The waves do not think about their existence. They immerse themselves in the depths of the Ocean, and they come up. They immerse themselves and leap.



Give Up Hero Worship 1

God said:

When you are not so involved in the events of your life, you do see its circumlocutions as parts of a dream. When you wake up from your dream, you see that all your beliefs were only wisps of dreamery. You have shoveled your dreamed beliefs of life and piled them up around you. And others shovel fast as well, and the dirt spills over. And so your dreams blend, and you think you live the same one, and so you do share your illusions.

That which is not dreamed, that which is the basis of your dreams, that, indeed, you share. That which is undreamed of you share. Truth you share. You are coming to know truth so that you can share what is true.

When you are not so attached to whatever you are attached to, you stand from a higher platform. You view your life from the eyes of truth. You walk the same roads, you perform the same work, you accompany the same people, but you are different because you rise above circumstances to your true stature. Your true stature has nothing to do with circumstances.

That is the first idea you must give up, your faith in circumstances, because that idea calls blame and judgment to you, and blame and judgment make you feel weak, not strong. Delusion does not strengthen you. Its untruth weakens you.

The second idea you must give up is that anything has to be different from what it is. Give up your idea that something must change and change right now, and give up your equally outdated idea that it must stay the same. Things in life will change. You can be sure of that, but you are not the changer. You are the affector of your life, but you are not the changer of it. You do not shake change into existence. This, however, does not mean you are powerless.

The third idea that you are leaving behind you is the very idea that you are powerless. You are not rudderless. You have your bearings in life. You are powerful because I have given you everything, and you have unlimited resources.


Here's the conundrum:

You have unlimited power, and yet you are not the changer of your life.

Here is the understanding:

What you change is your vision because it is your present vision that constricts your life. Expand your vision, and your life leaps forward.

Consider yourself more of a seer than a doer, for as soon as you view your life from another angle, it is changed. Consider another perspective, will you?

Belief is a prediction, so your beliefs must change. Really, what you have to do is go beyond your beliefs. Go beyond belief actually. Drop all beliefs. Drop them. Beliefs are stored things. You are clearing the warehouse.

Your limited beliefs have held you back. Here is what to believe in. Believe in your desires. They may change. They will change. But believe in your desires as they call you.

Greater desires call you as your vision grows. You cannot keep your same desires because you are not the same. Believe in your deepest desires because they come from your deepest heart.

When you see life more clearly, less involvedly, you call greatness to you. You step out of smallness. Now you are getting into Greatness by stepping out of yourself.

Feel My light filling you. Feel My light surrounding you. Now, what do you desire?

Do you desire greatness? For that, desire Truth. Do you desire greater vision? Desire Mine. Walk with Me. And you will see such grand sights. You will see transformation of all you have thought and all you have believed.

Do not hero-worship any longer. No one is greater than you.

You have worshipped fantasy.

Honor yourself. That is the same as honoring the love and wisdom from which you came and which you hold right now in the palm of your hand.



Give Up Hero Worship 2

God said:

When your feelings get hurt, you are believing in what someone else says or does, and that is hero-worship.

When you envy someone, that is hero-worship.

When you assume that someone knows more than you, that is hero-worship.

When you give your power away to someone or anything, when you take someone else's advice without letting it go through your heart, that is hero-worship.

When you try to please another, when you try to make another love you or value you, that is hero-worship.

When you try to live up to someone else's picture of you, that is hero-worship.

When you try to emulate another, that is hero-worship.

When you follow another, that is hero-worship.

When you try to prove anything, that is hero-worship.

When you are on automatic, that is hero-worship.

What and whom have you been putting above yourself?

What have you believed in?

What have you bought?

Whom do you say knows more about you than you do?

Whom do you give your power away to?


No wonder you feel powerless.

You have abandoned yourself.

Someone says, "Take this pill," and you take it. An actor on TV tells you, and you run to get it. You believe in all kinds of medicine.

You believe in all kinds of exercise.

You believe what books say.

You believe in experts.

You believe in all kinds of material things.

You believe in the value of everything but yourself.

Don't wait for others to believe in you.

I believe in you.

And I know truth.

Listen to Me for a change.

I care about you. I care more about you than you care about yourself.

You have wanted to give yourself away. You have been giving yourself away.

Give yourself to Me and to no other.

Give your whole soul to Me instead of pieces to whatever or whoever comes along and puts himself or herself in front of you.

Live up to My picture of you. Live up to it by accepting yourself as My Own.

Release yourself to Me.

Release your hold on the nothingness someone else's opinion gave you.

Put your hand in Mine.

Surrender to Me and not all those other people and things.


You have spent a lot of your life handing out peace offerings to those around you. That is a small sector.

Hand out My peace to the whole universe by looking up at Me.

Give My love to the stars and falling rain and all sentient beings on earth and to angels in Heaven.

You, be the giver of love, and not the beggar of it.

Kneel before no other man, for no man is greater than you.

Only little children you may bend down to, for that is rising to their innocence.

Or, if you are a seamstress, you bend to fix the hem of another.

Or, if you give shoe shines, you bow down in the simple act of polishing another's shoes.

In service, you can bend. But service is not servitude. No man is higher than you. Whatever his authority, whatever his throne, whatever his beliefs, no man is higher than you.

And if you are the one who sits on a throne, or you have some authority over another, remember then that no man is less than you. Your robes do not make you more. Rags do not make another less.

See as I do see.

Bow down to Truth. Bow down to the core of Truth.



Give Up Hero Worship 3

God said:

Hero-worship is giving up your freedom. It is giving responsibility for your welfare to another. That makes you responsible to another rather than to yourself or to Me. But they will not be responsible to you. They will be responsible to themselves, and that is how you allow yourself to be used.

I will use you. I will use you like a wand that swirls light as it is waved. I will use you for the betterment of all, not just for one or another. And I never leave you out or forget you or pander to your weaknesses. I don't take advantage.

Seek fame and glory with Me, no other. Join Me, not packs of human beings who know not whom or what they follow, but they follow anyway because they imagine that someone ahead knows where he is going.

Follow Me. Be the single one if you have to. And then others will follow you. But you will tell them Whom you follow. You will not set yourself up as an idol. You will reveal yourself as a follower.

Who was so great a follower as Christ? Who followed Me better? or as well? Christ did not follow the mind of man. He followed the heart of God. He did not hark to the blather of men. He harkened to Me.

And that is all I ask of you.

Harken to your wealth. Harken to your joy. Harken to truth. Be led by truth, not others' fancies.

No one comes between you and Me.

I do not reveal Myself to one and not another. I reveal Myself to you. You and I are paramount. You and I ride a white steed together. Don't be carried in a wagon. Ride up front with Me.

Can you imagine anything more wonderful than that?


And that is what you have.

Whether We sail on a ship or ride a horse, it is the same.

We are anointed together.

We are joined together in joy and love, not hardship.

We are united.

We are faster than time. We are faster than space.

We are as fast as light. We are faster.

For We are love, and love is the fastest there is.

It is immediate.

It is no time at all.

It takes no space.

Love is the medium you roll in. You are the medium of love. You are the agent of love.

Be not a secret agent.

Cast love on all you see and meet.

Cast My love, not your own.

Your love is fantasy.

Mine is real. My love is the only love there is, so it is Mine you give. You have a remarkable full source of love available to you. It doesn't run out. It is yours to give.

Your own love, that which you think is your own, is only partial. Take My love and share it, for you are a magic wand that sprinkles My stardust on all who come across you. The wand you wave points to Me.



God's Will or Thine?

God said:

What will you this morning, My Will or thy will?

You want My Will. You want to know My Will. You want to know My Will for you.

Now it is time to want just My Will, not for a particular, but for the universality of its truth.

You were a young child who had to stay in his yard. Now you are allowed out. Now you have no fence to keep you in. Now the whole universe is yours to walk on.

You walk out of your yard, and you find you have entered a new land where you walk, stop, and look at everything, and everything you see has a glow, a brightness that keeps you looking. You are like an immigrant just off the boat and amazed at what the New World offers.

The street signs everywhere in this wondrous place say, God's Will. Whichever turn you take, there it is, God's Will before you. You think you have to reach it, and yet it is always ahead of you. Yes, God's Will is ahead of you.

After a while, you realize that the signs that say God's Will are not pointing you in a direction so much as they are telling you where you are.

You are in God's Will. The Will you seek is lying within you.

Ask yourself, "What does God want?" What God wants is God's Will.

No longer do you ask, "What is God's Will for me?"

That is outdated.

God's Will and God's Will for you are the same.


You have waited to know, "Should I do this or should I do that?", for you have wanted to be aligned with God's Will. Now you have a standard.

God's Will is peace, joy, love, promulgated upon a land often seen as a desert. Ask yourself, "Do I bring God's rain to the desert? Am I giving God's peace, joy, and love to this desert land? Am I bringing a particle more of God to this apparent desert?"

Now you walk in a new golden land where all you can bring is God's light. You are no longer capable of rehashing the old issues. You can't even remember what they were.

When you step out of a lotus-filled lake, you step out clean with the scent of the lotus flowers upon you. You shake the golden water around you. Without effort, you bring the clarity of the lake to the dry land.

You do not see dry land any longer because you are wet with the glorious moisture of the lake.

When you step out of this lake, your vision is not the same. You do not look at yourself so much. You are intent on following the Sun, and so you walk toward the Sun and you do not ask, "Where am I going?" for you know you walk toward the Sun. The Sun attracts you. You go to it. That is God's Will.

Knowing God's Will is not an accomplishment. Knowing God's Will is following it. One foot after the other, you walk to God's Light. Walking toward God's Light is following God's Will.

You swim into God's Light and you walk on God's Land, and your discovery is that you are God's Will. Ordinary you.

You are God's Will. God willed you into being. He blew breath into you, and He gave you the Garden of Eden. You are in it now. All is here for you. God is here for you. All the grapes are here and the moisture of the Lake. All that is before you is God's. You join God's Will by recognizing that God has a Will and God lets His Will be known to you.

Today as you follow God, even if you don't know where you are going, know that God does know, that God takes your hand, and He pulls you out into an adventure of His Light right where you are, right now, reading His words and accepting His love for you, for that is His Will.



Sun, Stars, Moon, Rivers

God said:

You are learning to be spontaneous. You are learning not to plan so much. In other words, you are learning to live in this moment and not another, not past, not future, but this one moment right now. Yet you do not think: "I am in this moment", for when you are in it, you are in it. You are neutral, not attached, observant, but you are smack in the flow of My Will.

Spontaneous is life without words, without thought, without prediction, comparison, or substantiation.

Spontaneous is: You see an apple on a tree and you pick it and start eating it. Or, spontaneous is: You see an apple on a tree and you pass it by. Or, spontaneous is: You see an apple on a tree and you pick it and give it to someone else. Spontaneous is many possibilities, but only one at the time.

You did not ask yourself: "Do I really want to eat this apple? Should I eat it? How many calories does it have? What will someone think if they see me eating this apple? Should I save it for later or give it to someone else? What is the right thing to do?"

The desire and the fulfillment are one motion, not a sequence of thoughts. The motion is not labored. It is not unconscious either. The impulse is conscious, not subterranean.

Desire and fulfillment are one. There is not hesitation. You are not weighing things. You are not rehearsing for your life and planning your moves.

You are living life from a deeper level which is the same as to say a higher one. Not from a hidden level such as the subconscious, but from a deep high level of truth. Spontaneous is being ready for life and not waiting for it. Spontaneous acknowledges: "This is my life right now. This is how I am living it. And I can live my life as it comes with alacrity."

You are aware that your life is given to you to perform greatness, not smallness. Just have that awareness, and when you pick an apple from a tree


or don't pick the apple, you are connecting to all of nature and Heaven on earth.

Nature reminds you of Heaven. The senses remind you of Heaven. As you enjoy (not to be confused with distraction from suffering), you are enjoying Heaven.

We can even say that there is one act in life. Only one. And that is knowing your value. And that is knowing your value to Me. When you know your value to Me and therefore yourself and all others, all is easy. You come from a higher plane. You come from a vantage of Heaven.

So long as you do not recognize your worth to Me, you grasp at everything or nothing, and you are a fluttermill. I did not give you breath to become a fluttermill.

You are one who gives and lives My Will. The Sun is your chariot. The Stars are your eyes. The Moon is your benefactor. The rivers are the flow of your life.

The earth is yours to serve, and those other human beings on earth are your companions in service to Me and the great mission you share.

You are born of greatness, not smallness. You are born of purpose, not purposelessness. You are born of wisdom, not ignorance. You are born from and of love, not abstention from it. My love made you. I made you from My love. My love is what you are made of. Nothing less. Accept your heritage.

Remember My love today as you walk through rooms.

Remember My love today as you chatter with this one or that.

Remember My love today as you buy and sell.

Remember My love today as you laugh and as you cry.

Remember My love today, and it will spontaneously be given.

Remember Truth, and your desires and fulfillment will be One.

Remember Truth, and your desires and My fulfillment will be One.



Willingness for God's Will

God said:

The opposite of flow is conflict. Something is blocked. You are of two minds or directions. There is confusion.

Now, sometimes confusion is good. Going on just as you have been may not be flow. It may just be momentum, energy of the past, and you are following old footsteps marked down for you that have been easy and mindless to follow. Sometimes your direction wants to change, and you are lazy or fearful and feel your unrecognized conflict as a headache.

Conflict basically is: Stay the same or change. And you resist change. Or you resist staying the same, and don't quite know your first new step.

You want to follow My Will, and you don't quite know what it is.

Each of you has to hear Me yourself.

Even if someone else is right, you have to hear Me yourself. For that, you listen.

And there is something else to remember. Often, it is does not matter what you do. Your willingness matters.

What you do is not so important as you think.

Where you come from is important. What your thinking is based on is important. Base it on your heart's allegiance to Me.

When you really must make a choice of going left or right, and you are not sure, make it anyway. Choose one. Neither will be wrong. And one direction or another will settle in for you, and you will find yourself going strongly. Maybe there are more choices than you initially saw. Or you go in one direction now so that your true direction may be revealed to you later.

Nothing has to be done today. You don't have to be in such a hurry.


A sense of urgency is nothing but fear.

And one of your big fears is to make a mistake.

What is a mistake? And how can you tell? Even after the fact, how can you tell? How do you not know that the choices you call mistakes did not lead you right to Me? How do you know that certain steps you took were wrong? How do you know they were not right?

End your internal conflicts.

There is no struggle going on.

Let go of your past thinking. Let go of your thinking about the past.

Today you are offered apples and bananas. Which do you choose? Maybe you can have both. And behind the apples and bananas lie mangoes and pears and behind them grapes and cherries.

What is your choice? Following your will or Mine? And your beleaguered mind says, “How do I know, dear Father, which is Which?”

You have always followed something, My children. You have followed someone else. Or you have followed past thoughts.

Now you follow Me. Following Me does not mean that you necessarily know whether your direction is from My love or from your whim, but it does mean that you keep on. You do what you can do, and you include Me. You say: "Dear Heavenly Father, please lead me today. I am not sure in what direction to go. My heart is heavy. I do not want to fail you. I want to do Your will, but I am stymied."

And I say to you: "You will always come back to My will. The clearing in the forest will be there. And whichever step you take, I am right here with you. Even in so-called mistakes, I am here with you. I do not abandon you, nor do I chastise you."

I say to you: "Oh, come this way now." That is all that happens. Do you understand? My love follows you just the same when you do not follow it. You will come to it. You will. Relax your shoulders, and your headache will leave, and you will see Me before you where I always am. You cannot lose Me. You cannot lose your way to Me.



It Is for You to Hear God

God said:

Yes, you are right. I want to say something to you. Something I have wanted to say for a long time and yet you were not quite ready to hear. Today you are. Or if you are not, then it is ready or not.

I want to say you have nothing important to do. I said nothing, not something.

Is that disappointment or relief?

You have nothing important to do.

You have something important to be, and that is who you are right now, not as somebody else, and not as someone different, but you as you right now. For right now you are everything you are meant to be. And this is what you deny to yourself and to the world.

You deny your allrightness.

You deny your presentness.

You deny your presence in the scheme of things.

There is nothing you have to do, but to be a receiver of Me. That is your task. That is your mission. To hear God. Not for God to hear you, but for you to hear God.

Do you see what a switch that makes in your consciousness? You are here for Me. You hear for Me. Not for yourself, but for Me.

Does that put the shoe on the other foot? Now you know what you are here for. You have not been under a misunderstanding, and now you have a profound understanding. Understanding is a foundation. Now you have a foundation of Truth.

You are My sentiment. I am not yours.


You are My follower. I am not yours.

And yet I follow you everywhere.

And the time comes that you hear Me. And that time has come. It is today. And you pick yourself up, and you follow Me right to the Heavens where you have always belonged. Now you know how. Now you know how to listen for My call, and you know how to answer it.

Just say, "Father, I am coming to you. I heed You. I listen for Your call, and that is how I hear you. I listen.

"Father, You have always listened to me. You have heard my childhood plaints. And now You have initiated me into awareness of Your Will, and by Your Will You have brought me before You. I stand before You today. This very day, I stand before You. Here I am."

Do you sense Me right before you?

Do you sense My gaze on you?

Now let your eyes meet Mine for so We are meant to be. Your gaze and My gaze, One. Your life and Mine, One. Your dreams and My dreams, One. My heart and your heart, One. And so, your heart can only hold joy to it, for, as I am, are you. You behold Me. You are not beholden to Me. You behold Me and you wish to be held at My bosom and you wish to hear My heart beat as One with yours, and so it does. And so it does. You are Mine.




God said:

When is a thought in your head My thought or when is it your own? When is it My impulse or your weary whim? When is it joy or merely distraction from something you don't want to think about?

When you are in My thought frame, you are not in past programming. You are not on automatic because that is from the past. Spontaneous is not automatic. Habitual is not spontaneous. Spontaneous is spontaneous.

Leave your life to your intention. Your intention is to have Me and to follow Me. Keep Me with you in your intent, and your intent will be fulfilled. Keep your eye on your intent, because your intent guides your purpose.

Have your purpose be to do My Will, and you will not get caught on the tiny branches of your will. When the background you come from is to further My Will, you will not waste energy in the brambles, or, if you do, you will get past them and find the clearing soon.

Do not be so concerned with what you say and do. Those are not your concerns. I am your concern.

The difficulty in your trying to be perfect lies in your attention going in the wrong place.

When you are trying to be perfect, your attention is not on Me. You are intent on the outcome rather than on My vision. Trust in My perfection. Relax in My perfection. From that state of trust, your use of energy will profit the universe.

You will not fight battles within yourself or with others. You will not become embroiled in minor skirmishes. You will be looking at Me. Keep your eye on Me, and then detours will not be yours. You will live life above the potholes of the road.

The question is: What do you really want? Passage of time or purpose? If you are reading this, your answer is purpose. You do not become perfect in


your eyes in the eyes of the world because of that choice, but you do become purposeful.

Whatever activity you play, bring Me in it with you. The play, the same, but the intention different, and therefore all is different.

Intent is like a background color. It is always there. It surrounds you and uplifts you. Choose your background color. When your background color has been chosen, you have it, and it is yours. Your intent is yours to choose. Once chosen, you have it, and it colors everything you do. The color you choose will influence every day. It will influence everything.

Intention is not an idle thing.

It is how you greet your life.

It is how you meet your life.

I suggest you greet Me. I suggest you meet Me.

This does not mean to escape or avoid physical existence. It means to take Me with you. It means to include My presence. It means to take your intent with you. It means that your purpose walks beside you.

Your purpose is not to accomplish. Your purpose is not to become accomplished. Your purpose is to take Me with you.

Silently invite Me into your awareness. Let Me filter your life with sunlight. Let Me carry the burdens (there are none).

And you, My children, you, carry My trust, My love, and your silent awareness of My presence. This is how you change the face of the earth. This is how the purpose of Creation is fulfilled.



God's Presence, God's Light

God said:

It is a common thing, My presence in your life. Your discovery of Me in your life is rarely, if ever, a great illumination. I am the Great Illuminator, but your discovery of My light, your dawning awareness of it is not earth-shaking. You notice Me more as an afterthought. Your recognition is more, "Oh, so that's You." Not, "I am illuminated! I am changed! I am catapulted into Heaven. Hallelujah! I appear before God. I am partaking of a remarkable event. Amazement is mine!"

You appear before God in your own clothes.

It is remarkable, but you have been used to Me. Your recognition of what has always been is more like a seeping, not a thunderclap out of the west.

Or, look at it this way. All in life is a momentous event.

Look at the rising sun or at the setting sun. Look at the North Star. Look at the waves of the ocean, and tell Me that those are not momentous events. But you lightly move around in life with them present, all the while with your attention on something else.

I am the Omnipresent. I am the Everpresent. And you have never been out of My presence. You just haven't looked. You just haven't seen. You have been too busy.

You are not here to join in a lightening bolt of God. It is My light that you have been seeing all along. Within you My light been shining all along. You are here to offer Me your gaze so that all may see Mine.

The astounding thing really is that you haven't been aware of Our commonly held light. You have been aware of the darkness because you have been timid about admitting Our light. You have been waiting for My light to arrive. You have been hoping for it to arrive, uncertain that it will. Hope is not a strong thing. It is not strong enough for the children of God. It is a weak thing, hope is.


Hoping for My light is ignorance of it.

Waiting for My light is too passive.

Claim My light, for it has always been yours except for the claiming.

Sometimes you demand what is already yours.

You fuss and fume about: "Where is God, and Why doesn't He or She show up? And Why do others seem to have grand experiences of God, and I don't?"

It is not a grand experience of Me that you want. That is wanting glory. Seek Me, My children, not glory. Seek Me, not a grand experience of Me. Let arise within you the possibility that you have known Me all along. Admitting possibility is stronger than hope. Admit the possibility that I am your Constant Companion. Admit the possibility that I am with everyone. If I am with one, then I am also with you. Admit the possibility that you cannot be without Me. You would not be without Me. I am your Creator, and you are My Creation. Is creation separate from the Creator?

When you create a painting, what have you created but a picture of yourself?

When I created you, I put Myself into you.

The golden cord that connects Us is not a metaphor. The golden cord is a ray of light that maintains Our Oneness.

Cast Our light upon a world that needs to see light.

Let My light within you dawn upon others.

Let My light be seen.

Let you see My light so that others may. Call not attention to you but to Me. Set Me as your goal, not dazzling events. I will enter your vision as a silent light from the distance. When the blaze of My light enters your consciousness fully, your eyes will already be used to it.




God said:

What do you think you are doing now but removing boundaries? Do you think there is another way to get to the boundless? How do you think you get to the boundless? Not by staying as you are. You have been waiting for everything to change but yourself.

And all I say is that you must open your eyelids a little to see more, not to keep looking at what you have always seen, but to see what is right in front of you. Now that you are beginning to peek at the boundless, you fear you are seeing less, that something is being taken away from you, when in actuality, you are seeing more.

The boundless is not fenced in, else it would not be boundless. You are accustomed to fences, that's all. That is your situation. You worry what to do and what will happen when you see beyond the safety-net of the fences that you pictured around you. They did not keep you safe. They kept you away. The need for safety is one of your delusions. You have made safety an industry. You have made alarms. Alarms alarm you.

I tell you not to be alarmed. I tell you to open your eyelids a little bit so that you can see a greater horizon.

What did Columbus do? He ascertained that no one can fall off the edge of the earth because there is no edge. He quelled fear. The fear was imagined.

I tell you that all fear is imagined. All danger is imagined. Why don't you imagine something better than danger?

The earth beneath your feet is made of My light. The earth beneath your feet is as much My light as are the Heavens above. If there is no up and no down, then you can just as well walk in Heaven as on earth. It takes a little daring only because you have been misinformed.

Actually, it has been daring of you to stay in the same place you are. I mean place of awareness. It is not so much to avoid danger that your life is about. It is to grasp opportunity. How do you grasp what you cannot see?


Only by a lot of waving of the arms. But when you can see, what can you not grasp? Which grape can you not pluck?

Why be satisfied with one bunch of grapes in your hand when your vision can encompass the whole vineyard?

Whatever you think you have grasped in your life with your hands, it is a small part of what you have been offered. Whatever you have grasped in your life with your hands, no matter how solid it may seem to you – it is moving away from your grasp as We speak. In truth, it is only the eyes that can grasp. The eye takes. Then the heart can accept.

The hands really do not hold on to anything. Nothing stays still in the land of movement and relativity except Our Oneness. Whatever your hand has clasped, that is already moving away from your grip.

The grapes ripen. They are picked. Or they are not picked. They drop from the vine. They are eaten or not eaten. The grapes are a passing thing. Even the vineyard is a passing thing for the presumed owner of the vineyard, for the owner of the vineyard is not an owner. He is a caretaker. No matter how many deeds to the land he may hold, his ownership is nothing but a piece of paper. Nothing is owned. All is lent. Or it is a gift for a short time.

But where the vineyard came from, that is permanent. Where you came from, that is permanent.

The essence of the vineyard and the essence of you, they remain. It is one essence, and that essence never changes. It is immutable. Would you not like to see more of what is the truth of you? Would you not like to see the essence that runs through all of life?

Would you not like to give it a name? Would you not like to give the Nameless a name? As a matter of fact, you have.

I am variously called God and Love and the Eternal.

And that is the essence of the vineyard.

And that is the essence of everyone. You are called by a sound that is identified as your name, but that name is not your essence. Your individual name is an alias. You must know that. You are One, and your name is One. Grasp that.



Your Flight to Greatness

God said:

Without your prescribed boundaries, you feel that you are flying blind. And that is exactly what you must do. You can only fly blind. Any parameters you put down are interference. The fact is that you fly blind anyway. You write down these little mooring places and think that means you know where you are going. You don't even know where you have been, My children.

You fly blind, or it is not flying. Flying by the stars, that is another thing. But you have to know the wisdom of the stars in order to rely on them.

You have an inner guidance system that is from above. It is not from littleness. It is from greatness. It is not from tiny marks but from a great unmarked territory. You have to trust. What other choice do you have?

The flight you have signed up for does not have little rails for you to hold onto. It does not have little places for you to attach your feet to. In order to fly, you have to step off.

You have been flying all your life.

Your whole life is a flight to greatness, otherwise, you flee it.

Fly or flee. Go forward, or retreat. Resist, or accept. Hold back or let go.

Now is time to let go. You have had enough of holding on.

And you have been holding on to fantasy.

Let go of fantasy, and you have Me.

That is what is left.

After fantasy, there is God.

All you ever had was Me.


You just thought you had something, but the something you thought you had was not. You thought you had fear and danger. What an imagination you have.

All along you have had Me, and I am All that you have had.

Is that so bad?

Does that make you less to have had God all along?

To have been unaware of what you had means you have not been observant.

You have been counting mere trifles. So busy counting that you forgot to look up and see that which is beyond counting. You have measured the measurable, and forgotten to look at the Immeasurable.

I am too vast to be measured. How do you measure Infinity?

You have been trying to measure the distance between you and Me, and I tell you there is no distance to measure. Distance does not exist. You and I exist. Oneness exists.

How far can you count one?

That you and I were ever fractured is illusion. That We have to reconnect into Wholeness is also illusion.

Right here, right now, you have it all.

You are not a splinter. You are not a torn piece. You are Wholeness. Only you have forgotten. I remind you, and you fear to believe, for you fear it might not be true, and you do not want to be disappointed one more time.

I have never been disappointed in you. I have always seen you as My precious Self. Now that is what you must see. And see it now. See Our gathering and not an imagined dissembling. For unless you open to Our Oneness, you are dissembling.



An Instance of Eternity

God said:

I am teaching you to be in the moment. That is what We are talking about. Not in the past. Not ahead of time. But in the moment which is no moment at all but which is an instance of eternity. You are getting onto the Grand Steering Wheel. You are getting off the tiny toy ones. You will not fall off the Grand Steering Wheel, but you must get off the toys.

Pictures of life were drawn for you, and you accepted them. Someone took a stub of a pencil and sketched a place for you. They drew a picture of you, and they drew little things around you, and you thought this sketch was true.

But I have a bigger picture of you. There is no canvas to hold My picture of you. There is nothing big enough to hold My drawing of you because Mine is truth, and you are bigger than the universe. You are vaster than the vast. All pictures of you are false except Mine. My drawing of you, which is the same as to say you, is not an outline. It is not a smudge. It is not a distortion. It is not a minimized copy of you. It is not an aggrandized one either. It is simply you in the purity of Godness, My image planted in a small body.

You are not an attempt at greatness. You are greatness. You are My greatness. I am a magnificent Creator, and I create magnificence. What else would I create?

Change your seeing.

Change your picture of yourself.

That is all you can change.

It is your picture of yourself that has to change.

My picture of you cannot change.

You might as well accept Truth.


I am the Steering Wheel of your life. Come with Me. Come to My vision. Come to My way of seeing. Come to My way of being. Come sit with Me, and together We take a flightless flight.

Where would you like to be?

Is there some place other than with Me that you want to be?

There is no place without Me. Your true place is in My heart. That is where you are.

That you sit in an imagined chair in an imagined country does not displace your seat with Me.

You are not a displaced person on earth.

You are Our Oneness placed there for a moment in eternity.

There is no displacement. That is what I am trying to tell you. You have nothing to run to. You have nothing to run from.

All is.

You are a star in the firmament of Heaven.

There is nothing but Heaven.

And there is nothing but you and Me.

There is nothing but Our Oneness.

Turn yourself to Me.

I turn the Steering Wheel of life so that you may come to your realization of Me right away, not later, not sometime, not another time, not another life, but this one, right here, right now. Come to Me. Okay?



The Past 1

God said:

You, who feel so connected to the past, who are indeed a wave of the past, find yourself in the position of having to let go of the past, the dear and the not so dear.

Consider yourself created today, full-grown. Consider yourself without memory. Consider yourself new. What delights would you see before you? You would ooh and ah, and you would know the gifts that you have been given.

The past proves nothing. It was only a blip. It just isn't important. It never was. Let it go.

When you let go, you will not take life so seriously, for you do take it seriously. Life is crucial to you. You are mounting a battle every day that you feel you must win. And here is God, telling you that you have nothing to lose, nothing to lose but past outdated outmoded thinking. But, "Look," you say, "what does God know? He doesn't have this physical body to be tied to.”

And I tell you that you are not tied to it either. Your physical body and physical life are not the limits of you. Make peace with Human life. You are preoccupied with it, that's true, but it is not your serious occupation. Now try not being preoccupied with it. For the very sake of your life, make it a hobby.

When you are so serious, what happens? You are tense. You hold onto everything. You are attached. More than attached. You have bitten into your life and won't let go for the life of you.

And I say, "Let go."

When you are in an ocean and you feel you are drowning, the thing to do is to lie back. The more you struggle, the more you struggle.

I am telling you not to struggle. If something must turn out a certain way because you have decided it must, you will indeed struggle. But struggle is hitting what has already moved. Struggle is beating a shadow.


Relax in life, and you will get further. You will get higher.

Tension freezes you. It holds you in place. It knots you up, and then you have to unravel. Do not ravel in the first place.

Life is not a contest. You don't have to win it. You don't know what winning is! Winning is letting go.

Letting go is not drifting, although, it's all right to drift now and then too.

Letting go is stopping to struggle.

When you feel you have to struggle, you are struggling against something. And usually it is your doubts that you are struggling against. And you may personify your doubts and find them all around you in people and events.

Personify what you want rather than what you avoid.

If you can materialize what you don't want, you can materialize what you do want.

When you spend your life looking back, you miss the present. Spend your life looking back, and you relive the past. Let the past go. You don't need it anymore. You never really did.

The purpose of the past was to get you where you are.

Now that you are where you are, turn the direction of your eyes and look at Me, for that is how you leave your wayward self behind and find your Self. Your true Self is not what has happened to you in the past. Nothing has happened to you. You are inviolate of happenings. You can never be diminished nor added to.

You are a beautiful Being of Mine. Why bother with all those other thoughts that bring you turmoil. Do you enjoy turmoil so much? Do you enjoy the story more than the Author?

Accept the peace I give you. Let My peace sink into you, and you will rise up, and you will begin to see.



The Past 2

God said:

Not only do you remember and relive the past, you regret it. You rue the past. You rue decisions you made, and you rue, or at least wonder about, decisions you did not make. You think, I should have taken that job and not the one I did. Or, at least you think, I wonder what would have happened had I chosen that other job. What if you had married that man instead of this man? What if you had had more children or none? And you wonder what your life might have been altogether had you changed your choices, or if you had chosen even the same but for the right reasons. And for you, right reasons are based on what is important to you now and not your past vision.

Do not rue the past.

Are you not well-pleased that you are with Me now? What led you to Me? Only your right-considered choices? Had you made other turns in the road, are you sure you would be here before Me right now? How do you know that all of your choices were not the right ones at that moment of fabricated time?

Dear Children, do not have misgivings. Rejoice in your choices. Be glad for them, for you are here before Me now. I look into your eyes, and you begin to see that your eyes meet Mine. Should you regret the events that brought you to My door? Should you regret the life that was given you? Let your heart leap at the life that was given you and all you did with it. Then you will let the past go.

The past matters not a whit. Judgment is always of the past. And you judge everyone and everything, and you judge your own life. And you judge harshly. Judgment is harsh because it is not the heart that sits in judgment. A law officer part of you flips through the pages of your life and catches you in error. Judgment looks for error. It looks for condemnation. Its joy is in catching you red-handed. Judgment should be red-faced, not you.

What if every unwarranted thing you ever did was really right?

Why mull it over? Assume it was right, and go on.


Regrets can only be of the past. And the past is a waste of the present. You can be sure it's a waste to dwell on the past. Past means gone. Out of the picture.

The world will say you are a product of the past. But that is your choice.

In truth, you are not a product of the past. In truth, you are a creation of God, not a product at all. You are My vision.

I envisioned you. I took My Light and shone it on earth. I gave earth you. Or did I give you the earth? Or is there any difference?

What you do with your life is not a weighty issue. We do not examine it.

It is not your life that We are concerned with. It is you that is paramount. Pay more attention to you and less to your life. Do you see the difference?

Pay attention to My child. Pay more attention to you yourself and less to the events that surround you. My estimation of you is not based on circumstances. It is not based on your choices. It is based on you. I see aright, and you see mistakenly.

You also can see aright now. Let My eyes wash over you, and the past is erased. The past fades as the moon at dawn. The past was just a shadow anyway. Leave your shadow behind you. Come to Me where there is no shadow. Come to the Light that shines in you whether you know it or not. But choose to know it. Choose to know it now.



Oneness on the Dance Floor of Life

God said:

Make way for Me. Usher Me into your life. The way you would draw aside a curtain or open a door for another, just so, open your life to Me. In the olden days on earth, you would take off your hat and beckon someone before you with a flourish and say, "Go before me." Just so, beckon Me to lead you where you want to go. Beckoning Me is most natural. It requires no flourish. It requires awareness.

It is not exactly that I need an invitation because I do go with you regardless. But your invitation is heralding yourself to Me. It is presenting yourself to Me. It is your way of saying, "I admit You, God. Enter. Go before me. Show me the way."

I say to you, "Hineni, I am here."

And you say to Me, "God, I also am here. I am here for You. For You, dear God, are my Chosen. I chose You the way You choose me. We choose One another. You ask me to be your dance partner, and I put my hand in Yours, and We dance. And I also dare to invite You to dance with me, for You know the steps. I do not. You lead the way, and the steps don't matter. You take me beyond the steps. You take me beyond the dance floor. You take me beyond myself all the way to Heaven where, in truth, the music began."

You swirl Me on the dance floor of life. We dance one dance and then another. There are so many dances, but One Dancer. There is Oneness. The motion stops and the dance goes on.

There is One Teacher. There is One Student. The sum total is One.

The very grandeur of it makes it simple. You do want it simple, don't you? You don't want complex any longer? Complex is everything piled together, and everything broken apart. And you re-pile the pieces, and you make the restoration hard. You think you are in a quandary. Look beyond the pile you have made. Your hands do not have to rebuild. Your eyes will rebuild. With your eyes, the pieces will assemble themselves. As you look up,


all assumes its rightful place, and all is restored. It was only your frantic eyesight that distorted what had never come apart.

The dance broken into steps is not the dance. The dance is far more than the steps. You want the dance, not the steps.

You do not have to dance alone. You never could. Besides, alone is less fun.

It is natural to share because it is yourself you share with. "What do I look like?" you ask the mirror.

And as We dance, and as you share Me, you see what you look like. Actually, you see what you are, for it is truth you want to see, not appearances.

Truth is not some awful thing. It is an easy beautiful thing. Truth is not a reckoning. Truth is an unveiling. And it is yourself you unveil.

Consider Truth the dance, and untruth the pieces of the dance. Only together in Oneness does the dance make sense. Wholeness makes sense. Pieces don't. But this is not a puzzle for you to put together. It is for you to never mind the pieces. Attend to the Wholeness, and the assembly is complete.

Whether you are on the dance floor or on the sidelines, you are at the Dance. You do attend. You find yourself there. Might as well dance. Might as well come dance with Me. Come dance with Me.



God's Light Shines in You

God said:

You feel your greatness only when you feel Mine.

My greatness is My gift to you. My greatness is your nourishment. My greatness keeps you from groping in the dark. My greatness shines from your eyes. My greatness beats in your heart. Your life is an exposition of My light.

Your life is not menial. Whatever your menial activities – that is not your life. If that were your existence, indeed, what would be the point of it?

Fortunately, there is something more, and I am the Something More. Without Me, life is colorless. Without Me, life would not even be. But you have life, and you have Me.

Consider Me the light that lights you.

Consider Me your greatest desire and your greatest fulfillment.

Consider Me yours, for that is what I am. I am yours. I gave Myself to you when I fashioned you from My hands. Of course, it was not My hands that fashioned you. It was My eyes. I dreamed of you, and then I beheld you. You are My vision on earth. I do not know how to separate My vision and My thought of you. You were My desire, and there you were, My gift to Myself.

You are My blessing to Myself. You are My blessing. Blessed are you, for you are Mine.

Love comes in many colors. Gratefulness is one. Do you feel the stream of gratefulness pouring through you right now? What color is it? I think it is silver.

Gratitude is not obligation. It is joy. It is a silver streak of joy. It is awareness.

There are many shades of love and names for it. Gratefulness is one name. Mother love is another. Yet the love of a mother for her child cannot be


separated from the love of the child for the mother. Each is grateful for the other.

Golden light shines from on high. And My love is pure, and yet it is golden. Pure love is not colorless. It is golden. You feel that golden stream of love within you now. It is like a gasp of joy. But the gasp is repeated so it becomes a pulse of joy, a surge of joy. The joy contracts and expands. It pulls in and it goes out, and you are filled with the golden joy of God's love.

From the goldenness of My love come rubies and emeralds of love, and sapphires and garnets and opals of My love, come seashells and mother of pearl of My love, and sunlight on green leaves. My love makes an imprint on you. You are stamped: "God's love."

That is what you want to remember.

God's love streams through you. And My love is light, and light is color. And light emanates from Me. My Kingdom is a Kingdom of light, and so a rainbow is made. How lovely of you to shine My light on earth. I look at My light on earth in you, and I capture your heart. My light magnetizes you to Me.

I am your Lodestone. There is nothing but the light of My love. What if you could believe that? What if you would believe that? Then you would be seeing with My vision, and you would be seeing Truth.

Do you agree that a brick is made of light, moving light? Science says so. You believe diagrams.

I say you are made of My light. I say so. You are My diagram. I wrote Me into your eyes. I drew Me in your heart. You are an embodiment of Me, no other. You are not Creatorless. You are Creatorful.

You who are made of My light shine it. You might as well know that. You are a pool of My light. You radiate Me. A Moon shines on you, and you reflect the Moon in your waters.

You came from the Sea. I made you and I made the Sea. I granted you Being. You rose from the ocean and went onto land and there you be, bathed in My light. You do not carry My light – you are My light. You are It. On land or sea. On earth or in Heaven, you are Mine.



Know Your Abundance

God said:

When you begin to feel My love for you, you begin to feel how good I have been to you. How good your God has been to you. How blessed you are. Like the Sun and the Moon, I have followed you and bestowed upon you all manner of light. You thought you were walking in a wilderness, and now you discover that you have been walking in Paradise with a God Who loves you, a God Who created the moisture of the grape and the winding of its vine, a God Who created the arrowness of a pine tree and the shade of an elm, and put you under both. I spilled out all kinds of treasure before you. I spilled it all out, the seas and the land, the sand and the grape, the mountain and the vale.

I spilled out My love in every form imaginable. Did I leave out anything? What combination have I not made? And I made you and gave you the whole universe to play with.

Here you are, under a Christmas tree, laden with so many gifts you don't know what is before you and what to open first.

From where did the gifts come? Who is the Giver? And who receives? Who exchanges gifts with Me? Who gives Me his joy? Who appreciates the treasures put before him? Who is in awe of the life I have given him? Who knows that he has been enriched?

Be children who receive. Receive, and you can appreciate. First you have to receive. First you have to see the gifts poured upon you. Then you can open them. Then you can see what you have been given.

Perhaps one gift is behind another, and at first, you don't see it. You bemoan: "Where is my gift? Why haven't I been given it? I haven't been given the one thing I really want." And you search. And each gift you open isn't quite yet what you wanted, or you tire of it before it is hardly unwrapped.

You live in a treasure-chest, and you think you have been denied.

You think something has been withheld from you.


But you have been the withholder. You have withheld yourself from horizons before you. Reach out your eyes and absorb.

Desire that you appreciate Creation. Desire that you begin to see and appreciate the wonders before you. Desire to see the unopened packages waiting for you, wanting you as much as you want them.

What does life hold for you? Do you see the upward spiral?

Start following the spiral up with your eyes.

You will be surprised with what you see.

And what you see you can give.

Abundance lies before you. Abundance lies within you. You can be generous, for One has been generous with you.

When you think you have been denied, you hold back. Deny yourself denial, and know you have treasure heaped before you. Nothing has been denied you. Everything has been given you.

What if you knew you had been given everything, how different would your life be? When you set out on a journey with everything you need, how do you feel? You have all the resources of the entire universe at your feet. And you are surrounded by all of Heaven.

Furthermore, what if you knew you were royalty? What then? The same you who walks down the street walks differently. The same you who sees sees differently. The same you who speaks speaks differently. Accept your inheritance now.

What if you are a light that lights the hearts of man?

I say you are. I say you are a beacon light on earth. I say that when you recognize and acknowledge your light, you will see more and further and you will be in awe before My beneficence. Be in awe now. You walk through a land filled with treasure, and you only have to look, and appreciation comes of itself. Appreciate the gifts and the Appreciator of All. Appreciate what you have been given and hold your light high so that others may also see what they have been given.



Movie of Your Life

God said:

What are the attributes of God? And how do you know them? What are the qualities of God? Attributeless Love surrounds you. I am the Changeless and the Unchanging, but I also become what you see. You make a picture of Me. Your life also becomes as you see it to be. Make your life and My vision become One. Enough of short-sightedness.

Seeing an inch before you is not good enough. Seeing the long past is irrelevant, for when you look at the past, you see error. When you see error, you think you have to correct it. You think you have to improve life. A little, or a lot. You think you have to.

Your old life is like a black-and-white movie. You can see it as bleak, or you can impose color upon it, but your old life is still nothing but an old movie reel. Your past life is not your glory. Today is. And your past is not your pain either, for that is past.

Start the movie you make today in color. A vast horizon appears before you, and then you appear on the horizon. You make your movie a western or a melodrama or what you will depending upon the horizon you cast and see before you.

Your movie starts out with your vision of it. Your vision becomes your version of your life.

Let a beautiful vast horizon appear on the screen, filled with dazzling light and fluctuations of it. Behind the whole horizon lies a beautiful God Whose light He shines is so dazzling you cannot see Him but only His light.

What kind of a movie will you make from the start I give you? See the light you have been given, and the movie moves, dappled with My light. Overlook My light, and your movie lacks spark and is choppy.

My dear children, I am before you. Accept. Agree I am here. Include Me. Start to see with My light in your eyes.


There is a God before you Who casts His light. See it.

Can you admit that you do not know everything? You like to think that life is dismal and perpetuated upon you, and at the same time you like to think you have all the answers and know how to make things happen. You say you seek to know My Will, but you seek to have your will underscored. Your perception is your will. It is too little next to Mine.

Again and again, you prove you do not know who you are, and yet you think you know everything. You want to call the tune, and your repertoire is limited.

You want things the way you want them. You want to have the say on your life, as if you knew what was going on and how to solve it. Your tiny vision has seen only rare glimpses of refracted light.

Give up your control. Give it up. Give your life over to Me Who knows what to do with it.

The world will never tell you who you are. No matter how many plaudits the world places upon you, the world does not give you the truth of your identity. Do not look to the world to recognize you. The world gives, and the world takes away. Its eyes alight upon you for just a moment and then flit somewhere else.

I do not take away from you. I am the Giver of Everything. I take nothing away from you. It has been said, "Dust unto dust, ashes unto ashes." I say there is no dust. There are no ashes. Look upon My light, and rely less on your picture of the world.

Describe the God you cannot see. What am I like? Expand your vision. You cannot change Me, but your view of Me can change. It must. Let your heart describe Me. Hear My heart, and your perception will brighten. When your perception brightens, you lift your head up, and you uplift life. The same dance is perceived in many ways. Perceive differently. Perceive as I do perceive. You will see more Light.



Understanding Isn't What You Need

God said:

You think you have to understand everything when you hardly know anything.

Understanding isn't what you need.

Allowing Me and My love and wisdom is what you need.

Take yourself off the hook.

Put down your swords.

You have a Protector and a Guider and a Lover and a Sage. You have a Joy-Giver.

Look at My beloved animals. Emulate them.

They follow you happily.

Your dog jumps into the car.

He doesn't say, "Where are we going? How do I know I want to go? Where are you taking me and why? What is the purpose of all this? Please explain it to me. I have to know what's going on. I have to decide."

No, your companion jumps into the car and merrily drives off with you. It doesn't matter to him where you are going. It matters to him to be with you. That is what matters to him. Your presence. Your presence in his life, and his in yours. Your lives intermingle. And the beloved friend who accompanies you looks to you with love in his eyes and sureness in his step, for he is following the one he loves. The one he loves above all. All he wants is to go with you. He knows he is going somewhere with you. That is enough for him.

We know that you do not always know what you are about, and that is where the analogy between Me and you, and you and your companion breaks down.


In your case, even though you are imperfect in your life, your beloved dog follows you. He knows you make mistakes, and still it is worth it to him to be with you. He doesn't care about your mistakes. He cares about you. In some ways, your dear pet is more like Me than you are like Me.

Dear Children, I do not make mistakes, and you hesitate to go with Me. Of course, you do not GO with Me, for you ARE with Me. Your choice is only in your awareness. But what an awareness that is. What a difference that awareness makes.

Do you really want to travel alone? Your illusion is that you can and will and that you prefer it that way. You not only want to master your life, you want to direct Me. It is much more productive to follow Me than to direct Me. Even though I follow you, you cannot direct Me, for misdirection is not of God.

It is easy for you to say what you would do and not do if you were God. But if you were God, you would see more than you see. You would see what I see, and you would love as I love.

My job is easy. It is no job at all. All I have to do is be. In my Being, I lovingly watch you and your antics, and the outcome is assured. One outcome. Your passage to Me. Your return to Me in your awareness. Your notice of the well-being of Our Union. That is where We are going.



Align with God

God said:

The fault you find with anyone is your own. Fault-finding is your greatest fault. Instead of finding fault, see the innocence of one who commits a fault, and you will emulate and reveal Me. I do not find fault. I see Truth. I see the truth of you.

No matter how it seems, no one is trying to displease you. Whatever someone does, they are trying to please themselves. They feel they are unworthy, and they want to make up for it. If they think they are unworthy, then they are not seeing themselves as they are, and they will not see you as you are either.

Also, the reverse. When you try to please someone, it is yourself you are trying to please. You have this untrue dissatisfaction with yourself, and you want something outside you to help you feel better. Remove the dissatisfaction with yourself.

Please Me. Please Me with your joy in yourself and others. Must you try to solve everything? Can you not let things be? Your desire for outward perfection makes you see fault. Do not desire outward perfection. Outward perfection does not exist.

And yet every moment of life is its own perfection in the moment of its uniqueness. You would change this and that about everyone and everything, but then, that would not be life.

And you ask, "What about murder? Should I not find fault with that? What about genocide? Should I smile on it?" No, but I reply to you: If something is so obviously out of harmony, why must you point it out? Why must you rail about the obvious? Everyone knows that taking lives is opposed to life. The fault in one who murders lies in their view of life. Their perception was off. And so is yours. We are re-aligning your perception now. We are re-aligning it to Mine. Let go of past preoccupation. Occupy yourself with Me.



The Treasure-Giver

God said:

Your thinking is Mine, or it is past performance. You have repeated the history of yourself time and time again. Break out.

I am not suggesting that you come from the opposite, for that is also imitation. I suggest that you come from a higher realm of being. It is not your actions that you have to think of changing. It is your perception or lack of perception that keeps you in the same mold.

Rely on Me, not past habits of seeing or non-seeing.

The truth is that you want to advance. But you keep turning your head behind you, so you find yourself going in awkward circles.

You go by your connection to Me, or you go by your connection to the world of men. Where would you like to put your money? Do you bet on the scurrying horse or on the Stalwart Runner? Do you bet on the dashing flurry or on the Quiet Arriver? There is no question really about Who surpasses the finish line, and yet you have doubt.

Your reliance is on Me, or it is on other things. Doesn't that give you pause for thought?

You rely on the train to get you places, and you forget the Energy that pulls it. You call on the puffing train, and forget about its Engineer. You are in such a hurry that you get caught up in the glitter and the noise, and you forget about the real Mover. Much of the time.

Forget no longer.

There is a treasure you no longer want to keep buried.

There isn't much you have to do. You don't have to dredge it up. Indeed, you cannot. All you have to do is point and say, "There lies my treasure."


With your recognition, the treasure will rise, and you will see it. As your recognition rises, so do you rise higher and higher to realms of unsuspected happiness.

You fear that you will not make it to the Higher Realm, or, if you do rise, that you will disintegrate at the Heights of Happiness. But you mix up coming apart and coming together. Even though you know better, you half-think you are together now. Wait until you find what it is to stand tall with Me.

You think I am a substitute for something. You think I am in place of the real goods. Not that you think I am an imposter. No, you don't think that, but you think that I am a non- or lesser-dimension than the one you presently know. You say in words that I am higher, but you fear I am lesser. You rather think I am on call when your regular life isn't up to par. You fear I am a second best. You fear that the dimension you are most familiar with is really superior to what I offer. And yet I am the Offerer of All Dimensions.

Accept all the gifts I proffer. Why not? Why not accept all?

I am not a subterfuge. Your acceptance of your present awareness of life keeps Me hidden.

I suggest that you enjoy your present world more. Enjoy it more by not being attached to it. When you think the present mass world is all that there is, naturally you attach to it. You clutch it. You are not going to let go when you think there really isn't something more, or that that something more isn't available to you, and maybe not to anyone really. Maybe it is there, but out of reach, so you would rather deny it altogether than to reach out and find your hand empty.

Reach out your hand, and I will rush to fill it. Look up and reach out with your eyes and put your hand out. I am waiting to fill you with all kinds of treasure. I am the One who is the Giver of treasure. You thought your worldly goods came from somewhere else. Like you, they also do not exist without My awareness and blessing. I am the One Who has given to you all along. Turn your awareness to the Fulfiller of you. I am the Filler of Hearts. None other. Put your faith where it lies.


It is never enough to do something for yourself alone. It is not satisfying to you, or satisfying for long. It is easier to do for other people, and yet that is not enough either. After a while, the thrill wanes, and you are left


with chores, and the joy has fled. Work becomes humdrum. That is one reason why you seek newness. Better to seek Me.

Whatever you do, do it with Me in mind. When you do for Me, you will feel fruitful rather than fruitless. This is a simple way to keep awareness of Me with you.

Today, when you dress, consider that you dress for Me. Desire to dress for Me, not merely to throw on clothes. Today, when you cook, consider you cook for Me. You will cook with great love. Today, when you greet anyone on earth, consider you are greeting for Me. You will greet with great consciousness.

Offer your life to Me, and you will feel a grand sweep of energy. You will feel yourself lifted, and your life lighter.

It is not drudgery to do for Me. It is enlightenment.

If something becomes heavy for you, or hangs over you, you have been forgetting for Whom you do. If you think you apply for work on behest of the person on the other side of the desk, you short-change yourself. If you think you serve another for your sake or their sake, you have cheated both of you. Serve another for My sake, and you are enriched.

What a formula this is. This is not regulation. It is Truth.

I gave you life, and you acknowledge it.

I gave you the sun and the moon and the stars, and now you simply tip your hat.

I peopled the earth, and you accept the sign I made over you.

I gave you grasslands and sentient beings to roam on it, and you to accept your stewardship.

This is not responsibility I give to you. This is reward I give to you. This is joy I give to you.

When something seems like a burden to you or too much for you, you have forgotten your place in the universe and you have forgotten the purpose of your life. It is not that you have become irresponsible; it is that you have become too responsible, as if you must carry your life and a limited extent of it all by yourself.


That would be too much. That would be too much for a single soul to carry.

Consider Me the blessing I sent you so that you would never weary, never be lonely, never be lost. Consider Me the blessing I sent to you who are My blessing.

Bless Me back with your life. Tiny acknowledgement of your Creator will encourage you tremendously. A little of Me goes a long way. I have gone as far as you.

And now you sweep your life across the universe. You swathe your little service across the universe, and you swathe it in recognition of Our relationship.

What do you think would happen to the created world when all acknowledge My presence, and all acknowledge their silent service to Me? That is recognition. What if everyone in the rocky world would recognize their place with Me, and therefore their place in the world?

You all occupy the same place. You are all a gift of Mine of equal value. There is only value I place on you. Accept the value I have put on you. I have not valued one higher, and another less. You all wear the same price tag. You come from the same Manufacturer, and you are of the same quality. If you have become ragtag, it is because you removed yourself from the rack. Put yourself back, and you will be renewed.

Join Me in My acceptance of you, and accept Me as a great ingredient in your life, an ingredient shared in Oneness. Make toasts to Me. Raise your glass to the Creator of all. Clink your glass with all of My Creation in silent tribute to Me. It is for your sake I ask this, but you must do it for Mine.



The Golden Ladder of Truth

God said:

Have the faith in Me that I deserve. If you cannot have faith in Me for your sake, then have faith in Me for My sake. Fulfill My faith in you. I reach My hand out to you, and I ask you to put your hand in Mine. You say that you don't see My hand; you say you don't know where it is; and all the while, My hand reaches for yours. And all the while you grope.

My children, there is no other hand.

It is true there are angel souls on earth, and they will give you a hand up, and so you have ladders on earth. But that is the trial offer, the one that is sent to you in the mail. It is a small per cent of the Total Offer. Send for more. Send in your order for the Golden Ladder of Truth that awaits you.

There is no price assigned to it. The price is to ask. That is all. The price is to reach out and up. The price is to return the stamped self-addressed order card. The price is to place your order.

I have told you before that you do not ask for enough. I do not mean number of requests. You have plenty of those, but they miss the point. I mean the one request, the one you dilly-dally about, the one request that your awareness be utterly joined with Mine. That is all that is lacking. Your awareness. Surely Mine is not.

We are already joined. What a difference when your awareness of Our Unity joins with My Awareness. How far we travel when you realize Our Oneness. That is Self-Realization. If all is Oneness, then there is One Self for you to realize.

You have searched for your identity in small places. Now look for your Universal Identity. Look for your place in the stars. Enough looking at your feet. Look to where the Light comes from.

Oh, My beloved's, how I yearn for you to see Me. To see Me, see with your heart. Your heart has eyes that see. Consider your heart a sense far


greater than the others you count on. Use the one sense that resides in your heart, or you have no sense at all.

The physical senses are feelers that touch your environment and bring it to your heart. The five senses are a prelude to your heart. Their information goes to your heart, and it is adjudicated there in the bank of your heart. The adjudication of your heart is not judgment but rather a filter that separates the dross from the gold.

Deep within its beat, your heart has made an oath to look for Me and to find Me. I am Truth. Obey the oath your heart made long ago.

Your heart of hearts knows that it never lost Me. It knows I reign. It knows that you make My heart complete. It knows that We feel a mutual yearning. It is the same yearning, yours for Me, Mine for you. The only difference is that I know you will answer, but you do not have the faith that I will.

It is a simple thing to answer My call for you. It is I Who has a calling. You have an answering. All you can do is join in on My calling. I call you. Answer Me.

You wait for an answer from Me. Hear My call to you. I await your answer. Choose to recognize Our connection. Choose to know it. Choose to bare your heart to it. I enter through your heart, and I stay there. Put your awareness on Our Union in your heart. Open Our connection to the universe. Reveal Me to yourself.



True Gold 1

God said:

It is your Heart of Hearts We talk about, the heart within you that hears and accepts Truth. The true heart knows that what appears on the surface may not be the truth of what is beneath. The surface venues of life may lead you astray. We are not talking the truth of words but the truth of heart.

Being in your new awareness means you are aware. It means that you speak and hear Truth. Ask yourself, "What is the truth of what my heart hears?"

Something doesn't ring true, and you blame yourself for feeling vague and unsettled.

But now you listen to the peal of the Bell of Truth.

Rally to your truth and not to sentiments. This is the same as standing tall. This is the same as having confidence in your own perception.

What is the truth of your heart? Perhaps you do not yet know. So then practice silence.

Saying less than truth is like passing counterfeit coin. It doesn't feel good to you anymore. What you receive in return feels counterfeit as well. And so illusion is passed back and forth.

It is a lovely thing to be in your truth. You speak your truth, but your truth is not in finding fault in others. It is finding truth in others. You are a speaker of truth and a finder of truth. You just don't pretend to yourself or others that untruth is truth anymore.

The truth beneath each heart is a burning desire to receive and give love, a burning desire to be love, which is the truth of Being. But because My children have been taught they are inadequate, they have learned to grasp, to light onto what may be only a spark that doesn't signify much, and which glimmer doesn't last from one heart to another.


Truth does not have to prove anything. Truth is just what it is and shines on its own.

When you put a brick of gold in one hand and one of gold foil in another, you know the difference.

Put true gold into your heart where it belongs. Do not pretend gilt is gold. And don't hide your gold. Gold is gold. I would tell you to be brazen with your gold, but that might be misinterpreted. If We had to choose between being modest with your gold or brazen with it, I would say be brazen. But We do not have to choose, so think neither shy nor brazen. Just let truth arise.



True Gold 2

God said:

We are talking about a settling-in. Settle in to yourself, not the world as it appears. Settle in to Truth or rise to it. It is the same. The Truth sinks in, and you rise to it. You get up to greet it, as I do greet you, but it is found sitting where you are.

Once in a while you glimpse truth, and you are amazed with the joy of it. "Ah, so that is truth," you muse. A quietness settles on you, a calmness far surpassing the physical state of your body, yet you feel it encasing your body and entering your heart where it will dwell in peace forever.

Truth doesn't leave. Untruth leaves.

Truth doesn't attach. It is. Untruth leaves. It is not. But you who are greatness attach to yourself that which does not exist, and, in fervor, you exalt it as if it were real. In truth, the only thing you have is Truth.

What do you consider important? The fading fleeting or the forever far-reaching? They are expressions of one another. But only one is the basis. Which came first? I came first. I am the First Cause, and all else falls from Me. I am the Source.

Water comes from a well. It does not materialize itself. Water flows to you, but you must drink of it. You must cup your hand. Before you see the water, perhaps you hear it. Or you see evidence of it. Dew on leaves. A levee. A sunken footstep.

That which is mortal is immortalized. Your body is mortal, and you are immortal. Which comes first? Which lasts? Which is the truth of you? I am the truth of you, and you are the truth of Me. To be in your truth means to be in Mine. It means to be in Me. To be beside Me. To be within Me, as I am within you.

We reside within One another, and we cannot be separated. We are inseparable. And you analyze something and you pick Our life apart. Unite it.


Stop waiting for Me. You already have Me. I am ready for Our adventure. You are still looking for your shoes. Come with Me without them. You don't need them. You need Me. You have that which you need. You have only to rise and to start. You have played a waiting game.

I say, "Get up."

You say, "Let me sleep a little longer."

And I say, "Why?"

And you say, "I don't know."

And I say, "Come anyway. Come now. Let's run to your true destiny."

You have rushed to meet your fate on earth, have you not? You have rushed to one embroilment or another. Now rush to That Which has no compare. Rush by opening the floodgates of Truth.

Open to where the Ocean exists. Stop opening dry-dock. For what avail? Open your heart of love. Open it to yourself.

Love your truth. Love you. Love your existence. Love your being. Love your possibilities. Your possibilities are your truth.

The barriers to your fulfillment are not truth. Abandon the barriers and take on the sword of your truth, for truth is a great cutter. It cuts away slag. It cuts way ties to that which never was. Truth does not change. You change.

You change not by effort but by vision. Widen your vision. Widen what you will accept. What will you accept from Me? First, accept Me. Accept Our Oneness. How much are you willing to receive from the One God

Who Loves Above All? How much of My love are you willing to receive? My love is measureless. Accept a portion today. Accept a greater portion tomorrow. Accept all the boons I wish to give you. I place the desire in your heart. To you who serve Me, I give everything.

How much will you accept?

Your very service to Me is your acceptance.



Unseduce Yourself

God said:

How much will you leave others to Me?

How much will you get out of the way?

How much control will you release?

Release all of it.

What others do has to do with Me, not with you.

Your life is between you and Me, and others' lives, the same – between them and Me. I am the center of the vortex. You are not.

If you believe I am with you, then believe that others are with Me also.

Can you leave them to Me? Can you leave their passage through life to Me?

Follow your own course, and let others follow their own as well.

Look to your fulfillment, but look to Me to fulfill it.

You did not know how much you had to release. You thought you were almost done.

Now you know you are beginning.

Keep emptying the buckets of your attachment. You have been attached to attachment. Let go of the concept.

I will not let you go. You will not fall.

Your attachments keep you down. They don't lift you up.


Events in your life do not lift you up. They excite you. Do you want excitement or do you want to live as One with Me? Chase excitement, and you may miss the Adventure.

Flurries of excitement do not take you to the Supreme. They distract you from the Supreme. The Sublime is a quiet gathering of love. It is not an Event. Look not for events. Look for a quiet welling within yourself. Look for your expansion within you. Look not for it outside you. First within you, then outside you. Seek Me out within you, and you will see more of Me outside you.

Seek not for miracles.

Seek for Me.

If truth be known, you are My miracle.

So seek the quiet tide of yourself.

You are not looking for Arrival. You are looking for Being. Being moves towards itself, and there is constant arrival in the process.

When you run to conclusion, you miss the joy of letting go. When you let go, you open the Gates of Heaven. When you open the Gates, you enter.

The Gates are open all along, so it is your awareness that you open. And it is My heart you enter.

Open your awareness, and allow Me to receive you. In My graciousness, I receive you. Enter My Heart of Love, and accept your rightful place. Accept the place I have been saving for you. I have been saving it intact. All is yours when you enter My Heart.

You have been seduced by trifles. Unseduce yourself.

Let go of your attachments. It is folly to be attached. You have attached to the comfort of ignorance. Let that go. Accept wisdom. Accept your inheritance. I am your inheritance. Accept Me, and you will enter a Great Heaven of Love and Joy beyond which you have imagined but which is where you belong. Increase your imagination now.



To Fly on Earth

God said:

Time does not exist. Or, if you insist it does, it exists as a faulty measure of eternity. It can only be faulty, for it tries to bind the bindless. It demarcates that which cannot be demarcated. The concept of time tries to hold back a flow. It wants to break it into segments. But that is an interruption to flow, and it is false. There is an issuance of love, and time tries to package it. But love will not be packaged.

Eternity means always is and so never was. Never was. No past tense. All the past that you hoard never really was. Love was. All the past you hoard is a memory of dots on a map. But the dots are not the map. And your memories are not Truth. Your memories are an attempt to hold in place pictured events. You only imagined them. You made up a meaning. You interpreted the uninterpretable.

Physics tells you that an event is a happening in time and space. Physics will also tell you that time and space are not. So what is an event? And what is a memory? A blade of grass in a painted field. No more, no less.

A memory is a picture you paint and repaint.

Move on.

Leave the landscape you painted and repainted, and start a new one. Take wet brushes and paint today. Today holds an imagined canvas before you, but at least it is fresh. Start over. Recast your life into the present. Abandon the past. It really has no hold over you, although you maintain that it does.

You are light. Should light be held back by the cover-up of the past? The past is only an excuse. Step through the past. Throw away excuses. There are none.

Stand before Me right now.

Stop dallying.


Step right up. I am the Present.

All there is is the present. This moment contains all.

The present is eternity. Get on for the ride.

And what a ride. What sights you will see. What vistas before you. And what a vision are you of My love.

Envision My love, and drop the past accumulations of thoughts. They are old pictures. They are old dresses that you once put on. Put on a beautiful new dress today. Leap into the present. Leap out of the past.

The past does not hold you. You hold the past. The past does not contain you. Do not you contain it. Do not you regress to the past. The past was not more beautiful than the present. Even when the past was terrible, you still want to keep it. It was not your past, My darling children. You have no past, for you are eternal, and that means you are present. So be present.

Be present with Me.

Be My consciousness, far-seeing, all-knowing, all love dispersed upon the earth.

To what do I attach? I attach to Truth. No, I do not attach. I am Truth. I am free.

Be you like Me. That is all I ask, that you be grounded in Heaven and fly on earth.



The Tide of God

God said:

Today you are God's pure spirit, unladen of the past. You wake unsullied. You wake up to Me.

It is I Who wakes you. The tide of God wakes you just like the moon pulls the seas. I pull you to Me. "Awake, awake," I say. And you push off the covers of the past, and you know that you awaken to Me and not to thoughts of the past.

For one moment you awake to the sense of Oneness with Me rather than with aches of regret of what is done or undone or despair for what is yet to be done or occur.

Regret and despair are of the same. Regret looks back, and despair looks ahead. Our sense of Oneness is not a hold-over nor is it a lingerer, though you can enjoy this awareness forever.

Remember, awareness is not a thought.

You have a nose, but you are not always thinking, "I have a nose."

You have a God, ever-present, all-seeing, all-Being. You always have Me. Your awareness of Me is like lowering your weary body into a tub of warm water. It is like getting out of the bath to a large warmed towel. It is like the pouring of scented oils on your skin. It is like getting dressed in silk. It is like going into the fresh air and breathing it. It is like a breeze so fair passing your cheek that you are left in wonder. It is like your eyes sighting the ribbons of dawn. It is like an Ah of a song beginning that arises from your willing throat and encompasses the whole of the universe like the Sun itself.

One note of Oneness issues forth from your throat as though you are a bird of God that has nothing to do but sing His Greatness. And this bird of God sings God's song to himself and to all who can hear.


Awareness of Me is an understanding. It is a basis. It is an acceptance of the God content of your life. It is an acceptance of your own aura, for it is My light that shines in and around you.

Let your aura be greater. Accept the light I give you. It is 360-degree light. It lights beneath, beside, and above. It merges with the Light above, and so My light and your own light shine on you. You bask in the Light of God. You are never without it. You carry your own Sun within you. You are a satellite to the Sun. You are a sun who shines to the Sun.

He Who gave you breath takes your breath away in the exquisiteness of your awareness of Him and His creation. You breathe deep of the breathlessness of your awe. Your cozy awe is a continuation of the Ah your singing throat sang out at the dawning of your awareness.

And I sing My song to you. I never stopped. You pick up My one note, and it issues forth from your throat. You sing My song that you hear. Never let Me out of your hearing. Don't let Me out of your sight. Touch My heart. Taste My love. Breathe the scent of Me and stop wondering where it comes from. It is enough to know that All Beauty comes from Me.

Your earthly senses are like five streams that meet in an ocean. The five streams stream from God and stream back to Him. It is a loop, this God almost-experience.

You cannot experience God as you experience a baseball game. You cannot experience Me as you do a feast at the table. But you can experience Me as the glow in your eyes that watch the game and devour the feast. I see into your eyes, and I see from them.

We are the loop of love that winds infinitely and finds itself.



God First

God said:

God first. What does that mean? That means that is the Truth. All comes from Me. The power and the glory are Mine. I care naught about power and glory. I care about Truth. And I care about you. That is what is hard for you to believe, that I care, and that you are worthy.

All healing comes from Me. All wealth. All talent. All beauty. All intelligence. All children. All Truth. All from your One Father. That is Truth. All your successes are Mine. Whose did you think they were?

So then you ask, "What about my failures? What about my pain? Are they also from You then?"

I have a child, and he sets out on a journey. I have given him a knapsack filled with everything he needs to make his journey. Along the way, he forgets about his knapsack. He has his own ideas. He traipses here and there, and everything is not according to his will.

My Will is that he make his journey and that he return to Me.

He gets caught up in the how and the why and the length of the journey and the pitfalls along the way. He has expectations, and when they are not met, he is distraught. His being distraught is his pitfall. That was not included in his knapsack.

After a while, he remembers his knapsack, and he snacks from it and is encouraged and strengthened.

He has been too busy reading signs along the way, interpreting them, intent upon obstacles and one-way signs and all the trouble he has gone to.

As he snacks from the knapsack I gave him, his vision becomes clearer and so his way is clearer.

He sees that the bumpy road leads him to his destination as well as does the smooth one.


As he continues his journey, he begins to see that there are no bumpy roads. What he thought were bumps were piles of treasure that had been left for him along the way. He had to look to the depths of them. Instead, he kicked at them, and he hurt his feet. But he did not have to kick at them. He did not have to hurt his feet.

When My son, the journeyer, gains his sight, the way is cleared for him. The terrain may be the same, but he is not the same. He becomes My journeyer, and he sees further.

There comes the time when he recognizes that his journey has been a dream. The whole trip was naught but a dream. He created his own reality, and he forgot about Mine. He depended upon his sight and the world's, and so he depended upon little. He saw the brambles. He saw the sharp stones. He saw the sameness.

But when he chooses to look up, he sees the sun by day and the moon and the stars by night, and he sees horizons, and he opens his knapsack completely, and he sees Me. There I am. With him all along in his unopened or partially opened knapsack.

Admit for one moment that perhaps your interpretations of the life that befalls you – the life that you imagined befell you – could be mistaken. Wipe your eyes. Rub out the illusion. The sirens and ambulances and police cars and courts and lawyers and cases and illness were your pictures running around. See beyond your initial pictures. Take them out of their frames.

See Me more. See Me a little.

Feel Me more. Feel even a little of My love for you, for even a little glimpse of My love will sustain you. That is what you make your journey for, to catch a glimpse of Me, to catch yet another glimpse of Me, to see before you the great light of love from My eyes. Look within, and a huge mirror will open up in which you will see Me looking out from your eyes, and you will see Me looking into yours, for Our eyes do meet, and you will see Me, and you will know the joy that you had overlooked while your eyes looked at your feet and where you thought they had been.

Keep on walking. Know that My light is before you. Know that your way is lit, and that I am lighting it for you.



Clued In to God

God said:

Hear My thoughts, and they will become yours. Much of your thinking is frivolous energy, like static on the radio. My thinking is pure and focused. Let Me be your background music, for that is how you will be clear and strong. What do you want?

Yes, consider what you want and why you want it. What you want propels you to it. There may be a difference between want and desire. Desire is a bigger aspect of your wants. Desire is longer and more basic. Desire follows you, and you follow wants. Follow your desires. Let your desires be great and your wants few.

Wants are sporadic. Desire comes from Me. And your deepest desire is for Me. You try to find Me with your wants. You think your wants are the way to Me, but they are by-ways.

Ask for greater. Ask for more. Ask for enough. Ask for the ocean and not a cup of water. Ask for the Fulfiller and not just for fulfillment.

This is crucial because your mind has to clear itself in order to do this. And it is the heart that will clear your mind.

Brilliant are My thoughts. False starts are yours, little sparks that light for a moment. Catch the Sun. Why not? It shines for you.

Become close to Me, and you will speak My mind. Christ read My mind, and he spoke it. He was clued into Me. That was his greatness. He knew whereof he spoke. He was authentic because of his union with Me. He recognized Me. He chose Me.

I chose him not more than I choose you, for I have one child in My heart, and that is you. And it is you I call, and it is you who will answer, for you will answer.

Answer now, and hasten Heaven.


You herald Heaven. You announce it. What is Heaven but the horizon that is before you? When you reach the horizon before you, you are in Heaven. You have ushered it to you. And you cannot usher it to you alone. It is you who will reveal Heaven. See it, and it will be revealed.

Look Heavenward. Look to the Vastness of Heaven and not the smallness you have been used to. Smallness was perpetrated upon earth. Take your eyes off smallness.

Smallness is a thread. Greatness is a great cloak. The Sun wraps its cloak around the world, and all the universe is warmed by it. And you have focused on a thread. You have focused on absence rather than presence.

Attend to My greatness that leaps in you. Not one of you can escape your greatness, for it is Mine, and I put it there within you. And you deny it. You disavow it. You act like a beggar on earth. Your hand is out. Your posture bent. You are not even sure that you have the right to be there.

When you accept that I have put you there – and there is here – you will know your rights and your privileges. Remember who you truly are, and your back will straighten, and your hand will give. Have the awareness of your blessed place on earth. It is where you are right now.

You have all the power to spread My light. Mine is the only light there is, and I have given it to you to shine. Is that a lot for Me to ask? That you be who you are? That you shine the light I gave you? That you know love in the accepting of it from on high? That you know love by simply being it? That you let love settle on you? That you radiate it by not stopping it? That you emanate God's love and light on earth by recognizing you are steeped in it? That you receive the light the Sun sends you? That you bask in it?

Where does happiness lie? Wherever you and I are. For happiness is truth and anything else is illusion, and so you have illuded yourself when you do not see the bright light of the Sun shining to and from you.

You have dwelt much on nothingness, and not enough on Everythingness.

All the honor given to the memory of Christ is given to you – for the Christ that you so honor is the truth of you – so that you may come out of hiding and reveal your Truth.



The Present Moment

God said:

Look not to the past, for then you follow a shadow. Looking to the past is the same as following it. Follow Me. I am the Present. I am Now.

Looking to the future is jumping ahead. You cannot live ahead. You can only live now. Whether your eyes stare ahead, or behind, you are missing the splendor of the present.

Do you think splendor is missing from the present? What could be missing but your awareness of Me?

Awareness is not words from the intellect. Awareness is a furbishing in your heart. Your heart lives in the moment. It beats the drums of My love.

Longing is your intellect pulling on your heart. You think it's your heart, but your heart knows better. You know better...only sometimes you are persuaded. When you think something else is better than your heart, you have persuaded yourself.

This moment is your moment. This is the one. Here it is. Given to you. Pressed upon you. Yours to look at and use as you will. You have been given a great masterpiece.

The same masterpiece has been given to all. Accept it. Do you question its authenticity?

This moment is an authentic moment for you, but perhaps you think it is nothing but a doodle and not worth much. Then it is worth what you think because its value to you is that which you put on it.

Great art has been tossed aside because someone didn't know its value. And it also has been picked up by someone else who liked it. Someone saw something in it that someone else did not. The masterpiece was not different. The eyes of the beholders were different.

Behold the treasure before you.


We could say that this moment is your canvas, and you paint upon it. We could also say that it is already painted, and in this moment the picture flashes upon it, but, of course, you have to be looking.

Or consider this moment a pool of water. You can look at it from a distance or you can dive into its depth and come out with a fish in your hand. In any case, you will get wet only if you go into the water.

Do you choose to live your life in the increments of its moments, or do you prefer to ford it away from you. Do you prefer to desist? Do you prefer to wait?

Consider that you have been served a meal. You look at it and think something is missing. And you wait for what you thought was missing before you decide to eat. The table gets cleared before you have eaten. And then the table is set again and new food is served, and you yearn for something that was on the table the time before and isn't now.

You do not want to be so particular about life.

You can relish all the tastes on your table, for it is life that is served you.

You can paint a masterpiece with whatever colors are before you, or you can be selective of what colors you will paint with, but that causes delay, and you will have missed the masterpiece you could have painted only then and not later.

The sunlight hits the water this unique way only at this moment, and then the sun alights differently.

The tide comes in, and the tide goes out. The water laps at the shore. Put your feet into this water. This is the perfect moment.

This perfect moment has been spread out for you like a blanket on the sand for you to lie down on. Don't step around it, but avail yourself of it. Avoid not the water nor the blanket nor the sand. Avoid not what is before you, because it is I Who is before you.



God In Truth

God said:

You like to think of Me as God in Heaven. Think of Me now as God in Truth. Not that your idea of Heaven is inflated. Not at all. Your idea of Heaven doesn't go high or wide enough. But to My children, Heaven is a faraway place just beyond reach, a future sometime thing, a land of reward you weep for. But Truth is more immediate for you. You know more readily that Truth dwells on earth. You see Truth as more of an essence whereas you see Heaven as a place located elsewhere.

Truth and Heaven are the same. When untruth evaporates, Truth remains. You are bathed in Truth, and you rise up from it, as pure as Truth Itself.

Think of God in Truth because then you have Me with you in an eloquence of pure light.

When you vibrate to My energy of stillness, you know your closeness to Me, and I am all that you know. No longer do you know of anything less. When you are high in the sky, what do you see? You see sky and horizons and earth in its rounded glory.

There is no need to wait for the body death before knowing Me. The fact is you do know Me. You know Me very well. You haven't quite recognized that or kept your recognition. You have been busy holding on to other things. You have even entered a realm called worry, which is the same as abandoning Me – considering Me unavailable to you – and choosing something less to be your constant companion. Whatever else you choose, it is less.

I am most available, only you have to avail yourself of Me. Avail yourself of My presence. Avail yourself of the light and energy of life and the Truth of God which is the same as the Truth of you.


We are talking of Truth not as a detail but Truth as innocence. Truth is not contrived. It is not a performance. Truth is light, light unshadowed, unwarped, undefiled.

See the light right now.

Let it dawn within you.

When you choose Me, you have the ripples of Me in the form of your desires and your fulfillment. When you choose Me, you have everything. You don't have to exclude anything. Choose Me, and everything settles, and some things fall away like unused toys no longer kept on shelves or yearned for. Choose Me because I am the only choice. I am the Father of Choice.

Heretofore, you have thought of Truth as applied to your life as some awful kind of revelation. You have thought of Truth more as your being found out rather than being found. You have imagined that the truth of you is something unlovely, rather than loveliness itself.

Shift your imagination. Imagine Truth as a great light upon earth. Imagine Truth as a stream of truth that fills your heart. Imagine lighted Truth as pure water from a sparkling spring. Imagine Truth trickling into your awareness until your awareness is an ocean in your heart. When the ocean fills your heart, the fraughtness of stuck fantasy is cleared out by the pure joy of the ocean.

Put your attention on filling your heart with the energy of the ocean rather than trying to displace the stale energy that drifted into your heart. Energy is stale there because it hasn't moved out. You have been keeping it. Stale energy is another name for negativity.

Positivity is not a bouncing ebullient wave of denial of negativity. Positivity is the basis that is left when stale energy moves out.

Whatever you have held onto, your holding on of it makes it stale.

Life moves.

Sameness exists only in the pure flow of the original light that flows through you.

Accept the Truth of you. Accept.



Godlight Reflected

God said:

There is not a scale with skepticism on one end and innocence on another. Innocence is not blind. Innocence sees clearly. Skepticism sees from watchful eyes only partially open.

Skepticism is like a tiger ready to pounce.

Innocence is the pure flowing water without debris bobbing on it.

Innocence isn't filtered.

It is its own filter.

Pure light has no need to be filtered.

There is nothing to filter.

Pure light knows no ending. It reaches everywhere. There is nowhere it cannot reach.

Pure light not only reaches you. It also emanates from you.

The pure light within you echoes the pure light of Heaven. Pure light can only reflect itself. When your eyes witness pure light, they witness nothing else. When your eyes witness pure light, there is nothing else to see. When you witness pure light, then you know you are One with your Creator. Light fills. Light cannot separate itself. Light is infinite, and you are Infinite Light, as I am Infinite Light. Infinite is Our Light.

Wherever your body sits at this moment, no matter in what dark dungeon, you are My pure light. And that is all you are. That is the extent of you. But you believe in the location of your body more than you believe in Me.

To have no light would be an awful thing. It would be pointless.


To have light and not know you do – that is worse than pointless. It is ridiculous to waste light.

If you had no light, you would not exist.

Do you exist? Can you say you do not? You, the you I speak to, has never known non-existence. Sometimes it is hard for you to acknowledge your light because you have never been without it, but you have looked away from it. Now you have to look at your lighted heart. Why do you have to, you might ask. You have to so that you can know who you are. You have to know who you are so you can stand up and announce yourself. You have to introduce yourself to your Self. It does not matter who else knows Who you are. It is enough that you and I do know.

When you know your power, you can use it.

When you don't know your power, you don't use it, the same way you don't turn on a light when you do not know it is there, the same way as when you do not know the royalty of your birth, you don't claim it.

You have to know something.

Start with knowing Who you are and what I am and what you are here for on earth. You are here for something. You are not here for nothing.

From on high in Heaven, I see your light flashing. That is what I see from where I am. And that is all I see, your beautiful light. Cannot you see even a little bit of what I see? Imagine that you are I. Come beside Me now. Look from My vantage. See all the beautiful Godlight reflecting back to you. You are the viewer and the reflector of the original Godlight.



Christ Never Asked Permission

God said:

You need ask permission of no man. Consult with Me. That is what Christ did do.

Can you imagine My son Christ asking other people what he should do? Can you imagine his asking others whether he should go here or there, or do this or that? Can you imagine his asking a single soul whether it was the right thing to do to speak out the Truth he heard from Me? Can you conceive that he would ask even himself, "What is most propitious here?" or, "What is the smart thing to do?" or, "What will others think of me?"

He did not ask himself, "What do I think of this? What do I want to happen here?" His question, if it can be called a question for it was more like an invitation, was: "What do You want, my Father?"

But, most times, he heard My love and wisdom before the need to ask arose. His heart was so close next to Mine that he heard Me before I even spoke.

Christ was in tandem with Me. His ear was to My heart. When you feel a need to talk something over with someone, talk it over with Me. Whom do you want to guide your life? Who is your guide?

Accept that there is no quandary. Learn nobility from Me. You are not one who begs for advice. Nor are you a parceler out of it. Do not even say to yourself, "I do not know what to do."

Running on the surface of life may be eventful but it may well make you a dodger of truth.

Yet you feel a need to know how to maneuver around in the tangles of the world. You want to stay out of trouble. You look for safety, and so you set up other experimenters above yourself. Look not for safety. Look for Truth. Make Truth your counter.


Of course, you do not ask Me to teach you how to drive a car. You do not ask Me if I want you to drive a car. You do not ask Me which car. You do not ask Me which dress to wear or purse to carry. You do not ask Me myriad details about your pursuit of life.

Look to Me for the things that matter. Look to Me to steer you through the shoals of life. Look to Me for a greater spread and depth of vision. Look to Me to plant light in your heart.

Ask that you hear and follow My heart. Ask that you be relieved of attachment. Ask that selfishness and ego be erased. Ask that you will know the path to take when it comes.

Ask that your heart be based in Mine. Ask not so many questions. Ask one. Ask that you serve Me. Ask not for reward. Ask that you may follow Me. Ask that you may serve Me. Offer your services. Offer your heart to Me.

Ask that you see with My eyes. Ask that you go beyond your individuality. Ask that you do not interfere. Ask that you know when you hear My voice. Ask that you heed it.

Trust Me to lead you. Put your hand in Mine, and let's go. Be still with Me. Take ease. Abolish pressure. In this moment, you are Mine.

You are only Mine. You are no other's.

Feel My gentle pulling of you to Heaven.

I attract you to Me. I am irresistible.

I am the Moon that pulls the tide of your heart. Come to Me.

Feel My presence. I am with you. Know that. Accept that.

You can only come with Me.

There is only one path. It is the path to Me.

Come along. Come along now. Join with Me in a mutual enterprise. We call it life.



Nurture Freedom

God said:

My dear children, when you want something of someone, you are expecting something from them. When you want someone to do something a certain way, or be a certain way, you are trying to control. Control opposes. It is rigidity. Control closes down. You exert control. There is a force that exerts control. You do not exert freedom. You allow freedom. The nurturing of freedom opens to Heaven.

Feel what it feels like to free another soul on earth, to let them go their way, and you go yours. Sometimes your ways meet. Sometimes they part. Eventually they all meet with lifted hearts, because all paths converge in My heart.

When you free another to Me, you are giving great blessing. When you hold on to someone – which is the same as holding onto an idea in your mind – you are restricting them. Whatever your intentions, you cage them.

Practice giving freedom. Practice allowing others to soar free.

Consider the leaves on My beautiful trees. You do not order them to turn color in the fall. You do not tell them which color and when. You do not hurry them nor slow them down. You do not tell them how to fall. You do not say, "Now, this leaf over here, and that one over there." You do not order an oak to become a willow. You do not order a tree to grow green leaves in the spring, or a rose to bloom.

What is it that you do? You watch the transformation of nature. There is awe in your heart. You let the trees fulfill themselves and the roses to bloom the colors they will, and all the while, you are the one who is transformed.

But when it comes to My children, you want your design to be fulfilled. And when it is not, you, at the very least, set your lips in a straight line.


You are not here on blessed earth to approve or disapprove. You are not here to convert others. You are not here to make sure that life converges to your picture.

You are here to bless the divergence of My children on earth. When you know they are in My care, when you know they are as much on their way to Me as are you, then you see beauty, and you can let them go. When you entrust others to My care, you are freed.

One who binds another binds himself. One who frees others frees himself.

The controller is the controlled.

Do not assume roles.

Your role is not to be strict teacher, improver, or adjudicator. Your role is to be the child I made you to be.

You have enough to do to stop controlling yourself and trying to make yourself into someone else's picture of you. Isn't it you who tells Me that you have too much to do and cannot possibly do it all? Leave the world to Me, and you will focus your energy. You will have energy. Dissipate your God-given energy no longer.

Picture in your mind a cattle ranch. The gates open wide, and the cattle go free. At first it is tumultuous, but then the sound of hooves quiets down. The cattle are all your preconceived ideas, and opening the gate is letting them go.

Picture yourself blessing each person you care about and caring about them enough to set them free. You are not abandoning them. You are releasing your imagined held-onto hold. You are giving them to My loving jurisdiction. When you free someone, you are freeing them to Me. What is so hard about freeing loved ones? They will find their way without your exertion. They will find their way better without your overseeing.

Entrust yourself to Me. Trust that you are getting through the brambles of life. The brambles are manifestations of your attempted control. They are what you have held on to. The brambles of life are the barbed wire of control. Now, breathe in. And as you breathe out, fences melt, great pastures appear, and you are free to walk the cascading hills.



Let God's Answers Come Like Quiet Snow

God said:

How do you know when a thought that comes to you is Mine or yours? No bell goes off. No light flashes. No angel appears to point a sword to a sign that reads "God's thought" or "individual thought". And so you try to discern and make life harder than it need be.

Sometimes you just know, and sometimes you simply don't. But when you do know, it is not from analysis.

That is why it is well to start off your day by calling Me to your awareness. When I am firmly planted in your awareness, you come from a higher plane. That is intention. Intend that I be your Guide. Intend that you hear My guidance. I cannot fail you. And you will not fail Me.

You will hear Me as an impulse. You will hear Me as a mother understands the meaning of her baby's cry. The baby's cry sets off an attunement in the mother. In this case, I refer to you as the mother and the cry is My song to you. 'Tis of thee I sing.

We have a golden cord that connects us. Whichever end of this chain is pulled, the other end feels it and responds. I tug My end a lot, and sometimes you are too busy to notice. But I always notice even the most delicate pull you make because I am sensitively attuned to the beat of your heart. The beat of your heart rumbles in Heaven. And the beat of My heart rumbles on earth. The beat of My heart rumbles on earth through your own simple heart.

We are connected by a two-way speaker, My heart and your heart. Don't concern yourself so much with what you have to do or what decision you have to make. You have made one, and that is to hear My song.

Your intention is like a beep that goes off between Us. And, of course, your intention is in answer to My song. So, of course, discernment is not the trick. Intention is. And I have intention for you. That is My song. It is made of My intention for you.


So what you really are asking is how do you know when you hear Truth or when you hear echoes from the past? For My children dearly want to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Once you start the process, you don't have to watch it. I am the Process. Once you address yourself to Me, think not of decision but of Me.

Turn the switch on, and allow Truth to appear. Don't worry it. Don't toss Truth around so much up in the air from your right hand back to your left and again.

Watch Me. Allow Me. Know I come. Know I feed love into your heart.

Behind any purpose you have stands your intention to serve Me. Know this, and you have bigger vision automatically.

Be not so concerned with what is right and what is improper. Be open to Our connection. See Me before you. See how firmly you walk when you know that I am leading you.

Let Me be like a perfume you wear. Let Me be like a tune that fills your mind. Let Me be like a breeze that stirs your heart. Let Me be like a sweet taste in your mouth. Let Me be your vision.

You have pledged yourself to Me. You have no more decisions to make. They are made. Your decisions are made in Heaven. Listen quietly. Do not wrack your brain. Let answers come to you like quiet snow. Individual snowflakes descend from on high and cover the earth with a whiteness that leaves no doubt of its arrival. But the snowflakes fall gently. The earth makes no big ceremonial. The earth receives the snow. As the earth receives snow, receive My guidance. Quietly accept it.

There is a cry: "Hear me, O Lord."

That cry was misinterpreted. It was My cry, and I was saying: "Hear Me, My children, O hear Me."

And that is your cry now as well, that you rest your weary ear on My heart and hear My voice above all others. Hear Me, My children, O hear Me.



Say Hello to God

God said:

Greet God. That is the message. Say hello to God. Be courteous. Be considerate. Greet God. Acknowledge the Godness that surges in you. Greet yourself with love. If you but loved yourself, would not the world change?

Dissatisfaction is a learned thing. Satisfaction is natural. Dis anything is unnatural. Dis-approval. Dis-couragement. Dis-appointment. Dis-taste. Dis-tance. Approval, encouragement, appointment, taste, and closeness are natural. Natural reigns until your intellect interferes with it. Approve yourself. Encourage and appoint yourself to Me.

Eagerly get out of bed to greet Me, and that is dawn.

Who wakes you every morning? Who puts you to sleep every night? Who is ever watchful of you and your tour on earth? Who coaches you? Who leads you? Who carries you? Who moves you forward?

What is this, Our relationship? It seems impossible to you. Im anything is unnatural. Im-passe. Im-pediment. Im is manmade too as is un. Un is unnatural. Un is not possible. Nothing is un-heard of in My Heaven. You are not in-capable. You are capable. Or, if you cannot believe that you are, then believe that I am. What am I not capable of?

I created you. I created Heaven and earth. I created the firmament. I created the lovely Moon and its lover, the Sun, and I created flowers and flying things, and I created the wonder of you.

Tell Me, if you can, what I am not capable of?

I am even capable of raising you to heights undreamed of. Dream them. Come to know them as real as well as all the unreal you have come to know and believe in. Begin to imagine what has been given you and which you only have to pluck.

You are a landslide of possibilities.


Does not an apple tree bear fruit?

Do not the seasons change?

Does not every variety of creature imaginable walk the earth?

Do you think I do not?

I am the Walker of the Earth.

I walk My estate.

I love every footfall of it.

I treasure its inhabitants.

You are an inhabitant of Creation. You are not an interloper. You are a participant. I have shared eternity with you, and you hesitate to accept the windfall I have given you. Is that not preposterous? Oh, be pleased with My creation, for I have made it for you, and I have given it to you as testament of My love.

See My love.

Engage it.

Welcome it.

Greet God at every corner.

Come to meet Me.

Invite Me to your home.

Show Me your life.

Take Me around.

Give Me a tour of your life.

Point out its beauty and blessings to Me.

Earth is My garden, and I love to see it flourish.

I love to see you flourish in My garden.


The pleasure that a rose gives you palls next to the pleasure you give Me.

How beautiful are you whom I planted on earth to grow to the Sun and bloom in My image!

I am the Prototype of you.

Take a look every now and then, so you will know the truth of you and where you are going. I am your destiny. There is no way out of it. And why would you want to be out of it?

Why wouldn't you want to run to Me? Why wouldn't you want to keep up with Me? Why wouldn't you want to acknowledge your Oneness with Me? What on earth keeps you back from that?

Certainly not I!

What binds you to earth and disenchants you with Heaven to the extent that you will not believe in it, or even the possibility of it, or believe in it for you, or believe it as the truth of where you are.

You, who can read squiggles on paper as words, can you not read the signs of Heaven and welcome them? You, who read magazines and newspapers of doom, can you not read Me? Can you not, at least, look for Me?

This is what I mean by "Greet God."

Say hello to Me. Say, "Hi." Say, "Come along," the same as I say to you:

"Come. Come with Me. We have treasures to seek and treasure to find, and We do it together, arm in arm, in Our jaunt through life, for this time on earth is a jaunt through a paradise of wonders, and the greatest wonder is that We are, and that We are One. That is what you are here for. This is what you are to see. Welcome."




God said:

Intention is energy. It is a certain kind of energy, powerful and unwasted.

Intention is like the lowering of a raft boat into the sea. Intention is like a paintbrush dipped into a certain color. Intention is like an upside-down funnel filled from the pointed end and poured out from the wide. Intention is like an arrow that becomes many arrows spread out. Intention is the opening of a door that opens, not into another room, but into a vista. Intention is an airplane ticket valid for an around-the-world-tour. Intention starts you from where you think you are and takes you where you want to go. Intention is the instrument by which a pilot sets his course. The course is set, and that is where the plane will go, and the pilot sits back.

Set your intention, and release your hold. I will take over. Set your intention, and let life unfold. Otherwise, you stab at life. Otherwise, you are like someone who gashes open a locked suitcase with stabs of a knife, when all the while the key was in the lock and a touch of the clasp would open the suitcase and reveal its treasure. You do not have to wrench life open. Let the intention of your heart open it for you.

Life is not lived by will. You do not will more joy. Will has a certain force to it, and force is control. Control keeps fulfillment away; it does not bring it. Consider the difference between the energy of insistence and the energy of intention. Which goes further? Which lasts? Which takes you where you want to go?

Attract what you want your life to be. Draw it to you with your intention.

Consider yourself a fisherman. First know which kind of fish you want to catch, and then you cast your line into the lake where the fish swim. Cast your intention into the lake that holds your deepest desires.

Maybe you just fish where you happen to be. Then intend to catch what you desire.


Intention is not a plan. It is an intent. It is a leaning in the direction. Intent is your eyes seeing into the distance, and then you simply follow the path of your eyes.

Or consider that you are at a train station. What is the name of the train you want to go on? There are many local trains around, and you can hop on them again and again. But perhaps there is a train that goes a further distance. It will also take you where the local does but it will surpass the local and take you beyond where you have thought you were.

What is your will? What is the meaning of your will? Your will may be a little peevish. Certainly next to Mine it is. Your will is many little hops. My Will is the express train that will take you where you want to go. Intend to catch the God's Will Express, for that is how you discover the magnificence of your own being.

This is what I mean by your having asked for too little. You want this and that and not that and this, but you see too little. You haven't seen far enough. You have missed some wonders to choose from.

Catch My vision. I give it to you. When you have trust in yourself, you will have faith in Me. By your faith in Me, you accept My vision as your own.

Your will is fishing in a small pond.

My Will covers the oceans.

Come beside Me, and cast your line into the depths of the ocean where treasure is to be found.



No Ownership, Attachment, Nor Fear of Loss

God said:

Often you have thought of Me as One Who takes away from you. Undo that thinking, and you will see eminent change in your life.

What you see as taken away from you are leaves on the tree that fall in autumn. It is a slipping into another realm and other possibilities and ways of loving. When your body ceases – something you half pray for and half resent – you enter another dimension. You are not dismantled. Only your attachment is removed from you.

Attachment is your struggle. It is easy for you to care but hard to care without attachment. Attachment is adding possessions onto you. But there are no possessions. There is only a stream you mill through.

Who owns a river? Or the ocean? All an idea, this idea of ownership. The ocean is Mine.

When you walk through a beautiful forest, you enjoy it, and your heart is lifted in your passing through. A forest is My gift to you, and you walk through it. It is given to you, not to possess, but to walk through.

When you believe you own the forest, you start to see the forest as something that can be taken from you. You stop seeing it as a beautiful passage. Your walk through it becomes more like a supervisorship and you become fraught with worry which is a name for your fear of loss.

Not only is what you like to possess not owned by you, it is not possessable. Belongings do not belong to you and they do not make you belong. What is it you yearn to belong to when you and I are already One?

Ownership is not the measure of you. Evidently, you think it is. Evidently, you think you are less without the illusion of ownership of an object or a person. Ownership is one of your well-developed illusions of measurement, and yet counting is not the best use of your gift of human life.


Treat all the material and human as gifts given to you this morning. Oh, how you value gifts and worry about possessions. The truth is that a gift of pearls runs through your fingers. You row a boat and then get out. The beautiful sun sets. You never thought you owned it. And you know it doesn't disappear. It's in its cycle.

You do not own your children or your husbands and wives. There is nothing that is really yours except My eternal love for you. That you have. Accept.

Interpret life not so much.

Understand that you are also a gift I have given. Know the richness of blessing you are.

When you meet with people, consider that meeting as the giving of gifts. The meeting is itself a gift. It is a gift of My children to My children. Yet you seek for recognition of yourself there. That is like you, yourself, opening the be-ribboned package you present to another. Seek instead to open the gifts that are being given to you.

And, while you are at it, seek to know the True Giver. I am at all gatherings. You might as well as invite Me. And you might as well look for Me once you are there. There is no gathering without Me. The truth is that all gatherings are in My Name.

Your whole time spent on earth is a gathering together of My children.

You could say that it is a whole stream of wrapping and unwrapping gifts and exchanging them.

What did you think life was? Perhaps you have thought it was a stage for you to walk on. Perhaps you thought it was about your ego and its fulfillment. Perhaps you thought the spotlight was to be on you, and now you find that you are to be the one who shines the light.

My beloved children, do not try to possess even this moment. You do not need to possess what is already yours. Enjoying isn't possessing. Perhaps you can only enjoy what you do not imagine you own. Give away the concept of possession. That will be no loss. That will be gain. That will be entrée into the Kingdom of Heaven.




God said:

Surrendering yourself to Me is the same as surrounding yourself with Me. You surround yourself with your acknowledgement of what is. It is not surrender but recognition. Surrender is the brightening of a lamp you kept dimmed. Surrender is the ah of joy that escapes your breath in a moment of inescapable Truth. Surrender is surrender only to Truth. Surrender is realization of a Wonderful Partnership.

So many times you have thought you were alone. For you to be alone is an impossibility. There is no separation between you and Me. There never was. There was your averting your eyes.

Now you open your eyes, and now you see.

Your surrender to Me is not for Me. It is for you. You need your surrender. I already know Truth. I am Truth, and so are you. You need something more only in your awareness, and that something more is surrender.

Surrender to Me is no sacrifice. It is quite the opposite. It is a great lifting of burden. You have carried burden that is not yours to carry and that profits no one. Do you think you are helping Me with carrying what is Mine?

You think you are conscientious, but it more like you are burdensome. You weigh yourself down with responsibility that you assume is yours to take. If your heart is laden, you have intruded there and packed in some things that do not belong to your heart and for which there is no room.

If you lack happiness, it is because you have crowded it out. Unpack your heart.

Surrender its worry. Surrender its control. Surrender all its fears. Surrender all its attachment.

Surrender all from your heart except its true nature of love. Give yourself freedom, for that is love. Let go of your false responsibility for others


and allow Me. Let Me enter their heart and yours. Let Me take hold in your heart. I place My flag there. On one side the flag says Freedom and on the other it says Love, for freedom and love are synonyms for one another.

You thought clamping was love. Now you know that clamping is attachment, and freedom is love. Love and freedom do not exist one without the other.

Do not clamp down. Do not staple things to yourself. Let them touch you, if they do, but do not paste them to you. If you paste them, then they are not free, and you are not free.

There is one thing you are in truth attached to, and that is My love. Even that, you are not attached to. It is your very content. Perhaps We can say that My love is attached to you. You can think of it that way if you like, for My love never wavers from you. It is focused on you. You can't make a move without it.

We can say that My love is a spotlight on you. You never move too fast for My light to spot you and stay with you. I follow you always. Now it is time for you to see My light following you. Pretty soon you will blend into My light, and the reflection and the Light will be One. How brightly you will shine My light.

Our One light will brighten the Earth. This takes no effort. It takes allowing. And that allowing is your surrender, for it is Light that you surrender to. Say:

"Light that follows me, I accept Your Presence. I acknowledge that You are All Light, and that includes the Light in me. I am glad that You shine on me so that I may shine as a reminder of You. I know I shine for You and Your Purposes. I know You are the Greater Light, and I am the lesser light, as I also know that Your Light cannot be less, and that I am not subsidiary to you, but rather one of Your Chosen Reflectors. You gave me Your Light so that I may glow in the dark with it. That darkness that seems to shroud Earth is nothing but my eyes closed, for when I open them, there are You, God's Light. God and His Light cannot be separated. Nor can I be separated from My God and His Light, for He has dubbed me His Server of Light. And I thank You, dear God of Light, for this, my little surrender to You."



Human Holy Light

God said:

I can speak nothing but Truth, I am incapable of saying less than Truth. I do not imagine, for I know All. At one time I imagined, and My Creation appeared, for Creation is the fruit of My thought. But now I do not imagine. I see. I see All before Me. Therefore, I see only the Light of Truth. And therefore I sing only Truth, for I sing of Me.

If what I have said about your being My Light is true, and, of course, it is, then you are Holiness. You are a Human Holy Light in God's Creation.

Each star in Heaven shines its light and knows it so shines. There is no modesty in Heaven. There are no disclaimers. No star says, "Oh, but God, I don't really shine. Look at me. I have physical form. How can I shine?"

Each star shines its brightness. It can do nothing else. That is its joy, to shine forth.

That is your joy as well.

But you dissemble. You try to enjoy flying objects, and you will manufacture anything to fill the sky around you and disclaim My Holy Light in you.

Enjoy My Light that shines in you, My dear Children. Deny it not. Lift your head high. Stand tall. You stand for Me. You shine for Me. Uncapture your rays of light. Emit your rays of light so I may shine them back.

We play catch with Light, you and I. Sometimes you fumble because you think you can. You think fumbling is part of the game. It not part of Mine.

Play catch with Me, and you will not fumble. You will shine My Light high. That is what Light does. It shines. My Light never fades, never runs out. Only lids get closed, and eyes on Earth come to believe in darkness. Open your eyes, and believe in Light.


Believe that My Light is big enough for All of Us.

Believe that you are a Lamp of God.

Open your arms to My light.

Catch It.

Then cast It back so that your arms are free to catch More.

The quality of My Light from Me and the quality of My Light in you are the same. Only you have to let Our Light shine so that It flows more. You can only hoard so much Light and to no avail. Light must shine, and so must you.

A child shall lead. You are My child. You shall lead.

In innocence, you shall lead. Not in sophistication, but in innocence, you, My child, shall lead.



Know God in Your Heart

God said:

You were raised to be independent. You were raised to do things yourself. You were raised to not need help. You were raised to deny your relationship with Me. You were raised to surmount life without Me. You were raised to be sovereign over your life while you let the ways of the world rule you. You were taught that all this was good.

My children, letting the world rule you is the same as forgetting Me. Letting the world set your pace is disenfranchisement from Me.

In your upbringing, certain times of the week may have been separated into a consideration of Me at a distinct place where you could perhaps find Me, but where I was seen from afar as a foreigner or illusive idol. You worshipped Me as an idol rather than a Presence in your heart. Your consideration of Me was more like a public recital, a presentation, a play presented to Me in the off-chance that I could indeed exist for you. You played a refrain to Me, as it were, an incantation that you hoped would appease Me, if I existed, and if I heard you.

Your heart may have wished for Me, but your heart and words were apart. Your words were a recital while your heart wandered from Me.

Adjoin your heart to Mine. Do it wherever you sit right now. Do not look for others to teach Me to you because I cannot be taught to you from outside your heart. You acquaint yourself with Me from within your heart. Your heart can know Me. Your intellect investigates Me, but knowing about Me is not the same as knowing Me. Knowing My resume is not the same as knowing Me. Knowing My reputation is not the same as knowing Me.

No one can eat for you. No one can digest food for you. You have to eat for yourself, and it is yourself who has to invite Me into your humble daily life.

I am not a world apart from you. I am you. I am yours. I am for you. I am served to you on a tray of life, but you must reach out and accept. Even at a cocktail party, you do not wait for someone to push a canapé into your


mouth. You are responsible for what you reach out for. You are responsible for what you accept.

Even if you think I am an imaginary bouquet of wishful thinking, or even if you think that if I do indeed exist, I exist out there somewhere beyond your reach, or that I have to be studied for, or learned as if I were an intellectual exercise that takes great study, or that I make Myself elusive so you have to work hard in order for Me to notice a hair on your head – even if you think those things, you can unthink them and know now that I am for you personally, you, right here.

No one can claim Me for you. It is your own heart that claims Me. That is where I am to be found, in your heart, right here. All the while you searched for Me or discounted Me or whatever you did or did not in terms of Me, I was reclining within your heart, waiting for you to wake up to Me. I was waiting for you to notice Me. I was always ready for you, for I am yours.

It is irrefutable that I am yours, but you have refuted it.

You made Me a Golden Idol beyond your reach.

I am not that.

I am Gold, but I am not an idol. An idol isn't real. I am Real. I am the Realest there is.

Reach out to Me today in the chambers of your heart. Come within. Put your hand over your heart so you can focus on My presence within your heart. Travel to this moment of Our Oneness and let your heart beat to the pulse of Mine. It is like setting your watch. Set the timer of your heart. Set your heart to say, "Awake to God, for He wishes me to know Him."



He Awaits You

God said:

The new Heavenletters are teaching you to be neutral. Being neutral is the same as not taking things personally.

But there is one thing to take personally, and that is I. Yes, take Me personally.

When you are rapt with Me, you are incapable of taking personally the whims and idlings of the world. Absorbed in My love, you are above smallness. Your very closeness with Me gives you great vision and great strength. Your gentle state of awareness of Me cushions you from pretense of attack. Attack is always pretense. Absorbed in Me, you are soft white cotton, fresh from its pod. You have abandoned brittleness. The softness of you cannot be shattered.

Being neutral is the same as being without agenda. Being neutral is being in the present, and the present has no agenda. Agendas come from the past or perhaps future, but future based on the past. The present is based on Me.

See, when you are connected to Me, you don't need to be connected with anything else. By connected, I mean attached, because, in truth, connected to Me, you are connected to everything but attached to none.

Being attached is having to have. Having Me, you have Everything, so you need nothing to be attached to. Why would you go back to old ways when you have God alive deep within you? What would you choose over being My companion? I am the Companion of All, so when you are Mine, all is yours. When you are attached, you cannot fly. You can hardly get off the ground.

Desire Our Companionship, and attachment will fall away like dust from the pages of an old book.

Desire friendship with Me, because then you have a Friend.


Desire that all have Me as their Friend, and then you have non-attachment. Then you give way to Me.

My Will is that My One Child join with Me in the Heavenness of Our Love.

Make Our Connection complete.

It waits for you.

Our Union is a Reunion.

Our Oneness is not new.

It is not new to Me nor is it new to you.

It is new only in your realization.

Realize now.

I am waiting for you.

Don't keep Me waiting.

Have I not waited long enough for you?

Come to Me now.

Right now.

Come to Me.

Let Me enfold you in My waiting arms.

Let Me clasp you to Me.

Let go, and you will find yourself fully embraced in My arms of love.

My eyes have traced you everywhere.

Now, let My arms hold you. Give Me My joy. Give Me My recompense. Fill My heart. Fulfill Me.



Serve the Server of All

God said:

Serving Me is the greatest pleasure you will know.

You serve only Me. You do not serve others. I serve others. I may serve them through you, but your acts of service belong to Me. When you know the truth of this in your heart, then you know humility. And then you know gratitude for the life you have been granted.

All you do you do for Me. You do for Me. You do for Me to increase My joy. I allow you to do for Me so that you may have fulfillment. The quiet washing away of your ego, the lessening of your hold on individual matters, the release of all these allows you to adhere to greatness. You are greater in My domain than in any other.

How small a vision it is to think you do things for yourself or for one another.

Which cake would you rather have, one that you make or one that I do?

You who struggle have taken a leftover crumb and have been proud. All the while you could have had a big slice of My cake – or all of it.

When I give you a cake to serve others, who is holding the cake and who is the richer?

When you serve the cake to others, you serve it. You do not claim you made it. You do not claim to have the recipe. You are the server of the cake.

A server does not own. He serves. Serving is movement. What is the advantage of your owning? It can only be false, and therefore not bring you much. Sooner or later, you feel the letdown, for facsimile is only facsimile.

I am the Owner, but I am not proprietary.

I am a Great Lender. I put no limit on you. But you set limits on yourself.


Serve Me. It is so simple. You don't have to announce that you are serving Me. It is not an announcement that serves Me. Serving Me serves Me. You can be a quiet unnamed server of Me. You do not need to wear a badge. You do not need a title. You already have a title. Your title is: Child of God.

In your service to Me, I may say, "Serve another. Serve those over there." And you do, but your service is still to Me.

I will say, "Take some yourself." And as you do, you are serving Me.

No one is less than you, and no one is more.

You are My heroes.

I send you out on great adventures, and you cut a great swath.

My server is My hero. What is a hero but one who serves? He serves something greater than what is seen.

He saves a damsel, or a castle, or a child in the forest. He salvages. But what he has truly done is to light hearts.

That is what My servers do.

It is not the cake they serve that matters. It is the light they give.

And that is how you serve Me. Use any manner of service you like, but you are servers of My light.

That is your service to Me.

Be you butcher, baker, candlestick-maker, you are in service to Me. And there is one thing you serve as you serve Me, and that is My light. Service to Me is My gift to you. Can you not see that now?

And no one has lit your life except Me.

And your acceptance of that is also service to Me.

And your love for Me is My service to you, My beloveds.



Christ, the Wayfarer

God said:

All the love that reaches you, no matter from what far corner, is from Me. All the wealth that reaches you comes from Me. All the air and sunshine you receive come from Me.

When you are blessed, it is I Who blesses you. All blessings come from God. All goodness. All energy. All strength. All wisdom. All love.

There is One Source, and there is One Giver. And there is One Truth, and that is the Purity of Love.

In My realm, the opposite of blessing does not exist. When something occurs that is unwelcome to you, it does not mean you have been cursed. It does not mean you are guilty. Untoward acts towards you have nothing to do with you. Do not take them personally. That perception alone will raise you above the tawdry and mundane. When you do not take things personally, you are in the truth of events.

Not taking things personally does not mean that you pretend you do not feel hurt. It means you see things as they are. When someone around you is sparring in the dark, you may get hit, but it was their own sparring that caught you.

There is no gain in taking things personally. When you do so, you are taking on someone else's fight.

Be not a fighter. Be not a victim. All in the world are wayfarers along a dusty road. You are a wayfarer.

Christ was a wayfarer. In his wayfaring, he saw love everywhere because he knew My love, and he let My love come from him. He saw even his persecutors with the eyes of love. He saw the world as a mother might see a child spilling ink. He saw the temporalness of the life around him, and it did not affect him. It touched his body, his life and events, but it did not touch him. He was not wobbly. He did not waver. He did not take on the world. He did not dance to its tune. He walked through it, and thousands followed him.


Christ did not contain the concept of retaliation. He saw no reason to hurt anyone.

Be you the same. The greater hurt is to yourself when another's ignorance makes you hostile.

You do not have to protect yourself. You do not have to defend. All you have to do is to love Me, and follow Me, and pick yourself up from the fray of the street.

Your body is where it is, located, limited, but that is not who you are. When you know the richness of who you are, you won't fight over a penny. When you know the richness of who you are, you will not glower. When you know the richness of who you are, you pick up your body, and you move on.

All of your life is the climbing of a ladder to Heaven. Don't stop. Keep climbing. Climbing means that you do not stay in the same spot. Move one leg after the other, and you are climbing. It is not a big thing. It is the next thing.

As you climb, others are heartened. They start to look up. They may not see Me coaching them, but they will see that you see Me and that a Great Light shows you the way. They then follow you who follows Me. They hope that you will lead them to Me. And you will. Your courage – which is really vision – will lift their hearts, and they will make their own climb.

When you try to carry others, you forget Me, and you both may fall from the weight of your own effort. Put your dependence on Me, and put others' dependence on Me also, for that is truth. I am what you depend on, not another.

No one can see for you. No one can climb for you. But another's sight and another's vision can nourish and restore you so that you may climb another rung in the golden ladder.

Know that whatever kind of ladder you may think you climb, beneath the surface, it is a golden ladder that reaches to Heaven. And as you progress, the golden ladder becomes a golden ship on which you sail to the farther reaches of a state of being called Heaven. That is where you are going because that is My Will and that is your destiny.



One God 1

God said:

Do not deify others. Deify means to make a God of. Do not. Learn from others and know they are learning from you as well. When you are their hearers, you are also their responders. When you are their audience, be it, but this does not make you subservient or worshipful to them.

Any love and wisdom you receive are from Me. There may be an interlocutor, but an interlocutor is not to be deified.

One God means One God. You do not make Me into a God. I am already God. I am God, for I am the Originator of you. You don't think that someone else created you, do you?

Others may open doors, and for that they are blessed, but a door-opener is a door-opener. A door-opener is not a God.

I exist within each of you. I dwell within you. But that does not make you into one to be bowed down to, nor does it make another. Do not enshrine another Human Being. Do not re-create him in My image. Do not endow him with any more than you endow yourself. It is not My Will that you lower yourself.

Treat all with respect. I give great respect to all. Give My respect to all, and you will bow to none. Treat all the same, but do not revere any. Regard all with My eyes.

Do not give yourself away. You are My gift to you. I gave you to you. Share yourself, but do not give away the gift of yourself I gave you. I gave it to you. Hold the gift I gave you. I placed My gift of you in your hands, not in another's.

Honor yourself. You are not in competition with another. No one has to be higher or lower. In truth, no one is. Equal is equal. When you feel a need to worship, worship Me. I am worshippable.


What does that mean? It means I am the most humble. I know Who I am. I know My abilities. Therefore I serve.

Your worship of Me is your gratefulness manifested. Worship is awareness. It is attention. It is intention. Have your intention be to know Me. Worship will take care of itself.

Know Me. Embrace Me. See Me before you. The more you know Me, the more you love. Love Me. Love others as well.

But love is not a tether. Holy allegiance is to Me and not to another. You do not put Me on a pedestal. I walk among you. And I carry you to Heaven. No one else does.

It is important for you that you do not deify another. And it is important to the other that you do not. No one is more holy than you. No one is more closely connected to Me than you. Awake to yourself. Be glad that another rouses you, but gratitude belongs to Me.

Your gratitude to Me keeps you on an even keel. It keeps you in balance. It keeps you in balance of love. It keeps you intact. Your gratitude to Me keeps you from frittering yourself away.

If I am the hub of a wheel, you are the spokes. Spokes are evenly placed. All spokes emanate from the hub. No spoke holds a greater place than another.

Know that greatness exists. And know it exists within you. That is what you must discover. Yourself, not another.

If you must be a protégé, be Mine. Apostle yourself to Me.

Accept helping hands, but know they do not lift you to themselves. They raise you to Me.

You want to reach the summit of the mountain, don't you? You don't want to stop half-way up, do you?

You want to reach Me, and you do that fully on your own. You are glad for all the helpers on Earth, but do not aspire to reach to them, for they do not have the power to hold you for long or to take you all the way to Me. Reach out your arms to Me.



One God 2

God said:

What I am trying to say is that credit goes to the Giver of the blessing, not to the deliverer of the blessing. Just as when a great check comes to you in the mail, you may thank the mailman for dropping off the check, but it is the writer of the check that you really thank.

Credit your teachers for sharing knowledge with you, but thank Me for the knowledge. You do well to give credit where it belongs for many reasons. But the main reason is that by so doing you remember Truth. For the Truth is that I am the Giver.

Put your gratitude in the right place so that the path between us is pure and clear. No one needs to be in the middle of Our love. There is no stopping-off place for your love for Me. Give your love directly to Me. Do not dilute it.

When you revere another Human Being, you are trying to find favor with them. You want them to notice you and look into your eyes, but it is My eyes that already favor you. It is My eyes that you seek, and My eyes that will fulfill you. The eyes of man cannot.

You have one Father, and I am He. I have one son, and that is you.

Our love is a straight arrow. It pierces Our hearts. That piercing is an opening that allows acceptance.

Our love is a beam of light that flows from Me to you and back again. The rays of Our love are straight. The rays are the spokes from the hub of the wheel that radiate back and forth.

The rays of your individual love may reach other spokes, but each spoke is its own light. The line of love goes from Me to you, and you to Me. It is direct current, Our beingness of love.



The Starlight of Knowledge

God said:

When you feel foolish, that may be a good thing. When you feel foolish, it shows that you are learning something. When you feel wise, you may have already learned a lot, but true wisdom remembers there is more waiting for you to learn. Always more in My creation. There is no ending to the knowledge I give you.

All of life's knowledge leads to Me.

Sometimes My children know that, and sometimes they don't. But whether I am named or unnamed, the search for knowledge is the search for Me. Behind and beyond every scrap of knowledge am I. Behind and beyond every greatness of discovery am I. My great knowledge exists within you.

Microscopes and telescopes see only so far in or out. The eyes of your heart see into Mine, and so the eyes of your heart can see everywhere and know everything within and without. When you do know Me, you hold the key to Everything. And the without doesn't matter so much. It matters only as it leads to Me, for it is I you search for everywhere.

I am found in the details and in the grand sweeps.

What has already been discovered does not seem so momentous any longer. What was once an enormous glimpse into newness in the world has receded to the background, and the search for more is on.

That must tell you how important is the process of the search. And the search is for Self-discovery, and that means search for Me.

No matter what beautiful gems have been found, you want to find your own stone. You want to pick it up. You want to experience: "Aha, I have found it." And you want to find more. One stone is not enough. You want to be surrounded with the star-gems of Heaven.

When, as a child, you discovered stars in the night sky, you were delighted. And then you looked for more stars, and you recognized them.


And now you know that there are layers of stars, that stars are like a pulse, that light is unending, and the discovery of light is also unending.

Your heart counts stars. You graft stars to your heart. You pick up the light of the stars and you place the starlight deep within your heart. It never leaves. You may not pay the attention to the stars that you once did, but their place in your heart stands firm.

You are a star-gazer. You are a star-searcher. You absorb stars. Like a diamond ring, you wear a star on each finger. Starlight emanates from your heart to everything you touch. When you are star-lit, you light up all around you, all that you touch, and all that you see, and all that you hear because starlight emanates from you, from your eyes, from your ears. With every motion you make, you whisk starlight around the universe.

You search for My starlight so that you may share it. You can only share it. No one wants to keep his own discovery to himself. You may think you want to share your discoveries to draw more attention to you, but the craze of attention on you does not satisfy.

But when you hold up starlight for all to see, you light up Heaven, and you bask in My light that you have lit for all, and your heart is satisfied. Smallness just never works so well as Greatness.

Lift your eyesight.

Widen it.

Widen the reach of your hands.

Open your heart to the Allness of life and love, for life and love and light are the same.

Open, open, open.

You open your heart to Me the same as you open your eyes to Heaven. Heaven and God cannot be separated, any more than you and I can be separated. Have Heaven, and you have Me. Have Me, and you have Heaven. And Heaven is lit by stars and lovelight from your heart.



Live the Life You Have

God said:

Enduring is not patience. Remove the idea of enduring.Enduring means to make time long.

True patience knows no time. It knows joy.True patience is being alive and ready for this moment, this nowness, of life. True patience knows not patience nor impatience.

The concept of waiting for something is no longer valid for you. Waiting is standing still while you bide your time for the past or present to catch up to a concept in your mind.

No longer do you bide time. Since time does not exist, you bide life when you bide time, and that is the same as casting it aside. No longer do you bide. Biding, waiting, are standing idle, perhaps with a foot poised in midair.

When you pick up a broom to sweep, you do not hold it in midair nor do you hold it to the ground. You move it from mid-air to earth to mid-air, and the motion is repeated. Holding the broom is not sweeping. It is holding the broom.

While you can hold a broom, you cannot hold life. And what would you hold it for? For an eventuality?

Life is not the choosing of a dance partner, that you pick and choose and pass by many possibilities until you find only the one you want. Life is dancing with whom and what comes next. You dance the steps the music plays with what is current and without objection, and that is how you get to what you want.

When you object to life as it arrives, you are putting too much credence on the perceived events. We know how your perception is not reliable, so use My perception which welcomes all.

Be like a bank teller who accepts the next in line. The bank teller is not the controller of the line. He is the teller.


When something spills, you clean it up. You do not interpret the origin of the spill, and you do not analyze the cleaning up of it. You clean it up. You do not bemoan it.

When your shoe needs to be tied, you bend down to tie it. You do not bemoan it.

When you are hungry, you eat. You do not bemoan it.

When you are thirsty, you drink. You do not bemoan it.

Better not to be too fussy about what is offered you. You may evade a certain food or drink, but in so doing you may also go without.

Waiting is hedging your bets. Meet life squarely, and take care of it. Life is not for you to whisk around. You do not sweep life under the carpet. Your sweep of life is from Moon to Star, and the events of life on earth are not of enormous consequence.

Life is not a ferocious tiger you are grappling with. It is only life, this series of one step after another.

Life is a laden banquet table that you are served from. Accept what you are served and move on to the next course.

Do not debate life.Do not weigh it so much.

When it snows, it snows. When it rains, it rains. When the sun shines, the sun shines.

Can you not love it all? Can you not love My creation in all its shapes and sizes?

That does not mean that you have to stay where you are and that you cannot move on in life. It means you can move on in life. And that is what you must do. Usher life to your side. Do not make too big a thing of it. Everyone on earth has it. It is not a big thing.

It is not momentous. It seems momentous because you believe in time.Believe in adventure instead. Believe in Me. Believe in yourself. Discover life, for you requested it, and I have given it to you.



The Unforeseen Journey 1

God said:

Everything has its evolution. You do too. You evolve. You are not static. You are alive. You are viable.

Life teaches. You learn. Do not regret learning in life. Rejoice instead.

Rejoice, and move on. You move forward in life. No matter what twists and turns your life takes, you are moving forward. This is not effort, to move forward. Effort is in not. Effort is in holding on, not in letting go.

Encourage moving forward in your life. Encourage the stars to shine, your eyes to lift, and your heart to bloom.

Change is the name of the game on earth. Change means growth. It does not mean reversal. However slippy-slidey life make seem, skate on it. Do not put on the brakes.

You are an evolving Human, so evolve. Welcome your evolution.

You are not evolving alone. All evolve with you, and I am your Champion. Acknowledge the possibility that you grow, and that others grow.

The world turns. And your heart flip-flops. Keep up with your heart. Perform somersaults. Welcome change. Welcome the movement of life. This is what life is for. It is not for staying still. It is for moving.

It may seem that life moves back but it moves forth. It can only move forth. Move forth in life, for that was your invitation, and that was your acceptance.

Instead of spending time wondering, "What on earth am I doing here?", keep going. Be not poised for the next event. Do not get ready. Be alive and meet it. Answer the knock at your door.

Say, "Come in."


Say, "Life, arrive. Come to me."

Say, "Life, take me for a spin."

Say, "Life, let's go."

Say, "Life, wait for me. No, don't wait. I don't need my coat. I'm ready."

Say, "Life, I have been waiting for you when all the while you were warming up the motor. I kept waiting for you, but I passed you by. I turned around and went back into the house and puttered around. "

"Now, I go with you. We go around the bends. We go along the flat. We go uphill, downhill. We go past the block. We take roads that we think take us where we want to go. We take roads for the fun of it that won't take us where we want to go. Life, half the time I don't even know where I want to go. Deep down I know that all roads, no matter how lit, take us on unforeseen journeys. Meanwhile, I will enjoy the ride. "

"Life, today I venture out. I put my nose outside the door. I walk out the door. I run to meet you. I run to meet my destiny of love."

My beloved children, no longer do you try to keep life the same, for is that not what you have been doing? You do not keep life different either. You go with life. You walk with it. You ride with it.

You are here on earth for life, not for something else. Not for later, and not for yesterday. You are not here for interpretation. You are here to live life, your life, not someone else's. Pick up right now and get going. Go out in life as if you know where you are going! The fact is that you do know. You always knew, but dared not believe it.

Where are you going? You are coming to Me. You are racing to Me. Take the low road or the high road, and you come to Me. Hop from one road to another, and still you come to Me.

There is no avoiding it. I am your Destiny. We are destined, you and I. We made a contract to meet. The contract is inviolable. Only the date was not set. Write in the date now.

It is your choice. I will help you make it. And I will help you achieve it. Do you have something better to do than to come to Me? Then do it, and still you will come to Me.


Do not put Me off. Do not make yourself wait. Do not fear Our meeting. It is what We have wanted.

Choose happiness, My dear children. In this choice, you will meet with Me.

We will meet anon, or We will meet today. The fact is, We have met. You have known Me all along.

And I know equally your longing, for it is the same as Mine for you.



The Unforeseen Journey 2

God said:

Life does not hold you hostage.

You hold yourself.

You hold yourself back by fearing to go forward.

In truth, you are on a one-way ladder. You can only go up it.

And you know that the steps of that ladder you climb lead to Heaven.

Life is the ladder you climb.

Look not down or back, or you become scared.

Just keep climbing, one foot after the other.

You do not have to ask where to put your foot next.

You do not have to hesitate.

This ladder is strong.

I made it.

I made it for you, and I made it for Me.

I help you climb every rung.

You think you struggle, but I lift you. Every instant, I lift you. It is My way. I can do nothing else but lift you on your climb to Heaven.

Inasmuch as you already have Me, you have already reached the Heaven the ladder reaches to.

When you look back or down, you don't see Me.


Look up, look up, and you will see Me.

Look within, and I am here.

As you climb each rung of the ladder, the rung you just stepped off from is no longer there. You cannot go back, My darling children. And why do you want to?

Do you want delay in reaching your realization of Me?

Here I am. I dance to get your attention. And you are looking some place else.

Perhaps you just do not look high enough.

Look high. Look higher. And know you will see what you put your sights on, for I am gazing into your eyes, and in your eyes I see My reflection, and I am brightened.

Look into My eyes, and you will see yourself reflected there. Light can only shine and reflect. And that is your reason for being, for you are My light echoing back to Me. Your light hearkens to Mine. There is one call between us. It is "God, God, God." When there is Oneness, there is only God. What else can Oneness mean? Merge into My light which is Ours, and you and I become We, and We becomes I, and then where are you?



For God Only

God said:

Say, "I am for God only."

This thought marshals your energy.

God is for all, so when you are for God you are for everyone, but keep your thought on God, and He will take care of all.

Consider your thoughts like light that falls from the stars, or light that rises from the dawning Sun. Your thought-light encompasses its subject or its object, and it bounces back on you to bounce off again.

What is more powerful than God?

When you extend your thoughts to Me, which is the same as extending yourself to Me, you reap My consciousness. Yes, you are a reaper of My consciousness.

My consciousness is Truth, and Truth wields and yields great energy. Call Me to you, and you call Great Energy to you. You call clarity. You call trust. You call faith.

Call Me to you as a Partner, and be you a willing Partner to Me. As Partners, We are One corporate body. My light becomes knowingly yours.

When you rewrap the vacuum cord, you wrap it in one direction, and it is solid. You do not wrap it in many directions. When you tie a bow, you put your finger on it.

When you follow the North Star, you follow it. You don't jump from one star to another.

You have chosen to follow the Star of Me.


I am easy to keep your eyes on. I am a magnet that pulls you to Me. I am a whisper calling your name. I waft Myself to you. All you need is awareness of what is right here with you.

You have to do some resisting to resist Me. Let go of resistance, and you will rush headlong to Me.

Your resistance is a cover. It is a pretense. It is a non-acknowledgement of Our mutual love, and nothing is stronger than Our love acknowledged. Our love is a smile that passes between Us, and what a bond that creates.

You can catch the Sun or a 15-watt bulb that is actually lit only by the Sun. Which do you want? Amazingly, the Sun is closer to you than the dim bulb, but you have reckoned otherwise.

Sometimes, what you are looking for has to be pointed out to you. You just don't see something on the horizon until you focus your eyes on it.

Address Me. Send Me your thought-light. Send Me your messages. They will become messages of love, just as My messages here are My love written down for you.

We are a circle, you and I. We are an unending circle. We are a rubber band. You can pull your end away from Me, but you can never become separate from Me.

Give up your pulling away from Me and reconcile yourself to Our Oneness. Start off today with the idea that We are One. Rather than thinking We are a separated something that needs to be rejoined, start from the premise that We are One. Then you start from Truth. Start today with recognition of Me. Start with the possibility of Me as a loving force in your life.

Consider that We hold hands. Consider that I accompany you on your soul's journey to Me. Consider that you have never been anywhere without Me. Consider that you can only be with Me. Consider that you do not exist without Me. Consider that I am the very tempo of your being. Consider that What created you stays with you.

You are What you are made of. You cannot undo that. You cannot undo the inception of you. You cannot undo anything.

But you can admit. You can recognize. You can start from now to acknowledge your Oneness with Me.


Is that so hard? Will someone disapprove?

I pull you up, but others can pull you down.

See that you pull others up with your thoughts and not down.

Pull yourself up to Me. Come, I help you.



Stars and Flower Seeds

God said:

Herald the dawning of you, for light has dawned on you. Or, We can say that you have dawned light. When you bless it, you dawn it.

What do you bless? Whatever you bless will dawn. Blessing is like putting a crown on a boy and making him a prince, or putting a crown on a prince, and making him king, or putting a crown on a beggar and making him a man or a king.

How many times a day does your heart extend to another with blessings? How many times a day does your heart extend to your meager self with a blessing? Bless yourself, and you will not be meager. Blessing attracts blessing. A blessing is a gift that comes back to you. It reaches the one you send it to, and its counterpart is returned to you in a blaze of glory.

You feel self-conscious to bless another, but blessings from the heart are not self-conscious. Blessings aren't originated in words. They are originated in awareness. So let your awareness be a blessing.

Your thoughts, like magic wands, touch all they see. Your thoughts also touch all you don't see. You have a magic wand. Your magic wand makes bubbles of light that burst forth like stars in the sky.

A moving wand of My light put the stars in the sky.

And your magic wand puts stars on earth. Your magic wand effervesces stars on all it touches, and it touches all. You are a star-maker. You have moved up from star-gazer.

But star-maker and star-gazer are the same. Look to the stars in Heaven, and you will make stars on earth. Consider your thoughts as stars as they exit your mind and enter the universe.

There is no thought you can keep to yourself. No matter how tiny a thought, it flies out and lands somewhere.


Or, if you like, consider your thoughts flower-seeds. Your energy of thought disperses them, and they land. They germinate in the earth. From the seed of your thought, a flower blooms or a cactus. Be a flowered thinker. Be a many-flowered thinker.

You have My earth to tend. Yes, earth is Mine. And so it is yours. I gave it to you to keep for Me. Keep it well. Nourish it with the food of your thoughts and nourish My child who walks on the earth with stars of your thoughts.

Let your thoughts be Mine. All My thoughts are blessings.

Nothing inconveniences Me. Why does something inconvenience you?

Isn't all of created life a wonder? You can sleep, and you can arise. You can close your eyes, and you can open them. You can walk and you can sit still. You can sit still and walk the whole planet. You can heap and reap rewards. And yet you let yourself be inconvenienced with annoyance.

Your life is a playing with Me. Life is the game. And all are winners.

Consider your life an Easter-egg hunt, and everywhere you put your hand, it finds a beautiful egg. There are only beautiful eggs. There are no traps in this game of life. I have hidden Easter eggs for you, some very hidden, and I have put some in the open, and sometimes you don't see what is right out in front of you and for you. You imagine traps. But life on earth is not a trap. It is a blessing I gave you. Know Easter eggs when you see them.

Sometimes there is a delay. Sometimes you have to walk a little further to find a divinely decorated Easter egg. And sometimes, you have so many Easter eggs that you give them to others as a blessing from your heart. When you do this, are you helping others or are they helping you? When your hands are full, someone helps you carry their contents. When your heart is full, someone helps you carry its love, for love is the content of your heart.

Let others help you carry the content of your heart.

Consider yourself a bride with a long sequined train, and others will help you carry the sparkling satin.

You do have a bridal train behind you. You do leave a trail. You do leave footsteps. Let your footsteps be like stars that light the way to Heaven.



The Seventh Sense

God said:

I am your witness. I am a friendly witness. I am the Eyes of the Beholder. And I witness truth.

And you witness Me. Not one among you does not witness Me. You have a sense of Me. You have an idea of Me. Make your idea be a true one. But whatever your idea of Me, you do have an idea of Me.

Make Me your seventh sense. Call Me a sense of love.

Is not love a sense? And does not love make sense? And does not love travel fast? Love and light travel at the same speed. Actually, love is faster.

At this instant you have all My love. You are never lacking My love. But sometimes you lack the sense of it. A sense of Me is a habit, and habits are learned.

Learn a new habit. Become accustomed to Me. Get familiar with Me. Get comfortable with Me. I am a Friend. I am your Best Friend. Consider Me your Backer. Consider Me your spine, for it is I Who indeed does hold you up.

Once I am engrained in you, I am hard to give up. Once you know Me, you want to stay with Me, and it is a fact of life that I am always with you, and you can only stay with Me. How nice to know that. How nice to know that I am your Prize, and that you have won Me.

How nice to know that angels follow you and precede you. Angels are My energy. They are My light, as you are My light. Angels focus. They are clear-seeing and clear-being. They are not many-directioned like you.

You too can clear distraction from your life. You cannot be distracted with Me. I am Attraction, not distraction. Follow, follow your heart to Me. Nothing can fill your heart and your life like I can. I give you a dollop more. I give you a Heaven's worth more. I give you all your gifts plus eternity. I do not give you dribs and drabs. I give you Everything.


You started out with Everything, but you thought you were not worth much.

Gain the habit of knowing your worth. Do not shirk from your value. Uphold it.

What if you did indeed think of yourself as My worthy child? Frowns would melt. Ease would appear. When you consider yourself My child of worth, your ego disappears. Why would you have it when you can have Me? Elbow out your ego with My love. Ego makes you less, not more. Ego rides you like a horse, wanting to win the gate. Ego puts blinders on you so you see what ego wants you to see. Ego uses you, and soon or late it deflates you.

I am the opposite of ego. I am Greatness. And I tell you in every way I know that you too are My Greatness. Follow your Greatness. Develop awareness of it. You have already won the race. There is no race. The race is over. Accept your winnings.

The applause continues. I applaud you.

I urge you on to greater fields. Leave the fence post. Leave the corral. Come run free with Me. No boundaries exist for you and Me. You imagine boundaries.

But you are powerful. And you can go anywhere you want. You are not bound to the world. You move in it. You walk on earth, but you are not stuck in it.

Your feet touch the earth, but you reign in Heaven, because I guide your heart. I press it to Me. I massage your heart with My love.

Your heart needs great healing. And everyone else's does too. Be a healer of hearts on earth. I appoint you a healer of hearts. Heal other hearts by healing your own. Let your heart free in leaps and bounds.

You will have occasion today to open your heart. Whomever you open your heart to, you open it to Me.

Be far-seeing. See the Greatness of My love on earth. Scatter My love here. And pick up My love while you are at it.



How to Bless

God said:

Let Me put words into your mouth. Let Me speak through you. And that is what I do. I open your mouth. I move your arms and your legs. I open your heart, for I am the Mover of the Universe, and I move you. You are caught in a maelstrom of My love. You cannot get out of it. Don't try.

Ask that you hear My thoughts and speak My words. Ask that you be so filled with My love that every utterance from your mouth is from Me. Ask that you be so filled with My love that every act from your heart is from Me.

Ask that every painting you make is from Me. That every song you sing is from Me. That every rose you plant is from Me. That every visitor you greet is from Me. That every visitor you greet is Me. And that every time you look into the mirror, you see Me.

Is there anything in your life you wish to change? Then change it into Me. Internalize it into Me. Give it to Me to change. Release everything to Me.

You are not the changer. I am the Changer. I am the Unchanged Changer.

Walk My path, as indeed Jesus did walk My path. Step on every pebble of My love.

Jesus did not walk a path to crucifixion. He walked a path to Heaven. He was in Heaven when he walked it.

Walk the path with Me, and you will know joy. You will know Oneness. You will know love bequeathed to love.

Love does not battle. Love embraces. Love gives. Love gives over.

With love, there is no controlling. Controlling is small-visioned whereas love is vast rolling hills. Love is the train track that keeps going.

You are not a stranger to love. You are a ticket-holder of it.


Where did you put the ticket? Look for it in your heart. It is embossed there.

Your eyes are the telescope. Your eyes see for your heart. Your heart moves your eyes. Your heart opens your eyes.

Make every choice of yours a blessing from Me.

Bless the dishes you wash. Bless the hand that washes the dishes. Bless the dishwater. Bless the water that flows from the faucet. Bless the Water Department.

Bless the plank your foot steps on. Bless the noise it makes. Bless your foot that touches the earth. Bless the earth it touches.

Make your life a blessing.

Bless Me. Bless you. And you are blessed, for you are My blessing to all.

I never cursed the earth. Don't believe it. I can only bless. I bless the earth and the inhabitants of the earth. I bless you.

Feel My blessings like sunlight on your back. Feel My blessings like the light from the stars that enters your heart. Feel My blessings as a sweet breeze. Feel My blessings. Feel My blessedness.

Enjoin Me in your life. Your life is not little and separate from Mine. Your life is My existence.

Consider that I give you paint with which to paint your life. I give you the canvas on which to paint it. I give you the vision that gives dimension to your painting of life. Paint portraits. Paint gardens. Paint houses. I give you the energy to paint any picture you like. I give you your life, but you paint it. Paint love on canvas, for that is the material of your life you paint.

All the colors are there for you to choose. What colors do you choose? Choose them. It does not have to be random.

Choosing the colors you want to wield is your intention. Choose. Choose how to bless the other painters in life.

Choose how to bless.



Beliefs Are Embedded Ideas

God said:

Fill yourself with My love. Breathe it into you. You fill your gas tank. Now fill yourself with what is free and plentiful. Invite Me in. Invite My light to fill you. Invite My light to course through you. Invite My light to conduct you. You cannot get too much of My light. Keep getting enough.

Instead of breathing in anger and dismay, breathe in My love. Draw to you awareness of My love. If My love is too much for you to absorb, then take in My energy. Drink it. Drink My energy.

Everyone wants more energy. Energy is light. Energy is My love, but you can, if you want, think of My love as impartial energy imparted to you automatically.

Now let My energy seep into your awareness, the energy of God placed in your awareness. How it strengthens you. My energy helps you to know what you are meant to do. My energy has to be used. It has to be given.

What you receive, you must give. You give it by shining in it. The receiving and giving are automatic, but the awareness is not. When there is awareness, there is more receiving and more giving.

Just as your eyes follow a path in the road and take you to your destination, your awareness pointed toward Me attracts more energy to you, and more energy takes you to higher places. Keep Me in your sights, and you will come to Me in your awareness.

Really, My children, you do not desire to stay the same. Staying the same is the same as staying asleep. In truth, you want to be awakened. Be not be afraid of truth. Be not be afraid to learn that you have misled yourself. Be not be afraid to learn that you have drawn lines to cut off your awareness. You have set up perimeters and have denied yourself access beyond. Every truth you block, you block Me. You avert your eyes from Me because you fear to let go.


If you cannot consider Me love or energy, then consider Me truth. Let go of your self-imposed illusions. They do not protect you. They protect your ego. What do you need ego for?

You need no protection from truth, for truth is your key to greatness. When you allow your old beliefs to go away, you become real. Are your old beliefs really so precious? Must you maintain them? Do you need illusions to sustain you? You think you do. You think you will break if you were free from the past. You think freedom is loss.

Your old beliefs shackle you, and how comfortable are the shackles. What would you do without them, you think. Because you think your shackles are part of you, you think they are necessary for your preservation. But those shackled ideas stop you from your continued journey to yourself and therefore to Me. Your established beliefs are pronouncements, and pronouncements close down the doors of communication.

First you have to communicate with yourself. Do not lie to yourself. Greatness does not carry old discardable thinking. Because you are My greatness, you can let your stubborn mind let go of every cardboard belief it ever had. You do not have to uphold truth. Truth upholds itself. Greatness does not need beliefs to maintain it.

Walk into My heart, and your beliefs will scatter to the winds. Do not believe in illusions. Do not believe in old habits of thinking. Do not believe that you must continue to believe in all you have believed in. Many, perhaps most, perhaps all of your ideas about yourself and life are shades pulled down over your eyes and heart. These ideas say to your heart of awareness: "Stop. Go no further. Stop right here. This is as far as I will allow you to go. I will not let you go into unexplored territory."

Now, notice your beliefs. Beliefs are your embedded ideas. Notice what they are. You perhaps may believe that you are smart, or that you are not smart. Reverse your thought, and see what lights go on.

You perhaps may believe that illness is inherited, but what if it isn't? What if emotions and thinking are contagious, and your mind caught them? Thoughts are passed down but do not have to be inherited. What you have thought as true may not be true.

What you have thought of as wonderful or unwonderful may not be. Take every one of your embedded ideas and turn it around, and listen to what it says. See what occurs to you. Just consider the barest possibility that the opposite of what you have always thought may be a truth that you have


denied. You do not even know what your beliefs are. Take a look. And go further.

Many beliefs are excuses. They justify to your judging mind something that you think has to be justified. They are alibis as if you were on trial. You excuse yourself from responsibility.

What if you have drawn incorrect conclusions? Admit, admit. Admit truth into your existence. Many of your ideas hold you back. Many of your ideas bind you to a closed circuit of definition.

Let go of fear, and you will admit truth. Let go of fear, and you will see beyond your present definition. Let go of fear, and you will accept the freedom of responsibility. Let go of fear, and change will become your friend.

Change only one of your beliefs, and you will be changed. Leave beliefs behind. Enter this moment. I am here with you. Let go of your fears that cause you to hold on to what may not be so.



Surrender to God Like the Earth to the Sun

God said:

Although time is not, there is a moment that comes when the Sun peeks its head up over the horizon. The Sun lifts up its shoulders at its inception over the crest of the earth. It is a steady motion, the Sun beginning its day on your side of the earth.

Of course, it is the earth that is rolling to the Sun. You could say that the earth is the puppy that rolls over to be petted by the Sun. The rolling over is surrender. The earth surrenders to the Sun, and then the Sun becomes earth's, and the Sunlight on the earth and the earth's receptivity of the Sun are integral, one to the other.

How innocent is the earth. How willing. How open. How ready. How unattached but all set.

And that is how Our love shines. I shine totally, day or night. Like the earth, you roll over. You accept My light. You would say the beginnings of My light, but My light has no starting-place for it is eternal. So, therefore, it is you who begins it. You begin it by opening your eyes and letting some light in. It is so simple, our arrangement, our engagement in the exchange of Our love.Love is not complete until it is received.

Love given is something other than love until it is accepted. Love cannot be halfway. It cannot be extended only so far. Part of its being extended is its being received. That is the freedom of love.

An overt attempt at giving love is not the same as love. A gift is not truly given until it has been received. You send a package in the mail. You have sent it. But on its way, it is not a gift. It is a package. It becomes a gift when the intended's hands open it, and their eyes light up.

You who have loved without return, that is not love. Giving something unwanted or unappreciated is not love, for love is a letting go. The giver and the receiver are true to themselves and aware of the other.


There are two parts to love then, the giving and the receiving. The receiver is as much a giver as the original offerer.

And that is how We exchange love, you and I. I am the Original Offerer. You are ever in My attention. When you receive My love, that makes you the giver of it. You give to Me when you accept My love. In truth, We cannot separate our love. Do you understand better now what Oneness means?

Love is not a tugging at the heart. Love is a filling of the heart. That is why you give love to one another without attachment. Attachment is not love.

Which one of My children did Christ, overtly or covertly, hold to him by force? Not one. From his side, he did not hold. From the point of view of those who held on to him, they were held by his strength of clear-seeing love. He attracted but did not hold.

He was like a moon, and his disciples were satellites that moved around him. There was no force. There was no contract. There was not control. There was wisdom and love and strength and freedom.

It is the same with Me. That is why I gave you free will. What would My love be if I consigned you to a particular one-way street?

If I throw a party, you, as a guest, come of your own accord. If I, the Host, insist that you must come at the stroke of a certain moment and at a certain entrance and in a certain costume, and you must come, then you have not been invited but ordered. Then you are not a guest but an employee. It is not a party for you unless it is your choice to come. There cannot be acceptance without freedom. I am the Greatest Giver of Freedom there is.

But that does not mean I do not invite. I invite and invite. And I know you will attend My gathering, for it is a celebration of you. Sometimes you are surprised when you come, that the party was in your honor, but I am never surprised. I knew you were going to attend. I saw it coming. Once I saw you catapulting on your way to My house, I knew the exact moment of your entry, and I had the welcome mat out for you, swept clean for your arrival.

Some of My children like to attend My banquet alone, and some in groups, but, in truth, no one attends alone. When you are so lit, others will see you. They will note where you have gone and mark it down in some obscure place in their heart. That place will not remain obscure. It will start to grow, and that place in their heart will blossom.


When you avoid My party, it is because you are not listening to your heart. I am the most neutral party-giver in the universe. All have been invited. I have the staff, the refreshments, and programs enough for the entire population of the world. Nothing will spoil. It all waits for you. You don't have to wait.

I am the most cordial Host you will ever know. I invite and invite no matter how often you do not respond, and I let you go your way. My invitation is permanent. I never rescind it. My invitation is sent. It is sent again and again. Sometimes you just toss it out without looking at it. But one day you will open it. And one day you will read it. And one day you will come, but in your own way and your own time, and that is the freedom of your will.



Be the Greatness that You Are

God said:

God is true to you. It is nothing for God to be true to you, for there is nothing that He can be false with.

And, if you were false with nothing, you would be simply and clearly true to God, for God and Truth are the same.

You have many concerns, and they are all illusion. All you have is Me.


Anything else is an idle fluctuation on the course of Our love.

The other day I suggested that, as an experiment, you reverse your thinking to see what you come up with. What you have discovered is that nothing is as you thought.

Your thoughts do not have to stay the same. They do not have to repeat themselves. You can change them. And that is beautiful. And you will also discover the underpinnings of that, that things appear as you think they are.

You, also, on the surface, perform as you think you are.

You paint a picture of yourself, and you live up to it. Whatever it may be. Erase the pictures of yourself, for they are delusion. All the ones you put yourself down with and all the ones you pull yourself up with are unnecessary and incomplete.

In truth, My child is not capable of being pulled down nor up, for My child is the true stillness of Me. When you remove all falsehood and delusion, what remains but the Oneness of you and Me?

That is all there is, and that is all there ever was. You and I. In toto. And what We are cannot be changed or taken away. It cannot be less, and it cannot be more, for there is no more to what We are. There cannot be more than totality. Can eternity be more than it is? Can it be less?


Simply stated, We are. Anything else is illusion. Or delusion.

There is only you and I. I say only, but I mean truly magnificently you and I. We are the true, and We are the magnificent. That is the whole story.

But you like to depart from it. You like side-trips. Excursions.

But excursions are all in your mind, for you never, not for one minute in the illusion of time, step out of My light. That is the one impossibility. And yet you uphold that possibility for dear life. You make scrimmages. You make emotions. You make scenes, for you have liked what you imagine and have called it life.

You do not need to wait. There is nothing to wait for. You do not have to arrive. You never left. You and I are inextricably entwined. We are together. All else that occupies your mind is fiction.

And all your stories are dear to you. There is nothing you have to give up but your fancies. Do you enter Heaven, or does Heaven enter you? What could be the difference? Is there any?

You have heard of Self-realization. What you have consciously had all your earth-time is self-realization rather than Self-realization. The smallness and details of your present existence are preoccupations. They are hobbies that divert you from the main course. And yet you somehow think they are all that there is, and, at the same time, you think there is more which you seek.

You eat tidbits and forego what comes next. You forget what comes next. You forget, forego, or avoid what comes next because you fear its ultimate truth. The ultimate truth is that smallness does not exist – only greatness exists. Because you think you are smallness, you fear that you will not exist. But when you accept greatness, that is when you start to come alive, for your life is meant to be lived in greatness.

You scoff. You laugh. You do not believe what I tell you. You cannot even imagine what it would be for you to live your life in greatness.

I suggest you start imagining. Conceive of it, and it will begin.



The Games of Life

God said:

Nothing is what it seems because you have thought awry.

Things seem the way they seem because you have interpreted them, or have been taught to analyze them in a certain way. You have believed others' words more than what you see and feel. You have ignored what you feel. You have predicted what you will see. You have mandated what you will see. And you are afraid to break the chain.

When you do not color what you see, then you will see. Maybe you have to close your eyes in order to see.

You have let others tell lies to you, and then you tell lies to yourself. You even pay money for lies. Something else than what you would have yourself believe is going on. You get swept up in you-know-not-what. You bet on things, and yet what can be reliable in the temporary games you blindly enter and call something else?

Today listen to your heart of truth, and do not be beguiled. You beguile yourself. It is always you. You choose to. You would rather listen to lies than the truth of what your heart tells you. You like to buy a bill of goods.

If you want to win a race, you have to start at the starting line. You cannot skip around, go in and out, or start in the middle. That is kidding yourself.

Do not be so quick to join things. What you think you join and what you join may not be the same. What looks beautiful on the outside may not be in the inside. Like people in disguises. You must allow yourself to go beyond disguises.

The story of Christ dressed as a beggar is well-known. The story of the beggar disguised to look like Christ is less known. My children like to be fooled. They desire to be fooled. They are looking to be fooled because they think that there is something in the world that will save them. From what do you need to be saved? From illusion, the very thing you chase.


Do not look for the world to save you. Look to Me and look to yourself. Look squarely.

Life is not a game of Let's Pretend. It is a game of Seek Truth. Truth is not terrible. It is honest. What is it you are afraid to face?

There are clues all around you, and you ignore them. You blindfold yourself. You play a game with yourself. You are afraid to look.

Other people are not the extent of you. They are not the makers of you. They are not the rulers of you. They may be less than what you like to think, and you are assuredly more. Look not for truth outside you. Look for it within you. You do not need to engage in the surface games of life.

Doesn't that statement help you to breathe? When you open your eyes and see beyond the surface, you will not be disappointed. When you get past your fear of truth, you will no longer dissemble. When you no longer dissemble, more truth will appear. Truth is not named. It is not a name of truth that you seek.

Many of My dear children look to be called wise, or successful, or enlightened, or have bright-lighted experiences. But it is not the name to be sought after. You do not need to be dubbed. You do not need to be anointed. You are wise, or you are not, or you are sometimes wise and sometimes not. But what has that to do with truth?

You want someone to tell you something. You want to hear it. But what is the worth of whatever someone tells you? You are eager for enlightenment. As you have seemingly chased after it, you have been running away from it. Enlightenment is not run to. You cannot chase it.

Enlightenment is what is left when untruth leaves. Look not to be enlightened. Look to move to Me. Look to the Light, not to a name for the lighted. Do not look for someone to turn the switch on for you. It is already on. You need no one else. Just look to the Light.

A name is a murmur of sound. Looking for the name is looking for recognition. Bypass recognition. Look for Me, and I will have found you. Look for faith in the ennoblement of truth. I see you.

You are beautiful. Throw off your disguise that is not you, and come to Me.




God said:

Never mind if you believe in Me. It is enough to believe in Godness. Godness I am.

I am a Truth-Sayer and a Truth-Giver. I am a Hound of Truth. I am Truth and the Essence of It. I am all-good, for I am All-God.

What would God be? That Which I Am. I am your Mentor. I am your Far-Seer. I am your Benefactor. I am your Deliverer.

But I am not a Tooth Fairy. I am not a Fairy Godmother. And I am not Santa Claus – as you think of them. And yet I am they too. I give to you. I give all to you. And you have it.

When you think of a Fairy Godmother you think you need more direction and guidance. When you think of the Tooth Fairy, you think you need reward. When you think of Santa Claus, you think of being satiated with the fulfillment of all your worldly desires and to have new greater ones next year. All the new year you will store up your desires for shiny new things.

In truth, you desire shining light, that which shines without tarnish, without rust, without batteries. All the time, what you really yearn for is True Light.

All the material things light you up for but a moment, but True Light does not dim. It is not dim now. Only your perception of it is dim. Undim your perception. Know clearly and decisively that for which you seek.

Seek for no substitutes. Seek for the real thing, and that is I, and that is you. In this regard, be wary of what you spend money on and why you spend it. What you spend money on will not bring you what you desire. The material you seek does not bring you its promise. All the promises are false. They are short-lived. You put your energy and thoughts and money into them. The money is the least thing. What you give with the money is yourself. You pay money to sell yourself on something that does not begin to be worth the exchange of yourself.


Spending money is like having fame. For a moment, you are a star or a hero that rescues an object, and for that, you gain applause. But the applause is not for you. It is for the sale. Your money was spent for illusion, and the applause is also illusion.

Be aware of what you applaud yourself for.

Anyone who has money can spend it. It is no great thing. Spending a million dollars seems more exciting than spending a dollar, but the transaction is the same.

It is money spent on illusion. You know this is true.

I am not telling you not to spend money. I am telling you not to put your trust in illusion but in truth. You have been led to madly desire that which is 100% guaranteed to disappoint.

You need only a little desire for that which will bestow Allness. The desire for light is not limited. It is not selfish. When you gain light, you gain it for all around you. It cannot be kept to yourself.

Be wary of selfishness, for it is not your true nature. It is a protective device you assume, as false as all the others. When you are selfish, you hide yourself. You keep to yourself. You keep illusion to yourself. But you are on Earth to reveal, not to keep.

Get in practice. Reveal your generosity of heart.

The point of the story of the fishes and loaves is that when you share, you have more. That is the miracle. Sharing increases, and non-sharing decreases. Sharing gives you wealth, and non-sharing decreases wealth.

It is happiness you are looking for.

When you buy a persimmon, buy two, and give one to another. Give it anonymously. For then you give the applause to the universe and take it not unto yourself.

For, in truth, the persimmon comes from Me. And that is the message you pass along. And as you pass along Truth and Godness, that is how you open up the horizons and take greatness as your own and restore yourself to Me.



God Paints a Picture

God said:

Breathe with the Breath of God.

Think of it. You breathe God. With every breath, you breathe Me in.

See with the Light of God. Be it. Be My Light. Relish all as I do relish all.

This is a lesson in the illusion of reciprocity. In or out, to or fro, does not matter. East, west, north, south, all direction is Mine. All is I.

I painted a picture. Is it not My picture I painted? Love was My medium. I painted life.

And you would redesign My painting! You do complain about it. Not good enough, you say. You want to change it. You want to make it something else.

Instead, change complaint to joy. Complaint and joy take the same amount of energy. It is just a little switch from complaint to joy.

You say you want freedom. Yet you desire a designed bounded path. You want a little path like on a Piggly-Wiggly game board with only flowers along it. You want to know the curves and extent of the path.

Perhaps you want to arrive and skip the journey. But it is the journey that is life.

You want to skip life, for you have judged it, and found it wanting. Perhaps you want only 10% of it.

If you could just reach a little further, you think, but arrival is a little out of reach. It always appears ahead of you. Perhaps there is none. No arrival. No destination. Perhaps it is the reaching that is the destination.


This must be so because destination of itself implies a later time, a future that is not now, but it is the now that reaches. There is no later. There is no distance. Distance means later also.

There is universe, and you are in it.

You see yourself as a dot on it. You see yourself at a point on it. And you want to move to another point. But only the physical moves to a point. Only the physical has lines for demarcation.

There are no maps for Heaven, for you are not separate from it. There is you, and there is I. Reach in. Enough reaching out. Reach within, for everything is within. There is no without. That is illusion. There is nothing outside you. You are the perceptor of what you perceive. Your perception creates what you perceive.

Surely if you can perceive a tree as real, you can perceive the Real as a tree or as you or as Me. Look beneath the surface. Here it is: There is no surface. There is only interior. There is only the perceiver that sees surface. You look out too much.

You look in one direction, but there is no direction. Out there exists only in your perception. Perceive Truth. At least have an awareness of Truth's existence.

I want to say, "Move over closer to Me." In fact, I do say it, but it is a metaphor, for you are already so close to Me that no distance exists and We are One. There is no close or far. There is no moving. There is no arriving. No destination. All is here.

We are One Interior, you and I. You can only breathe with My breath. You can only think it is yours. No one breathes without My breath.

My eyes are behind yours. No, they are within yours. Ignore My eyes no longer. Let your vision expand. Your vision can include all, for Mine certainly does. Envision love without boundary. Envision light until there is only Light.

Envision yourself as the Being you are.


Perceive Truth.



The Vastness of Truth

God said:

When you envision your greatness, you become it.

When you allow it, you are it.

You have disallowed it. You have favored smallness over greatness. You thought smallness was within your reach and that greatness, if it existed, was beyond you on the Earth realm. You looked for greatness from others and from the world, while, all along, it is you who are greatness.

It is better to not leave greatness to others. Then you wait. Greatness does not wait. It does not hover.

You need assume no stature to get out of smallness. You just have to get out of it. Step out of it as you would a puddle. It is no big thing to step out of smallness. Step out, and you are in greatness. Smallness is a skin you shed. Only a skin. Do you agree that it will be well for you to step out of smallness?

Of course, it is an illusion that you have to step out of anything. You just have to notice where you are. You have paid too much attention to the placement of your feet. Pay more attention to your shoulders, to the angle of your head. Have a direct line from your heart to your eyes. Curve your heart upward.

Uplift your heart. Arouse yourself to heights of love.

And yet, love is a plateau. It has an evenness. It is not frantic. It is a plateau on a high point of a mountain. Yes, at the top of the mountain is a plateau. It is eloquent in its stillness. And from that evenness, from the height of that plateau, you see all around you differently from when you were climbing jagged rocks. You are ascenders, not descenders.

Ascenders look up. Not away, not down. Look up to the Vastness of Truth. Escalate to Heaven. Elevate your heart. Admit the possibility that you are ascending.


Look not for road signs. Simply ascend. Trust the elevator you ride on. Look across at Me and smile.

There is a miniscule thread that keeps you back from greatness. It is a miniscule misunderstanding. It is fear in your heart. Fear that greatness is all a supposition, and that you cannot be it, that you cannot be what I have given you to be.

But it is small that you cannot be. Acts of smallness are not you. They are acts. They are merely cover-ups to your greatness. Take off your costumes, your suits of armor. Superman puts on a cape, but you have only to remove one.

What battle do you fight? What windmills do you attack? What exactly opposes you?

You know the answer. It is your mind. Your mind turns on you. It turns on itself. It ravages you. It does not cheerlead you. All the twists and turns of your thinking disengage you from the greatness of the opportunity that you are.

Fortunately, you have a safety net. It is your heart. Not sentiment, but your true heart of courage. Courage is nothing but knowing your greatness and forgetting your smallness. You have to muster your heart for smallness. Unloose it for greatness. Unloose your heart from the shackles your mind has put there.

I give you a sword of love. It cuts through everything. My love will cut through your distorted thinking, this thinking that makes you believe it strengthens you. Truth strengthens you. Truth has naught to do with thought. Truth comes from a greater place than the mind.

If the mind is a computer, who runs it?

A computer has been programmed, and so has your mind.

But the heart is anew, and through the heart of love, you become anew. One stroke of love transforms you. I have knighted you love, and now get up and be it.



The Possibilities of Yes

God said:

Let simplicity in, and complexity out. Complexity is not truth. Simplicity is.

One is a simple concept. Reduce everything to one. When everything is reduced to its simplest, you have Truth.

You have had much fringe on your thinking. Your thoughts have been tassels waving in the breeze. Let your thoughts return to the main of what is and release the exterior of what is not. You have created false images.

The not's of your mind have held you in their sway. The possibilities of not have gripped you. The censureship of the mind has gripped you. The mind gives you the possibility of failure as a weighty alternative. That possible failure is heavy, and mostly it resides in what someone else will think of you, and you take their thoughts as yours.

What is failure but the concept of not achieving something you or someone else thought you had to? Do you see now how your life is based on your thinking of it rather than the living of it? Failure does not exist. Only false premises do.

Embrace the possibilities of Yes. That is a premise you can operate from. If you cannot embrace the possibility of Yes, then embrace the possibility of Maybe. The concept of Perhaps alone will open vistas for you, for the closed mind has condemned you.

What is there that cannot be in the heart of God? False trails lead you nowhere but back to yourself. Lost on a false trail, you return to where you started and set out again. Back to yourself is a good place to be, for that is where everything begins.

Begin today to settle down to Truth. Get out of the way of Truth. Get out of the way of yourself.


You make too many demands. That is the same as to say that you try to take control. Any personal control you take is too much. You even control your letting go of control. You order its release, but you order it only so far. You still keep your eye on it. Your attention is more on control than it is on Being. You cannot be into your Beingness and control at the same time.

You order outcomes. Ordering a particular outcome denies you others. Control is holding on to your desire rather than allowing it to fulfill itself. You do not have to order the dawn of the day. The sun comes without your control. You do not order the rose to bloom. It blooms from its own bloomability.

The most beautiful things are those that you do not try to control, or even imagine to control. The most beautiful events happen as if on their own. Love comes on its own. It bids itself to come.

I have set everything in motion, and you must allow it to be what it is and reach where it will.

The truth is that you have no control. You cannot control life. Your control is only resistance, and your resistance comes from a precluded idea or two. Nothing has to be the way you thought it had to be. Your thoughts are wisps.

When you can accept that your calculations may have been miscalculations, you will be on a new footing. You will leave the old sticky past. You will arise to great before-unimagined heights because you will have let go of the ballast you held on to.

You have been a boat moored to shore. You paddled and paddled, and wondered why you couldn't leave shore. Now is time to unmoor the boat. Cast off. You cannot stay at the so-called safety of shore and ride the waves of the ocean at the same time. Is that not what you have been attempting to do? Have you not hobbled yourself with old ideas you fashioned?

There is no sky without stars. There is no boat that sails without direction. There is no child of mine that can be lost from Me. He can only think that he is or someone else can think that he is. There is no truth to it. Your security is in Our connectedness, not in an old rope that holds you in place.

A dancer cannot dance without leaving the ground. It would not be dance if the feet adhered themselves to the dance floor.


A voice cannot sing if it holds itself to itself. A voice must flute out to sing.

And for you to live life on Earth rather than just abide it, you must start out on your adventure with the supposed daring to leave the particulars of the outcome to Me. Not only some of it but all of it, not some of the time but all the time, not just the weather, but all of the trip.

You must let go of your proscribed outcomes. You must even let them out of your sight, for you do not know what greatness lies before you and what you have withheld from yourself by holding on to certain outcomes and disallowing others. In other words, you do not know what lies just over the horizon.

Will you, once and for all, allow Me to give greater to you than you have deemed within your province?



Be True to Yourself

God said:

This reliance on the opinions of others is a big thing in your lives. Listen to others, but go by Me and yourself. When you allow others' opinions to rule you, you have abdicated yourself.

Opinions are only opinions. They are not edicts.

What do you gain when you follow the opinion of another and live up to it? What favor is gained? And what do you think you have lost when you do not? What is so important to you to be in the good graces of another? Is it important enough to deny the truth of yourself?

Be in good graces with yourself. You cannot be out of My good graces. You were placed here long ago, and here you remain. You can only have My light upon you. You are pleasant to Me. Be pleased with yourself. Do not look to another's light before your own. Ally yourself with the truth of you.

The good opinion of another is not what your life is for. Did you think it was? Do not curry favor with another. You are not enriched by the good opinion of another. You are perhaps embellished with their favor, but it will not last. You know that, don't you.

Draw your own course in life. Make your own decisions. Make them with Me. Let me be your Confidante. Let Me be the Reflector of you back to yourself. I am reliable. You can count on Me. The favor of anyone else is a passing thing. It lasts but a minute. However long it lasts it is only a minute.

You deserve more than flighting opinions. You have an entitlement to Me. Accept Our interchange.

Accept My love for you. Seek not others' good opinions of you. You have Mine.



The Silence of Love

God said:

All of life experience is symbolic. It is a representation of a variant of Truth. All that occurs is an opera or drama or comedy. But all is symbolic of the indestructibility of the human soul. A dance is more than a dance. It represents something, perhaps the movement of life and the movement of the dancers in life. Music is the background. Song is the soul singing to itself. And life itself is the rolling over of the music upon itself.

Attachment is always to an idea. The attachment to love is attachment to the idea of love. Memory, whatever it is about, is an attachment to the idea of the memory and what it represents to you. Your mind represents it to you. It is what it represents that you are attached to. And what it represents is an idea. With attachment, you try to recapture that which you are attached to, but what you recapture is a representation that falls apart in your hand.

All of the material world represents love to you. The piece of china, the silver spoon, the copper coin, one Human Being or another. And so you chase representation of love. Representation is not the actuality. It is a facsimile sent on ahead to you or sent to you afterward, or back and forth, perhaps over and over again.

Often my children chase facsimiles. You can chase what you seek, but you cannot materialize it. It is not manufactured. Copies can be made, but they are copies, and after a while, you become aware that you hold a copy, and, once again, the original has eluded you.

As you chase, you push away that for which you seek, the same way a gust of wind propels a sheet of paper. What you chase has to be allowed to reach you. You have to allow it. You chase figments.

Chasing is a form of holding on. Holding on and its seeming opposite – resistance – prevent that which you seek. And it is love that you seek. Love chased is elusive. You seek love wrapped in a certain package. The trimmings have become it to you. It has to have a certain look about it. And so you may ignore true love. Ignorance of it is the same as casting it away, for you cast it


from your view. It is here, but you don't see it. You chase that picture which eludes you but overlook that which you have.

I am your True Love. All else that you seek is representation of Me. You seek substitutes. You seek illusion of love. When you allow My love to come to you, it comes to you. It comes to you as it comes. The form in which it comes may not be in the form you have pictured. Your very picture may preclude your notice of it. You may not recognize it because it does not match your picture. Your picture is your expectation.

Acknowledge, accept that you have the bounty of My love. It has been given to you. Now look at what you have. Look not for it far away. Look for it close. Look for it where it is. Look not for representation. Look not for interpretation. Look for the Original seeking you.

The Original seeks you. Well, I seek your awareness of Me, for it is fact that I already hold you. I hold you in the palm of My hand. I hold you in the exquisite center of My heart. I hold you in My awareness. My awareness holds you. Now it is for you to look into My eyes that already look into yours. See into the depth of My eyes, and you will forever know that you are the cast of My love.

Having that awareness, then you will seek to give awareness of My love to others rather than finding it from them. But you do not give My love to others directly. You stay by My side and request of Me that awareness of Me be lit in others. In a sense, you direct My attention to them, My attention that is already there.

Christ did not say to the people of earth, "Here, I give you God's love." He said, "Here, God's love is." In human terms, you give what you think is your love where it will be received and repaid.

In My terms, you give My love by accepting My love. You will know no difference in the receiving or the giving, or the giving and the receiving. For love stands. Love is not so much given and received as it is seen. See love, and it is given. Recognize your Beingness of love. A lit candle lights all that comes within its circumference. The candle is not so much giving out as it is being what it is, and what it is is light shining. And that is what you are, My light shining before all. Be it in the silence of love.



The Fiction of Ideas

God said:

Let Me be a stronger force in your life.

Pay more attention to Me than you pay to the drifts of snow. Than you pay to the winds of change. Than you pay to looks you get from others. Than you pay to the words of others. Than you pay to yourself.

Paying attention to Me is paying nothing. It is getting your mind off details of human life and putting it on an eternity of vastness. Paying attention to Me is lifting yourself to where you long to be. Paying attention to Me is seeing where you, in truth, are. Paying attention to Me is filling yourself up.

Why ride on empty when you can have God, and have Me free? God for the asking. No equipment needed. Instant transference of My fuel to you.

The phone line between us is connected. I am talking to you. You just have to pick up the phone, and listen in. Any time you pick up the receiver, I am talking, and you will hear Me. But you have to pick up.

I Who am Silence am never silent. I Who am Stillness am never still, for you are the percussion of Me. You are the beat of My drum. You are My vibration. You are My moving light. You are a manifestation of Me.

I walk the Earth in you. You are My moccasins, and I am the Walker. Everything on Earth is a reminder of Me. And you are a reminder of Me. All the people on Earth are reminders of Me.

Unless you see as I do see, the people before you, as you see them, are also your idea. You have an idea of them, a fragmented idea. Your idea is a contribution to them, favorable or unfavorable. But know that the perceived person before you is an idea of yours, and you do not like your ideas to change. Therefore, you feel frustration. You want another person to change, but it is your ideas that must.

Consider ideas a fleeting impression. Consider them a photograph taken from one angle and not another, a photograph taken in one moment of


light and not another. The angle of light constantly changes, and so must your ideas change also.

The person in front of you is pure light. Anything else is an idea. The physical is an idea. All that you are involved in is an idea. You have idea taped upon idea. You have ideas kaleidoscope before you, one twirling image laced over another.

You, too, are an idea. When you see yourself as anything but My light, you are seeing an idea you have created. The individual name you are called by is an idea. Your face is an idea. Ideas are thoughts made up, or thoughts assembled. Out of impulses of light come the fiction of ideas. Truth is not an idea, although you may have an idea of it.

You are light, and nothing but light. There is one light, and it is Mine.

If that is too hard to accept, then at least consider that a light burns within you, that a perpetual light flames at the core of you. The lines drawn around your light that give you a perceived shape are fiction, fiction made of ideas, yours and others.

There is only One-on-One.

There is One Flame, and all other flames merge with it, and so you are the One Flame also. Not merely a flicker of it. You are not just a flicker. You are My Flame.

Do you not think that you are within the radiance of My light? Do you think My light extends only a tiny range? Do you think it only goes so far? Do you think My light cannot reach you and shine on you and from you? Or do you think it only reaches others, or some few others, but not you, certainly not you.

Consider all your ideas propaganda, nothing more. Ideas are propagated. Never mind ideas.

Leave your intellect behind.

Come live with Me, and then you will know Truth. Live with Me in your heart, for your heart is Mine. Live in My realm in your heart. Come.



The Tide of Love 1

God said:

My love seems obscure to you because it is everywhere.

You do not see air, but you breathe it.

You do not see air, but you see it wave the leaves of trees and the buoyancy of clouds in a sky made of air. Air is a manifestation of My love, as are the trees and the intimate clouds.

But I am much more than air. I am much more than a breeze. I am much more than what you breathe. I am not passive, and I am not confrontation.

I am the Neutralness of Love. I am Love dispatched on the clear winds of joy.

I breathe you. I breathe My breath into you, and you are My breath. You are the breath of My Being. You are My bread upon the waters. Yet you do not escape me. The waves knead you, and I knead you. My love massages you, and My wondrousness is multiplied.

You seek My understanding of you, and I seek your understanding of yourself.

But what is there to understand about love?

It is the waves of the ocean. It is the stillness of the sea. It is the energy of life, and you are the energy of life.

And your soul is your acquaintanceship with life.

Life is not what you think. It is not a puzzle to figure out. It is an ocean to swim in. It is a tub of water. It is a drop of dew extended from the air.

Life does not begin and end. Life is perpetual. It rolls on a Field of Eternity.


You may dip in and out of the sheaves of grass, or the waves of the water, but you are never out of life.

Death is a grand illusion. There is no death. There is Beingness.

So long as I live, and I assure you I am Eternity Itself, you have life. Life is not one-dimensioned, though it is One with Me.

You exist in My heart.

The illusion that is called your body roams.

Your soul of Truth goes with it. Your soul encapsulated in a body of water, your body an ocean unto itself.

The tide of love pulls you. Where can it pull you but to Me?

And look what your resistance does? It blinds you. You are blind with resistance to My love. You are not blind to anger or defeat, but you are blind to My love. The love We speak of is not an emotion. It is the truth of existence itself.

Only love could have created you. Nothing else. And you resist what created you.

You are My love extended, and it is extended to you, and you are also the Extender of it, this, My love. That is the circle, and it is complete. You are the circle. You are love from love to love, nothing but love. All else is misdemeanor. Un-demean yourself.

You are the Ugly Duckling who is actually a swan.

Ugly Duckling was a name put on a loveliness that surpassed the understanding of those around it, so there was misunderstanding, and the little swan did not know who he was.

There was misunderstanding until the light dawned. Another swan informed the Ugly Duckling of his true stature.

When the Ugly Duckling became aware, the duck population became aware as well, but the key was with the Ugly Duckling himself.


I light the dawn, and you rise from the ashes of misunderstanding, not as a swan, but as a Human Being with the whiteness of the swan. And the agility. And the regalness.

Now let's add a layer to your understanding. There is nothing wrong with ducks. They are beautiful. Swans are not better. Ducks and swans are symbols of My love, as you are a symbol of My love. There is nothing else you can be.

Aspire to My love, and you will float in it, and you will establish it on Earth, and My love will be known like the light that it is, like a white swan smooth on the water, or like a yellow duck paddling in a pond.



The Tide of Love 2

God said:

You will do well to stop thinking of yourself as in need. You are in need of one thing only, and that is awareness. There is nothing else you need, for all has been given to you. Awake your awareness, and then you know who you are and what you encompass.

My children have had the habit of pointing at what they don't see and declaring it as their need, as if I overlooked one of you when I dispersed the contents of the Earth. It is you who has overlooked what is in front of you, and, at the same time, looked not far enough.

You have one need, and that is awareness. When you awaken yourself to Me, then you are awake to yourself. Awareness is of Me. Awareness is looking into My eyes and seeing yourself here. You have been aware of almost everything else. You certainly have been aware of the troubles of the world and possible pitfalls before you. You have even dug up the pitfalls to make sure they are there so you can fall into them.

You think you look for solid earth, but density is not solid. All is light. And nothing is beneath your feet. All lies elsewhere. You are not locked into where your feet plant themselves. You locate yourself in a rotating universe, and you are upside-down or right-side up, but there is only up in a continuing circle. There is actually no up and no down, for space is non-existent. You do not take up space, nor do you take up time, because time also is not.

But you are. Look not to your environment to know who you are.

There are no ceilings. There are no roofs. There is no ground.

Have Awareness of Eternity and your place in it.

What if you are Eternity itself?

What if you are timeless?


What is it you occupy?

My heart.

That is your residence, and that is your occupation.

You exist in Me.

We are a union. Of spirit. Of love. Of energy. Energy is not the physical you think of. It is light. We are an energy of light and of love. You are the rays of love that radiate from My heart. Be My rays of love, and light the unenlightened. Radiate a spark that ignites them to Me.

Have Me in your awareness, and point Me out so that there may be Unity in life of the earth. Unity is all lights lit.

* * *

If there is no space and no time, where am I?



Faith, Miracles, and Christ

God said:

When you release your attachments to ideas, you release yourself to Me. You come closer. Do you see? Attachment is resistance. As you resist less, you let go, and so you relax, and where is relaxation but with Me?

Your holding, gripping, and clutching on to the events and locations and people of the world means you have let go of Me. I do not tell you to abandon the world. I tell you to let go of your hold on it, or its hold on you. Do not tug the world or the people in it. Leave them to their own orbit. Release your hold because, until you do, you are bound to that which you hold.

What do you want to be bound to? Others? Your ideas? What can hold more? The hand or the heart? And the heart holds by not holding. The heart must free in order to be itself free.

When you are free, you are with Me. You do not need to hold on to Me, for I hold you. When you can let go of your supposed hold on Me, you have faith. Faith is knowing you can let go of your grip even on Me.

Often My children have thought of Me as their whip to crack. It's so, isn't it? You have wanted Me to dance to your tune. You have wanted Me to obey.

Let go of that wearying control, and then you are Christ. Then you are My Will. Then you know no other.

It is ego alone that has needs. Very needy is ego, for it is nothing and has nothing but its attachment to you. All you hold onto on earth is food for your ego. But your ego is not soul. And your ego is not you. You have no need for ego. You have need for awareness. As your awareness grows, your ego can only flee, and you are free from it and all that it consumes, and then you are free, and then you have lighted Our Oneness, and you, who are always in My awareness, become My awareness too.

What are miracles but the absence of ego?


What are miracles but everyday occurrences that arise from themselves without your input? They are surprises. The word miracles has to do with what you see. There have been many unseen miracles, not taken note of, not observed but overlooked.

You do not like it when I say that all of life is a miracle, because you want MIRACLES. You want sudden happenings out of the ordinary. But I tell you that nothing is ordinary but your perception.

What does this have to do with you?

It is advice to open your eyes a little more.

There are no little miracles. Because they are everyday does not mean they are of no account. See the little miracles, and they will grow into breath-taking splendors. And then you will see that there is only the splendor of life as it is, and that it is miracle.

You are one of My miracles. You are one of the wonders of the world. And the greatest wonder is that you don't accept that. You would rather accept lack than fullness.

I tell you that you are full. You are full of My love. You only think you are your own personality, but you are not that fragileness. Your personality is a digression. You digress from Me.

Christ did not perform miracles. He allowed them. He had recognition, not doubt. Least of all did he doubt his worth to Me.

He was not concerned with himself to even spend time doubting. He had work to do in service to Me, and his eyes were on Me and not himself. That was his service. And service is honor. He was knighted by angels to work for Me. And so have you been. You simply haven't noted the tap on your shoulder.

And what is it you have to do? Not much.

Think of Me. Walk in My light. Be true to yourself. Follow your heart to Me. Stop following other things. When you follow your heart to Me, you lead. You follow, and you lead. Following and leading are inseparable, as We are inseparable. Look at Me, and know your truth.



Your Journey

God said:

Anger is frustrated control. Have not control or need to control, and you will have not anger.

When you turn up the flame under the kettle, it will boil. It will boil over. You try to contain it. But the boiling over came from your need to control passages and outcomes. What would you expect when you turn up the flame? No one fools you. You fool yourself. If you did not fool yourself, where would be your cause of anger?

Now that your pot has started boiling, let it evaporate. You can turn off the flame. The pot will take care of itself. Where is the need of turning up the flame? Wherever was the need of it? The pot didn't boil because of its contents. It boiled because you turned up the flame. Why is anger satisfaction for you? Be not righteous, and you will not have indignation.

You think your dignity has been hurt, that, because you were foolish, someone hurt your dignity. A fool expects too much from others and the world and not enough from himself. Your act of foolishness was to transfer your sanctions to someone else. Concern with dignity is concern with ego. How disappointing to find out that you are an egoist.

Place yourself at My altar, and no one else's.

Oddly enough, an egoist bows down to others. They feed his ego. He gives himself away and thinks he is being fed. But he is like a panda at the zoo who is petted, and then the hand that pets him moves away. The petting of his head meant much to him. However, it was only the stroke of a hand, nothing more, but the panda thought it was forever.

Do not give yourself away except to Me. You have put trust in others instead of in Me. You worshipped the one who stroked your forehead. You endowed the stroker with that which cannot be bestowed. You gave yourself away. Do not displace yourself. Place yourself with Me.


Look not for peanuts to be thrown to you. Look for My light, for I have shone it on you.

Be like the Sun who shines its light. It is not dependent upon that which it shines its light on. Know that you are a shiner of light, and worthy to shine My light.

You are not here on earth to pick up peanuts from the ground. You are not here on earth to toss peanuts either. You are here to walk the earth in My light. Peanuts are on the ground. I am higher. Look higher.

Cast your eye upward. That is figurative, but it is also literal. You cannot keep looking at the ground, for you will keep seeing what you have always seen there. Either look beneath the surface or above it. Either way, you will find Me. The pangs of life are also gifts for they remind you to look deeper or higher. Deeper and higher are the same. They both mean to look beyond.

You have looked to be dazzled, and that was your foolishness. You have looked to be crowned. You have looked for special favor. And all the scraps that were tossed to you – you took them for something more.

Now take the Something More. Stop taking less. Walk right up to the Light.

You are like the child who set out on his journey in the forest. He was so busy picking berries, he forgot his errand. He was in a mania of picking berries. He picked and ate, even if they didn't taste good, and, before he knew it, it was dusk, and he had forgotten that he was going somewhere.

You are going somewhere. You pick people like berries, or they pick you. And all the while, you forget about your journey. You just have to get to the next clearing. It is just over the next slope. You are almost there. Just a little more attention on following the Sun, and you will be there. It is not far. It is close. It is so close you forget about it. It is so close you have passed it and you wonder where it is.

It is here. Right here. Choose the sunlight, and you have it. Follow the sunlight and not detours. You have been following detours of your own making. You thought you saw signs saying Joy, but they said Illusion. The sign marked Joy lies right around you and within you. It is written on your heart for you to see and all to see. Look. Do you see it now?



One Love

God said:

Unlock your heart. You have pulled it tight, as if it needed protection. What it needed was to know its own value. When you know the value of your heart, it needs no protection. You do not need to keep others out. That attempt can only close yourself in.

An open heart is awareness of Me. It is that simple. Open your heart to Me, and attachments that cause you pain cannot exist. It is a foregone conclusion that attachment holds nothing to you but an illusion of joy and then of loss.

You thought your heart was too open, but that was not it. You didn't value your own heart enough, so you gave it away. That was not openness. That was barter. You tried to buy the fallacy of love from another. And you got tuppence in exchange. When you have less than the full value of Me, you are short-changed.

Do not get carried away by a gift, or the particular hand that gives it. All gifts come from Me, and it is to Me that your heart swing belongs. Love Me above all others. This is not sacrifice or force of will. It is the truth of life. You don't worship a 60-watt bulb that turns on and off. Or even a 150-watt or a 300-watt. You worship the Sun that beacons its light eternally. It is not your mistake to love. It is your mistake to attach.

All love comes from Me. Don't you forget it. And all love comes to Me. Do not put anything between Us. Put your love on Me. Put yourself in My Light. My Light will radiate out to others. Do not let your ego entrap you into what passes for love. Do not hold yourself there. Life moves, and your grace is to move with it. Constant love comes from Me. You expect too much from others, and they expect too much from you.

Expect to know Me. I am what to expect. Count on Me, but not by the merit badges of your relative life. Sometimes you trade too much for them, and find your heart empty.


Bereft yourself of attachment which is attachment to nothing but an outdated idea that there was something you needed more than your awareness of Me.

Enjoy your life in the world, but do not keep picking up belongings from it. Life is not a yard sale. It is life. And love does not purchase or collect. Move through life, and keep your eye on Me. Be not swayed from your heart's truth. That is your merit.

What does someone else's attention have to do with you? Sometimes you think that what someone thinks of you, what someone says to you, what someone does not say to you, matters. It matters because you say it does. The truth is it doesn't matter. All the accumulated love from the world can never fill your heart, and you must no longer ask it to.

Ask Me. Keep your eye on Me. Follow My lovelight. That is the platform you live on.

You have often sought what cannot appease you, or appease you for long, and then you are crestfallen when you are no longer appeased. You need no appeasement. You need your attention on Me.

Focus on My love, and yours will be simple in return. No love but Mine alights on you. You are the most loved of all.

How is it you have expected a butterfly to alight on your heart and stay there? It may alight, but it cannot stay. It also has its search for Me.

You can only be passing fancies for one another. You can serve Me through another, but you cannot put another before Me or next to Me.

The tragedy is not that a butterfly of love flew away. The tragedy is that you made more of it than it can be. Did you really think that intensity would last forever? Intensity does not last. Entrapment doesn't last. It comes, and then it is over.

My love will never leave you.

All you can do is give My love and move on. You cannot stay in the same place. Give your heart to Me. Our love for each other is not incidental. Do not bypass Our love. Stake your claim on no one. You have no claim to any love but Mine.



Our One Love

God said:

Let sweetness be yours. Sourness and bitterness do not belong in My child.

You are made from Me, the Father, and only love belongs to you. Anything else is distortion.

Anything else is imagined danger seen from an innocent shadow. There is only innocence. When you are innocent, you will know only sweetness, because sweetness is the Truth of life.

Do not embalm your life in acidic thoughts. Whatever danger you have seen is not true. You misunderstood something. You misinterpreted. See beyond your little disappointments.

You have looked for things in life to prove that you are worthy when your worthiness needs no proof. So when you look for something on the outside to establish your worthiness, you will come out empty-handed. You will have proved to yourself that you are unworthy, and that particular repetition is a familiar cycle you engage in.

Nothing has to be what you think it has to be. Or what dismality you think it is when it doesn't match your preconditioned idea.

Be not ahead or behind your life. Let be what is, and be right now with Me. The outside is not your life. I am your life. You have come here to meet with Me. You are here for Me. You are My companion.

Do not be caught in illusion of love.

Be caught in love, for love is the flow of you.

That is not a mandate. That is not a law. That is the truth of what is: You are the flow of My love. Is there something else you need to be? What false starts must you give yourself?


My love is yours, and it is for you.

Avail yourself of it.

Do not accept cheap imitations that fall apart.

Although all are Me, no one else can be Me to you.

That is the idolatry you have practiced.

Give Me your love, and let yourself be adorned with it. Don't give so much to others who cannot love as I do.

The world is an errant lover.

Now, let's get to Our love, this gazing and acceptance of what is in each other's eyes. Our eyes match. They meet, Our eyes, and they bless what they meet. Your eyes bless Me, and Mine bless you. What is Our eyesight but the touch of love?

Do not let your eyes wander from Me. They belong on Me. And I will take you places. Have trust in Me that I know you, and that I know what I am doing. All the trust you put in human frailty you fear to put in Me Who is pure love of you. I am the Only One Who is. I am the Only One capable. I am the only One Who wants all of your love and knows what to do with it.

Love from others is easy for you to accept, even when it is illusion. And love from Me, which is Truth – is it so hard to accept? Is it so hard to accept more rather than less?

Accept My love, for it is offered you. Accept My blessings, for they are yours. Let Our love wash over Us, and there will be no boundaries. Our love will spill onto everything until the wayward world is bathed in Our love, and all will know that love meets love, and My love flourishes in the kingdom of man.

My eyes are on you right now. I cannot remove them. The love from My eyes follows you. I keep you in My sight. Have a little awareness of that, and you will have awareness of Me. Awareness of Me and My role in your life will take you out of the hold of attachment into the freedom of Vast Horizons where your Truth abides.



How to Take a Vacation in the Midst of Your Life

God said:

Precious children, do not be hard on one another. You are, you know. Be benevolent, and be kind even when others are not. Others are not to set an example of Me. You are to set an example of Me. See wider, see further, and you will not be caught in illusion of smallness. You will be swept up in Greatness.

Be not a reactor. Be a dissolver. When tension comes your way, do not put your back up against it. Evaporate it. Tension, if you have it, is yours. Whatever may have stirred it, nothing causes tension in you but you. And it is you who can release it. Give it to Me, your tension, unless you want to keep it for rigidity's sake. There is no other reason for you to keep it. Dissolving your tension is not dissolving you. It is finding you.

Tension does not locate you. It dislocates you. It cuts you off from yourself. With tension, you have internalized what is external to you.

I am teaching you how to take a vacation in the midst of your life. You do not need a beach or a mountain cabin. You need to vacate the props that hold you in place. What ideas do you hold on to that tell you that you must be tense?

Tension is control. What is it you have to control? How the world treats you? I am afraid you cannot. How you treat the world? That is another thing, but let that come not from control but from ease. Nothing can demolish your Heart of Being, and yet you fend off every nuance of everything.

What if you were a mighty giant? What would you do differently in your life? Consider yourself a mighty giant, and live your life accordingly, for that is Truth. You are not a puny helpless tossed-by-the-winds thing. You are a giant who moves the winds.

How tall will you carry yourself when you know you are a giant? How tender and kind you will be. All power is yours, and you will make gentleness yours as well, for who will if a Great Being does not?


Remember that it is My boat you sail. I steer it. You are tokenly at the helm. I steer the boat. Your hands are on the helm, and sometimes you think you steer it. But do not take the wheel out of My hands. Give the sailing of the ship over to Me, and you will not have tension. Tension comes from trying to take the wheel out of My hands.

You float on the water because I hold you there. I am the only One who has to hold. You have to let go. You have to unloose your hold on life. Taking life by the neck is futile anyway.

Let life unfold. Welcome it. Do not interpret it. Even a storm can be a blessing on the sea of life. Let even a storm be awash over you. Anything that takes away your illusions is a help to you. Do not hinder it.

You can push against the storm, and that is your ego. Or you can accept it for what it is without recrimination, and that is My Will. Ride the storms, My dear children.

No storm touches you. However much it may shake you up, you come out of the storm as My child just as you entered My child. Storms do not change you. They merely take you closer to Me which is the same as away from illusion.

Storms clear away the past. The past needs to be cleared away. Do not accumulate the past, and it will not need to be cleared.

Live in the moment, and there are no storms.

When you live in the famous moment, you are with Me, and what little storm on earth can affect Me?

Remember that you are not your emotions, and your emotions are not you. Emotions are learned things, something of the past held on to instead of being allowed to go. Release, release.

What you release was never yours.

Tension does not belong to you.

Ease belongs to you.

Accept what is yours, and no longer hold on to what is not.



Be Like New-Fallen Snow

God said:

A noble king organizes his kingdom in such a way that it runs effortlessly. You are the noble king.

What is your kingdom? What is your domain? Not those around you, but you yourself.

You are here on earth to free others and to free yourself. But what is it that you have to be freed from? What is it that restricts you? What is it that holds you back?

It is not that which surrounds you. It is your impression of that which surrounds you.

Your impressions are your restrictions.

Your impressions are a landslide of your thoughts. One thought knocks over the next one, and you find yourself locked in your impressions.

Be not impressed.

Be like new-fallen snow. It has no marks on it.

It doesn't rail at the sun for melting it. It doesn't call its melting bad. It does not resist the steps upon it or the noise the steps make. It is happy being snow. It does not take too much credence of what happens to it. Its credence is in itself.

It says, "I am snow. I serve God with my whiteness. I bare myself. I hide nothing of myself, and yet I cover everything with my whiteness and make it beautiful. That is my mission. To make a world beautiful, and I do that by being what I am."

It does not occur to snow to be resentful over anything. It is happy for everything, because snow is snow and does not try to be something else. Even when it takes on the appearance of slush and water and ice, it does not


protest, for it never forgets that it is snow from Heaven. How the world colors snow is insignificant next to God's making of it.

You were created wondrous. God created you as one of His miracles. Take your attention off of what someone else makes of you. They cannot compete with God. They cannot strip you of your rights. They cannot strip you of your wondrousness, for your wondrousness is inviolate, for God put his stamp on you.

You can only hide your wondrousness, and why do that?

Unbare your wondrousness. Be the bearer of God's vision. Extol creation. Leap high, and pull the world with you. Do not be put down. Uplift. Uplift yourself.

Do not be caught in schemes. Schemes portray you as less than God made you. Be caught in the Fullness of Truth. I do not try to make you more than I have already made you. I do ask you to accept what I have made you. When you accept that, you place your feet differently in the world, and your eyes alight where they never have before.

You are not to be the reflection of the world. Let the world be a mirror held up to you, and let your image shine forth on it and brighten it.

You are not a reactor. You are a master craftsman. You create the world as you walk through it. A king walks through his kingdom, and he blesses it. His admirers throw flowers.

I suggest that you, as king, throw flowers before the masses, and set the pace of your kingdom. You, ring the bells. You, blow the trumpets. You, wave your scepter. You, cheer the crowds. You, herald your kingdom. Usher yourself to it. It is prepared for you. All you have to do is relish it.

Enjoy each shade of light. Enjoy each sound of the kingdom. Take Me with you, and you will indeed enjoy the sights and the throngs. Let the kingdom be a tribute to Me. Let it be worthy of you. Choose your Higher Self because that is the Truth of you. You have perpetuated a fraud on yourself. Remove the façade. Be who you are in all your splendor, and light up Heaven, and encourage the stars and the angels, and encourage all on earth who have been waiting for a bright light to appear.



With God

God said:

When you attach another to yourself, you have attached yourself to them. Attachment is a clinging, and when you cling to something else, you are clung to it. You give up something of yourself when you attach to something or someone. It is never worth it. Attachment is never cost-effective. You give too much, or take too much, and you lose yourself.

Connect yourself 100% with Me, and then you cast love on others but do not adhere nor be adhered to. Meld into Me, not to any other. No one has the capability to give and accept love as I do. Furthermore, I offer My love so that you may give it to others also. My love doesn't end anywhere. It stops everywhere; it stays everywhere, but it doesn't stop in one place as a finished object left to stay there.

Blood flows. Is blood the same contained in a closed-in vial? Does it nourish life in a container? The answer is no.

And so, love that sticks itself somewhere and adheres as though that somewhere were life itself, loses its vitality. Neither attach to others nor allow others to attach to you.

Attaching comes from a perceived need, perhaps that you are not enough, and you need more, or more substantiation. The truth is that Power Supreme runs through you, and attaching to anything makes you – and them – weaker, not stronger.

Perhaps you don't know the difference between strength and weakness. Do not misunderstand. It is not strength that says, "I can do it all myself." That is weakness masked as strength. But strength is knowing from where help does indeed come.

Attach to Me because that is giving yourself freedom from attachment. Attaching to Me is aligning with Me. You follow where I go as I hold you in My Vast Love, and that is your strength, and that is your freedom. My love is your freedom.


There is no love without freedom.

Love cannot be contained in small objects.

Yet it is contained everywhere. It is the content of everything. It is the content of you.

When you have a dear butterfly who alights near you of its own free will, why would you catch it in a net? And if the butterfly wants to fly off without your immediate presence going along with it, why would you protest? Why would you mark boundaries for those you love? Why would you inhibit love?

Remember that you attach to ideas. Attachment itself is an idea. And most of your ideas are mistaken. They are mistaken for something other than an idea. They are mistaken as rights or virtues or debts or demands or penalties, all of which are also only ideas. But you think these general ideas of the world justify your personal illusions. You think perhaps your ideas support your personal denialship.

Know that when you have attachment, you also have denial. But do not wrack your brains over these matters. Simply turn your attention to Me. Ask Me to remove justification and illusion and denial from you.

Ask Me to polish your clear awareness. Ask Me to bathe you in My light. They are pretty much the same. Clear awareness, My light, and absence of justification, illusion, and denial.

My light will remove anything that is less than My light. All impurity vanishes in My light. My light does not block anything. My light opens everything. My light does not merely light up your whereabouts. When My light shines on you, it takes you somewhere. My light lifts you up to where you can see yourself aglow in My light. When you are in My light, what can you see but My light? What is there to see but My light?

You have aspired to too little. Aspire to more. Aspire to everything that God gives you in the light of His love. Aspire to My holdings.

Aspire to My light and My vision, and then you are everything. You are everything holy. All I have made is holy. And I have made everything. And all I have made is Light.



Take Responsibility

God said:

When you let go of any attachment, you are uplifted. Letting go is being uplifted. You want to be uplifted, but you don't want to let go.

Anytime you have felt inspired, something in you lifted. Your attachment to darkness loosened its hold. You saw the light. You saw a new way. That was your lifting. You opened a blind. You let the light through. The light came through simply because you opened a blind.

You have blind spots, and they are dear to you. You hold them to you as your preciousness. Your darling denials. You seem to feel you must nourish them.

For many, your blind spots are your very reality. You are proud of your hold on them. You imagine that this or that causes this or that, and you are powerless. Do you see how you dig the hole you jump in?

Perhaps your hold is on illness or poverty or loneliness, and you have all kinds of proofs for your condition. You sew your proofs into the hem of your skirt or the brim of your hat, and you keep them there to pull out whenever someone or something comes to shake your proof. "Here it is," you say. "It has always been there. It has always been so. I inherited it, or I caught it, or it caught me. In any case, I am victim. That is how life is." And you narrow your life by attaching it to your ideas.

Your attaching is the same as giving up.

You become the giant who rolled the stone up the mountain only to have it roll down again. That is the defeat you sentence yourself to. That is your circular thinking.

You think, and perhaps say, "A and B cause X. A and B are inevitable in life. Therefore, X is inevitable." You love your proofs. You are proud of them. You think they absolve you from responsibility, but they are your very responsibility.


Let Us even concede for a moment that A and B exist and must exist, although that is a poor assumption. Even so, it is a big stretch to the X. Maybe A causes B, or B causes A, or X causes A and B, or perhaps N causes them all, or none of them have anything to do with the other. You make absurd correlations, and hold them to you like a doll a child holds onto and will not let go of.

You say A and B cause your illness, or maybe you say only that A causes this one and B another, but you attribute something as the inevitable cause of something you say you don't want. And yet you seem to hold this correlation dear to you, more dearly than the letting go of it.

Are you so hesitant to take responsibility?

Attachment to your ideas is a way of keeping things as they are. It is not a way of changing. Maybe you like your present drama. Perhaps you are the hero or heroine at death's door or shut out or robbed again, and the sirens of the police or ambulance are like your call to arms – or your lullabies.

In any case, My beloveds, you stupefy yourself, while I call you to awake. Abandon the past and your ideas that come from it. Your ideas are narrow. They are bounded. They keep you in thrall.

Find some new ideas. Or convert your present ones. Shake a leg. Unlock your world. Confine yourself no longer. There is more to you than you have ever imagined. You have your feet stuck in A and B, when there is a whole alphabet before you, and another language and another alphabet after that, and there is horizon after horizon calling out to you with Truth, Truth far beyond any idea you ever conceived.

You conceived your ideas. You contrived them. Then you made them your beliefs. Locate your beliefs. Identify them, and let them go. They are not useful to you. They hobble you. Replace them with Truth. Start anew.



Give to God

God said:

Now here is something to think about.

You put a lot of attention on gifts to buy for others, something that will make them happy. Indeed, gifts are tokens, and tokens are a substitute for something else. They carry a value attributed to them. The wonderful thing is that you want to give happiness to someone somewhere, and you purchase an emblem of your affection, which We hope is true but may be otherwise.

Today perhaps you will think about Me, and what gift from you that I would like. What is it that you could give to Me, or pledge to Me from your true heart?

At first you think there is nothing, for I do not ask for altars or buildings or salutes or tributes or poetry, though you may wish to express your devotion in some way like that.

What can you offer Me that would add to My happiness? There are no words to translate what I mean by that, because My happiness is complete, so then what could give Me added happiness? What can give Me more joy than fullness of joy?

Perhaps you will think that it is My giving to you. It certainly is My joy to give to you, but it is never My need, for I have already given you all there is to give. My gifts are mighty. The mountains, the seas, the horizons, the seasons, the lanterns in the sky called stars, sun, and moon, and galaxies that wrap themselves around your heart.

What gift can you give Me? I know you would like to.

I will tell you what I would like from you today. It is honesty. Honesty takes away barriers, and I want no barriers between Us. Of course, there can be no barriers, but you can put them up as shades and think they are real. Today remove barriers for My sake. You might call them fences. Or oblique ideas.


The gift you can give Me today is acknowledgement of My role in your life. That is awareness of Me, and that is awareness of you. Many times I have rescued you, solved problems for you, and you do not know. You are not aware. Today you can be aware that I sweeten your life.

You leave milk and cookies for Santa Claus. Leave Me a recognition from your eyes.

A glance. Not backward. Not forward. But a straight-across glance. An exchange of lightedness. A quiet greeting. An unvoiced hello. Some sign of welcome.

For you do not know what you give when you give Me your recognition, your little notice of Me. A small regard. A note that I exist, and that I exist for you. A little sign that you include Me along with all else that you include in your life. Do not occlude Me.

I am that Truth I mentioned. Truth is innocent, and so I ask for your innocence. I ask that you look for Me as you look for the morning sun. Have the knowledge that I am here.

Innocence is not unaware. Innocence is great awareness. Look to your children, for they are your teachers. Emulate them. What a gift is a dandelion from a child who picks it for you. Pick a dandelion for a child. Pick out a twig or a pebble.

Point to a bird. Point to the shifting sun on a leaf. You will be pointing to Me. Point to moonlight, for it points to you. Immutable light of God wants to light you.

Be lit. That is your gift to Me. It is a response. It is a signal back to Me. And it signals to others of My existence. Invite Me to reign on earth as your Beloved. Then you know Truth.

Then you are My amulet. Then you are a jewel on earth, for jewels reflect the light that made them. The sea reflects. All is reflection. And you reflect Me back to Myself.

No energy is lost. It is all gain. Restore Me to you. That is what I ask of you today.



God's Mission

God said:

Will you lean your life into Mine? Will you lean on the Cruiser of Life? I long for you to lean on Me.

Leaning on Me is great freedom. It means you let go. You let go of your hold on what is holdless, and let the Holder of All hold you.

Let's cruise through life. That means, no hurry. That means, ease. That means seeing the sights. That means enjoying the sights. But it does not mean getting involved because involved means putting stakes down. Involved means an investment. And an investment always predicts something and therefore is predicated on something.

Enjoying is without predeliction. Enjoying is with Me.

It is sailing a ship. I am at the wheel, but you chart the course. I take you on all your little excursions, but I always keep your true destination marked. One day you will say, "Let's do it. Let's go. Let's go, God." And then We go straight and firm, plowing through the seas without a glance back, sailing over the froth, heading straight on Our course which We, of course, were always on.

Now you know it. And what a difference your awareness is.

Without control, you set your course. Without control, you allow Me. You have always been going in this direction We go in. You had little pretenses in between but now you go on a charted chartless course, and We are full steam ahead.

You can refer to Our destination as the heights of Heaven or the depths of the sea, or the spread of a rainbow, for the sea, Heaven, and rainbow meet in an exquisite joining.

We leave quite a swath behind Us, and others follow in Our swath. Pretty soon there is a union of all the willing ships that sail with Us. And,


suddenly, it matters not where We sail. It matters that We sail. It matters that We sail together.

You discover there is no destination. That was metaphor. You and I were destined long ago. It was Our destiny to meet. It was Our destiny to sail on this destinationless journey.

Our destination was to meet and to sail together. That is what We do. That is what We have always done. That is the one thing that stays the same.

We travel together, and that makes all the difference. We glide on skates. We ride a sleigh. We fly on eagle's wings. We course through the universe, touching, but barely touching, and Our union is complete.

We dip Our wings, and the Earth is touched. We touch with impulses.

We are beyond the physical. The physical seems like awkward machinery.

Our enterprise is seamless, smooth-flowing, and dynamic.

Did you know that We are in business together? We have formed a partnership, or corporation, and Our mission is to cover the universe and let Our majesty be known.

All who are related to Me are royal. And all are related to Me. All are intimately related to Me and are intimate to My every thought or glance or impulse of love.

This is My mission. To be known. For Our relationship to be known. Our relationship is One with all, One with all on Earth and One with all elsewhere than on Earth. One and One equals One.

You hold an office in My court. When I say you, I mean you. I mean all whose eyes follow these marks on paper or the screen or whose ears hear the tone of My voice.

It is you I have appointed. Not someone else. I look squarely at you. Do not look away. Your eyes can meet Mine. Your eyes of love can meet My eyes of love and become one pair of eyes looking in and looking out. See what I see. Gaze upon what I gaze upon. Have My vision. It is yours. I have given it to you. I gave it to you long ago. Now do you see?



God's Vision, God's Truth

God said:

I am much more than Comforter. A comforter isn't much. You need more than comfort. You need more than palliative. You need vision.

You need the swiftness of vision, and the settlingness of it.

When you can see, you can know. When you can see depths, you can see heighths. When you can see, you can see. But now at least you can know that your vision has not been clear. It has been muddied. It has been distorted.

You, who long for freedom, have been caught in the shoals of human thought. You have dredged in place, and called that progress.

Consider Me a Mover, for I shall move you beyond the littleness of your existence, the self-centeredness of your existence, for existence itself is not self-centered. You are meant for greatness, and greatness includes great vision. It cannot include small vision. Small vision is self-centeredness.

Be God-centered, and you will step out of boundaries as from the mist. You will reach a plateau high on a mountain where you can see for miles around. In the purity of that plateau and the mountain air, you will see what you have longed to see and what has longed to be seen by you. What you see, you become. So you must see greatness, and then you will know yours.

Stop thinking of yourself as a little dot in space. See the space. Dots are imagined. You have connected the dots, but what have you connected?

Connect yourself with the space, and you will be extended far beyond it into a realm of spacelessness and timelessness where all dreams meet in reality.

My dears, you have not dreamed enough.

You have settled. You have settled for what you consider sure things or the illusion of settledness. You cannot be settled and on the run. And you


cannot be settled in too small a space. Do not settle. Do not accept less than everything and all of it and all of you and all of Me.

A car can travel so many miles per hour. But your rate of travel is infinite. It takes no time at all. It takes recognition. And what do you have to recognize?

Yourself. You are not a smattering. You are a completeness. You do not need anything outside of you. You need you. You need you with yourself instead of wandering on the periphery. You have abdicated yourself. Resume your throne.

Are you the son of God or not? Nothing is asked of you but recognition of that. I ask it of you, not someone else.

You are the Holder of Holiness, and you have made yourself a scrap of Humanness.

Unless you consider your worth, you do not consider much of Me. No matter what you say, you must see your worth if you are to see Mine. They are not two different things in two different realms. Our worth is simultaneous. Our worth is comprehensive.

Do not put worth outside you. If worth exists, you are made of it. Know what you are worth to Me, and you will know what My worth is.

You have been playing on the outskirts of Me. Will you admit this? Will you admit that you have been waiting for something?

There is nothing to wait for. All has been given to you. I am waiting for you to accept My picture of you which is the truth of you.

I do not give you daydreams. I give you Reality. What is so hard to accept? That I made you in My image? It is harder to deny than it is to accept because in denial you go against your heritage of life. You turn away your name and pretend amnesia.

It is pretended because there is not one of you who does not know his makings. There is not one of you who does not know Me. Is it such a leap to acknowledge, once and for all, that you are My meeting-place, and that I live in you?

How presumptuous to think otherwise.


How presumptuous to think you exist without the Holiness of My Heart and the Magnificence of My thought. You are, indeed, My thought, and you herald My thought.

Be what you are.

Accept what you are.

Come to a high platform from which to leap. Leap into My heart. Leap into My Will. Leap into yourself.

* * *

Sometimes you think it is too easy what I say, so you make it harder. With all virtue, you argue with Me. You think I challenge you. Not at all. I suggest you remove the illusory chains that you wrapped around yourself to justify being held to earth. To whom do you justify anything but to yourself?


Unwind your little chains.

Pick yourself up and venture forth. Heaven awaits you. You don't have to wait for it. You don't have to wait for Me. You have to catch up. Catch up to yourself, and you will have recognized Me. What you have been seeking has been here all along. Recognize what you have been seeking, and you will know the truth of Me. The truth of Me is the truth of yourself. We are One and the Same.

Be not disappointed.

You have not known your truth.

Now it is time for you to know it.

I put a crown on your head. It is golden. Call it halo if you wish. It matters not what you call it. You wear it, and you have pretended you don't. Remove pretense, and keep the crown. Let it shine mightily.




God said:

Let My thoughts be yours. Catch on to My thinking. Absorb it. Enough of your own. You have chosen folly. Now choose love.

Serve Me. Enough of this self-serving of your imaginary self. Serve Truth. Be a servant of Truth instead of a purveyor of illusion.

Let Us talk a moment of convenience. How much has convenience ruled your life? Convenience isn't the same as ease. Serving your convenience is another form of control that you exert. Convenience is sort of an opposite to commitment.

When you make a commitment, you are telling yourself what is true. But you do not know how to reconcile making a commitment and being free.

But there is One to Whom you can make a commitment. There is One to Whom you must, because without that commitment, you are bound. You free yourself by coming to Me. You allay your fears by coming to Me.

Your big fear has been to come to Me, for you see that commitment as loss, when, all the while, bondage to the illusory world is what you will let go of. What do you lose when you gain freedom? But freedom is not a passing convenience.

You hold on to your imagined sovereignship for dear life, and you call it convenience. You sleep a little longer, and you call that freedom. Often what My children call freedom is a poor choice. It is more of a declaration than a choice.

Make your own Declaration of Independence, and make it with Me. Unfurl yourself from the dictatorship of your life that you have imposed upon yourself.

Be My love. Set My flag up, not your solitary one. You have been a man on a little island, proudly waving your flag over two feet of space.


Abandon selfishness. Abandon convenience. Join with Me. You can no longer live on your island. You must abdicate your wobbly throne there and sit high with Me on a golden throne that covers Creation.

Master love rather than convenience. The mastery of love is surrender to that which is greater than your imagined wants. Get back on course. Address your heart to Me. Give it to Me. Give it to Me in trust of Me and not of yourself. You are not so dependable. You rule by whim. I rule by love. Whim is not freedom. Love is.

Today deliver yourself to Me. Unwrap your bondage. Come unadorned. Come as you are, a Perfect Child of God Who leaves behind chains of ignorance. What is your ego but ignorance? What is love but Truth? The truth is that you are My love bequeathed to Myself for your sake.

Look at Me. Be not afraid. Looking at Me is gain. Looking away is less than gain. Be My friend. Come to Me now. You commit yourself to work, family, sport, entertainment. Now add Me.

I offer you a gift, and you hesitate. You fear something is being asked of you that you are not ready for. I am what you have always been ready for. I am your Readiness, but I may not be your convenience. Convenience is not spontaneity.

Make a commitment, and a union is formed. You say you want unity when you choose other than Our unity. You want a name perhaps more than you want Me. It is time for you to find out where you are. Where have you been? Wrapped up in some dream of self-sufficiency, when, all along, only I am sufficient.

You hobble over stones rather than follow Me. You hold on to your little hierarchy and abandon Truth for the nothingness of your self-imposed ignorance.

Pull down that flag you have put up on your island. Join forces with Me. Raise a flag that says God. Accept Our Oneship. Accept My love and make it yours. Let Me be your guide rather than imagined convenience.

I am the Easy Way Out. I am the Way In. I am the Way. Admit you have been lost and following other lostness. Now follow the One Who Knows and Who clasps you to His Heart. Form a partnership with Me, and you will be One Great Big Giver of Truth.



Dear Readers, We are all moving increasingly towards our desired experience of permanent awareness of our Supreme Oneness with God and all creation, including the Sun, Moon, and Stars, and every heart and every soul. It seems to me that each Heavenletter™ is a short dip into the Oneness. When you read God’s words, when your comments arrive, when I send Heavenletters out every morning, when God whispers His words, when I read Heavenletters, I feel Oneness with every one of you, who, by the simple act of reading Heavenletters, share and spread and strengthen that kindred sense of closeness with God. What would Heavenletters™ be if there were not Heavenreaders? What would Heavenletters™ be if there were not you? It’s clear to me that you are God at work, creating greater sense of Oneness, for me and for us all. All blessings, Gloria Wendroff

