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Video 1: The Sacred Cerebrospinal Fluid ­ Santos BonacciShare

Video 2: Know Thyself ­ Santos Bonnaci (2­Parts)

Video 3: To Know Christ is to Know Yourself ­ Bill Donahue

Know ThyselfBy Jacqueline Tull, Johan Oldenkamp, and Santos BonnaciGreek; γνώθι σαυτόνLatin; nosce te ipsumArabic; أعرف نفسكSpanish; Conócete a ti mismoHebrew; דע את עצמך Know Thyself’ was written on the forecourt of the Temple of Apollo atDelphi. Legend tells that the seven sages of ancient Greece, philosophers,statesmen and law­givers who laid the foundation for western culture,gathered in Delphi to inscribed ‘know thyself’ at the entry to its sacredoracle.

"A man is but a product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes." ~ Gandhi

The adage subsequently became a touch­stone for western philosophers, and extended its reach as the influence ofGreek philosophy expanded. This site gathers its most profound expressions and elaborates on their meaning. The ancient wisdom traditions always depict "man" (male and female) as a composite being and frequently as themicrocosmic reflection of the conscious living universe: as above, so below. Plato, for example, allegorises thekingdom outside (the ideal State) and within (ourselves) as a Republic composed of many citizens. He describes it as a diverse yet interdependent polity ideally ruled by the philosopher, the wisdom­loving hero whohas struggled up the steep and rugged ascent from the prison of ignorance to the luminous realm of truth. Self­discovery is a process of self­transformation: progressively taming and refining the disorderly elements of the

soul, and "solarizing" one's inner nature by identifying with

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the author of one's being and its radiant ideals of Justice,Beauty, and the Good Socrates' guiding rule was, "KnowThyself." These words are among the most powerful ever uttered, andof eternal significance. No better advice has ever beengiven to man or woman. When one begins to explore thisdictate it leads to profound understandings about all ofcreation. It makes unhappiness, fear, sadness, doubt, and allthe negative emotions meaningless.

'The kingdom of God is within you'. ~ Jesus

Self­knowledge is all­encompassing. What is learned on

one scale of experience can be applied to all scales. It is the highest form of knowledge, surpassing all otherknowledge. Self­knowledge is also timeless, which means that what is gained in one era, benefits all subsequentgenerations. Astrotheology is the holy science that combines astrology, astronomy and theology. This holy science shows thatin fact all myths, all story's, the bible and all other holy scriptures, and even nursery rhymes are based on themovement and interaction of the seven lights we see in the sky.

"For that which is difficult and impossible as history, becomes not only possible but sublimely illuminatingas mythicism." ~Alvin B Kuhn

The ancient method was based on a now completely lost and unknownliterary practique. Instead of writing treatises in ordinary language, the aim was to put truth in the form ofrepresentations or pictures of it, such as dramas, allegories, myths, parables, fables, apologues, number graphs andpictographs on the star clusters in the sky.

Related: The Ark of The Covenant Has Been Found The pictorialization of truth was the work of dramatists rather than of plain prose expositors. The elements inman’s nature, that were the real actors in the drama of his life, were made personal in the characters in the story,just as in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Snow White represents the pure divine nature in man, his soul, andthe Dwarfs personify the seven elementary principles that build up his physical body and thus serve her in allmechanical ways.

The archaic method was designed to dramatize truth, not to write elaborate dissertations upon it. The genius whichstrove to construct the formulas that expressed the forces and processes of life was dramatic genius, notspecifically literary genius in the modern sense. When neither writing nor reading was universal the only practical way to portray ideas was by pictorializing themin an allegory, myth, or a construction that might appear outwardly fantastic to an ignorant person, but wouldnevertheless subtly intimate to deeper intuition the forms of mighty truth. The sagacity that dictated such a methodology took in the recognition that for the mind of childhood a pictorialrepresentation would not only convey for the moment, but impress in perpetuity, the idea designed to be taught.Much as the housewife puts up in jars the fruits to be preserved, the myth­makers and the dramatic poets (and theword “poet” means “a maker”) embalmed in myths and dramas and a variety of concrete formulations the greatideographs of recondite wisdom which they transmitted to early humanity for its guidance throughout evolution. What the individual learns in his childhood serves him throughout life, for the memory of childhood is everlasting.It is the same with humanity in its infancy. The early races were all given the systems of moral and spiritualphilosophy, done in myths and dramas, so that the graphs of living truth should never be wanting for humaninstruction in wisdom.

"Astrology is knocking at the gates of our universities"~ C.G. Jung

This leads us onto the seven lights we know as the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Theyare the lights our eyes can see wandering in front of the fixed background of the stars. These are the maincharacters that create patterns in the sky, which have an effect on our lives here on Earth or Terra.

"As above, so below"~ Hermetic Principle (The Kybalion)

The brightest of these seven lights is the Sun also know as “Helios” in Greece and as “Helios Atum” in ancientEgypt. “Atum” sounds like “atom” and it is in fact the same because the sun is an atom. It has an electric light coreand electron bodies floating around it.

"They were the fourfold differentiation, under the symbolism of fire, air, water and earth, of each 208 of the three

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Kings, or kingly powers of divine intellect into which primordial unity of Mind breaks up in its necessaryfragmentation as it descends into matter. As water falling from a height breaks up into fragments owing to theresistance of the air, and the blood­ stream divides from the heart, and a tree trunk from its lower stem, so unitaryintellect descending from on high breaks up into first a threefold partition and finally into a twelvefold division. In reduction to simplest form, all this means that as in Physical matter and its manifestation on earth there are fourbasic differentiations of expressions as fire, air, water and earth, so in mind there are the four analogoussubdifferentiations, again in soul the same four and again in spirit the same four.

So the twelve great qualities that are to divinize us are the spirit's fire, air, water and earth, the soul's fire, air, waterand earth, and the mind's fire, air, water and earth, all combined in one grand synthesis, the Christ consciousness.All this is represented by the structure of the pyramid, which has the four bases as groundwork, and four three­sided upper faces as the superstructure, with the golden triangle crowning all, and glinting ever with Egyptiansunlight. In the great ancient divine­human drama the twelve facets of solar deity were of course personified in and bytwelve characters, and the dark­ minded Christian spoliators of sage wisdom had to make twelve uneducatedfishermen out of them. There was no escape from their becoming fishermen in the Christian rendition because the Jesus who was theastronomical Avatar coming roughly around 255 B.C., came under the precessional sign of Pisces and so came asIchthys, the Fish­ Avatar.

He came as Joshua (Jesus) son of Nun, and Nun is the fish in Hebrew! Can Massey be gainsaid or laughed down,then, when he says the twelve disciples were no more human than their teacher? It is Massey' s turn to laugh at thestupidity of his critics.

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Who Is This King of Glory?: A Critical Study of the Christos­Messiah Traditionby Alvin Boyd Kuhn

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"The highest level of supreme scholarship is achieved in this bookregarding the critical study of the Christ story.The basis on whichthe biblical texts have been narrated, in order to validate them ashistorical accounts are fundamentally shown to be flawed by theblatant corruption & interpolation of ancient texts.The information& data is provided to prove; that the Christ story was not new,thatthey were numerous mythological cult figures that pre­dated theadvent of the Christian one & finally that at no time at all werethese mythological cult figures regarded as real historicalpersonalities other than that they were ideographs or metaphors toconceal a deeper, more profound truth.Each important aspect in thelife of 'the Christ' is esoterically deciphered to reveal the symbolicand occult meaning and each aspect is put into its proper context tocorrespond with cosmic principles,universal law & the significanceit has in relation to man as the microcosmic substance in regard tothe greater macro­cosmic order.In my search for truth, I find thatthe greatest journey is the one within.Until the mind is initiated &all prior teachings,faith or belief systems completely detached fromthe ego,'THE OPENING OF THE WAY' cannot be achieved.It canonly be sparked by 'tapping in' as it were to the divine aspects ofself and of the realization to that so that instead of one 'waiting forthe Christ' one now acknowledges that concept to be internalizedrather than externalized.Without question this book is a must read.Iwas made aware of this book by someone very versed inphilosophic lore & occult secrets.I can only add that anyone who isinterested in esoteric concepts or just on a search for truth, thenlook no further than this title.Alvin Boyd Kuhn was certainly a mana head of his time."

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Downloadable from the Members Library. Jesus himself says in Gnostic literature: "When I first came into the world I brought with me twelve powers". I took them from the hands of the twelve saviors of the treasure of light," that is, from the twelve who are called the aeons in the Gnostic astronomy. And he adds that hetook these twelve powers and "cast them into the sphere of the rulers," and "bound them into the bodies of your mothers." By this he means that he has in evolutionincorporated them in organic creational systems and finally into the bodies of men, the fleshly body being the mother of the individual soul." ~ABK

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Plato said that the Sun is “the cause of our knowledge, without it we cannot see”. So the Sun is the teacher of thesense of the sight and the ruler of our eyes. The Sun is the “lucent” one, or “Lucifer”. In ancient Egyptian mythology, the name of the “Sun” god was “Ra” (Right Ascending) , the one who “ra”diates. Inchurches, you will often see the letters “IHS” on books, altars, baptismal fonts etc. always pictured with a symbol ofthe sun around it. IHS stands for the Greek letters “iota”, “eta” and “sigma”. Writing in our alphabet, “IHS” equals“JHS” or “JHC”. The pronunciation of this word is “JES”, which is a shorthand for “Jesus”. Jesus and the sun are the same. Jesus isthe sun! Jesus Christ is God’s sun. The sun is the risen savior. So this “IHS” is a Christogram, a monogram which isan abbreviation of the name of “Jesus”. The early Christians were called: “Helionostics” which means “Those who have knowledge of the Sun”. In Hebrew“yes”, or “jes” means fire or the sun! The name of the sun in Hebrew is Michael, or Emanuel. In India, it is: Krishna,Brahma, Shiva or Jes­Christna. In Egypt, it is: Ra, Horus, Seth, Atum, Aman. In the “Nag Hammadi” teachingsiswritten that: “Christ is the true life and the sun of life”.

St Patrick (390 AD): “The true Christ is the sun “. Predulian (363 AD): “The sun is the center of the solar system”. Eraneus: “The Gnostics really declared that all thesupernatural transactions in the gospels were counterparts of what took place in the sky and heavens”. Leonardo Davinci: “I could wish that I had such power of language asshould avail me to assure those who would set the worship of man above that of the sun. Those who wish to worship man (an historical Christ) make a huge error! “ The sun is also called the “seven­ray God”, because of the seven colors of the rainbow. The planets are the atoms of the sun and so are we, that's why we call are children“youngsters”, meaning young stars. All planets reflect the light of the sun. The sun is the only light which gives us direct light and photons, the other lights are reflectors.

Through astrotheology, it will become very clear that the biggest lie ever told in history (“his story”) is that Jesus Christ was an historical person, but there simply is nothistorical record. "If there was an actual person then there has to be a historical record. Philo was the greatest Jewish historian of all time who lived during that time, he saysnothing". (~Bill Donahue). The best source Christians use to prove Jesus existed was the single paragraph known as flavian testicus of Josephus, however, this is a clearforgery having been a single paragraph in Josephus's vast works by Eusebius after his death. All the story's, the bible and all myths, they all mean the same thing. They describe the relation between the Sun and the Earth, the day and the night, the summer and thewinter, storm and calm, good and evil. All characters in these stories are the characters of the solar system. Astrotheology is the source of all of them and our true religion isthe natural cycle of nature. These seven characters are the Sun (Helios or Jesus ), the Moon (Luna, Selene), Mercury (Hermes, Thoth), Venus (Aphrodite), Mars (Ares), Jupiter (Zeus) and Saturn(Chronos). The seven days of the week are named after these seven lights or characters.In the bible the relationship between for example Abraham and Sarah (Cere­brum)and Jesus and Maria Magdalene both represent the interaction between the sun and themoon. The seven lights also have a connection with the seven energy wheels, the chakra's in our body. The seven light are also known as the Elohim. In the bible, we can read thatthe Elohim say: “let us make man after our image”. A lot of stars are called, when translated: “the one who's coming”, because they keep moving, coming and going in ayear’s time. Illustrating examples of this are Perseus in Aries and Herculus.

The moon connects with our first chakra, Mercury with our second, Venus with our third, the Sun with our fourth, which is in the middle, our heart chakra, Mars with ourfifth, Jupiter with our sixth and Saturn with our seventh chakra, which is our crown chakra. Our purpose in life is to activate these seven powers.

The moon is closest to the Earth and has an orbit of approximately 29½ days while Saturn is the furthest away from Earth and orbits the Sun in approximately 29½ years. Inother words, Saturn “rules”. “Chronos” is the personification of time, the man turning the Zodiac Wheel, also known as Aeon (eternal time).

Saturn is the ruler of the ears because when there is minimum sunlight we depend on our hearing more than on our eyes. Saturn is the “God of law”. In court, they use a lotof “Latin language”, this is the language of Satan/Saturn. The three wheels of time are:

The Day (the Latin word is “Deis”), ruled by the God of day which is the Sun.

The Year: which comes from the name of the Sun: IHS, JHS, jes, Yes, Yeah, Year.

The Great Year: a time cycle of 24000 – 26000 years.The Moon gives us the month and the minute. “Hours” comes from Horus, which is the name of the Sun when it rises: “Where is Horus?” meaning “what hour is it?”.

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The Day, the Year and the Great Year can all be divided into 4 parts. The day: morning, midday, afternoon, and night. The Year: winter, spring, summer, and fall. The GreatYear: Iron, Bronze, Silver and Golden age. By understanding these cycles, we understand why his­tory went from good to bad and from bad to good. Day­night, winter­summer, Iron­Golden age, all these cycles dominate us!

Astrophysics and astronomy have proven that almost 90% and probably 100 % of all stars are in a binary. All stars need a dual. Our Sun Helios (Horus or Jesus) is also in abinary with another star. The star Sirius, which is in the constellation of Canis Major (the big dog), is in a binary with our sun, or “follows” our sun. Our year starts atJanuary the first because of the alignment of the Sun, Sirius and the Earth.

It takes between 24000 and 25920 years for Sirius and Helios (Horus, Jesus) to complete one circle. The Pyramids in Egypt also indicate that there is a binary betweenSirius and the Sun. One of the shafts in the great pyramid points directly to Sirius. George R. Goodman (early 1900): “Our entire solar system with all its planets and moonsdescribes a huge circle around another sun in space, the star Sirius”.

'Our sun was thrown off from another sun' ~ Albert Churchwood (source)

Sirius is also known by the Egytians as “the star of Isis”. The goddes Isis is embodied by the star of Sirius, like her son Horus is embodied by our sun Helios. This means infact that our sun was born from Isis or Sirius, and that is why they are in a binary together. Therefore, Isis and Horus are the same characters as Jesus and Mary and are infact the Sun and Sirius moving away from each other and moving towards each other in their binary. All heavenly bodies in our solar system have relationships with eachother. Also do planets and star constellations harmonize with our bodies.

The Zodiac Wheel shows us how this holy science works. The life of Jesus represents the sun moving through the 12 signs of the Zodiac. The 12 signs are the 12 potentialenergies which harmonize with the five basic energies or elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Aether. The 12 signs also harmonize with the seven chakra's. Each of the 12star signs represents a part of our body. The 12 star signs also represent the 12 apostles in the bible.

When you study ancient maps of the world, you'll see a wave in themiddle of the earth moving around the equator, this is called a sine­wave. It is the path of the sun moving through the 12 constellations.This is a fractal of everything. It is the “man in the sky”.The “man in the sky” is Adam Kadmon, the first being to emergewith the creation of the Cosmos. His body is the body of the world.“As above so below”, so it also represents our human bodies. Adam Kadmon is a phrase in the religious writings of Kabbalahmeaning "original primordial man". The oldest mainstream rabbinicsource for the term Adam ha­Ḳadmoni is Numbers Rabbah x., whereBiblical Adam is styled, not as usually Ha­Rishon ("the first"), but"Ha­Kadmoni" ("the original"). In Kabbalah, Adam Kadmon("above") is the first of the comprehensive Five spiritual Worlds increation, distinguished from Biblical Adam Ha­Rishon ("below"),who included within himself all future human souls before the sin ofthe Tree of Knowledge. The spiritual realm of Adam Kadmonrepresents the sephirah (divine attribute) of Keter ("crown"), thespecific divine will and plan for subsequent creation. The Five Worlds (Hebrew: עולמות Olamot/Olamos, singular: Olamsometimes counted with a prior stage to make Five Worlds, are ,(עולםthe comprehensive categories of spiritual realms in Kabbalah in thedescending chain of Existence. The worlds are Adam, Emanation,Creation, Formation and Action.

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The symbol of Primordial Man, the first being to emerge with the creation of the cosmos is common to a number of religious and philosophical traditions. The Upanishadsdescribe a primal man composed of the very elements which were to become the world. According to the Upanishads this "gigantic divine being" is both infinitely far anddeposited near the innermost recesses of the human heart. Indeed, in the Hindu tradition, the Primordial Man is identified both with the entire Universe and the soul oressence of all things. Interestingly, a similar image is found in Plutarch who relates that the entirety of the heavens is arranged in the form of a macroanthropos, a colossal human being who isconceived as a model for the human world. For Plutarch, the sun is at the heart of this being and the moon, the sun¹s androgynous messenger, is located in between the heartand belly. The Primordial Man is also an important symbol in Gnosticism. The Gnostics inferred from the verse in Genesis "Let us make man in our own image" that the first earthlyman was created on the model of a cosmic Adam on high. In the Nag Hammadi text, the Apocryphon of John, we learn that this anthropos is the first creation of "knowledgeand Perfect Intellect" and the first luminary of the heavens. This Anthropos becomes the heavenly model through which the demiurge forges an earthly Adam. Other Gnostic sources relate how the "archons" (conceived of as female demigods corresponding to each of the seven planets) formed an earthly Adam to fulfill their sexualdesire for the heavenly anthropos who was beyond their spiritual reach. Amongst the Mandeans (a Gnostic sect that today survives in Iraq) the primordial Adam iscoextensive with the cosmos, his body is the body of the world, and his soul the soul of all souls. In an image which would later reappear in the Kabbalah, the Gnostics heldthat individual human beings are descended from the cosmic anthropos as a result of the fragmentation of the Primordial Man.

When you place the sine­wave overthe body of Adam Kadmon, you'llsee the relation of the body witheach star sign. For instance, theconstellation of Aries rules thehead, the constellation of Tauriesrules the neck, the constellation ofGemini rules the shoulders andlungs, Pisces the feet and so on. Byknowing this and by knowing yourbirth chart (natal), you'll knowyourself (see also this paper fromPateo Academia:


Traditional Christans, and especially the Vatican, call this holy science or knowledge “from the devil” and do everything they can to keep you a way from these insights.The reason for this is obvious: when we start to know ourselves, we become more conscious of our rights and they can no longer control us the way they did for centuries,and they will lose their power.

The catholic church is the church of Christ (the sun) but also the church of Peter (Jupiter, Ju­ Peter) and the church of Satan (Saturn). It is in fact a Saturnian church, a LatinChurch, they use a lot of Latin words in their rules and laws.The Sun and Saturn are Jesus and Satan, and they are at war with each other like all twins in the bible; Cain and Abel, Jacob and Ezau, Horus and Seth. The Sun is the hottest and Satan (Saturn) is the coldest. The sun is our savior. Satan represents the wintertime, the Iron age and the night. The Sun Jesus brings us light, loveand life, and spring and summer. There is also a war going on for a very long time now between religion and science. Religion = theology, and Science = philosophy. Theos = god = male. Sophia = goddess = female.Theology is about “morals, “ignorance” and “doctrine”. In fact it tells you to ‘just believe” and then you will be saved, that is if you “don't question anything”. In philosophy(love of wisdom) we see “logic” (how do I know the world?), “ethics” (how do I live in it?) and “physics” (how is the world made?).

“The bible is there to enslave fools and to enlighten the wise ones.” (Santos Bonacci).

Giordano Bruno (killed brutally by “Christians” in 1600) who was a philosopher, said: “we have to go back to the real Christianity, the religion of Egypt”. “The bible mustnot be taken literally”.

In the time cycle of the Year on the 21 st of March, when the sun enters the constellation of Aries, the sun is “Horus” or Jesus on his way to the “enthronement”. On June21st , where it will be “Ra”, because then it radiates the most light. In the time cycle of the Day, Horus represents the moment of sunrise around 6 am. At noon, the sun willbe Ra since the sun then radiates the most light. In the time cycle of the Great Year, the sun is about to leave the period of the Iron Age to enter the Golden Age. Then we will also move into the Age of Aquarius and at the same time leave the age of Pisces after about 2000 years. In everything, we see the principle of resistance: nightand day, good and evil, winter and summer, Jesus and Satan, male and female, electric and magnetic. This duality is necessary! Everything in the Universe is electric ormagnetic. Electricity radiates and magnetism contracts. The Sun (Jesus) is electric and Saturn (Satan) is magnetic. The sun is the religion of seeing (without the sun youcannot see) and Saturn is the religion of hearing (teaches you about the sixth sense and intuition). Saturn represents the night in which we have to depend more on our

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Astrotheology and hearing than on our seeing, therefore he's also cal led “the black Sun”. Saturn is the ruler of the ears (earrings, lord of the rings), the god of law, the king (the longest cycle around the sun). Incourt, they use the Latin language, the language of Saturn. We live in the age of Saturn or Chronos (which means time), because we live in the age of time. Time eats of itschildren like Chronos in Greek mythology ate his children. Saturn does to the sun what the moon does to the Earth. The moon orbits the Earth in 29,5 days and Saturn orbitsthe sun in 29,5 years. The moon pulls the Earth and Saturn pulls the sun. That is why Saturn and the Sun are twin brothers. Astrotheology tells you how these principleswork, about “the gospel in the sky”, about the agricultural year, what season it is, what weather is, what parts of your body you need to give attention, what type of characteryou are and how to raise your consciousness.

The year actually starts at March 21st ,when the sun is leaving the dark, the wintertime, to climb the mountain in order to be enthroned at June 21st at its highest point ofradiation (Ra). On March 21st, we celebrate going into the promised land (like Abraham and Sarah) or heaven. We now have longer days and shorter nights. We can growthings and harvest. The sine wave in the Northern hemisphere is the part where we see the sun walking through the constellations of Aries, Taurus and Gemini. In Aries thesun is a little boy, in Taurus he is the 'rock', and Gemini represents the duality of the sun/Jesus. On June 21st, he will be crowned. The bible tells the story of Jesus enteringJerusalem on this day riding the backs of two donkeys. In the constellation of Cancer, we see two stars “Asselus Borealis” and “Asselus Australis”, also know as “the two donkey's”. So when the sun enters the constellation ofCancer on June 21st , he is in conjunction with or “riding” the two donkeys. Jesus, the sun, eventually will be betrayed, it has to move sideways (like a crab, cancer) throughthe constellations of Cancer, Leo and Virgo , moving away from summer, the day or life, and will be going through “fall”(or autumn /atom) as it “falls” from Virgo to Libra.When the “fall”, the autumn, starts at September 21 st, all leaves, trees and earth will turn red and the sun (Jesus/Horus) gets betrayed because we now have shorter days andlonger nights! Horus, the sun, is now his brother Seth, the sun is setting. This is the “Red Sea”, Moses (or Jesus) will have to go through in order to reach the promised land again. The RedSea is represented by the Zodiac signs: Libra, Scorpio, Sagitarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Our bloodstream also can be seen as the “red sea”, and actually there isno difference between our human blood and ocean water, it's the same structure. When the Israelites were passing the Red Sea, it means our bodies are passing the “redblood” (our soul is in our blood). It also means that we are walking through blood and we are having a blood experience.

The 12 signs of the Zodiac are the 12 tribes of Israel. Is Ra El; Isis­Ra­Saturn. On September 21st , it is Jewish Judgement day.Then the sun is entering the constellation ofLibra, the scales of justice. On this day, we will be judged. Before this happens, the sun is in the constellation of Virgo (the holy virgin). Virgo is holding a sheaf of grain inher hands, it is now time for harvesting (The bread of Christ). The opposite sign is that of the constellation of Pisces, which represents the fish of Christ. Christianity for thepast 2000 years has used as main symbols “fish and bread”.

When the sun is in Libra, the wine season starts. Virgo and Libra represent the wine and the bread. The equinoxal point of the Zodiac on September the 21st is also called“the tree of knowledge of good and evil”. On this point, we have vision to the promised land and we also are entering and seeing the winter time in which it is cold and dark.We see both good and evil. September the 21st is an equinoxial day, the day and night are equally long. March 21st is the other equinoxial day. The solstice days are June21st and December 21st . The sun will “stand still or dies” for 3 days on those days. The two equinoxal days and the two solstices embody the “cross” on which Jesus, the sun died. On December the21st , the sun dies: it is midnight and he is born again on December the 25th, on “Christmas day”. The sun begins his path to the Promised Land again from this point whereJesus (or Moses) is going through the “red sea”. He is the unconquered sun. He dies at December the 21 st , but stays unconquered! March 21st is the door to the “Kingdomof Heaven”. September 21st is the door to the “Kingdom of Hell”. On March 25th , Gabriel told Mary: “thou shall conceive”. Nine months further, the sun is born on December the 25th in the constellation of Capricorn. In this constellation we find two stars “Al Shat” and “Nashira” meaning “thesheep” or the “flock'” and the “shepherd”. Gabriel is in fact Mercury who is nearest to the su n. He is the messenger. Bible ­ Luke 1: 19: “I am Gabriel who stands in Godspresence and has been sent to speek to you to bring this good news.” Verse 38: Virgo calls herself “the hand maid of God”. Mary or Virgo is always next to the cross (theequinoxes ­ solstices cross) . The MI symbol of the zodiac Virgo means “Isis”. In the bible Elizabeth told Mary (Virgo) “blesses is the fruit of your womb”. Which isstrange, since why didn't she say child? Probably because the Virgo season is about bread and wine. The equinoxes are also called “trees” or “pillars”. (Think about Eve when the serpent tempted her to eat from the tree of good and evil knowledge , in the bible book ofGenesis.)The constellation of Ophuicius is the snake barer or the serpent that talks to Eve (which is Virgo) and says: “eat of the tree”. This is actually the sun going throughVirgo. If you eat from the tree you'll die, which the sun does after September 21st . In other words; it has to be ! We enter different worlds all the time. We go fromelectricity to magnetism, from day to night, from good to bad, exactly like a sine wave. So you can say that Satan kills his twin brother Jesus on December 21st . This storyof the twin brothers is literalized in the bible. December the 21st is also known as St Thomas Day.

Thomas is Osiris or Satan. Saturn/Satan rules Capricorn and when the Sun/Jesus enters this sign he will be killed.. The Sun always dies in “he ll” (= heal of Achilles) or in“inferno” (inverno means winter in Greek) by the arrow of Sagittarius. There are four gospels in the bible: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, like there are four seasons, fourelements, four blood types, etc. All gospels are based on the star constellations of the Zodiac !

When the sun “passes” over on March 21st from the red sea, we eat the lam in order to free us from the sin of man (sun enters Aries) and celebrate Pesach, Passover, Pasenin Dutch or Eastern because the sun is in the East. Bible ­ Genesis 1: verse 12: “..and I have placed the stars in the sky for signs and seasons..” Albertius Magnus (1200 bc,catholic church doctor):

“all the mysteries of the incarnation of our savior Christ and all circumstances of his marvelous life from the conception to his ascension are to be traced out in theconstellations and are figured in the stars.” The sun gives us life, love, light, he is the lord. The Sun/Jesus synchronizes with our heart chakra in which is our “Christ consciousness” as Christ is the Sun. Our heartchakra is the center chakra like the sun is the center of our solar system. “El”or “Al” is Saturn. A lot of Christian words and names begin or start with “el”or “al”, likechapel, Israel, cathedral, evangel, angel, elite, elohim, Michael, Rafael, elder, Elizabeth, (e)Louis, Helen, Selene, Elaine, Emanuel, Ramona, Daniel, Michael, Don etc.Everyone wants to call themselves after the sun like Ramses (from Ra), Napoleon, Seti (means “Sun”) who is the father of Ramses. Royal comes from Ra. In fact more than60% of all historian names go back to one of the seven lights !

A lot of cities are named after one of the stars or planets; for example Rome is named after “Ra”. It’s ancient name is Saturnia, after Saturn. Paris is “Isis” (Sirius) andLondon starts with an El meaning Saturn. Plato: “The Milky Way is the Nile in the Sky, that is where we come from.” The Milky Way is also the “Feathered Serpent” forwhom the Mayans built there Kulkulkan pyramid in Chitzén Itza. When you view certain pictures of the center of the Milky Way galaxy you'll see a serpent biting its owntail, the Ouro Bouros. Macrobius, in his book commentary on Scipio’s Dream , 12th chapter: “Our souls come from the Milky Way, the milk, the mother, our Milky Waygalaxy is Isis. It is femine and her partner is Andromeda our next door galaxy (“andro” means husband in the Greek language). “Jacob’s ladder” is the ladder from which our souls descend into this Earth to have a human experience. We enter the solar system via the rings of Saturn and via Jupiter,Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury we will be born from the womb of the moon into our physical bodies. So you could say we are all baptized here on Earth with a body. TheChrist “that came into the flesh” is the consciousness that mankind posesses. When we go from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius, we will get a higher doses of this“Christ” consciousness.

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We will then go from “mutable Water” (Pisces) to “fixed Air” (Aquarius). The fifth element “Aether” is the course. All other four elements come from Aether. The element“Fire” is the first born from Aether which means “the fires in the sky” or electricity. From “Fire” comes “Air”, from “Air” comes “Water”, and from “Water” comes“Earth”. Walter Russel: “Electricity is the only source God uses to create the Universe”.

If we know who through studying Astrotheology and know that the seven lights are directly connected to our chakra's and we know how to lift our kundalini energy, thenwe will be (one of) the 144.000 (the number that shows up in almost all religions).

The chakra's correspond with numbers. The 1st chakra is number 4, the 2nd chakra is number 6, the 3rd chakra is number 10, the fourth / hart chakra is number 12, the 5thchakra is number 16, the 6th chakra is number 96. Adding up these numbers gives the number 144. The 7th chakra is a 1000 times that number which gives the total number144.000. Bible ­ Revelation chapter 14: “Next in my vision, I saw mount Zion and standing on it a lamb who had with it a 144.000 people all with his name and his fathersname an their foreheads.”

On the jade mask of Maya king Pacal you'll also fin d the number of 144.000 on its forehead (book: The supergods by Maurice Cotterel). The 7 chakra's are equivalent tothe 10 Sephiroth of the Kabbalistic tree. The tree of life is in you ! You are the Christ ! That is what the apostle Paul talks about when he says “the Christ within”. We haveto know who we are and where we come from, in order to know our real rights on this planet! The Catholic Church, and especially the Vatican and its cardinals, have poisoned us with a lot of lies about an historical Christ, false religion, false science and false law.The Vatican is a corporation.

Our birth certificate is in fact our “baptism” into the Catholic Church! We are all baptized. We must realize that we ourselves are the shareholder of our own cooperation viaour birth certificate. We need to reclaim that position in or der to bring real justice to the world !

By practising Astrotheology, you'll know who you are. You have to know your ruling sign and your ascendant and these are in fact the “gods” you have to devote yourselfto. When you know the stars, then you know what “the stars” on Earth are doing.

(This is version 0.1 of this paper. It was released on March 8th , 2012, in order to support the videos on the youtube channel of Santos Bonacci called Mr Astrotheology.)

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