Headteacher’s report to Trustees


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Headteacher’s report to Trustees

Autumn Term 2020

CONTENTS Page number

Headlines 1

Re-opening 1

Admissions 2

Attendance 4

Safeguarding 5

Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Looked After Children (LAC) 6

Behavioural Reports 6

Alternative Provision 7

Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) 8

School Performance Standards 9

Finance and Premises 11

Health & Safety 11

Teaching and Learning 12

Staff Absence 12

Staffing Information – Autumn 2020 13

Appendices list 13


DIR Department Improvement Review

EHCP Education Health Care Plan

FAP Fair Access Panel

FFT Fisher Family Trust (Educational analysis tool)

IDSR Inspection Data Summary Report

KS Key Stage

LAC Looked After Child

LOtC Learning Outside the Classroom

PP Pupil Premium

SEN Special Education Need

SIMS Schools Information Management System (electronic record keeping system)

SPI School Performance Indicator

TE Teacher Estimates

WRAP Wirral Respite Alternative Provision



Summary of key points

Strengths Weaknesses

• Whole school community connecting/ working together to bring all year groups safely back onto site.

• Covid 19 School Risk Assessment quality assured by CWaC

• Safe Guarding/ Inclusion support • New colleagues settling into Autumn

Term inc: full Training programme • SLT ethical leadership/ roles &

responsibilities • 100% attendance of teaching staff in

week one/two of Autumn Term 2020 • 98% attendance of students in week

one of Autumn Term 2020 (presently 97%)

• Strong Data position KS4 KS5 • VI Form Numbers Y12 • Improved outdoor facilities

• Capital infra- structure re growing capacity • SLT capacity to maintain strategic

momentum under daily Covid 19 processes/practices = constraints on time

• Reliance on public bus services/ private company

• Highways – issues around increased car use in am/pm creating/ increasing safety concerns & impacting on local community

Opportunities Threats

• Complete a new Vision, Mission, Values & Culture strategy 2025 – in line with a new world built on hope! See HT pp presentation.

• Review curriculum design to incorporate best practice inc: Remote Learning & new ways of working

• BoT new ways of working inc Meeting structure to sharpen impact overtime

• New 3G pitch

• Lack of clear & focused national policy/practice re Education & Covid 19

• Dfe/ Public Health England working on different criteria for schools

• No infra-structure for Track & Trace to maintain the full opening of schools

• Covid 19 impact on physical, social, emotional and academic outcomes

• Covid 19 impact on financial security & planning

• Loss of Holistic learning opportunities/ LoTC long term impact on life skills

• Pupil Premium Students requiring enhanced support

• Increasing number of students with SEND or non-diagnosed SEND /Inclusion needs attending mainstream school = conflict of limited budget v required support

• Complexity of Roof Works v Covid 19 RA

*Please see updated Ofsted Guidance attached in appendices re: possible 1-day visits under COVID-19


In support of the above SWOT analysis please see appendices for detailed action plans.

Headteacher’s report to Trustees Autumn Term 2020



Number of pupils currently on roll:

There are 1738 pupils in total including 2 dual registered students.

Year Males Females Total

Year 7 157 143 300

Year 8 151 149 300

Year 9 170 132 302

Year 10 170 130 300

Year 11 176 126 302

Year 12 80 70 150

Year 13 36 48 84

Totals 940 798 1738

Year 7 September 2020 This year 673 applications were received for a place in Year 7 in September 2020, with 300 (PAN) being offered. Of the 673 applications, 325 chose Neston as their first-choice school. Students have joined Year 7 from 30 different primary schools however CH64 primary schools and partner primary schools remain the highest intake. 74% of students who attended a CH64 primary school chose to transition to Neston High School which remains high in line with previous years. 3 students did not arrive in September as they secured places in other schools during the summer holidays. These places were backfilled from the waiting list.

Parents/Carers can now apply for places for September 2021 until 31st October 2020 and places will be allocated

in March 2021.

First Preference,

325Second Preference,


Third Preference,


Y7 Applications for September 2020

CH64 Primary School, 43.33%

Other Partner Primary School, 51.33%

Other Schools, 5.34%

Primary School Allocations

68% 65%71% 72% 75% 73% 74%



















CH64 Primary School Y7 Students



Future Planning

6th Form We are delighted to have welcomed 150 Year 11 students into the Sixth Form. Students, including 5 external students, have settled in well. The external students have joined us from Wirral Grammar for Boys, West Kirby Grammar, Upton Hall and Wirral Grammar for Girls. All Year 12 parents were invited to access the Year 12 information evening on Thursday 10th September and the sixth form team has worked closely with our new students and parents over the last week to ensure that students have settled well into the Sixth form and their studies. Level three courses are running with good numbers. The largest classes are at 24 and include Media studies and CTEC Business. To reduce the numbers of students using the bistro area simultaneously at lunchtime we have separated Year 12 and 13 so that Year 13 attend registration and then have lunch whilst Year 12 have lunch first and then attend registration. At the start of the week parents were contacted and students who have an independent study period p4 and 5 are allowed to go home to study. This was well received by students and parents and has resulted in a slight easing of the number of students using the sixth form facilities and has also eased parental concern over crowded areas. The arrangements will not affect attendance as students are all expected to register for both am

and pm registration. Year 13 students will be taking centre assessments on 17th and 18th September to allow for additional support and early intervention to be in place.

Year September 2020 September 2021

Year 7 300 300

Year 8 300 300

Year 9 302 300

Year 10 300 301

Year 11 302 303

Year 12 150 125

Year 13 84 147

Totals 1738 1776

The predicted data under future planning indicates the potential numbers that we will have on role if we assume that we take 125 students into our 6th Form in September 2021. This equates to approximately 40% of the year group staying at Neston post 16.

S.E.N, 6, 2%Staff, 1, 0% L.A.C, 14, 5%Sibling, Catchment

and Feeder, 40, 14%

Sibling and Catchment, 3, 1%

Sibling and Feeder, 40, 13%

Sibling, 6, 2%

In Catchment and Attends Feeder,

67, 22%In Catchment , 18, 6%

Feeder, 105, 35%

Year 7 places offered by criteria September 2020



Autumn Term Attendance

Explanation of any changes since last term’s report:

We were delighted with the attendance at the Year 10 Face to Face sessions (from 1st June), which averaged at 92% Year 10 students had 14 hours total teaching and learning time across English, Maths, Science and Humanities. Year 12 sessions were also very well attended, 79%, with a small minority not attending for specific and genuine reasons. Neston have appointed an Acting EWO and have provided some additional admin time to backfill her substantive post. 121 meetings are taking place with the EWO and Deputy Headteacher i/c attendance and also with the EWO and the 7 Raising Standards Leaders (RSLs), where students causing concern are discussed by threshold (-95%,-93%,-90%) The website has been updated with a new ‘Leave of Absence Form’, making requests clearer for parents and helping the Headteacher to make an informed decision regarding Fixed Penalty Notices. The school has issued 0 Fixed Penalty Notices for irregular attendance and 1 Fixed Penalty Notice for a holiday, this academic year. The Pupil Premium v Non-Pupil Premium gap is currently –4.42%. The whole school target of below -3% was shared with staff on the INSET day. Whole school attendance Year 7-13 is currently 96.7% compared to 96.9% at the same time last year. We feel this is a pleasing attendance figure, given the current circumstances. The school is closely tracking students who are being coded as X (due to reasons associated with Coronavirus) to ensure teachers are setting high quality remote lessons during the period of self-isolation/ quarantine. There are presently 72 students coded as X. The escalation process (letters) and policy is under review. Statistical Returns

Year to Date

1st September 2020 to

11th September 2020

Absence Target = 3%

96.7% Attendance




Abs (%)




Number on

track to









Years 7-11 Total 97.1% 2.4% 0.5% 58 (5.49%) 6 (0.57%)

Sixth Form Total 95.4% 3.1% 1.5% 36 (13.85%) 3 (1.15%)

Whole School Total 96.7 2.1 1.1




% attendance

% attendance

% attendance

% attendance

2016-17 2017-18



(20th March 2020)

Year 7 96.7 96.1 96.19 95.1

Year 8 95.5 95.6 94.91 93.9

Year 9 95.4 94.2 95.60 93.5

Year 10 94.5 94.7 93.27 94.1

Year 11 93.8 94.6 92.27 91.8

Total 95.2 95 94.45 93.7


Number of safeguarding incidents 3

Number of pupils with a child protection plan in place


Safeguarding training

• NLA has completed the first 2 days of The New Ways of Working together pathway course prior to lockdown. the final day is still to be completed.

• NLA has completed "Next step training card" by CAMHS.

• NLA has completed the Wirral, PEP training course.

• JED has completed "Drugs awareness course"

• FPA has completed "Drugs awareness course"

• FPA completed Wirral PEP training course.

• JMC has completed "attachment training"

• SNT will be completing the "Our Ways of Working" training as soon as it becomes available this term. General Safeguarding update

• Nikki Lamprey has now been appointed as Inclusion Leader and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead following an interview process. Key responsibilities: leading on operational aspects of whole school safeguarding / triage of cases across PLM team / leading as key professional on all Child Protection and high-level Child in Need conferences and meetings.

• Weekly safeguarding steering group meetings now re-established post-lockdown. Week 1 - safeguarding-linked Trustees (B Jones and K Roberts) invited / Week 2 - internal team meeting. Function of these meetings is to discuss latest research and good practice, share information from any training courses attended and discuss individual case studies.

• Stuart Nuttall (DSL) will be attending the new "Our Ways of Working" training for school leaders with CWAC as soon as dates are published for this term. Aim is to ensure a strategic approach to embedding this practice into our whole school safeguarding procedures.

• Stuart Nuttall led safeguarding presentation to all staff on INSET Day Tue 1 September. This included a reflection on our safeguarding work during lockdown and reminders of procedures for all staff to follow when reporting a safeguarding concern (including CPOMS overview). All staff were given dedicated time to read the statutory document "Keeping Children Safe in Education: Part 1" and were asked to complete a knowledge



Number of pupils on the SEN register:

Status Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11


Education, Health and Care Plan (funded) 5 6 8 7 11 37

SEN SUPPORT GREEN 31 40 77 59 51 258

SEN SUPPORT ORANGE 20 30 32 43 30 155

SEN SUPPORT RED (funded) Top up 7 1 2 3 2 15

Total amount of students with SEND % of students

63 (21%)

77 (26%)

119 (39%)

112 (37.2%)

94 (31%)

465 (30%)

Students flagged with Green Support have been triggered by primary transfer information or after testing in Year 7 highlighted a SEND need. There is no diagnosis or diagnosis supported through low level interventions. This support is school funded.

Students flagged with Orange Support receive internal interventions and sometimes have a SEND diagnosis or are working towards one. This is also involvement with outside agencies.

Students who receive Red Support sometimes have a SEND diagnosis or are working towards one. Internal intervention is received from school and there is involvement with outside agencies. Top up funding is received for these students.

Number of Looked After Students:

Year 7 1

Year 8 3

Year 9 4

Year 10 3

Year 11 2


Fixed Term Exclusions

Number of exclusion sessions

Autumn 2019

Spring* 2020

Summer 2020

Totals Autumn 2020

Year 7 0 1 0 1 1

Year 8 7 2 0 9 0

Year 9 7 4 0 11 0

Year 10 13 9 0 22 0

Year 11 13 3 0 16 0

Totals 40 19 0 59 1

Total Number of Days

96.5 55.5 0 152 5

Total Number of students

27 16 0 43 1

*Spring 2020 – prior to school closure on 20.03.20



Number of permanent exclusions

1 permanent exclusion in October 2019.

Internal Exclusion

School are currently trialing a system that removes the use of an ‘Isolate Room’. This is partly in response to Covid Secure Planning and ensuring students from different year groups do not mix. That said, it has also provided the school with an opportunity to do something different.

Dual roll (Main)

Year 7 0

Year 8 0

Year 9 0

Year 10 1

Year 11 1

Totals 2

We currently have 2 students that are registered with us but attend Wirral Hospital Schools

• 1 Year 10 student attends Ancora House

• 1 Year 11 student attends Joseph Paxton


Off-Site Provision

Year 7 0

Year 8 0

Year 9 0

Year 10 6

Year 11 13

Totals 19

We currently have 6 students from Year 10 accessing off-site alternative provision. All 6 students are attending Reaseheath College of which 2 are studying Food, 2 are studying Animal Management and 2 are studying Construction. In Year 11, there are 9 students who are also attending Reaseheath College, 2 of these are studying Food, 2 studying Animal Management, 3 studying Motor Vehicles, 1 student studying construction and 1 student studying Agricultural Engineering. We also have 4 students studying at West Cheshire College, 2 on the Health & Beauty course, 2 studying engineering



Number of children currently entitled to receive PPG

Year 7 Awaiting information

Year 8 45 (15.10%)

Year 9 61 (20.20%)

Year 10 50 (16.67%)

Year 11 60 (19.8%)

Year 12 16 (10.6%)

Year 13 0

Total 232 (13.38%)

Amount of PPG allocation Sept 2019 – August 2020 £268,475

Breakdown of PPG usage Provision of:

• Small class provision in English/Maths/Science

• Specialist support in English and Maths

• Individual academic support for identified disengaged Y11 students.

• Dedicated Attendance Officer

• Pastoral Learning Mentors

• CAMHS support

• Enrichment Activities – Educational Visits and Music Lesson subsidies

• Alternative vocational provision and specialist equipment



KS4 Attainment Headline Measures

Headline Measure Attainment

2017 Attainment

2018 Attainment

2019 Attainment


Overall 4.5 4.6 4.5 4.9

English 4.8 4.9 4.68 4.97

Maths 4.0 4.3 4.69 4.95

EBacc 3.8 4.2 4.10 4.65

Slots filled 2.67 2.87 2.87 2.93

Open 5.23 5.0 4.65 5.05

Slots filled 2.93 2.90 2.91 2.89

Ebacc subjects include Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, French, Spanish, German, History, Geography KS4 Summary English and Maths

% of Pupils Achieving

2017 2018 2019 2020

English 9 – 4 83 77 74 81.9

Maths 9 – 4 65 73 78 81.2

Eng & Maths 9 – 4 62 66 67 74.5

English 9 – 5 62 59 56 59.4

Maths 9 – 5 40 44 53 60.1

Eng & Maths 9 - 5 34 36 42 48.3

KS4 Attainment 8 performance over 3 years

2018 A8 2019 A8 2020 A8

All PP Oth Gap All PP Oth Gap All PP Oth Gap

Overall 46.1 39 48 9 44.9 38.5 46.6 8.12 48.9 40 50 10

English 9.8 8.1 10.2 2.1 9.3 8.2 9.6 1.4 9.95 8.04 10.34 2.3

Maths 8.6 7 9.1 2.1 9.3 8 9.7 1.7 9.89 8.35 10.21 1.86

Ebacc 12.5 10 13.2 3.2 12.3 10.2 12.9 2.7 13.96 11.31 14.51 3.2

Open 15.1 13.9 15.5 1.6 13.9 12.1 14.4 2.2 15.15 12.36 15.73 3.37



KS5 A Level Cohort 2020

2019 All 2020 All 2019 Boys 2020 Girls 2019 Girls 2020 Girls Count Score Count Score Count Score Count Score Count Score Count Score

APS by entry

28 35 28 33 27 37

Ave grade per entry

C- B- C B- C- B-

APS by student

114 69.8 112 86.2 69.2 77.5 70.3 93.2

AAB+ (2+ FS)

3 9 2 5 1 4

AAB+ (3+FS)

1 5 1 3 0 2

FS- Facilitating subjects include: English Literature, Mathematics, Further Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Modern/Ancient Languages, History, Geography KS5 Performance Measures

2017 2018 2019 2020

A Level 135 117 116 115

A Level APS entry 27.68 30.23 28 35.24

A Level Avg grade C- C C- B-

Value Added -0.09 -0.21 -0.35 0.2

Academic 136 125 117 112

Academic APS per entry 28 31 28 35.43

Academic Avg grade C- C C- B-

Tech Level 6 14 17 13

Tech Level APS per entry 34 27 30 31.9

Tech Level Avg grade Dist M+ M+ Dist

Applied General Level 70 16 32 35

Applied General APS per entry 36 27 27 34.7

Applied General Avg grade Dist M+ M+ Dist

Value Added -0.06 -0.11 0.56



PFI Contract A new efficient engineer has been allocated to the school and tends to be on site up to 3 days per week carrying out cyclical maintenance tasks and dealing with issues that have been logged on the service desk. This has resulted in jobs logged being dealt with within the timeframes set out in the contract and subsequently less rebates for non-compliance being received. Roofworks have not recommenced yet due to a delay in AEC carrying out the environmental hygiene test on behalf of the DfE. This report has now been received and shared with the school and 2 meetings have been held via MS Teams to discuss the findings and recommencement of the works. Ian Mellor and Colin Randerson along with Keith Simpson and Tina Phillips have been involved in these meetings. It is expected that works will recommence mid-October. 80% of the roof covering still needs to be replaced, it is expected that this is at least a 22-week programme but highly weather dependent. Covid-19 Additional Costs A Claim of £53,000 has been submitted to the EFA for additional costs incurred during lockdown. These costs include free school meal costs reclaim (prior to introduction of Gov scheme), IT costs, additional cleaning materials costs etc. This claim is subject to review by EFA. 6th Form Study A new silent study area has been developed in the library, providing individual study booths for 6th form students to access. These have been well received by students, particularly those who have exams early in the Autumn term.


Return to School Covid-19 Preparation Works Over the summer break 2 x 25m canopies were installed at the back and side of the school to offer additional covered space for students to each lunch. An additional catering Pod was also installed to support Year group bubbles. Hand sanitiser stations and signage have been installed throughout the building. Covid-19 Risk Assessment July 2020 The school’s Covid-19 risk assessment was selected by CWAC to be reviewed as part of their LA quality assurance programme.

Dear Neston High Thank you for providing a copy of the schools COVID 19 risk assessment for review. I thought it was good and I can see that the school has given careful thought how best to protect staff and pupils. The only recommendation from CWAC was to include a risk level prior to implementation of control measures, this has been added.



The Teaching and Learning Team continue to develop the quality of professional development for staff to

ensure that the focus is on learning as the core purpose of school life. One key way this has been achieved is

through the establishment of WOW (Wonder On Wednesday) sessions to support staff in

developing strategies such as retrieval practice so that teachers can ensure that pupils embed key concepts

in their long-term memory and apply them fluently. These sessions continued during lockdown and were well

attended so that staff could incorporate strategies such as dual coding in to planning to support students in

narrowing the gap. This in turn means teachers can enable pupils to understand key concepts, present

information clearly and encourage appropriate discussion through the use of effective strategies. Weekly CPD

tips were also given to staff during lockdown to encourage them to engage with research linked to key areas

such as Rosenshine’s Principles in Action to further support student engagement and learning. As part of a wider scheme, four middle leaders have enrolled on the NPQSL/ML programmes, as well as a research place

with the SSAT group. The impact will be to ensure a greater understanding of strategic leadership across this

group and to support succession planning in terms of Associate assistant heads and wider leadership.

A ‘Professional Learning Plan’ is now in place for all teaching staff using the ‘Inquiry Question Model’

approach. This means that all teachers are reflecting on their practice and specifically, analysing the data from

a recent cohort (2019) to identify an area of practice to focus on linking with school priorities, either literacy or

cognitive science to help pupils embed and use knowledge fluently and develop their understanding. This

process will incorporate a well-planned analysis and proposal, monitored by line managers and ties into

Appraisal. This builds on the Teaching and Learning communities that were in place prior to March 2020, to

support staff development in working collaboratively and with autonomy, to create a culture of professional

learning that has a positive impact on student outcomes.

A Professional Learning Pathway/programme is also in place so that a bespoke model exists to support all

teachers in professional development at whatever stage they are at, so that staff are well motivated and

consequently there is a positive impact on the quality of education. This roadmap supports staff at every level

of development from Trainee teachers to senior leaders. Talent spotting is also a focus of this programme.

NQTs and RQTs who started at the school in September 2020, have benefited from a personalised support

programme since April 2020. This was because of the unusual circumstances related to lockdown and lack of

experience. The team run training sessions and one to one coaching and mentoring for the NQ/RQTs

focusing on dealing with pupil behaviour and classroom management, amongst a range of other sessions

such as pedagogy, data, safeguarding and so on. A robust mentoring system and new staff induction

programme is in place to provide effective support and meet the needs of individuals.

There is now a detailed remote learning contingency plan, policy and home school agreement in place along

with clear guidelines are in place to ensure consistency in the quality of assignments set, and a dedicated

twilight session was run to ensure all staff are aware of their responsibility in this area, as well as the delivery

of live lessons. All year groups are trained on the use of Teams.

In order to support staff in returning to the classroom after lockdown, library of resources is available with a

focus on retrieval practice and consolidation of knowledge and so on. Resources are also in place for tutors to

use in form sessions to help narrow the gap and ensure students become self-regulated learners.

Staff are supported in developing expert knowledge of their subjects through membership of subject

associations as well as attending department meetings with a clear focus on teaching and learning.


No data available for Summer Term 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic. Present staff absence data being tracked on a daily basis in line with national guidance and as part of our sustainable planning in response to tiered closure of school scenarios.




Emma Armstrong Teacher of RE New starter September 2020

Christopher Clare Teacher of IT New starter September 2020

Harry Green Teacher of Physics New starter September 2020

Ashleigh Jones 2nd in English New starter September 2020

Sarah Klabou Teacher of Maths Maternity cover from September 2020

Simon Lewis Teacher of Maths New starter September 2020

Matias Luck Teacher of Science New starter September 2020

Alastair Miatt Teacher of Physics New starter September 2020

Martin Ormond Teacher of Humanities New starter September 2020

Scarlett Embury Teacher of Maths Leaver August 2020 – moved area

Angela Exley Medical Room co-ordinator Leaver July 2020 – retirement

Lorna Goulding Teacher of Maths Leaver August 2020 – new position

Sandra Moloney Teacher of Food Leaver August 2020 – retirement

Julie Mounfield Facilities Manager Leaver August 2020 – new position

Alex Rigsby Teacher of Humanities Leaver – August 2020 – promotion position

Steven Wentworth Teacher of IT Leaver – August 2020 – promotion position

Keith Simpson September 2020


Appendix 1 Vision and Values Presentation to Staff Futures Planning document

Appendix 2 Ethical Leadership Sustainable Leadership & Management doc

Appendix 3 SLT roles and responsibilities Working document (draft)

Appendix 4 Guide to full re-opening COVID re-opening document

Appendix 5 Adapted times of day and floor plans COVID information document

Appendix 6 Risk Assessment COVID re-opening document

Appendix 7 Presentation to Staff for re-opening COVID re-opening document

Appendix 8 Information for parents pre-opening COVID re-opening document

Appendix 9 Parent communication pre-opening COVID re-opening document

Appendix 10 Tiered Closure policy COVID information document

Appendix 11 Remote Learning policy COVID information document

Appendix 12 Ofsted update link https://www.gov.uk/guidance/interim-phase-maintained-schools-and-academies