Have More Energy, Better Sleep and a Feeling of …€¦ · Have More Energy, Better Sleep and a...


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Have More Energy, Better Sleep and a Feeling of Well-Being:

Laminine, a True Breakthrough in Nutrition

by Peter Glickman, author of the bestselling Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier in 10 Days

Copyright © 2013 Peter Glickman, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Laminine® is a registered trademark of LifePharm Global. The clipart images of the sleeping girl and the stressed out man are copyright © 2007 Microsoft.

Peter Glickman, Inc. is an independent Lifepharm Global distributor and all information and opinions expressed by the author are his and not endorsed by LifePharm Global.

Laminine supports the normal function and structure of the body and is not intended to prevent, cure, treat or mitigate any disease or illness. This information is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for licensed health care advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek professional medical advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 5

Testimonials ..................................................................................................................................... 6

What Is Laminine? ........................................................................................................................... 7

The Science Behind Laminine in Plain English, Part I .................................................................... 8

Regular use of Laminine .............................................................................................................. 8

Serotonin ...................................................................................................................................... 9

Dopamine ................................................................................................................................... 10

Cortisol ....................................................................................................................................... 11

Putting It Together ..................................................................................................................... 12

The Science Behind Laminine, Part II: Stem Cells ....................................................................... 13

How To Take Laminine ................................................................................................................. 14

For Best Results ......................................................................................................................... 14

My Dosage Guidelines ............................................................................................................... 15

Egg Allergy ................................................................................................................................ 15

For Children ............................................................................................................................... 15

For Pets ...................................................................................................................................... 15

For Wrinkles .............................................................................................................................. 15

How Long Does It Take For Results? ............................................................................................ 16

The 5 Stages of Disease ............................................................................................................. 17

Differences in Speed of Result Explained ................................................................................. 18

How Does This Apply to You? .................................................................................................. 19

Your Next Move To Better Health ............................................................................................ 19

Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................ 21

About the Author ........................................................................................................................... 22


Laminine first came to my attention in July 2012 when a friend of mine emailed me about her remarkable health improvement, which I found nearly unbelievable. Being an author of health books, I immediately began researching it on the web and was impressed with what I read. Laminine had some solid science behind it.

As I began to publish information on Laminine in my weekly newsletter, many of those who began using it reported results that continued to surprise me. In fact, as more people begin to take Laminine, I continue to be surprised by their dramatic stories.

My own personal results were nothing short of amazing. I was used to having more mental clarity, more energy and being happier for a few days when I did my quarterly juice fasts, but here were very similar results in a capsule! Within two hours of taking my first capsule of Laminine, I had a burst of energy and then felt calm, with a sense of well-being. That night, I slept better than I had in months.

I define “health” as a strong interest in life and abundant energy to pursue it. My research and experience has taught me that there are three pillars to vibrant good health: 1) detoxification—getting the bad stuff out, 2) nutrition—getting the good stuff in and 3) eliminating suppressive stress—people who are compelled to put down others to make themselves feel safe. Without all three, long-term consistent good health is impossible.

My passion in life is educating people on low-cost ways to have vibrant good health. That has been the drive behind my research and writing for the last ten years. The New York Times in an article published October 27, 2010 entitled “The Juice Cleanse: A Strange and Green Journey” reported that “cleansing’s more recent popularity is traceable” to my promotion of a juice fast.

I hope my promotion of Laminine brings even more people vibrant good health.


I would say the biggest gain I have gotten from Laminine is the increase of energy. I can honestly say that I lost my energy more than 30 years ago and have just been dragging my body around, trying to survive day after day. It's been really hard as I was always tired and my mental clarity has been nonexistent. Now I feel alive again! This is huge for me as I'd forgotten what it could be like. Another great thing is sleeping soundly. Even if I wake up in the middle of the night, I can go back to sleep. For at least 10 years whenever I woke up in the middle of the night, I would not be able to get back to sleep for at least two hours and it really wrecked my schedule as then I would have to sleep late into the morning to feel somewhat decent and rested. Before taking the Laminine, I would get up in the morning, work at home for 2-3 hours and then was tired and had to lie down and get more sleep. This is totally handled now! At 60 years old, I feel like a different person!

Karen H.

Peter, I was reading the information about taking Laminine and noticed the article about the lady that put Laminine on her wrinkles and they were gone. Well, I’m 60 and don’t have any wrinkles but I do have an age spot on my face/cheekbone about ¾ of an inch in diameter and I thought, “well, if it can get rid of wrinkles, why not an age spot, so I made the paste and put it on my spot, re-applying a couple of times, because it dries up, and I couldn’t believe how much it had lightened up—almost gone. Age spots have a rough texture to them and the roughness went away and my skin is nice and soft. I’ve just done it for two days but will continue until I’m sure it will disappear completely!

Cherry G.

My husband and I starting taking Laminine about a month ago. We are in great general health however I have been plagued with hot flashes, including a claustrophobic feeling for over 8 years. I had spent quite a little money on herbal remedies, having no relief and sometimes making the flashes worse. Within 1 week (!) of taking Laminine my flashes were down to one-fourth in frequency and intensity. A month later they are almost gone completely. I am truly astounded. My husband appreciates being able to “cuddle” again!

Deb R.

My body has been very healthy and I haven't been sick for more than 10 years. So, I wondered if I even needed to take Laminine. However after learning more about it, I decided to try it. Sometime after I took my first capsule I started to feel something where I had surgery a long time ago. The next day I felt I needed to take even more Laminine. Later, I realized the cells in the area where I had surgery were injured and still had some fear and other negative emotions and thoughts from that experience. With Laminine it seemed that new cells were replacing the injured ones. I now understand how Laminine works and why it can handle so many different problems to bring people more health and happiness. Laminine seems to provide new cells to replace the old ones that somehow hold old injuries, negative emotions and negative thoughts. So, Laminine helps to clean up the old cells in the body and replace them creating improved health again. Thank you, Peter.

Vidi R.

What Is Laminine?

Laminine is primarily an extract from high-quality, fertilized eggs laid by unconfined, well-nourished hens that have mated with roosters in a natural environment. It is that fertilization that mobilizes abundant nutrients, not just to support life, but to support the rapid growth of new life.

This extract is taken from the egg on the ninth day, just before the chicken embryo is formed. I believe the extract taken before the embryo is formed is the reason it is able to support body renewal in other species, both man and animals. My cat has benefited from its wound healing and immune support.

The other components of Laminine are marine (not shellfish) and vegetable protein; no drugs or drug-like herbs. No negative interactions have been observed with any medicine or other supplements. Laminine is just food and therefore safe for anyone not allergic to eggs.

The Science Behind Laminine in Plain English, Part I

Regular use of Laminine

Laminine (pronounced lamb-a-nine) is truly unique. It is not a vitamin, mineral, antioxidant, protein powder or anything else on the market today. It is a naturally occurring substance that triggers beneficial changes in the body, such as:

• increased physical, mental and emotional strength

• improved stamina and energy

• quicker recovery after work-outs and increased muscle tone

• reduced physical and mental stress

• more restful sleep

• elevated mood

• reduced pain sensation

• reduced signs of aging

• healthier looking skin

• increased libido

• increased alertness

• improved brain function and activity, including focus and mental clarity

• heightened sense of well-being

(Source: Laminine brochure, LifePharm Global Network)

How does it do this? Two different ways. Let us look at the first way.

It brings back into balance some of the body’s most important neurotransmitters. A neurotransmitter is a chemical produced in a nerve (neuro) that is sent (transmit) to a receiving nerve to cause the receiving nerve to do something.


Among the neurotransmitters that Laminine affects is serotonin. Serotonin has been shown to positively influence:

• appetite

• sleep

• memory

• learning

• body temperature

• mood

• libido

• cardiovascular function

• muscle contraction

• hormone regulation and

• depression

(Source: “Serotonin and Its Uses,” Andrea Byrd, Bryn Mawr College paper, 1999)

Perhaps this is why some people taking Laminine report falling asleep more easily; a deeper, more restful sleep and elevated mood.


Another neurotransmitter that Laminine affects is dopamine. Dopamine is best known for the pleasure and satisfaction it produces in certain situations, such as exercise, eating, sex, and drugs. Drugs produce a temporary high by artificially preventing dopamine from being eliminated after it has been produced. When the drug wears off, the dopamine suddenly drops, leaving the person craving more drugs to get the wonderful feeling back. Laminine regulates (usually increasing) dopamine production so there is no sudden drop and therefore no feeling of addiction.

Other dopamine research suggests it is related to extroverted behavior in people, making them more outgoing and reward seeking. In addition, some mental diseases, such as Parkinson’s and schizophrenia, have also been shown to be related to decreased levels of dopamine.

(Sources: Wikipedia article on Dopamine, accessed on Feb. 5, 2013 and “ Dopamine and Addiction,” Imran Siddiqui, Bryn Mawr College paper, 1999)


Not all effects of Laminine are due to neurotransmitters, though. A significant effect is Laminine’s ability to regulate cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands that sit atop the kidneys. It has been called the stress hormone.

Cortisol increases the amount of energy in the body by releasing sugar that has been stored in fat cells, manufacturing additional sugar from reserves in the liver and converting muscle cells into even more sugar for energy. All this energy was once very useful when our ancestors needed to run from saber-tooth tigers or fight them. However, aside from rare physical emergencies, its modern function is to help us start the day and, indeed, cortisol levels are highest in the morning and about half that much around midnight.

As part of its function to prepare the body for extreme physical effort, it raises blood pressure and reduces immune activity, freeing the body to use all its energy for the external effort of fighting or running. The reduction of immune activity is what makes people under stress highly susceptible to illness.

Cortisol also reduces the pleasure chemicals serotonin and dopamine to ensure you will not be calm and feel good when you need to handle that dangerous saber-tooth tiger. While this was perfect when life-threatening situations were common, stress has become a major problem in modern life.

Although a little cortisol in the morning gets us going, extended periods of high cortisol are very destructive to the body. Over a long period, cortisol:

• stimulates appetite

• has been linked to obesity

• causes collagen loss in the skin (wrinkles)

• increases blood pressure

• interferes with mental clarity and focus

• causes hardening of the arteries

• reduces growth hormone and testosterone

• increases osteoporosis (bone loss)

• impairs fertility

• increases muscle loss

• causes depression

• damages brain cells

• impairs learning

(Sources: Wikipedia article on Cortisol and “ Stress Effects and Stress Management,” Psychological Harassment Information Assn. website, both accessed on Feb. 5, 2013)

Putting It Together

Perhaps now you can see how Laminine helps support:

• increased physical, mental and emotional strength

• improved stamina and energy

• quicker recovery after work-outs and increased muscle tone

• reduced physical and mental stress

• more restful sleep

• elevated mood

• reduced pain sensation

• reduced signs of aging

• healthier looking skin

• increased libido

• increased alertness

• improved brain function and activity, including focus and mental clarity

• heightened sense of well-being

In addition, the key ingredient of Laminine was found to have an anti-depressive effect in a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food (Ester Solberg, “The Effects of Powdered Fertilized Eggs on Depression.” July/August 2011)

But if these are only half of Laminine’s charm, what is the other half?

The Science Behind Laminine, Part II: Stem Cells

In October 2012, something completely revolutionary won the Nobel Prize for Medicine: stem cells. Stem cells are cells that can become different types of cells, for instance a stem cell might become a brain cell or nerve cell. Other stem cells might become liver cells, heart cells or cells of other organs. This is how the single cell of a fertilized egg can become the entire body: eyes, stomach, skin, hair, etc. In addition to becoming various types of cells, stem cells also have the ability to renew themselves throughout the life of the body.

Stem cell treatment has been of great interest because scientists and doctors realize that stem cells might be able to recreate failing and diseased parts of the body. For example in 2010, surgeons in the United Kingdom gave an 11 year-old boy a brand new airway in the throat (trachea) that was grown entirely from his own stem cells. Two years later, at the age of 13, the boy was well, happy and did not need any drugs to prevent his body from rejecting the new airway because it was actually grown from his own cells.

As reported in 2012 in the British Medical Association Journal, an American surgeon, Robert Lanza, enabled two women, who had degeneration of vision in their eyes (macular degeneration), to partially regain some of the sight they lost using stem cell treatment by injecting stem cells into their eyes. On the basis of this work, he was granted FDA approval for clinical trials in the US.

Stem cell treatment for a leg injury allowed Raven to become the highest scoring TeamUSA horse at the London 2012 Olympics.

Previously stem cells were only found in embryos and were controversial because obtaining those stem cells required destroying the embryo. However, Shinya Yamanaka, one of the two scientists sharing the 2012 Nobel Prize for Medicine for their work in stem cells, discovered a way to make stem cells from ordinary skin cells! This was a huge breakthrough because it meant that stem cells could be gotten from other sources than embryos by turning ordinary cells into stem cells. These new stem cells then could be used to renew and repair damaged organs, opening the door to stem cell treatment on a much wider scale.

In order to transform these cells, he put the skin cells into a solution containing growth factors. Growth factors are capable of signaling cells to grow larger, to reproduce to make more cells, and to differentiate into particular types of cells, such as stomach cells or skin cells. (These growth factors should not to be confused with human growth hormone which is a totally different thing.)

Certain cells in your body develop into bone, cartilage or collagen. (Collagen holds the body together. It is found in your skin, the clear part of your eye, cartilage, bone, blood vessels, intestines and the discs of your spinal cord. Collagen makes up about one-third of your body.) These special cells are called fibroblasts because they are in the shape of fibers. The growth factor that signals these cells to become new skin, hair, nails and blood vessels is called fibroblast growth factor . As you might imagine, this growth factor is very important in healing wounds.

Fibroblast growth factor also plays an important role in the development and maintenance of your brain and nerve cells. So much so that its lack can lead to birth defects or brain/nerve malfunction. The reason Laminine is unique and completely different from any other supplement on the market is that Laminine contains fibroblast growth factor. It is this unique property that may explain its wide range of results.

How To Take Laminine

Although Laminine contains all the essential amino acids that make up protein in our bodies, the unique ingredient in Laminine is a growth factor that directs and signals the other “building blocks” of the body (such as protein, minerals, etc.) where to go to repair the body. As such, Laminine does not cure, heal or treat or mitigate any disease or condition. It simply allows the body to heal itself. This idea of the body healing itself is nearly 2,000 years old in the Western world as taught by the Father of Western Medicine, Hippocrates.

Early in my experience taking Laminine, I thought that it always produced abundant energy and so only took it during the day. However, my 94-year-old father-in-law told me he takes it before bed to help him sleep better. That is how I discovered that Laminine will adjust what it does based on your body’s own rhythms—giving you energy during the day and helping you sleep at night.

The body’s repair and rebuilding may occasionally cause “retracing,” which is the temporary re-experiencing of old illnesses, injuries or pains as the body throws off the old illness, injury or pain and recovers. This has been referred to as a healing crisis, die-off reaction, detox symptom or Herxheimer reaction. It is a very common experience in alternative healing. (To learn more about it, see the next section, “How Long Does It Take For Results?”.)

To avoid an unpleasant retracing, I suggest you start as I did with one capsule in the morning on the first day and then one in the morning and one in the afternoon the second day. Then take two in the morning and two in the afternoon each day for two weeks. If retracing should occur and you are only taking one capsule, you can either take half a capsule or reduce the effectiveness of the capsule by taking it with food.

A recent study had shown that starting with four capsules a day produces the best results in healthy people. I only took one the first day and two the second day and then took two capsules twice a day for two weeks. After that, I reduced it to one capsule in the morning and one in the afternoon for another two weeks. Then I took one a day for months. Later, I wanted more results and increased the number I was taking.

After I had been taking Laminine for a few months, I did not feel the same degree of energy and well-being. So, I decided to stop taking it to see the difference. It only took four days for me to discover that it was making a much larger difference than I thought. If my first results were a ten, I discovered they had dropped to about a five. So, when I stopped taking it the difference was still dramatic. Once I began taking it again, I increased to the four capsules a day and my results went up to an eight.

Many people can sense how much their body needs and when best to take it. For more stress or more chronic conditions, there is no problem with taking more capsules on a long-term basis. It is a whole food supplement made from eggs, fish and peas. If you are in doubt, check with your health professional.

For Best Results

Take your Laminine on an empty stomach with water only (no coffee, tea or juice), away from medication or other supplements. That means at least two hours after eating or drinking anything else (water is permitted) and at least 30 minutes before eating or drinking anything else. Taking it immediately when you wake up is the best time in the morning. If your schedule allows, take Laminine throughout the day one capsule at a time, on an empty stomach.

My Dosage Guidelines

• I am not aware of any unsafe dose. It is only food.

• I took one capsule first thing in the morning on the first day and two the second day to ensure I wouldn't have any serious retracing (temporarily re-experiencing a past unhealthy condition as the body repairs itself) before going to four a day.

• After the first two days, I "front-loaded" my body with at two capsules, twice a day for two weeks.

• As my body regenerated, it sometimes experienced retracing. At that point, I either: a) continued the same amount, b) took more to push my way through it or c) took less to experience less retracing.

• If I want to sleep better, I take it before I go to bed or if I wake up in the middle of the night.

• If I feel I am getting no result (after having a result previously) I take more.

• If I have too much energy or retracing, like tiredness, I take less.

• If I get a result I like, I keep taking that amount or may experiment with less. (There's no sense in wasting money by taking more than I need.)

Egg Allergy

Although there are no reports of any side effects in Laminine studies, if you have an egg allergy you should NOT take Laminine as it contains an extract from the white of an egg.

For Children

Because Laminine is a food, it can be taken by anyone who is eating solid food. Children should start with just one per day. If it seems to be too much, open the capsule and use half. For children who do not swallow capsules, open a capsule and mix it in water. If they will not drink that, add it to yogurt. If you have questions, consult your health care professional.

For Pets

Laminine is great for pets. Besides my own cat, several pet owners have told me how much more active and happy their pets become on Laminine. Open a capsule and put the contents in their food bowl. Most animals like egg protein and will like Laminine. Many will lick it right out of your hand. You can also add it to coconut oil. If neither of those work, add a small amount to another protein they will eat.

For Wrinkles

There is a story about a lady who had some extra Laminine. So, she opened the capsule, mixed it with water and put it on her wrinkles to see what would happen. The next morning she reported the wrinkles were gone. Another lady tried it on her age spots and they became much lighter and lost their rough quality. My wife found that after putting the Laminine paste on her face, if she rubbed in some moisturizer the Laminine didn’t flake off quickly and stayed on longer.

How Long Does It Take For Results?

When I first heard of Laminine, I researched it and discovered there was good science behind the amazing results I heard.

At the time, I was researching a healthy weight-loss diet and didn’t want to interrupt my diet research to try the product personally. So, while I stayed on my healthy weight-loss diet for a month, I asked my lovely wife to take it and let me know her results. Unfortunately, my wife had no results after two weeks, but then she seldom gets fast results with any supplements.

By that time, I finished my diet research and was ready to try Laminine myself.

Within two hours of taking it, I felt a huge surge of energy from my nervous system. Six hours later I began to get a mild headache. I seldom have headaches and then only from a bad bout of the flu, if at all. This time it seemed like my brain was expanding and therefore making my brain ache!

The headache went away overnight and I awoke the next day with a tremendous feeling of well being and happiness. My wife was jealous, but she knows I normally get very fast results.

Some of the other people taking the product also had amazing results quickly. One fellow, who had severe pain for years, had it drop from a seven to a five on a one-to-ten pain scale on the very first dose and the next morning it dropped to three. People at his work who had never spoken to him before (He had worked there for ten years.) began to come to him to tell him he was much funnier than they ever realized.

Another man, who was unable to get more than a couple hours sleep a night because of a horribly painful condition, was finally able to sleep after only two days of taking it. And yet, my wife had no response.

After some weeks, I had two people out of 40 ask for a refund because they had no results. (Laminine is sold with a 30-day money back guarantee and after 6 months, I have only had six percent ask for refunds.)

I was perfectly willing to have the company refund their money. I think it is the only way to do business. However, I felt I failed to relay to them the difference in time necessary to get results for each person and therefore they might have missed getting results if they had stuck with it.

So, with that as a background, I decided to research Laminine in depth to understand this variation in results.

The 5 Stages of Disease

The key to unlock the riddle is that disease is really a process that goes through several stages before it appears as a diagnosable disease. This alternative health concept is quite different than the medical concept that disease appears relatively suddenly on its own.

Alternative health sees the first few stages of disease as normal body processes to combat the toxic influences on the body. A cold develops to more rapidly detoxify the body with a runny nose and fever. From an alternative health point of view, it should be allowed to run its course. The body is handling the cause of future ill health by rapidly (if unpleasantly) detoxifying. Medicine sees the same cold symptoms and prescribes something to stop the symptoms (the sneezing, runny nose and fever) and therefore does not address the actual cause of the cold.

You might look at the cold/flu season, which follows the holiday season with its ritual overeating of meat, rich foods, sweets and alcohol, as nature attempting to clean out the body. If this detoxification is prevented, future problems are allowed to grow.

The following are the stages of disease starting with the mildest form.

Elimination — when the body is first assaulted with toxic substances that impede the body’s normal function, the body attempts to eliminate them. Such substances could be from normal digestion such as uric acid from digesting meat; a bacterial infection such as strep throat; a bee sting or even pesticides. These would be neutralized by the liver and then eliminated through pooping, peeing, coughing, sweating or exhaling.

Irritation — when the body is overwhelmed by toxins and the normal elimination channels are not sufficient to eliminate all the toxins that come in, the body throws additional means of elimination into gear, such as skin rashes, bad breath, diarrhea, etc.

Inflammation — when the additional means of elimination are insufficient to handle the toxic load, the body tries to localize the toxins. The resulting location becomes inflamed: red, swollen, hot and painful. Calling it tonsillitis just says the toxins “have taken up residence” in the tonsils; tendonitis says they have accumulated in the tendons (the tough white bands at the end of muscles that anchor them to the bones). Fever, from an alternative health point of view, is a good thing. The high temperature kills viruses and bacteria.

The above stages are usually easily resolved in a short time and the body heals itself. If these warning signals are ignored and the toxic load continues to overwhelm the body, the disease that has now become visible is becomes more difficult to handle.

Chronic disease — if the previous stages have not handled the problem, the body attempts to quarantine those toxins by sacrificing a particular organ or system to prevent death. Here, after all three of the preceding stages, we find growths and chronic disease such as ulcers, irritable bowel, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.

Organ failure, cancer — Unable to reverse the chronic disease, the body begins to die.

Differences in Speed of Result Explained

Dr. Chris Morris, a naturopathic doctor (one who uses food, herbs, water and natural means to cure; not surgery or drugs) with three decades of experience and Tina Johnson, his partner in the practice, have been treating hundreds of patients with Laminine. They have observed that about 30% feel results within hours or days because the nervous system and endocrine (hormone) system circuits are reconnected. Another 30% see results in from one week to one month because they are most likely seeing the immune system engage in ways it did not prior to taking Laminine. Another 30% may take two to three months to experience results because they are seeing shifts in their heart function, blood circulation, digestion, breathing and libido (all regulated by the part of the nervous system that is automatic).

Dr. Morris and Tina explained another reason for the difference in response time they have seen. Those people who have been detoxifying and supplying their bodies with good nutrition get results much faster than others.

Re-experiencing detox symptoms is a double-edged sword. Although they are unpleasant, they indicate the body is taking steps to regain health.

Looking back on the differences in my results and my wife’s, it now made sense. I had done several juice fasts to detoxify my body and had just finished a cleansing vegan diet for a month. She likes her coffee, has only done three juice cleanses and had a bit of arthritis in one hand.

By the way, my wife started to get results after several weeks and now takes it regularly.

How Does This Apply to You?

First you should understand the points made above:

1. Disease is a process that goes through several stages before it appears as a disease.

2. This alternative health concept is quite different than the medical concept that disease can appear suddenly in an apparently healthy person.

3. Alternative health sees the first few stages of disease as normal body processes to combat the toxic influences on the body that should be allowed to run their course, so the body can eliminate the toxins that are assaulting the body.

4. Medicine sees the first few stages of disease as symptoms and prescribes something to stop them (the sneezing, runny nose and fever). Therefore it doesn’t address the actual cause of the cold.

5. Disease that is in a later stage takes longer for the body to heal itself. So, you should give yourself enough time to see results.

6. Laminine helps the body renew and repair itself by supporting the body’s essential balancing factors. Laminine itself does not heal, cure or mitigate any disease.

7. If you have any medical conditions or questions, you should consult a licensed health care practitioner.

Your Next Move To Better Health

Go to http://mylifepharm.com/index.php?page=retail.html&Distributor=vibrantgoodhealth to try it for yourself.

http://www.mylifepharm.com/index.php?page=retail.html&Distributor=jojoannGo to http://www.mylifepharm.com/index.php?page=retail.html&Distributor=jojoann to try it for yourself.


Imagine possibility without limits.

Possibility, you know, has a sensation.

Pure possibility, without limits, feels something like knowing for certain that you are about to achieve something you have dreamed of, and worked for, for years—only much more intense.

It feels like you’re a star in the heavens radiating shining energy in all directions—above, below, forward, to the sides, behind—and you are sending this out—without limits, infinitely—throughout the universe to everyone and everything.

It is a feeling that is far too powerful to be contained in a body. It is much too large for it. It is too intense for it.

It is the greatest feeling imaginable...........and it is you.

Peter Glickman 17 February 2012


I want to thank Dr. Chris Morris and Tina Johnson of Mind, Body, Spirit for their generous contributions of time and knowledge.

I would also like to thank Nancy Frisch and Jon Lumsden for their proofreading and editing.

Finally, but most important, I would like to thank my wonderful wife of 43 years, Marlene, without whom none of this would have been possible.

About the Author

Peter Glickman graduated from Reed College in 1968 with a BA in Psychology and a double minor in art and mathematics. He has been involved in health since 1994. He has managed a chiropractic clinic, established a massage school curriculum for licensing in Georgia, and established a medical/chiropractic rehab clinic and a chelation clinic. (Chelation is an alternative medical practice that uses an intravenous solution to dissolve plaque in all the arteries, not just the small section that is replaced in a bypass operation.)

In 2003, Mr. Glickman discovered the Master Cleanse, developed by Stanley Burroughs, found it to be dramatically effective as a detox diet and began to promote it through his website. In 2004 he wrote “Lose Weight Have More Energy & Be Happier in Ten Days,” a book on the Master Cleanse. Since then, his book has been translated into eight foreign languages, was on Amazon’s alternative medicine bestseller list for more than four years and is currently #1 in Kindle for Preventative Medicine and Diet Therapy.

In 2012, Mr. Glickman discovered Laminine and now actively promotes it as well as the Master Cleanse because he finds Laminine to be a unique supplement that produces dramatic, beneficial results quickly for many people.

You can email Mr. Glickman at peter@vibrantgoodhealth.com.
