Handling Objections( no objections/only concerns or excuses)



Handling Objections( no objections/only concerns or excuses). Don’t answer Objections-Handle them!. Ground Rules -. If you receive objections before the presentation,You need to learn proper Prospecting(Contact,qualify and invite) SW principle (Some people cross the forest-not see firewood) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Handling Objections(no objections/only concerns or excuses)

•Don’t answer Objections-Handle them!

If you receive objections before the presentation,You need to learn proper Prospecting(Contact,qualify and invite)•SW principle (Some people cross the forest-not see firewood)•List them down-only that?•Reduce statements-ask questions•Never Argue/Don’t be arrogant/Don’t take a defensive stand

•If you can overcome an objection in your presentation before he raises it, you are more likely to make a deal

Ground Rules -

GQ is not just making money but we influence the whole personality of the person)

Pretended Listening

Selective Listening

Verbal Listening(superficial,exchange of words-do not go deep and understand-no time-he wants to how much time required)

Intensive Listening

Communication(understanding what exactly someone wants to tell you and answer accordingly)

Technical ObjectionsIf it breaks/if one does not work/how the company pay this much

Ideological Objections

No money,no time,I don,t want this type of money,cheating friends

Main Objections No Time No money No Contacts How can we trust GQ Guarantee-after 5 yrs

Product deliveryCheque Delivery

Family problems How much did you make? I don’t want to beg!/I don’t have

this much time Saturation Stagnation Risk TCO/Nominee dies

Don’t know presentation Pyramiding/Money chain Let me think about it Let me get my 2 Will join-not work Too expensive/Can’t afford Who will support? How pay commission I don’t want to spoil f-ship I don’t know computer/how to present I don’t believe in you I don’t want spoil my status Where can I sell? Too difficult

Let me think about it!Is a stall ,not a real objection.--find out the true objection—HOW?

Great, that means u r interested? Yes, I am. U R not just saying, let me think about it’s just to get rid of me-are you, Mr.X(in a

humorous way) Oh, no, no, no (laughter) Do you have anyone else to discuss before you make a decision? When you think it over naturally you will develop some doubts-won’t u? I know, that u are an expert in your field. Likewise I am experienced in NWM. Why don’t we think it over together when I am right here to answer your concerns? Could you please tell me ,what was the main thing you wanted to think about? bring out

the real objection)Reasons:-Doesn’t have money-Can’t decide on his own-doesn’t need your product-doesn’t trust u or

have confidence in u and business-he has his friend already in-doesn’t like you)

No Contacts/don’t know anybody

Is that the only problem?Do you really need it?If we suggest a practical way which we

follow - something which is working for us-would you go for it?

How many people you need?Help him to make a list of……..

How pay this much commission

Product sales/cycle productMax-outBalanced Binary

From where a company make profit-end user.Traditional business-infrastructureSalary and other operational cost of sales force

go before sale-ONLY AFTER SALE

Will join-not work

Don’t join

If you need a product, not business, go ahead

Too expensive

Presentation failure

Anything on cost price? What is the cost of your shirt? Cost of BMW

Who decide the price? Any gold shop staffs? Gold-Alukkas, Rolls Royce, dozens of shop Allowed Mark up + making charge Gold price+profit+royalty+minting charge+commision

Why are you buying?Fascinated? Buy business

How much-USD25000-40%-10,000-800 per month Time-hard earned cash-risk-inventories-tax people

Which is cheaper

• Why do you ask that question-no support.

• Do you really need it?

• PBO- Willing to take ownership? Self sustaining.

• You need support until you become able.

• We will support you.

• Leaders developing worldwide.

Where are the leaders?Who will support us/locally/o-seas

Why do you ask that question? whether it will work.

Which business make big money in 3 months?

I am 3 months-have 4/3.

2 weeks/learning/1st person/

8 months/did not take seriously-arrogant, secure job/potential

How much did you make?


E-commerce-Amazon .com/DVD express. COM

Company willing to share profit –illegal?Traditional Marketing-Chain of

distribution -Nike/ Sachin/ Amitha B

Referral marketing/Visa CardSystem to share


Feel…..You don’t like pyramids-do you?What’s a pyramid?One on the top-Like a bankTop earn more-Like your company?1001Shape-like a church/family/office2 Column-Differentiate-Pyramiding-no

product/not legal/head hunting-smuggling

I don’t want this type of money/ friends money/spoil relationship

1. Presentation failure-No value in the business-LEARN!!

2. He is not your friend------if he is your friend,

• Do you think that I came to grab some money from you?

• I found opportunity-wanted to share.

This Type of money

• May I ask you-what do you really mean?

• Easy money? Free Money?

• Do you really need it?• If your concern is getting people-I will help you.

I cannot beg/I don’t have this much time

Your presentation was a failureThis is what you are doingBe professional/posture/be boldThey need you more than you need them

I don’t want to spoil my status

Don’t do it

Where can I sell it?

WebsiteKerala Numismatic ExhibitionNumismatic is new-GQ is making it more

popular-will conduct auctions and exhibitions

Do I have to bring 6?I cannot get people

Let me get my 2 first Your presentation was a failureTrue, if you go now with 2% knowledgeLearn and then start cautiously with up lineRestaurant-

people will come

food and service good-do it professionally

Do you really need it-we will help you.

SaturationLast person

Presentation Failure

Prove as Theoretical1959-5% not covered by AmwayDriving license/church/cars/TVWorried about your family or the

proverbial last person!

Do you really need it?


For those who don’t do it professionally, over a period of time


What? Buying a quality product like TV

Guarantee/product- cheque delivery/company there after 5 years

Credibility What is the guarantee-Business –business people

No guarantee-Your company-guarantee/your job-new blood5 years 10 million-6 years back-300 million IPO Diversification-showed in the presentation/website -QI GQ proceed with a 25 year plan Vision-to become a billion $ company by 2010

Let me tell you….. Cannot start business/what might happen

Worried about my family

I don’t know how to present/I don’t know computer

FeelWhat is our age?Could you run from day one?Sequential growth which took years

FeltDo you really need it-train yourself

I don’t believe in you

Commit suicide Reconsider your value

If you are too Young Take your up line when dealing with hard-core people Arun/ Bala/ Manoj- your professionalism self image and conviction

TCO/Nominee dies

Law of the land

No MoneyExcuse/Real concern Excuse Presentation was a flop Feel Only problem- if u had enough money would you have joined? When u say no money, no money at all or shortage? Do you really need it? Ask introducer-are you willing to help?YES-25% to 50%

Genuine He lacks money-low paid-but can make if he wishes Give him a shoulder-Feel Do you really need it? Recall the gap in money How many years are you working? When will u get money to build a better future/stay with family

Practical options Did you bring anybody? Emergency leave/arranged money overnight

No timeExcuse/Real concern

Excuse Presentation was a flop

Only problem- if u had time would you have joined?

How much time you need? Do you really need it? If I show some practical options,

would u?

Genuine He lacks time-but can make if he wishes How many years are you working? Recall the gap in money When will u get time to build a better future/stay with

family Do you really need it? If I show some practical options,

would u?

Spouse Problem

Have you shared your vision with wife?Does she know how important it is?

Take wife for presentationInclude herSpend time with them

Too difficult to DO

Agree-deep in our heart we know itBusiness will be powerful-realistic-attractive and

we will be respected if we say-I am showing an opportunity which can change your life in 3-4 yrs, hard, difficult but not impossible. Before presenting, let me ask you some questions-if u r not willing to humble yourself and go through training, sacrifice and learn new things- I and you will be wasting our time. This is highly rewarding, fulfilling and profitable-but be willing to pay the price.


People make excuses because it makes them feel better.

Every thing starts with the LEADERS

Do you as a leader have the necessary qualities to lead your organization to an excuse free culture?

Are you setting up an excuse free culture?


Like it’s said – If you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen

Genuine commitment can be measured in four ways

-The willingness to change

-The willingness to risk

-The willingness to invest time

-The willingness to invest money

The commitment is evident in actions and not in intentions
