Han de Nijs Branch Head Operational Analysis Capability ... · conceptual solutions to capability...


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Han de Nijs Branch Head Operational Analysis

Capability Engineering Division, ACT



!!CD&E in NATO !!Methods of Collaboration !!Civil Military Fusion Center !!Maritime Situational Awareness –

Assessment Game !!Future Collaboration !!Way Ahead



!! Concept: A solution-oriented transformational idea that addresses a capability shortfall or gap

!! Concept Development: A process aimed at identifying conceptual solutions to capability shortfalls or gaps.

!! Experimentation: Based on a conceptual rationale, an experimentation is a controlled investigation to discover information, confirm or disprove a hypothesis or formally validate a concept.

!! CD&E Policy: MC-0583 September 2009 !! CD&E Process: MCM-0056-2010 July 2010


Interaction with NATO Defence Planning Process

Establish Political


Determine Requirements

Apportion Requirements

Set Targets Facilitate


Review Results Improving

Alliance Capabilities



33 44


Concept Development and Experimentation


Capability Gap

Determine Requirements!

Research and Technology!

New Ideas

Lessons Learned!


Determine Requirements!

Apportion Requirements!

Set Targets!Game

Analytical Study



Concept Paper






White Paper


Test & Evaluation




CD&E - Benefits for Industry and NATO

!! CD&E is a pre-trajectory of the “Requirements Elicitation” and “Solutioneering” Phases !! Brainstorming of Initial Innovative Ideas !! Structuring of Ill-defined or Wicked Problems !! Stakeholder & Customer Uncertainty !! Determine Operational Value and Feasibility !! Concept Initiation, Assessment and Refinement !! Hypothesis Formulation and Experiment !! Prototype Development and Validation

!! Industry involvement allows for increased knowledge and awareness of NATO’s areas of interest

!! Industry participation enables scoping, bounding, shaping and exploration of the conceptual space


Methods of Collaboration

!! NATO Industrial Advisory Group (NIAG) !! Undertakes High Level Studies

!! Research and Technology Organization (RTO) !! Nations and NATO Agencies & Commands collaborate jointly in

Studies, Symposia, Workshops, Lectures

!! NATO Civil Experts !! Direct Support to NATO Committees

!! Framework For Collaborative Interaction (FFCI)

!! Mutual Benefit


Principles of FFCI •! NATO Rules & Regulations •! Fairness •! Transparency •! Positive Partnering •! Costs lie where they fall •! Non-procurement phase, ..

Civil Military Fusion Center and CIMICWeb

!! CFC – The Organization; CIMICWeb – The Technology !! CIMICWeb facilitates the sharing of information between

civilian and military actors working on complex crisis in order to enhance their sense of awareness

!! ACT and Microsoft collaboration in five projects !! Signing of Declaration of Mutual Cooperation on 26 Sept 2010 !! Cooperation with Microsoft started with CIMICWeb !! Extended now into Business Management Techniques,

Knowledge Retention, Cloud Computing and Health Records !! Collaboration with industry according to FFCI legal and

contractual guidelines and regulations

Maritime Situational Awareness

!! “NATO MSA is an enabling capability which seeks to deliver the required Information Superiority in the maritime environment to achieve a common understanding of the maritime situation in order to increase effectiveness in the planning and conduct of operations.“*

!! Concept and Solutions: DOTMLPFI approach !! Procedures: Experimental Tactics !! Organization: Maritime Op Center !! Materiel: System Software !! Interoperability: Information Sharing between Nations

!! Experimentation: Assessment of Concept & Solutions


* MCM-0140-2007, NATO Concept for Maritime Situational Awareness, 14 Jan 08

Concept Development Assessment Game

A Concept Development and Assessment Game (CDAG) is a game played by concept developers and / or end users to develop new concept ideas or assess concepts or elements of concept in an

operational context

•! Intermodal Transport •! Container Shipping

•! EADS Sensors and Systems

•! Operations Research

•! Ocean Shipping •! Port Operations


Feedback (1)

!! Personally I deeply believe that was great idea to invite civil shipping and port experts to support planning of sea military actions. Our experience as well as the way of analyzing discussed vignettes from the perspective of commercial shipping gave military staff some practical and fruitful hints how to plan and prepare such operations in the best possible way. We as shipping industry also got some more practical knowledge about ways of cooperation with the navies particularly in respect of threat and real danger of pirates and terrorist attacks like in the Somali waters. I’m absolutely convinced that this way of cooperation should be continued on a regular basis. Thanks again for giving me opportunity to take part in the MSA game. !! Roman Wozniak Transport Group (TG) (Ocean Shipping) Expert


Feedback (2)

!! My participation to the May MSA War Game in Oberammergau was as close as I ever got to real operations since I joined the NATO PBIST many years ago: I found it to be a personally thrilling and professionally interesting experience because, as industry experts, we could immediately witness the relevance and quality of our contribution and suggestions to the proceedings. Ultimately, I am part of PBIST to be able to bring value added industry experience to NATO, and the MSA War Game was a good opportunity to test this capability. !! Andrea Migliuolo Transport Group (TG) (Inland Surface Transport) Expert

!! “I have given two lectures on the game to our management [pointing out] how well some of our future products [may] fill NATO’s MSA needs”, !! Dr. Heinz Ower – EADS Manching, DEU


CD&E & Industry Future Collaboration under FFCI

!! Concept Initiation & Refinement !! Global Commons – Space and Cyber Domains !! Security Force Assistance !! Shared Awareness

!! Assessment Game Methodology !! Countering Hybrid Threats !! Operations Logistics Chain Management

!! Demonstration and Experimentation !! Information Sharing and Knowledge Access !! Interoperability, Simulation & Training !! Social Networking and Knowledge Management

Way Ahead

!! FFCI application in CD&E (and R&T) !! Common Ground and Common Interest !! Structured Collaboration

!! Objectives: Information and Knowledge !! Non-Procurement Phases

!! True Element of Comprehensive Approach !! Integration of Elements of Power: Military,

Economic, Civil, Political Domains
