Halloween 2008 - Tarzan and the Lost Tribe of the Amazons



My design was based on both Maya temples in Mexico, as well as the Ennis House designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in Hollywood, California

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Halloween 2008 – Tarzan and the Lost Tribe of the Amazons

The Invitation

The Design


The Stage/ Main Temple (including the tree!)

Note: Construction took three months. The main stage (The Temple of the Gods) was 32’ long, 16’ deep and 16 high. The Pyramid of the Moon rose to 24 feet above the drive (16’ above the garage roof). The design was inspired by the Ennis House designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and the Mayan Temple of the Governor in Mexico.

The view from my bedroom window

Getting help from the boys!

Framing starts!

And then the reliefs-over 100 of them!

Painting the temple

Building the Pyramid of the Moon

The view from the Courtyard of the Forgotten Prince below

Fall is here!

The Frieze and…

…The Pyramid

Creating “The Abyss” beneath the Pyramid of the Sun

The Temple with just 1 week to go!

A close-up of the reliefs!

An evening shot of the Pyramid of the Moon and the Avenue of the Lions

Halloween night-The Lion King and his cub!

The Temple of the Gods at night!