Habitat Extra 2016 September


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Forest & Bird North Shore Branch Monthly Email Newsletter Sept 2016 View this email in your browser

Habitat Extra ­ North Shore Branch e­news

Climate Change and Mitigation ­ Low CarbonAuckland

The 2015 Climate conference in Paris generated pledges to mitigate greenhouse gasemissions sufficiently to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees. Can we doenough at the local level to achieve that goal?

Read more on our blog.

Branch NightChange from the bottom up – Saving New Zealand’s biological heritage

Monday 5 September 7.30pm

Bernard Michaux will cover some major findings of molecular genetics, particularly ofbirds, to bring home how valuable and unique the NZ biota is. He will also discuss the roleof the Internet in the citizen science movement, including the use of the site ‘eBird’ in localconservation battles.

Bernard is trained as a geologist and evolutionary biologist, and has worked much of hislife as a Waldorf maths teacher. His current interests are the biogeography of Indonesia,the western Pacific and the New Zealand Subantarctic Islands; Alfred Russel Wallace;ornithology; and citizen science.


Take place on the first Monday of each month excluding January, including public holidays.

Venue: Takapuna Senior Citizens’ Hall, The Strand – through the courtyard at the rear ofthe Takapuna Library.

Time: 7:30 p.m., starting with Native of the Month, Weed of the Month and Moth of theMonth (also known as “The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful”) and environmental updates,followed by our guest speaker.

Admission: A koha/donation is appreciated to cover costs. Please give generously. Non­members are welcome. Do join us for supper afterwards.

For further information, phone Pat Baskett on 473 7846.

Branch Trip ­ Kowhai Cruise

Sunday 11 September, 1:15 p.m. Enjoy the kōwhai blooming and birds singing along the Mahurangi River while sailingon the Jane Gifford, a scow over 100 years old. Join our branch on our first ever tripinto the Mahurangi Harbour on this vessel. Meet at the wharf, Wharf Street, Warkworth at 1:15 p.m. for a two­hour cruise withcommentary provided. Flat­soled shoes and weather appropriate clothing, including a

jacket, must be worn. Bring your own afternoon tea. The cost is $40 for adults, $20 for children (5–15 yrs). Family groups cost $100 (twoadults and two children). Payment must be made in advance to secure your place. Book or inquire with Jocelyn Sanders: jocsanders52@gmail.com or 479 2107.

Tuff Crater Work Day

Saturday September 10th 0900

Park at Canon. Put a note on your dash board to say you are an F&B volunteer. Go downthe path and turn left and left again at the metal roadway to meet at the green container.From there we will go to target invasive species on the north side of Tuff Crater. Meet formorning tea is the green container at 1030. All contributions most welcome as usual. If indoubt please phone Anne Denny on 021 121 4610 Thursday Mornings

Remember Anne Denny is holding regular working bees every Thursday morning at 9:30a.m. To find out more please phone Anne on 480 5570 or email annedenny@xtra.co.nz.

Thanks to our supporters

The Forest & Bird Tuff Crater Restoration Project is supported by Auckland Council,Kaipatiki Local Board, North Harbour Rotary and Foundation North and of course all of youvolunteers and donors. THANKYOU!

Join the team this Conservation Week10­18 September 2016

This year's Conservation Week is again themed around Healthy Nature HealthyPeople. Several events are planned around Auckland, including:

Capturing Nature With Your Smartphone, Birkdale, Saturday Sept 17thKura Track Walk and Search for Pupurangi (Kauri Snail), Whatipu, SaturdaySept 17th Practical conservation work at Eskdale Reserve (and their Nursery), TuffCrater and Shakespear Open Sanctuary.Compost Collective Workshop, several locations including Devonport andSnell's Beach

Great job to everyone who’s playing a part in showcasing ‘Our Nature’ atConservation Week this year.

It is fundraising time again.Please support our annual fundraiser by buying our superb F&B calendars and diaries.Funds raised from these sales help run our branch and contribute to work such as Tuff

Crater, defending nature and raising awareness.You can download an order form here

Volunteer RolesTreasurer

Our treasurer Ray Simpson will be stepping down next year. We need someone to take onthis really important role. The role involves managing several bank accounts, managingelectronic banking, attending committee meetings and preparing our annual accounts at

year end.

Speaker Coordinator – thanks Christine Ovens for taking on this role!

We welcome contributions to our monthly blog

It would be wonderful to have a diverse selection of contributions to our monthly blog viaHabitat Extra. If you have something to say about conservation please let us know. We arelooking for an article of about 400 words with photos. The editor reserves the right toexclude or edit any contributions.

If you are interested in any of these options please contactRichard.hursthouse@gmail.com or phone 021 216 1296.

Foundation North creates $5 million HaurakiGulf fund

Foundation North has launched a $5 million innovation fund that aims to findsolutions to complex environmental issues facing the Hauraki Gulf.

Gulf Innovation Fund.Together (GIF.T) will support innovative responses toenvironmental challenges in the Gulf over five years of focused grant making. Grants will be available to support projects from prototyping to implementation.

“The Hauraki Gulf is a major asset for all Aucklanders,” Foundation North CEOJennifer Gill says. “But we know that the Gulf’s environment is under pressurewhich is contributing to the degradation of both land and sea. We are looking topromote new thinking and collaboration to generate action and responses to turn thetide.”

Foundation North has a long history of supporting conservationprojects and the new innovation fund builds on thecollaborations and conservation work already happening in theGulf.

An innovation lab will be held on the 14th of September whereindividuals and groups can turn ideas into prototypes. Following the lab, ideas withstrong potential will be apply to access a small grant to enable first stage prototyping.

“It’s a breakthrough fund that we’re really excited to launch,” Project Manager KimCollins says.

“We want to engage a wide range of people who can make a difference to our region.

We believe someone out there has a creative solution to improving the gift of thisgulf, and we’re very keen to work with them.”

To learn more about the fund and register for the innovation lab, see our Gift of theGulf page here on the Foundation North website.

If you are interested in being part of this event please contact Richard Hursthouse­ Richard.hursthouse@gmail.com.

Children's Book LaunchOkura Village Hall, 3pm Saturday September 17th

“A Magpie Collection. Neighbours withFeathers” is Liliane Parkinson’s 8th book.She documents the birds found around theOkura Village and estuary, encouragingreaders to become bird detectives anddiscover the names, habitats and needs oftheir avian neighbours. The book is acaptivating mix of facts, photos, andLilianne’s quirky illustrations. QR­codes linkto the Radio NZ bird calls and an excellentwebsite www.amagpiecollection.comprovides further resources for children,parent and teachers.

Friends of Okura Bush are supporting thebook launch. Children are encouraged tomake and wear a bird mask to the event forthe chance to win a copy of A MagpieCollection (judging at 3.15pm) Signedcopies will be available for $20 (RRP$24.99). Proceeds from book sales at the launch will support the work of Friends of OkuraBush (FOOB).

Dean Baigent­Mercer is a Northland environmentalist ­ one whobridges, or attempts to bridge the divide between the aspirations ofconservationists and those who want to develop and utilise natural

resources for local iwi. Listen to the recent interview on Radio New Zealand here.

If you missed Philip Moll’s talk to our branch on the wildlife of ShoalBay you really missed a treat. Roger Clifton videoed the talk whichis available here.

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