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Sixth Grade ScienceUnit #6 Oceanography Pre Test

1. What is the name of the main salt in our ocean?

A. Potassium iodineB. Epsom saltC. Sodium ChlorideD. Glucose (sugar)

2. Which Ocean is located at #3?

A. ArcticB. AtlanticC. IndianD. PacificE. Southern

3. Which Ocean is located at #2?

A. ArcticB. AtlanticC. IndianD. PacificE. Southern

4. Which ocean is largest and deepest?

A. ArcticB. AtlanticC. IndianD. PacificE. Southern

5. Which ocean floor feature is very deep but FLAT?

A. continental shelfB. trenchC. mid-ocean ridgeD. abyssal plainE. continental slope

6. Which ocean floor feature is a single underwater mountain?

A. IslandB. SeamountC. Abyssal PlainD. Mid-Ocean RidgeE. Volcanic Island

7. What ocean floor feature (see picture) is found at divergent plate boundaries?

A. abyssal plainB. seamountC. mid-atlantic ridge

D. trenchE. continental slope

8. As water gets more dense, how does it move?

A. expands towards warmer waterB. gets pushed towards the polesC. sinks towards the ocean floorD. gets pulled up by evaporation

9. Two examples of surface currents are the Gulf Stream and

A. California CurrentB. Coriolis EffectC. Antarctic Bottom WaterD. North Atlantic Deep Water

10. What is the name of the surface current closest to Georgia (in the Atlantic Ocean)? Is this surface current a warm or cold current?

A. California Current, coldB. California Current, warmC. Gulf Stream, warmD. Gulf Stream, cold

11. What is the top of a wave called?

A. crestB. troughC. wave heightD. wavelength

12. What is the bottom of a wave called?

A. crestB. troughC. wave heightD. wavelength

13. What is the distance from crest to crest? (See Arrow)

A. crestB. troughC. wave heightD. wavelength

14. What is the distance from trough to crest called? (See arrow in picture)

A. crestB. troughC. wave heightD. wavelength

15. How many oceans are there?

A. FiveB. SixC. FourD. SevenE. Three

16. What are two types of currents?

A. surface currents and deep currentsB. open and closed currentsC. fast and slow currentsD. spring and neap currentsE. high and low currents

17. What pulls on the oceans to cause the tides?

A. The gravity of the sunB. The gravity of the moonC. The windD. Density

18. What are the two types of extreme TIDES?

A. Surface and DeepB. High and NeapC. Spring and NeapD. Spring and Winter

19. As you go deeper into the ocean, the temperature goes up.

T. TrueF. False

20. As you go deeper into the ocean, salinity increases.

T. TrueF. False

21. Which letter is pointing to the TRENCH?

A. CB. DC. ED. FE. G

22. Which letter is pointing to the VOLCANIC ISLAND?

A. CB. DC. ED. FE. G

23. Which letter is pointing to the MID-OCEAN RIDGE?

A. CB. DC. ED. FE. G

24. Which letter is pointing to the CONTINENTAL SHELF?

A. CB. DC. ED. FE. G

25. Which letter is pointing to the ABYSSAL PLAIN?

A. CB. DC. ED. FE. G

26. Which letter is pointing to the CONTINENTAL SLOPE?

A. AB. BC. CD. DE. F

27. Which letter is pointing to the SEAMOUNT?

A. CB. DC. ED. FE. G

28. Fish is a natural resource of the ocean.

T. TrueF. False

29. What surface current is identified on the map?

A. California CurrentB. Gulf StreamC. East Australian CurrentD. Canary Current

30. What causes a tsunami?

A. Underwater EarthquakesB. Underwater HurricanesC. WindD. Waves

31. Which two letters represent the location of a HIGH TIDE?

A. A & BB. B & DC. C & DD. A & C

32. Which two letters represent the location of a LOW TIDE?

A. A & BB. B & DC. C & DD. A & C

33. The sun is much more massive than the moon. Why does the Moon affect the Earth's tides more than the Sun?

A. The Sun is closer to the Earth than the Moon.B. The moon has craters, which creates more gravity.

C. The sun is too hot.D. The sun is too far away, so it has less affect on Earth.

34. What is the primary driving force for surface ocean currents?

A. density layeringB. global windsC. water temperature differencesD. salt concentration

35. What properties of air are affected by oceans, rivers, and lakes that are beneath the air?

A. Both the temperature of air and the amount of water vapor in air are affected by the oceans, rivers, and lakes beneath the air.

B. The temperature of air is affected by the oceans, rivers, and lakes beneath the air, but the amount of water vapor in the air is not.

C. The amount of water vapor in air is affected by the oceans, rivers, and lakes beneath the air, but the temperature of the air is not.

D. Neither the temperature of air nor the amount of water vapor in air is affected by the oceans, rivers, and lakes beneath the air.


A. Continental ShelfB. Continental SlopeC. Abyssal PlainD. Trench

37. What is the name of the volcanic chain on the ocean floor - (forms where oceanic crust pulls apart - new oceanic forms here)?

A. mid ocean ridgeB. volcanic islandC. seamountD. abyssal plain

38. What basic motion does water follow during the passage of a wave?

A. forwardB. backwardC. up and downD. circular

39. What is the primary driving force for surface ocean currents?

A. density layeringB. global windsC. water temperature differencesD. salt concentration

40. What is the primary driving force for surface ocean currents?

A. density layering

B. global windsC. water temperature differencesD. salt concentration

41. As energy moves in waves through the water, the water moves

A. in a small vertical circle.B. in waves toward the shore.C. in the direction of the waves.D. against the current

42. Waves interact with the ocean floor as they near the coastline. Choose the answer the supports this statement.

A. Wave height decreases and wavelength increases as a waves gets closer to the shore.

B. Wave height increases and wavelength decreases as a waves gets closer to the shore.

C. Both the wave height and wavelength increase as the wave gets closer to shore.

D. There is no change in the wave height or wavelength as a waves gets closer to the shore.

43. The diagram represents an ocean wave. Choose the statement that correctly describes the parts of an ocean wave.

A. 'A' represents wave height and 'D' represents wavelengthB. 'A' represents wavelength and 'D' represents wave heightC. 'A' represents the crest and 'D' represents the troughD. 'A' represents the trough and 'D' represents the crest

44. Which statement about tsunamis is true?

A. The Pacific Ocean has the greatest occurance of tsunamis because it is the largest ocean.

B. The Pacific Ocean has the greatest occurance of tsunamis because it sits on several plates that interact with each other.

C. The Atlantic Ocean has the greatest occurance of tsunamis because it is split by the mid-ocean ridge.

D. The Atlantic Ocean has the greatest occurance of tsunamis because the gulf stream is a warm surface current causing hurricanes.

45. How do warm-water currents affect the coastal areas along which they flow?

A. They create greater rainfall along the coast.B. They create unusually cool climates for the latitude.C. They create unusually warm climates for the latitude.D. They make the coastal climate cooler than the inland climate.

46. Compared with surface currents, deep currents are

A. colder and less dense.B. warmer and less dense.C. warmer and denser.D. colder and denser.

47. The curved paths of global winds and surface currents are caused by

A. the rotation of the Earth.B. cold air near the poles.C. warm air near the equator.D. continental deflection.

48. How does the warm current along the east coast of America affect the climate along the east coastal areas?

A. The climate will be warmer than inlandB. The climate will be colder than inlandC. The climate is not affectedD. The climate cannot be determined

49. The top of a pole at a beach was visible at 3pm, but later became submerged at 9pm. Your friend says the pole sank because the sand became loose at night. You disagree because you learned in your science class that the pole became submerged because of the following:

A. Low tides from a lack of recent rainfallB. High tides caused by the Moon’s gravityC. Smaller waves from a decrease in ocean currentsD. Stronger winds causing bigger waves

50. At which two points are the LOW tides occurring in the figure below?

A. At points 1 and 2B. At points 1 and 3C. At points 2 and 3

D. At points 2 and 4
