H-Bot Gantry Robot Remote...


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ECE 4600: Capstone Design I Winter-2015

H-Bot Gantry Robot Remote ControlJoao Prioli, Matheos Birck, Rodrigo Rovere, Vinícius Parizotto

Objective: To develop the control of a robot using themovements of the hand by wireless communication. This kind ofproject is useful in events that is desired or necessary to followthe movements of a human, but is dangerous to do it personally.As an examples of utilities, it is possible to say that a robot canrealize an operation in a patience very far from the doctor orpeople can handle radioactive material with no risk.

Theory of Operations: To make this project possible, it wasnecessary to work and integrated different sensor and actuators.Knowledge about robot kinematics was also required. Arduinos,wireless transmitters, accelerometer, servo motors and LDR arepart of this project.

In the project were used two types of control boards, ArduinoMega 2560 and Arduino Uno. The language of programing andthe interface of the program are very friendly and useful. Theyhave a lot of shields that can be used with them. The first useATmega2560 as microcontroller and other use ATMEGA328.Both of them have digital inputs/outputs ( some can be used asPWM outputs), analog inputs , 16 MHz crystal oscillator, an USBconnection and a reset button. The boards have a 3.3V outputand AREF input , which is used to set a different voltage to use,which use 5V as standard.

The communication between the glove and the Robot wasdone by a Wireless Communication. The sensor used wasNRF24L01, a complete 2.4GHz RF transceiver, RF synthesizer,and baseband logic including the Enhanced ShockBurst™hardware protocol accelerator supporting a high-speed SerialPeripheral Interface (SPI) interface for the application controller.

In the project the accelerometer MPU-6050( instrumentcapable of measuring the acceleration of objects in relation togravity) was used to detect the movements exerted by the hand.It is very accurate, once that it contains 16-bits analog to digitalconversion hardware for each channel. It is able to capture x, y,and z channel at the same time. The data collected continuouslyare sent to the Arduino and through a wireless connection theyare transmitted to another board. This other adapter alsoconnected to servo motors that are moved according to themovements of the accelerometer, which is attached to a glove.The LDR(light-dependent resistor)was used to detect if the handis open or close, and then copy the movement to the gripper.

Design Alternatives: The project could be done with moremotors and more functions, but to do the first scratch andimplement the idea the group made using more simplecomponents, which do not mean that it was easy to integratethem.

Key Points for Selecting Your Design: The project is a

junction of two projects. Two member of the group are working

with robotics arms and other is developing the control of a drone.

So, the group put the both ideas together to be able to learn

more in each field.

Schematic Diagram: This image show the diagram of the Kinematics of the system.

Flow-Chart of the Software Code: The flow-chart and example of program.

Pictures of the Working Prototypes:.The following images show as the gripper works.

If the hand is open the gripper will stay open, as soon as the hand is closed, the luminosity at LDR decrease and the gripper will start to close.

Basically when the person who is wearing the glove move the hand,the robot will follow the movements.moving the hand down, the robot iswill be moved forward. The back side movement provides a backwardmove. By moving to the left or right, the robot will do the respectivemovement.

When the user close the hand, the gripper will close, once that if the hand is open, it is open too.

Discussions of the Experimental Results: During the project,some problems were faced. Accelerometer calibration and alsothe wireless component were very sensible. However, theproblems were solved by the group testing and adjusting delaysin the program. Forums and examples of these components inan individual applications were watched and analyzed.

Conclusions: It is possible to conclude and see that this projectprovide more knowledge and experience to the components ofthe group. Also, it is notable that at the end of the project, a goodwireless communication, a good lecture of accelerometer signaland all servo motors were working well and as previouslycalculated and programmed. Then, it is possible to say that allgoals were satisfied, and the project is working.


*Niko Siltala, Asser Vuola, Riku Heikkilä, Prof. Reijo Tuokko, A H-Sacra

Mini Robot - a Dual Parallel Kinematics Mini Manipulator

*Zoran Cenev, Design And Implementation Of Double H’-Gantry

Manipulator For Tut Microfactory Concept

*Macron Dynamics, Inc, Scalable, Economical, Fast: The Advantages of T-

Bot and H-Bot Gantries

Instructor: Dr. Syed M. Mahmud

TA: Yunrui Li

ECE DepartmentCollege of

