Gujarat Board English Medium - NCERT & GCERT Syllabus


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ANANT SCHOOL OF EXCELLENCEGujarat Board English Medium - NCERT & GCERT Syllabus




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Message from Principal

Dear Readers,

I am delighted to present before you the issue of 'Sanskarsetu' for the month of

September 2020. This edi�on of Sanskarsetu not only provides a crea�ve

poten�al to students but gives them pla�orm to express their ideas, experience

and aspira�ons.

It is ma�er of pride that ASE has received permission to start TED-Ed Club from its

head office situated at Hudson, New York. The first session ASE TED-Ed Club will thcommence from 5 October 2020. At Ini�al stage 30 students from class 3 to 11

will receive training from qualified TED-Ed speakers. Students will discover and

explore great ideas with new (or old) friends. They will research the topic and

develop their ideas worth and will learn how to present their ideas to the world

in the form of TED-style talks.

At ASE we have always encouraged our students to ready for life lessons and

s�mulated our children to par�cipated in compe��ve exams. This �me school

has taken ini�a�ve to train students for RIMC (Rashtriya Indian Military College)

Exam. RIMC provide public educa�on to young boys in the age group of 11.5 to 13

years specially selected through All India Compe��ve Examina�on. The RIMC

aims to send maximum boys to the NDA (Na�onal Defence Academy). I would like

to urge class 7 parents to encourage their ward for RIMC exam.

I am thankful to the Editorial team, teachers and students for their valuable

contribu�on and helped to give final shape to this edi�on. dssdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Happy Reading….

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy




03-09-2020Webinar of Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan(VVM)

VVM is a na�onal program for popularizing science among school students of

standard VI to XI to iden�fy the bright minds with a scien�fic ap�tude among

the young students. Before organizing school level exam of VVM , a webinar was

organised for mentors to understand about VVM and the objec�ves of this exam.

04-09-2020Solo Song Compe��on organised by Bharat Vikas Parishad

“Words make you think. Music makes you feel. A song makes you feel a thought.”

Music is the best method of relaxa�on. It cheers the spirit and lightens the heart.

To bring out the singing talent of the students, Bharat Vikas Parishad organized a

Solo Singing Compe��on for the students. The students sang the songs and

showcased their mastery over voice modula�on, pitch, rhythm and tone.




Teacher's Day Celebra�on

ASE celebrated Teacher’s day with zeal and zest on 5th of Sept. through virtual

pla�orm amid this challenging scenario of Covid-19. The celebra�on started with a

prayer followed by the scheduled programme. There was an unusual excitement

among students to play the role model of the teachers. Students of Class X paid a

tribute of thanks to all the teachers through a PPT prepared by them. In their

presenta�on, they introduced each and every teacher with their specific quali�es.

Some of them prepared beau�ful singing and dancing programmes. It was a quite

interac�ve and successful session as some of the teachers and students also

shared their feelings. All the teachers were overwhelmed by the gra�tude and

admira�on of the students. Principal Sir appreciated the sincere efforts of teachers

in playing a cataly�c role in the holis�c development of every student. He

encouraged and extolled, hear�elt efforts of the students for making the event




05-09-2020Online Quiz on New Educa�on Policy 2020

New Educa�on Policy 2020 is a comprehensive framework to guide the

development of educa�on in the country. On the auspicious occasion of Teacher’s

Day, Sanskardham introduced an online quiz on NEP 2020 in the earnest

remembrance of Shri Laxmanrao Inamdar (Vakil Saheb). This quiz was open for

educa�on fraternity all over India. Around 5000 par�cipants partook in this quiz.

Each par�cipant was awarded with an e-cer�ficate.



08-09-2020Webinar for teachers in collabora�on with Microso� Skies

Technology is an increasingly influen�al factor in educa�on so digitaliza�on of

educa�on is the need of present �me. The present scenario has given everyone to

fillip to accelerate the adop�on of virtual pla�orm. ASE has adopted Microso�

TEAMS as its own pla�orm to make the students meet their academic goals at this

pandemic. We understand that virtual learning can be effec�ve only when

implemented correctly so with the collabora�on of Microso� Skies , a webinar

was organized for the be�er understanding of all the features of Microso� Teams.

09-09-2020Online session on usage of TCE(Tata Class Edge)

An online session was organised by TCS on 9th September. The agenda of the

meet was to know how can the teachers make the teaching- learning process

more effec�ve and efficient for the students in the forthcoming era of digi�za�on.

Mr.Prashant (Resource person - TCE) has stressed on the need of ICT. He

interacted with the teachers about the difficul�es faced by them. Teachers were

also happy to find the solu�ons of their problems. Mr. Amit Maheshwari from

TCSiON and Principal sir also discussed about forth coming ac�on plan for

teachers regarding the usage of Tata Class Edge .



10-09-2020Ozone Day

This year, the world marks the 35th anniversary of the world's most successful

environmental agreement which has enabled the gradual recovery of the Earth's thprotec�ve ozone layer. On the occasion of World Ozone Day (16 of September),

South Asian Meteorological Associa�on conducted a quiz compe��on in

collabora�on with Vigyan Prasar, India Meteorological Department & Indian thMeteorological Society for the students of class VIII to XI. It was open from 10 of

thSeptember to 15 of September.



Live Session for Teachers by Honourable Prime Minister

of India - Shri Narendra Modi

Each and every member of ASE family got registered and a�ended the live

address of Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi for teaches. In it our

honourable PM put light on the fact that how the New Educa�on Policy aims at

making the country an equitable and vibrant knowledge society. He also said that

it (NEP 2020) envisions an India-centred educa�on system that will contribute

directly to transform the country into a global superpower.



Live Session for Teachers by Honourable Prime Minister

of India - Shri Narendra Modi


Live Session for Teachers by Honourable Prime Minister

of India - Shri Narendra Modi

ASE Teachers a�ended the live address of Honourable Prime Minister Narendra

Modi on new Na�onal Educa�on Policy (NEP) 2020. In it our honourable PM put

light on the fact that how the New Educa�on Policy aims at making the country an

equitable and vibrant knowledge society. He also said that it (NEP 2020) envisions

an India-centred educa�on system that will contribute directly to transform the

country into a global superpower.




Hindi Diwas Celebra�ons

Anant School of Excellence celebrated Hindi Diwas at its campus in an elegant th manner on 14 September, 2020 by organising various events like Hindi poems

recita�on, online quizzes, essay wri�ng compe��ons, speeches, etc. LLLLLLLLLLLLLl

The events were an endeavour to make the students respect and learn the

significance of our official language – 'Hindi'. It was ini�ated when Hindi wri�en in

Devnagari script was ra�fied as an official language.

Eventually, the celebra�ons were clinched by the Special Virtual Assembly in

which the students recited Poems and Dohas in Hindi. As part of observing

'Hindi Diwas' to show their apprecia�on towards language Hindi, the students also

delivered speeches virtually on role models of Hindi writers.



17-09-2020th70 Birthday Celebra�on of Honourable

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi

Sanskardham has taken a massive drive to plant tree saplings on 70th birthday

of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and dedicated the whole week as “Service

to Humanity” by execu�ng various ac�vi�es on campus.

This endeavour has started with the special Havan, Puja and prayers were offered

in the campus for Modi ji's good health and long life.

Result of Online Quiz on Na�onal Educa�on Policy 2020 was declared where

around 5000 Educa�on Fraternity par�cipated in the quiz from different states of

India. This ini�a�ve was taken by Sanskardham in the earnest remembrance of

Shri Laxmanrao Inamdar who reminds the value of 'Rishi Parampara'

(Indian Culture).

Therea�er Inaugura�on of Horse-Riding Academy has been done at campus. A

week a�er the Felicita�on of Cleanliness Ions has carried out a�er the Cleanliness

Drive at the campus.

Sanskardham reminded that “The Prime Minister invariably mo�vates everyone

to honour his birthday by doing an ac�vity which will be favourable and

advantageous to humanity”. So, this moment we have come up with an inten�on

to plant tree saplings in Panchva� area, distribu�on of biscuits, fruits and snacks

of daily needs to the needy people living and a�aining many more social services.


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Results of NMAC Round 1

NMAC is the first of its kind unique Examina�on having a combina�on of Maths &

Arithme�c por�on to enhance School Mathema�cal Educa�on as well as

Arithme�c Educa�on which focuses on Logical Reasoning, Analy�cal skills, Day to

Day required Calcula�on and Consumer Maths. 46 students par�cipated in this

exam and 42 of them got selected for the next round.



19-09-2020Importance of Literacy and Numeracy in Early Child hood

Anant School of Excellence empowered an opportunity to teachers to partake in

a webinar conducted on the importance of literacy and numeracy in early

childhood on 19th September, 2020 to reckon that to signify the literacy and

numeracy proximate to young children. Three of our teachers par�cipated in this

seminar to get acquainted the stature of Early Literacy and Numeracy. The

training session was organized by PSQUARE INTERNATIONAL.



19-09-2020PTSM (Parent Teacher Student Mee�ng) of class 10

Parent-teacher mee�ng is one of the important ac�vi�es of any educa�onal

ins�tute. Keeping this in mind we have organized an online PTSM for the students

of class 10 where parents and all the subject teachers communicated to work for

the posi�ve modifica�on of the student’s performance. Time slot of 15 minutes

was allo�ed to each and every student according to their class roll number.

Principal Sir also joined online mee�ng and guided all the students with his

valuable �ps for prepara�on regarding Board Examina�on.



27-09-2020Online Webinar for teachers

Two teachers of ASE ( Kalpana Sharma and Roma Shah) have a�ended 60 minutes

of online session on Understanding Bullying & Techniques to Handle

which was held on 27th September 2020 and organised by Shree Krishna Educare.


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118 or call 9924249694

Online ClassesMo�va�onal


Parent TeacherMee�ng

Digital Study Material

Prepara�on for Compe��ve Exams

Online Tests withDetailed Analysis

Its time to ensure a proper education for your child..